Create a Pack | V1 REBOOT

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Create a Pack | V1 REBOOT

Postby solyn » Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:24 pm


for as long as anyone can remember, wolves
have always been regarded among the most
majestic of nature's creations.. all over the
world, packs orient themselves and rise, de
monstrating their power, and their resilienc
e. the life of a wolf is not easy, but as alpha
of a pack,, it is your job to be strong enough
to offer that hope of survival. will you be ab
-le to build your pack into something strong
and everlasting,,, or will your ranks crumble
under the pressure?




1) follow all the chicken smoothie rules. 2) the idea for the original g
ame, create a clan is credited to katrione.. please do not remake this
thread or any other similar game without her permission.. 3) this thre
ad will be remade every 500 pages.. 4) please use proper grammar an
d punctuation in posts: text talk is not allowed. 5) do not requote you
r post unless it has been skipped over by a mod. 6) please don't minim
od, as we have staff to keep the thread in order c: 7) please be respe
ctful to one another, any nastiness between members will result in str
ikes. three strikes equal a ban.
LINKS.xxxxxxx RP THREAD. xxxxxxx FANCLUB. xxxxxxx PARENT.


for all who dare to break the rules and regul
ations of the game,, you most definitely will
end up on the list on the right-hand side. fo
r every bad thing you do, you receive a strik
e that has the potential to be removed, or a
ccumulate──three bans equal a ban, the ba
n can be either temporary or permanent dep
ending on the situation leading to it.. in case
you do not understand clearly,,, temporary b
ans do not last forever and you will eventuall
y be allowed back──permanent ones, howev
er,, last forever.


» cs username. number of strikes.
» cs username. number of strikes.
» cs username. number of strikes.
» cs username. number of strikes.
» cs username. number of strikes.

» cs username. length of ban. reason.
» cs username. length of ban. reason.
» cs username. length of ban. reason.
» cs username. length of ban. reason.
» cs username. length of ban. reason.

1-2 weekly.
nz daylight.

once a week.
eastern standard.
the viconwida.
she/her or he/him
no set schedule.
eastern standard.
the coldmerrow.

once a week.
pack name.
mini mod/delta.
schedule n/a.
pacific daylight.
pack name here.

mini mod/delta.
schedule n/a.
pack name.
mini mod/delta.
she/her or they/them.
no set schedule.
central daylight.
pack name.

mini mod/delta.
schedule n/a.
pack name.
coding by yours truly, moi, wade wilson.

and fixed by ya boi classy n flashy

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Create a Pack | HOW TO PLAY

Postby solyn » Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:26 pm


Starting Off
If it is your first time posting, you must tell me about your pack. You can describe things like your pack's name, nature, reputation, territory and wolves' personalities are good. These things help us decide on what your first wolf, the alpha will look like! We will quote your post with a picture of your first wolf and they will be the wolf who is the foundation of your kennel. You can decide on things like the alpha's name, age, gender and even picture if you choose. If you wish to restart you may only restart with 6 wolves.

Getting More Wolves
Your pack will start off small and you will have to build up it's population. You have two options for finding wolves: patrols and sending your alpha to speak with the ancestors. You are only able to send your alpha to speak with the stars once a week and they can ask the stars for a new wolf; you can ask for a specific ranked wolf or we will give you one at random. You will be able to pick their name, gender and age as well. Once every month, you may give the specific picture of the wolf you want, too.

You are able to send up to 6 wolves out on a patrol at one time. There are only a few things that can happen on patrols: you can find prey, which will keep your pack safe from any attacks for 12 hours; you can encounter & chase off a threat, which will also keep your pack safe for 12 hours; you can find a new wolf at the border (however the further along your pack gets the less likely this is to happen), you will usually only find subordinates, omegas and trainees but you will sometimes find pups at the border if you have pup-mothers available; and you can find an alpha of a rival kennel that will ask for an alliance that you can accept, ignore or even decide on becoming enemies.

