Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Heda's Clan Posts

Postby Heda » Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:41 pm

Weather Report wrote:
      The sun is shining and it has been constant heat and no rain! Water is getting scarce and cats can become overwhelmed by the heat! Be carefully sending cats out to do multiple things.Prey is plentiful and so is finding new cats!

~Glaceon~ wrote:
Males: Two Females: Three
Next SunJaw visit: two days

"This place looks different to the mountains." Olive mused, her gaze frightened as she could smell scents of cats, similar to the tribe's scent. It was much warmer here, with more signs of vegetation shrivelling. The bushes rustled as she walked past, causing her to hiss loudly. "Too many bushes here. Back in the mountains it was rare to see trees and the air was fresher." the bushes next to her was where cat scents were becoming stronger. She paused, eyes wide."Who goes there?" a she-cat entirely identical to one of the Haze-hunters strode out, followed by two warriors, one dappled and one had fur like a ginger bush. "A visitor has come to our territory." the first one commented. "Leave her alone, I think she is scared." the more graceful one purred softly, her brown eyes kind. The ginger one bounced around like a crazy hare, yelling. "Who are you?!" she asked, her words loud but her tone curious and excited. "Calm down." the first one ordered. "Is this better?" the ginger one lowered her noise levels and stared more. "That's enough. What have you come here for?" their leader asked, eyes searching Olive's wavering gaze. "I'm Olive and uh... I left from the mountains to come here." it was a lie, but not a big one. "You know the tribe with an identical cat like me - Leostorm or Dew or whatever he goes as now, Sun? - did you see him?" the leader let go of her seriousness for a moment, giving way to curiosity. "Sun? Oh ye-" Olive was stopped by the increasingly excited leader. "What does he think? He may be the most annoying sibling ever, but I miss him!" she purred fondly. "where is he?" the serious one of the two siblings regained her calm, but her eyes were as bright as Solarspark's on a really good day. "Tribe of Shimmering Dawn. Prey-Hunter. I think he said something about you once or twice..." the leader nodded. "I think you can come with us." she thankfully did not question why she had left.

Amberpaw looked up. The Sun was falling from it's high perch in the sky, and the first evening stars were glistening. The sky was bright, but her mind was clouded. "Smallpaw?" she asked softly, eyes glistening with all she had ever wanted to say and tears. "Hazelpaw? Mintpaw? Can you hear me?" she asked to five stars clustered. "Goldenheart? Meadowfern? Where are you?" her voice grew choked in tears. "I love you all! But where are you?" she repeated in a muffled voice, her amber eyes wide as the moon rose. Though the stars were gathering her heart was alone.

[Blossomfur, Solarspark, Thunderbird and Lyrastar go hunting]
[Emberblaze, Solarspark, Olive and Swiftsky patrol]
[Swiftsky and Amberpaw train: Battle]
[Solarspark herb-hunts]
[The clan consumes 2 Servings]

      [Blossomfur and Solarspark caught a wren and Lyrastar and Thunderbird caught a vole.]
      [On the patrol Emberblaze, Solarspark, Olive and Swiftsky come across a warrior.]
      [Amberpaw learns battle.]
      [While herb hunting Solarspark finds honey and poppyseed.]

winter solstice. wrote:
Number of Cats: 25 (12 M | 13 F)
Next Moonpool Visit: Anytime
Archive Thread: boop
Territory: boop

Serving Size: 6

(Received Sagepaw from DrizzleClan)

(One moon ago)
Honeytuft shook his head sadly. "This little one's paw is twisted. She'll have a permanent limp as she grows up." The she-kit whimpered and snuggled tightly against her mother. Brightstream meowed worriedly, "Can she become a proper warrior?" Vinescratch, her mate, meowed, certainty in his voice, "She'll be a great warrior, like her siblings." Honeytuft meowed carefully, "There are more ways than being a warrior to serve our Clan..." Vinescratch turned on the honey-colored tom and snapped, "She'll become a warrior if I can help it!" Honeytuft narrowed his eyes at the temperamental tom before sighing. He meowed, "The other three are healthy." With that, the SeaClan medicine cat turned on his heels and left, leaving the couple and their four kits behind. From the corner of the nursery, Whiterose murmured, "Vinescratch, I think you acted a little rudely before." The gray-and-white warrior sighed and meowed, "Sorry Whiterose, I'm just worried." Brightstream suggested after a moment of silence, "How about we think of that later and name our kits?" Vinescratch nodded and mewed, "You are right."

Turning his attention to the four kits suckling at their mother's belly, the gray-and-white tom meowed softly, "The fluffy gray tom will be Thistlekit, and the one that looks a lot like you will be Hollykit." Brightstream murmured, "They are wonderful names, dear." Softly nosing the gray-and-white tom-kit, the queen meowed, "This one's Fogkit." After a moment's hesitation, the deputy of SeaClan murmured, "And this one is Dapplekit." The calico she-kit mewled softly in response. Beside them, Silverstorm mewed, "Perfect names for four gorgeous kits."

<At the river>
Leafstar meowed, nodding approval as his apprentice, Ripplepaw, caught a fish, "That's right, Ripplepaw. Paws steady, don't unsheathe your claws until the last minute, and remember to keep that paw like a scoop, to throw the fish out of water." The gray tabby she-cat nodded, eyes shining brightly as she took mental notes. The two were about to head back to camp when a voice startled them, "Um, excuse me?" The two cats turned around and saw a black-and-white she-cat padding uncertainly out of the bushes. Leafstar meowed, "Who are you? What are you doing in SeaClan territory?" The she-cat sounded relieved as she meowed, "I heard you say her name is Ripplepaw, and thought you were Clan cats, and I was right." Shuffling her paws uncertainly, the apprentice-aged she-cat continued, "My name is Sagepaw, and I come from DrizzleClan. As for why..." She trailed off, swallowing. Ripplepaw meowed softly, "It's okay, you can tell us." Leafstar nodded, glancing at his apprentice in mild surprise. Sagepaw meowed, "After Reefstar died, I... well. It used to be MarineClan, you know, our Clan, and then everything changed after Frecklestar came to power. We changed our Clan name, and I felt uncomfortable there. It just took me this long to decide to leave for another Clan. That," she added sheepishly, "and I was too young before." Nodding thoughtfully, the sandy brown tabby tom prompted, "Sagepaw, was it? Why did you seek our Clan? There are plenty of clans out there in this world by now." The black-and-white she-cat meowed honestly, "I heard about how your Clan lived in the coast, and thought I could help." Glancing at his apprentice, who nodded, Leafstar decided, "All right, come with us." The sandy brown tabby tom led both his apprentice and the young she-cat back to camp.

On the way, Ripplepaw asked curiously, "So uh, how's DrizzleClan like? I only saw some clan cats last Gathering, and don't remember seeing DrizzleClan cats?" Sagepaw shrugged, "I'm not really sure anymore. I left pretty quick after Frecklestar came to power and MarineClan became DrizzleClan." Shaking her head, the apprentice mewed, "I honestly don't really know. I'm sorry." The older apprentice mewed, shaking her head, "No, no, don't be sorry! I'm sort of just curious, is all... I'm sorry if that's uncomfortable for you." Sagepaw smiled nervously, changing the topic, "Uhhh... So how's SeaClan?" Ripplepaw mewed, pride in her voice, "Our Clan is great! We love fishing, swimming, and just being a Clan?" She looked to her mentor for help, at which Leafstar chuckled, "Come on, Sagepaw, you'll see what she means soon."

