Stardust Resort - Discussion Thread

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Re: [dexter black]

Postby Azura ~~ » Fri May 22, 2020 3:20 pm

• adriana • wrote:




name dexter black
nickname dex
age twenty four
gender male
pronouns he / him
role spell caster
skin tone fair
eye color dark purple
hair color black
weight 150 lbs
height 6 ft
build athletic
likes nighttime, learning languages, autumn time, color black
dislikes bugs with lost of legs, neon colors, animal cruelty, music
+ traits intuitive, logical, patient, focused
= traits observant, calm, mysterious, eloquent
- traits egotistical, dominating, deceitful, witty
orientation demi-pansexual


physical attributes dexter's irises are naturally dark purple in color and glow when he uses his abilities. dexter is almost always wearing a trench coat because he loves the way they look, and he tends to wear a spiffy suit to look formal and like someone important. this look is broken with the beanies he occasionally wears or his painted finger nails. with him everywhere he goes dexter carries around a black leather satchel that he stores important items inside which include a photo of his little sister, a journal which he writes in (mostly spells and logs of his daily life), another journal he uses for bird watching and sketching, a latin book, a ritual dagger, and some questionable vials with herbs and liquids in them.


abilities voodoo magic; the word voodoo is an umbrella term for dexter's abilities which encase that of voodoo and a few of the different subsets of spell casting within it. the first and foremost of dexter's abilities within voodoo magic is card magic, the trademark of voodoo. always on him is a deck of tarot cards and/or a regular deck of playing cards. the tarot cards are mainly used for reading someones past, present, and predicting possible future outcomes, which he enjoys doing for a price. the playing cards are used for other means such as a projectiles that he can throw to injure others with their serrated edges, or a way to cast spells that he has infused into the card such as emitting a wave of magic or summoning a weapon, but they can also be used to play card games with.
xxxxthe second of his abilities under voodoo magic is that of blood magic and spell casting. through the use of his or others blood (others being humans, humanoids, or non humans) dexter is able to cast spells by inscribing a surface with symbols or words to cast a spell. he may also use an incantation alongside the inscription to help make sure the spell is cast correctly and will not fail. spells vary depending on what outcome dexter desires, however since he tends to avoid using his blood and blood can be hard to come by he only uses blood magic in times of great need or when it's the only other option.
xxxxthe third of his abilities is shadow magic. through the use of darkness and shadows dexter can cast spells, such as opening up a portal, or he can cast a spell that can manipulate the darkness and shadows. he can shadow his body so he blends better into darkness, or make shadows dance across surfaces and shift into different shapes. he has yet to figure out how to solidify or animate a shadow, though, so they pose no threat other than psychological fear. the
xxxxfourth ability under this umbrella is that of portal magic. portal magic is the ability to, well, create a portal as suggested in its name. through the use of blood magic or shadow magic dexter can create portals to places he has been to and across short distances. by using blood magic to create a portal he must use his own blood and form a gateway on a relatively flat surface and know exactly where he wants to end up. by using shadows, however, dexter can take the darkness from around him and form it into a portal if he has a destination in mind. he can shape the portal however big he wants it to be, but usually only to fit himself.
xxxxthe final aspects of dexters voodoo magic is that of necromancy. dexter has a connection to the undead and is able to summon or communicate with souls of the deceased. by summoning the dead dexter can take their life-force and apply it to himself to enhance his magical strength or make the undead do his bidding. he can sense when death is near and see spirits milling about.

weaknesses weaknesses; with every subset of dexters power comes a weakness that can counteract the ability. an overarching weaknesses is his energy. dexter can easily lose energy by over-expending his abilities and going past his limit, causing him headaches, nausea, unconsciousness, or even death. tarot cards don't really have a weakness, per se, and they don't drain him of much energy. the cards infused with magic only drain dexter when he infuses the card with a spell, however after a card has been infused with a spell and the spell has been cast, dexter then must re-infuse the card with a spell. opening a portal through the use of darkness or blood is especially taxing for dexter since he must use a great amount of energy to direct the darkness to where he wants it, shape the darkness, and open a portal to the desired location. dexter can only open a portal to a place he has been to and isn't too far away from him. creating a portal through the use of his own blood is much easier, though painful since he can only use his own blood. still, his energy is drained. for blood magic dexter sometimes may need specific types of blood from certain creatures or individuals, also a certain amount to complete a spell. shadow magic isn't as taxing since shadows are natural and he can find them anywhere, so he doesn't have to create any. light can dispel the shadows he is manipulating, and he is unable to animate shadows or make them solid. necromancy can cost dexter energy when he attempts to summon the undead to work for him or drain them of their force. some spirits may not come to his summoning no matter how hard or how many times he tries. the ones who he attempts to make do his bidding may turn on him instead.


