โ” โ˜… ๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’… ๐’ƒ๐’๐’๐’๐’… [ forms & discussion ]

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{ โžณ | โ into the wild โž | mossfur }

Postby fieryfeather » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:34 am

xxxx๐“ ๐‡ ๐„ ๐‘ ๐„ ' ๐’x ๐€
name mossfur gender male
sexuality bisexual age forty-
seven moons rank warrior
+traits practical, resilient, e
mpathetic =traits stoic, rese
rved, proud -traits jealous, d
istractible, obstinate

xl๐‘ฉ๐‘ฌ๐‘จ๐‘ผ๐‘ป๐‘ฐ๐‘ญ๐‘ผ๐‘ณ ๐‘บ๐‘ป๐‘ถ๐‘น๐‘ด

named after his soft green e
yes, mossfur is a fairly well
groomed cat who takes pride
in his appearance. his tabby
coat is dark grey-brown with
a cream underbelly. a few h
airs of sandy brown occasion
ally peek through.


mossfur is well known within the clan for his calm, indifferent nature. even u
nder pressure, he is very good at maintaining his composure; thus, some belie
ve his behaviour to be due to a cold and callous disposition, but actually the
opposite is true. mossfur is very understanding, and he takes pride in his ways.
he enjoys being the cat to give advice and to be relied upon. however, when
it comes to his own emotions, mossfur is less than transparent. he is stubborn
ly independent and will not readily share his feelings with just anyone. howe
ver, once his trust is gained, mossfur will become fiercely protective. whilst
he is aware of this flaw, he does still struggle to manage it. he is also somew
hat easily distractible. he is able to put his mind to a task if it is imperative,
but for more mundane duties and even conversations, he can get sidetracked.


{ โœ” - pos } { ? - neu } { โœ˜ - neg } { โ˜ผ - friends } { โš” - enemies } { โ™ก - crush / potential love interest }

    โžณ antstar { ? }
    xx mossfur hasn't quite got this tom figured out. even
    xx though the two were apprentices together, they ha
    xx ve never been close. whilst he respects his new lea
    xx der, he isn't entirely sure of his aptitude. nonethele
    xx ss, mossfur is nothing if not a loyal cat, and he will
    xx continue to support antstar through his leadership.

    โžณ silvertail { ? } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ wolfheart { ? / โœ” } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ leopardthorn { โœ” } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ eveningsnow { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ ashenfrost { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ mothpaw { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ echopaw { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ sable { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words
    โžณ halfleap { ? / โœ” }
    xx although he has noticed that the old tom can be co
    xx ntrolling, mossfur holds halfleap in high regard. an
    xx y cat who can overcome a life-changing event like
    xx he has is clearly incredibly strong-willed. even tho
    xx ugh the two aren't exactly friends, mossfur has a g
    xx reat appreciation for him.

    โžณ sleepingbird { ? / โœ” } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ ottermist { โœ” } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ hawkfeather { ? / โœ˜ } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ cedarfoot { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ cloudstalk { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ redpaw { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ ripplepaw { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ name { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words
    โžณ russetshade { โœ” } { โ˜ผ }
    xx being friends with russetshade is very rewarding fo
    xx r mossfur. the she-cat she can approach him with a
    xx nything and he'd give her his thoughts without judg
    xx ement, and in return mossfur can always rely on he
    xx r to provide a hypothetical paw to the face if he is
    xx ever being too stubborn for his own good.

    โžณ ashpaw { ? / โœ” } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ pythonshade { ? / โœ” } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ serenelake { โœ” } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ fawnspring { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ weaverrain { ? } { โ™ก }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ adderpaw { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ saplingpaw { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ name { ? }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words
Last edited by fieryfeather on Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:47 am, edited 18 times in total.
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{ โžณ | โ sink or swim โž | snowflower }

Postby fieryfeather » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:34 am


โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ { ๐ก๐จ๐ฅ๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐›๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ก } โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ
โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ { ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’‹๐’–๐’”๐’• ๐’…๐’Š๐’—๐’† ๐’“๐’Š๐’ˆ๐’‰๐’• ๐’Š๐’ } โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ
โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ { โ† } โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ
name snowkit snowpaw snowflower snow
for her predominantly white coat flower
for her gentle but hardy nature gender
female age thirty-one moons sexuality
heterosexual rank queen + traits astute;
warm; thoughtful = traits protective; fie
sty; headstrong - traits impulsive; impati
ent; sarcastic
dappled in places, snowflowerโ€™s mostly
white fur is the reason behind her name.
probably her most noticeable features,
however, are her deep blue eyes. they
have the magical effect of being able
to make even the coldest, most indiffe
rent of cats feel uncomfortable, if she
so desires.

โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ { โ† } โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ
as the runt of her litter, snowflower always had to fight for attention. often pushed to the
sidelines by her four larger, louder siblings, she learned from an early age how to fend for
herself. consequently, she is notorious with the other cats for her impatience and quick te
mper; anyone who gets on the wrong side of her can expect to be smacked down with a sa
rcastic remark. she doesn't take anything lying down, but she simmers down as quickly as
she fires up. snowflower is very impulsive and wilful, which can lead to rash decisions as s
he doesn't always consider the consequences of her actions. however, her boisterous upbri
nging didn't stop her big heart from shining through. snowflower is warm, friendly and an i
ncredibly good judge of character. she often instinctively knows how to approach someone;
her considerate nature means she is always fussing over others. she thrives off of the feelin
g of being needed... although perhaps someday this will pose a problem for her.

{ โœ” - pos } { ? - neu } { โœ˜ - neg } { โ˜ผ - friends } { โš” - enemies } { โ™ก - crush / potential love interest }

    โžณ antstar { ? / โœ” }
    xx although she can tell that she has antstar's respect,
    xx snow still has some reservations towards him. his in
    xx decisiveness irks her, but she realises this stems fro
    xx m a lack of self confidence and sympathises with hi
    xx m. apart from her leadership concerns, however, sn
    xx ow admires his compassion and enjoys his company.

    โžณ silvertail { ? }
    xx whilst she likes the tom's rationality, his propensity
    xx to flip between a calm nonchalance to a hyper ene
    xx rgy can leave snow somewhat unnerved. he seems t
    xx o be a good warrior but it will take for the two to in
    xx teract further for her to develop a more informed o
    xx pinion.

    โžณ wolfheart { โœ” } { โ˜ผ }
    xx snow loves wolfheart. although he can come off as
    xx a little aloof, his compassion and determination ar
    xx e highly admirable qualities, and snow thinks he's a
    xx complete sweetheart. the two have been friends si
    xx nce apprenticeship and seem to have gotten even
    xx closer since she announced her kits.

    โžณ mothpaw { โœ” }
    xx a sweet young cat such as mothpaw will always be
    xx subject to snowflower's affection. the apprentice
    xx has so much potential and snow would love to help
    xx coax mothpaw out of her shell so that she can bec
    xx ome the amazing warrior that she is certain she w
    xx ill be.
    โžณ halfleap { ? / โœ˜ }
    xx something about this old tom sets snowflower on ed
    xx ge. whether it be his controlling nature or his exces
    xx sive anxiety, she struggles to interact with him for
    xx long without feeling uneasy. still, she appreciates h
    xx is hard work and persistance in life, and values him
    xx as a warrior.

    โžณ sleepingbird { โœ” } { โ˜ผ }
    xx snow has a lot of respect for this she-cat. before th
    xx e death of her family, sleepingbird was vibrant and
    xx warm, and the difference between then and now h
    xx as shaken snow somewhat. as an expectant mother
    xx herself, she cannot imagine the devastation sleepin
    xx gbird must feel, and will do her best to support her.

    โžณ ottermist { ? } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ hawkfeather { โœ˜ } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words
    โžณ russetshade { ? } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ ashpaw { ? / โœ” } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ pythonshade { ? } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words

    โžณ serenelake { โœ” } { relationship }
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words words
    xx words words words words words words words
Last edited by fieryfeather on Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:11 am, edited 23 times in total.
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Postby InfiresAddiction » Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:05 pm

Last edited by InfiresAddiction on Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: โ” โ˜… ๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’… ๐’ƒ๐’๐’๐’๐’… [ forms & discussion ]

Postby Karma. » Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:37 am

    everyone so far is accepted!
    here are the dice rolls so far:
    antstar - 4, not sick
    halfleap - 3, not sick
    sleepingbird - 5, sick
    silvertail - 3, not sick

    remember that cats don't have to be super ill, but it is up to you how sick they get!
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โ”€โ”€โ”€ ยท [ r u s s e t s h a d e ] ยท โ”€โ”€โ”€

