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↭ Baron

Postby brad! » Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:39 pm

Image▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ B A R O N ▬▬▬
I always feel rejuvenated by a touch of adventure.

      Haven't you ever wondered what lies past the horizon? If you're looking for someone that loves to wander, and dislikes staying in the same place, this wolf is the fellow that you're looking for. Meet Sir Baron Salibim Farius, the Second, or to be put in a more simplistic manner, Baron. Baron does not like nicknames, so it is highly advised that he is not given one. This is because Baron considers it a form of disrespect. Not to him, but to the wolf he was named after, Sir Baron Salibim Farius, the First, more commonly known to Baron as his grandfather. Baron is five and a half years old , and was born on the Thirteenth of June. As one would assume by the use of male pronouns, Baron is a male , and he plans to stay that way.

      Baron is quite the wandering soul, having
      a love for adventure and a tendency to just roam, a curiosity of what lies beyond always pushing him onward. Having interacted with many wolves over the years, Baron has developed to become rather charming and polite to those around him, as he is always wanting to make a good first impression. This fellow is also quite knowledgeable, often speaking with what seems to be a strong sense of formality and rather extensive vocabulary. Baron does not enjoy having to stay in one place unless he has no choice, and will leave his friends behind if they choose to settle down, as he finds no interest in doing so. With this, Baron has a bad tendency to be incredibly forthcoming and blunt, having belief that sugar coating things does not get anything done, and will often lead others on with a facade. This can mean that Baron is quick to lose friends, and it often gets him in trouble, but being a smooth talker when needed has proven quite the advantage on numerous occasions. If one wishes to capture Baron's heart, they must understand his love to be free, and if they can, have the ability to finally tie him down to a place. He is truly loving and protective, especially of those he is fond of.

      Upon leaving his family many years ago, Baron left behind three brothers and a sister, as well as his sire,
      Lord James Phillip Archimedes, the Third, a brute that was feared through his pack, for his somewhat bloodthirsty nature, and habit of disregarding the rules. Baron's dam, Lady Annette, was the opposite to her mate, having a kind and gentle disposition, and many wondered how the unlikely pair survived together so well. Baron is the second youngest out of his brothers and sisters, his three brothers, Sir Fabian Darius, Sir Richard John Thatcher and Sir Abraham Mikhail being born in the litter before him. After that, Baron has one younger sister, Lady Sybil Elizabeth Peron, the Fifth. Baron has not fathered any offspring, but has had one mate in the past. A pretty young fae by the name of Queen, whom he left, for she decided that she no longer loved him.
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↭ Caesar

Postby brad! » Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:39 pm

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C A E S A R ▬▬▬
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.

      Ah, formalities are something we are not fond of, but they must be done. Meet Sir Gaius Julius Caesar, son of Lord Anaeas Cornelius Caesar, and Lady Aurelia Sulla. As his name is a bit of a mouthful, one would expect that this wolf have a shortened name. Indeed, this brute does have a preference for simply being referred to as Caesar. One does wonder where this brute received his name, and it has been said that his name was given to him but his Great Grandfather, upon his death having asked Caesar's father to name his firstborn son after the Roman General. It is not known why this is so, but Caesar doesn't mind either way. Caesar is four years of age and was born on the Eleventh of July. As assumed, Caesar is a male, and always will be.

      Overall, Caesar is
      generally courteous and full of witty comments, depending on who is is around. However, it is not uncommon for Caesar to joke about himself, often laughing about his lack of discipline and slightly rebellious nature. Luckily, Caesar does not come across as a hothead, which is what is often associated with some of his traits. Caesar often states that he would rather live without any rules and restrictions, however, this wolf is indeed intelligent, and is quite aware that his life and the lives of those around him would crumble without rules and order. This brute is often known for wanting to do the right thing, but often going about it the wrong way. Caesar is quick to act in extreme situations, often not thinking about the consequences or his own well-being at the time. With this, the lad has a strong sense of morality, but is willing to put others in jeopardy or outright break the rules to uphold a sense of true justice. He often takes matters into his own paws, regardless of how others perceive him and the consequences his actions may have.