Whenever you have a wolf old enough to move onto the next rank (6 months- pup to trainee, 12-16 months - trainee to subordinate/omega) you can send your alpha to speak with the stars to tell the ancestors of your decision to do a ceremony, or you may perform the ceremony straight away. You must consult the stars when promoting a wolf, or retiring a wolf to become an elder.

Becoming Mates/Having Pups
Without pups, your pack would struggle to thrive. To have two wolves become mates, post them going for a walk together and one of them asking the other to be their mate. In their reply post, your mod will time skip to the fae finding out she's expecting pups then you will have to wait two months (2 posts). If you wish for the fae to not have her pups yet, make sure to tell me. If you want a fae to have another litter after the first, say so in your post as well.

You must age your wolves up 1 month every post that you post. If in one post, you had a trainee who was 8 months, then in the next post you would make that trainee be 9 months. In this game, there are 5 possible ways for your wolves to die; being born stillborn, old age, being attacked severely by a dangerous animal/another dog, pup-mothers can die having pups, and not having your injuries treated within 2 posts of them getting injured and/or sick. Please note wolves typically live for 6-8 years in the wild, but because we recognize you can become attached to your wolves very easily, they will be able to make it to a maximum of 11 years (132 months/moons) before your mod will start rolling per post for death by old age.

When you find your Shaman, you will have the option to choose 5 herbs to start off your medical storage. When you send your Shaman out to find herbs, you can only find 2 every patrol the Shaman takes to find herbs. Once your Shaman gets a trainee, you will be able to find 3 on one patrol. You store your herbs in the medicine store and they can be used to heal sick or injured wolves. You will be able to find one more herb per patrol for every Shaman that you have, however they are limited by how many wolves you have in your pack:

0-20 wolves: 1 Shaman, 1 Trainee/2 Shamans (if the Trainee completes training)
30-40 wolves: 2 Shamans, 1 Trainee/3 Shamans (if the Trainee completes training)
40+ wolves: 3 Shamans, 1 Trainee/4 Shamans (if the Trainee completes training)

You will be the one to assign a certain mentor to a certain trainee. Before your trainee is allowed to become a full pack member, they must complete 4 training sessions and they must be at least 12 months old. Your trainee learns a new 'move' during each training session. You can send your shaman to train with the subordinate trainees but it isn't a requirement for them. You may choose the 'moves' that your trainee learns, or you can let your mod decide.

Ally & Enemy Packs
If you meet a neighboring pack while on patrol, you can choose to become their ally. Ally packs usually act friendly towards each other and resolve disputes without fighting. You can give herbs to an ally pack if they don't have the herb they need but you do and if they are in desperate need of one. If your pack is under attack by an enemy pack, your ally pack can join the fight and defend you as long as the enemy pack isn't their ally. If your ally defends you in an attack, you have a much less chance of your wolves dying or being captured. You can arrange allegiances with other members in the fanclub.

You can choose to become their enemy or rival. Enemy packs usually act hostile towards each other and often argue and fight. You can steal pups, trainees, elders and herbs while raiding enemy pack camp. You need 4 wolves to do this and the only way the pack can get these back is if they attack the pack. Attacks can prove fatal and there will often be wolves injured, captured or even killed during attacks. Enemy kennels may also choose to hunt on enemy territory, which will provide higher quality prey, but runs the risk of injury for your wolves.

Forbidden Romance
Forbidden romances are romantic relationships with a wolf from another pack, or any other kind of relationship that your pack disapproves of. As we have a large population of LGBTQ+ users, plotlines where same-sex couples are considered 'forbidden' will not be allowed. Wolves can form romances with wolves from both ally and enemy packs and can sneak out of camp to meet them.. However, if the relationship results in pups, they will have to find a wolf willing enough to cover up as their father. It is extremely rare, but some wolves may find out that the pups are forbidden and the parent(s) and/or pups could be exiled from the pack, however it is up to you how your pack chooses to react/deal with forbidden romances.

