Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

clan replies no.24

Postby ashton. » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:04 am

      weather: new-leaf.
      be very careful when heading out of camp! all the melted snow has caused any bodies of water to dangerously swell, and if not careful, an apprentice could be easily swept away. storm clouds loom overhead, promising to worsen the conditions. prey won't be so plentiful these days, nor will new cats.

Zmija's Folly wrote:

Hawkpaw had passed his assessment and the ancestors had spoken to Snowstar. The small tom, so meek, clumsy and honest had earned his warrior name ; Hawktuft. As Snowstar rose that morning she knew instantly what time it was. It was time to give the gaggle of kits their new mentors.

Snowstar called the clan beneath her and began before most had eaten, "I'm sure most of us are aware of what's about to happen, none more so then Poppycloud." a quick giggle passed over the clan and the queen ran her tongue over her shoulder at such attention. The six kits she'd mothered bounced around under her paws, a complete mess. Snowstar continued, "Now, before I get too far," the she-cat turned her attention to Mousewillow, "Is there anything you wish to say, Mousewillow?"

The medicine cat giggled and nodded, "You are so wise, Snowstar. I would like to say that I am ready for an apprentice."

Snowstar took the compliment in stride as she called Burrkit forward, "From this day forward Burrkit, you shall be known as Burrpaw. Mousewillow will be your mentor and I hope she will pass on all the knowledge she has." Burrpaw unenthusiastically touched noses with Mousewillow when the leader was done.

After Burrpaw came his siblings; Briarpaw was assigned to Timberfang, Ashpaw to Bearmask by special request, Willowpaw to Thornblossom, Bramblepaw to Swiftleap and Eaglepaw to Lightningwatcher. Swiftleap had many arguments against giving the love-struck tom an apprentice but most of the clan agreed that Eaglepaw was such a rule follower that he wasn't likely to let Lightningwatcher stray.. too far.

After the numerous ceremonies the clan took up the chant, "Burrpaw! Briarpaw! Ashpaw! Willowpaw! Bramblepaw! Eaglepaw!" Eaglepaw was by far the most proud of this achievement and he took most of the praise while the five other siblings shrank in comparison. While the apprentices were praised and talked about Poppycloud approached Snowstar, "Snowstar. I'd actually like to stay in the nursery. Screech never had me do much hunting or fighting - I'm not sure I'd make a very good warrior." the normally venomous and opinionated she-cat spoke with her head lowered and tail flicking sheepishly behind her.

Snowstar nodded and consented the whole deal - Poppycloud would make an excellent stay in queen. The leader was about to ask Poppycloud to go check on Cobweb when her shriek cut through the clan. The black she-cat stationed at the nursery's entrance collapsed under the sudden pain. Mousewillow was with her in a heartbeat hollering for Burrpaw. The apprentice quickly caught up to his new mentor, ready for his first lesson.

Swiftleap was quick to speak up, "Don't crowd her, everyone back!" his demanding tone had the clan back several steps in a heartbeat. "I want everyone out of the cave. Everyone aside from Mousewillow, Burrpaw and Tumbleweed." With a deep breath the deputy began to assign duties for the day, "Timberfang, Bearmask, and Lightningwatcher, take your new apprentices around the territory starting on the east side. Thornblossom, Mothfrost and I shall start on the west side."

The tom was about to disperse when a quiet voice pipped up, "Ah.. Swiftleap, what about me?"

The deputy turned to find Hawktuft staring back at him. Scolding himself the black and white tom was about to speak when Snowstar cut in, "Hawktuft and I will go hunting." The she-cat spat at Swiftleap, "Unless you have a better way for me to waste my time?" Hawktuft shrank at the hostility in Snowstar's voice and watched Swiftleap visibly recoil. The tom shook his head with a furrowed brow, "No.. Snowstar.. that's fine." "Good. Come along, Hawktuft."

frostclan consumes half a fish and a rabbit

hawkpaw becomes hawktuft!
poppycloud's kits are assigned mentors.
cobweb goes into labor!
mousewillow & burrpaw sit by, ready to help cobweb.
timberfang, bearmask & lightningwatcher patrol and train briarpaw, ashpaw & eaglepaw.
thornblossom, mothfrost & swiftleap patrol the opposite side of the territory and train willowpaw & bramblepaw!
hawktuft and snowstar go hunting!
after hunting snowstar visits the ancestors to ask for a new cat.

      cobweb gave birth to 1 2 kits. sadly, both are stillborn.
      timberfang, bearmask, + lightningwatcher's patrol was uneventful.
      briarpaw, ashpaw, + eaglepaw learned the battle skill!
      thornblossom, mothfrost, + swiftleap found a warrior!
      willowpaw + bramblepaw learned the hunting skill!
      hawktuft + snowstar caught a duck!

      i'm so sorry about cobweb's kits!! ;-;

Phina D Wolf wrote:

[SwiftClan consumes half an Ermine!]

Scanning his territory, Sweetstar felt an overwhelming loneliness sweep over him. What good was it to have a clan when you had no one to share it with. Determinedly, he turned, and loped off to share tongues with StarClan to request a deputy.

[Sweetstar requests a Deputy]

Dinolil1 wrote:

It was midnight and the moon was shining brightly, casting a silver coat over the rolling moors when Snailstep finally returned. With paws as silent as the clouds themselves, the shaggy tom crept into the nursery and quietly examined each of the sleepy kittens. The skinny one, take the skinny one! urged a voice and take the skinny one he did. The large tom had cleverly masked his scent with the putrid smell of badger; heavy and stinky enough to mask his own delicate smell and with a confident but stealthy swagger in his step, Snailstep stole away with a half-awake Hazelkit in his maw.

Hazelkit let out a moan, paws swatting at empty air and found himself far away from the crook of his mother's belly. The heady smell of badger overwhelmed him and he moaned piteously. ''Mom! Momma, wake up!'' but there came no shocked cry at his mother realizing that she was one kitten short, no thunder of paws as she woke up the clan in search of her beloved son. The fawn-pelted tom's moans died to a defeated whisper; he was doing to die in the dead of the night, at the jaws of a very hungry badger and the last thing he saw, flickering out of the dark night, was the flash of silver claws at the tip of a white paw.

Sunrise came quickly, hailing the discovery of a missing kitten and the birdsong was joined by an anguished scream. Oakfeather was staring at the space betwixt Elmkit and Beechkit, and with the scent of badger heavy in the air around them, there was no doubt her son had succumbed during the night. Bleary-eyed, Beechkit gazed unto his sobbing mother and blinked slowly; he was young and did not understand death yet. ''W-where's Hazelkit? Why're you crying?'' The tubby tom murmured, nudging her paws comfortingly. ''Hazel's dead; a mean ol' badger killed him.'' grizzled Elmkit, shaking her head furiously. Just yesterday, they'd all been playing together; Hazelstar, Beechstar and Elmstar all having friendly rivalries and a grand old time but now they'd never get to finish those games nor have another all because a badger wanted a midnight snack. Outside, she could hear her father demanding to search for Hazelkit's body; did he not know that Hazelkit would be half-digested in a belly by now?

''I'm telling you, it's suspicious how a badger didn't take the others and just took Hazelkit!'' exclaimed Dustfoot, shaken by despair. ''Maybe the badger was just being merciful.'' sniped Fritillarystar, ignoring his ceaseless ramblings. The pale-brown tom shook his head and stepped in front of the tortoishell. ''He's my son; please help me look for him!'' pleaded Dustfoot, amber eyes wide and begging. ''We have far pressing matters than a missing kitten; Robinstorm has vanished recently and on top of that, we have a murderer on the loose.'' she glared at him. ''We need to deliver justice; as far as I can tell, a badger eating a kitten is nothing new.'' And those words were followed by an unbearable silence from Dustfoot, the only sound being the breaking of his heart.

Swift paws trotted through the snow and four figures ducked stealthy behind a large boulder; Robinstorm crumpled onto the ground panting heavily, beaming at her trio of friends. ''So...when are we gonna unleash havoc?'' inquired a white molly, eyes glittering with excitement. ''Avocet! Don't speak like that, this is very serious.'' scolded a pale tom, turning from Avocet to Robinstorm. ''What's the plan? I hope it's not just barging in there.'' Robinstorm smiled, pleased to have some measure of control for a while. ''Glad you asked, Lightning, because I...don't have a plan.'' the torbie admitted sheepishly, head bowed in shame. The truth was that Robinstorm had hardly expected to find her friends and when she did, she had no idea how to move forth. A tall black tom sighed nervously and stared at her in a mixture of shock and exhaustion. ''Robin...y'know that it's not always good to rush forth, y'know?'' Robinstorm nodded, nuzzling him for comfort. ''I know, Swift, I know...''

Dawnpool, Hollytail and Ravenflower searching for Nettlefang
Darkheart, Lizard and Stonenose searching for Snailstep
Next post I'll mention: Dawnpool, Hollytail, Ravenflower, Darkheart, Lizard and Stonenose.

      dawnpool, hollytail, + ravenflower found nettlefang!
      darkheart, lizard, + stonenose could not find snailstep.

Avisowl wrote:

Roachjaw smiled as Sunlight accepted Oreo, now Flickersong. His heart beat quickly feeling Gingerfeather's eyes baring into him. Quickly he stepped away from the crowd going to hunt for prey. Gingerfeather smiled at the new warrior "very handsome...", she thought looking at the tom's enchanting eyes. Sunlight padded away, going out of camp, Flickersong told her of some more loners looking for their clan, and she wants to find them. Cloudmask turned away from Gingerfeather padding back to his den, heart fluttering. Gingerfeather took in a sharp breath and went up to Flickersong ,"hello I'm Gingerfeather, would you like to come hunt with me?" The tom blushed and shuffled his paws "yeah....of course!" The pair of cats went out of camp and into an undergrowth of vines and leaves. Out of he corner of Flickersong's eye, a shaped passed through the leaves.
{Roachjaw Hunts }
{Gingerfeather And Flickersong hunts}
{Sunlight searches for the loners Flickersong spoke about}
{A shrew and a bird is eaten}

      roachjaw caught a squirrel!
      gingerfeather and flickersong caught a frog!
      sunlight found a loner/warrior!