<At camp>
Stormfang was the first to notice the black-and-white she-cat. The solid gray tom bounded over and, dipping his head to his leader in greeting, asked, "Who is this fine lady?" Leafstar replied, "Sagepaw of DrizzleClan. She says she left her Clan because she did not feel at home there after some major changes happened." Stormfang nodded and mewed, "You'l be calling a meeting?" The SeaClan leader nodded, "Of course." He then padded away to see Honeytuft in his chamber first, leaving Sagepaw and Ripplepaw with Stormfang. Ripplepaw meowed, explaining to her new friend, "This is Stormfang. He's a little grumpy and maybe a bit strict, but he's one of our best warriors!" The flatter made the gray tom blink with slight embarrassment. He meowed briskly, "Well, let's show you to where you will be spending your nights while you are an apprentice before Leafstar calls a meeting." Sagepaw nodded. To Ripplepaw, she squeaked, "Oh wow! This cave is huge!" The fluffy gray tabby she-cat mewed, "I know, right?" The two she-cats followed the older tom to the apprentices' chamber.

Some time passed before Leafstar decided to call a meeting. The SeaClan leader leapt up to the Meeting Ledge and called, "Let all cats old enough to catchtheir own prey meet here, beneath the Meeting Ledge, for a Clan meeting!" SeaClan cats came pouring out of the chambers to hear Leafstar speak. The sandy brown tabby tom nodded toward Sagepaw as he announced, "This moon StarClan has blessed us with an apprentice. She says she left her old Clan due to not feeling at home there, and wishes to join our Clan!" All eyes focused on Sagepaw as Whiterose, sitting at the entrance to the nursery, meowed sympathetically, "Oh you poor thing." The black-and-white she-cat mewed softly, "Thank you, Leafstar. SeaClan. I will try my best." Cheers broke out as Leafstar declared, "Sagepaw, all of SeaClan welcomes you to our Clan!" When the cheers died, rhe SeaClan leader continued, "And as she is young, and needs to learn of our ways, she will be assigned a mentor." Silence fell for a few moments as Leafstar made his decision. Taking a deep breath, he meowed, "Stormfang, it is high time you had your own apprentice. You had some experience, having taken over for Emberwhisker when she had fallen ill." Stormfang's jaws went slack with shock as he tried to comprehend what Leafstar had said. A moment passed before the solid gray tom made his way shakily to his new apprentice. Sagepaw eagerly touched noses with the warrior as Stormfang reciprocated the gesture. He then dipped his head to his leader and meowed, "I will not let you down, Leafstar." Another wave of cheers echoed in the chamber.

Leafstar meowed fondly to his apprentice, Ripplepaw, "Soon you and Ivypaw will be ready for your final assessments. I know you two will do fine." The fluffy she-cat mewed sadly, "But we won't have Daisypaw with us for our warrior ceremony." The SeaClan leader assured her, "At least she won't be alone. Sagepaw is here, and Bellkit will be apprenticed next moon." Ripplepaw noddedand sighed softly. "Okay, Leafstar. What will I be learning today?" Leafstar meowed, "Well, you have sharp eyes, so you can probably catch birds as well as Nightwing or Oakshadow." Ripplepaw's eyes brightened as she asked excitedly, "Climbing then? Do I get to climb trees?" Chuckling, the sandy brown tabby tom nodded. With a loud whoop of delight, Ripplepaw headed straight to the path that led to the Pine Grove, forcing Leafstar to run after her hastily.

<At the Pine Grove>
Leafstar motioned for Ripplepaw to stop. He meoed softly, "Can you feel it?" A shiver ran through the apprentice's body as the gray she-cat meowed, "I... We are being watched?" Nodding, Leafstar pressed, "Let's not give whoever it is the benefit of the doubt. Oakshadow and Vinescratch are joining us for a hunting patrol soon. Let's get this finished as quick as possible." Nodding, Ripplepaw followed her leader as closely as possible, her usually-cheery personality subdued at this revelation. A distant caw made the two cats jump with fright, but the two shook their heads and continued on.

Many pairs of beady eyes watched as two cats became four. The cats would not be forgiven for trespassing on their territory, but it wasn't time. Not yet, at least. For now, they enjoyed to unnerve the cats as they stepped into the forest they had claimed as home.

[ The Clan consumes hare x1, fish x1, and shrew x1. ]
[ Honeytuft looks for herbs. ]
[ Mintnose rests for a moon. ]
[ Honeytuft gives Mintnose bindweed x1 and sticks x1. ]
[ Tundra, Stormfang, and Nightwing hunt in the river. ]
[ Leafstar, Ripplepaw, Oakshadow, and Vinescratch hunt in the Pine Grove. ]
[ Shorefall, Daisypaw, Emberwhisker, and Ivypaw patrol by the sea. ]
[ Patchcloud and Dustflower patrol by the Pine Grove. ]
[ Leafstar teaches Ripplepaw climbing. ]
[ Shorefall teaches Daisypaw swimming. ]
[ Emberwhisker teaches Ivypaw swimming. ]
[ Stormfang teaches Sagepaw swimming. ]
[ Leafstar begins to sense that he and his cats are being watched while in the Pine Grove. ]

      [Honeytuft finds beech leaves and catchweed.]
      [Mintnose is healing well, she is fine but needs to take it easy for a few days!]
      [Tundra, Stormfang, and Nightwing catch a fish.]
      [Leafstar, Ripplepaw, Oakshadow, and Vinescratch catch a squirrel and a hare.]
      [On patrol Patchcloud and Dustflower find a apprentices.]
      [Ripplepaw learns climbing.]
      [Daisypaw, Ivypaw, and Sagepaw all learn swimming.]

22tabby wrote:
Number of Cats: 19 Next Moonpool visit: 2/18

It was FlickerClaw’s duty to show all new recruits the territory. This was probably one of his least favorite things to do. The Clan could’ve had such strong blood, such powerful warriors! Yet here we are, showing around another new female. Luckily, she wasn’t too intolerable. She seemed to understand what was right and wrong.
“Hey, so what’s up with the older Molly y’all got?”
FlickerClaw turned to WhiteWhisker and flicked his tail curiously. “What do you mean? We have no elders.”
She shook her head. “Dolly. She must’ve been a rogue or-”
“Kittypet.” FlickerClaw interrupted.
The white cat bristled. “And you showed her the territory? And she... lived?”
FlickerClaw chuckled. “It is a mystery isn’t it? You amuse me.”
WhiteWhisker looked at him sharply. “Uh, thanks...”
RowanStar watched the new female walk back into the Clan with his deputy. They walked with their heads close, each with smiles spread across their faces.
“There’s something unsettling about it, isn’t there?” RowanStar jumped when GustClaw approached him.
“How do you mean?”
GustClaw sighed. “I don’t see FlickerClaw ever getting that close to a female. Or a new member.”
RowanStar shrugged. “I don’t think it’s a huge problem. Maybe he’s actually taking an interest in her.”
GustClaw was silent for a long moment. “...I don’t like how they’re whispering. Or looking at other cats.”
“GustClaw, don’t be silly. He’s just telling her about them.” RowanStar smiled as the two cats eyes shifted to them, and FlickerClaw whispered words no one could hear. “See? It’s fine.”
“RowanStar, be careful. I do not know much of your StarClan, but I do not think this is a cat that they regard highly.” GustClaw just sighed, hoping her point was clear as she left the leader to think on her words.