Every post, your pack will use up two pieces of food. Once you reach seven pack members, your serving will go up 1. Then the next time you get seven more wolves, your serving will go up by one again. The max amount of wolves you can send out on a hunting patrol is 6 wolves; for every 2 wolves on the patrol, you can get one piece of prey, so the max amount of prey you can get from one hunting patrol is 3 pieces of prey. In the winter and fall you are more likely to get less, even if you have brought six wolves you might only get let's say, two mice on your hunt. You can use six or more types of prey. An example of a set would be; mice, voles, rabbits, hares, deer and elk. There must be at least one prey item that is one serving. The higher the serving amount, the harder it is to catch.

You can switch out the different types of prey depending on what is normally found in your pack's territory but don't make it a type of prey that wolves wouldn't normally eat. When you fill in your form after receiving your alpha, remember to fill in the six types of prey your pack will be using (you may use more, but the max limit is ten types). Very rarely, the mod who replies to your pack will give you something outside of those six-ten. Remember to go hunting often since two pieces are used every post. If you run out of fresh-kill, you have 2 posts to get enough prey back. After 2 posts, a wolf in your pack will die from starvation. Every post after that, 1 wolf will die until you catch enough prey. Wolves may also scavenge for remains (or in towns, for wolves who live close to human-populated areas), however this runs the risk of a wolf getting sick from bad food or injured if a human/rival predator catches them. Wolves can also be injured on hunts. If you would like, you can let your mod know that some of your wolves are available to be killed on hunts for big prey. It requires a minimum of three wolves to be able to catch 4-serving and up prey.

Fresh-Kill Servings
Mice - 1 serving
Chicken - 1 serving
Vole - 1 serving
Squirrel - 1 serving
Rabbit - 2 servings
Hare - 2 servings
Snake - 2 servings
Small birds - 2 servings
Large birds - 3 servings
Trout/Salmon - 3 servings
Raccoon/Beaver - 3 servings
Sheep/Goat - 4 servings
Deer/Elk - 6 servings
Hogs/Wild Boar - 6 servings

0-6 dogs; 2 servings
7-13 dogs; 3 servings
14-20 dogs; 4 servings
21-27 dogs; 5 servings
28-34 dogs; 6 servings
35-41 dogs; 7 servings
42-48 dogs; 8 servings
49-55 dogs; 9 servings
56-62 dogs; 10 servings
63-69 dogs; 11 servings
70-76 dogs; 12 servings
77-83 dogs; 13 servings
84-90 dogs; 14 servings
91-97 dogs; 15 servings
98-105 dogs; 16 servings

Each season will last one month, after which a new season will start, going in order from Leafbare to Leaf-Fall. When your mod replies to your post, the mod will write what type of weather your pack is experiencing, which will ultimately effect how things go until the next weather update. Each season changes over on the first Friday of each real-life month.

Winter- During winter, the chances of catching greencough is higher. If you send the same wolf out multiple times in the same post, they are more likely to catch a cold, which can lead to whitecough and greencough so be careful. After your wolf catches a cold, don't send them out for 2 posts or their cold will progress to whitecough or greencough. The sun will start to go down early and it will get colder once the sun starts to go down. You will also catch less prey and are less likely to find new wolves, as they will be trying to shelter from the cold.

Spring - During spring, pup-birthing will run much smoother and the chances of the pup-mothers or pups dying during birth will go down dramatically. There is also a higher chance of you catch more prey than usual. The chances of catching greencough, whitecough and puppycough will go down. With all the snow melting, it is very likely that your territory will start flooding. There will also be more storms that will contribute to the flooding. The odds of finding new dogs is very high.

Summer - During summer, you will catch a max of 6 pieces of prey. During patrols, you are more likely to run into humans and their dogs, and bandit groups will most likely start to try and settle on your territory so keep an eye out. You are still likely to get floods, but there will be more droughts towards the middle of summer. Your pack will still receive new wolves but not as much as you would in spring.

Fall - During fall, it will start to get colder so the amount of prey you will catch will go down. The sun will start going down earlier and earlier and this will continue into winter. Pup-birthings will start to get a little bit harder so make sure to stock up on pupping herbs like fennel, chervil, ragwort leaves and raspberry leaves. You will also run into rival predators more as prey becomes scarcer. Herbs are starting to wilt and prey is starting to leave, so it will be harder to find both.

