Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:44 pm

Greenleaf- A few dawns had passed ever since Greenleaf had arrived and snow has been melting at a steady rate without any threat of potential flooding. On a pleasant day such as this, your cats have a chance of catching a larger piece of prey.


[ Mapleclan ] | [ Soulclan ] | [ Yewclan ] | [ Leafclan ] | [ Cragclan ] | [ Forestclan ] | [ Gustclan ] | [ Sageclan ] |
[ Honestclan ] | [ Briarclan ] | [ Jinxclan ] | [ Sycamoreclan ] | [ Dappleclan ] | [ OakTreeclan ] | [ Autumnclan ] | [ Sparrowclan ] |
[ Cascadeclan ] | [ Trikruclan ] | [ Waveclan ] | [ Slateclan ] | [ Horizonclan ] | [ Mintclan ] | [ Swiftclan ]


aura. wrote:
wanheda's pelt rippled in anticipation as onya, now more muscled and grave than she had been a few moons before, observed the entirety of the commander's form. "you have grown much, natblida. i am proud to call you my second." onya dipped her head in recognition before bunching her hind legs and leaping on top of wanheda. out of range of the heda's claws or teeth, she unsheathed her claws and dug into her shoulder before viciously ripping at the fur. the commander swiftly dropped to the ground and rolled, her weight suffocating onya underneath her. the spotted feline leapt to her paws and slashed at onya's ears, blood to splattering across the clearing. the momentary victory by wanheda enabled onya to dart underneath her mentor's belly and slash at her hindlegs. she twisted to her side, but onya slipped out the way she darted in and used her paws to drag wanheda to the ground. the smaller feline pressed her paws against the heda's shoulders and dipped her to teeth to take the killing bite. wanheda went limp and onya stopped short, only to be greeted by explosive energy from her mentor. wanheda, using her tall legs to her advantage, leapt onto onya and pressed her head down, kicking out her second's hindlegs with her hindpaws. the seal point tortoiseshell dropped to the ground, and wanheda nipped at the back of her neck; only enough to barely break the skin.
"you let your guard down when you thought you had won. never underestimate an enemy who would do anything to live." she meowed, allowing the nightblood to rise again.
niylah speculated close by and sighed softly, sheathing and unsheathing her claws. "as entertaining as watching you two fight was, i now have to clean your wounds. heda, you first." the commander limped over to her allowing her to clean her shoulder blades. "i think you need to be careful. your second isn't the enemy, and imagined if a real enemy attacked us, and our commander was... not as fit as she normally is."
"if onya was my enemy, she'd be dead." then, she added, "i think you're out of line, niylah." wanheda said stiffly, rolling her shoulders as the fisa licked her bones. she felt hesitation ripple through niylah when she came across her scars- marking each life she had taken.
"there's so many of them." she whispered, chewing a poultice in her mouth.
"i stopped marking my skin when i realized i didn't have enough space. how did you think i got my name, niylah?" the commander commented, then shrugged away from niylah's paws. "i don't think lexa would appreciate how close you are to me."
"if you would think nothing of the time we spent together, my healing you could remain just that." niylah meowed, gently placing cobweb over the poultice. she gave one final glance at wanheda before turning away and disappearing into the bushes.

the commander looked up at the sky, reclining back on her haunches and breathing steadily. the sun had almost set when lexa silently joined her side, their shoulders brushing gently. "i believed you were dead." wanheda murmured softly, entwining their tails together.
"i'm here now." she responded, leaning her head against the spotted commander's shoulder. "and here i'll stay."
"i wouldn't want anything different." wanheda paused, her head angling toward the left. "come out of the shadows, onya." she ordered briskly, drawing away from lexa.
the smaller, younger feline approached hesitantly. "i've seen naikou. with another she-cat from another clan- i recognized the scent from the gathering. they seemed... friendly." onya said awkwardly, shuffling her paws.
"wait for him to return to camp. i will show the clan what it means to be disloyal." wanheda ordered, glancing at her mate. "hodnes laik kwelnes¹. naikou will understand that today."
clarke watched as the traitor emerged through the thickets, the aroma of a strange feline wafting in with him. "naikou, you have been accused of breaking the law of the clan." wanheda beckoned for wintam and gonplei to pin him to the ground. naikou went to the ground without a fight, acknowledging his fate with the bravery of a warrior. "i can smell the disloyalty on you, and my second has seen you cavorting with an enemy. in return, you will suffer a wound from every member of trikruclan. then, after you have suffered, you will die." she meowed. "starting with young skai, who even as a frikdriena, has had more honor than you today." the tiny kit approached naikou obediently, although her tail trembled.
onya approached her, nudging her forward comfortingly. from here, wanheda could not hear what she whispered into the wastelander's ear, but skai was suddenly steadfast and more confident.
"yu gonplei ste odon.²" the wastelander meowed, loudly for the entire clan to hear. then in one swift movement of her paw, she slit naikou's throat, and ended his life.
¹: love is weakness. | ²: your fight is over.
(∞ dawn patrol: wanheda, naikou)*
(∞ sunhigh patrol: gonplei, reivon, onya )*
(∞ dusk patrol: wintam, fleim, niylah, trikova )*
(∞ hunting patrol: diamond, fotam, gona )*
(∞ labor: soncha goes into labor / father
diamond goes into labor / father
(∞ training: reivon and gona )
*patrols are looking for soncha's mate.

[ Wanheda and Naikou found nothing of note on their patrol ]
[ Gonplei, Reivon and Onya sent a young kit at their southern border. By the smell of it, the kit has an infection. Maybe if the patrol returns with x1 horsetail, they could bring the kit back to camp with them ]
[ Wintam, Fleim, Niylah and Trikova found Soncha's mate while on patrol ]
[ Diamond, Fotam and Gona managed to only catch a trout before having to return to camp because of Diamond going into labor ]
[ Soncha gave birth to three kits ]
[ Diamondgave birth to six kits ]
[ Gona learned the Hunting skill while training ]


Seelie wrote:
[1 Big Fish has been consumed.]
[2 Voles & 3 Shrews has been added to the fresh-kill pile.]
[Ormani requests the ancestors for a Hunter.]

[ Starclan has sent Oaktreeclan a hunter ]


lame loser lexi. wrote:
Blazestar looked at the many queens. 'This is a beautiful time for kits!' He thought, smiling. However, he was slightly worried when all the kits grew into apprentice, would they even have enough warriors to train them? 'Wait and see...' With all these cats, he would have to get another deputy and another medicine cat to handle all of them- He could tell the stress was getting to Flameskip. 'Just keep a cool head.' That was all he could think.
As usual, the tom visited the nursery corner right when all the queens and kits were awake. "Good morning, darling!" He whispered to Panthersnap, giving a lick on her large belly. "Has Coralpaw or Blackspot checked up on you yet?" Blazestar questioned, worried as usual.
"No, but I feel perfectly fine!" She said, rolling her eyes at him. "He might want to check in on Maplelily tho, she's been moody and snapping at everyone more than usual." She commented, keeping her voice low as to not offend the other queen.
With a nod, he moved his eyes across the gathered mothers. "Hurricanecry, you want to join the patrols today? It would give everyone some more room around camp and give you some time away from the kits." Blazestar offered with a smile.
The queen, obviously exaushed with having to deal with everyone, got up quickly. "I'm not taking up this offer!" She yelped. "Is everyone fine with looking after Cypress and Pepper?" She questioned warily, hoping there were no objections.
Maplelily, even though she appeared asleep, piped up. "Oh, no issue. We'll watch your kits while you go and have some fine, dear." The crappy she-cat said sarcastically. However, Hurricanecry seemed unfazed and simply joined the hunting patrols.
'Yup. Blackspot needs to watch out for her, she'll be difficult birthing.' Blazestar thought, hiding his amusement.

[ Blazestar, Otterheart, Ripplewish, Deerfeather, Vanillastreak, and Patchfur go on a border patrol ]
[ Flameskip, Hurricanecry, Flintfang, Silverpaw, Tulippaw, and Tigerpaw go hunting ]
[ Blackspot and Coralpaw go herb hunting ]
[ Tigerpaw, Silverpaw, and Tulippaw have a training session: Advanced Swimming ]
[ Ghostcloud is taken from Shellclan, Deerfeather and Reedleap are taken from Lilyclan ]
(I forgot to take Palestar from Shellclan a long time ago, so here she is now!)
[ Maplelily goes into labor ]

[ Blazestar, Otterheart, Ripplewish, Deerfeather, Vanillastreak and Patchfur found an apprentice while on patrol ]
[ Flameskip, Hurricanecry, Flintfang, Silverpaw, Tulippaw and Tigerpaw caught two mice while hunting ]
[ Blackspot and Coralpaw gathered horsetail, tansy and comfrey while herb hunting ]
[ Tigerpaw, Silverpaw and Tulippaw learned the Advanced Swimming skill while training ]
[ Maplelily gave birth to two kits ]
[ Please start to feed your cats otherwise they will start to starve ]


Phina D Wolf wrote:
Fluffytuft walked purposefully towards and across the Drizzleclan border, smiling as the now familiar scent of salt and sand reached her nose. As she sniffed, she caught a whiff of an even more familiar scent, and a grin broke across her face. Gathering herself, she bounded forward, her paw steps sure as she navigated Drizzleclan terrain. Had she been able, she would have called out, but instead she quickened her pace even more as she heard him, conversing with some other Drizzleclan cats. Slipping a little as she jumped off a small ledge, she beamed as she caught sight of him. His back was to her as he chatted with Teresa, but when the other molly spotted her, she smiled and waved her tail in greeting. Dragon turned around and a smile lit up his face as he recognized her.

“Fluffy.” he purred, padding to meet her, and licking her cheek affectionately, “You’re just the cat I was hoping to see, as always.” But his voice was…strange. And a little distant.

Fluffytuft felt her heart fall in her chest, “Something’s wrong.” she signed, the words torn from her. “What is it? What has happened?”

“I…” Dragon paused, searching for the words, “Diamond’s star has called a few members of Drizzleclan to leave. With Frecklestar so distracted, no one is quite sure what to do, but the handful of us that the star named must go with her.”

“And you were named.” Fluffytuft signed, her motions slow, as if she was in shock, “You’re leaving me? Our kits?”

“I’m so, so sorry Fluffy.” Dragon said, his voice breaking, “But Starclan has spoken. I swear I’ll do my best to visit you, but I don’t know what the rules of this new clan will be, or how far away they are. But I swear, as best I can, I’ll still come back.” Tears welled up in the molly’s eyes and she buried her head in Dragon’s shoulder weeping softly. “Hey, hey.” Dragon murmured, It’ll be okay. We’ll make it work. I promise.”


“She should be back by now.” Pebblenose insisted, her knees trembling as she faced the deputy. Her entire life in the clan so far had been confined to the nursery, and while the other queens assured her that Falconwatcher was no one to be afraid of, she still shook whenever she had to talk to him, which she avoided at all costs. But this was important.

“I’m sure she’s just visiting Dragon.” Falconwatcher soothed the young queen, smiling gently, “She does that often.”

“But she’s always back by sunset.” Pebblenose insisted, her voice shaking, “She promised she would be back by sunset, Velvetflicker and I made her promise, for the safety of her kits. Please, could someone look for her?”

Falconwatcher frowned slightly, “No one goes against a promise to Velvetflicker lightly.” He mused, “Something must really be wrong. Thank you for telling me Pebblenose, I’ll gather a party and we’ll find her.”

“Thank you.” Pebblenose said, breathing a sigh of relief, “I have to get back to my kits, but I couldn’t just not tell someone.”

“You were right about that.” Falcon watcher murmured, smiling briefly before leaping up onto the Shining Stone and barking, “Flarestrike! Maplestrike! Rivergaze! Wispwing! Lillystep! Luxx! With me, we need to go to Drizzleclan.”

The selected cats assembled, slightly confused, “Falconwatcher, what’s happened?” Maplestrike asked urgently, falling into step with the other deputy as they left the camp, the others jogging after them.

“Pebblenose stoped me just now and said that Fluffytuft still isn’t back.” Falconwatcher said grimly, “Normally I would just wait her out, but she promised Velvetflicker…”

“She promised me she would be home by dusk.” Velvetflicker broke in, appearing on Maplestrike’s other side, “And I know Fluffytuft. She isn’t one to break a promise if she can help it.”

“Especially not one made to you. No one is that stupid.” Maplestrike said, grinning.

Velvetflicker smiled briefly, then continued, “Dragon would have sent word if he was with her, so whatever happened must have happened after she left Drizzleclan. Spread out, and keep your eyes peeled.”

“I thought I was the tactical commander?” Falconwatched chuckled as the warriors immediately obeyed the older molly’s commands.

