[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [CLOSED]

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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 2 RESULTS]

Postby 76heart » Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:12 pm

Thank you to everyone for participating in the second day of the Escape Room! We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed making it and we sincerely apologize for the wait! <3

"Hmph, you didn't do as terrible as expected, kid."

Use CTRL + F to find your name!

If you are not listed here and feel you have been missed in genuine error, please message either myself or AboveAspen and we'll get you fixed right up!

Status: Banked

Look Through The Underbrush
+ 1 Ticket

Well, you tried.

Completely logically, you decide to search the forest for coins. After all, where else would be better to hide them than under fronds and ferns and maybe even within some bromeliads? Coins were even marked on the map to be here, so when you found none, truly you were perplexed, and angry. Instead of coins and your glorious ticket prize and whatever bounty the chest had to offer, you were covered in little scrapes and musses, and spare sticks and leaves were clinging to every mildly long piece of fur they could. You even saw an isopod crawling on your arm before you brushed them off back to the floor- so as not to hurt them- with a squeak. Weren’t these supposed to be fake? The ones you saw someone shaking were fake? Why are these ones real?

You emerge from the forest with some cobweb on your ear, and Naera rushes over the moment she sees you, worry flashing within her eyes. "What happened? You didn't go towards the mountain, did you? Are you hurt?" She lets out a flurry of other questions as she checks you over, flitting about you like a hummingbird, but you only hear those three, and sheepishly nod your head at going by the mountain, and shake your head at being hurt. Your pride is wounded, but you aren't. She relaxes, and apologizes about the real trees, and for not warning you. A ticket is lightly pressed into your hand, and she rushes off to where you came from, murmuring something about how that marker was meant to be removed from the map.

quiche cat!
a u r o r a
uηsρεcifiεd ¢ryҏtiɗ

Shake The Trees
+ 2 Tickets

Oof, didn't go to well, did it?

As everyone else scavenged the ground for the lost coins, it seemed like a perfectly reasonable idea to go ahead and check the many trees that lined the perimeter of the room. The plan was simple; go up to the tree, shake it, and have the lost coins come tumbling out and on to the ground around you. You had already done it once or twice before in that one video game you enjoyed, so what was the harm in trying it out in real life? Well, apparently 'violently' shaking the trees, as Major put it, was not the way to go about it. Something about damaging the props and how the entire sum of your tickets wouldn't be enough to cover the costs had they been damaged. Not to mention, had these been real trees, it wasn't good practice to go about and disturb trees with your silly antics. With a deep huff, Major fished into his back pocket and pulled out a few spare tickets he had laying around. "Here. Take this and run along. Try not to break anything on the way out." When you take the tickets, Major turns and makes his way to find Naera. You can hear him grumbling something about it being called 'buried treasure' and not 'nested treasure'.

King Andre
rem sleep

+ 3 Tickets

Well, at least you got tickets?

It seems that the task of finding several coins proves to be too difficult, and you decide to opt out of todays puzzle. As you turn on your heel and and make your way to the exit, Major is leaning against the frame of the door with a smug grin. "Oh? Have you already found all of the missing coins?" You fervently shake your head and explain to him that you simply Can Not™. He nods, as if empathizing with you and your problems, but his grin remains. "Too hard? Oh, well don't worry about it - no one expects you to solve the puzzle everyday." His voice is calm as he speaks, as if genuinely not bothered by your lack of willingness to complete the puzzle. Wait, what was that? That flicker of emotion that graced his features just a moment ago...? "But, now that you have some free time on your hands, how about giving back a little? It's only fair after receiving so much, no?"

Before you can even process what has happened, it seems you've been whisked away to the puzzle room from yesterday. This time though, instead of handing out treasure maps, Major is handing everyone cleaning supplies...? "I can't thank you all enough for being so kind as to help clean up our mess from yesterday." And with that, it seems Major has roped you into resetting the previous room. Well, at least he was 'kind' enough to hand out a few tickets afterwards.

twinkle park

Comb Through The Sand
+ 5 Tickets

You did it! But god, how many coins did you find? Is that maybe a little too many?

