◜⋆ fear the discuss )

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◜⋆ fear the discuss )

Postby joshie, » Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:36 pm

      remake of an old rp
      roleplay thread here
      post forms and relations here
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❛ stephan merquee

Postby emexly » Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:13 pm


name: stephan merquee
nickname: mostly steph
age: twenty nine years old
birthdate: august 23rd,1986
gender: a male, a man
height: six feet & one inch
weight: one sixty eight lbs.
hair: dark brown & messy hair
eyes: light brown eyes
build: muscular, tall & fit
weapon: M16 & kris knife
role: the brawn



text text text text text text text
steph is the broad, who tends to
use his muscularity to his advan
tage and for his survival. He is v
ery brave but a very nice guy in
general, always there for anyone
and he is a loyal one. He takes o
rders and follows them without
hesitation. He is pretty loud and
likes to joke around and will ten
d to start up a conversation. He
gets along with most people and
protects anyone. He tends to ca
rry heavy weapons, shotguns, ri
files, knives, or anything he can
get his hands on. He is the type
of guy who likes to kill the dead.

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◜⋆ the rookie )

Postby joshie, » Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:40 pm

Image Image

⋯⋯ ⋯ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ⋯ ⋯⋯⋯ ⋯⋯
name maxeen price
nickname maxie, max
role the rookie cop
sexuality homosexual
age later twenties (28)

main trait courageous
impression hostile
traits blunt, sarcastic,
compassionate, intelligent

weapon glock, machete

⋯⋯ ⋯ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ⋯ ⋯⋯⋯ ⋯⋯


initially upon contact she is very cold and ho
stile, and will often exhibit rube behavior to
wards others who she does not know, and s
ometimes to those she knows. but after a
while, one will learn that most of her exteri
or is simply a facade. which she uses mostl
y for self-preservation. when getting to kn
ow her better she is very compassionate, h
onest and even friendly. playful at times, a
nd funny mostly when she does something
by accident. but, her general demeanor is
blunt and comfortable with the violence. sh
e is an excellent shot with smaller weapons
and very good will a machete, which genera
lly is her walker-killing weapon of choice.

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◜⋆ the doctor )

Postby white deer » Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:32 pm


dakota does not discuss her previous life. adopted by
two fathers at the age of eight months old, she lived
her childhood in a quiet home in oregon. as a child,
dakota had little aspirations for becoming a doctor,
but when she graduated high school at the age of six
teen, it was what her fathers pushed her to do. now,
dakota is a quiet, but intelligent, doctor. the hours
of medical school never broke her. dakota is gentle,
patient, and relies on the strength of her mind to
complete tasks. when on the clock dakota can seem
distant, and focused. she takes the things she does
seriously and her main concern is always her patient.
dakota is not afraid to die, but knows her importance,
and so she tries not to be reckless. her concern and
sense of urgency in all things she does, however, can
often lead to her being self-sacrificing. she dislikes
confrontation, and prefers to remain unaffiliated wit
h any sides. whatever betters the group is in dakota's
best interest, because she cares the most about safety.

name dakota moore
n. name kota
age 25
gender female
sexuality bi

+ patient, compassionate,
intelligent, steadfast
- slightly reckless, distant,
overworking, sarcastic

weapons handgun and knife

family janie moore (sister),
owen moore (brother),
walter & sean moore (dads)

role the doctor

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◜⋆ the sneaky)

Postby vacant. » Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:02 pm

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◜⋆ the navy soldier )

Postby white deer » Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:41 pm


oliver was born and raised in london, england. his older
brother, aaron, was oliver's closest friend and companion.
when aaron enrolled in the navy, it was only natural that
oliver eventually followed in his footsteps. even with his
mother's protests, at the age of 17, oliver was in the royal
navy. while slightly impatient and naturally restless, the
only thing oliver strives to do is good. he tries to see the
best in people and will always try to do what's best for
them. he thinks little about himself when it comes to
saving others, and will always do so at the risk of his own
well being. those oliver loves know it, because he doesn't
stop caring for them. people he hates... well, oliver
doesn't really hate anyone. he tries to remain an optimist,
even in times where it seems like optimism is useless.
good hearted and genuine, oliver has a hard time lying
and an even harder time breaking promises or disappoint
ing his friends. oliver thrives on the hope for something
better, a cure or a solution, and he'll fight to the end of
his days for it... if it will just help people.

name oliver russel
n. name oli
age 26
gender male
sexuality homosexual

+ good-hearted, charming,
- argumentative, restless,

weapons rifle & knife

family aaron russel (brother)
josephine & robert russel (parents)

role the navy soldier

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Re: ◜⋆ fear the discuss )

Postby effervescence » Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:31 pm

━━━━ ( jealousy , ) ━━━━━━━━

T U R N I N G - S A I N T S
━━━━ ( swimming through sick, ) ━━━━━━━━




under the sun, under the rain
anywhere outside is where
you will find miss Olliver
Marks. She grew up on a far
m, where everything grew
and she sold it in a small shop
on the side of the road called
Wheelers, in Spokane valley
Washington. she's on her ow
n. her parents and six
siblings, gone or missing.


