๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [closed]

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Re: ๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [open]

Postby hunny.milk.tea » Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:12 pm

exploration results:

EeeeeeejDoge wrote:
Let's go exploring!
Username: EeeeeeejDoge
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: everyone each: 28 and from it - 7 farm explors
Location: outskirts
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: goes to explore again, the gang is Im action again

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Grey Doodad #1! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! jp seems to be snoozing in a lawn chair, a half-eaten tuna fish sandwich resting on his stomach. you decide to leave him to nap in peace, though you snap a mental picture and stifle a giggle, what a silly ol' beardog!
Eevee55 wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Eevee55
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image Image Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 50, 46, 39
City: 3 | 3 | 3
Outskirts: 26 | 22 | 21
Farmlands: 19 | 19 | 13
Lake: 0 | 0 | 0
Rolling Fields: 2 | 2 | 2
Location: The Lake
Link to last exploration: Here
Extra: The trio decides to leave their puppy and kitten companions in the care of one of their Beardog friends for the afternoon as they will be visiting the Lake today! They wonder what they will find during their journey... They have heard tales of hidden treasures being found down there! But more importantly, they want to find something cool to impress their new companions! And the best part is, they are relatively certain there are no gizmos down there, so they should not end up finding anything that will bother just peachy! They have missed visiting him, and now that he's back they are determined not to ruin their visits!
{Rebreather link so I don't lose it: x} (Thank you!)

Image While swimming, something touches your leg, wrapping tendrils around it, causing fear to-- oh it was just some Seaweed! You can craft something with this! as you return from the lake, some water still logging you down slightly from the nice dip in the water, you see something that just about shocks you to your core. there, right in front of your eyes, a begrudging-looking just peachy standing next to... A GIZMO BEARDOG? no, surely this was a trick of the eyes, an illusion, were you going mad? you check your forehead to see if you're burning up, but not, it's real! just peachy isn't talking to the gizmo beardog, and in fact you think he might even be trembling standing next to it, and yet he was forcing a smile. what was this? was the world going crazy? there grandpups seem to be giggling and chatting away, playing with the beardog gizmo happily as the gizmo beardog played right back. you're scared out of your claws when you hear a voice pipe up from behind you. are you looking at glizzy? they're so cool aren't they! they've taught us so many new games, even grandpap is warming up to them! buck, the eldest grandson informs you with a grin. well that seems to answer.. a few questions but now you have about a billion more.
Omiyage wrote:
Let's go exploring!
Username: Omiyage
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog
has been exploring per zone:

City 1 โœง Outskirts 0 โœง Farmlands 0
Lake 0 โœง Rolling Fields 0
Amount of times this beardog
has been exploring per zone:

City 0 โœง Outskirts 0 โœง Farmlands 0
Lake 0 โœง Rolling Fields 0

Location: the City, please.
Link to last exploration: โœง
Extra: Cry, trying to make all my dudes have the same # of explores lol. Thank you~

Image While exploring the bustling City you came across a gizmo #9 - Pengwing! A collectable. Aren't they just the cutest? wow double loot! Image While exploring the City you did a good deed and got given 30 meat! i feel this on a spiritual level. when i started explores i had just jp and gumball,,, and now i don't want to add anyone else cause those two have been on over 46 explores and im- too organized to want to add someone knew XD
Nyakuni wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Nyakuni
Beardog(s) I'm sending: ImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone: The city: 5/5
The Outskirts : 0/0
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: here!
Extra: When JP mentioned something about being explorers, something about their daily adventures changed. They gave each other a meaningful look over the comment and hurried home to discuss their next foray into the big wide world, and thus was today's journey planned. Today they were going to risk more. Today... they were going to brave the wilds... juuust outside the city walls.