Postby Knives. » Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:11 am



r u s s e t
[ female ][ 31m ][ warrior ]
ยท -- ยท -- ยท -- ยท
a lean, generously musc-
led red + white tabby
molly with long fur and
yellow-orange optics
strength โ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฑ
stamina โ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฑ
agility โ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฑโ–ฑ
speed โ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฑ
leaping โ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฑโ–ฑ
climbing โ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฑ
swimming โ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฑโ–ฑโ–ฑ
stealth โ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฑ
intelligence โ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฐโ–ฑ


s h a d e

โœฆ name russetshade
    โ”€โ”€ russet - for her orange pelt
    โ”€โ”€ shade - for her sly, dark demeanor
โœฆ gender cisfemale
โœฆ orientation biromantic / bisexual
โœฆ rank warrior
โœฆ desired rank queen
โœฆ appearance russet is an average sized molly, yet her thick fur amplifies the
appearance of her girth. while she is predominantly red, or
orange, in color, she does have some white on her face. pale orange
optics are full of mystery and shadow, and yellow flecks can be
observed if one comes close enough. russet's cranial appearance
is buttoned up with a soft pink nose. throughout the red
portions of her pelt, are stripes of a darker, rusty red hue. white hairs
litter the color boundaries of her tuxedo-type pattern, and cream
hairs are also scattered among the areas between stripes.
    โ”€โ”€ a red and white long-haired tabby, with pale orange eyes.
โœฆ personality russet is a reserved, somewhat mysterious cat, preferring
to avoid the meaningless chatter among her clanmates. she is aloof and
unintentionally rude, snapping replies before turning and walking off.
while she can be viewed as this serious, uptight molly, inside she is
compassionate and genuine. russet can always be trusted to offer true,
unbiased advice, as she is blunt and truthful almost to a fault. anyone can
trust a secret with her, and she will keep them dutifully; however, those
that severely threaten the well-being of the clan shall not be kept. reputation
is everything to russet, and if one does not keep a good reputation, it
tarnishes that cat in the eyes of this molly. she does have a strong maternal
instinct, and will go out of her way to care for abandoned kits. oftentimes
she will sleep among the queens, and sit with the youngsters while their
mommas stretch their legs. russet cares deeply and feels things immensely,
despite her hardened exterior.
    โ”€โ”€ reserved, mysterious, elusive, truthful, blunt, dutiful,
    independent, maternal, aloof, genuine, compassionate,
    helpful, stoic, somewhat callous.
โœฆ history originally born to a pair of rogue cats, russet grew
up mostly alone. her mother was there to nurture her physically, though,
emotionally she was very neglected. she was one of three kits in her
litter, however only two survived the unusually long wet-season. russet's
mother took to the younger kit moreso than russet herself, and her father
was hardly around; however, he would give her life lessons and listen to her
concerns and thoughts while he was around. russet understood that her father
had responsibilities, him being the only body able to hunt and all,
and she admired him. it was in the leaf-fall following her birth
that her father went missing. he went out for his daily hunt, and just
never returned. her mother went senile, accusing starclan of luring her mate
to the jaws of death. russet didn't want to believe that her father had been killed,
but, realistically, she would rather believe that over him merely abandoning
his family. thus, she had to learn life skills practically alone; she did have her
sister, but they both were inexperienced. after a fiery altercation with her
family, russet left them both during the night and eventually found residence
with this clan.
โœฆ romantic interests pm me
โœฆ mate n/a
โœฆ kits n/a
โœฆ family relations n/a
โœฆ biggest fear abandonment
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Postby Knives. » Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:11 am

if I am accepted, can anyone who doesnt like where russet's relations are currently, can either pm me personally or tag me on here. If anyone wants me to change things that hint toward past friendships, please pm me or tag me here! Just figured we could head out the gate with a few friends. c:

r u s s e t s h a d e

[ โœ“ - friend ] [ โœ— - rival ] [ โŠ— - dislike ] [ โ™พ๏ธ - family ] [ โ™ก - romantic interest ] [โ™ฅ - mate ] [ โ€ - neutral ]