Post Format
After your first post, you can use the following format in every post to keep track of your kennel. Replace the "link" in the X with the image of your dog.
You may edit the format however you like, but not too much that your mod can't tell what is what! You can change and customize the rankings, but if you decide to do so, please explain them clearly in your starting post so your mod knows what they can be compared to.

Code: Select all
[center][size=200]Your Pack's Name[/size]
[size=85][b]Number of Wolves:[/b] Here
[b]Servings of Food Needed[/b] Here[/size]

[size=85]Put your post of what your wolves are doing here[/size][/center]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url][/list][/list][/list][/list][/size][/left] [left][list][size=85][b]Ally Packs:[/b]
Pack Name | Username
Pack Name | Username[/quote]

[b]Enemy Packs:[/b]
Pack Name | Username
Pack Name | Username

North | Pack Name | Username
East | Pack Name | Username
South | Pack Name | Username
West | Pack Name | Username

[b]Medicine Store[/b]
Herb | Usage
Herb | Usage

[b]Fresh-Kill Pile:[/b]
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 |  0 servings

Mentor | Trainee | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Trainee | No. of training sessions | Moves

[b]Deceased Wolves:[/b]
Wolf Name | Cause of Death
Wolf Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Pups
Name and Name | Pups[/size][/list][/left][/center]
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Create a Pack | HARDMODE

Postby solyn » Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:27 pm

      this feature will be launched soon!
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Create a Pack | MEMBERS

Postby solyn » Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:29 pm

      winterfell | eagle,
      pack of night's fallen | galipaygo
      house black | panzram
      wings of shadow | catmagics
      the autumn court | katrione
      anar tira | ossa di cervo
      the magnolia uprising | palefur

      soldiers of the cobalt | classy n flashy
      silverleaf pack | winter solstice.
      the pack of ringing bells | bumbletear
      shadows of the night |diamonddogg
      khagante of the calling birds | sharpiesandhamilton
      glacier pack | inky.
      coral ridge pack | graveyard gracen

      coldmerrow | wade wilson
      amarok empire | noctem
      ochiru sara | nightwolf950
      the fireridden | legolas the elf
      grimtooth pack | starkiller.
      northreach | solyn
      the whisper court | avenoir.
Last edited by solyn on Fri May 03, 2019 1:21 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Create a Pack | NORTHREACH - 000

Postby solyn » Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:30 pm


      the wind howls and whips around ears aching with cold, snow settles on muzzles and drowns out the calls. in the north, the land stretches forward to touch the ocean, to touch the sky, to touch the lights that dance across it with hushed laughter. the wolves that live here know life is not easy, but it is worth it: worth it to see their ancestors sprint across star-lit skies, worth it to see the way they reflect in the bright stones lining cave walls and worth it in the way that snow flies as they run in formation. the wolves here are isolated: far away from almost everything and everyone else, but as long as they have each other, the pack knows it will be okay.

      the wolves of northreach tend to be quite large and stocky, with thicker coats to help them survive in a brutal environment. due to the fact that the terrain is snowy year round, grey and white pelts are more common, while black pelts are a little rarer to find among the pack. these wolves are friendly and excitable, very willing to make friends and to share their knowledge. they believe in harmony and balance, and can become quickly estranged from those that they feel are trying to upset the natural order of the world. northreach wolves have a natural curiosity and a lot of energy, however they tend to have closer and more intimate bonds than a lot of other packs, and can come off as having a disregard for personal space. these wolves are deeply in touch with their emotions and they feel very strongly. loyalty and friendship is very important to them, although some could say that they are too quick to trust.

