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Postby rey skywalker » Mon Jul 03, 2017 5:03 am


        .Vision is an android who possesses a synthetic vibranium body created by Ultron and Helen Cho, along with the powerful gem known as the Mind Stone. Originally conceived as the perfect form for Ultron, the body was stolen by the Avengers, after which it was repurposed by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, who uploaded the remnants of Stark's personal A.I. J.A.R.V.I.S. into it. Upon his birth, Vision declared he was a mixture of Ultron and J.A.R.V.I.S., one that would fight to protect humanity at all costs. Vision then joined the Avengers in the Battle of Sokovia, using his powers to prevent Ultron from transferring his consciousness into the internet and allowing the Avengers to successfully put an end to him.

        "Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and... try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that."
        ―Vision to Ultron[src]
        According to Tony Stark, Vision's personality is Ultron's, only without the megalomaniacal aspects. Vision is a polite, calm, and thoughtful being, in a similar manner to J.A.R.V.I.S., shown when he apologizes to the Avengers and the twins after just being brought to life. Unlike Ultron, he values all forms of life. He is also shown to be blunt, when Vision told Stark that Ultron hates him the most. He also likes to reason with his enemies, and will only attack when threatened. However, when he was first created, Vision lunged at Thor, who was the first person he saw, though only because he felt confused about his surroundings as he glanced around.

        When Vision encountered Ultron for the final time, both admitted that they cannot understand humans, whom they view as doomed to die out. However, Vision can see the beauty in humanity, due to their potential and imagination, and was happy to serve alongside them. He also regretted having to destroy Ultron, recognizing the latter as "unique" and "in pain", but he ultimately knew that it was necessary, given the great threat that Ultron posed to humanity. Vision showed a great desire to directly protect life, shown when he defended humans from Ultron and his forces, and when he personally saved Wanda Maximoff from Novi Grad's destruction, as it was blown up by Thor and Iron Man.

        Vision frequently struggles to understand human behavior due to being a non-human sentient lifeform, as such he tends to come off as awkward and/or uncomfortable to others, such as when he casually phased through a wall and interrupted a talk between Steve and Wanda instead of using a door. He makes judgments based on logic and treats choices as equations, and makes decisions based on what his calculations deem as the best choice or the lesser of two evils. This is best seen when he agrees to the Sokovia Accords by analyzing the relationship between the Avengers and threats to the world as an algorithm which describes the correlation between both concluding that oversight was a good idea. Despite that, Vision continuously attempts to improve his understanding of the human mind, and therefore attempted to open up to Wanda and comfort her over her fears over her powers.

        As a result of his supercomputer brain, he follows the most logical options available immediately being able to see the Sokovia Accords as the path of least resistance when it came to helping the people of the world.

        Vision is shown to be quite wise as before the clash with Captain America's team, Vision stated he knew Captain America truly believed what he was doing is right. His wisdom combined with his pure personality resulted in him being worthy of wieldng Mjølnir.

        Powers and Abilities
        Visionintangibility Vision phases through an Ultron Sentry
        Synthetic Body: Vision is a sapient construct, a perfect hybrid between organic and inorganic material. His entire body is a mix between a synthetic simulacrum of organic tissue and Vibranium, all of which are enhanced by the cosmic powers of the Mind Stone to function as a living body. His very flesh is made from Helen Cho's synthetic tissue generation technology being used to form a body, the tissue being further enhanced by Vibranium being merged with it. Originally, the body was designed to be Ultron's final form. The combination of the vibranium and the cosmic energy from the Mind Stone embedded in his forehead grants Vision a wide plethora of powers.
        Superhuman Durability: The Vibranium composition of Vision's body allows him to withstand attacks of immense force with no visible damage to his exterior, with Hawkeye's baton breaking against him, for instance. Vision is also able to increase the durability of his physical form even further by manipulating his density and weight, to the point of a huge bus that crashed into Vision at great speed, broke apart and lost all of its forward momentum.