It took you ages and much arduous searching, and even more searching through the sand you're now almost entirely covered in, but at long last, you have found all the coins. There's what looks- and feels- like hundreds gathered within your arms. There's so many they've begun to spill from your grasp, but thankfully, Naera notices your plight and swoops in to help. She quickly begins to take some of your fallen coins within her own paws, helping you make your way to the chest. When you finally get there, she turns to you, and a hand finds it's way onto your shoulder. She's utterly beaming with pride; her smile so contagious you can't help but smile too. "Darling, I am so proud of you. You found more than I thought anyone would." Naera tells you, warmth radiating from her gaze. "Where I am from, you would be given a most glorious prize, and regaled as a talented seeker. Though," She stifles a laugh as she finally takes in your very sandy, disheveled appearance. "in my land, you would not be covered in as much sand." Her eyes shine, and she gently pours the fallen coins carefully back into your arms, watching to make sure none fall. "I cannot give you a grand prize, but I can give you these tickets. I hope they aid you in receiving an item that brings you much joy." You're grateful, but your eyes widen as you struggle to think of a way to hold the tickets while you're waiting to release your coin. A gentle chuckle that sounds of chimes breaks you out of the worry though, and Naera looks to you with a reassuring smile. "I will hold them for you until you can take them yourself, I promise."

Wiccan Witch
APH Siantia
Khada Jhin
Schnuffel Bunny

Invalid Forms
@katniss ` I'm truly so sorry but you didn't fill out your form correctly. You have to copy/rewrite the entire choice, not just a keyword, as the keyword alone isn't the choice and results are compiled by searching the phrase
Last edited by 76heart on Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY THREE]

Postby 76heart » Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:11 pm


The chest has been filled, and with it, a quest for an ancient temple has been revealed!

Upon depositing all of your many, many coins into the chest while Naera stands by your side watching and catching any stray coin that tries to escape- a feat more satisfying than you know how to admit-, the weighted bottom of the chest sinks to the actual bottom, and an old, weathered piece of parchment slips from a thin slit in the chest you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. You manage to grab it before it completes its flutter to the ground, but when you see what's on it, your brows knit in confusion. Another map? With nothing but vague location markers that stick out from the carefully painted contents and.... riddles? You look up in bewilderment, turning to Naera questioningly, about to ask if this is some kind of mistake, but she's smiling at you a bit wistfully, and you pause, mouth open.
"I imagine you're wondering what this map leads to, and why you've gotten another, hmm?" You nod, and her smile widens, though there's something distant in her eyes. "Well darling, this map will take you to the entrance of an old temple, or rather the-" She cuts herself off and her eyes go wide, realizing that she was about to slip the answer out and spoil your fun. Is she okay? She's never been like this before? "Oh, I am so sorry darling. Please ignore what I nearly said, I do not know wha came over me, or how that slipped out. I wouldn't dare ruin your fun." Naera gazes at you apologetically, her eyes filled with sorrow. A blush tints her cheeks, but before you can respond Major walks up to the two of you.
"Naera, what's going on here? You've been here a while." She instantly lights up, grinning at him openly, radiant as ever, and catches him off guard. He pauses at the sight of her bright smile, and you swear you see a blush on his cheeks before he shakes it off and turns to you, noticing your map and quickly recovering. "Ah, the map." Major gives you a look, a very knowing look, and a smile works its way up his cheeks.

Major taps your map. "You see those riddles kid?" You nod, quickly. Naera has fallen quiet, watching Major intently."The answers all correspond to a marker." He points to the first set, grinning. "You'll encounter the next set after the first, but before you can get to the next one, you have to find the correct answer. Good luck with that kid, we've made them a little tricky." He seems very proud of himself as the words roll off his tongue, and Naera seems to straighten with some pride as well, looking over to the intricately painted markers- an Earth, a doodle of Major, some fearsome waves, and a crack- a little distractedly before looking to Major again. "Take care not to get lost, which you will if you assume the answer wrong. Now, hurry up and get solving, once again you're about to hit the start of the time. Try not to be last next time you go to fill up a treasure chest." And as usual, with his last word, he's gone.
Naera's eyes trail after him, her features dipped downward into a frown the moment he left. "He seems different today, I wonder if he's done anything with his hair?" The words are quiet, and clearly not meant for you to hear, but you heard them anyway, and tilt your head. She's still staring after him a moment later, and then she notices you, and looks sheepish again. While she's looking at you, you notice Major look back at her with a smile, before he notices you and scowls, and your attention is drawn to Naera again.
"Good luck darling, do not be afraid to find me if I can be of service again." She gives you a nod, and then leaves, following in Major's steps.