    antstar leader neu โ€
      while russet dislikes some of this tom's attributes, she considers him a well-rounded cat. she respects him as head of the clan, and she adores his compassion for others. russet finds antstar to be somewhat stoic, and it can sometimes be tough for her to interpret his emotion in certain situations; which she also thinks makes a great lead figure. antstar's eyes fascinate russet, and she often finds herself gazing into them from a distance. its not that she necessarily looks to him in any special way, its that her father had similar eyes. russet has a positive association with antstar, and sees him as a potential friend.
    halfleap warrior neu โ€
      one can only gather so much by merely watching one another, but halfleap seems like he has been damaged. beyond his leg injury, even, he seems to habe deep rooted insecurities. beyond that, though, russet respects halfleap. from watching around the camp, he seems to be determined, and thorough. russet would need to converse with halfleap to form a more thorough opinion.
    sleepingbird queen pos โœ“
      russet absolutely adores sleepingbird, and considers her to be her closest friend. while russet typically doesn't have much to say, the two mollies had spent quite a bit of time together while sleepingbird had her kits, and russet grieves alongside the light pelted cat. overall, she appreciates sleepingbird's motherly nature, wishing her own mother has possessed that nature. russet oftentimes wishes she herself could be as warm and outwardly compassionate at sleepingbird once was.
    silvertail warrior pos โ€
      russet thinks very highly of this tom, and greatly respects him. he has a cool, mysterious aura, and the bi-colored mollie absolutely loves his attentive nature toward youngsters. while russet hasn't had much communication with silvertail, she thinks they could become good friends. russet gets a knot in her stomach when she takes to this tom, and often finds herself stumbling on her words. she tries to keep herself distanced from silvertail, as she fears becoming too attached to a tom that is not hers, and feeling those abandonment emotions that she once felt from her father.
    mossfur warrior pos โ€ โœ“
      mossfur is another cat that russet respects. his calm, decisive demeanor, coupled with his near perfectly presentable appearance are very great attributes in the eyes of russet. sometimes, she finds herself thinking about how mossfur would handle a situation she is in, and has been known to go to him for advice on seriously pressing matters. his pelt reminds russet of her sister, the dirty gray tone under his stripes is similar to hers. nonetheless, russet thinks mossfur is an incredibly well-rounded feline, and is very impressed by him. she enjoys his company at any time.
    snowflower queen neu โ€
      although the two she-cats are fundamentally very similar, russet initially doesn't take well to snowflower. the need to be noticed in the blue-eyed cat is very off-putting to russet, and the lack of thoughtful observation baffles her. russet's resistance toward snowflower, however, is mostly due to the cat's seemingly untapped potential, as she seems to be a balanced, educated feline. russet remains neutral to snowflower, not despising the queen, yet not quite compatible for a close friendship.
    adderpaw apprentice neu โ€
      while russetshade understands that youth brings mild idiocies, she thinks this young tom partakes in too many if them. his mischievous nature is something that she hopes the apprentice grows out of, however she really doesnt harbor any ill-feeling for him. he is young, and so this molly has patience with him.
    mothpaw apprentice neu โ€
      her sweet, shy demeanor intrigues russetshade, and russet would consider mothpaw a great young feline. she can see how often the tabby is distracted, though, and wishes she could send Ashpaw away from mothpaw, so that she can reach her full potential.
    wolfheart warrior pos โœ“
      russetshade thinks wolfheart is incredibly respectable, and appreciates his dedication to helping the queens. these two see each other often around the queens dens, and russet has never heard the tom speak poorly about other cats, unless its due of course. russetshade hopes wolfheart makes the deputy rank because of his loving, nurturing demeanor, and loyalty to the clan.
    ashpaw medicine apprentice neu โ€
      these two dont interact much around the camp, however the gray cat's passion for his work is very apparent in his daily activities, and russet thinks he has potential to be a great medicine cat one day.
    ottermist medicine cat neu โ€
    pythonshade warrior neu โ€
    serenelake warrior pos
    leopardthorn rank neu โ€
    sable loner??? neu โ€
    echopaw apprentice neu โ€
    name rank neu โ€

Last edited by Knives. on Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: โ” โ˜… ๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’… ๐’ƒ๐’๐’๐’๐’… [ forms & discussion ]

Postby Karma. » Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:14 am

    yep, all accepted so far! will update the front page in just a mo

    for those of you who haven't had your dice rolls yet:
    hawkfeather - 5, sick
    mossfur - 1, not sick
    snowflower - 6, sick
    russetshade - 1, not sick

    if anyone is super uncomfortable with their cat being sick, let me know, but remember they can roleplay the intensity of the sickness out as much or as little as they'd like!

    is it just hawkfeather whose interested in being deputy or have i missed someone? <3

    we need med cat/med cat app and then we can start!
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Re: โ” โ˜… ๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’… ๐’ƒ๐’๐’๐’๐’… [ forms & discussion ]

Postby fieryfeather » Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:38 am

    thank you :) ahh snow is sick... hope it won't affect her unborn kits or anything... (ยฌโ€ฟยฌ)
    (speaking of, if anyone happens to be interested in playing one, do let me know)
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Re: โ” โ˜… ๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’… ๐’ƒ๐’๐’๐’๐’… [ forms & discussion ]

Postby Karma. » Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:49 am

    i knooow i was so sad when snow got a 6! she's too cute to be poorly bahahah
    (i'd consider playing a kit tho, for sure! that could be my other character c:)
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Re: โ” โ˜… ๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’… ๐’ƒ๐’๐’๐’๐’… [ forms & discussion ]

Postby fieryfeather » Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:03 am

    hahaha, she is a super pretty cat! it'll be fun to play though, gotta love the drama :)
    (ah, cool, if you're up for it that'd be great!)
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