The Bitter Snows V.1.1 - Discussion Thread

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The Bitter Snows V.1.1 - Discussion Thread

Postby Ammy2-56 » Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:26 pm

Yup. This is the discussion thread for The Bitter Snows V.1.1

This thread is for character forms and OOC chatter about the RP ONLY. Nothing else is to be posted. Do not spam!

All OOC chatter and character forms go here! Oh, and speaking of forms, here's a skeleton form for ya:
Code: Select all
[size=85][center][img]Image here![/img]

Name -

Age -

Gender -

Pack -

Rank -

Personality -

Crush -

Mate -

Kin -

History (Required) -

Other - [/center][/size]
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Ammy2-56's characters (Dropping some from the last version)

Postby Ammy2-56 » Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:26 pm


Name - Kali

Age - 2 & 1/2 years

Gender - Female

Pack - DarkStorm

Rank - Alpha Female

Personality - Tough and sadistic, Kali is not a she-wolf you want to mess with. She has little tolerance for weak or stupid wolves and will give severe punishments for those who refuse to follow her orders. She is slightly vain, but keeps her emotions bottled up when she's around others to make herself appear stronger. Though, it does weigh quite heavily on her most of the time.

Crush - None yet

Mate - Win her heart

Kin - Reaper, the only member of her family that she knows is alive other than herself

History - She grew up in the SnowStar pack, often criticized due to her dark pelt. After Hann became alpha, Kali's father challenged him. Hann tried to talk out of the situation, but Kali's father would not back down. After the fight, it was clear who had won. Kali's father, though having fought bravely, lay limp on the dirt, blood trickling from several wounds all over his body. He did not give up in the fight, and death was the penalty. Kali and the rest of her family advanced on Hann, growling and snarling at their leader. The alpha was weak and wounded, covered in countless wounds with his front right leg was torn to bloody shreds. He howled painfully and called the order of banishment upon Kali's family, ordering the fighters to chase them from the territory. A vicious battle took place afterwards, and Kali is the only known survivor. She lives in the valley at the base of the SnowStar mountain now, swearing revenge for her murdered family.

Other - Her right ear is cut into a deep vee shape


Name - Hann

Age - 4 years

Gender - Male

Pack - SnowStar

Rank - Alpha Male

Personality - Sweet, kind, and noble, he displays a look of humble wisdom most of the time. He is very involved with his pack and works hard to make sure that everyone gets along well.

Crush - Wilde

Mate - Win his heart

Kin - He doesn't know their current whereabouts

History - He became alpha when he was just 2 years old, after his father passed away. Kali's family had always been known for making trouble in the pack, and Hann's patience with them was wearing thin. Kali's father challenging him was the last straw, and Hann killed him whilst blinded by fury. He had no choice but to exile the rest of Kali's family, and he regrets ever doing so. The death of Kali's father weighs heavily on him, though he tries to keep a positive attitude around his pack. He would love nothing more than for the DarkStorm pack to join the SnowStars, but he understand that Kali could never forgive his actions.

Other - His right foreleg bears several scars from the battle with Kali's father.


Name - Timber

Age - 3 years

Gender - Male

Pack - SnowStar

Rank - Fighter

Personality - Quiet, kind, supportive, positive

Crush - River

Mate - River

Kin - He doesn't remember them.

History (I'd prefer that you have this) - He was abandoned by his family when he was just a day old, only to be found by a brutal wolf pack. The alpha raised him, training him from the time he could walk. Timber was often left bloody by the end of each day, and he quickly grew tired of the wolf's savage ways. During one training session, he clawed the alpha's eyes out and then ran, eventually reaching the Snowstars and joining them.

Other - Nothing! ^^


Name - Darius

Age - 6.5 years

Gender - Male

Pack - SnowStar

Rank - Fighter

Crush - N/A (Will be Raksha)

Mate - N/A (Possibly Raksha)

Kin - Don't ask.

Other - N/A

Personality - He's a neutral sort of wolf, kind when necessary but not a shoulder to cry on. He doesn't like fighting or keeping the peace and tends to do whatever he feels is right. Darius doesn't mind getting into hot water with others, although he doesn't underestimate the wrath of a female; Such anger has gotten him nearly killed throughout the years, although he was hanging with the wrong crowd when all that happened.

