{ .:. Chaos .:. } Ver. 2 ||discussion thread

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{ .:. Chaos .:. } Ver. 2 ||discussion thread

Postby The Alpha » Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:49 am


Faith is Collapsing

This is the discussion thread of the Marvel roleplay named Chaos,
very semi-lit to literate RP.
All OCC chat, discussion about the roleplay, and character forms go here.

.:. Travel Key .:.
RP Prologue
Group Guide


"The time has come Avengers...
Where you will need more faith
in the ones you trust...or none at all.

Chaos shall rise...and nothing will stop it.
Not even your little toys can help you now...
So fight to save your lives and waste your strength.
It shall make no difference.

You shall all fall..
and the world...shall...be...MINE."


.:. Main Thread .:.

{ Original Plot belongs to DJ_X2 }
Last edited by The Alpha on Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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☼ Kainix Allen - The Dragnium ☼

Postby The Alpha » Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:49 am


{ Above Image © Me}
Name ☼ Kainix Allen
Code Name ☼ The Dragnium
Age ☼ Human - 24, Immortal - About 1500(roughly)
Appears to be Eighteen
Gender ☼ Female
Birthday ☼ Nov. 3, 1992
Birthplace ☼ Searchlight, Nevada
Heritage ☼ Source of Aztec ancestor on her father’s side
otherwise she is American
Languages Spoken ☼ English and Nahuatl (Aztec Language)
Hair Color ☼ Light Blonde
Eye Color ☼ Light Sapphire Blue
Kin ☼
Dr. Marley Allen - Archeologist - Father(Deceased),
Alice Allen - SHIELD Agent - Mother(Deceased)
Alignment ☼ Hero/Protector of Earth
Group ☼ The Avengers
Relationship Status ☼ Single
Crush ☼ None(May change?)

Abilities, Skills, and Powers ☼
Fire, Wind, Lightning: Being the legendary
Dragnium, Kainix has control over three elements.
Wind- Quetzalcoatl’s given element, associated with
his feathered wings. Fire- The breath of the dragons,
controlled freely as Kainix wishes. Lightning- Known
as the “sky’s fire”, it is given to her control as
Quetzalcoatl had slight control over the skies.
Mental Telepathy: When she makes direct eye
contact with someone, a connection forms between
her and the other person and she gains access to their
thoughts, their feelings. Their entire mind's eye.
Nothing is hidden from her with this connection as her
power storms its way into even the darkest of places
they have tried to keep hidden inside. While this power
is an advantage when it comes to fighting, it also fills
Kainix's minds with their emotions and memories as
there is no buffer as to what she learns about them.
She has no control over this power as it will connect
whether she wants it to or not when ever direct eye
contact is made. This is why she avoids eye contact
most of the time.
Divine Form: Quetzalcoatl is the feathered serpent of
the Aztecs;a dragon. As the Dragnium, When Kainix
and Quetzalcoatl combine into one body(Quetzalcoatl
morphs into Kainix’s back and his skeletal snake body
lines up with her spine) she can become this form,
the full size feathered serpent dragon. Quetzalcoatl
can shape-shift into any body structure he's seen the
skeleton of but it cannot contribute to Kainix; it is
his power alone.
Equipment ☼
- Her Necklace: This is one of the most important
things that she carries with her. It is the key to her
warrior's attire. When not in battle mode, her
necklace is a oval shaped red, ruby-like gem that
hangs on a golden chain. When she activates it, it
becomes an Aztec styled necklace/breastplate and
the rest of her warrior attire appears from this.
This includes her helmet.
- The Dragnium's sword: Her sword is made of a
kind of diamond and gold mixture that the Aztec
people created after the first Spanish conquistadors
began attacking them. The reaction of the two
metals made the sword become as sharp and hard
as diamond but as glossy and beautiful as gold.
This weapon is much like Thor's hammer in a way
as almost no one but him may wield it except there
is no one who may wield it unless they hold her
power or DNA. Should anyone else try to even hold
it other than her, the sword transforms itself into
a single, rainbow colored, harmless feather and
can no longer be used as a weapon.