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Yellow Slonky! A collectable. Sproing. as you return, a pep in your step as you seemingly survived the outskirts without even a scrap, you notice jp is already eyeing you. seems he has been awaiting your little group for a while now, his tail coiling as he eyes you. for a moment you stand stock still, uncertain if he is sizing you up or about to give you the biggest of hugs. finally he breaks the silence. you're telling me... that you two... single-handedly found... a yellow slonky after only five explores? NOW THAT IS SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE! he announces loudly with a wide grin. you let out a breath you didn't realize you had been holding in and jp cackles. ahh man, i really got you two! sorry for that, hopefully this will make up for it! just peachy pops open a red cooler top. he tosses you two cans of ice cold bepis, grabbing one for himself. he pops it open with his teeth and shoots you a wink before chugging it. seems he wants you to share a bepis moment with him in celebrate!
namiwami wrote:I'd like to claim an unlock token!
Username: namiwami
Item You're Claiming: rebreathers!
Proof: pavo's 10th farmland explore results!!

Let's go exploring!
Username: namiwami
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Pavo, Circe, and Katarina!!
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
city 5 | outskirts 10 | farmland 12 | lake 0
city 0 | outskirts 0 | farmland 10 | lake 0
city 0 | outskirts 0 | farmland 0 | lake 0
Location: lake
Link to last exploration: wawa
Extra: /dances in beardog rp
Pavo listens intently, admiring both JP's handiwork and the little pups that are running around. What a lovely family, it thinksโ€”and Circe seems to agree, too! She grins at JP, blowing some fluff out of her face with a pfft. "If you ever need any pupsitters, you can call me, huh? Deeeefinitely not an excuse to crack open a bepis at your place, heheh..."
By the look in Pavo's four gloopy eyes, it wants to be invited over, too.

...The next day, there's a bit of a commotion outside where Pavo lives! Circe and a new face are arguing.

"Dude, this is, like, literally your first time goin' out there...and we're going to the lake..."
"But you guys are way more experienced, and I wanna go! Pavo's not gonna stop me, are you, Pavo?"
...Pavo shakes its goopy head after some hesitance. Katarina, the stubborn one, looks proud. Her worm tail gives a heartfelt nod to the rest of the crew.

"See? Let's go!" she barks, leading the way with some pep in her step. Circe sighs deeply. "You can't even go first," they mumble, padding away. "Pavo's the one who has to talk to the curator..."

Image Woah... you've hit the motherload while diving. Is what you would say if your society still valued sunken Treasure Chests! You can probably still craft something with this though! a pupsitter? oh you already know i'll be calling you up for help in the next day or two! and i better not find any of my cache missing, i count all my bepis bottles you know just peachy had called after you with a grin. now the next day, your newly formed trio is hobbling back after a trip to the mysterious and somewhat spooky lake. just peachy comes to sight, no-doubt with all that racket coming from the garage he is working on a new project. when he hears footsteps approaching he pokes his head out the entrance, a half eaten tuna fish sandwich hanging from his mouth. a big ol' grin slithers across his snout as he recognizes you, stumbling out and greeting you. welcome back gang! good thing you're here, i need your opinion on something- oh hey, a new face? just peachy comments as he looks towards the newcomer. you feel a slight chip in that confidence you seemed to be oozing from afar. you now had a pink demon-tailed beardog circling you with narrow slits for eyes, as if seeing if he could take you. however he gives a light nod before regarding the other two. yep, this one checks out, looks like a future pro explorer to me! though e noticed the somewhat strained tension between your group. he regards you all with a bit of a softer gaze, giving a genuine smile. yknow sometimes at first, when a flower bush is just starting out, you can't even see the buds! it's almost like all your tending and watering to the bush won't work out... but you'd be surprised what all the different aspects can bring. see, i learned that the different factors taht go into plant care make the most bright and life-filled flowers. same with your group... you may all be different, but look at your catch today! just peachy points at the treasure chests, as if to prove his point. he hopes you understand what he is trying to say, giving a nod to your group before returning to his project.
Melsride wrote:Username: Melsride
Beardog(s) I'm sending:ImageImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: Stan-(30-outskirts)(7-farmlands),Jen-(30-outskirts)(7-farmlands), Ally-(30-outskirts)(7-farmlands)
Location: the farmlands
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: Looking for a friend in the farmlands!