Grey_Hoodie wrote:
🌾 Image

One Moon Ago ~
    The familiar sight of the fallen redwood greeted him at last. In the thick waves of snow flurries swirling around him, the tom had been certain he’d been lost what with his vision so severely diminished. Now that he was so close, Coyotestar could feel the wind pressing heavier against him almost as if an invisible set of claws had latched onto his fur in an attempt to drag him back into the depths of the woods. He’d spent most of his day trying to find something to eat, and with the evening light glowing behind the clouds, all he had to show for his efforts was a scrawny red squirrel. Better than nothing, he supposed. He didn’t know this forest yet and being in the midst of winter didn’t really offer him a varied menu of food.
    Coyotestar ducked beneath the naked branches of a bush. He had hoped to escape the winter storm, but the bush wasn’t offering much protection. The tom stepped further back into the bush until he could press his flank against the redwood’s trunk, thankful that at least part of him was free of the buffeting wind and its entourage of snowflakes. He could feel his legs starting to give up beneath him, and the tom’s body slide down to rest in a dip in ground. His haunches seemed to sink lower than the rest of him, but the tom couldn’t be bothered to care as he was assaulted by another bout of snow flurries. It was enough to force a throat-ripping, nose-aching sneeze out of him, and the squirrel’s body plopped down onto Coyotestar’s paws, and he glared at it as a rush of cold air seemed to flood the space beneath him and bite at his belly. Petulantly, he decided he wasn’t hungry.
    The tom heaved a sigh, nudging the squirrel closer to his chest so he could rest his nose in between his paws. He’d have to wait out this storm first, but as soon as it was gone, Coyotestar was finding someplace to camp out for the rest of winter. He knew Starclan wanted him to establish a clan, but that was just going to have to wait until spring when he was, hopefully, in a better to mood to receive cats.
    Something small and indecently cold poked itself into the tom’s stomach and Coyotestar shot up into the air with a startled yowl. The squirrel’s limp body dropped a tail-length away but went ignored as Coyotestar turned with a deep rumble in his throat to greet the offender. From what he had thought to be a dip in ground popped out a dark blue-grey molly. She appeared striking against the redwood trunk behind her and the stark white landscape around them.
    Before the tom could utter a word, the molly gave a sniff and pinned her ears to her scalp, narrowed eyes locking on Coyotestar. β€œAnd who the heck are you?” Her frustration was palpable.
    Startled out of his reverie, the tom managed to get out an β€œOh, um, I-β€œ
    β€œNevermind, just get in. I’ll deal with you both at the same time.”
    Coyotestar wasn’t sure what the molly was talking about until she disappeared into the hole he’d apparently been laying on. The tom snatched up his squirrel and squeezed into the space behind the other cat. He could almost feel the weight of the tree above him pressing down on him, his whiskers brushing against the tunnel walls either side of him and a burst of nerves raced up and down his spine. The glow of the exit looked faint, and he couldn’t determine if it was because he was far away from it or if the sun was finally setting. The tunnel was tight, too tight and the tom could feel his breath picking up. Coyotestar leapt away from the tunnel’s exit with a gasp. He was in a sunken clearing surrounded by redwoods and thick, almost woven wall of skeletal bushes.
    β€œAnd here I thought you’d abandoned me, my love.” The voice held a hint of a lilt and was on the edge of sounding like it was being deepened purposely. The tom who owned it lay inelegantly on the snowy ground, his tail kinked at an abnormal angle. He didn’t seem to notice Coyotestar’s arrival, head resting on his paws in the direction of the molly with his eyes shut tightly. Her response was an eye roll and an irritated tail lash, swatting the tom in the face until he bucked up to avoid any more of the beating. Coyotestar was met with another glare from the molly, and he couldn’t help but feel antagonized. He didn’t have any control over the other tom!
    β€œI seem to be having a ton of cats wandering through my parts and I want to know why. What’s your name?” She drew close to Coyotestar, forcing him to lean back and look up into her piercing green eyes.
    The tom wouldn’t allow himself to be intimidated, straightening his spine to level his gaze with that of the molly’s even as he awkwardly bumped their noses together and dropped his squirrel on her toes. He cleared his throat as quietly as he could and managed to maintain an even tone as he responded, β€œCoyotestar.”
    β€œA Leader? To what clan? These forests held no other cat than I before you two showed up.” The molly snorted and turned to the other tom, β€œAnd you?”
    Coyotestar shrugged, interrupting the other tom before he could even open his maw to introduce himself. β€œWhatever clan it is that Starclan has sent me to lead.” The molly huffed, shaking her head. She had an apologetic look on her face when she turned. β€œLook, I’ll shelter you through the rest of winter. I won’t see either of you starve, but then I suggest you move on. This is no place for a clan.” Whatever more she wished to add was left unspoken, and Coyotestar only nodded solemnly. He felt a surge of regret knowing that he would have to betray her words to please his ancestors, but if they believed these forests could house a clan, Coyotestar would try his hardest to give it to them.
    β€œPebblevine,” the molly said, her voice oddly light compared to the harsher tones she’d been using with both the toms thus far, β€œis what I’m called.” Coyotestar offered her a smile, knowing full well it was a terrible attempt at an apology for the trouble he would inevitably end up putting the molly through.
    β€œPebblevine! My shining stone! My beloved honeycomb!” the color-pointed tom rose to his feet, coming up far shorter than Coyotestar had expected. The wide, bright blue eyes desperately seeking those of the molly’s left the tom questioning just how old this other cat was. β€œI, Elk, will never leave your side. How could I ever abandon you, my sparrow?” The tom pressed himself up close to the molly, stuffing his nose in the thick fur surrounding her neck and letting out a rumbling purr.
    Coyotestar hid his snickering in the belly fur of his squirrel as Pebblevine gagged, pushing a paw into the younger tom’s chest until he backed up.
Now ~
    Elk had attempted yet another flirt.
    β€œEnough, you leech.” Pebblevine growled, shaking her coat as she stood free of the other two cats. The three had ended up beneath the thick roots of one of the redwoods, cuddled together to keep warm. Coyotestar blinked blearily as the molly’s voice got further and further away. He stretched his paws out in front of him, a giant yawn splitting his face in half. He felt more than heard his stomach grumble and the tom glanced over at Elk whose face had fallen into a disgruntled frown.
    Coyotestar knew he shouldn’t encourage the tom’s behavior, but he never ended up bringing back much fresh-kill when he hunted on his own. Course, he’d never actually seen Elk go out to hunt before, and the younger tom had never before joined him when he offered, so the result might not change. β€œMaybe if you weren’t so lazy, she’d like you more.” Coyotestar offered.
    Elk barked out a laugh. β€œMe? Lazy? How am I lazy?” Coyotestar closed his eyes and shrugged nonchalantly. He trotted toward the fallen tree and its hidden tunnel. β€œI’m going hunting if you’d like to join. I’m sure Pebblevine would really appreciate a freshly caught meal when she gets back.” He called over his shoulder, chuckling when he heard a scrabbling of paws chasing after him.

[center][Pebblevine goes on a border patrol. Coyotestar and Elk go hunting.]

      pebblevine found an apprentice!
      coyotestar + elk caught a large fish!

Galipaygo wrote:

Timberstar pads through the forest, slowly and keeping his gaze forward. He held his head high as the sunlight from the morning sun trickled down to warm the cold ground from the recent night. It was quiet. Only the occasional bird or vole scratching around was heard over the tom's walking. He was on a boarder patrol of his new territory, taking in every inch to make sure he knew where everything was. He wanted to be ready for anything. He took his time on his patrol, and soon it was already noon. He began to head back to camp, keeping more alert this time for he planned to hunt as he made his way to his camp. He knew he needed food quickly or his new clan wouldn't make it far, even with Newleaf.
As the sun began to set, Timberstar reflected on how the day went. What had happened. What he hoped would happen next moon. As the sun shined its last glow over the horizon Timberstar moved to travel to the Moonpool. Sure, it was a journey, but he planned to ask Starclan for a cat that would join his new clan. He didn't care the rank they specialized in, nor did he care how they looked. He just wanted a strong willing cat to help grow the numbers of the clan quickly. He needed more cats for the upcoming gathering...

Timberstar patrols the boarders
Timberstar hunts for food
Timberstar travels to the Moonpool and asks for a strong cat to help grow the numbers of the clan.

      timberstar's border patrol was uneventful.
      timberstar caught a bird!
      starclan has granted you a warrior!

stormly wrote:
    xxxxxxxMy clan is called Morningclan.

    xxxxxxxThe cats are vein and clear-headed. Often characterized as the thieves of the forest, they have a habit to take something that isn't theirs. They look for pretty stones, flowers, and various items. The ones who are mischievous enough explore the side of the thunderpath, finding (rare) articles such as jewelry. As a result of this action they earned the name Morningclan for the habit to leave the thunderpath when the sun begins to rise, due to the fact that it gets much more hectic during the day. They are lithe and long-legged cats who boast about their beauty, but that doesn't mean they aren't willing to get dirty. As they seem they are quite the daredevils and love some good drama to get involved with.

    xxxxxxxThey live in a valley which is covered with trees. The only areas that don't contain an inch of the diverse and thick forest is the thunderpath, nicknamed the Abandoned Sunrise, which ominously cuts through the former plantation. It is mostly quiet but at its peek during daylight. The thunderpath is forbidden to younglings and those who are debilitated. When a cat reaches 12 moons, becoming a warrior of Morningclan, is the time they have reached the age to cross. There are also abandoned twoleg nests at the border of the valley which can commonly be seen with juveniles inside. The valley holds varied creeks and a river which leads to a lake outside of their territory. When it rains it can become swamped in certain areas and if long and persistent enough flooded. The air is mainly clean and warm, but on certain days a luminous fog takes over the land, most cats are on their guard during this time because of a superstition of spirits taking ground. This same superstition also comes with bad storms. Two common 'hangout' sections are a meadow and the start of the large cliff. The meadow is filled with flowers which most clanmates like to pick, but it still makes a nice place to chat. Younglings also like to chase butterflies, fireflies, or other insects here. The start of the hill, named the Sun's Rock by all cats, including outsiders, is where others climb and find new spots to sunbathe as sunlight likes to shine and glisten against the rocks. There is a continuous fight on who gets to claim the area.

    xxxxxxxTheir camp consists of a worn down hickory tree which lays in the top center. It is normally decorated with special findings and plants. It is also surrounded with prey to eat. The area is overgrown much like their territory. The whole camp digs down which holds a small cliff opposite of the hickory tree. Meetings are held on top of this cliff and sometimes cats spend their time up there to chat. It is large and holds several tunnels, this is where warrior's and the deputy sleep. The tunnels lead to small dens that each warrior can have, which mates can share as well. They take pride in how they decorate their dens. There is no elder's den since most warriors stay in their den until deceased. Dens are also usually passed down to kin. It is also rumored that badgers used to use this dens and soon after another clan, both were supposedly forced out by a mysterious occurrence. Apprentices stay in a dirt tunnel left of the cliff, it is a medium-sized den and is covered with moss. The medicine cat den is underground and dimly lighted. The medicine cat sleeps here and can decorate it if they please. The nursery is right beside the medicine cat den, still underground but separated by a small passage way. It is lighted better since it seems to have a small skylight on the top of the den, kits can't escape through this because it is too high up. The last den is the leader's den which is located directly behind the hickory tree. It is a dirt tunnel as well but instead of going deeper it elevates. When it rains a small stream goes down it and resembles a small waterfall.

    xxxxxxxPredators include: twolegs, stray dogs, outsiders, and adders. An exception are foxes, they are relatively smart and both groups tend to keep away from each other. They haven't gotten into any problems with the clan yet.

    xxxxxxxPrey include: mice, voles, rabbits, squirrels, water shrew, and small fish. They choose not to eat any type of bird no matter how desperate.

    xxxxxxxNote: juveniles are teenagers or relatively young adults that sneak off to forgotten cabins. The cats like to search the places after the twolegs leave.

-Rainy-Days- wrote:(Hewwo! I wish to join this! Lemme just make a clan real quick...)


In the darkest depths of the forest, there lie cats just as mysterious.
Usually described as skilled and clear-headed, but also proud and wily, the felines of CreekClan have many specialties.

With the ability to swim at their paws, these cats are adept at catching even the largest of fish, these aquatic creatures being their main source of nourishment. However, they are also well-trained at stalking, and well as killing a large variety of other woodland creatures that live in their territory, such as mice, birds and squirrels.
However, despite living in a forest, the trees there are mostly far too tall for cats to properly climb up - thus, these cats lack the ability to properly climb up a tree.

And while we are already at the subject of territory, these cats are known to be very territorial as well, banding together to drive off all who oppose them.
But, although they are extremely skilled hunters, CreekClan cats must rely heavily on strategy and skills to defeat their opponents, as they are not exactly masters of brute force.

