[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [CLOSED]

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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 4 RESULTS]

Postby 76heart » Fri Sep 18, 2020 3:35 pm

Thank you to everyone for joining us for the Escape Room Fourth Day! We so so hope you've had fun with the adventure really starting to begin <3

Just as tickets were to be handed out, Major stopped everyone with a nasty scowl and cleared his throat. What could possibly have been wrong now? "Ah ah ah. Hold on now." His voice seemed calm, for the most part. Considering the rest of his demeanor, you weren't quite sure how he kept his voice from wavering. "A little birdie told me that yesterday... some of you got around the riddles without doing the work yourself. I thought I had made myself clear from day one - we don't tolerate cheating. What is there to be proud when you are rewarded for someone elses hard work?" His scowl shrank as he looked over in Naera's direction. She too was clearly upset with what had happened, but likely more so that everyone was getting scolded rather than her being tricked into spoiling the riddles. It was hard to miss her gaze softening apologetically at a kit who looked like a small tadpole. Her heart was too kind for such trickery, which is what fueled Major's distaste further. "I'm not angry... I'm just disappointed." Ugh. Those were the last words anyone wanted to hear. Nothing was worse than having disappointed someone. Having decided he was finished, Major turned from you and the rest of the crowd to face Naera. He gave her a warm smile, accompanied by a gentle shoulder squeeze and nod of the head. She had assured him earlier that it wouldn't happen again, but that was hardly the problem in his eyes. He had given his two cents worth though, and likely spoke more than he had this entire event. Hopefully his words would stick would stick.

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If you are not listed here and feel you have been missed in genuine error, please message either myself or AboveAspen and we'll get you fixed right up!

The personal responses to attempts to get Naera talking have also been completed, so if you missed them in the Day 3 results and went the alternate route, go ahead and check them again!

Status: Banked


Image Image Image Image Image

For anyone curious, the key duck to the order was orange, and the clue was the A1Z26 cipher <3


Incorrect Order
+ 5 Tickets

The clues were misread, but you did your best!

"You're lucky to have had some quick thinkers on your side." His words are meant to be sharp, but his voice doesn't meet the same tone it normally does when he scolds you. Perhaps it has something to do with the crack in his façade from earlier - you know, the one where it looked like he was about to have a meltdown? The thought makes you chuckle, but you're quickly quieted when asked what was so funny. You don't want to push your luck, not when tickets are on the line


Wrong Order - Nearly Correct, but Reversed
+ 8 Tickets

You read and followed the clues correctly, but you missed the key to tie them together. Thankfully, your work does not go unnoticed!

Oh no, you did get it right, didn't you? You were so sure you did, but the moment you put the last one back in the place you thought was correct, a large clap of thunder sounded and you had to yank it bank, both from being startled, and slightly afraid of the possibility of there being an actual, very real, very dangerous and scary, curse. You tuck the orange duck back under your arm, holding it close to you, and look down at the inscriptions on each of the ducks, reading them over carefully again. No, you had it right. Purple had to be between red and blue and green had to be between blue and orange. That was correct, but it wasn't being accepted. Wait... unless? You turn your gaze to the orange duck under your arm, its inscription right there plainly for you to read. Drat, it was the other way around, wasn't it? You dismissed the numbers on orange thinking the other clues would lead you to the right one, but your assumptions had failed you. The numbers had to say orange was on the left, there was no other way it could possibly be. Gulping, you begin shifting the idols down and reversing their order until the only spot that was left was the left end, and the orange duck beneath your arm. Ever so carefully, with eyes squinted in concentration- and fear-, you put orange into place, and waited with bated breath. Nothing. Phew. Praise Duckius. You let out the breath you were holding, and then all of a sudden, Naera is there in front of you. She was smiling, but for the first time the grin didn't reach her eyes. Instead her eyes were filled with worry. "I do not know if you have eased your curse and pleased the god that rules here, but you followed the clues almost entirely correctly, so these belong to you darling." Her voice is still soothing like birdsong, but it's heavier and weighed down, but with what you don't know. It seems like there's a number of things on her mind and her previous distraction has taken a different form, but before you can ask if she's alright, she's gone.

Wiccan Witch

All Riddles Correct
+ 10 Tickets

You figured out the key and got them all right, fantastic sleuthing!

ut of any puzzle he and Naera set up, this was his favourite by far. It seemed to be the most realistic show of them all, with the crumbling stone and quaking walls. What really made this his favourite though, were the faces everyone seemed to make upon hearing of a curse. Imagine being frightened by a silly curse. But despite the ominous threat, you somehow pulled through and completed the puzzle almost effortlessly. "Well colour me surprised." He seemed a little disappointed though, typically he let the fear of a curse linger on longer than it had. Now at least he had a little extra time to try and locate that item he must have misplaced earlier. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that he had been so distracted, if the extra tickets he hands you is anything to go by.