History - Well, he had a fairly normal puphood, eventually dispersing from his home pack and going off to look for a mate. He ran into a small, scraggly pack when he was a little over two years old, and decided to stay and travel with them for a while. He fell in love with a young female, Ella was her name, and the two eventually had pups. It was a small litter, and most all of them were unhealthy. Ella had always been a petite wolf, and after the pups were born, she was almost always sick. Coughing, sneezing, and even vomiting on occasion. Though she did not die, she got worse and worse, as did the pups. Except for one. A female. She had a dark gold pelt along with odd, extremely pale yellow eyes. In fact, as the rest of her siblings grew weaker, her coat grew more lustrous. She became fat, even, plump and perfectly happy. One day, when the pups were a year old, he found her over their dead bodies, licking up their blood. When she heard him, she turned to attack him and he quickly overwhelmed and killed her, mourning bitterly for his lost family. He wandered for a long time after that, just recently settling into the SnowStar pack.



Name - Petra

Age - 2 years

Gender - Male

Pack - DarkStorm

Rank - Scout

Personality - Bold, naive, and annoying. He's a trickster that loves to prank his packmates. Except for Kali, of course...

Crush - Impress him

Mate - Good luck!

Kin - Dead

History (I'd prefer that you have this) - Neither one of his parents loved him. He grew up in a sort of "military" pack, and he was chosen as the choice male of his litter. All of the other pups except his sister, the choice female, were killed. He grew up, training to become what his pack called "an honorable soldier", but he saw it as heartless murder. One day when he was a yearling, his sister was caught sneaking in extra food at a kill before the alphas ate. The winter had been hard on them all, and Petra's sister just couldn't bear her hunger any longer. She was beaten and then a single wolf was chosen to "dispose" of her. Petra. His pack tortured him until he gave up and killed his sister to be free of his pain. Every night, he goes to a secret place and howls his sorrows to the moon and sky, begging forgiveness of his lost sibling. Being a trickster is the only other way he can cope with his loss, and most have no clue about his past because of the way he behaves.

Other - Nope! ^-^


Name - Zaavan

Age - 4.5 months

Gender - "Uhh.... I'm a male, duh."

Pack - SnowStar

Rank - Pup

Personality - "UGH, seriously? These are such girly questions..." He's usually quite stubborn and can be rude at times. He's also quite sassy and is at that "girls are icky" stage....

Crush - "YUCK!"

Mate - "Ew, no.... and I'm only a pup!"

Kin - "I'm with my mom now..."

History (I'd prefer that you have this) - "There was a fire in the woods where I lived with my family, but I ran away when it all started and I, uh... got lost. *sigh* I don't want to talk about it anymore."

Other - N/A


Name - Silver

Age - 9.5 months

Gender - Female

Pack - DarkStorm

Rank - Pup, wants to be a fighter (Kali's careful wording, no doubt.)

Personality - Friendly, but slightly introverted and cautious around strangers. Kali's careful persuasion has begun to change her, however.

Crush - N/A, although she's open for any male young'n to lover her and then break her heart. =P

Mate - N/a, too young

Kin - They're, uh... dead. Very dead. All of them.

History - Her early puphood wasn't very happy, as her mother was an omega that had fallen for one of the lower-ranking wolves. The pups were born while the alphas were away scouting new territory, and the beta certainly wasn't the most attentive wolf... In any case, the news spread like wildfire when the alphas arrived, and Silver's mother was killed immediately, along with her father. The pups were quickly corralled and the alpha picked them up one by one to drop them in the nearby river, drowning them. However, Silver managed to escape through the tangle of wolves' legs that surrounded her and fled, managing to survive until this day. She eventually found the DarkStorm pack and was easily persuaded by Kali to join. She now wishes to become a fighter and get revenge on whoever this "Hann" is, especially, since he killed Kali's father in cold blood (or so she was told). Plus, she knows what it's like to live without parents (without a father and without a mother) and so she feels sympathy for Kali as well as hate for this "Hann" wolf...

Other - N/A
Eyes shift in myriad hue,
hollowing from the wearying
nights of unblinking watch
as innumerable miles pass
beneath a fatigued soul.

I am she; my spirit grows
thin as the gentle curtain
of eons settles over reticent
dusk, starved for the day's
rich history.