personality dexter is a man of mystery. often avoiding subjects pertaining to himself dexter is deflective, rarely speaking about himself to others. he's secretive about his inner thoughts and feelings, never showing how he truly feels to the outside world. he turns questions toward himself around on others or flat-out ignores them, changing subjects smoothly or giving absentminded answers to please his metaphorical interrogator. dexter much rather learn about others and the ins and outs of ones mind. curious of the functions that goes on within others heads dexter uses a charming and smooth-talking exterior to gain insight on others. mostly he's interested in peoples deepest and darkest desires, secrets, and fears, though doesn't mind the less important stuff such as likes or dislikes, etc. coming off as a personable character he can be easy to approach and speak to. he uses eloquent speech, a quit wit, and his endearing demeanor to get close to others and discover who they are. dexter puts the knowledge he gains to good use, finding ways to put people down and make them feel lesser, making people snap under the psychological pressure he places upon them. he analyzes people, having an affinity for reading body language that may go unnoticed to most others. mind games are his favorite games to play, often toying with others emotions and thoughts if he has a chance. he's an observant man, always aware of his surroundings and who or what is within it, this feeds into him being able to understand body language and social cues well. he can be quiet in a way, staying in the background to simply watch and learn. going unnoticed by others has an advantage, one that allows him to come off as unsuspecting to others (or crazy depending on how you look at it). but he can also be a dominating force. enjoying attention because of his big ego, dexter doesn't mind showing off every now and then to gain the eyes of others. he likes to take charge on matters that pertain to him, and wants things to go perfectly. somewhat of a perfectionist he doesn't like it when his plans go astray or are interfered with. a dark side of him may come out when he is anxious or frustrated, one that shows his true nature of being a cold and calculating man who has ill intentions of taking advantage of people or breaking them down. he does his best to hide this side of himself and refuses to allow himself to become worked up enough to release his inner most secrets. he doesn't just shove down emotions of anger, though. he forces down his own deepest and darkest desires, secrets, and fears. sadness, regret, joy, anger and more, these emotions are stored away but may poke through at times. a cunning and deceitful trouble maker at heart dexter is one to be cautious of.
quirks dexter can fluently speak latin despite it being a dead language. having a fascination with language he has also learned german and is learning french. dexter has an affinity for birds and is low-key a bird watcher. he just loves how free and majestic they are. dexter can almost always be found wearing a trench coat unless it's scorching hot. he owns quite a few different trench coats, all mostly black or dark gray in color as well as similar in style. this boy vehemntly hates being called a witch, wizard, warlock of any sort. he is a spell caster at best, and even then he doesn't like being named as such
phobias philophobia ; emotional attachment .... thanatophobia ; dying
disorders probably narcissistic personality disorder and compulsive lying, but he's never been officially diagnosed


