The edge of the woods.... [Final Results Up!]

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The edge of the woods.... [Final Results Up!]

Postby CSMintCat » Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:10 am




You felt a little apprehensive as you approach the edge of the forest that borders Kamp, wary of heading so far from the main area of the campground. With the exception of the voices you had heard earlier, the eerie silence and the looming shadows of the treeline makes your hair stand on end. Trying to ignore the gravel path leading into the trees, you manage to swallow down your fear once you realize that the boisterous voices you heard earlier were coming from a pair of counselors standing near the trees. The presence of authority figures eased your worry slightly; after all, surely nothing could go wrong with two responsible adults around!

The voice, you quickly amend in your mind as you observe the two further; only one of them seemed to be speaking, gesturing wildly with his arms as his shorter companion silently listened without any further comments. Advancing further, you managed to pick out the words "forest" and "scary" being spoken by the taller Kalon. (I mean, how could you not, given how loud he was being.) Your unease returns tenfold as you falter in your steps.

Surely he can't mean this forest?

You had heard of the forest near the edge of Kamp being called the Forbidden Forest, but you'd always assumed it was just a myth made up by the counselors to scare new campers. Now, hearing the Kalon speak so openly about it... You weren't so sure anymore. You as you decide to make a silent, hasty escape from this suddenly-unnerving situation.

However, your quick retreat may not have been as silent as you thought as the taller Kalon whirls around suddenly to face you, amber eyes flashing. You freeze in your tracks. Now that you were standing a bit closer to the two, with shadows cast by the quickly-darkening evening sky flitting across their faces, the duo seemed far more intimidating than they had seemed earlier... Just as you were about to turn tail and book it out of there, the taller of the two calls out to you and beckons you over.

"Hey kiddo! C'mere!"

Ah. You were caught. Resigned to your fate, you amble over to the two, sweat prickling the back of your neck your feet led you to a stop in front of the counselors, the two seeming to loom over you.

"What're you doing out here?"

You blurt out a hasty explanation, mumbling something about hearing voices coming from the forest and wanting to explore, and then losing your nerve as it grew darker. You stared at your feet, ready to face whatever punishment was going to be sent your way. Instead, you heard a bark of laughter.

"Well, aren't you a curious kiddo! Don't worry, we can lead you back to camp."

Relief had never felt so sweet. You dutifully followed the two counselors as they headed back to camp, the ominous feeling you felt earlier in the pit of your stomach all but gone with the presence of the duo. Lost in your thoughts, you almost didn't realize it when the taller counselor spoke again.

"I'm Beni, by the way. 'Nd that's Iphis. We're counselors at Kamp, in case you haven't realized it yet. Nice to meet you! We have a night hike coming up in a few days that we've been planning for a while, so check back in a couple of days to sign up if you want to test your courage. It's gonna be spoooooooky."


Beni leans over you at this point, showing his teeth and wiggling his fingers to emphasize exactly how "spoooooooky" the hike was going to be. (Iphis remained silent throughout the entire exchange.) You can't help but choke out a laugh at this, before realizing that you had already made it back to camp. Beni bids you goodbye, punctuated by a firm pat on the back that just about knocks the wind out of you.

"There ya go! Now stay out of trouble, y'hear?"

"Christ, Beni, don't kill the kid."

You catch your breath and bid the two goodbye.
As you head back in the direction of your cabin, you hear a voice call out in reminder:

"We're starting sign-ups for the hike soon, so keep an eye out!"


[Head back to Kamp?]
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SIGN-UP TIME! - Prompt Number One

Postby CSMintCat » Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:38 am



As you head further into camp and towards your cabin, something brightly-coloured catches your eye. Approaching what caught your attention, you spot what seems to be a clipboard attached to the outside wall of the counselors' cabin. Upon closer inspection, the clipboard holds a sign-up sheet of some sorts. At the top, above the spots for filling in names, are a couple of crude (very crude) doodles of what appears to be Beni and Iphis with the words "TEST OF COURAGE" in block letters.

Oh. This must be the nighttime hike thing the two mentioned earlier.

The colourful item you noticed turned out to be one of those multicoloured pens, attached to the clipboard with some tape. ...It's bright pink. (You sweat a little thinking about who out of the two it could belong to.) Nonetheless, your interest has been piqued and you decide to sign up. For Beni's pleading stare if nothing else.



Looks like it's finally time to sign up for the Test of Courage hike! While some campers may be excited about the trip, others may not be so eager.
How does your Kal feel about the upcoming event? Draw or write about how your Kamper feels! Why do they want to (or do not want to) go?
If Beni and Iphis are extra happy with your response, you may just get something as a reward!