Each thread drawn to it is
plucked, a shallow fray left
in the wake of its sudden
severing. Its modest scar
on every heart and mind will
go unnoticed and forgotten.

Each of them I commit to
memory, attaching a solemn
piece of myself to the gossamer
veil of time that billows across
a ceaseless and unbroken sky.

Ammy, or Am to old travelers I fear have moved on from this exhausted path.
You may see an odd sketch or two from me on occasion, though I have far less time
for such things now than I used to. Despite the responsibilities voraciously eating
up my days, I carry on with the stories in my head I have yet to learn how to tell.

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Re: The Bitter Snows V.1.1 - Discussion Thread

Postby munchqueen » Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:40 pm

Koda (left) ------- Blaire (right)

Name - Blaire

Age - Three years

Gender - Female

Pack - DarkStorm

Rank - Lead Fighter

Personality - Blaire, having been recruited for a dangerous mission by her Alpha Kali, has fallen even farther from the path to a satisfactory life. She had pushed her brother to the back of her life, but not her mind; Koda does not know it, but her biggest concern is and has always been him, her only family. However, she is focused on her task, leaving herself no time for anything else. She may never get anything else.

Crush - None yet

Mate - None yet

Kin - Koda, brother

History - Version one
Blaire and Koda were not born to the DarkStorm pack, and lived alone for most of their lives. The two travelled with their mother and had never met their father, or even known anything about him, since their questions were often shot-down. When they were only enough to fend for themselves, their mother left as well, claiming that she had to forget what had happened, to erase a dark memory. She had never said what, but they knew. After that, they wandered on their own, later joining the DarkStorm pack in hopes of bringing a new light to their lives; perhaps, even if they did not have any real kin other than each other, they could still have a family.

Version one point one
Koda and Blaire have been separated. Blaire has severed their relationship, and now resides in the SnowStar camp, collecting intel about Kali's enemies. When she returns to the DarkStorms, Blaire wishes to capture a higher position... but she only wishes to be loyal, and in the end, she will be just that.

Other - Well, she's now going to have a jaw-shaped scar on her hind leg...

Name - Koda

Age - Three years

Gender - Male

Pack - DarkStorm

Rank - Healer

Personality - Koda is over stressed and constantly tired, only finding peace with his mate, Rosie. He doesn't know, but she's not exactly who he thinks she is, either... Koda disagrees with the motive of the DarkStorms, but he is not fond of the SnowStars either. He is fair and thoughtful, a thinker and a feeler. That's why he's a healer, I suppose.

Crush - Rosie

Mate - Rosie

Kin - Blaire, sister

History - Koda has not seen his sister since he had injured her, before she left for the SnowStars. He misses his mate, Rosie, and he stresses constantly. Koda doesn't have a good life, and he knows that he won't until after the war, but even that is only a chance. Someday, maybe.

Other - I can't decide which of the two are my favourite yet. xD
Last edited by munchqueen on Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Bitter Snows V.1.1 - Discussion Thread

Postby Sugarkitza » Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:24 pm



3 Years Old


Snowstar Pack


Spirit is kind, sweet, caring, and smart. She can get jealous easily if around Faes that have an interest in a male she likes, but she does her best. She loves pups, although doesn't spend much time around them. The shewolf with not dominant, and will get back easily, unless depending little ones. She has the bad tendency to fall for Brutes who are mean to her- at least at first. She doesn't want love, after a bad experience with Fang, and tries to avoid socializing, becoming an Introvert.



Mother - Deceased
Father - Deceased
Sister(s) - None
Brother(s) - Shasta

Spirit and Shasta were born in another pack. The two were left alone, the only survivors after a terrible fire, and they wandered alone by themselves. When they entered this forest, Spirit was given the ability to enter Snowstar's Pack, and she accepted, leaving Shasta on his own, and allowing him to travel, visiting every so often. Spirit stayed in the backgrounds, as a slight Introvert, taking the rank of a hunter. On a patrol, she met a Darkstorm male at the border, a Fighter in the opposing pack named Duke. She instantly had an attachment, and flirted with the male constantly.
While searching for the brute one day, crossing over the border, Spirit was caught by a Darkstorm patrol and "kidnapped". Duke was there at camp, along with some others, including the Alpha female, Kali. He offered to kill her, and Spirit regretted her feelings for him, getting angry. When she finally went free, she avoided him.
Later on, she met Fang and Tariel, and she grew fond of the male. After multiple incidents, the last of which ended with tears after Fang confessed he didn't love her, she fled, taking comfort in Koda, the Darkstorm healer. She in now an extreme introvert, and avoids any interest in love by any wolf at the currant moment.