Their camp is located in the middle of their forested territory, a large dip in the land, a large river flowing right beside it. A huge tree, known to CreekClan cats as the "Mystic Tree", grows at the edge of the dip, acting as a place to call meetings with its low-hanging branches, but also as the leader's den, a small cave having formed at its large roots.
In the middle of the camp is an earthy clearing, along with another small tree stump, beside which lies the fresh-kill pile.
Around the clearing, the dens are arranged in the shape of a circle, the warriors' and apprentices' dens being the closest to the creek, which halfway circles the camp.
A large, thick bramble bush acts as the warriors' den, the ground inside of it scattered with beds of moss and feathers.
Right beside it lies the apprentices' den, yet another large bramble thicket. However, this time, a small patch of stinging nettles grow behind it.
After that comes the nursery, the most protected den in the entire camp: it is located beneath the roots of a smaller tree, somewhat similar to the leader's den, which is right beside it. A curtain of ivy falls down in front of the somewhat large entrance, allowing peace and privacy inside.
Then, there's the medicine cat den, a fallen tree. Some of the inside has been hollowed out fairly well by natural causes, though it has still left a few ridges sticking out of the walls, perfect for placing herbs. A soft layer of moss is spread out on the ground.
Finally comes the elders' den, created by weaving a very thick layer of reeds, stones, leaves and moss on top of the long roots of the fallen tree. Similar to the nursery, a curtain of ivy surrounds the den, allowing the elders to rest in peace.

Overall, the CreekClan cats live in a marshy forest environment, with rivers and streams commonplace there.
However, in Greenleaf, Twolegs are a large threat, as a few of them enjoy bringing their dogs with them to wander around the territory, thus scaring away most of the animals, as well as throwing multiple pieces of waste, thus contaminating the otherwise beautiful scenery.

Here is a list summarizing the rest:

Common Enemies: Twolegs, Foxes, Dogs
Common Prey: Fish (any kind), Water Voles, Frogs, Mice, Squirrels, Birds (any kind)
[Note: They despise any kind of moor animal, such as rabbits, hares and stoats.]
Strengths: Swimmers, Strategizers, Good Hunters
Weaknesses: Not exactly the strongest based on brute strength, cannot climb trees, Twolegs litter frequently in Greenleaf, rivers sometimes flood after storms

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Mon Oct 16, 2017 2:50 pm

Newleaf- The sun is beating down upon the Clan territories brightly and all the animals are joined with their new offspring. Kittings will run smoother and the fatality will drop drastically. Prey will now be easier to catch so no cats should be starving. Due to the warm weather, cats will be venturing further into the territories, especially kittypets who are searching for excitement. The only downside of the bright, warm weather is that all snow is starting to melt rapidly. It's not a problem at the moment but it might be in the near future.


.iris. wrote:
It was clear that Rimestar detested being kept in the nursery all day. She was itching to leave the cave and go hunting or at least patrol the borders. The worst part was that she wasn't even allowed to be alone. Kitewing and Reedkit kept the leader company at all times, whether she liked it or not. Darkpaw spent plently of time in the nursery as well, as Reedkit served as a remnant of her former home in Asterclan

The little kit stirred as Kitewing gave his a gentle lick on the head. Both cats watched as he rose to his paws and clumsily pounced on Rimestar's tail with a small giggle. The leader immediately jerked her tail away with a scornful look. Kitewing only laughed lightly as she brought Reedkit closer to her. Shaking her head slightly, Rimestar stood up and padded purposefully from the den.

"Rimestar! Where are you going?" Mallowpath asked immediately, rushing to his mate's side.

"To the moonpool, why?" she mewed dismissively.

Littlerain jumped up as well. "You really shouldn't be leaving camp. Not when you're expecting kits," he insisted. "Let me go instead." Rimestar scowled. She opened her mouth to protest, but Mallowpath's silently pleading eyes stopped her in her tracks. Although her frown didn't budge, she eventually did give in and return to the nursery. The small tom turned to leave but paused, peering into the nursery. "You'll be alright?" he asked Kitewing.

The queen nodded with a gentle smile. "I'll be fine. Besides, you yourself said that the kits won't be due for another month," she reminded him.

"Right. Of course." Littlerain nodded quickly, looking flustered. "Anyway, I'll try not to take to long," he mewed briskly before turning and padding from the camp.

"How do you stand this?' Rimestar muttered to Kitewing.

The tabby queen smiled gently. "It'll all be worth it when you see your kits for the first time," she purred in response.

Rimestar didn't answer, but instead turned away and attempted to get some sleep. Her kits hadn't even been born yet, but they had already been nothing more than a bother. They had completely halted her life be keeping her holed up in the nursery, day and night. Boredom and irritation weighed her down. She couldn't possibly comprehend how Kitewing was so content. Only a few more moons, Rimestar reminded herself. And it won't be all bad. Some fine warriors will surely come from this. The thought of raising powerful hunters and fighters was soothing to Rimestar, and finally allowed her to close her eyes and get some rest.

(Sorry this is so short and rushed! I guess I’ve just been really eager to finally get a post up.)
[ Littlerain asks Starclan for a warrior ]
[ Darkpaw is training ]
[ Mallowpath, Egretpool, Ashenstep, Finchpaw, Palepaw, and Hazelpaw go hunting ]
[ Frostfang and Birdbrook go on a border patrol ]

[ Darkpaw learned the Battle skill while training ]
[ Mallowpath, Egretpool, Ashenstep, Finchpaw, Palepaw and Hazelpaw caught two jays and a hare while hunting ]
[ Frostfang and Birdbrook found a warrior while on patrol ]


ayasha;; wrote:
Silkwing, panting slightly, smiled down at her two newborn kits with love. "I'll name them... Tigerkit and Mousekit." She said, licking the tops of their heads. Tigerkit squirmed around and mewled angrily, while Mousekit sought the warmth of her mother's fur. Specklekit and Falconkit peered curiously over Silkwing's shoulder. " They're so tiny!"
Falconkit mewed, eyes wide in wonder. Specklekit merely nodded. The duo stared at the newborns for a moment more before being distracted by Moonfall calling them back. They bounded to Moonfall, who pointed with her tail to the Highrock, where Shinestar was standing. " All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock! " She yowled, and waited for the cats to gather beneath it. " Today we celebrate a very special occasion. We welcome an apprentice to our clan, and welcome two more into the ranks who were formerly kits. " Whispers echoed throughout the clearing, then died down. " We welcome Patchpaw to our ranks today. " A small black and white tom stepped forward, nervously twitching. He looked around and saw only welcoming smiles and meows, and stepped back, smiling as well. " Specklekit and Falconkit, come forward. " The duo mentioned stepped forward. The ceremony proceeded, with Specklepaw's mentor being Fennelclaw and Falconpaw's mentor being Hawkblaze. After it was over, Moonfall embraced her kits, tears in her eyes.
" Good luck. " She whispered, and stepped back to let the new apprentices get aquainted with each other and their mentors. Viperthorn sat down beside Moonfall, watching the new apprentices play. " They grow up so fast,
don't they? "
Moonfall purred an agreement and rested her head on her mate's shoulder, content.
Whispersong and Silverpool were sitting a distance away, watching the duo as well. " Do you remember when we became apprentices? " Whispersong murmured to her sister, who laughed and leaned against her. " Yeah. Dad wouldn't stop crying and insisted that there was something in his eye. And Heronswoop was... " She trailed off, remembering that Heronswoop had hugged Dovestep so hard that she swore that she had broken a bone. The memory of their fallen sister sobered the two up, and they watched the apprentices with a new solemnity. Finally, Whispersong spoke up. " We can't go on this way, always avoiding the topic of her. We need to go on with life, not let her death hold us back." She whispered urgently to her sister,
who blinked away tears at the memory of Dovestep. After a moment of stubborn silence, Silverpool finally spoke up. "
You're right. "
She simply said. Silverpool laid down, a faint smile on her lips at the memory of her sister, who was a beacon of light that could light up even the darkest days.

[Leafrush, Clearsight: Herb Hunting | Specklepaw, Falconpaw, Fennelclaw, Hawkblaze: Training Session No. 1 | Cloudswift, Moonfall, Viperthorn, Smudgetail, Heronswoop: Hunting Patrol | Clan consumes 1x Hare, 1x Pigeon, 1x Rat]

[ Leafrush and Clearsight gathered broom, chervil and dandelion while herb hunting ]
[ Specklepaw and Falconpaw learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Cloudswift, Moonfall, Viperthorn, Smudgetail and Heronswoop caught three rabbits and a squirrel while hunting ]