[center]The Clan consumed 1 bird
RowanStar and Dolly go on a border patrol
GustClaw takes BrackenPaw to learn Fighting
FlickerClaw, WhiteWhisker, and AppleClaw go hunting
HareFur and EmberFoot go hunting
MoonEar and KestralTalon go hunting
MudWhisker and RainPaw help the queens
SilverFeather is kitting! Father is RowanStar
WhiteSea is kitting! Father is MoonEar
SleetTongue is kitting! Father is KestrelTalon


      [Rowenstar and Dolly find an apprentice.]
      [Brakenpaw learns fighting.]
      [While hunting FlickerClaw, WhiteWhisker, and AppleClaw catch a squirrel.]
      [HareFur and EmberFoot catch a vole.]
      [MoonEar and KestralTalon catch a bird.]
      [Mudwhisker and Kestraltalon use two sticks and chervil for the kittings.]
      [Silverfeather had one healthy kit!]
      [Whitesea had four kits but only two survived.]
      [Sleettongue had two kits! all healthy.]
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( ☁ mistclan → [ 14 ] `` )

Postby notwearingsocks » Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:09 pm

number of cats: thirty five [ nineteen toms | sixteen mollies ]
next moonpool visit: now !

addercloud stared at palesun. palesun held her gaze, his ears pricked forwards and his tail twitching against the dusty floor of his den. "i'm sure we'll get along wonderfully," the thick-furred tomcat purred, a grin lifting the edges of his mouth. addercloud blinked at him for a long time, feeling very small with her short, curly pelt, but nodded once, her whiskers flicking. "i suppose," she drawled, shuffling her paws. this tom seemed smart, despite his bumbly exterior - he had a massive stock of herbs, carefully organized, and his den seemed cozy enough. at her words, palesun's smile brightened. "wonderful!" he announced, drawing himself to his paws. "redhawk should be kitting any moment now, and i'll need someone to gather herbs while i tend to her." almost as if on cue, a yowl rose from the nursery. without a second thought, palesun dashed to the fern-woven den, weaving between warriors and apprentices who were grouped together, about to exit the camp to go training. kestrelflight met palesun's eyes as he skirted past, and mouthed "take care of her" before leading the other warriors and their apprentices from the camp.
addercloud watched the exchange with a small pang of longing - in shatteredclan, nobody had been particularly close to one another. tangledvine had accompanied her to the mistclan territory after shatteredclan had disbanded - tangledvine was still hoping to find cougarstar and flurrywind, though addercloud's only concern was for the kits that cougarstar would be giving birth to soon. thoughts preoccupied, addercloud whirled around to pad out of camp, but - alas, someone was in her way, and she collided with him roughly. the molly stumbled back, catching her balance after a pause in which her eyes rose to examine the tom whom she'd gotten accidentally close with. he was an orange tabby, dark rings around his eyes, which were currently peering at addercloud with interest. "you like it here, no?" he asked by way of introduction, his tail twitching. he had noticed the molly when she'd arrived with tangledvine, noticed how she gazed around at the family-like group of cats in awe, noticed how she'd blinked jealously at toadsplash and claystream, who were sharing tongues when she'd arrived. addercloud shrugged, wary. was he trying to hurt her? tell her that she'd never have anything like that? addercloud had grown up without a family, and seeing one now hurt her almost physically, sent shooting pains through her heart. "you don't have to distance yourself," eclipseheart nodded towards the kits, who were tumbling around, and the queens, who lazed about in the sun ( all except for redhawk, of course, whose racket had died down ). swanlake's full belly bulged, white pelt bright in the sunlight. "we're all friends here." he paused, eyes flashing towards addercloud. "i'm eclipseheart," he told her, head cocked slightly as he examined her. "addercloud, yes?" the molly nodded, her paws kneading the ground nervously before her. "hello, eclipseheart," she murmured softly, eyeing the tomcat. she sighed, after a moment, but it was a contented kind of sound. "i have a feeling i'm going to like it here."

- -

pineleg exhaled slowly. he found it odd, this way of living, the way that the clan spoke to one another freely, the way that the leader and the medicine cats were seperate entities. he eyed the guards and prey-hunters - er, warriors. he was having a hard time getting used to this whole rank thing. pineleg stood, then, falling into step with another seemingly new cat - tangledtime? tangledshine? tangledvine, that was it. "are you going on a, uh - " pineleg paused, contemplating. "border patrol! yes, border patrol. are you going on one of those?" tangledvine turned his eyes towards the other tom, an eyebrow raised haughtily. "yes, i am, and if you wish to accompany me i would recommend lowering your voice. you'll scare away anything we might find."
kylo and hux were to recieve their warrior names that moon. they lay beside one another, legs entertwined, bickering, as per usual. "well i think darkmask sounds neat," kylo huffed at his mate, ears flicking. "better than toadsplash, that's for certain." hux chortled at that, shoving kylo with a paw. "mousebrain," he chastised, grinning. "i think leafcurl, or redcurl, maybe, sounds pretty great." kylo stretched, extending his body to it's full length - which was rather lengthy, what with his long legs. "leafcurl," he nodded, tail draped over hux. "sounds good."

- - -

[ slatestar welcomes skunkpaw to mistclan ! ]
[ slatestar welcomes pineleg, formerly from the tribelands, to mistclan ! ]
[ slatestar welcomes tangledvine, formerly of shatteredclan, to mistclan ! ]
[ slatestar welcomes addercloud, formerly of shatteredclan, to mistclan ! ( proof ) ]
[ slatestar requests a warrior from starclan ! ]
[ redhawk is kitting ! swiftsky of cosmoclan is the father ! ]
[ palesun remains in camp to help her ]
[ shrikethorn tries with lizardpath of moorclan for kits ! ]
[ dovesky tries with leopardpelt of treeclan for kits ! ]
[ duckwater and bearpaw, rookwing and warblerpaw, kestrelflight and magpiepaw, slatestar and canarypaw, and toadsplash and skunkpaw train together ]
[ when they return, duckwater, rookwing, bearpaw, and warblerpaw patrol the borders ]
[ when they return, slatestar, toadsplash, kestrelflight, magpiepaw, canarypaw, and skunkpaw go on a hunting patrol ]
[ addercloud searches for herbs ]
[ pineleg and tangledvine patrol the borders ]
[ claystream, kylo, hux, goosefeather, and jackalfang go on a hunting patrol ]
[ mistclan consumes x7 servings ]


          slatestar | twenty eight moons | tom | x
          lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          mothstep | thirty moons | molly | x
          kestrelflight | thirty two moons | tom | x

          medicine cat:
          palesun | thirty one moons | tom | x
          addercloud | seventeen moons | molly | x

          medicine cat apprentice:
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          kestrelflight | thirty three moons | tom | x
          redhawk | thirty three moons | molly | x
          toadsplash | thirty four moons | tom | x
          claystream | twenty eight moons | molly | x
          quailtuft | thirty two moons | molly | x
          kylo | eighteen moons | tom | x
          hux | eighteen moons | tom | x
          duckwater | thirty eight moons | tom | x
          goosefeather | thirty four moons | molly | x
          rookwing | thirty three moons | tom | x
          eclipseheart | forty six moons | tom | x
          jackalfang | twenty eight moons | molly | x
          dovesky | twenty two moons | molly | x
          swanlake | twenty seven moons | molly | x
          shrikethorn | thirteen moons | molly | x
          pineleg | twenty nine moons | tom | x
          tangledvine | nineteen moons | tom | x

          bearpaw | nine moons | tom | x
          warblerpaw | six moons | molly | x
          magpiepaw | six moons | tom | x
          canarypaw | six moons | tom | x
          skunkpaw | six moons | molly | x

          mothstep | thirty moons | molly | x
          quailtuft | thirty two moons | molly | x
          redhawk | thirty three moons | molly | x
          ↳ due; now
          swanlake | twenty seven moons | molly | x
          ↳ due; next post

          wheatkit | five moons | tom | x
          sheepkit | five moons | molly | x
          foxkit | three moons | molly | x
          eaglekit | three moons | tom | x
          otterkit | three moons | tom | x
          ferretkit | three moons | tom | x
          fawnkit | three moons | molly | x

          troutwhisker | eighty three moons | tom | x
          fernbreeze | 142 moons | molly | x

          kylo has a diagonal scar across his face

          adult references:
    ally clans:
    brambleclan | molossers ♥
    clan name | username