xxname olliver jane marks
xxnickname olli
xxage 24
xxsexuality bisexual
xxmain trait knowledgeable
xxpos. traits cheerful,
xxneg. traits adventurous, curious
xxlikes dogs, a good rain
xxdislikes walkers
xxfears the walkers
xxpets Charlie Hazelnut


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◜⋆ coding credit to josh. )

Postby marlshore » Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:10 pm

▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬
Image Image ImageImage Image
▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬

name ; calista marie grey
nickname ; cali
gender ; female
sexuality ; homosexual
age ; twenty-six

rank ; the marine
horses ; maui

best trait ; intelligent
worst trait ; ignorant
neg ; serious, oblivious,
pos ; funny, confident,
determined, curious

face claim ; eva marie
have you ever met someone that
you just want to punch every sec
ond you are with them? calista is
a person like that. she's ignorant,
loud, bossy, pessimistic, and a do
wnright bad person. the only thing
she seems to like are horses, whi
ch is probably why she spends all
her time around them. even thou
gh she is a pain in the behind, she
can be very useful in both hand to
hand combat and with firearms.
when riding she prefers to go fast
and not work on the things like po
sture and elegance, which can lead
her horses to be overzealous and
too excited to let even some of th
e best riders on them.

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“ the sweet ” )

Postby Liliette » Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:23 pm

──────────so much more ───────────
although he's completely terrified of the current state of the world, joseph m
iller tries his best to look at the brighter side of things. being the youngest i
n the group, he is often unsure how to act due to not being as experienced a
s the others. He definitely doesn't mind being alone, but would rather stay to
gether in a group just in case something takes a turn for the worst. It isnt u
ncommon for him to try and lighten the mood when everyone is down, or in a
argument. He's somewhat 'trained' himself to be in a mindset that even if mos
t of the human race is turned into zombies, theres a tiny chance there's som
e kind of solution. Joseph is also known to be quite clumsy--not dangerously--
but simple slip ups that happen too often to just be a regular mistake. has a
male tibetan mastiff named rocky, who is always by his side.

may add on


name. joseph miller
age. nineteen years old, birthday on jan. 1st
sexual orientation. demiromatic homosexual
height. a mere five foot and two inches
strengths. stopping arguments, negotiating
sneaking supplies, cooking.
weaknesses. defending himself, killing walkers
quirks. says 'eh?' when confused, tends to
accidentally speak vietnamese, fiddles with fingers
when nervous or under peer pressure.
rel. status. no crush, open

Last edited by Liliette on Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:40 am, edited 7 times in total.
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◜⋆ maxeen's relations )

Postby joshie, » Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:40 pm



she's very guarded with her em
otions and definitely won't let a
nyone in or so she thinks. she's
very hostile to all members of t
he group that is joining her ne
w one, but is slowly beginning t
o realize that not all people are
bad. especially a certain calista
and that maybe trusting others
wouldn't be such a bad thing in
the long run. however, she doe
s understand that there is bad
in the world and because of thi
s she tries to protect her group
as best as she can. she is very
loyal and protective to them, d
oing whatever she feels is nece
ssary to save her own.

      stephen merquee she really respects the guy, and loves how loyal he is to her and the group. this
      makes her all mushy inside when she thinks about him. he is a really good friend and has seen them
      all through some tough times. not to mention he is handy to have in a fight. as an addition, he doe
      sn't mind killing walkers so there is always someone to do it when everyone isn't feeling up to it.

      dakota moore though sometimes the doctor and max do not see eye to eye, she believes that sh
      e is truly interested in the well being of the group. and because of that, she isn't all too cold or ho
      stile towards her. however, sometimes it seems as though she is hiding something, and she does
      n't like knowing things about people. dakota's distant and it makes her slightly uncomfortable.

      anderson eli so far, max has been really impressed by his usefulness, he is really good for making
      runs and she pretty much never has to worry about him being seen because he is just that smoot
      h. though she doesn't like him going into places alone, whether it be gathering supplies or clearin
      g a house, she knows that the rest of the group would just hinder him.

      oliver russel even before the apocalypse these two were the best of friends, and after it remain
      ed the same. he was like her other half, without the romance. when together, they operated in t
      he perfect team, whether it was fighting to ordinary things such as cooking. it was like they kne
      w eachothers moves before they made them. oliver gives her hope and pushes her to keep going.

      ollie marks maxeen has mixed feelings about the pretty farmer, this is because they clash on a n
      umber of things. but she also has some feelings of attraction towards her. purely physical, but no
      ne the less they skew what is logical to her. they often bicker about the correct way, or whether
      they should steal or eat off the land. but generally max wins only because she is their "leader".

      calista marie don't even get me started. for one, max is completely dazzled by her looks, and al
      so loves her personality. it might be a bit bigger than a slight crush, and she is glad that they fou
      nd eachother, even it it was under the circumstances. she is really glad that she can take care
      of herself and would like to teach her how to wrestle in the nude often looks to her for guidance

      joseph miller in the same way that oliver feels about him, he is like the little brother of the grou
      p though, she does not appreciate the fact that he is so squeamish about killing, but understands
      it. this leads her to be protective of him, and also glad that there is some innocence in the world,
      just because she thought it would all be gone
Last edited by joshie, on Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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