Code: Select all
[b]Sign-up Time![/b]
Link to roll call post:
Prompt response:

All writing must be a minimum of 150 words.
Drawing must be at least a recognizable sketch.
Please only post finished forms! (NO RESERVATIONS OR WIPS!)
Please only include your registered Kamper.

While there is no elimination this round (unless you do not meet the guidelines),
this prompt is mandatory to all who wishes to continue participating in future prompts!

(To all participating Kampers.)

[End date:]
Thursday, July 19th, 2018 at 6pm EST.
Two hours before rollover.


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OOOOH, SPOOKY! - Prompt Number Two

Postby CSMintCat » Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:45 am



You're suddenly woken up from a deep sleep.

It takes you a minute, but you manage to rub the sleep out of your eyes and regain your bearings. It's dark in the cabin; save for what little moonlight streams in from the curtained windows and through the gap under the door, it's almost pitch black. It's so dark that you can barely see your two hands in front of you. (You don't know what time it is.) You rub your eyes once more in an attempt to clear your vision. Once your eyes adjust, you realize that you're sitting in jumbled blankets on your bunk, among your fellow Kampers. Oddly enough, they all seem to be sleeping peacefully, undisturbed by whatever had managed to wake you up.

Come to think of it, what did wake you up?

You distinctly remember some sort of noise, but now that you're straining your ears to try to hear it, you can barely pick it up over the regular nighttime noises. Still, it's there, nagging at you like a particularly irritating bug. Perhaps it's just the lingering sleep clouding your mind, but you can't manage to shake the unease that accompanies the thought of how the sounds your hearing are utterly indescribable.

You let out a shaky sigh, and look from your rumpled blankets, to the moonlight spilling in from under the door, to the sleeping forms of your fellow Kampers. You wonder if it's worth getting out of bed to find out exactly what had roused you from your slumber.

(It's so dark....)



Uh oh, it sounds like there's something spooky in the forest!
Despite not being very loud, it's doing a pretty good job in keeping your Kamper from getting a good night's sleep.
Do they go out and investigate -perhaps while rallying fellow Kampers to go with them-, or do they stay in their cabin where it's (hopefully) safe?
Draw or write about what your Kamper decides to do in the face of potential spooks!

Code: Select all
[b]Ooooh, spooky![/b]
Link to roll call post:
Link to previous form:
Prompt response:

All writing must be a minimum of 150 words.
Drawing must be at least a recognizable sketch.
Editing is okay, but please keep track of when you submit it!

Imagex3 or Imagex5
(3 to those eliminated, 5 to those who move on.)

[End date:]
Sunday, July 22nd, 2018 at 6pm EST.
Two hours before rollover.


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HIKE, START! - Prompt Number Three

Postby CSMintCat » Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:45 am



The feeling of apprehension in the air was almost palpable.

It was dusk, and finally time for the Test of Courage to start. After sorting through the names of the campers who had signed up, double-checking and removing the ones that had lost interest in the hike, Beni and Iphis had put up the final list of campers who were to go on the trek earlier that morning.
Along with the list was a note with the instruction of meeting at the path into the Forbidden Forest when the sun had begun to set, (written in the same scrawling script that the sign-up sheet had been in).

And now here you were, clustered with the large group of fellow Kampers who had decided to go through with the hike, staring at the forest looming before you. As you wait for Beni and Iphis to officially start the hike, you were suddenly struck with the memory of your first encounter with the forest at the very first day of Kamp. As the days had passed, you had forgotten about it (and your initial, irrational fear of what could have dwelled within.) But now, so close to actually stepping foot into the impossibly dark forest….

Your fear returns tenfold.

A breeze picks up and you shiver; despite how warm it was earlier in the day, the setting of the sun seemed to leech all the warmth out of the air
(or was it somehow the doing of the forest…)

Before you could dwell further on the thought, your attention is caught by Beni’s loud voice announcing the start of the hike.
Heaving a loud sigh, you shoulder your pack and get ready to leave.

After all, there’s no turning back now.



It’s the day -or rather, night- of the Test of Courage, and everyone is practically vibrating with excitement (or maybe it’s nervous jitters?)
Now that the hike is set to start, how does your Kamper feel about it?
Are they still as eager as they were when they signed up, or has the nerves finally gotten to them?
What do they bring with them to help in their journey?
Do they decide to travel alone, or do they follow the “safety in numbers” rule?
Draw or write about what your Kamper decides to do!

Code: Select all
[b]Hike, start![/b]
Link to roll call post:
Link to previous form:
Prompt response:

All writing must be a minimum of 200 words.
Drawing must be at least a recognizable sketch.
Editing is okay, but please keep track of when you submit it!

Imagex5 or Imagex7
(5 to those eliminated, 7 to those who move on.)