    enemy clans:
    clan name | username
    clan name | username

    north ↑ | wisteriaclan | noodle?
    northeast ↗ | cosmoclan | ~glaceon~
    east → | brambleclan | molossers ♥
    southeast ↘ | clan name | username
    south ↓ | moleclan | chinchy
    southwest ↙ | clan name | username
    west ← | cliffclan | sushinekko
    northwest ↖ | clan name | username

    medicine store:
    cobwebs | x2 | soaks up & stops bleeding; binds
    broken bones
    chervil | x5 | treats infection & bellyache; used
    during kitting
    borage leaves | x2 | more & better milk; brings
    down fevers
    raspberry leaves | x1 | eases pain & stops bleeding
    burdock root | x1 | eases pain & prevents infection
    from rat bites
    juniper berries | x1 | calms, eases bellyache &
    troubled breathing
    catmint | x2 | greencough & whitecough remedy
    goatweed | x1 | eases anxiety and grief
    lovage | x2 | can help cure coughs if mixed with
    bindweed | x1 | fastens sticks to broken legs
    rosemary | x1 | hides the scent of death
    honey | x2 | soothes infection & smokey lungs
    or sore throats, soothes coughing & gives energy
    mouse bile | x1 | makes ticks fall off
    dandelion | x2 | soothes bee stings, painkiller
    feverfew | x1 | reduces temperature, heals
    aches and pains
    ragwort leaf | x1 | helps aching joint & gives energy

    fresh-kill pile:
    hare | x3 | 3 servings
    mouse | x6 | 1 serving
    bird | x4 | 3 servings
    shrew | x6 | 1 serving ( -1 )
    stoat | x6 | 2 servings ( -3 )
    small fish | x1 | 2 servings
    current number of servings | x50 ( -7 )
    servings needed | 35 - 41 cats | x7

    duckwater | bearpaw | three training sessions
    ↳ fighting, stealth, hunting
    rookwing | warblerpaw | zero training sessions
    ↳ skills
    kestrelflight | magpiepaw | zero training sessions
    ↳ skills
    slatestar | canarypaw | zero training sessions
    ↳ skills
    toadsplash | skunkpaw | zero training sessions
    ↳ skills

    deceased cats:
    cat name | cause of death
    cat name | cause of death

    kestrelflight and redhawk | siblings ☀
    slatestar and palesun | forbidden mates ♥
    wheatkit ( adopted ) and sheepkit ( adopted )
    toadsplash and claystream | mates ♥
    warblerpaw, magpiepaw, & canarypaw
    quailtuft & weaseltooth ( wisteriaclan ) | forbidden kits 🌩
    mothstep and eaglefeather of stagclan | forbidden kits 🌩
    eaglekit, otterkit, ferretkit, & fawnkit
    kylo and hux | mates ♥
    redhawk and swiftsky of cosmoclan | forbidden kits 🌩
    swanlake and ravenwing of brambleclan | forbidden kits 🌩
Last edited by notwearingsocks on Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:29 pm, edited 4 times in total.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlive or die trying.


haleigh [ she/her ] / north carolina / adult

ravenclaw / dog groomer / writer / explorer

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▷ ── ꜰᴀʟᴄᴏɴᴄʟᴀɴ ── [ 004 ]

Postby imperials » Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:23 pm


              archive )
              cats ) [ 09 ] [ 5 - f ] [ 4 - m ]
              [ 3 servings ]
              deaths )
              [ 000 ]
              next starpool visit )
              moon )
              [ 004 ]

      post )

      xxxxxxxreplies for falconclan are a huge work in progress, i just wanted to get a post down
      so i can possibly speed up some stuff a bit and not be as inactive with the clan as i write the story ^^

              daily board )
              [ new cats :: dusty, riverpaw, sunrise, opal, hawk ]
              [ food :: 1 squirrel and 1 mouse ]
              hunting patrols )
                [ tree hunting patrols [ squirrel, bird ] :: x ]
                [ fishing patrol [ small fish ] :: riverpaw and oceaneyes ]
                [ ground hunt patrol [ squirrel, mice, shrew ] :: x ]
                [ birds of prey hunting patrol [ large bird, bird, mice, rabbit ] :: x ]
              [ boarder patrol :: owlstar, rune, dusty ]
              [ nursery :: opal is due in 1 moon
              oceaneyes is due in 1 moon ]
              [ injuries / sicknesses :: x ]
              training skills )
                [ climbing :: x ]
                [ hunting :: hawk trains riverpaw ]
                [ aquatic :: oceaneyes trains lynxpaw ]
                [ herbs :: x ]
                [ fighting :: x ]
                [ birds of prey hunting :: x ]
              [ herb hunting :: shadowpool ]
              [ ceremonies :: x ]
              [ starpool visit :: owlstar asks for a new clanmate [ any ] ]
              [ other :: ]

          Leader )
            owlstar | 33 moons | male
              Lives ) ★★★★★★★★★

          Deputy )

          Medicine Cat )
            shadowpool | 26 moons | female

          Medicine Cat Apprentice )

          Warriors )
            rune | 38 moons | male
            dusty | 32 moons | male
            sunrise | 36 moons | male

          Apprentices )
            lynxpaw | 14 moons | female
            riverpaw | 12 moons | female

          Queens )
            opal | 28 moons | due in 1 moon
            oceaneyes | 26 moons | due in 1 moon

          Kits )

          Elders )

      ally clans )
      clan name | username
      clan name | username

      enemy clans )
      clan name | username
      clan name | username

      borders )
      mountains (n) | clan | username
      dense forest (e) | clan | username
      plains (s) | clan | username
      mountains (w) | clan | username

    herbal medicine store )
    borage leaves [ produces more and better milk, brings down fevers ] x2
    dock [ x ] x1
    rush [ x ] x1
    cobwebs [ to stop/slow bleeding, may also be used to bind broken bones ] x2
    goldenrod [ good for healing wounds ] x2
    poppyseeds [ helps a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens. ] x2
    yarrow [ extracts poison from wounds, makes a cat vomit up toxins, helps heal cracked pads. ] x2
    catmint [ greencough ] x1
    wild garlic [ prevent rat bite infections ] x1
    honey [ soothes coughs ] x1
    tormentill [ treats all wounds ] x1
    burnet [ travelling herb ] x1
    willow bark [ eases pain ] x1
    parsley [ dries a queen's milk ] x1

    fresh-kill pile )
    squrriel | x0 | 2 servings
    birds [any] | x5 | 2 servings
    rabbit | x1 | 3 servings
    mice | x2 | 1 servings
    small fish | x2 | 1 servings
    vole | x1 | 1 servings

    deceased )
    name | death
    name | death

    mentors )
    oceaneyes mentors lynxpaw
    cat mentors cat

    apprentice skills )
    ( climbing, hunting, aquatic, herbs, fighting, birds of prey )

    lynxpaw - hunting
    riverpaw[ climbing ]

    relations )
    [ ▷ - cat likes cat ] [ // - forbidden ] [ + - mates ]
    [ cat name + cat name | kit/s name/s - families ]

    rune + oceaneyes
    opal + father

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:57 am

Greenleaf- The air has started to heat up and the flood waters had receded back to a level safe for young cats to go near again. Kittings are still easier than they would be during leaf-fall and leafbare but they won't be as easy as they were during newleaf. Twolegs and their dogs have been sighted less frequently now that we are further into Greenleaf. The rogue groups however are now pushing on Clan borders more.