Velvetflicker grinned, “As long as none of my patients are involved, I’ll let you be commander.” she teased.


After thoroughly combing the area between the Drizzleclan camp and the Swiftclan camp, Luxx led the way to the Drizzleclan camp, where they were met with a strange and confusing sight. Fluffytuft was curled up, weeping, another molly curled around her, speaking to her softly, and several other cats in a group talking. A lanky chocolate and white tom spotted Rivergaze in the group and a flash of disgust crossed his face before he composed himself.

Electing himself the spokescat for the group, Cypressfall padded forward, “Hey guys.” He paused unsure how to continue, “We um…we seem to have a bit if a dilemma. You see, our founder, heir and warlock just ran off to join another clan. And Diamond’s star called several of our key members away to join yet another clan.” He saw Luxx’s face fall and winced, but forced himself to continue. “None of us really want to be founder, or really know how. So uh, we were wondering.” He glanced back at the other cats, who nodded encouragement, “We were wondering if we could join Swiftclan, sine our clans know each other so well?”

Maplestrike and Falconwatcher glanced at each other, then spoke at the same time, “Of course.” They agreed.

Cypressfall breathed a huge sigh of relief, “Thank Starclan.” he said, smiling as Arachnidkit appeared next to him, smiling at the other cats. “We were afraid you wouldn’t want a whole clan merging with you.”

Maplestrike laughed, “Trust me, it’s not an issue. We have plenty of territory to share. Come on, let’s get everyone moved in.”


Sweetstar yawned as the sun demanded that he rise, it’s warm, bright rays both easing the pain in his joints and urging him to stand, to get on with the day. Today was a day that he both rejoiced in and dreaded, both longed for and despised, but it must be done. He had spoken with Velvetflicker upon her return with the new clan members, and she agreed. It was time. And he knew the longer he put it off, the harder it would be.

As the clan began to slowly come to life, Sweetstar made his way up the Shining Stone to wait for everyone to gather, as they always did when they awoke and he was sitting on the stone.

His heart ached as he watch everyone trickle in, some in pairs, some in families, or friend groups, no one alone, not even to new comers. Kits played around their parents, biological or otherwise, paws, laughing and playing carelessly.

The handful of apprentices came in together, all very close to each other, despite the huge age range. Even the newest, Arachnidpaw, was already grinning and laughing along as if he had known these cats his entire life.

Maplestrike sat to one side, near the both the Shining Stone and the nursery, Magnoliarose sitting next to him, het tail twined around his, their daughter between her paws. Sloefur and Sloeface sat on the far side of the nursery, their kits playing around them as they chatted easily.

Finally, everyone was gathered, listening, ready. It was now or never. Sweetstar took a deep breath and began, “Swiftclan.” He said, his gently, slightly raspy voice carrying easily over the quiet chatter of the older kits, “For many moons I have led you, and have had the privilege to watch you blossom.” Hearing the tone, and the murmur of disbelief from their elders, the kits fell quiet. “But now it is time for my time as your leader to end.” Sweetstar said, his voice quiet, but heard by every cat present.

Maplestrike stared at Sweetstar, seeing him with new eyes. The leader may not be old in moons, but now he saw that he was old in body. The way he stood, the way he spoke, the scars that covered him. Until that moment, Maplestrike had seen his leader as if through the lens of the past, memories of how he used to be clouding out reality, but now? Now he was shocked Velvetflicker hadn’t forced him to retire sooner.

“But i shall not leave you without a leader.” Sweetstar assured the clan, smiling gently before turning to where the two deputies sat, “Though the moons, both you have been by my side faithfully, using your varied expertise to lead my clan, and I thank you both for it. However, Falconwatcher, you have expressed a specific disinterest in being a leader, and I shall honor your request.”

Maplestrike could feel every eye in the clearing turn to him, each gaze felt like a pinpoint of heat, burning through his fur.

“Maplestrike.” Sweetstar said gently, “Please join me on the Shining Stone.”

Standing slowly, as if in a daze, Maplestrike obeyed, passing through the crowd as if in a trance. Finally, he stood next to his leader of innumerable moons, beginning to realize that he would be asked to take his place, to follow in his pawsteps.

“Maplestrike.” Sweetstar repeated gently, smiling up at the tall deputy, “Will you take the responsibility of this clan upon yourself and lead them as best you are able?”

“I…I will.” Maplestrike said, his voice breaking as he saw Sweetstar breath a relived sigh, “I will lead Swiftclan as best I can, in your honor.”

Sweetstar smiled at the new leader, and said, “Having taken this upon yourself, I no longer bear the connection to Starclan, and I take the name Sweetsun. Upon you I bestow the name Maplestar, leader of Swiftclan. Guide them well.”

There was a slight pause, as all the cats were still in shock, before two brothers began the cry, one black, one tabby, both patched with white, neither looking anything like their father in appearance, but identical in spirit. “Maplestar, Maplsestar, Maplestar, Maplestar, Maplestar!” Brambleleaf and Tumblepounce called, the clan joining in swiftly, their voices rising and ringing across the plain, proclaiming the beginning of a new era, and the second leader of Swiftclan.


It had been a long day. Even though Maplestar’s duties did not change much, the responsibility was heavy. There was no higher power to check him if he made a mistake, no one to correct him. And that scared him. But, it also made him see things in a new light, and he decided to try to mend an old rift.

He took a deep breath as he approached the nursery, before quietly calling out, “Sloefur? Can we talk?”

The molly glanced up, sighed, then padded out of the nursery, her whole attitude already annoyed. “What.” Her voice was flat and disinterested.

“Sloe, I…we need to talk about something.” he said softly. “I have not bothered you since you came here five moons ago, but this needs to be addressed.”

“Oh, you think that just because your the leader you get to decide what’s addressed now?” Sloefur snapped at him, causing the newly appointed tom to take a step back.

“No, Sloefur, I, I’ve been meaning to address it for a long time.” He said, shift uncomfortably, “It’s about Bramblingkit and Bloomkit.”

“What about them.” Sloefur demanded, her tone hers and aggressive, “It’s not like you should have any say in how I raise them. You haven’t done anything to help them.”

“No, I’m not going to try and tell you how to raise your kits.” Maplestrike said, his voice on edge, “But you can’t hide their father from them forever. For crying out loud, they both look almost exactly like me. Isn’t this exactly what you were afraid of? Them never knowing their father?”

“That’s back when I thought their father was a person worth knowing.” Sloefur hissed, “Not some cheating dirtbag. I thought I made my intentions clear when I came here, unless they go and ask you for some reason, they won’t know, because there is no one to tell them. Skysun won’t. Aloestem won’t. Tangerinegaze won’t. So stay out of our life.” Spitting out the final words, she whirled, stalking back into the spacious den.

“That went well.” Maplestrike sighed, his tail drooping as he turned and padded slowly away.


Maplestar sat pensively on a rocky outcrop, well away from camp. He knew that at this time, the camp did not need minding, and he needed a few minutes to himself.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”a quiet voice next to him murmured, causing him to jump slightly.

“Oh, hello Swanflight. Yes, I suppose the sunset is quite beautiful tonight.” the new leader responded, shifting as the molly sat down next to him. “You look like you have something on your mind.”

“I do.” Swanflight admitted, her pale fur turned rosy by the setting sun, “It’s about you, actually. Do you have a moment?”

“Always.” Maplestar assured her, smiling cordially, “What is it?”

“Well, it’s just…this is a big transition time. For everyone.” Swanflight began, “And the impression you make now will stay with people. They’ll remember how you act right now. And after your fight with Sloefur, I was thinking that maybe you should do something to help people trust you.”

“Like what?” Maplestar inquired, tilting his head, “You seem like you have an idea.”

Nodding, she continued, “I was thinking that maybe you should take another mate, one who has been in the clan a while. Magnoliarose if an absolute dear, and everyone is beginning to love her, but I think it would help if you had another, more well known mate, even if just in name.”

“You want me to just go up to some molly and go ‘Hey, people know and like you. Mine pretending to be my mate’?"

Swanflight shrugged, “I mean, it’s up to you. But I think if you had a better know mate, it would help you a lot. And I’m sure it won’t be that awkward, just pick someone you know won’t freak out over it. Someone who would just be able to roll with it.”

Maplestar thought for a bit, then his face lit up, “What about you? You wouldn’t freak out, right? And people like you, especially the younger warriors.”

Swanflight’s eyes widened, “I mean…are you sure? I’m sure that there is a better known molly you could ask.”

“No, no you’re perfect.” Maplestar said, grinning, “If you don’t mind, of course?”

“Not at all!” Swanflight said, smiling back at him, “Do you want to tell the clan, or shall I?”


Maplestar slept poorly in the leader’s den, having forgotten to expand Sweetsun’s nest, which was much too small. He awoke the next morning, a little groggy, but his head buzzing with the plans he and Swanflight had discussed the night before. Starclan, that molly was brilliant. He was glad she was working for him, not against him. She was a force to be reckoned with.

Stretching, he made his was out of the leader’s den to stand on the Shining Stone, waiting for everyone to assemble, which they thankfully did. “So um.” He started, “Since I was made leader, we need one more deputy at least, if not two, given the size of our clan now. After much thought, I have decided upon our next deputies. Loonfrost, Stormrise, please join me on the Shining Stone.” some surprised murmurs could be heard, and he continued as the younger cats made their way up to stand with him, “I know that they’re rather young for such a position of responsibility, but I have worked with both of these cats extensively. Both are clever, capable, and responsible. They may not be perfect for the job now, but give them a few moons, and you’ll see them blossom.”

He turned to face the two, one molly, one tom, who he had known since they were kits, “Loonfrost, Stormrise, will you accept the position as deputies of Swiftclan?” He asked, hoping fervently to hear the answer he wanted.

Both hesitated, and glanced at each other, seeming to have a silent conversation before turning to face him, both nodding firmly. “We do.” They said, faces determined.

“Fantastic.” Maplestar breathed, smiling as the clan began to chant their names. “You two will do great.”

Falconwatcher smiled as the two new deputies clambered down the Shining Stone and disappeared into the crowd. Turning, he almost ran into the cat he was looking for, “Oh! Mintynose, hey.” He said, blushing a little, “I was about to go look for you. Do you want to…like, go for a walk or something?”

The molly smiled, shrugging, “Why not?” she agreed, “To the old place?”

“To the old place.” he agreed, smiling.


As the pair walked along the beach, the surf washing over their paws, Falconwatcher was gathering his courage. Finally, he knew if he waited a moment longer he wouldn’t be able to ask. “Mintynose.” he burst out, “I…I’ve never been really good at saying things like this, but….I love you. I think I’ve loved you for a long time, but it’s all confused in my head when I think about it. And I guess what I really want to say is…would you be my mate?”

Mintynose laughed, leaning against him happily, “I thought you’d never ask.” she purred, licking his cheek affectionately.

Falconwatcher beamed, purring in delight, but no words came. He just stood, relishing in the feeling of him and Mintynose, together, forever. Mates. At last.


“He’ll be in the way.” The dark tom insisted, “We can’t keep him around for long. You know that they trust him too much.”

“I know, I know.” a smooth voice assured him, “And we shall deal with that, but not yet. Not so soon after he’s stepped down. Give it a few moons, then dispose of him as you will, but the other is mine. Do not touch him.”

“Fine.” the tom spat, pacing up and down, “But you know that the longer you leave him, the stronger he’ll grow.”

“Not with me whispering in his ear he won’t.” The voice rang like steel, sharp in the night, “I know what to do with mine. You handle yours.”

“And the new ones? What of them?”

A slow smile crept across the molly’s face, “Oh, no need to worry about them. I chose them. They are of no concern to us, let them play around for a while. Enjoy their imagined power.”


It had been two days, and things were finally settling down in the nursery, now that the kits were becoming accustomed to the newcomers, the mothers began to chat more freely, except for Sloefur and Sloeface, who kept to themselves as usual. Even Pebblenose was starting to open up.

“Magnolia, love, it seems that you have a new suitor.” Breezeface chirped, smirking as the den entrance was momentarily darkened as a pale tom strode by.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean?” Magnoliarose said, glancing at the other queens in confusion as they chuckled. Velvetflicker had moved out, entrusting her kits to Pebblenose.

“Oh, please. You haven’t noticed Verglascry hovering around the den? He always pops in at least once a day and asks if we need anything to eat, but he’s always looking at you when he asked.” Breezeface purred, snagging her son as he darted past and beginning to groom him, ignoring his furious protests.

“And whenever you go out to talk to Maplestri-, Maplestar, he’s always nearby.” Flickershine agreed, purring an amusement and the kits carried on a rowdy game of clan wars, using their mothers as barriers more often than not.