3 Years Old




Shasta is quiet, and very much of a loner. He stays away from other wolves, but sometimes curiosity gets the better of him and he goes toward his enemies. If Male, he tries to pick a fight with them, and if I Fae, sometimes he will flirt with them. He isn't as smart as his sister, and it gets him into trouble often.



Mother - Deceased
Father - Deceased
Sister(s) - Spirit
Brother(s) - None

Spirit and Shasta were born in another pack. The two were left alone, the only survivors after a terrible fire, and they wandered alone by themselves. When they entered this forest, Spirit was given the ability to enter Snowstar's Pack, and she accepted, leaving Shasta on his own, and allowing him to travel, visiting every so often. Shasta would leave for days at a time, and return to tell his sister about whatever he had discovered. The two had decided to keep it secret that they were siblings, to protect Spirit in case the pack would turn on her.
One day he met up with two wolves, Fang and Tauriel. He got into a fight with the brute, and was beat up badly. The fight only ended after Spirit happened to show up, and apologize for her brother's action. Later on he found Spirit had joined Fang, and had gotten into some mischief with him- to say it nicely. He and Spirit got into a fight, and he left in rage.



Name -

Age -
3.5 Years

Gender -

Pack -

Rank -

Personality -
Ragnar is quiet and very much a loner. He is strong, and large. The Brute is smart and considerate on most matters, although he has no interest in a love life of any sort. He is a great fighter, and would protect any wolf he cared about, if he ever came to care about anyone. If angered he will become extremely aggressive and fight back.

Crush -
None yet/Open

Mate -
None yet/open

Kin -
Mother - Deceased
Father - Deceased
Sister(s) - Unknown
Brother(s) - Unknown

History -
Ragnar came frok a far off pack. After hearing what changes the new Alpha had made, he tried to put a stop to it and change the pack for good. It ended in a bad fight, and the Brute lost, exiled from his home. Later on, he returned in hope to find someone who would take him back, but the pack had been almost completely wiped out due to bad leadership. He murdered the Alpha, the Beta, and any other corrupt members, before heading off on his own once more. He came here, and now avoids anyone he can although he resides in Darkstorm.

Other -


Name -

Age -
Currantly a Pup

Gender -

Pack -
Snowstar Pack

Rank -
Currantly Pup~ Wishes to become a Fighter.

Personality -
Persephone is a quiet shewolf. The shewolf is smart and fast, tending to get angered easily. She always feels the need to let herself be heard, and proven as best. If she is comfortable around someone, she can flirt or joke around, however her pack is first, as well as it's members, and it's Territory. The shewolf has no problem with picking fights and sparing for practice.

Crush -
None Yet/ Open

Mate -
None Yet/Open

Kin -
Mother~ Rowena
Father~ Unknown
Sister(s)~ Darcy
Brother(s)~ Faelon, Abduxuel, Lupe

History -

Other -


3.5 Years
~Fur Color~
Dark Black Fur with white marking on Face,
Chest, and Tail tip.

None Yet/Open
None Yet/Open
Khee is quiet. He stalks Pack wolves- not in
a creep manner- to observe them. The Brute
doesn't talk much, finding solitude to be more
enjoyable. He can get extreamly upset to find
another wolf killing for fun, and has strict
beliefs on nature. He doesn't enjoy the thrill of
fighting, but is excellent at it. To avoid most
wolves, he sleeps during the day and works
at night.

The male lives in an old badger den near the
border of both territories.
~Eye Color~
Bright Emerald Green
CatMint and Ferns
None Yet/Open
Khee was raised by his mother alone,
without any siblings. When he was a year
old, his mother died, caught in a fox trap.
On his own, he avoided the pack wolves and
kept to himself. When the nearby packs
started getting larger, he changed his routine
to sleep during the day. Before her death, his
mother taught him about the importance of
all life, and that it shouldn't be wasted. He
fell in love with a Fae, but it ended soon
after he realized she killed for sport, and left
the carcass to rot afterwards. He's been on
his own ever since.


