The Beast Within - Discussion Thread

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The Beast Within - Discussion Thread

Postby Wolfan Terror » Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:18 pm


The Beast Within

This is where all characters forms must be posted, along with any and all discussion about future plot. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them here or PM me. Also please make sure not to stray off topic too much.

The roleplay can be found here


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Axel Rinder

Postby Wolfan Terror » Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:33 pm


        [ name ] axel rinder.
        [ age ] 450.
        [ gender ] male.
        [ sexuality ] pansexual.

        [ powers ] able to grant powers to others under the power of a purple moon. he is also able to read peoples minds. immortality.
        [ personality ] he is a trickster, enjoying playing tricks on those around him, and especially loves how his plan worked 5 months ago. he doesn't really care if what he does ruins your life, as long as he gets a good kick out of it. he's in the morally grey area, really only doing things for himself, however sometimes he can strangely do things to help others without getting something out of it.
        he's very smug about himself, believing that no one would be able to best him, or that he's completely invincible. of course, this isn't the case, but it sure doesn't stop him from thinking it. he's a mystery, not letting his motives show, letting those around him believe that he's simply doing this all for fun. but that surely isn't the case, is it?

        [ history ] he was born human 450 years ago, but he was killed in a war when he was only 23. Or atleast thats what the records say. In actuality, he lived on as an immortal trickster, given new life by a strange spirit that made a deal with him. ever since, he's been trying to fulfil his end of the bargain.

        [ family ] he probably has many descendants from his brothers side, but he hasn't cared to keep track of them.
        [ crush ] none, but he's always interested in a party.
        [ other ] he probably won't be showing up for a while until a later point in the roleplay, but I thought I'd put him here for when that time comes.
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Skye Donner

Postby Wolfan Terror » Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:11 am


        [ name ] skye donner.
        [ age ] 21.
        [ gender ] female.
        [ sexuality ] heterosexual.

        [ powers ] wind manipulation, and by doing this, she can also fly. she could make a tornado if she wanted to, or even create a vacuum.
        [ personality ] in her younger years, skye was nothing more than a spoiled brat living off of her parents money. she cared only for herself and demanded only the finer things in life. despite her current conditions, she still shows disgust at what she has to do to get by, finding it less than appropriate for someone of her background.
        as well as this, she can also be quite oblivious, not really knowing the going on around her until it was too late. this is the main reason she failed so miserably in school, since she thought she was doing completely fine despite what both her parents and her teachers said. she also thought she was the most popular person in the school, but in reality everyone hated her for the brat that she was.
        however, since living on the streets, she has tended to be a lot nicer than in her past, knowing that she has to make friends if she's gonna get by out there. she's also mastered the art of making herself look sad and innocent so that its easy to pickpocket all the gullible souls she comes across.

        [ history ] she was adopted by a respected family when she was young, however she never did all that great in school, and after her final results came around, her parents had had enough. they disowned her and cut her off from the family fortune, leaving her to try and get by with the little money they'd left her with. needless to say, it didn't work out very well. She'd never had to work a day in her life, so holding a job was just a little worse than difficult. she was on the streets by the time she got her powers, and after that, skye managed to get back on her feet. she still doesn't have a job, but who needs one when you can blow hair in someones face and swipe whatever you want from them?

        [ family ] an adoptive mother and father, though she hardly thinks of them as that anymore.
        [ crush ] open.
        [ other ] she has a pet cockatoo called dynamo.
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Connor Stone

Postby Wolfan Terror » Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:11 am


        [ name ] connor stone.
        [ age ] 19.
        [ gender ] male.
        [ sexuality ] homosexual.

        [ powers ] he can turn into any animal he can think of, however this animal must still be in existence. therefore, no extinct or mythical shapeshifting is possible. because of this, he also has the ability to communicate with animals.
        [ personality ] on the outside connor appears cold and calculated, not caring about what happens to anyone around him, even himself. he isn't that social, really only focusing on doing whatever he can to get by. but if you look deeper, you can see that he's really just scared. he's terrified of loosing himself to his powers, because he knows that for someone like him,
        it can be the most dangerous. he distances himself because of this, constantly afraid he'll slip and accidentally hurt someone, or worse.