Magnoliarose shook her head, “He’s just being nice.” she insisted, “And anyway, I already have a mate.”

“Maplestar is poly, so I guess he hopes there’s a chance you are too.” Tangerinegaze suggested, corralling her adopted kits as they began to yawn, unable to keep up with their older playmates.

“But…I’m not.” Magnoliarose said, frowning worriedly, “Should I tell him?”

“That’s up to you love.” Poppysong purred, her tail flicking gently as her son sparred with his adopted brother, hissing fiercely, “Tinykit, Honeykit, mind the little ones.” She purred reprimandingly. “Anyway, you can either confront him about it or continue to ignore him. Either should get it through his head eventually that you aren’t interested.”

“Never worked for Maplestrike.” A bitter voice from the corner snapped, and the little group winced.

“Oh, Sloefur, there’s no need to be angry at Magnolia just because she’s mates with your ex.” Mothwhisker sighed impatiently.

“Oh, right.” The molly drawled, “No reason to be frustrated that the father of my kits has moved on and is with a different molly. No reason to be angry he never once came to play with his children.”

“That’s a lie!” The cry rang out from an unexpected corner as Pebblenose stood quickly, her tail lashing, “That’s a lie and you know it. For two weeks after you came here he came every day, and you chased him off. And just yesterday he came by and tried to talk to them and you chased him off again. So you have no right to say he never dropped by. You wouldn’t let him.”

“I don’t need to take this from someone who got pregnant as an apprentice.” Sloefur snarled, standing angrily.

“You know it wasn’t intentional Sloefur.” Tangerinegaze said, her voice soft but angry.

“You too Tangy?” Sloefur hissed, “I thought you were my friend. You came with me from Skyclan, I saved your life!”

“And you left my kit.” Tangerinegaze said coldly, “I owe you nothing.”

“Fine!” Sloefur snapped, “Be that way.” She turned, storming out of the ten, causing the mock war to come to an abrupt stop as Bramblingkit and Bloomkit scrambled away from the fray, looking after their mother in confusion.

“Why did she leave?” Bramblingkit asked, his voice hesitant.

“She’s just angry about your father.” Poppysong soothed, “She’ll be fine, go back to your game.”

“Oh, it’s just that.” Bloomkit said, relaxing visibly. “Yea, talking about dad makes her angry.” With that, the pair turned, barreling back into the battle.


Loonfrost padded to the edge of camp, taking a deep breath, trying to relax. Being deputy was harder than she had imagined, with over a hundred cats, all with their own issues and problems and squabbles. “I feel like a kitsitter.” She grumbled to no one in particular.

“You’re a good one though.” A familiar voice commented, tinged with amusement.

Whirling, Loonfrost beamed, “Luxx!” She purred happily, “I wondered where you had gotten to.”

“Luxxstrike now.” He reminded her gently, “And come on, I found the coolest place while I was exploring. It’s on the border between the old Drizzleclan territory and the old Swiftclan territory, so I can’t believe no one’s found it before.”

“What is it?” Loonfrost asked, cocking her head slightly, “And that’s a bit of a walk…I’m not sure if I should leave for that long.”

“I’m not telling, it’s a surprise!” Luxxstrike insisted, grinning, “And don’t worry about that, I already talked to Maplestar and he gave you and Stormrise the rest of the day off. Said you needed a break from the responsibility for a bit.”

“Really? The whole rest of the day?” Loonfrost asked, beaming. “Luxxstrike, you’re amazing. I can’t thank you enough.”

“Then shush and come on.” Luxxstrike purred proudly, darting off through the tall grass in the direction of the old Drizzleclan camp.


“ did you find this?” Loonfrost murmured, her eyes wide in disbelief.

“I was bored.” Luxxstrike admitted, “And honestly kind of frustrated. I needed to get away, so I decided to go exploring.”

“How….how for down does it go? What’s at the bottom?” Loonfrost asked, peering down to where the waterfall crashed into the abyss of darkness.

“A pool.” Luxxstrike answered, “And about a million glow worms. It’s beautiful down there.”

“How do you get out?” Loonfrost asked, glancing up at him in wonder, “There’s no way you can climb up these walls.”

“There’s a stream that lets out of the pool, and if you follow it it leads to the ocean, right near my old camp.” Luxxstrike purred, smirking.

“No way.” Loonfrost said, incredulous.

“Yes way.” Luxxstrike smirked. “But the only way to know is to jump.”

“On the count of three?” Loonfrost offered, crouching with a grin, her tail flicking in excitement.

“Sure!” Luxxstrike agreed, smirking devilishly, “Ready?” at her nod, he said, “Okay, one….THREE!” And sprang forward, his cry of excitement echoing back up to her as he disappeared into the darkness.

“HEY!” Loonfrost shouted after him, leaping into the darkness after him, shrieking with excitement as she plummeted downwards, the darkness engulfing her.

[swiftclan consumes x5 trout and x1 mice]

[arumwillow, rainfall, swanflight, indigosky, hailclaw, and verglascry go hunting]
[luxx, lemondrop, snowsun, cloudgaze, dipperwing, and barknose go hunting]
[impclaw, shadowflight, smokefrost, bounceheart, reedwhisker, and lightningstrike go hunting]
[stormrise, swiftstep, sushicry, bearmask, teresa, and argusfang go on patrol]
(arumwillow, luxx and stormrise have applicable powers)

[rowanfern, brambleleaf, velvetflicker, strawberryfall and aloestem go hunting for herbs]

[all apprentices train]

[hemockbud is kitting! father]
[sweetbriar is kitting! father]
[Anellia attends both kitting so that they go more smoothly]

[sweetstar steps down and takes the name sweetsun]
[maplestrike is appointed the next leader and takes the name maplestar]
[maplestar appoints loonfrost as deputy alongside falconwatcher]

[maplestar and swanflight become mates, no kits]
[falconwatcher and mintynose become mates]
[lemondrop and raivon try for kits]

[maplestar requests a capable warrior to help train all the new kits]

[ Arumwillow, Rainfall, Swanflight, Indigosky, Hailclaw and Verglascry caught three rabbits and an anchovy while hunting ]
[ Luxx, Lemondrop, Snowsun, Cloudgaze, Dipperwing and Barknose caught three small fish and two ermine while hunting ]
[ Impclaw, Shadowflight, Smokefrost, Bounceheart, Reedwhisker and Lightningwhisker caught three oysters and a crab while hunting ]
[ Stormrise, Swiftstep, Sushicry, Bearmask, Teresa and Argusfang found an elder while on patrol ]
[ Rowanfern, Brambleleaf, Velvetflicker, Strawberryfall and Aloestem gathered horsetail, tansy, comfrey, catmint, dandelion and lamb's ear while herb hunting ]
[ Palepaw and Weaselpaw learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Robinpaw, Wobblepaw, Swiftpaw, Palepaw, Rainpaw, Stormpaw and Cottonpaw learned the Hunting skill while training ]
[ Hemlockbud gave birth to four kits ]
[ Sweetbriar gave birth to three kits ]
[ Maplestrike is blessed with nine lives and is now named Maplestar. May Starclan light his path ]
[ Loonfrost is welcomed as a new deputy of Swiftclan. May Starclan light her path ]
[ Mintynose is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
[ Lemondrop is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
[ Starclan has sent Swiftclan a warrior ]


• noodle • wrote:
[rhizome patrols the border & hunts for prey]
[rhizome travels to the great mountains to speak with the sky hunters, requesting an earth breather at their meeting]

[ Rhizome caught a hawk while hunting ]
[ The Sky Hunters have sent Lupineclan an earth breather ]
[ Your mod will be Amethyst14 ]


lillygreeneyes wrote:Join my clan, page 314!!! :)

[ This is not how you play the game. Please read the front page again and look at everyone else's posts to see what you are supposed to do. If another post like this is made, I will be giving a warning ]
Last edited by Katrione on Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ridgeclan | #9

Postby xi'rika » Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:50 pm


Number of Cats: 37 {19 Molly || 18 Tom}
Servings Needed: 7
Food Eaten: 5 Squirrels and a Mouse
Next Visit To Ancestors: 3/24
Kits Due In: Now; 1 Moon
Posts: Start 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9


{Pearpaw (Dandelionpaw) and Heatherbrook (Patchheart) join, readopted from Mochi}
{Echostar discovers Pearpaw has already been trained and is ready to take her warrior ceremony (Pearpaw - Pearstream)}
{All apprentices train}
{Echostar, Ospreyswoop, Claystream, Toadsplash, Snowdrift, and Minkwhisker go hunting}
{Amberflame, Aspenthorn, Lynxtalon, Tumblecloud, Appleblaze, and Briarpaw Patrol}
{Eclipsefur, Tawnyface, Honeybriar, Ryestone, Erminepaw, and Swiftpaw Patrol}
{Birchnose, Flintnose, Leafcrest, and Frostedsky Hunt}
{Sandripple collects herbs}
{Heatherbrook goes into labor (father)}
*Can Echostar loose a life and Flintnose die?*

    Echostar | 39 Moons | Molly | x
    ➳ Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
    ➳ No crush


    Amberflame | 29 Moons | Molly | x
    ➳ No crush


    Medicine Cat:
    Sandripple | 30 moons | Tom | x
    ➳ No crush


    Eclipsefur | 36 Moons | Tom | x
    ➳ Crush on Applepaw of Darkclan
    ➳ Apprentice: Swiftpaw

    Frostedsky | 35 Moons | Tom | x
    ➳ No crush

    Leafcrest | 27 Moons | Tom | x
    ➳ No crush

    Flintnose | 29 moons | Tom | x
    ➳ No crush

    Appleblaze | 35 moons | Tom | x
    ➳ No crush
    ➳ Apprentice: Briarpaw

    Birchnose | 58 Moons | Tom | x
    ➳ No crush

    Snowdrift | 37 moons | Molly | x
    ➳ No crush

    Minkwhisker | 33 Moons | Tom | x
    ➳ No crush

    Ryestone | 31 Moons | Tom | x
    ➳ No crush

    Honeybriar | 21 Moons | Molly | x
    ➳ No crush

    Tawnyface | 35 Moons | Molly | x
    ➳ No crush

    Ospreyswoop | 29 Moons | Molly | X
    ➳ No crush

    Tumblecloud | 33 Moons | Tom | X
    ➳ No crush

    Lynxtalon | 15 Moons | Tom | X x
    ➳ No crush

    Aspenthorn | 19 Moons | Molly | X
    ➳ No crush

    Toadsplash | 44 Moons | Tom | X
    ➳ Mate: Claystream

    Claystream | 38 Moons | Molly | X
    ➳ Mate: Toadsplash


    Pearpaw | 19 Moons | Molly | X
    ➳ Crush: Lynxtalon

    Erminepaw | 11 Moons | Tom | x
    ➳ No crush

    Swiftpaw | 7 moons | Molly | x X
    ➳ No crush

    Briarpaw | 7 Moons | Molly | x
    ➳ Crush: Erminepaw

    Crescentkit | 6 moons | Molly | x X

    Palesong | 32 Moons | Molly | X
    ➳ No Crush

    Ivyfeather | 26 Moons | Molly | X
    ➳ No Crush
    ➳ Due in: 1 Moon

    Russetwind | 40 Moons | Molly | x
    ➳ Crush on Frostedsky
    ➳ Due in: 1 Moon

    Bramblestrike | 30 Moons | Molly | X
    ➳ No Crush

    Heatherbrook | 65 Moons | Molly | X
    ➳ No Crush
    ➳ Due: Now


    Dovekit | 5 Moons | Molly | x

    Slatekit | 5 Moons | Tom | x

    Owlkit | 1 Moons | Tom | x
    ➳ Carries dilute

    Sunkit | 1 Moons | Tom | x
    ➳ Carries dilute

    Rosekit | 1 Moons | Molly | x
    ➳ Carries dilute

    Hawk-kit | 1 Moons | Tom | x
    ➳ Carries dilute


    Thrushstripe | 71 Moons | Tom | X
    Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username


    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username


    North | Clan Name | User
    East | Clan Name | User
    South | Darkclan | Night♕
    West | Clan Name | User


    Ryestone | Erminepaw | 3 | Fishing,
    Climbing, Hunting
    Eclipsefur | Swiftpaw | 1 | Hunting
    Leafcrest | Briarpaw | 2 | Battle, Hunting


    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death


    Frostedsky + Maplestep?
    ↪ Corykit (?)