~Fur Color~
Minerva is a Cream and black furred shewolf
reddish markings along her ears, muzzle, and legs.

None Yet/Open
None Yet/Open
Daughter to Ragnar and Shirah.
Siblings with Neptune, Celestia, and
~Eye Color~
Dark amber eyes
Honey and Ash
None Yet/Open


~Fur Color~
He has Golden and Red fur
None Yet/Open
None Yet/Open
Neptune was born blind. He has no sight,
and usually stays around his brother.
Son to Ragnar and Shirah. Siblings with
Minerva, Celestia, and Remus
~Eye Color~
Pale blue
Pinecones and Frost
None Yet/Open
Last edited by Sugarkitza on Sat Jun 03, 2017 5:09 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: The Bitter Snows V.1.1 - Discussion Thread

Postby Ammy2-56 » Sun Jan 08, 2017 12:42 am

Accepted, obviously, and they should all be on the front page. (Let me know if they aren't!)
Eyes shift in myriad hue,
hollowing from the wearying
nights of unblinking watch
as innumerable miles pass
beneath a fatigued soul.

I am she; my spirit grows
thin as the gentle curtain
of eons settles over reticent
dusk, starved for the day's
rich history.

Each thread drawn to it is
plucked, a shallow fray left
in the wake of its sudden
severing. Its modest scar
on every heart and mind will
go unnoticed and forgotten.

Each of them I commit to
memory, attaching a solemn
piece of myself to the gossamer
veil of time that billows across
a ceaseless and unbroken sky.

Ammy, or Am to old travelers I fear have moved on from this exhausted path.
You may see an odd sketch or two from me on occasion, though I have far less time
for such things now than I used to. Despite the responsibilities voraciously eating
up my days, I carry on with the stories in my head I have yet to learn how to tell.

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Re: The Bitter Snows V.1.1 - Discussion Thread

Postby waggy » Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:58 am



Name - Link

Age - 2 and a half

Gender - Male

Pack - Snowstars // Betrayed the darkstorms

Rank - Fighter // Past beta

Personality - protective,understanding,lonely,fun once you know him(will add aa)

Crush - tba

Mate - tba

Kin - Prince (long lost brother)

History (Required) - He once was the beta of the darkstorms,the second highest rank.He once heard screams of his friend-it was sierra,he ran to her,she wasying under a moose,ready to die,he helped her to the healers den,but they ignored him,so he traveled to the snowstars with sierra,to visit the healer and join the pack,betraying the others.Sierra got accidently poisoned,as he lives in despair,but is getting happier each day.

Other - has eminem's/eminem- just lose it voice




Name - Romeo/Diablo

Age - 4 y/o and 8 months

Gender - Male

Pack - Loner

Rank - Rogue / Loner

Personality - Romeo is the wolf that doesn't talk often,he carves his own trails,and knows how to survive on his own.He is a strong and muscular dog,he can be very rude to strangers,or just people who he doesn't like.Romeo doesn't trust many wolves,and can't settle down with one female for the rest of his life.Romeo wouldn't describe himself as evil,or coldblooded,but he does kill when he wants,or needs to.This male is quite romantic to females,and has a rustic,spanish accent,as his nickname is diablo.He is independent,and smart,is in the middle of brawns and brains,as he uses both in his techniques in fighting.

Crush - ''ey,this ain't some romeo juliet thin'..'' Win him

Mate - ''i think you're joking,who would want this crippled brute.'' win him

Kin - ''all...dead.''