[ Mapleclan ] | [ Soulclan ] | [ Yewclan ] | [ Leafclan ] | [ Cragclan ] | [ Skullclan ] | [ Forestclan ] | [ Gustclan ] | [ Sageclan ] |
[ Dawnclan ] | [ Briarclan ] | [ Jinxclan ] | [ Groveclan ] | [ Sycamoreclan ] | [ Dappleclan ] | [ OakTreeclan ] | [ Autumnclan ]
[ Sparrowclan ] | [ Cascadeclan ] | [ Bloodclan ] | [ Drizzleclan ] | [ Waveclan ] | [ Slateclan ] | [ Horizonclan ]


eclipseis,, wrote:

      Ryeclan.  Founded many moons ago by a little she cat who lived with the owners of a little farm, it was when the owners suddenly up and left that she decided to take charge.  The she cat—named Marigold— gathered up a few local strays and barncats and founded Ryeclan.   The once strong clan fell after a fatal plague that swept through the territory, but now a single cat (A descendant of Marigoldstar herself) is ready to rise Ryeclan up from its scattered ashes and make it the glorious clan it once was.

      Memorable Cats
      Marigold, the founding cat.  She was later named Marigoldstar, and even became mates with her deputy Brackenweb and had three kits.
      Brackenweb, the deputy of Ryeclan.  He was the mate of Marigoldstar and father to three kits.
      Tilly, the youngest daughter of Marigoldstar and Brackenweb.  She was swayed by the kittypet life.  Although she was a kittypet, she came to see and chat with the clan from time to time.  She was believed to aid injured cats.
      Slatewing, the son of the deputy and leader.  He was the clans most trusted warrior, and would have became deputy if the clan hadn't fell when it did.
      Goldenripple, the oldest daughter.   She was a strong warrior and a great friend to all.  She ended up having a kit when the clan died, though she and her kit's father died from a rouge attack soon after the birth.

      (all cat listed above are now dead)

      Ryeclan lives in the territory that is mostly plains and farmland, plus a few forested areas in between it all.  They have a two large lakes, one in the more open area (see picture above) and one hidden by the trees and shrubs.  Their camp is the small abandoned barn, which has many wooden planks to perch on and a loft where the leader and high ranking cats sleep.  There are two lofts, one on each side of the barn.   Announcements are made on loft that isn't occupied by the high ranking cats.  Warriors sleep on the ground on hay stacks or perched on the railings.  And the nursery is a small area secluded from the rest just beneath the announcement loft, right next to the medicine den.

      Ryeclan cats are quite civil for the most part, they aren't the type of cat to shove others away because of their roots.  If they're clanborn, rogues, loners or even kittypets they only need to show their loyalty to the clan to be accepted.  Other clans might take this friendly and welcoming personality as a sign of weakness but Ryeclan can definitely show their strength.  When needed they will fight with ruthless nature, turning from kind cats to evil demons in a matter of seconds if they are crossed.

      Ryeclan welcomes all cats regardless of their looks, but there are some coat types and colours that are more common.  Cream, Tuxedo, Black, Calico and Tortieshell cats are the most common.   Cats are also commonly longhaired with either tufted, curled or folded ears.  Shorthairs are pretty common too, however.

      Could my leader be this guy?

] Ryeclan has been founded ]
[ Your mod will be Krazykitty00 ]


aura. wrote:
[ patrol: aquilegia, dragon, diamond, clover, conch, hemlock]
[ hunting: moth, cardamine, vapor, fumitory, finch, rowan ]
[ training: all apprentices ]
[ prey eaten: none ]
[ labor: none]
[ trying for kits: none ]
[ starclan visit: none ]

[ Aquilegia, Dragon, Diamond, Clover, Conch and Hemlock found a mercs while on patrol ]
[ Finchpaw, Adderpaw, Cinnamonpaw, Galepaw, Luxxpaw, Hollypaw, Shadowpaw, Pumpkinpaw and Arumpaw learned the Hunting skill while training ]


sincerely. wrote:

          xxxxthe castle was sprawling and impressive, ancient from the time of kings and queens. inside, in the shadows of the dim halls shadows of shapes lurked, clinging to the walls, with a soft noise ever so often. the shadows were the outlines of felidae, their coats ranging from darker colors to the occasional white, with personalities as sharp as a blade and wit beyond imaginable.

          xxxxthey live within this castle known as hartslove long abandoned by the “others” who ruled the land. the hierarchy of the others still lived within the band of cats who call themselves blossomclan and have been passed down throughout the ages of the clan.

          requesting this to be my founder.

[ Blossomclan has been founded ]
[ Your mod will be Krazykitty00 ]
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby little koi. » Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:13 am


Number Of Cats : One (1 male || 0 females)
Next Moonpool Visit : Now

Goldenstar sat just outside the barn camp and stared out at the rising sun.  His bronze coloured eyes glimmered in the sunlight as it filtered between a few trees that were nestled close to the barn, warming his creamy coated fur.   He shut his eyes and let in a peaceful inhale, taking the moment to appreciate the life that grew around him.  Goldenstar knew that his clan would grow too.  His grandmother's clan.  Ryeclan.  

It was in his blood and in his roots.  The tom knew he would raise it back up to the strong clan he had heard stories of.  Goldenstar would be the first of many leaders for this new Ryeclan.  "Ryeclan will rise again." He said aloud, letting those words get picked up and away by the wind.  

The longhaired tom rose to his paws with his tail sweeping across the air for a moment before he began to move himself into a walk.  His nose pointed in the direction of the patch of trees and forest, which Goldenstar knew would give him good shelter from the heat that was beginning to bubble up.

( Goldenstar hunts )
( Goldenstar patrols )
( Goldenstar asks Starclan for a deputy )   

Leader :
Goldenstar ➢ 30 ➢ Tom ➢
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Deputy :
Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]

Medicine Cat :
Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]

Warriors :
Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]
Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]

Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]
Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]

Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]
Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]

Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]
Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]

Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]
Name ➢ Age ➢ Gender ➢ [url=link]♦[/url]
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
Herb | Usage
Herb | Usage

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mouse | x0 | 1 servings
Sparrow | x0 | 1 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
Chicken | x0 |  3 servings

Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kits
Name and Name | Kits


    hello, i'm little koi.  
    you can just call me
    koi though!  

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quickclan ( intro )

Postby eagle, » Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:59 am

"tell me the story about quickfoot, again?"

once, too many moons to go to count, a great clan of cats was said to rise up from a dip in the moor, emerging from rabbit dens and foxholes.
together, the cats banded together in order to survive the treachery of those from forests, swamps, and other surrounding territories. at the
time, the cats allied themselves under a single ruler who called himself sharpstar. as a leader, sharpstar was ruthless, but was able to keep
the large group together and defeat those who opposed them. under his leadership, the cats left the moor ad began to venture into the
surrounding forest, where it was said that the prey was plentiful and without the risk of exposure on the moorland. one of the warriors,
named quickfoot, was noted to be the fastest warrior in the group and, possibly, the rest of the wild cats. when sharpstar fell ill, many
cats suspected that quickfoot would be named his successor. instead, sharpstar's son, thornrush, was given the honor. when sharpstar
finally joined starclan, the cats mourned him, only to find future troubles under thornstar's leadership. while sharpstar was stern yet
used his command for the sake of all, thornstar relished the power for his own sake and led the cats into unnecessary bloodshed. unsatisfied
and worried for his own family, quickfoot led his supporters from thornstar's clan. under quickfoot, the cats returned to the moor and found
their camp waiting for them. the cats made a dip in the moor and a nearby series of caves and tunnels situated against a crevice of stone
into their home. however, it was not without consequence. thornstar and his followers found quickfoot's smaller group and killed many cats.