    Frostedsky + Russetwind
    Eclipsefur + Cormorantcry?
    Crescentkit - ?
    Palesong + Unknown
    Sunkit - Hawk-kit -
    Owlkit - Rosekit ~ Crescentkit
    Appleblaze + Otterfang (Shrikeclan)
    ↪ Tawnykit (Pebbleclan) -
    Cloudkit (Pebbleclan) -
    Lionpaw (Shrikeclan) -
    Blossompaw (Garrisonclan)
    Cloe + Pike
    Bouldershade - Creek - Blizzardsong

    Blizzardsong + Dawnflower(Briarclan)
    Whitekit/strike] - [strike][Quailkit -
    Ryestone - Aspenthorn

    Aspenthorn + Sagestar(Briarclan)

    Lyrasong (Ravenclan) + Sagestar (Briarclan)
    Stormkit - Rainkit - Rustlepaw -
    Applepaw - Robinpaw (All Briarclan)
    ? + Ivyfeather
    Chestnutface (Sageclan) +
    Bristleclaw (Sageclan)
    ↪ Duskfall (Sageclan) - Tigertooth -
    Smokestorm (Fickleclan) - Bramblestrike

    Bramblestrike + Alpinestar (Laurelclan)
    Slatekit - Dovekit -
    Puddlekit (Strykrclan) -
    Minnowkit (Gustclan) -
    Coldkit (Laurelclan) -
    Willowkit (Laurelclan)
    Toadsplash + Claystream
    ↪ Warblerfoot (Mistclan) -
    Magpiewing (Mistclan) -
    Canarysong (Mistclan)
    Tumblecloud + Cobweb (Hazeclan)
    Coalkit - Nightkit
    ? + Poppycloud (Cosmoclan)
    Briarpaw - Burrpaw (Snowclan) -
    Windpaw (Pebbleclan) -
    Willowpaw (Cosmoclan) -
    Bramblepaw (Snowclan) -
    Eaglepaw (Honestclan)
    ? + Heatherbrook

    Med Store

    Burdock Root | 1x | Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
    Catmint | 1x | For deadly greencough or whitecough.
    Catchweed | 1x | To stop poultices from rubbing off
    Chervil | 1x | For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
    Cob Nuts | 1x |
    Cobwebs | 2x | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
    Coltsfoot | 1x | Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
    Comfrey Root | 1x | Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can
    be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on
    wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    Elder Leaves | 1x | Eases sprains.
    Fennel | 1x | Helps pain in the hips
    Feverfew | 1x | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains,
    especially good for headaches.
    Goldenrod | 1x | Good for healing wounds.
    Heather Nectar | 1x | Makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures
    Juniper Berries | 2x | Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.
    Lavender | 1x |
    Marigold | 1x | Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    Oak Leaf | 2x | Stops infection from setting in.
    Ragwort |1x | Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    Rush | 1x | Helps hold a broken limb in place.
    Stick | 1x | Its a stick
    Stinging Nettle | 1x | Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
    Tansy | 1x | Cures coughs. Used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough.
    Soothes throats.
    Tormentil | 1x | Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    Thyme | 1x | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    Yarrow | 1x |Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x5 | 1 servings
    Voles | x5 | 1 servings
    Rabbits | x4 | 2 servings
    Ermines | x2 | 2 servings
    Squirrels | x5 | 2 servings
    Hares | x6 | 3 servings
    Birds | x2 | 3 servings

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JadeClan 3

Postby apochrypha » Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:09 pm

@amethyst14 my username changed from Spinelli just to clarify that~ I have been on hiatus for a while & resumed from my last post but if that's an inconvenience/not allowed I can start over~

— J A D E C L A N —

Number of Cats: 003 ( ♀︎: 02 | ♂︎: 01 )

Although their hunting efforts had proved fruitless, Willowstar was satisfied that at least everything hadn't been in vain; on her patrol, she had encountered a she-cat who turned out to be a lone healer bearing a small selection of herbs, and she had agreed to become JadeClan's new medicine cat. Hawkeye had returned with nothing of note to report, which was presumably good news. The three cats joined in the center of their camp to discuss their situation. "Hawkeye, I'd like to introduce you to Dovetail; she is now our medicine cat. Dovetail, this is my deputy, Hawkeye." The two cats nodded to one another and exchanged pleasantries. Willowstar then cleared her throat and continued. "I don't mean to sound harsh, but we absolutely must find food soon. Our fresh-kill stores are minuscule, and if we continue to grow in size at this rate, we won't be able to feed our new warriors." The other two nodded solemnly, thinking of their own recent hunger. Dovetail rose first. "I'll go and look for herbs to increase our stores," she said before departing. Hawkeye and Willowstar then padded away together to hunt.

actions wrote:
— Willowstar and Hawkeye go hunting.
— Dovetail looks for herbs.

          Willowstar | 29 moons | ♀︎ | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Hawkeye | 30 moons | ♂︎ | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Dovetail | 26 moons | ♀︎ | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catnip | x1
    Cobweb | x1
    Dandelion | x1
    Feverfew | x1
    Stinging Nettle | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Voles | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Ermines | x0 | 2 servings
    Total available: 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by apochrypha on Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Sunclan ☀ 4

Postby ShadowOfTheBird » Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:52 pm

Aaaaaa oops I changed computers and had to get used to my new one

Number Of Cats:
Males: 3 | Females: 2 | Total: 5
Next Moonpool Visit:
Five Days

It had all seemed to happen so fast. Only a few moons ago Birchstar had traveled out here by himself, Sunclan only a name in the future. And yet now, he sat under the great oak with his four clanmates. In truth, despite having anticipated it, it still left him in awe.

Birchstar, a tom who had remained idle for far too long in Wolfclan. Dawnpetal, a molly who had been too afraid to stand up for Starclan. Heronfang, a tom who had finally gained his courage to run. Doveheart, a molly who wanted something more from her life. And Tigerflame, a tom who found himself unwilling to leave his littermate. Regardless of their backgrounds, they had all managed to make their way here. And for that, Sunclan's leader couldn't help but feel proud.

"Right, as to why I gathered you all here." Began Birchstar, waiting a moment until he was sure all had rested their attention onto him. "Dawnpetal and Heronfang already know this, but we began from another clan." He explained, briefly looking up to the sky to decide that he had best move it along. "Wolfclan was... interesting, to say the least. But now they've fallen into darkness, and their leader... he's tyrannical. But that can be further explained later. Now, our mission is to bring as many from Wolfclan back to Starclan as possible. And now, with four capable warriors and a medicine cat, I think the time has come that we begin."

Doveheart and Tigerflame only had to look to each other for a moment before they nodded in return, seeming to simultaneously come to an agreement. "What kind of clan cats would we be if we didn't agree to help? Er, if that was a question you had at all." The tom chuckled a bit to himself, quickly attempting to keep it going in hopes that his little oversight would be forgotten. "Anywho, how are you gonna do it?"

"I'm not sure yet, I'll have to consult with you all another time. After we've secured our safety for now, and our meals." Sunclan's leader replied, gazing out towards their surrounding territory for a moment, seemingly in thought.

"Doveheart, Heronfang, I need you two to hunt; and Tigerflame, come with me on a border patrol?" A chorus of approving mewls confirmed to Birchstar that all was well, and as he went to stand he found himself taking one last look towards his few clanmates. This group, this group was going to go far, he just knew it.

[Birchstar and Tigerflame patrol]
[Doveheart and Heronfang hunt]
[Dawnpetal searches for herbs]

          Birchstar | 61 Moons | Tom |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☀[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Dawnpetal | 74 Moons | Molly |

          Doveheart | 25 Moons | Molly |
          Tigerflame | 25 Moons | Tom |
          Heronfang | 19 Moons | Tom | [url=Page not loading : /]☀[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☀[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☀[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☀[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☀[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☀[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☀[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☀[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☀[/url]

          Name and Name
          ➣ Kits
          Name and Name
          ➣ Kits

          Deceased Cats:
          Cat Name | Cause of Death
          Cat Name | Cause of Death
    North | Gustclan | Chamrosh
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northwest | Lambclan | Rookie Cookie
    Northeast | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | Clan Name | Username
    Southeast | Clan Name | Username

    Ally Clans:
    Lambclan | Rookie Cookie
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobwebs | x1
    Borage Leaves | x1
    Poppy Seeds | x1
    Stinging Nettle | x1
    Thyme | x2

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 1 servings
    Stoat | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Bird | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor ➣ Apprentice | 0
    Mentor ➣ Apprentice | 0
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby winter solstice. » Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:25 pm

Number of Cats: 36 (17 M | 19 F)
Next Moonpool Visit: Anytime
Archive Thread: boop
Territory: boop

Serving Size: 7

(Received Stormbreeze, Junipertail, and Ravenwish from LeafClan. Traded Silverstorm for one of TrikruClan's kits. She is named Goldenkit and is left in Dustflower's care.)

(Last moon)
Shorefall came into the leader’s chamber, dipping his head toward his leader. Leafstar meowed quietly, “Did she pass?” The long-haired ginger tom nodded, “Yes, Leafstar. She was a keen hunter, and I observed her using all the skills she has learned to complete the task. However,” he mewed, slightly softer, "she hurt her paw trying her best, and I believe it is best if she rests for a moon." The sandy brown tabby tom nodded, “All right then, we will go ahead and hold the warrior ceremony for her now, and then have her see Honeytuft, just in case.” Shorefall dipped his head and turned to leave, but Leafstar called, “Wait!” The former SedgeClan deputy turned around, facing Leafstar; he meowed, “Yes?” Leafstar meowed, “Stormfang’s hunting patrol and Mintnose’s border patrol have reported there are more sightings of crows in the Pine Grove. We should try to do something about it.” Shorefall looked down at the floor for a few moments before meowing, “We should hold a meeting between the senior members of our Clan to discuss this further.” Leafstar nodded, “You are right, Shorefall. I will do that.” Nodding, the ginger tom turned and left, heading to the nursery to be with his mate, Dustflower, who was with kits, according to Honeytuft.

Honeytuft was sorting through his herb stock when Leafstar’s voice came through to his chamber, “Honeytuft?” The honey-colored medicine cat looked up and meowed, “Yes?” Leafstar came in and asked, his voice low, “May I have a private word with you?” The mild-mannered Honeytuft’s face became serious as he asked, his voice equally low, “Is it about the prophecy Thornstar gave to us?” Nodding, Leafstar mewed worriedly, “‘Beware the eyes of the night feathers’. That’s what he told me. I think the crows that we keep sighting may be them.” Honeytuft nodded, mewing thoughtfully, “Yes, I believe so. Crow feathers are as dark as the night.” Leafstar meowed firmly, “We must have a meeting between the senior members of the Clan gathered together. I’m asking you to join us.” The honey-colored tabby tom dipped his head, meowing, “I’d be honored to, Leafstar. I would expect Brightstream, Whiterose, Stormfang, and Shorefall to be in attendance?” “Quite right,” the SeaClan leader responded, “I will outline the plan once we are finished with Daisypaw’s warrior ceremony.” Honeytuft’s amber gaze brightened at the news as he mewed, “Great!” Leafstar mewed, “I will make the announcement now,” and excused himself, leaving Honeytuft to look down at his herbs. Sighing softly, the honey-colored tom whispered, “We can only pray to StarClan…”

Leafstar called, “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet here, underneath the Meeting Ledge, for a Clan meeting!” The sandy brown tabby tom saw the steady stream of SeaClan cats coming out of the cave path that led to the warriors’ and apprentices’ chambers and couldn’t help but smile a little. He was proud of his growing Clan, and would defend it with his nine lives. He took a deep breath as the cats settled down and announced, “Cats of SeaClan! Today we witness an apprentice who has trained hard to become a warrior be fully granted the title of member of SeaClan.” The cave chamber became silent as Leafstar declared, “Daisypaw, come forward please.” The ginger-and-white she-cat’s jaws were slack with shock at her mention, and could only stare for a few moments. Ivynose, her brother, nudged her forward gently, and the apprentice made her way to the front of the clearing shakily, favoring her sprained paw. The ginger-and-white apprentice stood trembling before Leafstar as the SeaClan leader asked, “Shorefall, do you believe that Daisypaw is ready to become a warrior?” Shorefall, who had been sitting near the front of the clearing, replied, nodding slowly, “Of course, Leafstar. Daisypaw showed that she has learned every skill I have taught her, and to use them to her advantage.” The sandy brown tabby tom nodded, “Then, it is time for Daisypaw to become a warrior!” Looking up to the ceiling of the cave chamber, he intoned solemnly, “I, Leafstar, leader of SeaClan, call upon our ancestors to look down on this cat. She has trained hard to learn of your noble code, and I commend her to you in every turn.” Looking down to gaze at Daisypaw, Leafstar meowed, “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend and protect the Clan, even at the cost of your life?” Taking a deep breath, Daisypaw replied, “I do.” “Then,” the SeaClan leader continued, “by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Daisypaw, from this day forth, you shall be known as Daisysong. StarClan honors your determination and kindness, and we welcome you as a full member of SeaClan.” The Clan erupted into shouts of "Daisysong! Daisysong! Daisysong!" as the newly-named Daisysong bowed her head. Leafstar came down to lay his muzzle against the young warrior's head, and Daisysong responded by licking her leader's shoulder respectfully. As the crowd fell silent, Leafstar cleared his throat. It was time to make the announcement about the crows in the Pine Grove. As the sandy brown tabby tom opened his jaws to speak, the patrol checking the border with the river came rushing in, with all cats' ears flattened in fear. Leafstar heard Stormfang demand, "What happened?" The patrol lead, Dustflower, replied breathlessly, "Badger scent at the river!" Brightstream immediately left for the nursery to check on Whiterose, Carrotkit, and her own kits, as the clearing erupted into a scene of chaos, as cats began to discuss with each other how serious this was all getting.