      the pack of northreach is structured relatively simply. the only high ranks are that of the alpha and the beta pair. these ranks are not succeeded by bloodline. when the alpha steps down, the beta will take their place. a new beta will then be elected, as per northreach tradition. the pack also has a healer, and then two subordinate divisions: hunters and protectors. hunters are primarily in charge of collecting food for the pack, while protectors are in charge of making sure the pack stays safe from harm. northreach wolves are trained in both skills and sometimes cross disciplines if numbers are low or if there is more need for one as opposed to the other. mothers are referred to as life-bringers, and any wolf who is too old for duties retires to become a consul, a council of elders who give their opinion on any decisions that the alpha and beta need to make.

      northreach's territory is notoriously harsh. a lot of it is open, flat ground, with a mountain range flanking the territory in the north and west, and taiga (coniferous, snowy forest) toward the south. the east border is a strait that freezes over in the winter time, creating a land bridge that make caribou frequent in the territory during colder months as they try to cross the frozen strait. the pack's camp is in a basin in the north-west of the territory, accessible only by a series of caves on the cliff face next to a waterfall that leads into the sheltered area. on patrols, the wolves may not return for several days or weeks, however the camp is a permanent and safe home to life-bringers and their pups, as well as consuls who cannot make such long and arduous journeys anymore. over the west mountains is a human town, and occasionally the wolves of northreach come into contact with humans and their dogs as a pass in the mountain allows for dog sled teams to cut through northreach territory to reach another human town beyond the south.

      while northreach wolves are not inherently antagonistic toward humans, they still face threat from them if they get too close while they are passing through the territory. mostly, they need to be more careful of the bears that occasionally appear in the taiga, and more commonly the wolverines who do not take well to competition. northreach wolves primarily hunt caribou, elk and deer who are plentiful in their territory year round, however they also have access to fish in the many rivers throughout the territory, as well as hares and the occasional beaver if they head far enough south.

      the wolves of northreach democratically elect their beta. when the old beta dies, retires or is promoted, a new one must be appointed before the next full moon rises. the alpha will select the three candidates that they believe are best, and will promote their choices to the rest of the pack. the pack will then take a pebble each, and place them in one pile of three depending on which candidate they felt the most compelled by. the one who has the most pebbles will become the new beta.

      to become a fully realized member of the pack, trainees must pass a physical assessment, wherein they must travel to the cave of bright-stones, beyond the north border of the pack, where they will convene with the spirits and return in a week's time with a crystal that the ancestors will have pointed them to. the old spirits will bless the alpha with the knowledge to confirm whether the trainee's path has been true, and if they are found to have completed their journey properly, they will be accepted into their rank of choice.

      northreach wolves often have 'godparents' to their pups, who are asked to choose the name of their second born. if anything happens to the parents, these godparents have created a tie to the pups, and will be responsible for their care. godparents are usually close friends or possibly family members of the pup's parents. if a family has only one pup, this pup may have two names so that the bond may still be created.

      northreach wolves are very in tune with their ancestors, and with the world around them. when alphas and healers wish to convene with the spirits, they can go to either light-touch, or the cave of bright-stones. both places have strong spiritual connections to their ancestors, although the cave of bright-stones is used more often by healers as they like to collect crystals to help healing energies within the pack. hunters often befriend birds in the area, and enlist their help with searching for prey.


      mod note: requesting this wolf as my founder
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Army of the Fallen || 000

Postby ellipses » Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:48 pm

𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗

The Army of the Fallen is known as a truly savage pack of wolves, known for their merciless and hostile ways. These wolves care little for anyone aside from their own - though they do put up a fairly good facade of a true wolf in sheep's clothing. They're famous for being hypocritical, two-faced liars - it's said you should never trust a Fallen wolf, lest you fall victim to their cruel game.
The wolves of the Fallen tend to be large and burly, battle-hardened canines with sharp fangs and deadlier wits. The leader is said to be the most vicious, but upon meeting him, you'll find that this is only due to his speech; his bark is much worse than his bite. He's a small, sickly weakling of a wolf - probably should've died at birth, if we're being honest - whose cardinal vices are wrath and pride. His Advisors will do anything for him, and his wolves are known to kill on command.
These wolves have staked their claim on a vast plot of land known as "Foolshope" by those packs surrounding it. It's a series of abandoned warehouses on a concrete jungle of an unfinished lot, but to the Army of the Fallen, it's the perfect headquarters for their dastardly deeds.
There is only one true Alpha, and he is known as the Leader. The next highest ranks are Advisors and Councilmen - there are three Advisors and five Councilmen. Then come the two Shamans, the Subordinates, and so on and so forth.