history dexter was born to lilith black and damien black. he was born into poverty and was in all accounts a mistake. his parents could barely get by month by month. his mother was working several day and night jobs trying to provide for her family, meanwhile his father was a laze about man who kept saying he would find a job soon while day drinking. It wasn’t the best life and some days dexter would go without eating. when dexter was five his little sister lunar was brought into the world, another accident his father says, and with her the household funds got even tighter. when he was old enough his mother enrolled him in school despite their low funds, wanting her son to get a proper education. it wasn’t the best school around. the students and staff alike were troubled. some days dexter would skip classes or completely miss school. this is when he learned to forge his mother's handwriting so he could turn in valid excuses for his absences. around the age of eight dexter sought out a group of older kids in his apartment complex, which was owned and run by a sleazy landlord who took advantage of people’s financial problems by threatening and blackmailing them. with these boys and girls dexter learned the magic of sleight of hand as well how to lie properly. with his young age dexter didn’t look much like a street rat and was pinned as too innocent to be a thief, but with his newfound skills dexter helped his mother out by going around and stealing money or food. at times his mother would find out about his thievery and would lecture and yell at him to not do it anymore, however she kept whatever he stole and so dexter took this as incentive to keep taking. he never got caught by the authorities and went on like this for years. meanwhile his younger sister adored him. she wanted to help their mom out just like dexter did and would sometimes follow him out of the apartment complex, though once he found out she was following him he would bring her right back home and tell her off. dexter didn’t want his sister getting into the low life like him. especially since he knew the older kids he was dealing with would take advantage of her innocence just like they had with him. dexter was in deep with the gang and was even stealing for them, not just his mother. they used him and he knew it but if he stopped helping them out they would surely hurt somebody he loved. however this didn’t stop lunar from persuading him to teach her how to pick locks and steal. one day at the age of ten dexter was in the bedroom that he shared with his sister reading to her. shouting erupted from the living room and so they both went to check out the ruckus. the sleazy landlord was back shouting at his parents. his mother yelled right back meanwhile his father watched bleary eyed from beside his wife. he was asking for the rent that wasn’t due for another week. not only that but he was threatening to shut off the power and water until payment came in. he had done this many times before and they would go days, even weeks without necessities. one time his mother gathered him and his sister in the living room, lit the fireplace, and had them sleep there the night to build up heat in the room. no longer was dexter going to allow this to happen. rage filled dexter and he began to scream and cuss at the sleazebag of a man to leave his family alone. his mother yelled for him to quit it but did nothing to actually stop him, and the landlord simply chuckled. that was it, the mockery which set him off. he saw red. the shadows danced across the room growing bigger and blacker, the fireplace flickered before being snuffed out and darkness began to envelope the room. in the darkened room dexters eyes glowed an intense purple. beneath and above the man the darkness swirled around, opening two portals that would send the man into an endless loop of falling. the man built up speed until the portals suddenly evaporated, and with a horrid crack the landlord lay on the ground, motionless. when the darkness no longer engulfed the room and dexter could think clearly he turned to his parents. his mother wept and his father began yelling “get out! get out!” dexter, scared of what he had just done and its consequences as well as his parents, fled. he ran to his bedroom where lunar had been, though in her place a small hawk was now laying. he had affected her with his powers too. scooping her up dexter climbed out of the bedroom window and down the fire escape, down the alleyway and into the street where he ran as far away as he could from the scene of the crime. after the accident dexter lived on the streets a few years. he moved from place to place, stealing and manipulating people to get by. dexter has never been able to figure out how to turn lunar back into a human, nor has he ever been able to bring forth so much power without falling ill or unconscious. as dexter grew up he learned to harness his abilities and use them to enhance his sleight of hand and steal, or trick people out of their money. lunar as well has become an asset because she can fly down grab purses, take necklaces, watches, bracelets, wallets and more off of people that he could pawn off for money. maybe once or twice dexter performed at a children's birthday party, though he will neither confirm nor deny this and will quickly change the subject if it ever comes up.


f.c. shawn mendes ♡-♡
myer briggs estj
birth date / zodiac october thirtieth / scorpio
theme song friends on the other side / princess and the frog
other he has a zone tailed hawk named lunar. she is actually his sister that he accidentally turned into a bird when he discovered his powers. he has no idea how to turn her back human. (there is only one way to turn her back, but only i know that and it's a secret hehe ;3)


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[size=200][size=200]── [url=url][color=#800080]D[/color][/url][color=#800080]EXTER BLACK[/color] ──────────────────────────[/size]
[size=85][color=transparent]x[/color][color=#800080]─[/color] twenty four [color=#800080]─[/color] male [color=#800080]─[/color] spell caster [color=#800080]─[/color] demi-pansexual [color=#800080]─[/color] location; here [color=#800080]─[/color] mentions; none [color=#800080]─[/color] tags; here [color=#800080]─[/color][/size]




after my 2 hour nap XD
Accepted :3
Gonna be honest not much to say here hehe-
Other then the fact I took a bit of a break, but I'm here XD

Name's Demon, but some people call me Azura.