Chamrosh wrote:
xxxxTabitha’s head rose suddenly away from her kits as she smelt an unfamiliar cat’s presence. The newcomer didn’t smell threatening, but she was painfully aware she didn’t have much warning of that. Honestly, the idea that these were her kits was as scary as being found by a dangerous stranger, even if it really shouldn’t be.
xxxxShe’d found a sheltered spot under a space where a tree had uprooted, leaving a large and a roof made of soil. Another bush circled around the exposed side. It was sheltered, yes, settled at the base of one of the tall hills, so that the wind swept straight over without coming near to where she had kitted, but it was hardly warm.
xxxxTabitha didn’t dare move from where she was, shivering, and trying not to sneeze, curled as tightly around her kits to insulate them as she could without cutting off their air. She really didn’t know how tied that was- her attempts to be protective were met with an unhappy mewling from between her legs and stomach.
xxxxThe cold bit at her ears, and ice tried to form over her eyes, pads long since numbed by contact with the ground.
xxxxAt least her kits (her kits!) were clustered in the warmest point she could find for them.
xxxxThis hadn’t been anywhere near so bad before the river froze, or the snowstorm came.
xxxxSure, it had been cold, but she could walk to collect food without freezing her paws. Her attempts to collect food weren’t exactly great, considering her human had loyally fed her for the first year of her life.
xxxxTabitha flicked her ears in concern.
xxxxShe could see the other cat now, grey fur and blue eyes standing out against the field of whiteness and blackness all around her, and with white dots hitting her eyes. Everything beyond a few fox-lengths out of the burrow she had found (possibly not helped by the dim daylight anyway) was just white, apart from the clear grey shape of a cat.
xxxxThose blue eyes were clearly looking at her. Tabitha shut her eyes tightly, pulling her chin in towards the tiny mewling things she curled around. They were the only warmth to be found, she couldn’t leave them. Without them, she’d freeze, and without her they’d die. It was a terrifying responsibility. She hadn’t been able to hunt for 3 days, and she was getting hungry.
xxxxThe cold was messing with her senses, she was sure, but was that mouse?
xxxxTabitha opened her mouth slightly, scent-tasting, and, yes, yes, that was definitely mouse! Oh, what she’d give for a mouse right now, just something to eat, something to do other than contemplate at what point she would just have to accept the cold claiming her, something more fulfilling than just laying he-
xxxxA dead mouse doesn’t exactly fall with any describable noise, especially not to human ears, but it was recognisable to Tabitha from when her old friend did it for her, and for her human. And there was a patch on her back which was suddenly feeling no wind against it at all.
xxxxTabitha turned her head, preparing to his, to fight away the cat that had come, but found she didn’t have the energy for anything else than the bare minimum – a breathy noise that a kit could easily emulate, as she now (to her bewilderment) knew. She weakly stared at the newcomer, trying to work out whether even resisting if this new cat was dangerous was worthwhile. The other cat stared back, but with a caring expression that had Tabitha concerned itself.
xxxxThe cat opened her mouth, seemed to think better of it, then lay down on her belly, so her paws would be under her chest, if she weren’t pushing the mouse she had caught herself towards Tabitha.
xxxxAnd before Tabitha had a moment to think about why this other cat was doing this, or how this cat had found her, the mouse was gone, into an unending void which had gone empty for far too long.
xxxxAnd it wasn’t nearly enough.
xxxxIf only she’d taken a second to just enjoy the food when it was there, to enjoy that brief nourishment… That second of hope…
xxxxBut it was gone.
xxxx β€œThere has-s t-to be more.”
xxxxThe molly before her made a series of strange movements, unnatural ones, tail flicking in precise ways in some form Tabitha didn’t have a hope to understand.
xxxx β€œCome o-on, I haven’t-t-t eat-t-ten in d-days! There’s got t-t-to be more.”
xxxxThe molly sighed, stood, dipped her head slightly, and darted into the undergrowth. Tabitha realised her mistake a moment too late, and curled her head in to her fur, closing her eyes against her fate. She’d just sent away her only hope at surviving, and now she knew what was going to happen to her.
xxxx β€œI’m sorry, I’m so sorry you’ll never get to be fully grown, I tried, I did, I’m sorry … I had no idea how to look after you-β€œ Suddenly tears burst out her eyes, and Tabitha could tell the only reason they didn’t freeze was because her eyes were pressed tight against the warm fur of the nearest kit. β€œI’m sorry! You didn’t deserve me, you deserved to have a proper mother who… who could… could… have a… a single… a sing… single clue about h- how to look after you. Who… who’d…” And then even tears weren’t enough, a steady stream of them, trickling down previously underused paths of her face, and unused routes through her kit’s fur. She felt stupid, talking to these things that couldn’t possibly understand her, but they were all she had, the tiny, mind-shattering, reality-bending (at least to Tabitha’s world view) bundles of wriggling fluff.
xxxx I love you Would have been a much better set of last words for a mother without having to be suffixed by I think. But she was sure she did at least care for these things she’d found herself with. The only warmth she had in this snowy waste.
xxxxThere was a wet slopping sound next to her, a smell of fish- but not just fish, of hope, which was as distant to her as summer- and she had her jaws around it, forcing out all the nutrients from it that she could. It wasn’t a big thing, it was pathetic, actually, but after living after a tree for days, any food was simply marvellous, and when you had to provide for three kits, without the heart to leave any without, there was nothing better, not in anything Tabitha could imagine.
xxxxThe molly moved closer towards Tabitha, and this time, Tabitha didn’t try to resist her new guardian. Warm fur touched hers, and heat spread through her skin, and if Tabitha knew of anything that felt more pleasant, she couldn’t remember it in that moment.
xxxx β€œI h-honest-t-tly don’t-t-t think I c-can tha-ank you enough. What-t’s your name?” Tabitha asked, wanting to know whether she could trust this molly to help with her kits long term. She was sure they were about the same age, and this molly was clearly concerned enough to give her precious food, without taking any herself, it seemed likely, but still, trusting someone with minimal knowledge of them didn’t seem the right thing to do when your human had lost you. You wanted to be sure that you only trusted cats if they’d help your human find you.
xxxxThe molly performed an entirely different set of motions, this time including bearing her teeth in an oddly precise manner for a moment.
xxxx β€œUh-huh.” Tabitha responded. As if being a mother and her human somehow losing her and having to look after three kits all of a sudden weren’t world-shattering enough, she’d just managed to stumble on a cat who couldn’t speak, by chance. β€œWell, I’m T-tabitha.” Tabitha’s voice was still shaking from her shivers, and she still quickly pressed her nose back into the warmth surrounding her stomach as soon as she’d eaten what her reduced stomach size could manage, but she still felt warmer, and the shivering and chatter of her teeth was much less than a few moments before.
xxxxThere was a nuzzling against her back, and Tabitha nearly nipped at the nose against her, before realising it was her helper, and turning to look at her questioningly instead. Or rather, slightly raising her head to see what she was doing. Any more than that would take more energy than she had.
xxxxThe other molly was looking out into the bush, where three toms were sitting, one solely marked by his bright eyes, one unmistakable by his ginger coat, and the third looking like a rock with snow poured on it unevenly.
xxxxTabitha tried to dip her head down further into the recesses of her hollow. She could hear a faint murmuring between the toms, but couldn’t pick any words. And then, the grey and white tom fixed her suddenly with a look, and the other two toms stopped muttering so he could speak.
xxxx β€œIt’s okay, I swear by Starclan we won’t intend to harm you or your kits.”
xxxxTabitha shook her head slightly. She didn’t know what Starclan was, and her friend had told her to not trust promises to things she didn’t know.
xxxx β€œDo you know anything of Starclan or the warriors’ code?” the grey and white tom asked. Tabitha shook her head slightly again. The tom sighed. β€œI’m Chubtail, this is Firepath, and Pearstone, and that is Nettleflower. Our clan – that’s a big family of us all together – lives close to here, and we don’t want to let a queen and her kits starve in our territory. We can fuss about anything else later, but we really do want to help. We promise to provide you and your kits with food and shelter for now at least, if you’ll let us.”
xxxxRight now there was no way she was refusing that offer, even though it meant a long pause before Tabitha could finally be persuaded to let the toms carry her kits (and the molly support her) on the long walk back to their camp, occasionally stopping when the cold got too much for her mewling bewilderment bundles. They didn’t ask her name, they didn’t ask the kits names (or complete lack thereof in her case), just focusing purely on trying to convince her that they were trustworthy paws for tiny lives to find themselves in.
xxxxIt took several days for the kits names to be announced, in which Mosquitokit (for Argusheart decided to delegate the job to her as soon as the kit proved that yes, she had already somehow memorised almost all there was to know about clan culture, and Boulderdash had proven on her first go to be terrible at explaining things) had repeated her explanation a thousand times.
xxxxGiven both the total lack of knowledge that Tabitha had about clan life, and that her kits had been weakened by sleeping out in the cold since birth (forming suspicions about at least one of them dying), the delay to them was nothing but reasonable.
xxxxSomehow it was beginning to become a new tradition to wait a few names to name kits. And this time, the clan made a big deal of the names being announced, to show their mother that they really were being accepted into the clan as real members now. And when Lobsterkit asked that he and his siblings could have the same as the newly named Ospreykit, Noctulekit and Saffronkit, Heronstar obliged. She hadn’t memorised the wording she had used, or even worked it out fully for the second litter, but she was sure it would become a Gustclan rite in time.
xxxxMerlinpaw had, of course, had plenty of contact with the new queen. Everyone had had to, before she’d been convinced that Gustclan was actually safe, and that they really were going to help her with her kits despite her not having any clues how to do it herself. He’d had enough exposure, to work out that she came from over the Southern Border. And he was sure that there’d been a clan bordering them in that direction.
xxxxChubtail had met them on patrol once. Wrenclan, or something.
xxxxIf there was a clan there, they had a duty to answer why they’d let a just-kitted queen cross their borders without taking her in even temporarily. Kits could have died because of their negligence.
xxxxOf course, only a crack team of Gustclan’s best warriors were suited. And, having fully realistic expectations of his own stellar brilliance, Merlinpaw knew this just meant him.
xxxxMerlinpaw actually had made a plan (his cunning was without limits), so that when he went to join the apprentices to sleep, he deliberately got himself into an uncomfortable position, so that he didn’t fall asleep. Then, when all the warriors had fallen asleep, and he could hear the gentle breaths (and not so gentle ones too, in a couple of cases) of them all, he sprang up, darting as quietly and as quickly as his legs could carry him, all the way out of camp. The kits were long asleep, and Heronstar rarely stationed anyone to watch the second flipper into the walled area.
xxxxMerlinpaw bounded through the nursery, and vanished through the flipper there, into the night. Heronstar was not a very good jumper, so, of course, she had no idea how easy it was for a cat to leave by the garden, and positioned no guards there. Merlinpaw jumped up onto the back wall (neatly of course, he definitely didn’t need to use his forelimbs to hold his weight while his back limbs struggled to manoeuvre his rear up to the right height, that would have been ridiculous, and displayed incompetence far below what could be expected from Merlinpaw the Magnificent), dropped down onto the ground (and no undignified β€œumph” was heard) and snuck around the side of the camp, keeping to the shadows and out of sight, until he met the dirt path that lead to the thunder path, and followed it down its length.
xxxx"Heronstar, Wrenclan’s missing. I wanted to see if they had an nearby patrols to ask them why they’d just let a queen pass through without protecting her kits, but I couldn’t smell anything from them, and I went up to their border to be sure, and they hadn’t done any scent marking in moons. I explored the territory, and there’s no sign of cats there at all. Something really dangerous must have happened.”
xxxxHeronstar sighed, keeping big blue eyes fixed on the oldest apprentice.
xxxx"It was foolish to go out to confront them on your own. If they’d taken offence, on your own, you’d have had no chance against a full patrol in combat.” Merlinpaw shook his head slightly, and Heronstar knew his attitude wouldn’t allow him to accept the shocking idea of his own defeat. β€œIt was worth checking, and still worth checking further, but you need to promise you won’t ever go out to confront any member of any other clan without at least asking me first.”
xxxxMerlinpaw nodded. β€œOf course.” Maybe he’d be like the next Myrtleclaw, the most respected warrior, as he knew he had the skills to be. Merlinpaw turned to leave the leader’s den, and was almost out of the door when Heronstar spoke again.
xxxx"Merlinpaw? It was foolish to go. But it was more wise than foolish to be able to admit your wrong doing and tell me vital information even if it meant tarnishing your honour – which I know you value - after having done that. Well done.”
xxxxWhy did the simplest of things take so much courage? Despite being close friends with Pearstone, and them being alone together many times, she still hadn’t worked up the nerve, despite her promises to herself a moon before.
xxxxAnd she could see that Chubtail expected her to actually try to suggest being mates to Pearstone while hunting from the special look he gave while assigning who would be on which patrol. The look he gave was far more forgiving of her than she was for taking so long.

[Tabbyfur, Ospreykit, Noctulekit and Saffronkit join Gustclan]
[Merlinpaw has grown into a confident and decisive warrior; Merlindash]
[Osierfang, Sparrowfoot, Nettleflower, Firepath, Merlindash, and Martinwhisker go hunting]
[Pearstone and Moraine go hunting]
[Harrierpelt stays in camp to look after his patients]
[Argusheart stays in camp to look after the kits; Pheasantkit, Mosquitokit, Lobsterkit and Camberkit. Tabitha stays in camp to look after the kits; Ospreykit, Noctulekit and Saffronkit]
[Shellcloud and Langoustinepaw, Droseratail and Vendacepaw, Myrtleclaw and Ploverpaw and Heronstar and Cicelypaw go training]
[Chubtail, Boulderdash, Bugleclaw, Lobeliafur, and Barnfish stay in camp]
[Gustclan consumes 1 hare, 1 rabbit and 1 frog – 6 portions]

[ Merlinpaw is now a warrior: Merlindash! ]
[ Osierfang, Sparrowfoot, Nettleflower, Firepath, Merlindash and Martinwhisker caught three hares and a squirrel while hunting ]
[ Pearstone and Moraine caught two frogs and a big fish while hunting ]
[ Langoustinepaw and Vendacepaw learned the Orate skill while training ]
[ Cicelypaw and Ploverpaw learned the Stealth skill while training ]


amethyst14 wrote:
[Ceremony Mutepaw-Mutesoft, Owlpaw becomes Med. Apprentice, Ruby-Pipitkit]
[Apprentice Trial Lambpaw went to do their trial.]
[Apprentice Training Owlpaw trains with Archpool. (I updated her list of skills)
Runningpaw trains.
[Border Patrol 1 Lichenfern, Patchpelt, Rabbitheart, Russetmist, Willowdusk and Runningpaw patrol the borders.]
[Hunting Patrol 1 Coppereyes, Breezerunner, Foxclaw, Vixenspirit, Dipperdust and Mutesoft hunt by the lake.]]
[Herb Hunting Archpool and Owlpaw go herb hunting in the forest after their training.]
[Death Darkshade dies of old age, she passes in her sleep.
Fawnwillow was killed by Aspenthorn.
[Camp Guard Sagestorm leads the rest of the clan on an investigation for Fawnwillow's death.]
[Moonstone Cloudstar visits Moonstone (Don't send a cat)]
[Prey Eaten 1 Ermine (2 servings) 1 Quail (3 servings) 3 Mouse (3 serving)][/color]