History (Required) - Romeo was born in a loner pack,he grew up,he was quite different than this.He left his family at a normal pace,like any other wolf,and met Briteny,the love of his life.They lived a beautiful life together,and were expecting pups soon,but..something tragic happened,some teenagers had a campfire and forgot to burn it out,it burned some trees and mammals all around the forest,Romeo and Briteny were ready to escape into another forest,but,Briteny's leg got stuck under a log whilst running.The fire was coming closer,and closer...As Romeo did all he could to try and save her,but then,she screamed,he gasped and looked where she lay,the fire toke her away...Then,he looked at his paw,and saw a burn,so deep,it got to his skin and burned some layers.He now lives to this day,barely talks and keeps to himself this story,as Diablo lives.
Other - most people know him by Diablo,barely anyone knows his real name. x x



(but with streaks of red fur and ice blue eyes.}

Name - Rogue

Age - 3.8

Gender - Female

Pack - Loner

Rank - Rogue

Personality - Rogue is an independant and stern fae.She loves to explore and sing,she loves to flirt and is sometimes a player,but can settle for one male.She is romantic and her eyes look like they could even hypnotize.She has no mercy and is careful of her surroundings,but never is scared and knows how to fight,and is quite strong.She can't swim,but is good at climbing.She also discourages herself alot,because her family always said she's useless,and she believes that.

Crush - ''who would want a ugly fae like me...'' Pm?

Mate - tba

Kin - ''dead or alive,i don't know and i don't care.''

History (Required) - She grew up in a loner family,her mother and father taught her to be independent and stern.When she grew up,she just left like any other wolf and ya

Other -




Name - Prince

Age - 4 y/o

Gender - male

Pack - darkstorms

Rank - beta male

Personality - Prince is loyal to the end,maybe he is evil and sometimes misunderstanding,he is loyal.He is protective and would kill himself for other pack members,when he's playful,he's sweet,handsome and silly.He can be comforting,but can,like i said,be misunderstanding and mean when questioned.He is romantic,but is looking for the right fae to trust,maybe it'll be kali,maybe not,he doesn't really care.

Crush - its complicated

Mate - ...

Kin - link (long lost brother)

History (Required) - ordinary life.

Other -



Name - Basil

Age - 2 and 6 months old

Gender - female

Pack - snowstars

Rank - healer (suspended for one moon//suspended till after the war)

Personality - king,thoughtful,quite,cunning,wise,playful,flirty,she's always the one to always say sorry,always worried about everyone's health,she sometimes needs an appreitece,but loves her job anyway.She doesn't have a crush,because she knows no one will like her anyone,she sometimes feels,unloves and disrespected,even though she helped a ton of wolves,and saved their lives.

Crush - was once rift,i don't know if the user is still active

Mate - ''a-are you talking to m-me?No...No one thought about me like that,im not suprised.''

Kin - Adam-father jessica-mother

History (Required) - as she was young,she was abused,she tried to escape but nothing worked,but one day they threw her in a river,she survived and met this pack with hope.

Other - Poor basil X,O,no love for herr



Name - Bates

Name meaning - Psycho

Age - 5 years old

Gender - Intact Male

Pack - loner

Rank - loner

Personality - Bates is a rude and snarky male,he loves fighting and winning,drama and shouting.He is a huge wolf,with no heart,but he is a huge flirt to every fae he comes across.He is very skinny and has terrible hearing issues.

Crush - pm?

Mate - ----

Kin - might be Romeo's brother

History (Required) - He hates his parents,and as soon as his brother left,he decided to leave aswell.

Other -

Last edited by waggy on Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:06 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: The Bitter Snows V.1.1 - Discussion Thread

Postby ~Misty » Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:41 am


Name - Fang

Age - 4

Gender - Male

Pack - Loner

Rank - Rogue

Coat/eye Colour - Pitch Black, dark brown eyes.

Personality - Careful and cunning, loving and stunning. He's a nice guy... Just don't give him a reason to dislike you. He's a trained, and brutal fighter.

Crush - Rowena

Mate - None

Kin - Bandit, Hark, River

History (Required) - Born in a pack with his siblings. Until it was time to move away. He found himself on the SnowStar Mountain and settled in a mountain cave, overhanging a small river which separated the two territories.

Other - Text Tag:
Fang / Male / Loner, Rogue / 4 years / Crush: Rowena / Mate: None


Name - Bandit

Age - 4

Gender - Female

Pack - Loner

Rank - Rogue

Coat/eye Colour - Light grey, white. Icy white eyes with a hint of blue.

Personality - Caring, can be very stubborn but honestly she is more protective. She's a trained, and brutal fighter.

Crush - Dante

Mate - Dante

Kin - Fang, Hark, River

History (Required) - She fled with Hark after an "accidental" murder, as did the rest of the pack. She lived for long with her brother Hark. And now have tracked her way to Fang, fallen in love and doesn't regret it.