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a Fruit Basket! Mmm Tasty. You can craft something with this. no friend today, but a massive basket of fresh fruits to munch on! i'd count that as a win (3
โ€ขtranceโ€ข wrote:
โ€ขtranceโ€ข wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: โ€ขtranceโ€ข
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
โ €โ €โ €โ €walmartโ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €kmart
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
city: 0 - 0
outskirts: 5 - 0
farmlands: 20 - 15
lake: 0 - 0
Location: the lake
Link to last exploration: bonk

Image You're paddling around the probably fake and definitely haunted shipwreck near the shore when you think you see a-- a-- GHOST-- oh no. False alarm. It was just some pristine Old Fabric! Wonder how it's remained in such good condition? what is this? just peachy seems to sneak a tuna sandwich into your pocket as you pass by. just good ol' pop's looking out for his kid.
FaerieNova wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: FaerieNova
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Image Image Image
Wimbledore, Pancake, and Matcha
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
(Stats for all)
The Outskirts: 3
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: Here
Extra: Thank you very much! :D

ImageWhile exploring the Outskirts you came across a Green Doodad #1! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! you're welcome (3
Mossclaw3706 wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Mossclaw3706
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times these beardogs have been exploring: 52, 49, 44 (not including this trip)
City: 5, 4, 4
Outskirts: 10, 8, 3
Farmlands: 24, 24, 24
Lake: 6, 6, 6
Rolling Fields: 7, 7, 7
Location: Rolling Fields
Link to last exploration: last adventure
Extra: The familiar grey beardogs, sore and tired from their long journey to & from the rolling fields, accept the cookies and card with happy tears welling up. Even the usually stoic Pidge gets a little misty-eyed receiving the kind gifts. Mel blushes, touched at the gesture... while Saxophone's eyes grow HUGE and glassy, waterfalls of happy tears shamelessly streaming down their face. "THANKYOUSOMUCHOHMYGOSHTHESECOOKIESLOOKSOGOODDIDYOUMAKETHEMYOURSELVES???YOUDECORATED THEM TOO??????WOUHGHHHHH" They fight the urge to inhale the entire bag of cookies or to fawn over every single one. The trio spends some time playing with the youngins in the yard, galloping through JP's sprinkler, and talking to them about everything under the sun.

Image Slow and steady wins the race. At least that's what you tell yourself. I mean, what's the point of rushing through the fields? Pfft. A Lop Bunny seems to agree, lazily lurching up beside you. At least you've got an equally slow companion. as you all start to gush about the cookies, the middle child, marlo, pipes up with a toothy grin. yea we made them for you! grandpap says that life is about the beardogs you meet and the things you can do for others! just peachy's cheeks turn a light red color in embarrassment as he shakes his head with a huff. don't go exposing me like that kiddo cmon!he teased. they all shared a laugh. all three pubbies seem to be absolutely ecstatic about having some new friends to play with. for hours into the night they are giggling and playing all the games they can think of with you, and when you leave you remind them you'll be back tomorrow. and sure enough as you come back from your day at the lake the three kiddos are all waiting in anticipation. buck approaches your trio with wide eyes. is that a bunny!? oh my gosh lucky!! all the kids now surround you as they gaze with starry-eyes at the new friend you've acquired. without asking they start all suggesting crazy and wacky names for your new friend, causing you to grin at the sheer innocence of pubby-hood.
onion wrote:
Let's go exploring!
Username: onion
Explore stats:

exploring stats;;
the city- 6
the outskirts- 16
the farmlands- 20
the lake- 3
the rolling fields- 2


exploring stats;;
the city- 0
the outskirts- 0
the farmlands- 4
the lake- 0
the rolling fields- 0


exploring stats;;
the city- 0
the outskirts- 0
the farmlands- 4
the lake- 0
the rolling fields- 0

Location: the farmlands
Link to last exploration: xxx
Extra: spicybo whooshes his tail over the ground sheepishly. "hey its fine!" he says with a bit more pep. the beardog peers around the garage as just peachy leaves briefly, and gasps when he comes back with a bushel of strawberries!
"really? for me?! thank you so much jp! youre the best!" spicybo beams. off to the side maero and rico watch as everything goes down proudly, rico using his right back paw to prod at one of the cubs which giggles and plays with it.
"im sure everyone back at the hive will love these, specially since we dont have lotsa fruit out our way. thats why we take yagodo exploring cuz shes got a great snoot for fruit!" he explains to jp. "and, well... a dinner date sounds great, by the way! but how will you do that when youve got the pups to babysit? they sure seem like a pawful!" spicybo closes his eyes and snorts gently as one of the cubs makes eye contact with him for a brief moment, then goes back to tugging at rico.