[ Mutepaw is now a warrior: Mutesoft! ]
[ Owlpaw is now a medicine cat apprentice! ]
[ Owlpaw learned which herbs were poisonous ]
[ Runningpaw learned the Fishing skill while training ]
[ Lichenfern, Patchpelt, Rabbitheart, Russetmist, Willowdusk and Runningpaw found nothing of note while on patrol ]
[ Coppereyes, Breezerunner, Foxclaw, Vixenspirit, Dipperdust and Mutesoft caught three fish while hunting ]
[ Archpool and Owlpaw gathered thyme, lungwort and mousebile while herb hunting ]
[ Starclan has two new stars among its skies. Darkshade and Fawnwillow will be well looked after ]
[ Starclan has refused to send Briarclan a new Clan member ]


Simonpet wrote:
It had been a peaceful morning when Acornstream and Bramblebush had succumbed to their infected injuries. Dustleaf had woken on a hunch and when she went to check on her patients, found that both were barely warm. Crowcloud found her sitting and swaying, mouth open in a silent yowl of pain. While medicine cats were supposed to focus on the larger picture, he understood just how hard the death of her father would be for he too, felt grief. He had known Acornstream for many seasons and he remembered the first few moons, how Acornstream had courted Duckpelt, when the two became mates and had their litter, and the rapid growth of the clan since then. It was hard to believe that the lively and paternal tom was gone. Just like that. Without even a goodbye.

"May you find peace in Starclan," Crowcloud murmured.

By midday, everyone in the clan, even Shellfur and the two kits, had gathered at the Burial Place. The mounds that held Dawnstorm and Grayfur's bodies were still fresh, although time had worn them down. In another few moons, it seemed that no physical trace would be left of the two cats. Duckpelt, Snowfoot, and their kits had volunteered to dig out the graves for Acornstream and Bramblebush. Honeystar had let them and throughout the burial, remained quiet, head down. Birchnose overheard a few mumbled words which included "Starclan" and "please" and "why." The whole clan was somber, remembering the great things that Acornstream and Bramblebush had done and taught. They were both heroes in their own right. Once the burial was over, Duckpelt spoke up.

"Acornstream and I have been together for many moons," she said in a trembling voice. "Longer than most might believe." This garnered a few chuckles, as Duckpelt and Acornstream had been mated for longer than most of the clan had known each other. The quiet laughter bolstered Duckpelt and she continued in a stronger voice. "He was a kind and brave tom. The perfect father. He mentored Applenose and we can all see how that turned out." All attention turned, for a moment, to the ginger tom who said nothing but simply smiled sadly. "He cared for his clanmates deeply. Deeply enough that he swore to me many times that he would lay down his life for the clan. And he did."

Kestrelpaw spoke next, much to the surprise of her family and the clan. "Bramblebush was a hero too," she said quietly. "He taught me and my littermates so much while we were kits. He knew more stories than I can remember. He played with us and was like...a grandfather to me. I never thought that he soon. But he left a legend behind. May he and Acornstream rest in Starclan."

The clan murmured assent and Boulderpelt whispered harshly to the apprentice, "You did well, kit." She then blinked and swallowed.

The rest of the day was spent telling stories of the two toms. Those who had grown up in the clan recited the stories that Bramblebush and Grayfur had told them. Those that had stayed in the clan for more than twenty moons recalled what Acornstream had been like in those early days. Even Crowcloud pitched in and told the clan what he remembered about the early days of Acornstream and Duckpelt's relationship, with the molly clearly embarrassed as she remembered those days herself. The clan's mood gradually brightened, although Applenose had disappeared at some point, presumably to sulk, while Hillfang and Oakheart had a little spat that ended with the younger warrior running off herself. But the rest of the clan headed back to camp to try and renormalize their lives.

Shellfur's birth-kit and adopted kit were nearing the age of apprenticeship, and so she talked to Honeystar regarding potential mentors while the kits in question slept. They had been confused as to the idea of death but found comfort in the fact that Acornstream and Bramblebush, whom they had only known for less than three moons, would watch from Starclan and always protect them. Duckpelt's kits, excluding Dustleaf who was with Crowcloud, were standing guard, making sure that their clan remained safe. No one wanted to relax now, and Honeystar had ordered Birchnose to ensure that there were cats on guard at all times, even at night. Some of the older warriors also rested, while Snowfoot's three kits in the camp and Birchnose, Dandeliontail, and Fleckstorm talked quietly among themselves. Overall, it was a somber time in the clan.

Daisywhisker had asked Briarwhisker if she wanted to take a walk with him almost as soon as they returned to camp. The molly had agreed and they were now padding through the forest on silent feet. Finally, the ginger tom had to ask.

"Briarwhisker," he said quietly, "I know it might be a bit soon but..."

"But what?" asked Briarwhisker, unusually friendly. Her muzzle had the hint of a smile and her tail twitched contentedly. "Go on and ask."

"Well, I've been wondering for a while... I guess what I'm trying to say is..."


"Willyoubemymate?" Daisywhisker said quickly. "Please?"

Briarwhisker opened her mouth in a silent laugh. "Of course, you mousebrain," she said with a purr in her voice. "I love you more than I could have ever imagined." Her voice grew husky and she looked up at the sky. "Think Dawnstorm's happy that I finally warmed up to someone?"

Daisywhisker gulped at the mention of his brother. "I think," he said quietly, "I think he'd be happy for both of us."

Tipnose noticed that Applenose had come back to camp glowing, although she hadn't said a word. Instead, she simply asked Birchnose if she could lead a hunting patrol and the deputy had agreed. She had taken Nour, arguably the best hunter in the clan, and Applenose with her. As they padded through the forest, the young molly wondered if Applenose would say anything. He didn't, and she was contented to leave him alone if he so wished.

Hillfang had come back to camp with a smile on her face. Snowfoot had been worried, as the young molly had been away for so long, but she had returned eventually and that was all that mattered. No one on the patrol wanted to speak, as the deaths had been so recent and the wounds still raw. Palefur padded through the forest cheerfully, although no one could mistake his dragging tail as anything but a sign of his sadness. Alderclaw simply slinked alongside his clanmates, occasionally emitting a growl. Snowfoot was sure that his anger was more due to his protectiveness over Birchnose than anything else. They hadn't even had one litter together and seeing Dawnstorm and Acornstream die had to have been a shock. But the clan would heal. It would just take some time.

Crowcloud had never seen Dustleaf so dejected. She was muttering to herself and kicking up leaves. She even swiped at a mouse and hissed with such malevolence that he could scarcely believe his eyes and ears. But he could understand. Her father had just died and she had failed in her duties, or so she would believe. He had given her the suffix of -leaf for a reason and to let a patient die (especially one who was family) had to have stung. But only time would dull the pain and for now, he was content to let her take out her anger on the leaves.

Forestclan consumes 7 servings (one mouse, two large fish)
Acornstream and Bramblebush die of infection
Briarwhisker and Daisywhisker become mates (no kits)
Applenose, Nour, and Tipnose go hunting
Alderclaw, Hillfang, Palefur, and Snowfoot go on patrol
Crowcloud and Dustleaf go herb hunting
Gannetpaw, Kestrelpaw, Scorchpaw, Smokepaw, and Swanpaw train

[ Starclan has two new stars among its skies. Acornstream and Bramblebush will be well looked after ]
[ Applenose, Nour and Tipnose caught two shrews and three stoats while hunting ]
[ Alderclaw, Hillfang, Palefur and Snowfoot caught scent of an old rogue on their west border ]
[ Crowcloud and Dustleaf gathered celandine, heather nectar and lovage while herb hunting ]
[ Gannetpaw, Kestrelpaw, Smokepaw and Swanpaw learned the Tracking skill while training ]
[ Scorchpaw learned the Stealth skill while training ]


skywalker, wrote:
The distant call of birds echoed through the forest, reverberating off the large, towering sycamore trees as they made the forest floor dappled with shadows due to their high, far away leaves many tail-lengths in the air. The soft bark of the trees seemed to bustle with life as little bugs scuttled along, gathering food. New-leaf was a forgiving time, although the waters seemed to rise every the slightest as the rain water fell more frequently. The forest seemed to teem with life once again, after the dead silence of leaf-bare, save for all the kits filling the nursery suddenly.

Everything seemed peaceful, until, deep in the heart of Sycamoreclan territory, and pair of ferns rustled. The forest seemed to hold it's breath suddenly, and everything went silent. That is, until two apprentices burst out of the ferns, their tails streaming out behind them as they ran at full speeds towards a certain, out of place oak tree "I'M GONNA WIN!" Fawnpaw yowled, bounding gracefully over a fallen log. The newest addition to the apprentices, Robinpaw, ran behind her, slightly out of shape "N-NO WAY!" The calico female screeched after her new friend, huffing slightly. Robinpaw had been a kittypet before she got lost, leading her to pretty chubby due to the good amount of food her old twolegs gave her. Her name used to be Lady, but when the clan took her in, they re-named her to something more clan appropriate. Robinpaw was very happy, she loved her new family! Robinpaw groaned, disappointed that she was loosing to Fawnpaw, when suddenly two larger shapes appeared on either side of her. Fallingbirch and Leopardeyes! Fallingbirch was her mentor, and she was very excited to start training with him. He seemed uninterested most of the time, usually asleep anywhere in camp at anytime, but he was a loyal warrior and Robinpaw knew he would train her well.

"You can do it, Robinpaw. Pace yourself" Fallingbirch told her in a bored voice, and Robinpaw nodded towards her mentor, focusing on her breathing, making sure her paws hit the floor in a rhythm. The two mentors charged right beside her, and she truly felt free for the first time in her life. They all soared over another fallen branch, landing gracefully on the other side, before continuing forward. When they reached the tree, Fawnpaw was already there, her very fluffy tail held up in triumph "I win!" She purred, padding towards Robinpaw, who was panting slightly. Fawnpaw lifted her paw and placed it on Robinpaw's head "You did good though!! You could keep up with me for a while!" The older apprentice praised the younger one, and Robinpaw's eyes widened, before a large smile broke across her face. She started jumping up and down on the spot, and heard chuckles from all the cats around her "Alright, let's get too it! We have a lot to cover today" Leopardeyes said, and the four cats headed off, ready to start training once more.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the territory, in camp, Bearstar was lounging in the weak rays of sunlight, enjoying the warmth he felt on his fur. He heard mews of the kits as they tumbled around outside, and the chatter of Mapleflower and Honeynose as the talked about whatever molly's went on about in the morning. He cracked open one of his eyes, watching the kittens tumbled and practise their skills, chasing each others tails and just having a good time. He wondered what it was like, to be so little. He could barely remember what his kit hood was like, but all he knew was that it hadn't been very fun. He heaved a sigh, when suddenly paws appeared in front of him. They were white, with small patches of black on them. Bearstar smirked slightly, and rolled over, sitting up and shaking out his pelt best he could "Hello, Gullrunner. Good hunting?" The tom asked, flicking his ears slightly. The black and white tomcat tore his gaze away from his kits and mate to look over at his good friend "Mmm? Oh, yes! We brought back quiet a bit. The kits should be well fed." Bearstar smiled, and nodded "Have the boarder patrol come back yet?" He asked, and Gullrunner paused for a moment, before shaking his head "No, they shouldn't be too much longer now though" He meowed, his tail gently swaying behind him. Life was good, they hadn't had many problems as of late, and everything seemed peaceful. Bearstar was happy, he had a family that continued growing everyday, and he found this was what he truly needed.