      Having left his previous back some year or two ago, Caesar did leave behind a decent amount of his family. His sire was none other than
      Lord Anaeas Cornelius Caesar, a canine well respected for his skill in battle, and more so for his choice in mate, Caesar's mother, who went by the name of Lady Aurelia Sulla, a simplistic, but elegant young fae, who was respected for being one of the finest huntresses that was ever known. Caesar is the oldest out of Aurelia's and Anaeas' five children, with the exception of Marius Arthur Augustus, his brother out of the same litter. Then comes his two younger sisters, Julia Lulia Plynith and Kaleynn Cotta. The youngest out of Caesar's siblings is little Nicomedes Bythnia Aegean. Caesar has not fathered any offspring.
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↭ Sootnose

Postby brad! » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:58 pm

20 Moons
Love Interest:
No love interest
No allegiance
Nightwalker - Father
Falconwatcher - Mother
Lionfur - Brother
Spottedface - Brother
Spiderheart - Brother
Stumpyfoot - Brother
Gorseclaw - Brother

      Most would say that being the only sister to five older brothers as a curse. However, if they were to converse with young Sootnose here, they would see that she-cat is incredibly inclined to disagree. Though, there are plenty of other things that they will notice, too. Sootnose is simple in appearance, but nonetheless, she is still quite the nice specimen to look at. Perhaps it is her lean and well muscled physique, or maybe even the way her pelt shines, for she is healthy, and rather well groomed. Or more notably, perhaps it is the way she behaves. This warrior is a very down to earth and playful feline, though many believe this is because she is still relatively young. This could be correct, but only time will tell.

      Though Sootnose was born a clan cat, it was not of the clan that she resides in now. It was a different clan, one that didn't have a name, but still held similar dynamics to any other clan. They had their leader, their warrior names, and they still believed in StarClan. However, the clan itself had no name, for the security of their land, and their cats. They believed that if they were ever caught by another group of cats, they would keep their family safe, for they would state their allegiance to a clan with no name. They would be thought to be lying, and either killed or set free, and the clan was left alone. It was an odd method, but for some reason, StarClan willed for it to work.

      Anyway, Sootnose was born to the second litter between Nightwalker and Falconwatcher, of which she was their first and only daughter. Falconwatcher found it incredibly amusing, and Nightwalker was relieved, having decided that he did not want all sons. He did not want all rough, uncompromising cats which found more entertainment in beating one another senseless. But one's gender does not dictate that fact, and unfortunately for the senior warrior, what he did not want was exactly what he got. At least, for a while.

      Sootkit learned that if she didn't fight rough with her brothers, she would not be left alone, and she learned this the hard way. The dark she-cat has a few visible scars on her pelt from her kittenhood, though she tells everyone they're from past fights. Of course, it's true, just the loophole being that she never specified when. Her brothers were incredibly rough, disregarding their mother's rule of 'claws away when you want to play' rather often, and this got them all in trouble on numerous occasions. Though Sootkit never cared; she enjoyed herself nonetheless.

      When Sootkit became Sootpaw, her shenanigans with her brothers came to a stop. Her older brothers, Lionpaw and Spottedpaw became Lionfur and Spottedface, warriors of the clan. Stumpypaw, Spiderpaw and Gorsepaw lost interest in the fun and games, turning their complete focus to becoming the best warriors the clan would ever see. This of course saddened the she-cat, but not for long. Because soon enough, Sootpaw's focus was turned to becoming a warrior, and her mentor, Eaglefang, ensured that his apprentice's focus was on that fact, and that only. He was strict and harsh, but that was what Sootpaw needed.

      She became a warrior at 12 moons, and was given the name Sootnose, a name which she adores. Though, she didn't get a chance to live her life out for long, for a group of rebels stormed her clan's camp, killing nearly every cat they could, and sparing those that joined their cause. Three of her four brothers joined the rebels, Gorseclaw escaped and Lionfur was killed. Falconwatcher and Nightwalker were killed, also. Sootnose fled, though was chased by the group, but was lucky enough that a badger was lurking nearby, and decided to attack the group of cats. With them distracted, Sootnose was able to flee to safety, fully aware that she would not be able to return home.

      So Sootnose travelled, coming across --. Though rather hesitantly, she was accepted into their ranks, and has been living as an active part of the clan for quite some time now. However, some cats are still weary of the black she-cat, though she doesn't mind, all that much.
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↭ Mothstar

Postby brad! » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:58 pm

37 Moons
Love Interest:
No love interest
Leader of --
Beetlefoot - Father
Halftail - Mother
Tigerclaw - Brother
Badgerpelt - Brother
Softheart - Sister
Meadownose - Sister
Moonpaw - Brother

      The first thing one notices when they enter the clan camp is this cat. He may not look like anyone special, but for some reason, they know he is to be respected. It's not the way he walks or talks, but it seems to be his appearance in general. His simplistic colour scheme and faded eyes give him the look of age, the look of someone with wisdom. Though truth be told, he's really not that old. Most assume that he is the Medicine Cat, but with a soft laugh, this tom will quickly tell you that his name is Mothstar, and that he's the leader of --.