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a bunch of Flowers! How pretty~ You can craft something with this. just peachy watches in amusement as spicybo softens up with an apology and some berries. he really truly feels a connection to the red fella, having butterflies whenever he shows up, however he won't admit it to anyone out loud. hey sasparilla! what did we say about nibbling our friends? cmon now leave the poor guy alone just peachy interjects quickly, noticing one of the pubbies mindlessly gnawing at you. he gives you an apologetic smile as the pubby detaches themself from you. sorry mister! you just... looked like a chocolate bar! the pubby answered with a signature innocent smile. just peachy scoffs at spicybo, waving his paw in the air to emphasize his point. oh cmon now, you don't think i don't have any pupsitters? after having melon i learned the hard way what it means to be underprepared. don't worry spicybo dicey, im always a step ahead of the game. he says with a wink. he takes you paw, bringing it up to his snout and giving it a kiss. clearly he was trying to be smooth, though the massive blush on his face somewhat gave it away.
Music_Lover wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Music_Lover
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Bic & Stevie
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring:
City: 4 | 2
Outskirts: 10 | 0
Farmlands: 10 | 0
Lake: 0 | 0
Rolling Fields: 0 | 3
Total: 24 | 5

Location: City
Link to last exploration: Boop!
Extra: Image Stevie carries along their new Gizmo with a happy bark. Bic is less on edge today, feeling the tension between the two of them has melted away and, in some strange way, he has re-appeased the lords of the Gizmos. It's odd though... He got more fulfillment helping out the farmer's than discovering another collectible. He considers this fact as he pads after Stevie going into the city.

Image After a fruitful day of browsing the City, you've returned with a friendship bracelet, wheres its twin, I wonder? as you return you can't help but think about what just peachy must think about your new exploration companion. and then as you round the corner your jaw just about drops to the dirt. just peachy was sitting right next to another gizmo beardog, this one based upon the ladybug beardog. it seems he was shivering and yet there was a forced smile on his snout. what in the swamp crocodile was going on here!? you just about thought you were losing your mind when you heard pubbies giggling, looking back. it seems the grandpups had something to do with this 'forced' friendship, playing a game of cards with the group
ิั”ังัปำ†า“ื•ั“ิ‘ wrote:
ย ย ย 



ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 
Let's go exploring!
Username: ิั”ังัปำ†า“ื•ั“ิ‘
Beardog(s) I'm sending: bepis [he/they], aristotle [he/him], and jim [he/him]
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
    0 | 0 | 0
    0 | 0 | 0
    10 | 10 | 0
    0 | 0 | 0
rolling fields:
    6 | 6 | 0
Location: rolling fields
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: aristotle and bepis are bringing another quiet friend along today.
jim is very soft-spoken, not as shy as aristotle but just not a very loud
beardog either. bepis doesn't seem to speak out loud in general, but he's
the highest energy of the trio. when aristotle introduces him to jp, jim is
friendly and very polite. he has a waddley sort of walk, maybe he's trying
to keep his onsie's legs clean ?

Image Wow, exploring the fields is exhausting, best stop to take a drink. You're snout deep in a river when you hear something quite odd. A... croak? You look up just in time to see a Frog leap onto your back. Uhm. Well. Guess that's a companion now. Ribbit. just peachy is busy clanging around with some new project in his garage when you approach from your venture. you've returned with a new little friend, the frog sitting promptly on the center of your noggin. when just peachy comes out from the garage he gives a light snort and a wide smile crosses his face. I used to have a pet frog just like that little fella ! named him toad, he was a good pet- oh hey there newcomer! just peachy turned to the newcomer, giving a nod. he seemed to have faith by the end of the week you wouldn't be minding the dirt on your onesie as a brave explorer.
shortstop wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: shortstop
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 5
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: boop
Extra: City: 5 || Outskirts: 1