Strengths ☼
- Sunlight: She gains her strength from the morning
sun in particular.
- Warm temperatures: Same reason as the sunlight.
- Above of High ground: She prefers to have a lot of
space in battle as the battlefield is easier to control
and maintain there.
Weaknesses ☼
- Cold/Freezing temperatures: Her body in used to
the hotter temperature of the equator and as a
"dragon", she has a higher heat signature that must
be maintained.
- Sickness: The main downfall of the Aztecs; even
the common cold can be fatal to her.
- The Blood Ritual: She must consume four drops of
fresh blood once a year to continue living.
Fears ☼
- Complete Darkness: She has nightmares of her
enemy consuming her and the world around in her
in complete shadows so she cannot bear to be whole
a source of light and the more light, the better.
- Losing those she loves again

Personality ☼
Kainix is a loner and is the embodiment of the meaning of the word. She's gotten used to the idea of working alone and often has no use for anyone else other than Quetzalcoatl. This is not because of others actions though; Kainix has distanced herself from everyone on purpose. Having lost her father, her mother, and her childhood friend all in the early years of her life, she is afraid to let anyone else get close, believing herself to be "cursed" with the horrible luck of losing her loved ones again. And to prevent anyone from getting close again, she strengthened the icy barrier over her heart to keep everyone out. After many years of being mistreated by her peers, she created this barrier of defenses around her herself and her emotions to stop the pain before it could reek damage on her heart anymore. This is the reason that most insults and harmful jabs have no affect on her anymore as she has grown used to them all. The barrier gives off an icy an harsh aura about her, warning all to keep their distance. The only emotions allowed past this barrier are the emotions of anger, suspicion, distrust, harshness, etc. This façade of hers has proved itself to be strong and does well to protect her, but it also drives a wedge between her and others around her.

But that is exactly what the ice is though; it is just a façade that covers over what truly lies hidden inside the walls of her true heart. In this hidden chamber of her being, Kainix is gentle, kind, and the most loyal a person cold ever be. She is intelligence in the ways of war, the teachings of her father and the Aztec people doing well to train her to be a fantastic warrior. If thrown into a chaotic situation she can take control and think through it as quickly as possible and get everyone involved out alive, something some maybe would revere as being a good skill perhaps for a leader though she would never self appoint herself for such a task, feeling un worthy of it. She will die for anyone that she has placed in her heart and shall defend them with a vengeance that matches the very dragon she now can become. She is an honorable and chivalrous maiden and has a kind heart to all creatures big and small(though these Chaos creatures are the exception). Few people know of this hidden heart and even fewer have ever found their place there. This trust and loyalty she gives is a one time chance as well; once you lose it, you'll never get it back no matter had hard to fight to regain it. So even though she is rough and cold on the outside, her hidden heart is what truly makes up the Lady Dragnium.

It is only scarred and fragile and Kainix fears to let anyone else see just how broken she truly is. She fears they may do more harm than good...

History ☼
Many decades before she was born, back when the Aztecs were being slaughtered by Cortez, Quetzalcoatl had himself and his brother sealed away until the chosen heir appeared to be the next Dragnium. As they sealed him away until that time, one of his supporters inscribed his prophecy on the wall so that all who entered the chambers would know the next Dragnium was coming; to not lose hope. Centuries later, Kainix's father, Dr. Marley Allen, uncovered the chambers where Quetzalcoatl and the prophecy were hidden under the temple of Quetzalcoatl. Upon the discovery of the prophecy, a few of the higher officials became convinced that the power hidden in the temple was one they take and use as a weapon of war. So they ordered Kainix's mother to make sure that she would give birth on site in Mexico so that her daughter would gain the power of the Aztec dragon. Her mother, wanting to protect her child from such horrors, made a different call. With the help of some of her fellow agents at SHIELD, Alice Allen made sure that her daughter was born three days early in a way that seemed like a natural cause; one day before they were meant to leave for Mexico. When the plan failed, the Government left the Allen family alone...or so they thought. When Kainix was born, the very first bed time story her father ever told her was the legend of Quetzalcoatl and his battle with Tezcatlipoca. This tradition continued as he taught her everything he knew about the ancient cultures of the Aztec, Vikings, Egyptians, etc. For the first eight years of her life, she heard these tales as they became cemented in her brain forever. Not long after her Eighth birthday, her father had to leave to go to Mexico to explore an discover more of the underground chambers of the temple of Quetzalcoatl and he promised to teach her daughter what he learned when he did return.