      Mothstar was born in the clan, one of six, actually. Not the runt of the litter, but not the biggest either. He was given the name Mothkit, for his plain pelt (compared to his mother, a beautiful silver tabby and his father, a smokey grey tom with vibrant green eyes), as well as for the fact he made very little noise. He did not mew and wriggle about like his brothers and sisters, instead preferred to sleep in the corner of the den alone, except when his littermate Moonkit would join him, so that they could keep one another warm. Though she would never admit it, Halftail was worried for her two smaller sons. They did not have as much life as Tigerkit or Badgerkit. Were they ill? Was StarClan going to take her kittens away from her? Only time would tell.

      As Mothpaw came of apprentice age, he was assigned to Buzzardclaw, a strong, surly tom whom was known for his bravery and strength. It was hoped that Buzzardclaw's outgoing personality would help Mothpaw become less quiet and a bit more open to others, but it never seemed to work. He never argued with Buzzardclaw, rarely complained and did what he was told then and there. Not that it was of concern to Buzzardclaw; his apprentice excelled in his craft, just didn't show it. Mothpaw was very much an underdog. Weak and frail to the eye, but a true warrior when it came to battle. Though he wouldn't admit it, Buzzardclaw found the little apprentice rather entertaining.

      Moons passed, and with this, Moonpaw passed away with a serious head injury, after being attacked by a fox. Mothpaw and his family were devastated, and the young apprentice grieved for a substantial amount of time, to the extent where he was held back two moons before becoming a warrior, as Greystar decided he was not ready to become a part of the senior ranks. Though, Mothpaw eventually become Mothwing, and was able to join his living brothers and sisters in the ranks of the warriors of --.

      As time went by, Mothwing matured, and Greystar passed away, Mothwing's father, Beetlefoot, becoming Beetlestar, as he was the deputy of the clan at the time. However, his leadership over the clan was shortlived, as he was foolish with his lives, his last life being lost to a round of blackcough. Though, in this time, Mothwing was assigned as his deputy, though it was never fully justified why.

      Mothwing became Mothstar, and has been leading the clan for six moons. Much to the surprise to the other cats, he does his job rather well. The soft spoken leader is very good at what he does, his ability to keep a level head seeming to be what has allowed him to keep all of his nine lives so far.

      More notably, Mothstar is quite clever, and incredibly polite, especially to his clan mates. Though he never does seem to have a casual conversation with anyone, not even his deputy. Few cats actually enjoy being in Mothstar's presence, not for the fact that he is rude, more so that he doesn't really talk unless he needs to, not particularly interested in plain conversation. He is very 'strictly business', and this also reflects in the fact he is incredibly oblivious to flirty cats. He prefers to get jobs done, as opposed to trying to make everything 'fun', and doing these jobs with minimal fuss. And as expected, Mothstar is incredibly loyal, ready to jump in claws first when the clan is threatened. Though, he is a strategist, and this comes in handy when the lives of his fellow warriors are at stake.
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↭ Nihlus

Postby brad! » Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:32 pm


Nihlus is a very strong willed dog,
known for his capability of getting
the job done. However, more often
than not, this attitude gets Nihlus
into trouble with his superiors, due
to the fact that he would willingly
disobey instructions given to him
if he thought doing something else
would produce a better outcome.
Though Nihlus is not a cruel dog,
he will not allow others to stand
in his way, his reckless and stubborn
behaviour making him unwilling to
give up what he wants.