in the aftermath, only quickfoot's son raised a new clan under his father's name and sought to return to the early days of sharpstar, when
the cats on the moor were free and able to stand up to their enemies. however, again, trouble followed the cats. a series of leaders proved
to be weak, and quickclan disbanded many times. quickfoot's immediate descendants were all killed and seasons have passed. time and time
again, quickclan fell apart, whether from attacks of the descendants from thornstar's clan, or from internal disputes. now, no cats knew
quickfoot personally, but quickclan cats are known to be decisively loyal to a fault, and they strive to return to the glory of legends. the
cats are criticized for not being a clan so much as group of dreamers, following the legends to their own destruction. the last leader was
overthrown for weakness, and the cats split up into their own groups.
however, a rumor spread over the moor that a new leader is looking to hold quickclan together and return to the days of quickfoot and
sharpstar, this time with the blessing of starclan.

quickclan's territory consists primary of moorland, though there are many streams that connect over the land. their camp is on the
eastern end of their territory, where a stream feeds into a dip in the moorland. the dip leads further into a drop off, where a cliff is drilled
with a series of interlocking caves. the caves provide relief from the wind that always whips across the land, giving shelter for queens,
kits, and elders. in order to survive the moorland, apprentices are stressed the importance of climbing, agility, and swimming.

when it comes to temperament, the cats of quickclan are usually thought to be demure and the type to flee instead of fight. while they
do not go out of their way to start trouble, they are easily offended and will defend their clan and legends to a fault. anyone who crosses
their system of beliefs are likely to be considered as enemies. when meeting other clans, these cats keep a distant air about them, detached
and unlikely to instigate or intervene in another's business. instead, they usually prefer sticking to their own.

most quickclan cats are lithe from running across the moorland. the cats are divided internally between those who hunt and those who do
more of the fighting. while all are categorized as warriors, the cats with thicker frames or darker pelts stick closer to camp or help the
lithe and lighter cats bring prey back to camp or hunt if need be. guards are considered to be in higher esteem over the hunters, though
the hunters are imperative for the survival of the entire clan.

(i recently disbanded by last clan because i didn't have muse for it, i hope it's okay to start another!)
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby PrincessAlexis » Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:56 am


Number of Cats: 8

Toms: 3 | Queens: 5
Starclan Visit: Now

The season of Greenleaf was upon Dappleclan, and it was bearing down hard on them. Their desert home, close as it was to the single wide river which nourished the nearby land, did little for the sand and scrub which made up their territory. Most of the cacti had lost their flowers as well, so the landscape was an almost unbroken vista of tan with the occasional brown or dusky green feature.

Lionstar was used to this weather and it didn't bother him the way it did the others. His family had lived on these lands long before his little group banded together, and the newcomers needed time to adapt. Mostly the kind-hearted leader felt bad for Snowfoot, a long-coated Persian-type who was one of the most recent additions to the clan. Some days she merely lay beneath a rocky outcropping, lying on her side and panting, the weather's effects were so intense.

The youngest clan members, Owlpaw and Flamepaw, were doing comparatively well. They spent much of the day playing together, practicing wrestling and stalking like most apprentices tend to do. Flamepaw was much older and nearly always bested her companion, but she knew the wisdom of letting Owlpaw win occasionally in order to build up his confidence.

The new apprentices proved to be especially helpful because Owlpaw had joined the clan by tagging along behind his older sister, Foxtail. As a warrior, naturally she volunteered to complete his training, beginning with hunting. At first Lionstar was hesitant, feeling that a mentor from within the clan would help secure a sense of loyalty, but he found that he had nothing to worry about: the two had starved and scavenged for so long that they treated their new home as if it were the clan of their birth, so loyal were they to Lionstar's smallest instruction.

Flamepaw and Snowfoot had also arrived together, and after basic testing by Raccoonmask, it was determined that Flamepaw was fully trained and merely on need of the ritual which would secure her status as an official warrior.

Lionstar's big decision last season - breaking the warrior code and clan tradition to allow medicine cats the right to have families - had already taken effect. Feathercurl was now expecting kittens, though the time of their arrival would be moons away.

Sometimes his mind wandered again to family matters, but his heart was not in it as it had been when he himself had fallen in love with Feathercurl. Nevertheless, he was a male and couldn't help noticing the various pleasing qualities of the females in his charge.

For what it was worth, Flamepaw looked very much like him although with striking blue eyes, but she was far too young for him to seriously consider making their relationship romantic. What could a mere apprentice have in common with a cat old enough to have seen the disbanding of one clan and begun the creation of his own?

Raccoonmask was so serious and business-like that he found the idea of being her mate to be more of a political move than a personal one, and so he continued to ignore that option despite knowing she would very likely accept his proposal out of professional courtesy and a sense of mutual obligation.

In reality, he felt his affection for Snowfoot to be growing, albeit slowly. She had acted calm and quiet since appearing at his borders, and her difficulty adapting to desert life made him feel protective of her. Maybe a relationship would bee just the thing to make her feel at home.

He decided to ask her after the day's work was done. With the clan growing so large, there was much to do.

[Dappleclan consumes one sand viper.]
[Lionstar goes to the Moonpool and asks Starclan for a warrior.]
[Lionstar and Raccoonmask go on patrol.]
[Foxtail mentors Owlpaw in hunting.]
[Frostwing goes to gather herbs.]
[Raccoonmask, Feathercurl, Snowfoot, Foxtail, Owlpaw and Flamepaw go hunting.]
[Lionstar asks Snowfoot to be his mate, and she shyly accepts.]

          Lionstar | 73 Moons | Male |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Raccoonmask | 49 Moons | Female |

          Medicine Cat:
          Frostwing | 25 Moons | Male |

          Foxtail | 15 Moons | Female |
          Snowfoot | 30 Moons | Female |

          Flamepaw | 25 Moons | Female |
          Owlpaw | 5 Moons | Male |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☆[/url]

          Feathercurl | 31 Moons | Female |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☆[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☆[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☆[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☆[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☆[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Moorclan | Dinolil1
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Chervil x1 | Used for infected wounds and bellyache. Can also be used during kitting.
    Cobwebs x1 | Stops bleeding
    Hawkweed x1 | Treatment for greencough and whitecough.
    Marigold x1 | Stops infection and bleeding.
    Tansy x1 | Cures coughs, wounds, and poisons. Can stop cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Jerboa | x0 | 1 serving
    Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
    Lizard | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Lark (Bird) | x1 | 2 servings
    Sand Viper (Snake) | x1 | 3 servings
    Hare | x0 |  3 servings

    Foxtail | Owlpaw | First session this moon | Hunting
    Raccoonmask | Flamepaw | Four before joining clan | Hunting, Tracking, Stealth, Battle

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Frostwing and Feathercurl | Expecting kits in two moons
    Name and Name | Kits

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby serpentine. » Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:55 am

[ number of cats 42 ] [ next moonpool visit now ]

will edit post in later!!

[ new cats ; owlkit, littlekit, leafpaw, goldenbat, lizardtail, and perchwing from re-adoption ]
[ gave wolfclaw for jackalfang in a trade ]
[ other ; all non-expecting queens have been moved back to warrior duties ]

[ lives lost ; summitstar looses 1 due to a fox attack and as a result is blind in one eye ]

[ moonpool ; summitstar asks for a tenderfoot ]

[ apprentice ceremony ; scottykit, his mentor will be ambercoal ]
[ leafpaw’s mentor will be frostfur. due to wolfclaw joining another clan, thistleclaw will be speckledpaw’s new mentor. ]

[ mates ; goldenbat — meets up with eclipseheart of mistclan to have kits, eaglefrost — meets up with tangledvine of mistclan to have kits, shrikefur — meets up with white maine coon vaporfish of drizzleclan to have kits, frostflower — meets up with jadefang of jayclan to have kits ]

[ birth ; mothflight goes into labour, blazeheart of jayclan is the father ]
[ nursery ; lizardtail, received from a re-adoption, is due in 2 moons ]

[ training ; frostfur and leafpaw, ambercoal and scottypaw, thistleclaw and speckledpaw ]