Leafstar shouted, "Quiet please!" The clearing took some time to quiet down, but when it did, Leafstar meowed urgently, "Emberwhisker, take Whisperdust, Applemist, and other warriors and see what you can do about the badger." The tortoiseshell she-cat dipped her head and meowed, "Will do, Leafstar." The sandy brown tabby tom saw the mentioned cats get up in response; Emberwhisker indicated for Patchcloud, Mottledsmoke, and Mintnose to follow him as well. The six cats dipped their heads toward the rest of the Clan and left hurriedly, headed toward the river, where badger had been spotted earlier. When the cats had gone, Leafstar meowed solemnly, "We will discuss this at a later time." As the Clan cats looked at each other in worry, the sandy brown tabby tom concluded, "Clan activities will continue as normal. When you have time, I would like to see Stormfang, Shorefall, Whiterose, Brighstream, and Honeytuft. Together, if possible," he added, as the mentioned cats flicked their tails in acknowledgement. "Dismissed!" Leafstar yowled, and leapt down, heading into his chamber as soon as he could. He could sense the mentioned cats following him behind.

Leafstar meowed solemnly, as the gathered cats in his chamber settled down, "You must have noticed that there have been a surge of crow activity seen at the Pine Grove for the past few moons." All cats nodded as the sandy brown tabby tom took a deep breath. He meowed, "When I received my nine lives, one of our ancestors, Thornstar, came to me and gave me this prophecy: 'The sea will rise higher than ever before. But beware the eyes of the night feathers. Only swift paws and call of the owl shall save the clan.' Honeytuft and I have come to believe the night feathers may mean the crows." Brightstream nodded thoughtfully as she asked, "But why would crows have any reasons to attack us?" Honeytuft replied, "I have been speaking with previous medicine cats of SeaClan in my dreams. One in particular, Icefeather, gave me the reason why last night. She came from another Clan who lived in the Pine Grove long before, called IceClan, and they were known as the daredevils of the forest, preying upon any creature smaller than a cat, and this included crows." The honey-colored tom paused for a moment to take a deep breath, then continued, "See, the crows have been living here for longer than the cats of SeaClan, CloudClan, and IceClan, who have come before our SeaClan now. They apparently hold a long-term grudge, almost a vendetta, against cats, and now that we have claimed that stretch as our territory, it seems that they feel encroached upon." Leafstar nodded, "My thoughts exactly. We can't just give up on the territory there, as we will be keeping good relationships with PineClan that way, being closer to their border and all, but at the same time, we can't allow them to hurt any of our cats." Shorefall meowed firmly, "We should train all our cats to defend themselves against bird attacks." Stormfang nodded slowly at the warrior's remark and added, "Nightwing is a good bird hunter, we can ask her how to defend oneself if a bird resists capture." Brighstream nodded, "That would be a great idea." Whiterose, who had been quiet the entire time, meowed quietly, "Then we should close off the Pine Grove until we know what we are dealing with." Leafstar nodded, "That sounds good to me. Any objections?" None of the senior members of SeaClan replied, and the SeaClan leader declared, "Then that is so. We will close off the Pine Grove area until further notice, and we start training against bird attacks." The cats gathered nodded in approval, and the meeting was dismissed.

(A few days later...)
Stormfang meowed, indicating for Vinescratch to follow him, "Vinescratch, would you like to come with me to the Pine Grove to hunt? I need time to think about what had happened a few days ago, and besides, you need to get some fresh air, Vinescratch." The gray-and-white tom narrowed his eyes and meowed, "Stormfang, we never saw eye to eye ever since I came to join Brightstream's Clan. And yet you are offering me a chance to be with you? Besides," the former SkyClan warrior pointed out, "Leafstar closed off the Pine Grove." Stormfang nodded, "Yes, that is true. But I have had permission from Leafstar himself to take a warrior with me if we stick close to our camp, and be back quick." Vinescratch sighed, "You really planned things ahead, didn't you?" Stormfang questioned, "Planned everything?" The solid gray tom shook his head, meowing, "I was just somewhat jealous before, you know, when I first heard that Brighstream became mates with you. That," he added, swallowing, "and you were in another Clan when you two began meeting each other." Stormfang took a deep breath and meowed, "But now that you are a full member of SeaClan, and how much you are willing to give to defend SeaClan, I've decided to try to get closer to you. Will you accept my apology?" Vinescratch looked at Stormfang for a long time before nodding slowly, "It seems there have been too many misunderstandings between us. Accept my apology as well, for not trusting you." The two toms headed out of the tunnel onto the top of the cliff. Narrowing their eyes against the midday sun, Stormfang and Vinescratch made their way to the Pine Grove, their paws making no sound as they picked their way carefully to the dense forest.

Stormfang meowed, "At first I had no confidence in you, Vinescratch, not trusting you to be a good father for Brightstream's kits. But I've seen how you've volunteered for camp guard duties, and how you regularly go into the nursery to be with your kits." He smiled slightly (if cats could, that is), and continued, "I think Brighstream deserves a cat like you." Vinescratch mewed softly, "Ever since I came to SeaClan, I've sensed that something was wrong when I looked at you, Stormfang. You always seemed to have something against me." He chuckled somewhat, "I guess I thought it was because of something bigger, but if it was because of this... I promise you, I will do my best to be a loyal father and warrior." There was a glint of something different, like anger, in Stormfang's eyes for a brief second; however, it was gone as fast as it had appeared, as Stormfang replied evenly, "I hope so too, Vinescratch." By the time their conversation had ended, the two cats had come into the middle of the Pine Grove. Stormfang looked around at his surroundings like a hawk, as Vinescratch cursed under his breath. The gray-and-white tom whispered, "We weren't paying attention when we were talking to each other, Stornfang, we've come too close to the center." Stormfang did not answer as he continued to take furtive glances at the trees above. Vinescratch meowed a little louder, "Stormfang?" The solid gray tom meowed, some apprehension in his voice, "Come on, let's get back. This way!" Without waiting for Vinescratch to follow him, the older tom sprinted off. Vinescratch began running after the tom, "Hey, wait up!"

Vinescratch knew he was in trouble. Stormfang had disappeared off his sight, having run off quickly before he had a chance to follow. The gray-and-white tom shook his head and told himself angrily, "I told you not to let down your guard!" He began to backtrack, hoping to find the older warrior's tracks again; suddenly, a mighty yowl came from behind as a dark shape barreled into him. Vinescratch let out a startled yowl as he was flung to the ground. As the gray-and-white tom got up on his paws shakily, his assailant came back at him. The SeaClan warrior realized it was Stormfang as the solid gray tom lunged at him. Vinescratch yowled, "I knew it! You did this on purpose!" Stormfang hissed as he pinned the gray-and-white tom to the ground, his claws unsheathed, "You and Brightstream are the filth of SeaClan! You should have stayed away from her in the first place, and Brighstream should have kept her composure during that Gathering!" Vinescratch's eyes widened as he realized, "You saw us during the Gathering?" Stormfang growled, "Saw it? Aye. And all those times she sneaked off to see you after that. I've been waiting for a long time to finish you." After a moment, the solid gray tom added, "And Brightstream will have her own day of reckoning, when her kits are apprenticed." Vinescratch spat, "Your anger is clouding your judgment, Stormfang! You'll be a murderer when you are done!" Stormfang grinned, the light of madness glinting in his eyes, "Oh, don't worry, crows are watching us from above. They are the only witnesses, and all they want is the taste of cat blood." Vinescratch realized, horrified, "You'll hide the fact it was your doing!" Stormfang's grin grew as he nodded, "Of course. The crows got you after you ventured too far into the forest. I tried to stop you." Vinescratch pleaded, "I... I won't tell anyone! Please, let me see my kits be apprenticed! I will gladly accept death if you do!" Stormfang's face contorted with hatred as he snarled, "Never! I've waited too long to finish you off, unwelcome stranger!" Vinescratch decided to do what he believed was his last chance at survival. He unsheathed his claws and connected his claws with Stormfang's soft underbelly. As the solid gray tom screeched and let him go, Vinescratch tried to make a run for it. Stormfang was right at his heels soon, however, as the older warrior bit into his tail. Letting out a yowl of pain, the gray-and-white tom stopped in his tracks. Turning around to face his tormentor and would-be murderer, the former SkyClan warrior asked quietly, "Will my kits be safe?" There was no answer from Stormfang as the gray tom came at him again. This time, Vinescratch dodged, anticipating the move; however, before he could recover from his position, the gray-and-white tom felt a great pain and saw a flash of light as he felt his body fall to the ground. The last thing he heard before he lost consciousness was Stormfang whispering, "Goodbye, Vinescratch." Vinescratch tried to reply to him, to plead, but no voice came out as a dizzying darkness overtook him.

Stormfang hurried back to the camp and shouted, self-consciously aware he had some scratches on his belly and flanks, "SeaClan! Help!" The camp came to life as Leafstar, followed by Shorefall, Tundra, and the apprentices came running out. "What's wrong?" Shorefall asked, noticing the wounds, "who's attacked you?" Leafstar stared at the solid gray tom with an unreadable expression as he demanded, "And where is Vinescratch?" At her mate's mention, Brightstream came hurrying out of the nursery. "What happened?" she demanded as Stormfang opened his jaws to speak. "We went hunting in the Pine Grove," he began, "after Leafstar granted us permission. We meant to stay in the fringes as we hunted and come back quickly, but we were occupied with hunting so much that we were separated. By the time I noticed I was alone, I heard crows cawing near the center of the forest. I ventured in, fearing the worst, and..." He paused to take breath, "I saw him. Vinescratch. He was being attacked by crows. I couldn't leave him behind! So I attacked as many as I could, but it was no use. There were too many attacking him, I..." He lowered his head in shame, "I came running out to inform you. I'm sorry." A heavy silence followed this revelation before Brightstream let out a thin wail. As Stormfang turned to offer condolences to the queen, Shorefall offered, "I'll lead a patrol with Stormfang to see if we can recover his body, at the least." Stormfang shook his head, "I think... I think that's a bad idea. I'd love to help, but there is just way too many of them in a frenzy right now. I barely got out." Honeytuft came into the camp, holding a bundle of herbs. Seeing what was going on, the medicine cat stepped up to Stormfang and asked, "What happened?" Stormfang repeated the news to the SeaClan medicine cat, who seemed visibly shaken by the revelation. Honeytuft meowed at last, after a moment of uncomfortable silence, "We should at least recover his body." Nightwing meowed, her voice shaking with fear and sadness, "I know birds when they are angry. Crows are resilient creatures who don't give up when they put their minds to it. We must wait until they calm down before we do anything." Brighstream let out another distressed wail, and had to be nudged back into the nursery by Whiterose and Dustflower, who had joined the two queens in the nursery a few days ago. Leafstar turned to Stormfang and meowed, his voice quavering with sorrow, "Thank you Stormfang. We must never go into the Pine Grove until we figure out how to drive them out."

As the sun set over the eerily silent Pine Grove, a figure stirred feebly. The crows had, surprisingly, spared Vinescratch. The gray-and-white tom groaned as he forced his legs to carry his weight. He knew that Stormfang would kill him for good if he walked back to the Clan. The Clan probably thought that the crows had taken him. Tears sprang up as he thought of his mate and kits, but he had to be strong. He would live for his family. Forcing his trembling legs to move, the injured tom slowly made his way north, over into the direction where Whisperdust had told him she'd come from when she came from SwiftClan. 'SwiftClan would welcome any cat,' he reminded himself, 'that's what Whisperdust said. I will recover my strength there, and come back. I will have my revenge on Stormfang.'