Image While exploring the Outskirts you did a good deed and got given 20 meat! (3
dragoness129 wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: dragoness129
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Image + Image + Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
[City = 15][Outskirts = 15][Farm = 10]
[Farm = 0]
[Farm = 0]
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: here

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with some Plant Fiber! Try not to question them giving you just grass. You can craft something with this.
hunny.milk.tea wrote:
let's go exploring!
username: hunny.milk.tea
beardog(s) I'm sending: Image. Image
gumball / just "jp" peachy
amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 46 | 46
amount of times that places have been explored:
outskirts: 15
city: 5
farmlands: 20
lake: 4
the rolling feilds: 2
location: rolling feilds !
link to last exploration: here !
extra: (3

Image Wow! What doing! So scare! Much concern! A Shiba Puppy is now along with you for the ride. Hope you like its terrible jokes. drop kicks my past self. GET OUTTA HERE YA MOOCHER,,, but also omg,,, did you see we got a lil shiba?? bless the rng rolls
werepickle wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: werepickle
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Pine ~ Eclipse ~ Koda
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring:
Pine 13 - Eclipse 8 - Koda 8
Location: farmlands
Link to last exploration: here

Image While exploring the vast Farmlands you came across a Blue Doodad #1! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone!
S h e b s t e r wrote:
S h e b s t e r wrote:Let's go exploring!

Username:S h e b s t e r
Link to last exploration:xxx
City: 0
Outskirts: 5
Farmlands: 4
City: 1
Outskirts: 7
Farmland: 5
City: 0
Outskirts: 0
Farmland: 1

Extra: Sour Lime: โ€œsqueaksโ€ runs around

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a Vegetable Basket! Healthy! You can craft something with this. just peachy finds it oddly adorable how you run around and squeak. he almost thinks of you like a little squeaky toy.
honeycreeper wrote:Username: honeycreeper
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Mister Rorschach Cassatt | Signor Valentino | Dreamsicle
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
- Mister R. ( the city 6 | the outskirts 19 | the farmlands 13 | total 38 )
- Signor Valentino ( the city 6 | the outskirts 19 | the farmlands 13 | total 38 )
- Dreamsicle ( the city 6 | the outskirts 19 | the farmlands 13 | total 38 )
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: with the trio
Extra: Many things have changed in such a short amount of time - it almost feels like too much to recall. Dreamsicle misses Cereal Milk a lot, it's an ache in her chest that no matter what, won't leave. But, she really enjoyed seeing JP once again. His grandpups are adorable, running around with endless energy. Signor and Mister R. entertain them for some time, playing child games such as tag or hide and seek. It's heartwarming to see her brother's so carefree despite their departure from the farmland

Dreamsicle pauses after that thought. Brothers . . . She guesses that it's not too far fetched - they do act like a family would. She smiles, small and soft at the pair of beardogs still bounding around even after the pups are all tired out. She likes the sound of that.

Dreamsicle looks at JP - he's got a family and everything; all the stories that he's told the group were wonderful, but she wonders if he could answer a question she has.

When they have a second alone, she opens her mouth and asks quietly, 'So, do you know much about Cereal Milk? They're a friend I met recently - in the farmlands! I'm planing on giving them a gift when we return back to the farmlands, but I'd love for it to be perfect. So, I was thinking of maybe something that I can make - maybe a lantern ? I've got some skills from a while ago, but I don't know if they'd like it a whole bunch.' she trails off, face burning under her fur and the insides of her ears a bright red.