[ border patrols ; patrol one — summitstar, mothflight, and redtail, patrol two — redtail, mooseclaw, hemlockclaw, and fallowtail ]
[ hunting patrols ; patrol one — eaglefrost, wolfclaw, and whitethroat, patrol two — forstfur, thistleclaw, and ambercoal, patrol three — shrikefur, frostflower, and dewthorn, patrol four — jackalfang and goldenbat ]

matriarch ummitstar
24 moons, ♀ blind in one eye + a nicked ear
lives: ★★★★★★★★ [ eight out of nine ]

vicarium othflight
23 moons, ♀ pure white with orange eyes

medicus gretcall
25 moons, ♂ striped grey and white

medicus recruit name, age, gender

praelia admiral name, age, gender

praelia edtail, 22 moons, ♂
eaglefrost, 22 moons, ♀
hitethroat, 20 moons, ♂
rostfur, 19 moons, ♂
histleclaw, 19 moons, ♂
mbercoal (front), 39 moons, ♂
hrikefur, 23 moons, ♀
rostflower, 29 moons, ♀
ewthorn, 27 moons, ♀
igertail, 22 moons, ♂
ooseleaf, 14 moons, ♂
emlockclaw, 21 moons, ♂
allowtail, 21 moons, ♀
irehawk, 13 moons, ♂
oldenbat, 30 moons, ♀
ackalfang, 29 moons, ♀
perchwing, 14 moons, ♀
pottedleaf, 20 moons
ollyfur, 19 moons
istyfoot, 17 moons
ilverstream, 21 moons
eathertail, 22 moons

tenderfoot peckledpaw, 7 moons, ♂
eafpaw, 6 moons, ♂
cottypaw, 6 moons, ♂

dames izardtail, 20 moons

iuventa hitekit, 4m, ♀
lamekit, 4 moons, ♂
uniperkit, 4m, ♀
lderkit, 4 moons, ♂
reykit, 3 moons, ♂
tormkit, 3 moons, ♂
tonekit, 3 moons, ♂
shkit, 3 moons, ♀
arkkit, 2 moons, ♀
amberkit, 1 moon, ♀
loudkit, 1 moon, ♂
rumkit, 1 moon, ♀
ittlekit, 1 moon, ♂
wlkit, 1 moon, ♂

superiors ittlestream, 101 moons, ♂
medicine stock
alder bark | x1, cobwebs | x3, juniper berries | x1
lavender | x2, poppy seeds | x3, rogwort leaves | x1
sorrel | x1, nettle leaves | x1, chamomile | x1
catmint | x1, heather nectar | x1, parsley | x1
mint | x1, stinging nettle | x1, bindweed | x1
blackberry leaves | x1, dock | x1, horsetail | x1
lamb’s ear | x1, rush | x1, mallow leaves | x1
holly berries | x1, burdock root | x1, borage leaves | x1
foxglove seeds | x1, marigold | x1, coltsfoot | x1
catchweed | x1, celandine | x1, daisy leaf | x1

fresh kill eagle | x6 | 18 servings
hawk | x2 | 6 servings
rabbit | x2 | 4 servings
squirrel | x3 | 6 servings
ermine (stoat) | x4 | 10 servings
hare | x2 | 6 servings
minnow | x3 | 3 servings
rock bass | x2 | 6 servings

borders north; morningclan
northeast; jayclan
east; brambleclan
west; open
south ; open

allies open
enemies open

thistleclaw | speckledpaw | 1 training session | hunting
ambercoal | scottypaw | training sessions | moves
frostfur | leafpaw | training sessions | moves

maplekit | weakness at 2 moons

redtail and eaglefrost | scottykit, leopardkit, tigerkit, fostering owlkit and littlekit
whitethroat and spottedleaf | speckledkit, smokeykit, maplekit
frostfur and hollyfur | whitekit, flamekit, juniperkit, alderkit
?? and mistyfoot | stormkit, stonekit, greykit
?? and silverstream | camberkit, cloudkit
wolfclaw and snowbird of pebbleclan | bumblekit, arumkit
Last edited by serpentine. on Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:56 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: drizzleclan

Postby clarke, » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:55 am

[ ( 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬 ) 36 [ 𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬. 20 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐬. 17 ] ( 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐞 ) 6 ]
curlew followed the patrol, his shoulders caved in as he slunk along, careful not to trod over any tails. conch kept sending him bewildered gazes, though he wondered why she was so shocked: after all, it may have taken a moon, but he pledged to follow her wherever she went, so long as he had a chance to wish his foster son farewell. gash, as he was called, was not too fond of the idea of curlew leaving to join clan cats and follow his mistress who had formerly had kits of her own. but he made a promise, and after all, he was vivaciously in love with the doll. as conch shot another glance at him, he straightened, winked, and purred throatily.
"hush up back there, you're our prisoner." hemlockbud, one of conch's daughters, grunted stiffly. her clanmate, a white-cream colored cat with a silver face, rolled her eyes.
"but, oh wow, you should probably not talk to him that way." she purred, never breaking the steady roll of her vocals. the flowers crowned over her ears fell in front of her eyes. "wow." she said again.
"quil, hush now." a furless cat murmured, protectively brushing her side, casting uneasy glances at curlew. the second to last cat in the patrol, a brown-black-spotted tom like curlew, rolled his eyes at the exchanged between his clanmates. he dropped back, so he was standing next to curlew. he was smaller, less bulky and more wiry, but muscles still rolled under his sleek pelage.
"ignore them, they put all the inexperienced cats in one patrol. we're never sure what to do with new cats. chase them off, invite them in." then the cat glanced at curlew and sighed softly. "i'm dragon, i'm sure frecklestar will take you in. plus, it seems you know conch." with that, he returned to his position by a siamese cat's side, leading the patrol further across the scorched forest.


"no! that isn't how you do it, corykit! why do you have to be such a clutz? you could never be founder." ebonykit snapped at the tiny tortoiseshell kit, irritation rolling off him in waves.
"i'm not!" she sniffed, glaring at him with indignation the size of a full grown lion. "i'd be the best founder. don't you think so, maplestep?" corykit's mother looked up from her nap, her head swaying back and forth.
"of course, but that's not how the clan works. only kits related to the leader get to be founder. you can be the warlock, if you wish." the calico queen fell back asleep, exhaustion of motherhood creeping back in. the folded ear kit sighed, then looked back at ebonykit, who was looking at her with rage.
"see, you can't be founder! the closest kit related to frecklestar is... me! i'm splitpaw's favorite, so i will be the leader. ebonystar sounds nice. you-" he prodded at corykit, "-can be a stinky, old elder! and iriskit can be my mate, named... irisbloom because she's so pretty!" he purred, looking at iriskit.
"i want to be a warlock." she said stiffly, ignoring ebonykit entirely. "and flamekit can be my recruit, since he's knew to the clan."
"fine, but i get to tell you ALL what to do!" the black kit bellowed.
"wait, i don't want to be a stinky elder!" corykit protested, looking at iriskit for help.
"elders are important." she mewed, awkwardly shifting on her paws.
fine, i'll be an elder today. but tomorrow, i'll knock you off your throne, ebonykit.


splitpaw looked at her reflection in a pool, disgusted by her torn ear and scarred nose bridge. she let out a quiet wail, slumping down onto the ground next to the training hollow. she had snuck out to be alone, but could sense she wasn't; she glanced up, just to see acciapaw gazing at her. "why are you here, did frecklestar send you?" she snapped, quickly swiping underneath her eyelids to keep the tears from spilling over. "if she did, you can go ahead and leave. i can fight now, another fox won't get me."
"your mother didn't send me, and i-i didn't mean to intrude... but, i was worried about you." he admitted sheepishly. splitpaw's eyes softened slightly, but she wasn't going to let him see that. she straightened up and met his gaze with fierceness.
"well, i'm fine, and my safety is none of your concern." she sniffed, lifting her muzzle and puffing out her chest.
"it is, i'm your warlock." he reasoned, coaxing her gently. but splitpaw was furious by now.
"warlock apprentice, and i don't need you looking after me all the time! i'm not a frightened kit anymore." she bared her teeth, and whipped around to face the puddle again. she slapped the water with her forepaw aggressively, dropping onto her stomach once more. several moments of silence passed, before she felt a gentle brush along her back up to her shoulders. acciapaw's scent wreathed her with a homie comfort, soothing her.
"i still think you're beautiful." he whispered, crouching down so that he lay next to her. "and i will always think that." he placed his paw on hers, and she touched her nose to his cheek.
"you promise?"
"i promise, buntingpaw."