(This moon)
Brightstream woke up with a start. She was sure she had hear her mate call to her. Looking about her wildly, the ginger-and-white queen only saw that there were her kits, Dustflower, Whiterose, and a strangely-calm Carrotkit in the dim light of the nursery. The SeaClan deputy sighed. 'It was just a dream,' she thought, allowing her head to rest on her nest again. Whiterose was saying, "You are all grown up now. Listen well to what your new mentor says all right?" Carrotkit meowed, solemnly nodding his ginger-and-white head, "Of course, mama. I will do my best!" Whiterose came over and gently laid her tail against Brighstream's shoulder as she meowed, "Come on Brightstream, he's in StarClan, I bet, watching over you and your kits." Brightstream glanced at the sleeping forms of her kits as she whispered brokenly, "They never found him... how do you know if he made it to StarClan?" It had been almost one moon since Vinescratch had met his supposed end at the talons of the crows, and they had yet to find even a small part of him. Whiterose murmured, "You'll meet him eventually. We all will go to StarClan. Besides," she reminded the devastated queen, "StarClan knows when a Clan cat falls. They should have found his spirit and led him to StarClan." Nodding shakily, Brighstream mewed softly, slightly off-key as a tear fell, "I suppose so, Whiterose. Thank you." Turning to Carrotkit, who was watching her with sadness in his green eyes, the SeaClan deputy mewed, purring slightly, "Congratulations, Carrotkit. You'll be Carrotpaw today!" Carrotkit nodded and meowed, puffing his chest out proudly, "I will make SeaClan proud, I promise!" Dustflower murmured from the back of the nursery, "You three can go out, I'll watch Thistlekit, Hollykit, Fogkit, and Dapplekit." Thanking the chocolate tabby queen, the two queens and the would-be apprentice headed outside, where cats were already gathered at the Meeting Ledge, anticipating the following events.

Leafstar came out of his chamber, followed by Tundra and Stormfang, and the two toms sat near the front of the gathered cats as the sandy brown tabby tom leapt up to the ledge. Seeing that most cats were already at the clearing, Leafstar yowled, forgoing the traditional call to meeting, "Cats of SeaClan! Today, we are here to dwell on happier tones, as Carrotkit has reached his sixth moon of age!" As the shouts of congratulations died, Leafstar continued, "And Tundra has requested that he is ready for a proper warrior name!" All eyes rested on the Siberian tom as he flattened his ears in slight embarrassment. Leafstar concluded, "Finally, we have five new additions to our Clan for you to meet." All eyes focused on the leader's chamber as three cats came out in a group, followed by a tall solid gray she-cat leading a pregnant calico she-cat outside slowly with her tail. All attention went to Leafstar as he meowed, "But we shall start with Carrotkit's apprentice ceremony. Come to the front please," the sandy brown tabby tom ordered; as Carrotkit did so, Leafstar could not help feel a twinge of pride at his son sitting in front of him. 'Become a great warrior,' Leafstar thought to himself, 'my son.' Clearing his throat, Leafstar meowed, "Carrotkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprentice. From this day forth, until you have earned your warrior name, you shall be known as Carrotpaw." Scanning the clearing, Leafstar saw the cat he was looking for and continued, "Your mentor will be Oakshadow. I hope that Oakshadow will pass down all he knows onto you." Oakshadow had a shocked expression on his face as he came to the front. The warrior stared at Leafstar as he asked, "" The sandy brown tabby tom nodded and meowed, "Oakshadow, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have proven to be an excellent member of SeaClan, and you have shown yourself to be a capable hunter and fighter. You will be the mentor of Carrotpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know onto Carrotpaw." The brown tabby tom shakily touched his nose with the newly-named Carrotpaw as the Clan erupted in joy, "Carrotpaw! Carrotpaw! Carrotpaw!"

Once the shouts died down, Leafstar meowed, "Tundra, come forward please." The former rogue came forward as Leafstar meowed, "You have proven yourself to be a capable warrior and mentor to Hawkpaw. You wish to take on a proper name?" "Yes," Tundra responded, "I have thought for a long time, and it seems it is fitting that I take on a warrior name like the rest of my Clanmates." Nodding, Leafstar meowed, "You have already recited the oath to be loyal to SeaClan and to StarClan, and I require no further oaths from you at this time. Tundra, from this day forth, you shall be known as Claypool. We welcome you as a full member of SeaClan." Whoops of delight came from the apprentices as the entirety of the Clan erupted into congratulations again, "Claypool! Claypool! Claypool!" Leafstar leapt down to lay his muzzle against Claypool's shoulder, and he licked his leader's shoulder in response. When he drew back, Leafstar nodded toward the group of five cats huddling next to Shorefall. The sandy brown tabby tom meowed, "We have five cats who wished to join our Clan. Do we have any objections?" No one opened their jaws to object in the silence that followed; approving this, Leafstar meowed, "Then come forward please, Stormbreeze of LeafClan, Junipertail of LeafClan, and Ravenwish of LeafClan." The three cats came to stand in front of the Clan as the SeaClan leader asked, "I ask this in front of the Clan so that they may hear your answers as a whole. Why have you left your Clan?" Looking at each other, the three cats remained silent for a little before Stormbreeze, a solid gray tabby tom not unlike Stormfang, meowed, dipping his head, "We fled LeafClan, after all the things have happened to our Clan in the last few moons." A shudder went through Junipertail's body as the gray-and-white tabby tom added, "It wasn't the same after Frigidstar came to power. We... just thought it was time to go." Ravenwish, a black tom, nodded, "And we heard you were a Clan that was willing to help displaced cats." Nodding slowly, Leafstar meowed, "Very well. The Clan has approved of your presence, and we will accept you as warriors of SeaClan." The Clan roared out their names as the three former LeafClan cats became members of SeaClan.

With the two former loners Opal and Sara becoming Goosewing and Softdawn, respectively, Leafstar retreated to his chamber, and settled down for a small nap. It wasn't long, however, before he was awakened by the sound of paws pounding on stone. The sandy brown tabby tom opened his eyes wearily and meowed, "Yes?" Bellpaw came rushing in, Nightwing close behind, asking breathlessly, "Silverstorm is gone!" Nightwing apologized, "Leafstar, I tried to tell her you shouldn't be disturbed..." The SeaClan leader sat up and shook his head, meowing, "No. No worries, Nightwing." Turning to Bellpaw, who looked upset, Leafstar asked, "What's wrong?" The young gray-and-white she-cat meowed, "Mama was saying that I deserve to live with clan cats, but she wasn't too comfortable with the life... And I thought she was just saying that." Leafstar sighed. "I was afraid of that," the SeaClan leader meowed; he straightened and meowed, "I'm sure she hasn't gone too far from here. Go search for her, but if you can't find her today," he added firmly, "accept it as her wishes and cease the search." Nightwing dipped her head and gently nudged her apprentice, who looked like she was going to protest, out of the leader's chamber.

(That night)
Bellpaw's ears drooped with sorrow as she whimpered, "Mama..." Nightwing soothed, "You've been out of the nursery for two moons now, Bellpaw. You are a big girl now." The black she-cat allowed her apprentice to lean on her shoulder as she meowed, "Maybe we'll cross paths again one day, after you grow into a fine warrior. If you do see her again, tell her that you've grown up, ready to serve the Clan as a full-fledged warrior." Bellpaw nodded shakily, "Right Nightwing. Thank you." As the two she-cats turned to return to camp, Bellpaw picked up the distinct cry of a kit in distress. The gray-and-white she-cat yelled, "Nightwing!" Her mentor had heard the cry as well, and the two she-cats raced toward the sound. Nightwing was the first to arrive at the scene. A tiny ginger-and-white she-kit lay mewling next to the unmoving figures of a grown she-cat and two kits, bloodied scratches on each body. Nightwing backed away and ordered, "Bellpaw! Away! Go back to camp and ask for Stormfang, Honeytuft, and Whiterose!" Bellpaw nodded, shaken to her very core at the sight. The gray-and-white apprentice then bolted, her paws carrying her quickly over the leafy terrain toward camp. Nightwing murmured, once Bellpaw had gone, inching toward the she-kit, who had seemingly avoided being hurt, "Who could have done such a thing?" She carefully took the kit's scruff with her teeth and moved her a little away from the scene, closer to camp, as she waited for the cats to arrive.

Bellpaw arrived breathlessly at camp and ran into the warriors' chamber. She gasped, "Stormfang! Whiterose!" The two warriors came to join the young she-cat as the former asked, "What is it?" Bellpaw replied, "We went looking for Silverstorm, but found a place where a badger killed most of the family... But there was a kit alive!" The two didn't need second bidding. As soon as Bellpaw told them where, Stormfang and Whiterose dashed out of camp. Bellpaw then went to Honeytuft's chamber and told him the news as well. Dropping what he was doing, Honeytuft quickly followed after the warriors, his paws surprisingly more agile than it looked.

When the three cats had arrived, Nightwing was curled up around the sleeping figure of the little she-kit. The black warrior mewed softly, "She's the only of the family nearby who survived." Whiterose looked at the she-kit and murmured, "Reminds me of both Carrotpaw and Hollykit." Stormfang mewed, anger in his eyes, "We'll make sure the badger is taken care of." Honeytuft mewed gently, looking over the kit, "She doesn't look hurt phyiscally, just a little shocked." Whiterose mewed, as Nightwing stood up to give the former queen some room, "I will take her to camp myself. Dustflower will be delighted to take her in." Nodding, the three warriors, an apprentice, and the medicine cat made their way back to SeaClan camp, where Dustflower took the kit immediately to the nursery. "I'm naming her Goldenkit," the chocolate tabby queen mewed, "for her pelt."

[ The Clan consumes Hare x1, Fish x2. ]
[ Honeytuft looks for herbs. ]
[ Daisysong rests for a moon. ]
[ Carrotkit reaches six moons of age and becomes Carrotpaw! He is apprenticed to Oakshadow. ]
[ Stormfang teaches Sagepaw fishing. ]
[ Nightwing teaches Bellpaw swimming. ]
[ Tundra/Claypool teaches Hawkpaw stalking. ]
[ Oakshadow teaches Carrotpaw stalking. ]
[ Tundra requests to take a warrior name, and is renamed Claypool. ]
[ Vinescratch is heavily injured by Stormfang! He manages to get away when Stormfang leaves him for dead, and joins SwiftClan. ]
[ Silverstorm leaves SeaClan under unknown circumstances. The Clan assumes that she just wanted her kit to grow up as a Clan cat, and she wasn't meant to be a Clan cat. ]
[ Bellpaw searches for her mother, along with her mentor, Nightwing, but finds no trace of the gray she-cat. Instead, they find a kit whimpering next to the slain figure of her mother. Taking pity, the two she-cats bring her back to camp. ]
[ Stormbreeze, Junipertail, and Ravenwish flee LeafClan and join SeaClan. ]
[ Goosewing joins SeaClan as a warrior! ]
[ Softdawn joins SeaClan as a queen! ]
[ Emberwhisker, Patchcloud, Applemist, Whisperdust, Mottledsmoke, and Mintnose patrol the river, prepared to fight the badger if necessary. ]
[ Goosewing, Ravenwish, Stormbreeze, Junipertail, and Shorefall patrol the western border. ]
[ Rippleheart and Smallwing fish at the river. ]
[ Whiterose, Rosefern, and Ivynose hunt in the forest surrounding the river. ]
[ The Pine Grove is declared off-limits, as the Clan thinks that the crows there attacked Vinescratch. ]
[ Rest of the cats stay behind to take turns guarding camp and doing extra combat practice in preparations for the crow attacks. ]
[ Whiterose returns to warrior duty, as Carrotkit has become an apprentice. ]
[ Dustflower adopts the new kit as her own, naming her Goldenkit. ]
[ Dustflower will kit in one moon. ]
[ Softdawn will kit in one moon. ]
[ The "Prophecy Arc" of SeaClan has reached the climax! Starting next post, crows will have the chance to attack SeaClan! ]

          Leafstar | 43 moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Brightstream | 43 moons | she-cat | X (currently a queen)

          Medicine Cat:
          Honeytuft | 46 moons | Tom | X

          Emberwhisker | 28 moons | she-cat | X
          Stormfang | 44 moons | tom | X
          Nightwing | 29 moons | she-cat | X
          Shorefall | 46 moons | tom | X
          Oakshadow | 31 moons | tom | X
          Mintnose | 46 moons | she-cat | X
          Claypool | 40 moons | tom | X
          Patchcloud | 29 moons | tom | X
          Rippleheart | 15 moons | she-cat | X
          Ivynose | 15 moons | tom | X
          Whisperdust | 46 moons | she-cat | X
          Antfoot | 28 moons | tom | X
          Applemist | 26 moons | she-cat | X
          Rosefern | 58 moons | she-cat | X
          Mottledsmoke | 31 moons | she-cat | X
          Smallwing | 21 moons | tom | X
          Daisysong | 15 moons | she-cat | X
          Whiterose | 55 moons | she-cat | X
          Stormbreeze | 47 moons | tom | X
          Junipertail | 38 moons | tom | X
          Ravenwish | 24 moons | tom | X
          Goosewing | 35 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Sagepaw | 10 moons | she-cat | X
          Hawkpaw | 8 moons | tom | X
          Bellpaw | 8 moons | she-cat | X
          Carrotpaw | 6 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Dustflower | 42 moons | she-cat | X
          Softdawn | 25 moons | she-cat | X - blind
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Hollykit | 4 moon | she-cat | X
          Thistlekit | 4 moon | tom | X
          Fogkit | 4 moon | tom | X
          Dapplekit | 4 moon | she-cat | X - has a twisted paw
          Goldenkit | 1 moon | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Sea (none)
    West | ShellClan | Dragoncat08
    Northeast | PineClan | quindecim
    Northwest | LakeClan | honey-bee
    Southeast | Sea (none)
    Southwest | Sea (none)