[End date:]
Wednesday, July 25th, 2018 at 6pm EST.
Two hours before rollover.


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DECISIONS, DECISIONS. - Prompt Number Four

Postby CSMintCat » Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:45 am



After resting for a while, Iphis claps his hands.
The sound cuts through the quiet murmurs of your fellow Kampers, easily commanding attention from the gathered crowd.
Looking pleased (as far as you could tell in the darkness) with the ensuing silence, he announces that the group was to continue moving on through the forest.

A number of voices pipe up to say that Beni still wasn’t back yet, as if to delay the inevitable send-off into the woods again, but Iphis curtly retorts that Beni was a grown man and could find his way around the woods. Gaze softening somewhat at the look of fear that had passed over the crowd, he adds that they had made sure that it was safe (as safe as it gets) and that Beni will be around near the end of the trail to help out if anyone needed it.
(You decide that that makes you feel a little better.)

With that, you head off with the rest of the group.

The darkness of the forest is as jarring as ever, even with the illumination of your flashlight.
As you walk, you swear you can see something flitting around just barely in your field of view,
but you’re not sure if it’s your eyes playing tricks on you,
the flickering shadows cast by the beam of your flashlight on the dense foliage….
Or something else entirely.

You’re not sure how long you were walking for when you come across a fork in the path.
The trail on the left is filled with dense, tall grass that’s interspersed with what appears to be thistles.
(Who knows what could be hiding in there?)
The trail on the right is covered with rocks, all in various sizes and jutting out at different angles.
(Surely it would be hard, if not dangerous, to be walking on it?)

You realize that you can only feasibly pick one path to go down.

You have to make a choice.



Your Kamper comes across a split in the path!
One is surely to lead to the end of the Test of Courage, while the other to... Something else?
Draw or write about which path your Kamper decides to go down and their reasoning for it!
What do they expect to see at the end of it/at the end of the Test of Courage?

Code: Select all
[b]Decisions, decisions.[/b]
Link to roll call post:
Link to previous form:
Prompt response:

All writing must be a minimum of 200 words.
Drawing must be at least a recognizable sketch.
Editing is okay, but please keep track of when you submit it!

Imagex7 or Imagex10 and [Something Special]
(7 to those eliminated, 10 + [Something Special] to those who move on.)

[End date:]
Sunday, July 29th, 2018 at 6pm EST.
Two hours before rollover.


Last edited by CSMintCat on Thu Jul 26, 2018 12:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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A small wooden sign....

Postby CSMintCat » Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:45 am



There's a small wooden sign here...

So... What is this thread, exactly?
    It's a series of elimination-based prompts based on art and writing.
    When each new prompt opens, follow the directions given to fill out your form.
    Once the prompt closes, Sat and I will judge the prompts.
    The majority of those who enter will win a prize and continue on to the next prompt, while those who don't make it will receive a consolation prize and be eliminated.
    (If Sat and I think your entry is great, you may get something extra!)
    Those eliminated will not be allowed to enter in any further prompts, while those who progress to the very end will receive something special!

What time does everything open/close?
    The duration that prompts are open vary between three or four days.
    However, prompts will always close at 6pm EST (two hours before rollover) and open at 8pm EST (CS rollover).
    This is so we can judge who will make it to the next round!

Any limits?
    There are no limits when it comes to maximum amounts of writing or art!
    Just remember to keep it reasonable when it comes to writing too much, but also keep in mind that you may run the risk of being eliminated if your entry has been deemed not up to par.
    For minimum requirements, please consult the "Guidelines" section in the prompt post.

Any other things to keep in mind?
    Please pick either art or writing to do!
    (You can have two short sentences as a caption to explain/have some speech bubbles in art, but minimally.)
      Please note!
      The point of the art option is to answer with art, therefore those who use a lot of words via captions or speech bubbles may not be considered as highly.
      If you cannot convey what’s happening in your art without words, you should stick with the word option!
    You may edit once you have posted, but please keep track of when the edit is submitted to make sure it's within the deadline!
    Your entry should be primarily about the Kamper you have registered in your prompts!
    (You can include mentions of other Kals/use them as background characters in art, but it should focus on your Kalon!)
    The first prompt is mandatory to all who wishes to continue entering for prompts.
    If you do not submit a finished entry for a certain round or manage to meet the minimum requirements, you are automatically disqualified!

Are we allowed to pretty up our posts?
    Feel free to do so!
    It ultimately will not affect us judging your entry, though.

What can we win?
    Glad you asked!
    You can win:
A varying amount of Golden Acorns.
Used to purchase items from the Gift Shop.
Used Bandaid item.
"An old bandaid. Gross.
The back is still sticky though, and
still 'usable. Perfect for patching up
any hurts you may get."