        Density Manipulation: An ability attributed to the Mind Stone, Vision can increase or decrease his own density and weight at will, allowing him to increase the durability of his physical form or make himself completely weightless. Effects of this ability include:
        Superhuman Strength: Vision can greatly increase his physical strength to immense superhuman levels by increasing his density, demonstrated by Vision effortlessly overpowering Hawkeye, taking down numerous Ultron Sentries with his bare hands, grappling with Ultron himself while the latter was in his most powerful vibranium form, sending Ultron flying with a single blow of Mjølnir, and even making the gigantic Ant-Man stumble with a mighty blow. Given his vibranium-enriched flesh, even when his density manipulating abilities aren't in use, Vision's basic physical strength is still also considerably high.
        Intangibility: Vision's control over his density, weight and mass give him the ability to phase through solid objects. As he does so, an aura of greenish-yellow light envelopes the part of his body that is phased through matter. When phasing, Vision can increase his density to destroy the object he phases through from the inside. With this ability, Vision can walk through walls, fly right through the gigantic Ant-Man, rip apart numerous Ultron Sentries, and even phase his fingers through Ultron's vibranium outer shell.
        Flight: Vision can minimize his density to its lowest point in order to hover above the ground, granting him the power of flight. He can control his own motion-based force to move through the air at great speeds and instantly stop moving while in the air by completely, freezing his motion.
        Vision laser Vision fires an energy blast from his head
        Energy Blasts: Vision is capable of drawing raw power from the Mind Stone to fire beams of intense energy from his forehead. This beam is incredibly powerful, enough to slice down an airport tower in seconds, and even damage Ultron's most powerful Vibranium-coated body.
        Synthetic Skin Constructs: Through the power of the Mind Stone, Vision can willfully generate synthetic material. He used this ability to create armor and a cape shortly after his birth in Avengers Tower. Vision can also shape more conventional clothes to adapt to society.
        Computer Interaction: Vision was able to hack into Ultron's programming and disable the latter's ability to enter the Internet. However, the great effort involved in this task temporarily exhausted Vision, incapacitating him for a short time.
        Genius-Level Intellect: Being an artificial intelligence, Vision learns inhumanly quickly and can download data directly to his mind. He formulated an equation based on the events that happened over the years that led to the Sokovia Accords, concluding that the Accords were the necessary path to both aid people and dissuade their growing fears regarding the Avengers.
Last edited by rey skywalker on Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:13 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby rey skywalker » Mon Jul 03, 2017 5:04 am

Last edited by rey skywalker on Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby rey skywalker » Mon Jul 03, 2017 5:05 am


Stephen Strange is a 6'2" male weighing 180lbs, with silk grey eyes and black hair with white streaks. On a mission to recover the usage of his hands he was trained by the ancient one. Dr. Stephen Strange was once a gifted but egotistical surgeon who sought out the Ancient One to heal his hands after they were wounded in a car accident. Instead, the Ancient One trained him to become Master of the Mystic Arts and the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth.

At a young age, Stephen Strange had dreams of becoming a doctor. The eldest child of three, Strange was born in 1930 while his parents Eugene and Beverly Strange were on vacation in Philadelphia. At the age of eleven he aided his younger sister Donna when she was injured, which proved to be a formative experience for him, and he was inspired to attend med school after high school. Ironically, it was his inability to later save her from drowning when he was nineteen and on leave from college that undermined his belief in life’s meaning and the value of idealism. Nevertheless, he rapidly finished med school at a young age and became a successful neurosurgeon.

Strange displayed phenomenal talent in his chosen field, and quickly attained wealth and notoriety. The more successful he became, the more arrogant he grew. Eventually this led to estrangement from his family and the undoing of his relationship with a United Nations translator named Madeline Revell to whom he had proposed marriage. So distant and self-absorbed did he become that he refused to visit his father on his deathbed. His enraged younger brother Victor Strange berated him for this, and then was killed as he ran into traffic. Stephen then placed the body of his brother into cryogenic storage. At a much later stage Stephen attempted to restore his brother through magical means, but instead imbued him with the curse of vampirism.

A car accident that damaged the nerves in his hands changed everything for Stephen Strange. He was no longer able to be a surgeon, yet he refused to become an assistant or consultant, instead squandering his money traveling the world and searching for a cure. One day he heard a rumor of a mystical personage known as the Ancient One in Tibet. Marshaling the last of his inner and outer resources, Strange diligently searched until the fortress of the Ancient One was revealed to him. Though initially outraged that the aged mystic refused to cure his hands, Strange’s anger was quickly replaced by amazement when the reality of magical forces was demonstrated before his eyes as he witnessed an attack on the Ancient One.

Circumstances revealed to Strange that it was none other than Baron Mordo, the Ancient One’s chief disciple, who was the perpetrator of the attack, and who continued to plot the destruction of the antediluvian mystic in an attempt to gain power. To his horror, Strange learned he was unable to reveal this after Mordo easily encircled him. Realizing the Ancient One was a force for good; Stephen selflessly abandoned his quest to restore his hands and committed himself to magical tutelage with the intention of foiling Mordo’s insidious scheme. By this act Strange proved himself to the Ancient One, to whom the entire melodrama had been transparent. Thus Doctor Strange put himself on the path to become the new Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth dimension, yet gained a deadly enemy in Baron Mordo.