Other - Text Tag:
Bandit / Female / Loner, Rogue / 4 years / Crush: Dante / Mate: Dante


Name - Hark

Age - 4

Gender - Male

Pack - Loner

Rank - Rogue

Coat/eye Colour - Brown coat, light brown eyes.

Personality - Very caring. He's a gentleman and follows the wolves rights straight. He's very protective of his siblings. He's a trained healer and fighter.

Crush - None

Mate - None

Kin - Fang, Bandit, River

History (Required) - He followed his injured sister, away from the pack and they stayed together ever since. She bought him to the SnowStar mountain, somewhere they've stayed. And found their brother, Fang.

Other - Text Tag:
Hark / Male / Loner, Rogue / 4 years / Crush: None / Mate: None


Name - River

Age - 4

Gender - Female

Pack - SnowStars

Rank - Fighter (wants to be lead)

Coat/eye Colour - Light brown coat, amber eyes.

Personality - Caring, energetic and stubborn. She enjoys company... But not when she is angry...

Crush - Timber

Mate - Timber

Kin - Fang, Bandit, Hark

History (Required) - River has always had hidden anger. She goes into like a savage mode, rage fills her from bottom to top when she is in a fight. She thought she taught herself to stop the anger, but after she killed both her parents, and two of her siblings, she thought not. Her most recent attack, was on her now mate, Timber and her brother Fang. She can't control her anger. At all.

Other - Text Tag:
River / Female / SnowStars, Fighter / 4 years / Crush: Timber / Mate: Timber
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Re: The Bitter Snows V.1.1 - Discussion Thread

Postby Ammy2-56 » Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:16 am

Accepted. I believe they are all listed on the front page already. ^-^
Eyes shift in myriad hue,
hollowing from the wearying
nights of unblinking watch
as innumerable miles pass
beneath a fatigued soul.

I am she; my spirit grows
thin as the gentle curtain
of eons settles over reticent
dusk, starved for the day's
rich history.

Each thread drawn to it is
plucked, a shallow fray left
in the wake of its sudden
severing. Its modest scar
on every heart and mind will
go unnoticed and forgotten.

Each of them I commit to
memory, attaching a solemn
piece of myself to the gossamer
veil of time that billows across
a ceaseless and unbroken sky.

Ammy, or Am to old travelers I fear have moved on from this exhausted path.
You may see an odd sketch or two from me on occasion, though I have far less time
for such things now than I used to. Despite the responsibilities voraciously eating
up my days, I carry on with the stories in my head I have yet to learn how to tell.

⊰⊱xxTTRPG Playerxx⊰⊱xxWorld Builderxx⊰⊱xxAvid Writerxx⊰⊱
Doing the best I can in a strange time
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Re: The Bitter Snows V.1.1 - Discussion Thread

Postby munchqueen » Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:02 am

So uh
Are we allowed to start rping?

If so, should I leave Blaire where she was, with Hann, or should I get her to go do something else?? xD
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Re: The Bitter Snows V.1.1 - Discussion Thread

Postby Ammy2-56 » Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:04 am

I want to start when most everyone has their forms back on this thread. I'm mostly Waiting on Waggy, Mira, and Blu, but I suppose we can start once Waggy is finished with her forms.
Eyes shift in myriad hue,
hollowing from the wearying
nights of unblinking watch
as innumerable miles pass
beneath a fatigued soul.

I am she; my spirit grows
thin as the gentle curtain
of eons settles over reticent
dusk, starved for the day's
rich history.

Each thread drawn to it is
plucked, a shallow fray left
in the wake of its sudden
severing. Its modest scar
on every heart and mind will
go unnoticed and forgotten.

Each of them I commit to
memory, attaching a solemn
piece of myself to the gossamer
veil of time that billows across
a ceaseless and unbroken sky.

Ammy, or Am to old travelers I fear have moved on from this exhausted path.
You may see an odd sketch or two from me on occasion, though I have far less time
for such things now than I used to. Despite the responsibilities voraciously eating
up my days, I carry on with the stories in my head I have yet to learn how to tell.

⊰⊱xxTTRPG Playerxx⊰⊱xxWorld Builderxx⊰⊱xxAvid Writerxx⊰⊱
Doing the best I can in a strange time
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