Note: I headcanon the Leader as having cerebellar hypoplasia - a disorder that leaves him small, weak, and oftentimes unbalanced.
Last edited by ellipses on Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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"♡-history is written by the survivors and i'm surely that"

Postby Katrione » Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:15 pm

      The Autumn Court was formed by a pair of omegas were thrown out of their former pack for becoming mates. In the former and very traditional pack, no one but
      the alpha pair were allowed to become mates so when these two omegas broke that rule, they either had the choice of being killed or being kicked out of the pack. Clearly, the omegas chose the second option. After struggling on their own for several months, the omegas found their forever home and settled down, creating their court.

      The pack territory resides in the heart of a Douglas Fir forest that surrounds the base of a tall mountain. closer to the mountain, the trees are covered in a dense layer of fog that makes it hard to see. the pack's camp is just inside this foggy area, to keep them out of sight of any enemies. towards the northern side of the forest is a giant gorge that separates them from another forest. The gorge is usually flooded by rapid water, but when it isn't flooded the only way across is a large tree that had fallen across the gorge many years ago. On the southern border is a deep river that runs a deep red color due to the erosion. The trees here are always colored in oranges, yellows and reds, with some occasionally being green, leaving The Autumn Court stuck in a permanent autumn season.

      The court worships a heavenly she-wolf known simply as The Mother. The Mother is believed to favor the she-wolves in the court, ultimately making the she-wolves more powerful than the male wolves. The she-wolves are highly respected in the court, since they carry and give birth to the newer generations. If anyone challenges an alpha, they are usually directed towards the alpha male since challenging an alpha female is viewed as challenging The Mother herself. However, this doesn't protect the she-wolves entirely and they are sent out into fights just as much as male wolves are. When pups are born, they are given a pup name that they keep until they become an adult. The Autumn Court is a polyamory pack, so it's not uncommon for one she-wolf, or even males, to have multiple mates. However, it's not uncommon to find monogamous couples in the court either. The alpha female will usually always be polyamorous since she will usually have many suitors but never a set mate, despite there being an alpha male. Some alpha females will choose to stay loyal to their alpha male, but that's their decision. The alpha female will also sometimes have a set of favored suitors that may be male and female.

      Ranks: Alpha Female - Queen | Alpha Male - King | Beta Female - Duchess | Beta Male - Duke | Healer | Suitors | Subordinates | Trainees | Pup-Mothers | Omegas | Elders
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winter is coming | winterfell

Postby eagle, » Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:39 pm



    indentthe wintry winds kick up snow and scare away most prey. most animals wouldn't choose to live in the far north.
    the mountainous region does not allow for the faint of heart. however, a single paw prints marks the pristine white snow.
    high in the mountains, where many animals would never think to live, a pack of wolves formed and took shape. known
    simply as the northern watchers, these wolves do just as their name says - they watch, they wait, and they remember.
    they remember the hardships that brought them far from other packs, they wait for their own moments of glory and
    success, and they watch others.
    indenteasy to anger and notorious for holding grudges, the northern watchers are not friends to many. instead, they live
    in near isolation, rarely interacting with other packs. when they do come down from their high peaks, however, it so not
    for friendship. they are more likely to jump to conclusions and find enemies than they ever would be to find a common
    ally. rumor has it that the ice from the mountains froze the hearts of these wolves, leading to their vicious nature.
    indentin times of hardship and trouble, these wolves look only to themselves for help. their usual lack of allies makes
    these wolves feel empowered and confident in their force, though they have a strong sense of unity and an us or them
    mentality. often, these wolves will fight one another, but will also come together for the reason that there is no one
    else when they are in need.
    indentbound to their code and aggressive acts, these wolves will stop at nothing to get their way. the north remembers.