Personal Information

Physical Attributes
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black, white at temples
Identity: The general public regards Strange as an ordinary occult scholar, if not a charlatan
Occupation: Sorcerer Supreme of Earth dimension, adventurer, occult consultant; former physician, neurosurgeon
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Education: Medical doctorate, extensive sorcery training through a mixture of self-education and vast arcane lore
Marital Status: Estranged
Known Relatives: Eugene and Beverly Strange (parents, deceased), Victor Strange (Khiron, brother, presumed deceased), Donna Strange (sister, deceased), Clea (wife, estranged), Umar and Orini (parents-in-law), Dormammu (uncle-in-law)
Powers and Abilities

Master Sorcerer
Master of the Mystic Arts
Master of the Mystic Arts
Master of the Mystic Arts, Doctor Strange is one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. Dr. Strange uses mystical energy invoked upon by spells/incantations or by the power of divine beings to manipulate forces of the universe including projection of mystic energy as bolts, slashes, binds, shields, or a scattered array of energy appearing like electricity, manipulating matter and various energies (physical or spiritual) even transmutation of matter, controlling the elements, opening or sealing mystical portals to other realms, teleportation or dimensional travel, reality warping and control over dimension, seeing through or casting illusions, invisibility and intangibility through astral projection, vast mental powers such as telepathy and telekinesis, communication with the dead and spiritual entities, seeing the future or past, manipulating dreams, removing spirits or placing them back into bodies, summoning supernatural beings, or using the powers of supernatural items.

Many of Doctor Strange’s powers are a function of his ability to manipulate the ambient mystical energy of the Marvel Universe. With this ability Dr. Strange can perform many functions. Commonly this is seen as energy attacks that range from low power to planet destroying, transmutation, telekinesis, teleportation, protective shields, etc. He uses this mystical energy to cast spells of a near infinite variety.

Dr. Strange can also channel the virtually unlimited energy of nigh-omnipotent mystical and non-mystical beings--known as Principalities--to empower his spells. This can take the form of stating what he wants to occur. This ability to be a conduit to multi-versal power sources has given rise to the phrase "Dr. Strange is as powerful as the god he invokes". He is quite capable of utilizing power that is considered "black magic", though he tends to do so only under extreme exigency. Though he rarely has, he can absorb the power of even a cosmic or semi-deity entity. Doctor Strange has a pact with Eternity possibly allowing him to live as long as the Ancient One and others before him have.

Doctor Strange has been noted calling upon many sorcerous phrases invoking certain entities, usually the above-mentioned Principalities. One example:

“Seven rings hath Raggador, from indigo to deepest black, Yet Oshtur grant me something more: The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!”

Eye of Agamotto
This phrase for instance, would cause unbreakable magical bonds to appear, capable of constraining even the Hulk. In addition to Cyttorak and Oshtur, among the beings of power called upon by Strange are all-seeing Agamotto and hoary Hoggoth, who along with Oshtur form the triad known as the eternal Vishanti; the Seraphim; Cthon (who created the Darkhold tome); Gaia; Ikonn; Dormammu (rarely) and the hell-lord Satannish. Sometimes it appears the substance of mystical realms is invoked rather than the beings who rule over them, as when Strange summons the Flames of the Faltine (the birthplace dimension of Dormammu, but also particular energy beings who rule there). This may explain why Strange is able to call upon such evil entities as Cthon and Satannish to power certain spells, yet not be in their service.

Certain beings are typically invoked for particular effects, such as Ikonn for illusions, the Seraphim for protective effects like shields and the like, Cyttorak for bindings, Agamotto for dispelling negativity and revealing the truth, etc. Other magical constructs commonly employed through such agencies are the Vapors of Valtoor, the Chains of Krakkan, and the Seven Suns of Cinnibus. Doctor Strange seems to be more so than anyone else under the favored patronage of the powerful Vishanti.

Last edited by rey skywalker on Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby rey skywalker » Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:27 am

wikia is being soooo mean to me. :/
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☆ - Two For One Special