        [ history ] he's been on the streets for as long as he can remember. he was found by social services once, but after seeing what it was like in the care system, he soon quickly escaped from that nightmare. he'd been getting by by street preforming, he was always quite good at singing. however less and less people were giving him money as time went on, and it soon seemed like survival was impossible. but then he got his powers, and everything changed. at first it seemed like things were getting better. he had a new trick to show to the public, playing himself as a pet whisperer and helping people with their pet's problems.
        it all seemed great till he had his first black out, and found himself covered in blood, having torn a stray dog apart. it didn't take him long to find out what was happening, connor soon decided this whole thing was a mistake, and started his search to try and have these powers removed. getting by was all well and good, but if it cost the safety of those around him? he'd rather let himself suffer.

        [ family ] none, as far as he knows.
        [ crush ] open.
        [ other ] he speaks with an irish accent.
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Re: The Beast Within - Discussion Thread

Postby SleeplessBoy » Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:12 am


        [ name ] Gracelyn Church
        [ age ] 17
        [ gender ] Female
        [ sexuality ] Bisexual

        [ powers ] Energy Attacks - The ability to release/use energy to various attacks.
        [ personality ] Gracelyn has always been the girl that's easily deceived. If you tell her that the word gullible is written on the ceiling, she'll look. She knows how easily she's fooled but despite that, she still tries to help people. She's kind and gentle and believes anyone's story, sympathising with all that she meets. She'll never see a reason to doubt someone or assume they're evil until they cross her. Perhaps that's why she took the opportunity for powers. She doesn't doubt anyone or anything,
        which has usually lead to her downfall.

        [ history ] Gracelyn was raised in a huge family. She has three older sisters and two older brothers. She's the runt of the litter. She has a huge extended family as well. She comes from middle class where all of her siblings have jobs,
        and not as much in the way of education. Only her sister got to 6th form, the rest left education at 16. She wanted to go to an art college and spend her life painting, but her family never approved. She wanted to help them raise money though, and understood their disapproval. She seized the opportunity of these powers to hopefully help her family and raise whatever money she could,
        but she feared their safety from the beast within her. She left home, leaving behind a note and never looked back. She didn't want to be a burden.

        [ family ] Mother, father, 3 sisters, 2 brother, lots of extended family.
        [ crush ] Open
        [ other ] Her father is Irish so her accent is slightly influenced by that.


        [ name ] Jackson Kirk
        [ age ] 20
        [ gender ] Male
        [ sexuality ] Homosexual

        [ powers ] Friction Manipulation - The ability to control friction (Super speed)
        [ personality ] Jackson is extremely untrustworthy. He lies and steals, apologies and does it again. He puts on an appearance of someone who's lost and needs help but just ends up lying and deceiving you. Despite this, he can form very close bonds with people. Those bonds at first may be based on the size of your wallet but when he realises that you're a nice person and accepts you, he'll open up and become your partner in crime, rather than making you his victim.
        [ history ] Jackson was kicked out of his house when he was 16 by his parents. They told him they didnt accept him and his sexuality, that his kleptomania was becoming too serious for them to handle. They gave him a very small amount of money and told him to never come home. He spent that money on resources and food. He didn't even bother finding a home, he decided he'd live in a tree or under a bridge or something. When he was offered powers, he was running out of his food and his money had run out. It was out of desparation that he did it, and if he's honest, he regrets it. The first thing he has ever regretted.

        [ family ] He has parents but they don't care for him.
        [ crush ] Open
        [ other ] He's able to pick locks.
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Re: The Beast Within - Discussion Thread

Postby Wolfan Terror » Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:58 am

accepted! ^.^
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Careful what you wish for.

Postby // Kzryail » Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:53 am

Shoki Kusabane

"I can ensure you that it's tails. After all, it's a 100% chance."

Basics wrote:[ age ] 18
[ gender ] Male
[ sexuality ] Homosexual
Significant Links and Bonds wrote:[ family ] Younger sister (Ryide)
[ crush ] None
[ other ] Open for relationships
Characterization wrote:[ powers ] Probability (See notes for more information)
[ + personality ] Cunning, understanding, rhetorical speaker
[ - personality ] Rude, subtle, teaser