( Fallingbirch and Robinpaw went training; the hunting skill )
( Leopardeyes and Fawnpaw went training; the swimming skill )
( Heronstream and Bearstar went herb hunting )
( Acornfur, Wolfstep and Gullrunner went hunting )
( Acornfur, Fallingbirch and Leopardeyes went on a boarder patrol. )
( The clan consumed 2 squirrels = 4 servings )

[ Robinpaw learned the Hunting skill while training ]
[ Fawnpaw learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Heronstream and Bearstar gathered parsley and rush while herb hunting ]
[ Acornfur, Wolfstep and Gullrunner caught two squirrels and a rabbit while hunting ]
[ Acornfur, Fallingbirch and Leopardeyes caught scent of a warrior at their south border ]
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Postby sunfool » Mon Oct 16, 2017 3:59 pm

        [ Number of Cats 01 ]-[ Next Moonpool Visit now ]

        xxxxxxxThe forest was quiet, well, occasionally a roar from one of the monsters would appear. Each time it managed to shock Rye, startle her in some way. Still, today was just one of those days; quiet. Rye managed her way to the thunderpath and stopped as soon as it caught her sight. She exhaled calmly and in a half second she dashed across the worn thunderpath and into another part of the forest. It was quiet once again. Rye hadn't talked today, maybe that was why it was so silent. She had no one to talk to so how could she. Her friend had passed last night. There was nothing to talk about right now anyways.

        xxxxxxxIt is my time to go.

        xxxxxxxThe leaves started to dance, celebrating the decent air. The sandy she-cat glanced at the sudden noise of rustling in the tall, tall trees. Her pace then started to increase as if she was running away from something. She had never traveled this fast and it almost excited her. Her friend was old and couldn't move as much as she could, Rye never minded. At this point she wasn't really thinking, just running and running until she couldn't catch up with her breath anymore. It took awhile until she finally stopped and laid against an old tree. It was rough and almost felt like thorns against her back which caused her to turn and get a view of the tree. It was different from all the other trees since it's bark had withered and all that was rest was dusty old wood. It was still pretty in Rye's green eyes which soon began to widen. There were so many tunnels, everywhere. A wave of realization washed over Rye. It was a camp, withered just like that tree.

        xxxxxxxPlease don't be sad.

        xxxxxxxThe adventurous she-cat wouldn't forgot the camp, but she just didn't want stay in one place for too long. Rye started to travel again and let her heart choose where she wanted to go. It led her to nightfall, a dimly lit cave, and a body of water you could see the moon in. Her curiosity got the best of her because she immediately pranced to that little pool and laid beside it. She lapped up a few drinks before making a face of disgust. She would never be able to describe that taste but she wouldn't praise it as a good thing either. Rye didn't even have two seconds to react because she had slipped into a deep sleep that not even she had noticed.

        xxxxxxxI lived a long life and so will you.

        xxxxxxx"Hello?" she spoke, her voice trembling. It was light and welcoming around her but she couldn't help but feel scared. Don't worry my little Rye. A voice came before her and soon a figure did too. It was her friend, Bumblebelly. She now looked younger and full of life. Rye wanted to speak, still, nothing escaped her mouth. Eight other figures began to appear, four she couldn't recognize.

        xxxxxxxA beautiful she-cat appeared before Rye. Her mask appeared as if it was kissed by the sun. I am Poppystar. Her voice is soft and Rye can't help but think she seems sad. Poppystar's nose laid on her head, the former leader was now smiling. With this life I give you ambition. Use it well to start your new journey.

        xxxxxxxA tom now makes it's way to Rye and she notices who it is, her father, Mud. With this life I give you strength. Use it well for fighting for your clan.

        xxxxxxxHer mother, Abigail. With this life I give you forgiveness. Use it well to clear your worrying mind.

        xxxxxxxA small kit now prances to her. He talks of how he died young but gets sidetracked and starts to speak of a time where he would sneak out of camp and play in the meadow. Rye bows for the kit, Graykit, for him to reach. With this life I give you happiness. Use it well to brighten you and your clan's days.

        xxxxxxxHer sister, Marigold. With this life I give you friendship. Use it well in your new home.

        xxxxxxxA deputy named Ashenstorm who claims to be Bumblebelly's mate. He's stern and you can sense pride when he speaks. With this life I give you responsibility. Use it well to lead your clan.

        xxxxxxxA silly foe, Raven. With this life I give you mercy. Use it well to learn that not even the greatest win.

        xxxxxxxA medicine cat, Mosspelt. With this life I give you humor. Use it well for making even the saddest smile.

        xxxxxxxBumblebelly. She smiles but she too seems sad. She looks as if she wants to say something but she doesn't. Her eyes gleam as she looks at Rye, and she finally places her nose on the other she-cat's head. With this life I give you mother's love. Use it well to take care of everyone around you.

        xxxxxxxBumblebelly steps back and it is Poppystar who starts to speak again. I hail you by your new name, Ryestar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of Morningclan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the Warrior Code; live each life with pride and dignity. In the end everyone spoke and it felt like echos bouncing off of a cave's walls.

[ Ryestar wishes for a clanmate ]

        Leader [ 1 ]
        Ryestar-14 moons-she-cat-𝘹

        Deputy [ 0 ]

        Medicine Cat [ 0 ]

        Warriors [ 0 ]

        Apprentices [ 0 ]

        Queens [ 0 ]

        Kits [ 0 ]

        Elders [ 0 ]
        Ally Clans

        Enemy Clans


        Medicine Store
        Alder bark-x0-toothaches
        Bindweed-x0-keeps broken legs in place
        Blackberry leaves-x0-bee stings
        Borage Leaves-x0-produces milk, lowers fevers
        Broom-x0-poultices for broken legs, wounds
        Burdock root-x0-infection
        Burnet-x0-boosts strength
        Catmint-x0-greencough, whitecough
        Celandine-x0-soothes damaged eyes
        Comfrey root-x0-broken bones, wounds, wrenched
        claws, itching, inflammation, stiff joints, stiffness, burns
        Hawkweed-x0-like catmint, but not as strong
        Heather nectar-x0-swallowing easier, sweetens mixtures
        Honey-x0-infections, sore throats, swallowing easier, coughing, energy
        Horsetail-x0-infections, bleeding
        Juniper berries-x0-bellyaches, strength, breathing, calming to cats
        Lamb's Ear-x0-strength
        Marigold-x0-infection, bleeding
        Mouse bile-x0- ticks
        Nettle leaves-x0-poultice for wounds
        Poppy seeds-x0-sleep, shock, pain
        Ragwort leaves-x0-aching joints
        Raspberry leaves-x0-pain, bleeding
        Rosemary-x0-hides the scent of death
        Snakeroot-x0-heals poison
        Stinging nettle-x0-vomiting, swelling, mix with comfrey to heal
        broken bones, wounds, chewing helps infections
        Thyme-x0-treats shock
        Wild garlic-x0-infections (especially rat bites)
        Willow bark-x0-pain, inflammation, diarrhea, fevers
        Yarrow-x0-poison from wounds, vomit toxins, cracked pads

        Fresh-Kill Pile
        mice-x0-1 serving
        voles-x0-1 serving
        rabbits-x0-2 servings
        squirrels-x0-2 servings
        water shrew-x0-1 servings
        small fish-x0-2 servings

        Mentor-Apprentice-no. of training sessions-moves
        Mentor-Apprentice-no. of training sessions-moves

        Deceased Cats

        Name and Name-Kits
        Name and Name-Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby PrincessAlexis » Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:28 am


Number of Cats: 3

Toms: 1 | Queens: 2
Starclan Visit: Now | Posts Left Before Hunting: 1

Fortune has been smiling on Dappleclan the past season and a half. After Lionstar's first trip to the Moonpool, the clan added two more cats to their ranks.

One was the deputy, Raccoonmask. He first encountered her on his way back to his territory and considered it a wonderful omen that she had appeared so quickly. She was a stocky calico with the muscles to enforce her role, and he admired her easy strength. Her attitude was rather business-like and no-nonsense, but she was punctual and focused in a way that would certainly benefit the clan. Her brilliant green eyes were hypnotizing, surrounded by a jet black mask, and he found himself thinking that she would make an excellent leader someday.

A short while after, Feathercurl had appeared. Another female, she had a more slender and graceful build than her predecessor, and the most beautiful ruff of thick fur around her neck. Lionstar was enthralled by her beauty and found himself captivated by her sky-blue eyes and silver-with-white coat. Before long he had memorized every tabby mark from her face to her tail tip and could recount the shape and location of each while trying to fall asleep. Not only was she lovely, she also had the kindest and most light-hearted personality he had ever known, and she played like a kit when New Leaf came and the flowers began to bloom along the edge of the territory.

For a time they lived like this, enjoying one another's company and bonding to make the clan stronger. Lionstar was pleased to find that despite the two female's differences, they became fast friends. Raccoonmask took it upon herself to bring the new molly under her wing and the two became almost inseparable.

As Lionstar grew closer and closer to Feathercurl, he decided that what his clan needed was a medicine cat. Not only because they would be protected from illnesses and accidents, but also because he was hoping to have kits and knew that he wanted to ensure his family would be as safe as possible. So one morning when the sun was only just rising and each cat was still sleepy from the night before, he saw Raccoonmask and Feathercurl off on their dawn patrol and he headed in the opposite direction, to cross the swollen river and journey to the Moonpool.

[Lionstar goes to the Moonpool and asks Starclan for a Medicine Cat.]
[Raccoonmask and Feathercurl go on patrol.]

          Lionstar | 60 Moons | Male | β˜†
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Raccoonmask | 36 Moons | Female | β˜†

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β˜†[/url]

          Feathercurl | 18 Moons | Female | β˜†
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β˜†[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β˜†[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β˜†[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β˜†[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β˜†[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β˜†[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β˜†[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β˜†[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β˜†[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Jerboa | x0 | 1 serving
    Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
    Lizard | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Lark (Bird) | x0 | 2 servings
    Sand Viper (Snake) | x0 | 3 servings
    Hare | x0 |Β  3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby rluie » Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:04 am

Number of Cats: 1
Next Moonpool Visit: Now

A lithe, warm brown she-cat sat calmly atop a low-hanging tree branch, gazing down miserably at the deserted camp.
Though she bore the suffix "-star" at the end of her name, signaling her status of clan leader, it meant nothing if she did not even have a clan to lead.
Suddenly, the she-cat sprang into action: she began to slither her way across the damp forest floor, her agile paws barely disturbing the many leaves. Her pale green eyes were set on one, certain location - the very place where she had received the nine lives in the first place:

The Moonpool.

Very soon, the sacred place which belonged to each and every clan entered her line of vision: a stony hollow, with clear water trickling down the walls to feed the shimmering pool itself.
Rapidly, the brown tabby made her way into the area, head held high, and eyes fixated on nothing but the pool of water.

StarClan! She called out boldly to her warrior ancestors. I am Reedstar of CreekClan! I beg that you grant me a cat fit for the role of deputy, or even a warrior! We - or rather, I am the only member of this so-called "clan" at the moment, so please grant me new members to lead with all my might!