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Purple Doodad #2! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! just peachy watches with cageful eyes as the two of you play with his grandpubbies, relaxing in the shade of the oak tree with a tuna fish sandwich. buck seems to be toppling you over in his play, giggling as his siblings join him on the dogpile. just peachy notices you approach and sits up a bit more, flicking his shades up over top of his head. he seems to already understand that you are coming to him with a serious question, his gaze strictly ahead as he sets down his tuna fish sandwich. the pubbies playing with you two in the background emit soft giggles and teases, all pubby-piling in. just peachy smiles in a distant way, taking in his grandpubbies playing and settling back onto the oak. he listens intently to you as you pose your thoughts to him. he takes a few moments to ponder and nods lightly with a small grin. ahh yes... i do know that soul. i owe cereal milk pretty much my life! you see, back when i was a little younger, i wasn't the greatest er... beardog to ever exist. i did some pretty crappy stuff, stole, graffiti, pushed others around. i ended up having to get on the run from the coppers and hide myself away in their barn. now cereal milk is a hardworking farm-living soul you catch me? so when they woke up and found me holed up on the run, they put me to hard work. they taught me some pretty valuable life lessons that i will always carry with me. they taught me to believe in the good in myself. they're a very good soul. i'd say any gift that comes from you with meaning behind it will make them the happiest. i work with them now, we're business partners heh. but anyway, if you're to do a lantern, you best explain why you're doing it to! i know they'd be hit tot he core if you're honest about it just peachy finished sagely. you seem to have been at a loss for words. you didn't expect jp to be one to open up. well quite factually he isn't! he must think you're openness with him has also granted you his. what a moment to share!
Julie_PiscesGirl wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Julie_PiscesGirl
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Image Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 15 | 3
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: Here
Extra: Thank you! :)

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a Fruit Basket! Mmm Tasty. You can craft something with this. you're welcome (3
chaotic creativity wrote:
    Let's go exploring!
    Username: chaotic creativity
    Beardog(s) I'm sending: scribbles & stitches & mango
    Image Image Image
    Amount of times this beardog has been exploring:
      The City: 5 | 5 | 5
      The Outskirts: 10 | 11 | 6
      The Farmlands: 16 | 16 | 16
    Location: the farmlands
    Link to last exploration: here

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a bunch of Flowers! How pretty~ You can craft something with this.
Arcanine Luver wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Arcanine Luver
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image/Image
anaconda / little guy
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone: 0 / 0
Location: The outskirts!
Link to last exploration: n/a
Extra: i hope they dont get lost!!

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Purple Doodad #2! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! luckily it seems you were able to find your way back. just peachy casts you a proud glance as you return.
Nova-Moshi wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Nova-Moshi
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image Image Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
Indie - 5 City, 10 Outskirts, 13 Farmland, 1 Lake, 1 Rolling Fields
Mith - 0 City, 0 Outskirts, 0 Farmland, 1 Lake, 0 Rolling Fields
Jupiter- 0 City, 0 Outskirts, 0 Farmland, 0 Lake, 0 Rolling Fields
Location: The Lake
Link to last exploration: X
Extra: Another pup joins the crew! Indie takes Mith and Jupiter towards the lake, smiling as her pups romp around through the trees and play games along the way. Once they arrive, the two shoot out towards the emerald waters and splash each other while their laughter reaches the sky. This time, Indie joins them and scours along the shore for seashells, occasionally looking up to watch her pups play with a wistful smile.

Image While taking a quick snooze on one of the many rocky outcrops near the shore, you're woken by a splash and a gentle clink-clink of glass. Seems someone (or something) has left you some "magical" Bottled Water! Wow. You can definitely craft something with this! as you are enjoying your time at the lake, something lurks in the nearby shallows. the laughter of you two echoes through the area and the figure moves from the shadows. what's all that noise? a slow voice reaches the group. you all quickly shuffle together, however it is only a friendly face that greets you back. didn't mean to startle you, that name is judith! i haven't seen anyone else around here for a long time. the snail-looking beardog exclaimed.
Strawberry.Wyne wrote:
Letโ€™s go explore!
Location: Rolling fields
Link to last exploration: x
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Mirtilo & Bailan & Mush
~Today was Bailanโ€™s day to go exploring, and Mirtilo was a bit on edge about it. He tended to be the mischievous one of the group, but he was glad Mush would be there as well to wrangle him in. As they started their exploring, Bailan was quick to start off ahead of them, quickly chattering about all of the new things he was seeing. โ€Bailan, try not to wander too far ahead!โ€ Mirtilo scolded, worried that his son might venture off out of sight. โ€If you donโ€™t stay close to me, the monsters will get you,โ€ he finished, how else do you keep a rambunctious pubbie from running off? This managed to keep him cautious for the rest of the trip.