[ history ] wrote:He grew up in a rather average household, there wasn't anything too special about it. He never grew close to his parents, they were just there. Shoki found his given power during the early grades of school whenever math class was dealing with probability. Mainly the questions the teacher made with students in the class. They came true depending on what chance they had, but there was always something else that happened alongside it. One of his main experiences of this power in math class is when he was in a problem regarding the probability on getting 3 red marbles in a row in a class activity.
He never calculated the problem correctly, ending up with 100% that he will draw 3 red in a row, and yet somehow he did,
despite there being only 2 red marbles in there. That opened the gate of his power for him where he continues to explore.
It didn't matter if he got those probability problems wrong as long as he got a kick out of watching what his probability powers did on the world around him.
One day he went too far though. He eventually got gutsy with his powers, calling a 100% chance on receiving a good sum of money, but he never specified how. This resulted in his receiving the money due to the death of his little sister who got killed on her way back home from school. Knowing that he was the one who caused this, he did his research on his power and brought her back to life a year after her death. She was revived safely with his careful planning of specifications in his probability, she even gained some kind of power benefit from it, he concludes. Of course, he made her live in a separate household, his parents would be shocked to see a dead child up and running once again after a confirmed death. He lives now maintaining his school life along with supporting his little sister with the careful use of his powers, making sure to be very specific on what he wishes for.

[ notes ] wrote:[ power description ] He's able to tilt chances in his favor just by saying them out loud on way or the other. Typing or writing them down somewhere works as well. The downside to this power is that any kind of probability he writes comes to be true, eventually (which leads to a lot of pain in math class) and that he has to be super specific when specifying how his luck will influence the environment and its inhabitants.
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Ink of the Unknown.

Postby // Kzryail » Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:02 am

Ryide Kusabane

". . ."

Basics wrote:[ age ] 17
[ gender ] Female
[ sexuality ] Androsexual
Significant Links and Bonds wrote:[ family ] Older brother (Shoki)
[ crush ] None
[ other ] Open for relationships
Characterization wrote:[ powers ] Arcane Brush (See notes for more information)
[ + personality ] Honest, knowledgeable, creative
[ - personality ] Blunt, snarky, stoic

[ history ] wrote:She grew in a fairly normal household, nothing to be proud of really. Her parents really didn't pay any attention to her, making them a rather small point in her life. She attends school and is constantly picked on due to her short size and child-like appearance. She vents her frustrations through art, mainly arts done with a brush. She found genuine interest in brush and ink, and spent much time working on simple ink pieces. There was a single year in her life that she can't remember at all, it's a complete blank, as if she were asleep that whole year and could never figure out what happened. It was after that strange incident that he discovered her brush powers. Now she roams around the place, occasionally seeing her brother who appears to care more for her now, and searching for new inks to further expand her ink power.

[ notes ] wrote:[ power description ] The arcane brush is based off the brush mechanics seen in the game franchise Okami. For brief moments, Ryide is able to free time and mark up the space around her in specific marks which signify a certain action her brush is able to perform. A line across the space allows whatever is in the line to be sliced. Certain elements she can manipulate, moving it from one place to the other in a sense. She can go as far as drawing the sun and moon up into the sky.
The only problem is that she must have certain inks to perform certain motions and that is drains her energy if used too often in a certain amount of time.
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Re: The Beast Within - Discussion Thread

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:07 pm

[ name ] Timothy Mayes
[ age ] 19 years
[ gender ] Male
[ sexuality ] Homosexual

[ powers ] He can take on the looks of anyone he touches, but he has to touch them...
[ personality ] A very suitable guy to take on the task of caring for or even leading others. He cares so much about animals, he'd probably have made a very good vet or rescue worker, but he instead became a library helper and a part timer working with plants such as herbs. He seems to have a great knowledge learned from books, and be really good with plants as well. He appears to be the type of guy who would make a really good parent figure to someone. He also can be submissive or dominant, but seems to like to switch (so if he gets a boyfriend, the guy either needs to be dominant, or be able to switch between, like he does).
[ history ] Timothy was raised like any other average kid, just he, his father, mother, and his sister whom was older by two years then him. He recalls going hunting for fireflies with her on summer nights, the annual visits to the family grave-site, visiting a couple other countries, and of course visiting other towns. Their mother was left with part of the wealth of her parents, but they saved the money to use for trips and such, and instead of having a huge house they lived in a small three bedroom and two bath place. One bedroom belonged to the parents, one was used by both siblings, and the other was used if anyone ever stayed over, though usually this resulted in everyone bedding now in the den that also was in the house. Father was a doctor, and Timothy remembers that all the patients loved the guy. Mother helped out in a library, and made quite a few friends there with locals. When Timothy was about 12, he started to realize one day while changing in the gym locker room, that he got a under the collar when...well, looking, ya know, looking...When he was 14, another boy asked him out on a dare by the boy's friends, and though Timothy knew the kid had not actual interest he realized he actually got kind of excited thinking about having a boyfriend...When he was 15, this was when he actually realized he was homosexual, because a homosexual classmate asked him out for real. This was also when his father found out...His parents disowned him, however his sister, who had moved in with one of her friends that year, still cared and would come to check on him, as he and his boyfriend started living together at the boyfriend's house. When he was 17, they broke it off...He moved in with another guy, but it didn't last long, and he ended up moving in with Jessie, as she was already 18 and living on her own. Since he had no interest in girls, she was fine with it, and having two people to share the cost was much easier. He still lives with her, and he got his power from the Purple Moon (He found out how it worked because he went to give Jessie a friendly hug after getting the power, and ended up accidentally taking on the form of her).