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark: For tooth pain (eases toothache). x1
    Beech Leaves: For carrying other herbs. x1
    Bindweed: Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place (unknown effect). x0
    Blackberry Leaves: These leaves are chewed into a pulp (eases the swelling of bee stings). x1
    Borage Leaves: It is chewed and eaten by nursing queens (produces more and better milk, also brings down fevers). x2
    Broom: It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds (effect unknown). x0
    Burdock Root: The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp (lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites). x1
    Burnet: A traveling herb (Said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs; keeps a cat's strength up). x0
    Catchweed: The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are (stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin). x1
    Catmint/Catnip: Eaten (best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare; can also be used for whitecough).x2
    Celandine: Juice is trickled into the eye (soothes damaged eyes). x1
    Chamomile: Eaten (strengthens the heart and soothes the mind; also given to traveling cats for strength). x1
    Chervil: Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root (for infected wounds and bellyache, respectively; can also be used during kitting). x1
    Chickweed: Eaten (treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred). x0
    Cob Nuts: Made into ointments (effect unknown). x0
    Cobwebs: Press over wound (to soak up and stop/slow the bleeding; may also be used to bind broken bones). x2
    Coltsfoot: Leaves chewed into a pulp (eases breathing or kitten-cough; eases cracked or sore pads). x1
    Comfrey Root: Roots are chewed into a poultice; can also be lined in one's nest (repairs broken bones or soothes wounds; also used for wrenched claws; can be used for itching or inflammation on stiff joints; also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest; can be used for burns). x2
    Daisy Leaf: Chewed into a paste (eases the pain of aching joints; also a traveling herb). x2
    Dandelion: The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings; leaves can be chewed (thought to soothe and heal bee stings; its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller). x0
    Dock: Chewed up and applied to scratches, similar to sorrel; also can be put in one's nest during sleep (soothes scratches, though can sting when applied; soothes sore pads; if placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds). x0
    Elder Leaves: Turned into a poultice (Soothes sprains). x0
    Fennel: Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth (helps pain in the hips). x0
    Feverfew: Eaten (reduces body temperature for cats with fevers or chills; also heals aches and pains; especially good for headaches). x1
    Goatweed: Given daily (eases anxiety and grief). x0
    Hawkweed: Unknown usage (like catmint, but not as strong).x0
    Heather Nectar: Included in herbal mixtures (makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures). x1
    Honey: Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it (soothes infections; a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats; helps cats swallow other concoctions; helps soothe coughing; gives energy). x2
    Horsetail: Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds (treats infections; stops bleeding). x1
    Ivy Leaf: To store other herbs. x0
    Juniper Berries: Chewed and eaten (soothes bellyaches; gives strength; helps troubled breathing; also used to help calm cats). x2
    Lamb's Ear: Unknown usage (gives a cat strength). x0
    Lavender: Placed under a cat's nose and is to be inhaled constantly, or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death (cures fevers and chills; also used to hide the scent of death). x1
    Lungwort: Eaten (cures yellowcough).x0
    Mallow Leaves: Eaten (soothes bellyaches). x0
    Marigold: Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice; juice can be used as well (stops infections; stops bleeding; used for inflammation in the joints). x0
    Mint: Rubbed on a dead body (used to hide the scent of death). x0
    Mouse Bile: the liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt (the ticks fall off).x0
    Dried Oak Leaf: the dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound (stops infection from setting in). x0
    Parsley: Eaten (stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk; also used to cure bellyache). x0
    Poppy Seeds: Chewed on (helps a cat sleep; soothes shock or distress; eases pain; not recommended for nursing queens).x1
    Ragwort Leaves: Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper leaves, it can help aching joints (treats aching joints; keeps a cat's strength up). x1
    Ragweed: Thought to give cats extra strength (like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy).
    Raspberry Leaves: Could be a painkiller, or helps stop bleeding during kitting (could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding) x1
    Rosemary: Put on the pelt of a dead cat and prepare it for burial (hides the scent of death). x0
    Rush: Used to bind broken bones (helps hold a broken limb into place, like casts for Twolegs). x0
    Sorrel: Eaten (traveling herb; can also build up appetite). x0
    Sticks: Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended; also used to help broken legs heal (distracts cat from pain; recommended for queens giving birth). x1
    Stinging Nettle: The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound; the stems can also be chewed (induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones; helps with wounds; chewing the stems helps fight against infection). x0
    Sweet-Sedge: One must swallow the sap (eases infection). x0
    Tansy: To be consumed, but only in small doses (cures coughs; can be also used to cure wounds and poisons; stops cats from getting greencough; soothes throats). x2
    Tormentil: Chewed and put on the wound (its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poisons). x0
    Thyme: Leaves can be chewed on (calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock). x1
    Traveling Herbs: Eaten (used to give a cat more energy and strength, and keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time). x0
    Watermint: It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten (eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache).x0
    Wild Garlic: One must roll in it (prevents infection, especially rat bites). x0
    Wild Bark: Usage unknown (eases pain). x0
    Willow Leaves: Eaten (stops vomiting). x0
    Wintergreen: Usage unknown (treats wounds and some poisons). x0
    Yarrow: Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound, depending on the situation (extracts poisons from wounds; will make a cat vomit up toxins; the ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads).x1
    Deathberries: Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry (kills a cat within minutes when consumed). Also known as yew berries or night seeds. x2
    Foxglove Seeds: They are used to treat the heart (can easily cause paralysis and heart failure). x0
    Holly Berries: Usage unknown (effect unknown). x0
    Deadly Nightshade: To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved (poisonous). x0
    Water Hemlock: Usage unknown (causes writhing, pain, and foaming of the mouth). x0

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Fish | x3 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
    Sparrow | x2 | 2 servings
    Mouse | x3 | 1 servings
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings
    Shrew | x1 | 1 servings

    Stormfang | Sagepaw | 3 | Swimming, Stalking, Hunting
    Claypool | Hawkpaw | 2 | Fishing, Swimming
    Nightwing | Bellpaw | 2 | Stalking, Hunting
    Oakshadow | Carrotpaw | 0 | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Leafstar and Whiterose | Carrotpaw
    ??? and Dustflower | Daisysong, Lily, Ivynose
    ??? and Silverstorm (former member) | Bellpaw
    Vinescratch and Brightstream | Hollykit, Thistlekit, Fogkit, Dapplekit
    Shorefall and Dustflower | Goldenkit (adopted), unborn kit(s)
    ??? and Softdawn | Unborn kit(s)
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by winter solstice. on Sun Mar 25, 2018 1:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

Winter / Fairy / Gale
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Re: but it is how we survive. iv.

Postby clarke, » Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:21 am

        Image Image
        ( ∞ 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬 ) 22 xx ( ∞ 𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬. ) 14 xx ( ∞ 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐬 ) 8 xx ( ∞ visit to maunon on ) 3/17 xx ( ∞ servings ) 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        four moons before.
        she dipped in the stream, allowing her blood to be washed away. it was apart of the ascension. nightblood was the first indicator that a cat was born to be a commander, but it did not ensure them the throne. before she let the river drain her, she had killed the rest of her conclave. it was the nature of the trikru people; only a true commander would be willing to lay down their life to prove their honor. she watched the water as it turned red only for a moment, before cleansing and clearing. it was a secret she held- a secret that died with her conclave; she was not a nightblood. the river brought back memories of finn, and of her son, jake. she stiffened, her heart twisting inside her chest. she was consumed by the nostalgia, the fresh, clean memory of the battle. she had wiped out skaikru to avenge her kin, but still they lived, survived somehow. her paws clenched the stones underneath the water, keeping herself upright and shoulders above the water current. she waded deeper into the river, the icy water freezing her bones.
        “you’re ascending?” a voice scoffed, and clarke glanced up, her gaze landing on a gray and white molly.
        “leksa kom trikru. you’re the one who got your entire people killed.” clarke said stiffly, rolling her shoulders in the water. “i’m the one who will bring them back together.”
        “clarke kom… nowhere. or should i call you wanheda? it’s what they’re calling you in the woods now. you’re the one who isolated, burned, and murdered three hundred skaikru.” lexa commented, her voice flat and unimpressed. “jus drein jus daun. they kill finn, jake, and your mother and you kill three hundred of them.”
        clarke paused, her eyes narrowed and body cold. she stepped out of the stream and sighed, brushing past lexa with soaking fur, enveloping the gray and white molly with water. “what do you want, lexa?”
        “you’re not a nightblood. you mock our ancestry and religion.” she pointed out bluntly, sighing loudly. “but trikru has fallen, because of me. and though i’m a nightblood, i am not a cat that others would follow. but you are wanheda. the commander of death. you inspire warriors, and you could be a leader.” clarke scrutinized lexa as she spoke, eyeing her with a suspicious glint in her eyes. “i’m going to help you ascend.” lexa finished, walking past her, her downy fur colliding with clarke’s sleek, short pelt, and leading her away from the stream.