[ patrol: aquilegia, dragon, diamond, clover, conch, hemlock]
[ hunting: moth, cardamine, vapor, fumitory, finch, rowan ]
[ training: all intiates ]
[ prey eaten: none ]
[ labor: none]
[ trying for kits: tortoise x duckwater ]
[ joining the clan: curlewclaw, flamekit, silverheart ]
[ starclan visit: none ]


( 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 ) frecklestar, 34m, ♀
lives: ★★★★★★★★

( 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 ) splitpaw, 8m, ♀
( 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 ) sorrelberry, 20m, ♂
( 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤. 𝐚𝐩𝐩. ) acciapaw, 14m, ♂
( 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐬 ) cypressfall, 23m, ♂
mothshine, 23m, ♀
cardamineskip, 23m, ♂
tortoisecreek, 27m, ♀
rowanstrike, 42m, ♂
fumitoryglow, 45m, ♂
vaporfish, 25m, ♂
fritillarywing, 17m, ♀
hemlockbud, 14m, ♀
dragon, 30m, ♂
aquilegia {quil}, 20m, ♀
conch, 42m, ♀
cloverleaf, 27m, ♂
diamond, 23m, ♀
skydance, 26m, ♀
curlewclaw, 35m, ♂

( 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 ) finchpaw, 9m, ♂
hollypaw, 8m, ♀
galepaw, 8m, ♂
adderpaw, 8m, ♀
shadowpaw, 8m, ♂
pumpkinpaw, 8m, ♂
cinnamonpaw, 8m, ♀
luxxpaw, 8m, ♂
arumpaw, 8m, ♀

( 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 ) maplestep, 27m, ♀
sweetbriar, 27m, ♀
silverheart, 29m, ♀
camberflight, 27m, ♀

( 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 )
ebonykit, 3m, ♂
corykit, 3m, ♀
iriskit, 3m, ♀
flamekit, 1m, ♂

( 𝐞𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 ) [url=x]n[/url]ame, age, gender

( 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 )
borage | x2, cobweb | x3, comfrey | x1
marigold | x2, feverfew | x1, tormentil | x1
daisy | x1, juniper | x2, lavender | x2
mint | x1, rush | x1, catmint | x1
fennel | x2, bright-eye | x1, ragwort | x1

( 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 )
trout | x1 | 3 servings
tuna | x1 | 3 servings
salmon | x1 | 3 servings
anchovy | x1 | 2 servings
crab | x2 | 2 servings
oyster | x4 | 2 servings
mouse | x0 | 1 servings

( 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 )n; winterclan, e; pebbleclan
s; closed, ocean, w; forestclan

( 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 )mapleclan, brambleclan
( 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 )skyclan
( 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 )
rowan | finch | 3 | st, sw, hu
cardamine | adder | 1 | hu
clover | cinnamon | 1 | hu
tortoise | gale | 1 | hu
dragon | luxx | 1 | hu
vapor | holly | 1 | hu
moth | shadow | 1 | hu
conch | pumpkin | 1 | hu
quil | arum | 1 | hu

( 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 )
reefstar | murdered by freckle
swanflight | labor complications
name | cause of death

( 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 )
camber and soot | ebonykit
freckle and pigeon | split, hay, juniper, hazel
diamond and luxx | luxx, arum, pumpkin{f}, pale,
shadow{f}, rain, storm, swift
maple and frosted | cory
conch and soot | accia, hemlock, feather
silver and ??? | flamekit{f}
Last edited by clarke, on Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:40 pm

During the season of greenleaf, you will catch more prey and are more likely to run into predators and rogue groups that try to settle on your territory. While floods may occur, droughts are far more likely and the amount of cats you receive goes down.

Swiftclan | Finchclan | Wildclan | Cliffclan | Mistclan | Lilyclan | Laurelclan | Rosmaryclan | Alpineclan | Ferretclan | Amberclan | Dustclan | Ridgeclan

scarlet_wolf wrote:
[ slatestar welcomes skunkpaw to mistclan ! ]
[ slatestar welcomes pineleg, formerly from the tribelands, to mistclan ! ]
[ slatestar welcomes tangledvine, formerly of shatteredclan, to mistclan ! ]
[ slatestar welcomes addercloud, formerly of shatteredclan, to mistclan ! ( proof ) ]
[ slatestar requests a warrior from starclan ! ]
[ redhawk is kitting ! swiftsky of cosmoclan is the father ! ]
[ palesun remains in camp to help her ]
[ shrikethorn tries with lizardpath of moorclan for kits ! ]
[ dovesky tries with leopardpelt of treeclan for kits ! ]
[ duckwater and bearpaw, rookwing and warblerpaw, kestrelflight and magpiepaw, slatestar and canarypaw, and toadsplash and skunkpaw train together ]
[ when they return, duckwater, rookwing, bearpaw, and warblerpaw patrol the borders ]
[ when they return, slatestar, toadsplash, kestrelflight, magpiepaw, canarypaw, and skunkpaw go on a hunting patrol ]
[ addercloud searches for herbs ]
[ pineleg and tangledvine patrol the borders ]
[ claystream, kylo, hux, goosefeather, and jackalfang go on a hunting patrol ]
[ mistclan consumes x7 servings ]

Starclan grants Slatestar's request of a warrior.
Redhawk gives birth to two (x x) kits. Both carry chocolate and classic tabby. The white kitten is black with white underneath. Unfortunately, one dies less than a moon after birth due to untreated kittencough.
Shrikethorn and Dovesky are pregnant! They will give birth in two moons.
The apprentices learn climbing.
The first patrol catches the scent of an eagle that may threaten the kits. Will they ignore it, hunt it, or look for its nest? The secnd patrol finds nothing of interest.
The first hunting patrol catches x2 shrews and the second patrol catches x1 small fish and x1 bird.
Addercloud finds x1 catmint and x1 stinging nettle.

kacchan wrote:
[ the badger chases out bleakstar and dreamingthistle to pineclan(dei's clan)
territory ]
[ enya and thymewhisker flee and meet up with a moorclan patrol ]
[ cats not listed <- or ^ are deceased ]
[ Remaining coniferclan cats and others who've met up have renamed
themselves as the cats of finchclan. ]
[ pineshell goes to look for herbs ]
[ the clan doesn't eat for a post ]
[ apprentice, poppypaw is assigned juniperstreak as her teacher. The pair go
and train together ]
[ larkspurnose, firewhisker, and duckbreeze go on a hunting and border patrol ]
[ thristleleaf, sandspark, and tidal go on a hunting and border patrol ]
[ skystar (assisted by totti) goes to the moonpool and asks for a broodmother ]

Starclan mourns the loss of Coniferclan. May Finchclan have a peaceful reign.
Pineshell finds x1 burnet and x1 sorrel.
Finchclan has one more moon before cats begin to starve.
Poppypaw learns hunting.
The first border patrol finds a combatant and the second patrol finds a nimrod.
The first hunting patrol catches x1 wild turkey and the second hunting patrol catches x1 salamander and x1 bluebird.
Starclan grants Skystar his wish of a broodmother.
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