After sending out her pleads, Reedstar returned to her forested home, a wishful expression plastered on her face, begging only a single question: Would StarClan listen to her?

[Reedstar goes to the Moonpool and asks StarClan for a deputy/warrior.]

Reedstar | 36 moons | Female | πŸƒ
Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]

Medicine Cat:
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]πŸƒ[/url]

Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
Herb | Usage
Herb | Usage

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings

Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kits
Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by rluie on Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Galipaygo » Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:25 am

Number of Cats: 2

The sun shines through the trees and trickles down to brush the fur of the cats that lay in the darkness of their dens. Timberstar flicks his ears and opens his eyes lightly to see the sun shining through. He blinks a few times, tired, then stretches and begins to sit up. As he rises from his stretch he shakes of the bedding that still clung to his fur. He drug himself out of his den and looked around the quiet clearing. He sat down to groom himself until he heard rustling from a den nearby. He perked his ears and looked at the den. There was silence. He stared for a moment longer before going back to grooming himself. Then he heard it again. He stood up and stared at the den again. What was making the sounds? Then he glanced over at the fresh-kill pile. A bird was all that sat there. He then remembered the warrior he came across yesterday. Birchfur... "Birchfur, good morning." Timberstar called to the she-cat. Birchfur nodded at the leader and padded out of the camp entrace.

Birchfur hunts alone
Timberstar patrols the boarders

          Timberstar | 37 moons | Tom | ❦
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Birchfur | 28 moons | Female | ❦
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Birds | x1 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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✧ | mapleclan - post 13

Postby requiem, » Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:08 am

ο½Žο½•ο½ο½‚ο½…ο½’ of ο½ƒο½ο½”ο½“οΌš fifteen.
ο½Žο½…ο½˜ο½” moonpool ο½–ο½‰ο½“ο½‰ο½”οΌš now.


      "cloverpatch! acornheart! cloverpatch! acornheart!" foxstar smiled at his kits from his branch of the blazing maple. acornheart's sudden declaration had startled him and he knew a starclan cat must be behind her sudden boost in confidence. now that he was thinking about it, foxstar thought he could remember stonestar saying something about his mate, sandheart. if his title was great as stonestar the wise, hers was even better as sandheart the kind. it was most likely her who had lifted acornheart's spirits. the ginger leader snapped out of his thoughts as he noticed the clan's chants had died down to a dreadful silence as his daughter approached vixenbelly. the warrior had been quite rude and snappy ever since hawkpaw's death, and it was obvious she blamed acornheart for it. so she was greatly surprised when the tortoiseshell lowered her head respectfully to her, in a submissive attitude. "i offer you my sincerest apologizes for the wrongs i have committed towards you. towards all of you. i know some of you will never forgive me for what i have done, but i assure you i feel no hate towards any of you. only respect...and guilt. lots of it." all cats held their breaths, as vixenbelly's expression had stayed perfectly unreadable throughout the young warrior's speech. to everyone's surprise, heatherpaw padded forwards and gently pressed her nose against acornheart's shoulder. "i was mad before. i could barely stand the fact that foxstar let you stay in the clan. but the other day, mum and i spoke with hawkpaw, and he seemed so...happy. he wasn't at all angry at you, he seemed rather worried for you. that's when i understood that he truly believed in the good of your heart. and if he does, so do we. right, mum?" vixenbelly's eyes were watery, and tears streamed down her face as she stepped forwards to nuzzle the two young mollies. "of course we do. i've been so foolish, hating you with all might for a crime you actually didn't commit. starclan forgive me for my horrible behavior. i'm such a bad mother." heatherpaw and acornheart shook their heads and emitted small disapproving meows. then doveflight shyly walked forwards and joined the 'group hug'. her brother and kits followed her example, and soon the whole clan, including it's leader and deputy, were huddled together. a sign that if littlestep ever did return, they would fight. together.

      all apprentices go training!
      whitesong, heronswoop, doveflight, cloverpatch and acornheart go hunting!
      foxstar and magpiefeather patrol the borders!
      foxstar goes to the moonpool! [birthday cat]

      tigerfang was silently eating her dinner with magpiefeather when she noticed he was intensely staring at her. weird. "hey, magpie." "hmn?" "are you okay?" the tom turned his head sideways, questioning. "i'm fine, why?" "you keep staring at me." the tuxedo's black and white pelt seemed to turn red. "i-i-i'm so s-sorry! i was l-lost in my thoughts and-" "it's fine, don't worry. it's not like you were talking in your sleep." the bengal returned her attention to the mouse she was eating, not noticing magpiefeather's quite puzzled expression. the tom opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to voice the sentence in his mind out loud. "tigerfang! i lo-" magpiefeather stopped mid-sentence as his friend's green gaze met his. he then blurted out, "i let a hare escape the other day on hunting patrol, i'm so sorry!" now it was the molly's turn to be confused. "is that what you kept trying to tell me lately? don't worry, i'm sure the hunting patrol today will catch one." magpiefeather nodded and seemed relieved when foxstar called him over for border patrol. tigerfang waved her tail goodbye and continued her meal. she heard small pawsteps come towards her and raised her head to see cinderpaw. the apprentice had quite an amused expression on her face. "aren't you catching on?" "catching what?" cinderpaw sighed dramatically, exasperated. "dear starclan, are you blind? he loves you!" the bengal suddenly felt very hot under her pelt. "w-what? b-but we're just f-friends!" cinderpaw slightly shook her head, as if grounding a child. "you tell me. but if you two were friends, why would your face be so red, hmm?" a teasing smile appeared on the dark cat's face and she walked back to her mother. poor tigerfang was left with her face on fire, along in a corner, trying to piece her feelings together.

      heatherpaw becomes a warrior! (heathertuft)

      foxstar - 37 moons - β™‚ - ✧
      xxxβ˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

      briarleap - 36 moons - ♀ - ✧

      ο½ο½…ο½„ο½‰ο½ƒο½‰ο½Žο½… ο½ƒο½ο½”οΌš
      frostnose - 38 moons - β™‚ - ✧

      ο½ο½…ο½„ο½‰ο½ƒο½‰ο½Žο½… cat ο½ο½ο½ο½’ο½…ο½Žο½”ο½‰ο½ƒο½…οΌš
      fogpaw - 9 moons - β™‚ - ✧

      whitesong - 38 moons - ♀ - ✧
      vixenbelly - 37 moons - ♀ - ✧
      heronswoop - 36 moons - β™‚ - ✧
      doveflight - 33 moons - ♀ - ✧
      magpiefeather - 21 moons - β™‚ - ✧
      tigerfang - 20 moons - ♀ - ✧
      cloverpatch - 16 moons - β™‚ - ✧
      acornheart - 16 moons - ♀ - ✧

      heatherpaw - 14 moons - ♀ - ✧
      wolfpaw - 9 moons - β™‚ - ✧
      cinderpaw - 9 moons - ♀ - ✧

      none at the moment

      none at the moment

      none at the moment

      deceased ο½ƒο½ο½”ο½“οΌš
      sagepaw - 3 moons at death - β™‚ - killed by littlestep - ✧
      brightwhisker - 138 moons at death - ♀ - killed by littlestep - ✧
      silverdash - 21 moons at death - β™‚ - killed by acornpaw - ✧
      hawkpaw - 8 moons at death - β™‚ - killed by acornpaw - ✧
      smokeleaf - 30 moons at death - β™‚ - killed by littlestep - ✧
      littlestep - 30 moons at death - ♀ - dark forest resident - ✧

      foxstar + briarleap
      xxβ†ͺ sagepaw, cloverpatch, acornheart
      unknown + vixenbelly
      xxβ†ͺ heatherpaw, hawkpaw
      smokeleaf + doveflight
      xxβ†ͺ fogpaw, wolfpaw, cinderpaw
      swallowclan | arya22
      sedgeclan | Enchanted.,


      north | the brook | colossalclan
      south | the clearing | forestclan
      west | maple tree forest | roseclan
      east | dense forest | caveclan


      ο½ο½…ο½„ο½‰ο½ƒο½‰ο½Žο½… ο½“ο½”ο½ο½’ο½…οΌš
      alder bark | x1 | toothaches
      beech leaves | x1 | to carry herbs
      borage leaves | x1 | fevers, queen milk
      burdock root | x1 | rat bites
      catmint | x1 | green/whitecough
      chervil | x1 | infections, kitting
      cobwebs | x1 | stops bleeding
      comfrey | x1 | broken bones
      dock | x1 | scratches, wounds
      marigold | x1 | stops bleeding
      sorrel | x1 | traveling herb
      wintergreen | x1 | wounds, poisons


      ο½†ο½’ο½…ο½“ο½ˆοΌο½‹ο½‰ο½Œο½Œ ο½ο½‰ο½Œο½…οΌš
      4 servings per post until 20 cats
      mouse | x2 | 1 serving
      squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
      stoat | x2 | 2 servings
      salmon | x2 | 2 servings
      hare | x1 | 3 servings
      sparrows | x2 | 3 servings


      tigerfang ➻ heatherpaw
      xxone : battle | two : climbing
      xxthree : swimming | four : skill

      frostnose ➻ fogpaw
      xxone : skill | two : skill
      xxthree : skill | four : skill

      briarleap ➻ wolfpaw
      xxone : skill | two : skill
      xxthree : skill | four : skill

      vixenbelly ➻ cinderpaw
      xxone : skill | two : skill
      xxthree : skill | four : skill
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solarclan (12)

Postby doryphoros » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:19 am

Number of Cats: 23 ( 11 β™‚ . 11 ♀)
Next Moonpool Visit: tbd

~ writer's block ~

[Leafrush, Clearsight: Herb Hunting | Specklepaw, Falconpaw, Patchpaw, Fennelclaw, Hawkblaze, Ravenfeather: Training Session No. 1/2 | Cloudswift, Moonfall, Viperthorn, Heronswoop, Whispersong: Hunting Patrol | Smudgetail, Aspenstep, Silverpool: Border Patrol|Clan consumes 2x Rabbit, 1x Rat]

          Shinestar | 71 moons | Female | Blue Apatite |X
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Cloudswift | 42 moons | Male |Dumortierite | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Leafrush | 47 moons | Female | Peridot |X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Clearsight | 29 moons | Male | Yellow Sapphire |X

          Thrushflight | 50 moons | Male | Blue-Green Tourmaline |X
          Larksong | 37 moons | Female | Blue Chalcedony |X
          Viperthorn| 53 moons | Male | Dark Brown Cat's Eye Scapilite |X
          Moonfall | 44 moons | Female |Marialite | X
          Smudgetail | 26 moons | Female | Fire Agate |X
          Aspenstep | 47 moons | Male | Jeremejevite |X
          Ravenfeather | 45 moons | Female | Jet |X
          Fennelclaw | 45 moons | Male | Yellow Jade |X
          Eaglefeather | 47 moons | Male | Yellow Sapphire |X
          Hawkblaze | 33 moons | Male | Gemstone |X
          Whispersong | 15 moons | Female | Labradorite |X
          Silverpool| 15 moons | Female | Blue Hemimorphite |X
          Heronswoop | 15 moons | Male | Kyanite |X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]G[/url]emstone |[url=link]X[/url]

          Specklepaw | 8 moons | Female | None |X
          Falconpaw | 8 moons | Male | None |X
          Patchpaw | 9 moons | Male | None |X
          Name | Age | Gender | Gemstone |[url=link]X[/url]

          Silkwing | 24 moons | Female | Sphene |X
          Name | Age | Gender | Gemstone |[url=link]X[/url]