        wanheda’s ear twitched at the new kitten noises outside of her den, her pelt rippling in anticipation. new kits meant new warriors, but she couldn’t ignore the fact that diamond’s kits were half clan. they were frikdriena, and would train with skai, and they would always be outcasts. sonya’s kits were smaller, weaker than diamond’s, but their blood was pure. sonya was not a nightblood, but it was possible that her kits had been gifted by the maunon, chosen to compete in a conclave for the right to become the next commander. she thought of her second, onya, and sighed softly, shifting uncomfortably. if sonya’s kits were natblidas, she would have to fight her kin to the death.
        “laik yu okay?” lexa asked, pressing closer to wanheda’s fur, fighting off the wind that drifted through the hollow. “i can tell when you’re worried, you move a lot.”
        “kits are a lot of responsibility, and they’re not even mine.” she admitted, resting her chin on top of lexa’s head. “jake was a lot like his father, and it killed them. dying a warrior’s death is honorable, but rolling over to die…” clarke trailed off, her gaze shadowing with sorrow. “it seems unfair that i lost them, that way. finn attacked innocents, and killed sixteen, but i still would have fought beside him. but he gave himself up, and worse; he brought our son into the mess. they both suffered for finn’s crimes.” closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she anxiously kneaded the ground. “but they were never my family, they were… my blood, not my soul. you are my soul. you are everything i’ve ever needed.” she reassured the molly, feeling guilty for discussing her ex-mate.
        lexa purred and groomed clarke’s shoulder fur, her tail entwined with her mate’s. “finn and jake will always be apart of you, but they are gone. they would be proud of how far you’ve come.”
        "i know." she sighed and rolled over onto her belly, beckoning with her paws for lexa to join her side. "i'm going to pardon diamond's litter. they will be progeny, not wastelanders. we need more warriors, and they were conceived before the clan started." she turned her head and pressed her nose against lexa's cheek, waiting for her approval.
        "it will unite the clan further." her mate conceded, resting her forearm over wanheda's side. the commander pulled away from lexa, standing up and shaking out her pelt.
        "i have to go talk with onya." dipping her head and licking lexa's cheek, the spotted molly exited the hollow and made her way to onya, who was cooing at the nursery entrance. "onya, walk with me." wanheda requested, watching curiously as her second forced herself away from the nursery with a disappointed mien plastered on her face. "i need you to train diamond's kits." she said slowly.
        "but they're wastelanders." onya protested, her eyes narrowed slightly.
        "no, they're not. i've pardoned them." wanheda murmured, stepping outside of the camp and soaking in the sun and enjoying soft breeze that tickled her fur.
        "so pardon skai and let me train her." onya begged, stepping in front of the commander. "she's strong. she's already made her first kill, and yesterday, she had a mouse. a real, live mouse. she's a moon before becoming a second but she's already smarter, swifter, and stealthier than gona."
        "very well. you may train her. but i won't pardon her." wanheda leaned over her apprentice, a warning in her voice. "but she is a wastelander. she will always be one, and you will always be the outcast's mentor." just before onya began to walk away, wanheda held up her tail, stepping her in her tracks. "skai must fight gona to prove herself. if he defeats her, she will never be allowed to train."
        taking a deep breath, onya nodded slowly. "she can do it."
        "very well. then go to the execution hollow, and bring reivon along. wintam, gonplei, and trikova can come but leave niylah, lexa, artigus, and fotam in camp to watch over the kits with diamond and soncha."
        silence suffocated the lands. wanheda's muzzle was lifted to the sky, her muzzle wreathed in the cool night air. ears flicking, she turned toward the rustling movements in the trees. wintam, gonplei, and trikova followed the two seconds and their mentors. she nodded approvingly at onya, and gestured for skai and gona to take her place in the center of the hollow. "there are only two rules: no one may interfere, and don't leave the hollow. prove to me that you are worthy to be a trikru member."
        skai did not hesitate; she launched herself at the unsuspecting gona and pushed him against the ground. she bit his shoulder fiercely and he yowled, before regaining his strength and slashing her ear with his claws. the larger, older tom yanked her off him by her scruff and sent her skidding across the clearing with a jerk of his head. her ear, now shredded, dripped with blood as she braced herself for his next attack. gona's eyes flickering to skai's paws and he leapt at her, but she dove to the right and shoved him to the ground and clawed his back as he stumbled. jumping on top of his shoulders, she began viciously ripping at his fur and soon his back was exposed, bloodied, and he struggling to take in breaths. skai pressed his muzzle against the dirt and hissed in his ear, "do you surrender, gona?" the panting tom nodded, and she stepped off of him, walking away toward the river to rinse her wounds. behind her, gona had risen to his paws and was sprinting toward her. she heard his clumsy steps and moved to the left, and before he could stop himself, he barreled into the river. she stepped in after him and held his head under the water, relentless even as he struggled for breath. soon he stopped struggling, and the red-stained river was the only babble among the silent forest.
        "bellamy, that's no fair!" octavia screeched, wrapping her arms around her older twin brother's neck. she hung off him, digging her back claws in his arm furiously. "just because you opened your eyes first-" she was interrupted has he rolled over, squashing her underneath his body.
        "bellamy, i've told you to be kind to your sister, haven't i?" diamond hinted, glancing at him with a warning glint in her eyes. the egyptian mau rose to his paws, and licked octavia's head.
        "of course. my sister, my responsibility." he said, puffing out his chest proudly.
        “so are echo and emori, bellamy. but especially octavia, because she’s the smallest.” diamond meowed thoughtfully, blinking at the two sleeping bundles at her stomach. she thought sadly to hailkit and sleetkit, and her others, but she knew they were safe, at their father’s side, the love of her life. “come, my loves. sleep now.”
        skai sighed softly as niylah wrapped her wounds, rolling her shoulders. "thank you for doing this," she murmured, narrowing her eyes as niylah shrugged.
        "to others you are an outcast; to me, you are a cat who needs healing." she commented, her gentle gaze flashing to skai's harder, less inclined to compassion, eyes.
        "wanheda would not be pleased with you." pointing out the obvious, skai shifted to allowed niylah to inspect her side.
        "wanheda is no longer my lover, so, i don't care what she thinks." she said stiffly, using her paws to kneed around skai's shoulder. as she visibly winced, she rolled her eyes when niylah asked, "does that hurt?"
        "no, i'm just limping and wincing for the fun of it." she replied, moving away from the healer's prodding paws.
        "well, you've pulled your muscle, but i don't feel any breaks. give it a rest for awhile, and under no circumstances exercise intensely, or i'll tell your foster mother what you've been up to, and diamond will give you hell." she instructed, flicking her tail to dismiss the second. as skai was leaving, niylah added, "and that includes training, skai!"
        (∞ dawn patrol: wanheda, lexa, artigus )
        (∞ sunhigh patrol: gonplei, reivon, onya )
        (∞ dusk patrol: wintam, fleim, niylah follow the kit scent. )
        (∞ hunting patrol: trikova, fotam, gona )
        (∞ herb hunting: niylah looks for horsetail. )
        (∞ ceremonies: skai becomes an apprentice. {skai} )
        (∞ food eaten: x1 squirrel and x1 salmon. )
        (∞ trying for kits: fotam and wintam )

      ( 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 ) wanheda, 39m, ♀
      lives: ★★★★★★★★

      ( 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 ) onya, 18m, ♀
      ( 𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫 ) fotam, 32m, ♂
      ( 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐬 )
      [ 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ] 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: gonplei, 41m, ♂
      reivon, 28m,  ♂
      lexa, 42m, ♀
      trikova, 33m, ♀
      [ 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 ] 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: wintam, 26m, ♀
      fleim, 38m, ♂
      niylah, 19m, ♀
      artigus, 20m, ♂

      ( 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 ) cats here
      ( 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 ) diamond, 34m, ♀
      soncha, 18m, ♀

      ( 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐲 ) bekka, 0m, ♀
      lincoln, 0m, ♂
      indra, 0m, ♀
      echo, 0m, ♀
      emori, 0m, ♀
      bellamy, 0m, ♂
      octavia, 0m, ♀

      ( 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 ) skai, 5m, ♀
      ( 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 ) death berries/x1
      foxglove seeds/x1 | nightshade/x1
      water hemlock/x1 | cobweb/x1

      ( 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 )
      trout | x1 | 3 servings
      salmon | x1 | 3 servings
      squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
      black bird | x2 | 2 servings
      vole | x0 | 2 servings
      mouse | x0 | 1 servings

      ( 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 ) borders here
      ( 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 ) none
      ( 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 ) none
      ( 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 ) wanheda | onya | 0 | skills
      reivon | gona | 1 | hunting

      ( 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 ) naikou | throat slit by skai
      gona | drowned by skai

      ( 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 )lexa and wanheda | x
      abby and kane | soncha and onya
      soncha and artigus | bekka, lincoln, indra
      diamond and luxx | echo, emori, bellamy,
      octavia, hailkit, luxxstrike, arumwillow
      palenose, stormrise, rainfall, swiftstep
      oakkit, sheepkit, yellowkit, sneezekit
      bubblekit, sleetkit
Last edited by clarke, on Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:46 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby lillygreeneyes » Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:18 am

Moonpool, I wish for a male adult tom and his name is Darkscythe, for a deputy. Thank you, StarClan.

~ lillygreeneyes
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Sat Mar 24, 2018 6:08 am

lillygreeneyes wrote:Moonpool, I wish for a male adult tom and his name is Darkscythe, for a deputy. Thank you, StarClan.

Since you ignored my last post to you, I'm giving you a strike. Read the front page on how to play and look at how everybody else is playing. There are people who are willing to help you with your posts but we can't sense you locked your PMs
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby librarycat » Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:34 am

wow this looks like a really fun game :) hope this is ok

My Clan is Meadowclan. Descended from barn cats, their territory spans several fields of two neighbouring farms sort of in the East Midlands of England. They move their camp depending on the season - during the winter they live in the lambing shed of the sheep farm, whilst in the spring and summer they move outside and live among the wheat fields until the harvest. The queens, kits and ill cats usually stay in the barns rather than deal with the changeability of the English "summer" time.

Meadowclan cats have relaxed the sections of the warrior codes that relate to humans and human settlements and will happily steal milk and food left out for too long. Thus, to distinguish themselves from and prove that they are better than house-cats and common strays, they place a great importance on names, using a much more traditional system than a lot of other clans; with the prefixes relating to colour and suffixes relating to the skills of the cats. They also place a lot of importance on history. Elders are consulted on prophecies and signs as much as the leader and are used as a council to elect the next deputy. They are also the ones who give apprentices their final assessment, after the mentor and deputy have given their approval.

Kits become apprentices not at six moons exactly, but at the next Change Of Seasons (when the Clan moves from one camp to the other) They must be at least four moons old, but could end up being almost a year old. This is to prevent new apprentices from trekking through the territory alone. The ceremonies take place whilst the clan is at the winter camp, either before or after the Change. Warriors are made throughout the year, and take their vigils at the lambing shed.

Stories focus on groups and individual names and descriptions are usually lost fairly quickly in favour of descriptions matching kits listening - to inspire them to similar acts of bravery and devotion. They do have a couple of consistent heroes - mostly from ancient stories about the founders.

Meadowclan are surprising lax about borders, far more likely to let strangers off with a warning than a clawed ear. In Harvest months when there is a surplus of prey they have even let other Clans keep catches from close to the edge of their territory rather than bother with a fight. They are sleek and well-fed, taking advantage of the farms' buildings and feed stores to find mice year-round. They are excellent hunters of mice and rats; and skilled at hunting rabbits and hares, although most warriors won't hare-hunt in springtime.
he/him or mew/meow pronouns; autistic
I'm always happy to trade or talk about stuff with people :) I can't read the small text well, so if you PM me, please use normal or larger sizes.
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Re: Create A Clan-LambClan3

Postby rookie rook » Sat Mar 24, 2018 11:00 am

Number of Cats: 2
She-cats: 2<>Toms: 0
<>Next Moonpool visit: 3/30/18<>

Asking for a Deputy/2nd Moonpool Visit

Posts: Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Two moons have passed since Lambstar received her first medicine cat, Fadedsong. The two she-cats had become rather close and were practically best friends on the second day they knew each other, but still, something troubled them both. They didn't have much to eat and if any predators attacked, Lambstar would quickly loose her lives while trying to defend her medicine cat. The two she-cats were aware of this issue, but the freezing cold kept them from roaming far outside of camp and their short pelts kept them from leaving their warm nests inside their dens. Well, until one day, when the snow began to melt and the chilly air soon turned into warm sunlight.
"Lambstar, I think it's time." Fadedsong said one morning, climbing into the she-cat's den. The stone used to be freezing due to the snow and ice, but now it was warmer. The tortoiseshell peered inside the warm den and looked at the skinny white she-cat resting soundly in her nest. "Lambstar?"
"Yes?" Lambstar mewed, drowsily. "Time for what, Fadedsong?"
"For you to get a deputy, silly! And maybe some food. I'm starving."
"Time? What makes it the time to-" Lambstar cut herself off, realizing the change in temperature. She looked around her den, noticing that its color had changed to. Rather than being a blueish-gray, it was now a solid gray with a hint of orange reflecting off of it. "It's... It's no longer cold."
"Exactly! It's the perfect time to look for herbs and go hunting, so why don't you hunt, and I'll look for herbs?" Fadedsong suggested, though Lambstar knew she couldn't protest even if she wanted to.
"Alright. I'll catch something then visit moonpool. Maybe they'll be willing to give me a strong deputy who'll help me protect my Clan?"
"Oooh! Maybe they'll send you a tom!" Fadedsong joked, making Lambstar narrow her eyes at her. "Eh? Eh? This Clan could use some kits!"
"Leave me alone, Fadedsong!" Lambstar bantered, leaving her den before the medicine cat could say anything else.
Though it embarrassed her to admit it, she knew that Fadedsong was right. The Clan did need a tom, and kits could definitely boost LambClan's numbers up, but Lambstar wasn't too sure if she really wanted a mate so soon. I'll probably go on a border patrol to see if any rogues or loners have wandered on my territory. Lambstar thought. After I get that dashing deputy, of course.
On her way to moonpool, the scrawny white she-cat decided that it'd be best to hunt first then get a deputy later. She sniffed around for any hint of prey. She looked around until she spotted a small brown body. It was bigger than a mouse or finch but smaller than a normal sized rabbit. Getting down low, in a hunting position, Lambstar crept over towards it. She flexed her claws and licked her maw, ready to end the creature's life. She snuck closer and closer to it until she saw that its life had only just begun. It was a young bunny, and it looked like it had escaped its burrow. "Oh, I can't kill you.." Lambstar muttered to the bunny, though she knew it couldn't understand her. Besides all that, she muttered, louder this time,"Run back home to your family." And extended her claws, letting them glint in the sunlight, trying to scare the small creature off. The bunny must've caught that, as it snapped its head back then took off running to a dirt patch, which Lambstar guessed was where its burrow was hidden. She turned around, thankful that there would be new prey this season, but also hoping that there wouldn't be too much mischievous, young quarry so she'd actually be able to catch something and feel right about it.

[LambClan eats 2 servings]
[Lambstar hunts]
[Lambstar asks for a deputy]
[Fadedsong looks for herbs]

          Lambstar | 22 | She-cat | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Fadedsong | 19 | Female | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    GustClan | Chamrosh
    SunClan | Shadowbird12

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | GustClan | Chamrosh

    Medicine Store
    Poppy | x1
    Catmint | x1
    Tansy | x1
    Cobwebs | x1
    Coltsfoot | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 1 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by rookie rook on Wed May 16, 2018 12:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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