Once they reached JP and Melon, Bailan raced off to greet everyone with excitement. He was quick to run to his siblings, babbling about the supposed โ€œmonstersโ€ that could get you if you wander off alone into the woods. Maybe it was a good thing that he told his other siblings that, keep them safe. Thatโ€™s what Mirtilo thought anyway, as he threw an amused glance to Melon before embracing him.

rebreathers(*pls ignore the link)

โ™ก Mush
Outskirts: 11
Farmlands: 11
City: 1
Lake: 5
Fields: 6th Trip
โ™ก Mirtilo
Outskirts: 16
Farmlands: 21
City: 5
Lake: 5
Fields: 6th Trip

โ™ก Bailan
Outskirts: 0
Farmlands: 0
City: 0
Lake: 0
Fields: 1st Trip

Image You're taking a peaceful walk through the vast open green when you spot something in the near-distance. A small... animal. Not quite a beardog, you think but... it barks at you and charges and for a brief, terrible moment you think you're about to be bullied but-- phew looks like it's just a Bully Puppy that wants to be your friend! as you return you feel yourself grow a bit nervous to be a puppy owner, knowing your little ones will have to learn how to be responsible. for now the pup happily jogs at your side, reaching just peachy's garage. the siblings have been patiently, or... maybe not so patiently, waiting for your return! they all squeal and rush to tackle you over, tails wagging and laughter shared. they then all started to play wrestle with you, melon smiling from afar. he slowly slides up next to you, embracing you and giving a fond smooch of affection. quite the trouble makers aren't they? he mumbles wistfully, his eyes shining. you nod in agreement, happy that you can spend quality time with the family as you hold melon close.
Yawnicon wrote:
Let's go exploring!
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Cesium | Koal | Damien
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
Overall Scavenges: 11 | Overall Scavenges: 11 | Overall Scavenges: 11
| TC: 0 | TO: 5 | FLs: 6 | | | TC: 0 | TO: 5 | FLs: 6 | | | TC: 0 | TO: 5 | FLs: 6 |
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: Onwards!

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a Vegetable Basket! Healthy! You can craft something with this.
metal wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: metal
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone: 10 outskirts,6 farmlands, 0 others
Location: farmlands
Link to last exploration: xx

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a Bag of Seeds! Wonder what they'll grow? You can craft something with this.

end of exploration rolls! feel free to post as this was done after cs rollover (3
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Re: ๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [open]

Postby Yawnicon » Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:15 pm

Let's go exploring!
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Cesium | Koal | Damien
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
Overall Scavenges: 12 | Overall Scavenges: 12 | Overall Scavenges: 12
| TC: 0 | TO: 5 | FLs: 7 | | | TC: 0 | TO: 5 | FLs: 7 | | | TC: 0 | TO: 5 | FLs: 7 |
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: Onwards!
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Re: ๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [open]

Postby almond.milk » Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:18 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: almond.milk
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone: 0
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: n/a
Extra: :]
โœฆ ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฌ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜จ๐˜ฐing ๐˜ฃ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฌ โœฆ
โ”‚โ–ˆ Imageโ–ˆโ”‚
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Re: ๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [open]

Postby Melsride » Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:23 pm

Username: Melsride
Beardog(s) I'm sending:ImageImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: Stan-(30-outskirts)(8-farmlands),Jen-(30-outskirts)(8-farmlands), Ally-(30-outskirts)(8-farmlands)
Location: the farmlands
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: Looking for a friend in the farmlands!
she/her, full time front office manager,
slotomania addict

mallowpop is my kid and they help me out a
lot with posting on the forum part of CS.