          Tigerkit | 2 moon | Female | None |X
          Mousekit | 2 moon | Female | None |X
          Name | Age | Gender | None |[url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | Gemstone |[url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | Gemstone |[url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint x2 | Remedy for greencough.
    Horsetail x1 | Treats infected wounds.
    Chamomile x1 | Used to increase physical strength.
    Ferns x1 | Also used to clean out wounds.
    Cobwebs x3 | Stops bleeding.
    Yarrow x0 | Applied to wounds. Prevents infections. Expels poison. If swallowed, will make a cat vomit.
    Honey x1 | Soothes throats.
    Feverfew x1 | Cools down fevers or chills.
    Goldenrod x1 | Heals wounds.
    Rosemary x1 | Hides the scent of death.
    Snakeroot x1 | Counters the effects of poison.
    Poppy Seeds x1 | Can put a cat to sleep, ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
    Comfrey x1 | Can repair broken bones, soothe wounds, wrenched claws, used for itching, and for inflammation and stiff joints.
    Coltsfoot x1 | Eases breathing, treats cracked pads.
    Lavender x1 | Used to cure fevers and chills. Also hides the scent of death.
    Wintergreen x1 | Treats wounds and some poisons.
    Tansy x1 | Cures coughs, wounds, and poisons. Can stop cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    Burdock Root x1 | Lessens and heals the pain of rat bites. Prevents infection of rat bites.
    Rush x1 | Holds a broken limb in place.
    Juniper Berries x1 | Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. Can also be used to calm cats.
    Fennel x1 | Cures hip pains.
    Goatweed x1 | Eases anxiety and grief.
    Hawkweed x1 | Treatment for greencough and whitecough.
    Celandine x1 | Soothes damaged eyes.
    Chervil x1 | Used for infected wounds and bellyache. Can also be used during kitting.
    Elder Leaves x1 | Soothes sprains.
    Alder Bark x1 | Eases toothaches.
    Blackberry Leaves x1 | Eases the swelling of beestings.
    Borage Leaves | Helps produce more and better milk. Brings down fevers.
    Burnet x1 | Stops minor bleeding and keeps up a cat's strength.
    Catchweed x1 | Stops poultices from rubbing off without hurting the skin.
    Chickweed x1 | Treats greencough.
    Marigold x1 | Stops infection and bleeding.
    Dandelion x1 | Soothes and heals beestings. Leaves can be chewed to act as a painkiller.
    Broom x1 | Used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile: 13 servings
    Hare | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Pigeon | x3 | 3 servings
    Rat | x0 | 1 servings

    Fennelclaw | Specklepaw | 1 | Swimming
    Hawkblaze | Falconpaw | 1 | Swimming
    Ravenfeather | Patchpaw | 0 | N/A
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of Training Session | Skills Learned

    Deceased Cats:
    Dovestep | Moonstone | Killed by ???
    Cat Name | [url=link]G[/url]emstone | Cause of Death

    Larksong and Thrushflight - Heronswoop, Whispersong, Dovestep, Silverpool
    Moonfall and Viperthorn - Specklekit, Falconkit
    Silkwing and Eaglefeather - Tigerkit, Mousekit
    Name and Name - Kits

    Solarclan's Tradition:
    When an apprentice becomes a warrior, they are presented with a gemstone that either correlates with their eye color, pelt color, or personality. For example, a fiery, energetic tom may receive a red jasper stone. Kits are taught to anticipate the day when they receive a gemstone, and to keep it safely tucked away within their nests. The leader watches the training sessions and goes on hunting and border patrols frequently to determine what stone the new warrior shall receive. When a warrior dies, their gemstone is placed on top of their grave, to forever be a testament to them. It is said that their spirit is tethered to that gem, and if it's lost, then their spirit is lost. If an apprentice or kit dies, then the leader will choose a gem based on what might've been.
rio | pansexual| enfp | libra

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby The Lion Queen » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:01 pm

My clan will be called Evergreenclan. Evergreenrclan lives in a swamp with mostly...well, fir trees. There's also a few more open plain areas, and at the southeastern corner there's a small lake. They mainly eat toads, water voles, fish, various birds, and mice. Despite their dark territory, the cats are mostly active in the day, because their territory tends to get very cold in leafbare and only mildly warm in Greenleaf.

Evergreenclan focus primarily on their stealth and intelligence. They aren't so much great runners as they are agile and sneaky. Apprentices are trained in how to sneak about the fir trees and blend into tall grass, however they can be relatively fast on their feet if they must be. Another aspect they put a lot of emphasis on is intelligence. Cats in the clan are encouraged to think logically, and to take in as much information and facts as they can before making a decision. They believe in being as honest as possible, which results in them refusing to lie, no matter what the cause: in fact, lying about anything of any importance can be grounds for clanmates shunning the liar. However, this also results in the clan being very, very blunt, and not putting their opinions through any filter. They never start alliances with other clans due to their preference for being alone, however they aren't against the idea of alliances.

Evergreenclan will usually only strongly enforce parts of the warrior code that they feel "make logical sense." The part of the code they enforce the strongest, however, is the first one. They believe that cats in their clan can't have any attachments to cats from any other clan beyond "acquaintance," because it encourages disloyalty and not putting Evergreenclan above everything else. This results in forbidden romance and half-clan cats being dealt with pretty harshly. Anyone caught in a forbidden romance is immediately kicked out, including any kit that may result of it.

The northern part of the territory has the most forest, and the northern border is an incredibly dense line of fir trees. The southern border is a river that comes out of the lake in the southeastern corner. The eastern side and western side, however, mostly blend into the overall landscape, so they tend to get more thoroughly checked and scent marks then the other two sides.
Last edited by The Lion Queen on Wed Oct 18, 2017 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
previously alexterri
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Phina D Wolf » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:06 pm


Number of Cats: 3

next Moonpool visit: 10/24

Sweetstar began his trek to the Moonpool dispiritedly, his paws dragging through the grass. Surely StarClan would send him a deputy soon. Surely there was a purpose in the delay. As he padded through the tall grass, his gaze fixed on the trail in front of him, he began to hear voices, drifting through the misty morning air. Quickening his pace, he began to lope, his eager ears searching for the source of the voices. Breaking into a small clearing, he spotted two ginger cats, one male, one female, in a heated debate.

β€œNo you idiot, I am not trying to poison you.” the female insisted, attempting to wrap a cobweb around the foreleg of the other, which had a small but bloody scratch on it.

β€œWhy else would you be trying to shove a spider into an open wound?!?” The tom protested, shaking his paw vigorously and attempting to back away, only to be followed determinedly by the she-cat.

β€œI keep telling you, it wasn’t a spider! It was a speck of dirt, and I brushed it off before I even tried to put the cobweb on you. Now stop being a big baby and get over here!”

The tom tried to turn and flee, but slammed face first into a bemused Sweetstar, who’s stumbled slightly before regaining his footing. β€œWoah there!” the leader cried, holding up a paw to stay the cat, β€œWho are you two? And why are you refusing medical help?”

Obviously flustered, the tom cleared his throat, β€œOh, sorry, I didn’t see you there.” He looked at the leader a moment before starting, β€œYou! I knew it! See, I told you I wasn’t crazy Velvetflicker, this is him! We are in the right place!”

Huffing, the female examined Sweetstar momentarily, β€œHe looks nothing like what you described to me, Maplestrike.” she said, shaking her head.

β€œNo, no see? Grey and white, looks like he could still be an apprentice….” Maplestrike trailed off, realizing what he had just said, β€œOh, um, I mean…”

Sweetstar chuckled, shaking his head in amusement, β€œNo, no, you’re right.” he agreed, β€œI do have that issue. It makes me easy to identify though. Why were you looking for me?”

β€œWell, you see," the tom began, "StarClan visited me a week or so ago and told me to come here. I was on my own at the time, but StarClan said not to join you until I could find Velvetflicker here. They said that our clan needs to grow quickly, to withstand trials to come, whatever that means. Neither Velvetflicker nor I can remember if they said anything specific about these trials, but starting a new clan is hard, so who knows.”

Velvetflicker nodded in agreement, β€œYea, I haven’t had any dreams from StarClan in a while yet. Last I heard, I wouldn’t until I found a new clan. I’m hoping that you’ll let me join you.”

β€œOf course!” Sweetstar said, beaming, β€œI would be honored to have you in my clan as my medicine cat and my Deputy. Follow me, our camp is this way.”

The three quickly traversed the easy terrain back to camp, hopping the stream twice as they went, Sweetstar giving them a brief summary of the territory and a few potential dens he had spotted in the camp. β€œThere’s a den near the edge of camp with a sandstone wall that the stream runs through that I’ve been clearing out, thinking that it could make a good medicine cat den.” He said, turning his head to speak to them as they entered the little clearing that was the camp, β€œAnd over here, next to my den, is another den that I’ve been clearing out, you could use that one Maplestrike.”

Quickly inspecting their new homes, the two returned, grinning, β€œThis is perfect!” Maplestrike meowed, grinning, β€œTons of space and great weather. I can’t wait for more cats to get here.”

β€œActually, I was on my way to the moon pool when I met you two.” Sweetstar admitted, β€œIf you don’t mind, I think I’ll go there now to see if StarClan will grant us another member.”

β€œGood idea.” Velvetflicker agreed, β€œAnd I’ll go hunt down some herbs so that we’re ready if something happens.”

β€œAnd I can go hunting.” Maplestrike offered, β€œIt looks like we’re a bit low on food.”

β€œPerfect!” Sweetstar exclaimed, grinning, β€œI’ll see you all back here tonight then."

[Sweetstar goes to the Moonpool]

[Maplestrike goes hunting]

[Velvetflicker searches for herbs]


Sweetstar | 37 moons | Male | X

Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…


Maplestrike | 30 moons | Male | X

Medicine Cat:

Velvetflicker | 29 moons | Female | X


Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]


Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]


Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]


Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]


Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Ally Clans:

CloudClan | ~Glaceon~

Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans

Clan Name | Username

Clan Name | Username


North | CloudClan | ~Glaceon~

East | CliffClan | sushinekko

South | Clan Name | Username

West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store

Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 0

Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 0

Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 0

Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 1

Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 0

Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 0

Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 0

Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 0

Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 0

Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 1

Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 0

Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 0

Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 0

Chickweed | treats greencough - 0

Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 0

Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 1

Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 0

Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0

Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0

Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0

Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 0

Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 0

Fennel | helps hip pain - 0

Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 0

Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 0

Goldenrod | helsp healing wounds - 0

Hawkweed | like catmint - 0

Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 0

Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 0

Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0

Juniper berries | soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 0

Lamb's ear | gives strength - 0

Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 0

Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 0

Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 0

Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 0

Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 0

Mint | hides scent of death - 0

Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 0

Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0

Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 0

Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 0

Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 0

Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 0

Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 1

Rosemary | hides scent of death - 0

Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 0

Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 0

Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 0

Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 1

Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 0

Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 0

Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 0

Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0

Willow Bark | eases pain - 0

Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0

Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 0

Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 0

Fresh-Kill Pile:

Mice | x0 | 1 serving

Ermine | x0 | 2 servings

Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings

Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings

Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings

All Birds | x0 | 3 servings


Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:

Cat Name | Cause of Death

Cat Name | Cause of Death


Name and Name | Kits

Name and Name | Kits
Hi, I'm Phina D Wolf! I'm here
mostly for the people and the
adopts and games I'm a part
of, but I know pet rarities
pretty well too. If you want to
chat, my inbox is open!
My CaC Clan
My CaT Tribe
My CaK Kennel
I'm an amateur horse, cat,
and dog geneticist, so if
you are interested in any of
those, feel free to hit me up!
I'm always happy to chat!

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Phina D Wolf
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