I just recently figured out I'm DemiRomantic - Omnisexual ^ so thats fun <3
She/They/Theirs ~ Loves fluffy things and roleplays. ~ Listening to Kanaria 24/7

A note for anybody who would like to roleplay with me-
I am a Maladaptive Daydreamer and so sometimes I would like to roleplay some of my daydreams

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Re: Stardust Resort - Discussion Thread

Postby Theodore_The_Bear » Fri May 22, 2020 3:20 pm

I seriously should make another character I'm the only person with just one.




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Re: Stardust Resort - Discussion Thread

Postby ~ moth ~ » Fri May 22, 2020 3:24 pm

      ^^ thank you!
      i'm off to bed but i'll be sure to get a post up for dexter tomorrow, he's going to wreak some havoc!

╰ ⋯ how the most dangerous thing . • ⊹ ╮

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⋯ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ◂ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⋯⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ↼╯
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀╰ is to love -

. • adrien - adult - they / he / she - aroace ⋆ ╮

╰ ⋯ how you will heal and rise above . • ⊹

x▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ╮

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⋮

. - • crowned by an overture ↼╯
bold and beyond . • ⋆

╰ ⋯ ah, it’s more courageous to ⋆
▸ — overcome ⊹ .


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Re: Stardust Resort - Discussion Thread

Postby Azura ~~ » Fri May 22, 2020 3:29 pm

Alrighty! Night Adriana :3

You can make one if you want! I'll happily accept it :3
Gonna be honest not much to say here hehe-
Other then the fact I took a bit of a break, but I'm here XD

Name's Demon, but some people call me Azura.

I just recently figured out I'm DemiRomantic - Omnisexual ^ so thats fun <3
She/They/Theirs ~ Loves fluffy things and roleplays. ~ Listening to Kanaria 24/7

A note for anybody who would like to roleplay with me-
I am a Maladaptive Daydreamer and so sometimes I would like to roleplay some of my daydreams

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Re: Stardust Resort - Discussion Thread

Postby Theodore_The_Bear » Fri May 22, 2020 3:32 pm

Francesca.Demonessia wrote:Alrighty! Night Adriana :3

You can make one if you want! I'll happily accept it :3

If definitely thinking about it but that's effort lol. But my school ends in two weeks so I'll want more characters during all that free time so I probably will.




𝕀𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕤𝕒𝕚𝕕 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕤 𝕤𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕓𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕒 𝕥𝕪𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕗𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕.


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Re: Stardust Resort - Discussion Thread

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri May 22, 2020 3:37 pm

I wants Reuben and/or Fennoris to run into my fox and cat, but Reuben doesn’t want to interact with anyone’s
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Re: Stardust Resort - Discussion Thread

Postby Craboom-047 » Fri May 22, 2020 4:12 pm

• adriana • wrote:
      ^^ thank you!
      i'm off to bed but i'll be sure to get a post up for dexter tomorrow, he's going to wreak some havoc!

Oh I can't wait, and also I like Dexter, he's cool

Theodore_The_Bear wrote:I seriously should make another character I'm the only person with just one.

Don't feel pressured to, but if you want to, go ahead
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Re: Stardust Resort - Discussion Thread

Postby [Egg] » Fri May 22, 2020 4:52 pm

I accidentally slept all day again-
im sorry guys, im a mess lol

@theo yeah, what craboom said, don't feel pressured to add more characters, cause et also has only one character so you're not alone ^^
but if you want, you can
there's no limit to how many characters you can have
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Re: Stardust Resort - Discussion Thread

Postby Azura ~~ » Fri May 22, 2020 4:53 pm

Don't worry u ain't alone sis-

I almost slept the entire day as well XD
Gonna be honest not much to say here hehe-
Other then the fact I took a bit of a break, but I'm here XD

Name's Demon, but some people call me Azura.

I just recently figured out I'm DemiRomantic - Omnisexual ^ so thats fun <3
She/They/Theirs ~ Loves fluffy things and roleplays. ~ Listening to Kanaria 24/7

A note for anybody who would like to roleplay with me-
I am a Maladaptive Daydreamer and so sometimes I would like to roleplay some of my daydreams

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Re: Stardust Resort - Discussion Thread

Postby [Egg] » Fri May 22, 2020 5:00 pm

@ fran lol thanks bro
having no school has really messed up my sleep schedule, heh
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