It's devious, and horrible to even consider, but you've never seen Naera this distracted before. She's always open about explaining what's going on and answering questions, but with her mind far away in the clouds, or rather, the sea she's clearly fond of, you could probably get her to tell you the answers or reveal where the temple is hidden. You feel so terribly ashamed for even considering it, and Naera has been nothing but good to you, but do you really want to spend another day crawling through trees and cobwebs and rolling in the sand?
If you want to try and trick her, you know you'll have to hurry up before anyone else with mischievous intent catches on to her clouded mind and tries what you're thinking and she grows wise to it, but is that really something you want to do?


Together, all the coins were found and the map was revealed. Now you have to find the temple, how are you going to do that? Looks like this map is one of riddles, and not location, so you have to answer the riddles to find where to go and where it will lead you. Unlike previous days, the answers will not be randomized, and for each riddle there will only be one, so think dear player, and use your mind.
It seems like on this day there is another path, however. Naera seems especially distracted today, so if you could get her talking, she would probably without realizing, give the answers to you, or at least the location. Careful now, which will you choose?

Today to get your tickets and play in the escape room, you have to answer the riddles correctly, or try and trick Naera into giving them to you. You can only do one, and only one person will be able to win through trying to trick Naera. Don't worry though, if you don't succeed in either, you’ll still be able to play again!
For each of the riddles there will be four answers to choose from, but only one will be the right one. Think carefully and take your time.
For tricking Naera, you must complete the prompt, how do you get her talking so she reveals the answer to you? There is a minimum of 100 words, and we will be reading through them to choose the winner. If you want to know what will get her talking, there's a certain staff blog you may peruse.

If you would like further explanation for how the day works, please see here!



I tremble, I quake, I leave destruction in my wake. I reveal hidden depths and mysteries down below, leaving some stuck and stranded with no place to go.
Major filled with rage on his way to catch cheaters
The Earth

I'm the king of the ocean, the jungle of the reef; I usurped my way to get here, now come bow at my feet. I wear stripes but no tiger am I, now come give me my crown, don’t be shy. Careful though, I'm not the safest to touch, for I'm of poison and I wouldn't test your luck.
Parrot Fish

Though there are many who may look like me, I am the one with the largest wingspan of the sea. I stay with my one true love forevermore, for flying through the skies without my other half beside me is such a bore.
Major and Naera

You know me, you eat me, you throw me in all manner of dish, and to guess me currently now is your wish. You recognize one form, but my true one is a surprise, and beneath my very own apple, I lay and grow as the prize.

A map of light, oh what a sailor's delight. Though sometimes I may be obscured, I am always there, watching, of that you can be sure. I always move but never change, and within my endless depths are stories of many names.
The Sky
Astrological Maps
Armillary Spheres

In a smooth smile or ragged snarl my lips remain transfixed, my teeth that line my mouth and throat ever growing sharp enough to prick. I have many paths and entrances, a great deal easy to miss, but as the wind runs through me you’ll find them with a hiss. By water and sand I call my home, with some slipping down my mouth, now who am I, what am I talking about?
Underwater Cave
Island Cave
Shipwrecked Ship
Mountain Tunnels

Alternate Path
Get Naera talking so she slips out the answers to the riddles, or where the temple entrance is.


Choose carefully, you may only choose one path!

Please do not quote your forms from previous days!
It didn't matter the previous day as the form was virtually the same, but from now on the forms are going to be very different, and you will not be able to quote them from this point on.