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↭ Swanstep

Postby brad! » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:53 pm

It’s so easy to see the galaxy in black and white. Gray? I don’t know what to do with gray.
✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

    Name ; Swanstep
    Age ; 25 Moons
    Gender ; She-cat | Female
    Rank ; Warrior
    Romantic Interest ; None at the moment

    Offspring ; None
    Siblings ; Unknown

    Personality ; Swanstep is seen to be quite a funny, charming and mischievous cat, and with this, she can be a little bit immature. Always loving a laugh, Swanstep is quite a fun young lady to be around, having a joke here and there, and having a bit of a flirt with the toms; something that she is an absolute professional at. Another thing that Larkfeather is good at is giving her fellow warriors nicknames. Everyone gets one from Swanstep, and they're referred to it, whether they like it or not, though most cats just learn to accept it after a while. Though she may be a flirt, Swanstep tends to avoid any emotional relationships, her interactions with any males based on a purely platonic level.
    History ; Swanstep's biological parents are unknown to her, due to the fact that she was born outside of the clan, and dumped somewhere in the middle of the forest. Luckily for her, a clan patrol was passing through, and came across the young kit, mewling and wriggling around. Complying with the code, the clan cats picked up the kit and took her in, unsure of who she was, and where she came from. The queens all mutually agreed on the name 'Swankit' for the kitten, and the young she-cat grew up like any other warrior, completely unaware that she was not clan born, since she was told that her parents had died during a badger attack. At twelve moons of age the she-cat became Swanstep, and at this age, she was told the truth. At the time, Swanstep was furious, but nowadays, the she-cat has learned to accept her place in the clan, and lives her life just like any other warrior cat should. She has no intention of finding out who her parents were; she has no reason to.

    Other ; Nothing at the moment
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↭ Troutwhisker

Postby brad! » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:54 pm

We have to give everything, even if that means our lives. We will stop at nothing. We will fight for the lost.
✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

    Name ; Troutwhisker
    Age ; 42 Moons
    Gender ; Tom-cat | Male
    Rank ; Medicine Cat
    Romantic Interest ; Forbidden

    Offspring ; Forbidden
    Siblings ; Hollyfrost - Deceased

    Personality ; Troutwhisker is a courageous tom with quite the curiousity and can-do attitude. This tom is constantly eager to prove himself to his clanmates. Troutwhisker finds a substantial amount of pride in his work, more often than not spending his waking hours working in his den, collecting herbs, or telling his apprentice what needs to be done. He's extremely intelligent and knowledgeable when it comes to being a medicine cat, as it is one of his main interests. After all, the other cats require him for their survival. The tom is quite a motormouth, and has a bit of trouble restraining himself when it comes to time and place.
    History ; Troutwhisker was born in a litter of two, alongside his sister, to an overbearing mother, and distant father. Neither himself nor Hollyfrost spent much time with their parents, instead finding themselves bonding with the other queens, due to the fact that their mother had more interest in pursuing her path as a warrior, as opposed to looking after her children. This never bothered Troutwhisker all that much, and the tom found himself spending an increasing amount of time in the Medicine Cat den, learning about herbs, and their purpose. So, it wasn't long before Troutwhisker became the next medicine cat apprentice, destined to become the next medicine cat of the clan. He quite enjoyed his training, and found that he was rather good at his job, and at 12 moons, the tom was assigned his full warrior name. Not long after this, his sister, Hollyfrost, passed away from being hit by a two-leg monster, Troutwhisker was devastated. When Troutwhisker was 30 moons, his mentor passed away, and the tom took the position of being the full Medicine Cat, and has had it ever since.

    Other ; Troutwhisker has a large scar that goes along his left hand side, running the length of his body. He received this from a fight with a fox.
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↭ Wrenfeather

Postby brad! » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:54 pm

After time adrift among open stars, along tides of light and through shoals of dust, I will return to where I began.
✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

    Name ; Wrenfeather
    Age ; 30 Moons
    Gender ; She-cat | Female
    Rank ; Warrior
    Romantic Interest ; None at the moment

    Offspring ; None
    Siblings ; Sparrowflight - Believed to be deceased

    Personality ; Wrenfeather seems to be quite the silent and mysterious cat, but this is simply because she is quite the thinker. This she-cat is quite happy to be left to her own thoughts, imagining impossible scenarios (like becoming the leader of the clan), and trying to analyse these scenarios, according to their logic. Though, this doesn't make Wrenfeather anti-social at all. If one was to spark a conversation with the she-cat, they would find that she can be actually rather friendly, and quite funny, too. But with this, they would find that Wrenfeather can be incredibly blunt, words flowing far too quickly out of the warrior's mouth for her to realise what she's said until it's just a tad too late. Though it's generally not much of an issue; Wrenfeather's quick to apologise and redeem herself.
    History ; Wrenfeather was born in a litter of two, alongside her brother, Sparrowflight. Her mother was seen as one of the strongest warriors in the clan, and her father was seen as a quiet, and somewhat withdrawn kind of fellow. Her life during her apprenticeship was rather simple, in the sense that she would get up, train, eat, then sleep, and then repeat this process over and over. Her mentor, Scarfoot, quite enjoyed the schedule, so he thought nothing of it, instead praising the she-cat for her dedication to the task. It wasn't long before Wrenpaw became Wrenfeather, and the she-cat started out her warrior life like any warrior should, before one day, her littermate, Sparrowflight, just upped and disappeared into the night, without a trace. No one knows why, and most believe the tom is dead, but Wrenfeather refuses to believe that her brother is dead, instead spending her nights watching the entrance of the camp, hoping that Sparrowflight will eventually return home.