Postby Nawratus » Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:45 am

I Hate you I love you, I hate that I love you
Name: Finnley Ramone (The other soul in her body is named Chloe)
Age: 21 years old (Chloe is the same age)
Abilities: Mind Hive - Not really a power per say, but it's definitely odd. She has another
mind/soul in her body that is trapped inside - has been like this ever since she was born
(The other soul was supposed to be her twin, but it got fused into her body. Read her
Hisotry - Also, Fin's eyes are white to show two share one body - Chlo is a "spirit.)
Telekinetic Blasts: This can only happen when Fin & Chloe are aligned - meaning,
they must cooperate with each other thoroughly in order to make a telekinetic blast.
The blast is not that bad, but it can throw someone down to the ground. Meaning,
it won't give them broken bones, just small bruises at most.
Immobilization: Can immobilize the molecules of people/objects for a certain time.
The most she can can immobilize them for are about 2 minutes, this gives her time to plan
her next moves - also knows a bit of regular martial arts (usually carries twin pistols).
Chloe's only power - Aura Reading: Chloe can read anyone's aura through Fin's eyes.
Don't want to
Finnley: Fin is very timid and quiet at first, mostly due to her having no social life as a child. She grew up too fast, at least that's how she feels. She knows she's much more mature than most adults her age, but never says it outwardly. Finnley blends in with the crowd, although she loves to help others on a daily basis. She doesn't use her powers often, due to them asking for too much energy that she doesn't have. It takes a lot for her to cooperate with Chloe as well, seeing as they are very opposite and see different views. Fin tries to help anyone she can, but thinks thoroughly about things, she's also very open-minded. Whereas Chloe is more impulsive and agitated and holds more of a closed off mind. She accepts others, Chloe, but she's always a bit too cautious. Fin is simple and easygoing, whereas Chloe is a bit more high maintenance. Finnley just wants the best for the both of them and hopes that one day they can cure whatever the twins have. Fin is very kind and generous. She gives instead of takes, normally never expecting anything in return. Fin is very anxious and is afraid of the unknown. She's not good with change and is likely to freak out. Chloe, though, helps with that. Since the other is very grounded and stern/calm, she helps Fin with her anxiety attacks.
Chloe: Chloe has been the typical "sister" to Fin for every waking moment. Even though she can get annoyed with the twin, she still tries to help her out as best as she can. She is not the best with people and tends to have severe trust issues, just like her sister, although a lot worse. Chloe is very sarcastic and can be annoying. If she's not pleased with how things are going, you will know it right away. In bad situations, she's the one who can come up with a quick plan. she has good instincts and normally tells Fin what her options are in a fight. They work together as a team, Chloe the brains and Fin the body. They are quite strong together, although sometimes Chloe can "disappear". She normally does that when she's mad, or when Fin tells her to go away. Fin is scared of that kind of punishment and normally goes crazy without her "brain". Without Chloe, Fin can become a mess of pure anxiety.
Finnley's mom, minutes after she was born, had died because of the intense birth of the two twins. Chloe's "spirit" had made her mother's energy decrease throughout the birth. The doctors didn't even think that she would make it in the first place. Fin & Chloe's mom was 18 when she died. Their father, who was 20 at the time, had taken Fin in. He knew something was wrong with her when she started yelling out "Chloe" all the time. Finnley had early anger issues, due to hearing a "voice" inside her head that wouldn't leave her alone. Fin's father took her to a psychiatrist, who suggested going into a hospital. Finnley lived in an asylum for most of her life, although the doctors had no idea what was wrong with her. She hated it because there were scary people, some even threatened her life. After a few years, Fin's father took her out of the hospital, seeing as they weren't really any help to her mental health. He kept her inside all the time, which is why Fin has gained such a bad disorder (really bad anxiety). She has recently gone out, seeing as her father died from a mugging incident. Fin had to live alone after that and was traumatized by the experience. She wasn't there to see the accident, but she had to listen to the police tell her the news. She had no family outside of her father, so she had to fend for herself in a world that she was sheltered from. Things are still new to her and she found a fondness of helping those who couldn't help themselves. It started out small with homeless people and giving back to her community, then she had discovered her "powers". It was hard to control them, especially with her and Chloe's emotions going all over the place. People started to see this happening and she was taken back to another hospital, although this one was different.
It was a science academy with students who were trying to understand what made a "hero". They found that she was so timid and naive, that they started experimenting on her to make her the "perfect" samaritan. Chloe and Fin were 18 at this time and were pushed back into society to use her abilities. The science academy kept tabs on her though and gave her specific missions to fulfill. She hated the life of a puppet, but there was no way out. Until, Nick Fury found out about Fin. He made a deal with the science academy to get her to be on the team. She accepted, although her missions weren't that great. Since she has been more of a loner all of her life, she varies between helping the avengers and going on her own. She likes the side of being "neutral", as sliding between two sides of the coin is much more comfortable to her.
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Postby rey skywalker » Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:00 am

can we start now please??
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Postby vash the stampede. » Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:28 am

    i was hoping to get a few more ocs in before we started -
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Postby rey skywalker » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:22 am

please please please, they can comme in as more appear!!!

i finished felicia.

if someone wants a relation with any of my characters, please tag them or message me!
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Postby vash the stampede. » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:30 am

    i'm excited to start to, but on top of wanting more ocs, there's
    still some people who need to finish their forms so i can accept them.

    but i guess -
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