Riddle Form
Leave only the answer you believe is correct beneath the riddle, remove all the others!
Code: Select all
[b]Username + Number:[/b]
[b]Link to Sign-Up:[/b]

[b]I tremble, I quake, I leave destruction in my wake. I reveal hidden depths and mysteries down below, leaving some stuck and stranded with no place to go.[/b]
Major filled with rage on his way to catch cheaters
The Earth

[b]I'm the king of the ocean, the jungle of the reef; I usurped my way to get here, now come bow at my feet. I wear stripes but no tiger am I, now come give me my crown, don’t be shy. Careful though, I'm not the safest to touch, for I'm of poison and I wouldn't test your luck.[/b]
Parrot Fish

[b]Though there are many who may look like me, I am the one with the largest wingspan of the sea. I stay with my one true love forevermore, for flying through the skies without my other half beside me is such a bore.[/b]
Major and Naera

[b]You know me, you eat me, you throw me in all manner of dish, and to guess me currently now is your wish. You recognize one form, but my true one is a surprise, and beneath my very own apple, I lay and grow as the prize.[/b]

[b]A map of light, oh what a sailor's delight. Though sometimes I may be obscured, I am always there, watching, of that you can be sure. I always move but never change, and within my endless depths are stories of many names.[/b]
The Sky
Astrological Maps
Armillary Spheres

[b]In a smooth smile or ragged snarl my lips remain transfixed, my teeth that line my mouth and throat ever growing sharp enough to prick. I have many paths and entrances, a great deal easy to miss, but as the wind runs through me you’ll find them with a hiss. By water and sand I call my home, with some slipping down my mouth, now who am I, what am I talking about?[/b]
Underwater Cave
Island Cave
Shipwrecked Ship
Mountain Tunnels

Alternate Path Form
Code: Select all
[b]Username + Number:[/b]
[b]Link to Sign-Up:[/b]
[b]How do you get Naera talking?[/b][/center][/size]

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 3 OPEN]

Postby ford » Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:24 pm

Username + Number: ford [916502]
Link to Sign-Up: [x]

I tremble, I quake, I leave destruction in my wake. I reveal hidden depths and mysteries down below, leaving some stuck and stranded with no place to go.

I'm the king of the ocean, the jungle of the reef; I usurped my way to get here, now come bow at my feet. I wear stripes but no tiger am I, now come give me my crown, don’t be shy. Careful though, I'm not the safest to touch, for I'm of poison and I wouldn't test your luck.

Though there are many who may look like me, I am the one with the largest wingspan of the sea. I stay with my one true love forevermore, for flying through the skies without my other half beside me is such a bore.

You know me, you eat me, you throw me in all manner of dish, and to guess me currently now is your wish. You recognize one form, but my true one is a surprise, and beneath my very own apple, I lay and grow as the prize.

A map of light, oh what a sailor's delight. Though sometimes I may be obscured, I am always there, watching, of that you can be sure. I always move but never change, and within my endless depths are stories of many names.

In a smooth smile or ragged snarl my lips remain transfixed, my teeth that line my mouth and throat ever growing sharp enough to prick. I have many paths and entrances, a great deal easy to miss, but as the wind runs through me you’ll find them with a hiss. By water and sand I call my home, with some slipping down my mouth, now who am I, what am I talking about?
Island Cave

ford ☆ he/they
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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 3 OPEN]

Postby justamindset » Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:26 pm

Username + Number: DragonOfEmber || 695530
Link to Sign-Up: xXx

I tremble, I quake, I leave destruction in my wake. I reveal hidden depths and mysteries down below, leaving some stuck and stranded with no place to go.


I'm the king of the ocean, the jungle of the reef; I usurped my way to get here, now come bow at my feet. I wear stripes but no tiger am I, now come give me my crown, don’t be shy. Careful though, I'm not the safest to touch, for I'm of poison and I wouldn't test your luck.


Though there are many who may look like me, I am the one with the largest wingspan of the sea. I stay with my one true love forevermore, for flying through the skies without my other half beside me is such a bore.


You know me, you eat me, you throw me in all manner of dish, and to guess me currently now is your wish. You recognize one form, but my true one is a surprise, and beneath my very own apple, I lay and grow as the prize.


A map of light, oh what a sailor's delight. Though sometimes I may be obscured, I am always there, watching, of that you can be sure. I always move but never change, and within my endless depths are stories of many names.


In a smooth smile or ragged snarl my lips remain transfixed, my teeth that line my mouth and throat ever growing sharp enough to prick. I have many paths and entrances, a great deal easy to miss, but as the wind runs through me you’ll find them with a hiss. By water and sand I call my home, with some slipping down my mouth, now who am I, what am I talking about?