    Other ; Nothing at the moment
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↭ Loonstripe

Postby brad! » Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:19 pm

However insignificant we might be, we will fight, we will sacrifice and we will find a way.
✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

    Name ; Loonstripe
    Age ; 38 Moons
    Gender ; She-cat | Female
    Rank ; Queen
    Romantic Interest ; None at the moment

    Offspring ; Dipperkit - To be born, Bearkit - To be born, Jaykit - To be born
    Siblings ; Otterfoot - Deceased, Stormfang - Unknown whereabouts

    Personality ; Loonstripe has a personality that is defined by her spirited and zealous behaviour, which brims with self confidence and passion for things that she loves. With this, Loonstripe's speech is rather vulgar and brusque, brimming with insults and aggression, to which many cats would mistake her to be male, if she didn't have a feminine tone of voice. However, despite the prominent disinterest of her femininity, Sully frets over her appearance and personality, incredibly paranoid about her inability to conform to stereotypical female behaviour. Loonstripe is independent and headstrong, her greatest desire to earn a good name for herself, and to be respected among the likes of other cats.
    History ; Loonstripe was born in a litter of three, being the only daughter to warriors Sandclaw and Mottledfrost. The she-cat was bigger than both of her two brothers, and more often than not, was teased by the other kits for this fact. Loonstripe never minded, instead, found herself spending an increasing amount of time practicing fighting. She was mentored by the gruff Bearstrike, and at the age of twelve moons, received her warrior name, alongside her two brothers. At the age of sixteen moons, Otterfoot, Loonstripe's littermate, drowned in a nearby river. Not long after, Loonstripe's other brother, Stormfang, disappeared, and is believed to be dead. At the age of 26 moons, Loonstripe became mates with Blizzardclaw, a strong and surly warrior, and the two loved one another dearly. At the age of 37 moons, Loonstripe became pregnant with the tom's kits. However, Blizzardclaw left the pregnant queen for another cat in a faraway clan, but Loonstripe is determined to raise the kittens on her own, for the sake of her own family line.

    Other ; Nothing at the moment
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↭ Shrikepaw

Postby brad! » Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:17 pm

Will you be able to live with yourself, knowing what I'm going to make you do?
✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

    Name ; Shrikepaw Shrikefur
    Age ; 10 Moons
    Gender ; She-cat | Female
    Rank ; Apprentice
    Romantic Interest ; None at the moment

    Offspring ; None
    Siblings ; Leopardpaw - Alive

    Personality ; Two things cats will notice about Shrikepaw upon their first encounter (and impression), are the traits of strong and fierce. Shrikepaw has a strong will and a rather determined nature, this correlating with the fact that this she-cat is well known for being a skilled strategist. Her skill in developing logical and powerful strategies comes from her keen observation skills and ability to disregard exterior distractions. Though Shrikepaw can be seen as a rather aggressive feline, but this can be a incorrect interpretation. Despite the fact the attitude that Shrikepaw possesses can be a little bit of a problem, and a turn off for other cats, if one manages to get a decent friendship with the young lady, Shrikepaw can actually be quite nice. The she-cat will be polite and well spoken, often engaging in conversation, and doing her utmost best to entertain her companion. Love is not something Shrikepaw has approached before, but on the off occasion that she actually managed to fall for someone, this young cat would be as loving and caring as any other would be.
    History ; Shrikepaw was born outside of the clan to a loner mother, whose mate was once a clan cat. She was born alongside her sister, Leopardpaw, and was dumped just outside the clan territory, where she was found by a wandering patrol, and taken in by the other queens. She was given the name "Shrikekit" by the queens, due to her pelt, and at the age of six moons, was presented her apprentice name. At the age of twelve moons, the she-cat will be given the name Shrikefur, and will grow to become a strong and aspiring warrior, and perhaps even the leader of the clan sometime in the future.

    Other ; Nothing at the moment
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