[ family ] Father, mother, sister
[ crush ] Possibly Cyrill, but others can crush on him for drama
[ other ] He has a cat.


        [ name ] Jessie Rose Ramos
        [ age ] 20 years
        [ gender ] Female
        [ sexuality ] Bisexual

        [ powers ] She can turn into a kitsune, a multi tailed fox. However, because she was granted these powers and not born this way, any magic she has from this is very weak (because Kitsunes have magic)
        [ personality ] She happens to care about others a lot, and she really likes most every animal. Her favorite animal is a wolf or horse, as can usually be figured out early on in getting to know her. She enjoys books and spending time with her Donnie. She seems to have an affinity for the water, as she really likes to be in or near it, and she likes to look out the moon at night. Her favorite time of day appears to be early night, or maybe late afternoon. She is a sweet, gentle, caring and kind soul.
        [ history ] Had an average life as a child, growing up and becoming quite protective over her brother when he was brought home. Her brother, named Jonah, became the absolute center of her world, and she did everything to protect her as they were growing up. She was about three or four when Jonah was born, so she was only the baby for those any years, making her less inclined to dislike her brother then some other kids. her age (Ones who were 6, 7, 8 when their little siblings were born). She met Timothy when she was 15, as she was friends with his sister, so they saw each other a lot. When she was 18, and he was 17, they ended up moving in to a place together, as both his previous living arrangements...'fell through'. They are best friends, and she's still friends with his sister, and she and Timothy enjoy living together. Her power she was given by the Purple moon, is turning into a Kitsune.

        [ family ] Father, mother, brother
        [ crush ] Open (If someone uses Izaya or Miketsukami as an fc, I'll love you forever)
        [ other ] She has a dog named Donnie

[Look below]

        [ name ] Geda (Jee-da) Hiromi
        [ age ] 18 years
        [ gender ] Male
        [ sexuality ] Asexual Homoromantic

        [ powers ] He can become invisible for short amounts of time
        [ personality ] Much like Gareki from Karneval, Geda seems a bit shy and tsundere towards any guy he actually comes to like (in friendship, or otherwise). He seems to have a motherly streak, which he either tries to ignore or has no idea he has. He can be a bit violent, doesn't seem to much trust complete strangers, and of course he has it in him to steal. having been orphaned at a young age and taken in by such a young 'mother', he actually started out doing small steals to try and help bring in money for them...He is always unsure and a bit jittery when meeting someone new.
        [ history ] He actually had a mother and father, no one really knew who the father was, but there had to have been one...His mother was named Ninotchka, but he never got to meet her...His grandparents actually took him from his mom in the middle of the night, took him to child services, and told them to find him a home...This was because they were so straight laced, and their daughter was only 16 at the time... As his mother...'died', he was technically an orphan. He was in the system for a very long time, as the workers tried to find him a home from the time he was a baby, but none seemed to want him for some reason. When he was like 5, some older kids decided they were escaping, and they convinced the boy to let them take him with them. He was on the streets with them for two years after, until two of the girls were caught, one boy died, and the others grabbed Geda and ran for their lives. Now having only Geda, two boys and one girl, they had gone further into a patch of trees in a small park, making sure their hideout was well hidden and no one would find them. At eight years old, Geda got too curious of a young woman in the park, and started shadowing her, one day being caught by her, and that woman was the one that took him in. At ten years old, he began to steal from people to sell the items he stole, and try and get money for his 'mother', and when he was 12 he fell in with a small gang of slightly older kids that were also stealing. He began to get better and better, doing bigger jobs and managing to get more money, but during these there were several close calls where he was nearly caught. He got his invisibilty power from the Purple Moon, but he blacked out one time and found himself in between two police officers...He was in jail for a few days, until his 'mother' sent in every penny she had to get him out of there. He tries to be very careful where he steals from now.