Island Cave

[♡] ember / / [♡] justamindset


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𓆩*𓆪 and i know where to look 𓆩*𓆪

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 1 OPEN]

Postby -pidge » Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:38 pm

Username + Number: -pidge + 931289
Link to Sign-Up: x

I tremble, I quake, I leave destruction in my wake. I reveal hidden depths and mysteries down below, leaving some stuck and stranded with no place to go.
The Earth

I'm the king of the ocean, the jungle of the reef; I usurped my way to get here, now come bow at my feet. I wear stripes but no tiger am I, now come give me my crown, don’t be shy. Careful though, I'm not the safest to touch, for I'm of poison and I wouldn't test your luck.

Though there are many who may look like me, I am the one with the largest wingspan of the sea. I stay with my one true love forevermore, for flying through the skies without my other half beside me is such a bore.

You know me, you eat me, you throw me in all manner of dish, and to guess me currently now is your wish. You recognize one form, but my true one is a surprise, and beneath my very own apple, I lay and grow as the prize.

A map of light, oh what a sailor's delight. Though sometimes I may be obscured, I am always there, watching, of that you can be sure. I always move but never change, and within my endless depths are stories of many names.

In a smooth smile or ragged snarl my lips remain transfixed, my teeth that line my mouth and throat ever growing sharp enough to prick. I have many paths and entrances, a great deal easy to miss, but as the wind runs through me you’ll find them with a hiss. By water and sand I call my home, with some slipping down my mouth, now who am I, what am I talking about?
Island Cave
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Feel free to message me, I don't bite!
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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 3 OPEN]

Postby deerbroken » Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:49 pm

Username + Number: deerbroken | 641378
Link to Sign-Up: x

I tremble, I quake, I leave destruction in my wake. I reveal hidden depths and mysteries down below, leaving some stuck and stranded with no place to go.

I'm the king of the ocean, the jungle of the reef; I usurped my way to get here, now come bow at my feet. I wear stripes but no tiger am I, now come give me my crown, don’t be shy. Careful though, I'm not the safest to touch, for I'm of poison and I wouldn't test your luck.

Though there are many who may look like me, I am the one with the largest wingspan of the sea. I stay with my one true love forevermore, for flying through the skies without my other half beside me is such a bore.

You know me, you eat me, you throw me in all manner of dish, and to guess me currently now is your wish. You recognize one form, but my true one is a surprise, and beneath my very own apple, I lay and grow as the prize.

A map of light, oh what a sailor's delight. Though sometimes I may be obscured, I am always there, watching, of that you can be sure. I always move but never change, and within my endless depths are stories of many names.

In a smooth smile or ragged snarl my lips remain transfixed, my teeth that line my mouth and throat ever growing sharp enough to prick. I have many paths and entrances, a great deal easy to miss, but as the wind runs through me you’ll find them with a hiss. By water and sand I call my home, with some slipping down my mouth, now who am I, what am I talking about?
Shipwrecked Ship
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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 3 OPEN]

Postby SilhouetteStation » Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:06 pm

Username + Number: SilhouetteStation + 676516
Link to Sign-Up: xxx

I tremble, I quake, I leave destruction in my wake. I reveal hidden depths and mysteries down below, leaving some stuck and stranded with no place to go.

I'm the king of the ocean, the jungle of the reef; I usurped my way to get here, now come bow at my feet. I wear stripes but no tiger am I, now come give me my crown, don’t be shy. Careful though, I'm not the safest to touch, for I'm of poison and I wouldn't test your luck.

Though there are many who may look like me, I am the one with the largest wingspan of the sea. I stay with my one true love forevermore, for flying through the skies without my other half beside me is such a bore.

You know me, you eat me, you throw me in all manner of dish, and to guess me currently now is your wish. You recognize one form, but my true one is a surprise, and beneath my very own apple, I lay and grow as the prize.

A map of light, oh what a sailor's delight. Though sometimes I may be obscured, I am always there, watching, of that you can be sure. I always move but never change, and within my endless depths are stories of many names.