Removes either an eye or
a limb from your Kalon.
Creepy Doll item.
"A small, eerie doll you found in the forest.
It's missing an eye.
Looking at it for too long
gives you a bad feeling."

Gives a rare natural mutation to your Kalon.

What is a "Test of Courage" anyways?
    "In its most pure version, a group chooses a destination, one guaranteed to inspire fear. Common examples are dark forests, grave yards, abandoned buildings, or known haunted and mysterious spaces. Challengers can go alone or in a group. They go to the chosen spot at night, to ensure maximum fear, and they either bring something back to prove that they had gone the distance, or leave some sort of token that can be recovered the next day."

Hey, who did the pixels?
    Got 'em from here, m'dudes.
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Boundary fence.

Postby CSMintCat » Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:46 am


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Re: The edge of the woods.... [DNP]

Postby dimi. » Tue Jul 17, 2018 1:45 pm

      Sign-up Time!
      Username: Dimi.
      Link to roll call post: Here
      Prompt response:

      "Test of.. Courage?" Amorette said to herself in a questioning tone as she gazed down at the calendar. She arched an eyebrow curiously, imagining the chaos that could be caused by such a test. Perhaps they would leap over flames, shoot arrows at bears, be trained to hunt one another like wild savages! Of course, these thoughts were all interrupted by Amorette's raging thoughts about the camp counselors still being present. She imagined a bead of sweat running down her own face, something she often imagined when she was frustrated like this. She then shook her head, looking down at the paper once more. The title still appealed to her, and soon she took out another piece of paper, the map she had been given. She looked around the scenery, quickly following the path towards where the test of courage sign ups were stationed.

      When she arrived, she was greeted by two campers who had seemed to be expecting a curious wanderer. They immediately asked why she was out here, to which she replied about wanting to join in on the test of courage activity. When she asked about what they would be doing, the counselor simply replied it was going to be spooky. She gazed down at the sign up sheet, a while smile making it's way across her muzzle. "This is going to be so cool." She whispered beneath her breath as she eagerly filled out the sign up sheet, aggressively shoving it back across the table with a large bounce into the air.

      To say she was excited about the test of courage was an understatement. Excitement wouldn't even begin to describe the emotions she was experiencing. She was curious, concerned, and overly hyper all at once as she tried to imagine the encounters that would be made on such a journey. Perhaps there were ghosts on the trail! Or they would hike up vast rocks without the safety rope! Oh, such daunting tasks must be present within something called the test of courage. It's called that for a reason, rather than being called the test of cowards! She thought to herself happily, her heart beginning to thump more and more with each thought. "I can't wait!" She said, bidding a farewell to the counselors with an aggressive outward wave of both front paws before bounding back to the camp happily.
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby solasta » Tue Jul 17, 2018 1:52 pm

    Sign-up Time!
    Username: solasta
    Link to roll call post: here
    Prompt response:

    grabbing the pen setting it to a faint blue color, kafe gently signs for the test of courage hike. nervous as ever, knowing that her stamina isn't the best and she tires easily; she is afraid she won't make it. but with bravery at stake, the peer pressure of the other kampers and her team, kafe must put all of her effort into this hike. as kafe is skilled in crafting and journalism, she hopes she could find some great info for her journal while she is away exploring. maybe to bring back to her friends who stayed behind. tugging at her team #sunflower shirt, she writes down a list of three bullets of the categories she will study while on the hike; flora, fauna and hawt kampers. kafe is now as eager as ever to now go on this thrilling hike and make her team proud. while looking at some very attractive kampers along the way of course.
    [159 words]
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby rain, » Tue Jul 17, 2018 1:53 pm

Sign-up Time!
Username: rain,
Link to roll call post: heyo
Prompt response: Belarus was getting antsy, her paws sweating at the thought of this "test of courage". Her friends unwillingly made her sign up, and Belarus, foolishly, agreed. She didn't want to seem like a chicken, after all! However, now as the beautiful sky started turning darker and darker, she couldn't help but begin to shake. It really seems foolish from another's perspective. A simple kalon who was shaking uncontrollably and looking rather displeased, possibly sick. Yet, the nightshades needed her help. Actually, they probably didn't, but she still felt as if she were a part of her team, and was too involved mentally to quit now. Shoving her fears aside she stepped forward, then backward. Still much too scared. What a bad idea. "No, I'm not afraid- Actually I am." She talked to herself, definitely knowing others probably thought she was insane. "You know what. I'm going to do it. I'M AFRAID. YOU ALL SHOULD KNOW THAT SO PLEASE PROTECT ME." She yelled, bursting over to the now-forming group.

"She needs me. And I need her.
Its as simple as that."

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