        [ family ] He's an orphan, but was taken in by a twenty year old woman when he was 8.
        [ crush ] Probably Kokyu, but again, others may crush on him for drama
        [ other ] He is skilled at thieving.

[Look below]

        [ name ] Kyoichi Agumine
        [ age ] 18 or 19 years
        [ gender ] Male
        [ sexuality ] Bisexual (strong pref for men, or one in particular...)

        [ powers ] He can control birds to do his bidding, and has a very mild ability over storms, but if he uses the storm thing it weakens him...
        [ personality ] He can be a pretty sweet and gentle boy. He can be quite kind and caring, but of ocurse growing up in the places he has, he's seen a lot of things...He has a semi cold and calculating air about him, that he usually tries to hide from anyone but Axel, or those he thinks deserve to be treated this way. He likes avians and horses, and he likes to run and swim.
        [ history ] When he was younger, he actually met Axel once. The man seemed almost taken with him, and they became something like friends. Since he lived at an orphanage all his life, he never really knew what it was like to have a real family. The people at the orphanage weren't exactly the nicest, and so Kyoi thought meeting this mysterious man was the best thing that ever happened to him. Of course, unfortunately, it was the only time he ever saw Axel, until years later when the man came to him again. Axel offered him powers, and of course he could not refuse the man he viewed as his friend.

        [ family ] He actually has no idea, he's an orphan and has been since he was about three or four
        [ crush ] "U-Um...Axel..." XD
        [ other ] He has a hawk with him, and a horse that wanders about the countryside (He named it Ghost because It's white)

(Yay, one history to go!
And might put another girl in here))

Geda (Left, dark hair)
Kyoichi (Left, blue hair)

Timothy, left, white and blue gray tipped- because I can...
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Re: The Beast Within - Discussion Thread

Postby MacabreSmile » Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:23 pm


        [ name ] Cyrill Rousseau
        [ age ] 21
        [ gender ] Male
        [ sexuality ] Demisexual

        [ powers ] Insect control, limited by range but not by amount, so simultaneous control over insects
        [ personality ] Cyrill is soft in voice and in manner. He's not a confrontation kind of guy, doesn't really know how to interact with others. Most would consider him to be generally pleasant, though, if not a bit...Weird. Morbidly weird, even cryptic. He's nice, really, but it's kind of odd to watch a guy smile all the time whilst he talks about death.
        [ history ] He's essentially a hermit. He's a swag-man, a wanderer, doesn't have a home, doesn't really have a job. He doesn't talk about his past, but it's assumed that someone who is purposely homeless didn't have that great a time growing up. Or maybe he did, maybe this is a preference, maybe everyone hates him. Who knows. Who. Knows.

        [ family ] If they exist, we'll never see them
        [ crush ] Nah
        [ other ] Fantastic nature and survival skills


        [ name ] Emilia Stein
        [ age ] 18
        [ gender ] Female
        [ sexuality ] Homosexual

        [ powers ] Crystal generation; controls and transmutes crystals out of dead matter
        [ personality ] She doesn't care. She just doesn't care. Emilia's emotions are stunted. She could watch her parents die and feel nothing. She doesn't even really care about herself, and is highly sarcastic in a very self-deprecating way. She has a tendency to see people more as objects than individuals, and will lay claim to others if she sees them worthy. She's highly protective of these claimed people, but the doesn't understand the concept of empathy, so it's not really the best position to be in.
        [ history ] Born to a wealthy family, Emilia wanted for nothing, and basically had everything handed to her.
        She basically was raised in self isolation, and doesn't understand the concepts of family, and friendship, and motivation. At the age of 15 she got a modeling contract and is likely to be recognized for various modeling gigs.

        [ family ] 2 older brothers, two parents, not that she cares about them
        [ crush ] Doubtful
        [ other ] Is allergic to peanuts, but not fatally
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