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Re: ๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [open]

Postby Omiyage » Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:27 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: Omiyage
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog
has been exploring per zone:

City 1 โœง Outskirts 0 โœง Farmlands 0
Lake 0 โœง Rolling Fields 0

Location: the City, please.
Link to last exploration: โœง
Extra: Hehehe! After this my pack will all have the same amount of explore. Lol. Thank you~
Random music I change every few days: ๐ŸŽง๐ŸŽถ
Icon Credit โœง Greyscale Collection โœง Souvenirs
Thank you to those who have so kindly gifted/traded me. ^^
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Re: ๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [open]

Postby Nyakuni » Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:43 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: Nyakuni
Beardog(s) I'm sending: ImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone: The city: 6/6
The Outskirts : 1/1
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: here!
Extra: Gilt and Dusk spent hours roaming and searching for treasures and intrigues to take part in, and though they met with little actual action, they imagined themselves entire arcs of epic adventure, tales that would be told of their names for generations to come. When they arrived back to the city - finding the way on their very own! - they held their heads high. Their hearts thrilled when JP praised their deeds and the artifact they had managed to uncover!

Dusk fumbled to grab their can, Gilt already trying to sink their teeth in with the same trick and failing despite becoming more and more fierce with the poor tin. When Dusk managed to open theirs, it erupted all over Gilt, the fumble having left it unstable. Dusk smiles sheepishly and sips at the remains of their drink while Gilt whimpers in frustration, but when Dusk gives her a nudge and offers the slonky to her, a light returns to her eyes and she nods firmly to him in thanks. She sets her drink down for Dusk to fiddle with while she lifts her head again and began to share their story...

Such was how a simple soda and smile sparked two young beardogs into action, starting a journey that would span many months.
Last edited by Nyakuni on Sat Aug 27, 2022 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [open]

Postby hunny.milk.tea » Thu Aug 25, 2022 3:01 pm

let's go exploring!
username: hunny.milk.tea
beardog(s) I'm sending: Image. Image
gumball / just "jp" peachy
amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 47 | 47
amount of times that places have been explored:
outskirts: 15
city: 5
farmlands: 20
lake: 4
the rolling feilds: 3
location: rolling feilds !
link to last exploration: here !
extra: (3
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Re: ๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [open]

Postby dragoness129 » Thu Aug 25, 2022 3:05 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: dragoness129
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Image + Image + Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
[City = 15][Outskirts = 15][Farm = 11]
[Farm = 1]
[Farm = 1]
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: here
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Re: ๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [open]

Postby Eevee55 » Thu Aug 25, 2022 3:24 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: Eevee55
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image Image Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 51, 47, 40
City: 3 | 3 | 3
Outskirts: 26 | 22 | 21
Farmlands: 19 | 19 | 13
Lake: 1 | 1 | 1
Rolling Fields: 2 | 2 | 2
Location: The Lake
Link to last exploration: Here
Extra: All three are extremely confused by the scene in front of them. The last thing any of them would have expected would be for just peachy to hang out with a gizmo... Er, a gizmo beardog...? Though, from what they could tell, he didn't seem to be very comfortable with the circumstances. The trio is rather concerned about him to be honest, and they are planning to go check on just peachy when a voice suddenly speaks up from behind them, startling them all to the point where they nearly jump a foot in the air! They turn to see who it was, and none of the three are willing to upset the pup so they all smile and nod. They each greet buck, managing to relax and not show how startled they are about what they had just seen. This is certainly one of the most confusing days of the trio's lives, and that includes the times they got lost in the Farmlands...
{Rebreather link so I don't lose it: x} (Thank you!)
Despite everything,

Image Image Image
Heya, I'm Eevee!
Thank you so much to twinkle! for the adorable avatar!

It's still you.

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Re: ๐Ÿป BEARDOGS ๐Ÿถ exploration [open]

Postby Mossclaw3706 » Thu Aug 25, 2022 4:22 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: Mossclaw3706
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times these beardogs have been exploring: 53, 50, 45 (not including this trip)
City: 5, 4, 4
Outskirts: 10, 8, 3
Farmlands: 24, 24, 24
Lake: 6, 6, 6
Rolling Fields: 8, 8, 8
Location: Rolling Fields
Link to last exploration: last adventure
Extra: After a long stroll through the rolling fields, the small pack heads towards JP's with a spring in their step.
Mel sticks his snout over the fence, deep blue eyes lighting up when they see the puppies in the yard! "Hi everyone! Y'know, I don't think we caught your names last time we were around..." "Would you mind introducing yourselves?" asks Pidge with a smile.
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