In a smooth smile or ragged snarl my lips remain transfixed, my teeth that line my mouth and throat ever growing sharp enough to prick. I have many paths and entrances, a great deal easy to miss, but as the wind runs through me you’ll find them with a hiss. By water and sand I call my home, with some slipping down my mouth, now who am I, what am I talking about?
Shipwrecked Ship
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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 3 OPEN]

Postby LostInTheEcho » Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:40 pm

Username + Number: LostInTheEcho + 680104
Link to Sign-Up: xxx

I tremble, I quake, I leave destruction in my wake. I reveal hidden depths and mysteries down below, leaving some stuck and stranded with no place to go.

I'm the king of the ocean, the jungle of the reef; I usurped my way to get here, now come bow at my feet. I wear stripes but no tiger am I, now come give me my crown, don’t be shy. Careful though, I'm not the safest to touch, for I'm of poison and I wouldn't test your luck.

Though there are many who may look like me, I am the one with the largest wingspan of the sea. I stay with my one true love forevermore, for flying through the skies without my other half beside me is such a bore.

You know me, you eat me, you throw me in all manner of dish, and to guess me currently now is your wish. You recognize one form, but my true one is a surprise, and beneath my very own apple, I lay and grow as the prize.

A map of light, oh what a sailor's delight. Though sometimes I may be obscured, I am always there, watching, of that you can be sure. I always move but never change, and within my endless depths are stories of many names.

In a smooth smile or ragged snarl my lips remain transfixed, my teeth that line my mouth and throat ever growing sharp enough to prick. I have many paths and entrances, a great deal easy to miss, but as the wind runs through me you’ll find them with a hiss. By water and sand I call my home, with some slipping down my mouth, now who am I, what am I talking about?
Island Cave
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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 3 OPEN]

Postby avianAnnihilator » Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:45 pm

Username + Number: avianAnnihilator | 960627
Link to Sign-Up: X

I tremble, I quake, I leave destruction in my wake. I reveal hidden depths and mysteries down below, leaving some stuck and stranded with no place to go.

I'm the king of the ocean, the jungle of the reef; I usurped my way to get here, now come bow at my feet. I wear stripes but no tiger am I, now come give me my crown, don’t be shy. Careful though, I'm not the safest to touch, for I'm of poison and I wouldn't test your luck.

Though there are many who may look like me, I am the one with the largest wingspan of the sea. I stay with my one true love forevermore, for flying through the skies without my other half beside me is such a bore.

You know me, you eat me, you throw me in all manner of dish, and to guess me currently now is your wish. You recognize one form, but my true one is a surprise, and beneath my very own apple, I lay and grow as the prize.

A map of light, oh what a sailor's delight. Though sometimes I may be obscured, I am always there, watching, of that you can be sure. I always move but never change, and within my endless depths are stories of many names.

In a smooth smile or ragged snarl my lips remain transfixed, my teeth that line my mouth and throat ever growing sharp enough to prick. I have many paths and entrances, a great deal easy to miss, but as the wind runs through me you’ll find them with a hiss. By water and sand I call my home, with some slipping down my mouth, now who am I, what am I talking about?
Island Cave
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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 3 OPEN]

Postby astraf » Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:05 pm

Username + Number: astrafrack / 661008
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I tremble, I quake, I leave destruction in my wake. I reveal hidden depths and mysteries down below, leaving some stuck and stranded with no place to go.

I'm the king of the ocean, the jungle of the reef; I usurped my way to get here, now come bow at my feet. I wear stripes but no tiger am I, now come give me my crown, don’t be shy. Careful though, I'm not the safest to touch, for I'm of poison and I wouldn't test your luck.

Though there are many who may look like me, I am the one with the largest wingspan of the sea. I stay with my one true love forevermore, for flying through the skies without my other half beside me is such a bore.

You know me, you eat me, you throw me in all manner of dish, and to guess me currently now is your wish. You recognize one form, but my true one is a surprise, and beneath my very own apple, I lay and grow as the prize.

A map of light, oh what a sailor's delight. Though sometimes I may be obscured, I am always there, watching, of that you can be sure. I always move but never change, and within my endless depths are stories of many names.

In a smooth smile or ragged snarl my lips remain transfixed, my teeth that line my mouth and throat ever growing sharp enough to prick. I have many paths and entrances, a great deal easy to miss, but as the wind runs through me you’ll find them with a hiss. By water and sand I call my home, with some slipping down my mouth, now who am I, what am I talking about?
Island Cave
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