APH Siantia
quiche cat!
Khada Jhin
twinkle park
uηsρεcifiεd ¢ryҏtiɗ
rem sleep

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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY FIVE]

Postby 76heart » Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:17 pm


Well, whatever you did seems to have appeased the temple for a moment, but just as you take a moment to breathe in relief after staring at the duck idols for far too long waiting to see if something terrible would happen, there's a rumble beneath you, faintly shaking the walls. You freeze. Uh, what the heck was that? Looking to where you last saw Major and Naera before you began your duck alter staring ask if they knew what was going on, you realize with dawning horror that they're gone. You're all alone, possibly still with a curse, and the temple isn't acting still as it should. You spent so long staring at the ducks to try and reassure the part of yourself that couldn't quite discount the threats of a curse, they must have left after finishing with all the tickets. What are you going to do?

"Major, Naera?" You call hesitantly, stepping towards the room you saw them go into a couple times, slimly hoping that they're still there and you're merely worrying over nothing. No response. Worry begins to set into your bones, accompanied by a jolt of fear when the ground begins to quiver again. "Major, NAERA?" This time you shout when you call again, beginning to grow frantic, and panicked. Your heartbeat starts to race, and you whip around, looking for some reassurance- or anything remotely comforting really- in entrance to make a quick escape from. You've never wanted to hear Naera's soothing voice anymore and rush to the safety of her side, or even Major.
There's no way you can get out the way you fell in; it's too tall and your limbs are too shaky to scramble up it. You've not explored the rest of the temple yet, for you've been too busy with trying to lift your at this point very likely curse, but do you even have the time to do that now?

Suddenly the temple floor begins to shake and lurch beneath your feet, nearly making you stumble and lose your already unsteady balance, and you realize you have to hurry and get out before you’re trapped inside, or worse, crushed.

You don't know if this is real, if it's some elaborate special effects and arcade should have no business in having, magic, a curse, or something else, but what you do know is that you're suddenly very alone, that the ground is literally shaking beneath you, and minuscule cracks have begun appearing all throughout the stoney walls, spreading out like ice breaking over a lake after someone walked on ice that was too thin, or through a boulder on top of it to see if the ice could hold it. It wont be long until those cracks get larger and larger, and things start to fall. You have to go now, or it may be too late.
Without wasting another second on a thought, you let your instinct take over, and you just run. You run and run, not noticing at all where you're going and when you finally breach an exit to the tunnel and fall onto grass warmed by a light mimicking the sun. It feels like hours before you finally recognize what's happening again, and you notice that that you're outside, safe, and free. Cautiously, you turn to look behind you and see whatever entrance you came from crumbled behind you. Gods, you were lucky. Speaking of entrances though, where are you, and how are you going to get back? This definitely wasn't where you came from, like at all. You reach down for where you put your map, hoping for it to provide some sort of guide, but you don't find it. Frantically, with the adrenaline of the temple still rushing through you, you pat yourself down, and still come up with no map. It's gone, absolutely gone, gone to the temple that just crumbled shut sometime ago behind you.

Well, that's certainly a bust. How are you going to get back without any sort of guide? You focus on the paths ahead, and note only four. They could be anything and lead anywhere, however are you going to choose? You don't want to be lost forever.


Okay, phew, the temple is appeased- at least temporarily-, and you managed to miraculously escape by the tip of your tail with only a little bit of dust on your shine. It looks like you had to escape through an entrance you didn’t come through, and uh oh, if it couldn’t get any worse, you lost your map! Hopefully your memory serves you well and you’re able to find your way back on your own?

Ahhh blessed choice with RNG, I’m back, do you remember me? To get back home today, you have to choose which path you want to take, but we’re all going blind here so it could be anyone’s guess. I wonder if the desert could do anything? Hacking through that dense jungle looks painful.
As always, if you get lost and don’t find the right path you can always come back and play again! Major and Naera will send a rescue party to find you, rest assured.

If you would like further explanation for how the day works, please see here!


Walk Through the Dense Jungle
Take the High Road on a Mountain Pass
Follow the Ocean Along the Beach
Take a Shot at Retracing Your Steps Through the Desert

Choose carefully, you may only choose one!

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 5 OPEN]

Postby Sullivan Maurus » Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:20 pm

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 5 OPEN]

Postby ford » Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:20 pm

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 4 CLOSED]

Postby •boo• » Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:21 pm

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 3 OPEN]

Postby -pidge » Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:21 pm

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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 4 OPEN]

Postby gojo » Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:21 pm

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 5 OPEN]

Postby Senbonzakura » Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:21 pm

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 5 OPEN]

Postby annie15970 » Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:22 pm

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 5 OPEN]

Postby KVShadow » Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:25 pm

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