    indentthough rumor has it that it will always be winter in the mountains of winterfell, that is not always the case. while
    many of the mountains do retain their snowcaps, the wolves rarely climb to such heights. instead, the winterfell camp
    is situated at the bottom of the mountains, where a valley allows a reprieve from the wind. the ruins of an old, forgotten
    castle lie at the base of the mountains, though the wolves regard this space as ancient and sacred. there, the wolves may
    visit with their ancestors and former packmates.
    indentmountains surround the west, north, and eastern sides of winterfell territory, and the south consists of a snowy
    forest. the territory contained within the mountain boundaries is primarily forest and thick undergrowth, carved out by
    narrow and winding rivers. in terms of prey, these wolves are exceptional at fishing for their food, though few like to
    swim in freezing temperatures.


    indentlord commander - the alpha of the pack, traditionally has been male in the past, but could be female as well
    indentconsort - the lord commander's mate
    indentcommander's steward - holds a "beta-like" position of power, usually grew up with the commander and selected
    by the commander, is in charge of overseeing the common activity of the rest of the pack
    indentsteward's consort - the steward's mate
    indentprogeny - the offspring of the lord commander and the consort, one is selected at birth to become the next lord
    commander and is trained to lead the pack
    indentmaester - the healer of the pack
    indentmaester's steward - the maester's apprentice
    indentmaster-at-arms - is in charge of the fighters of the pack
    indentfirst ranger - is in charge of the hunters of the pack
    indentsoldiers - wolves trained to fight, either outside packs or other threats, often larger and more muscular
    indentrangers - wolves tasked with feeding the rest of the pack, often quicker and leaner
    indentelderly - very rare rank. outside elders are chased away, and only those with great distinction and respect are
    allowed to retire in peace


    indentwhen outsiders speak of the wolves from winterfell, rumor has it that the cold mountains have permanently
    stolen the ability for empathy from these wolves. they are easy to anger, hold grudges for generations, and fear only their
    gods. friendships are a hard battle between other packs, and a lord commander believes that they must be fearless and
    aggressive most of the time. from a young age, pups are taught that only the strong survive the harsh winter that takes
    over their territory and that any trait that is not a strength is a weakness. not all must be good at fighting, but all must
    be good at something.
    indenthowever, despite the rumors of ruthlessness, these wolves are actually rather intelligent and cunning. they have
    their wits about them and would not be against making an ally if it was judged for the good. instead, they believe that
    their territory would kill them if they were not strong, so they push one another to their limits for survival. in fact, all
    these wolves do is for the sake of keeping the pack alive. as they say - leave one wolf alive, and the sheep are never safe.
    when regarding other members of the pack, they are often warm and welcoming, happy to help one another though
    they put up defenses when coming into contact with strangers.
Last edited by eagle, on Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby solyn » Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:56 pm

      classy n flashy wrote:𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗

      welcome to create a pack! the army of the fallen has been founded!

      katrione wrote:Image

      welcome to create a pack! the autumn court has been founded!

      eagle, wrote:Image

      welcome to create a pack! winterfell has been founded!
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Postby astrohund » Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:54 am


deep within the heart of yarenyk, there is one pack that
still survives till this very day. wolves with lean legs and
big, burly bodies─covered in battle scars from centuries
ago. the coldmerrow have been in yarenyk for years, th
eir ancestors traveling from outside the border, after th
e great migration. the wolves have been put under grea
t tragedy after tragedy, though they remain strong withi
n the darkness that is always ever so present around the
m. the pack is currently lead by larkspur, one of the you
ng males that have been whelped by the former alpha l
ittle stone. larkspur has promised to continue the pack's
history and to not let it sink into the abysses.
in yarenyk,, there are many places to venture off to───s
ome of these places even being forbidden for a wolf of th
e coldmerrow to step onto. the most well-known place th
e pack knows is the meadow of edara, which is named aft
er the goddess of fertility. during the spring, the meadow
is always lively and active, which makes it a good place t
o hunt──but it is not particularly the best one during the

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this be my founder and may my mod be w0ah, please???

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