But he never came home. They said he fell from a high underground cliff ledge and was crushed by fallen rocks. All that returned to his wife and daughter was his beloved field journal.

From that day on, Kainix was a very different little girl. Her father had been her best friend and while she loved her mother dearly, there was some kind of block between her and her mother that she could not explain. And though she had heard what they said about her father's death, Kainix wasn't sure she believed it and vowed one day to find out the truth. She had no friends in school as all she had interest in was dragon and the ancient peoples; things that most kids grew out of by the age of ten. She was shunned by the other kids and bullied and no one came to her aid. Even the teachers gave no protection. She was completely alone and defenseless against them...until she met Mike Scout. He filled the hole her father's death had made and she once again had a best friend and now a protector from those who wished to harm her. Ten years passed and the two grew up together as close as two could be. Kainix was still bullied all the way through school, but she had Mike to protect her now so the damage was not as bad as it could have been.

As fate would have it, her senior class trip took to them to the very place where the answers she wanted were; the Temple of Quetzalcoatl. She and Mike snuck away from the group and gained access to the tunnels where her father had "died" but were separated at some point while exploring them. Kainix soon found the chamber where Quetzalcoatl was awaiting and she was chosen and gained his power; she stopped aging from this day forward. The Aztec serpent brought her out of the tunnels safely...but the same could not be said for Mike. Shortly after learned what she had become from Quetzalcoatl, a group of government soldiers came to take her in as they had been watching her and knew she had finally gained the power. She was saved by a group of SHIELD agents before they could lay hands on her though, the one in charge of the mission being none other than Agent Phil Coulson. As they brought her back to SHIELD, Phil and Kainix grew to be very close as he watched over her. He was there when she learned of her fears and started having the nightmares; he learned as she did what the Dragnium's power was capable of. While she happy that she was not alone, she felt like a caged bird in that facility and she went to Fury to ask to be released. What really made her feel the need to escape and leave though was the sight of her mother among the Agents and the secret that Kainix had always knew was they had been revealed.

Angered by her mother's lies, Kainix fled from SHIELD and followed Quetzalcoatl's directions to a hidden island in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle; the home of The Dragnium and his supporters and the palace which she now lives it with the last descendants of the Aztec people. It is here that she trained to become the full fledged Dragnium for four years, training to battle her greatest enemy; Saint Disaster, the warrior of Quetzalcoatl's evil brother Tezcatlipoca. After those four years, she found where he was building his army - her own hometown - and went to battle. It was in this battle that her mother perished in her arms, killed by her enemy. And as she came to face the Aztec warrior who held Tezcatlipoca's power, she was beyond horrified to find that her enemy...was none other than her best friend...and her first love Mike Scout. She and Quetzalcoatl and only guessed that he had perished in the temple, but know they knew that when Kainix had become the Dragnium, Mike had become Saint Disaster for one cannot live without the other. Mike forced her to fight him though and in the end, he sacrificed himself so that she could stop Tezcatlipoca from destroying their home and the darkest could be vanquished for a little while longer. After this battle, she returned to her secret, hidden island that was protected by the power of the triangle and though she mourned for the death of all of her loved ones, the Dragnium became the hero of Searchlight; they did not know it was Kainix under the mask, but they honored the memory of the girl they thought was dead by dedicating a statue of their town's savoir in her name. After the grief of her sorrow had passed, Kainix joined the Avengers distantly though she met all of them and knew they all quite well. And while she was there when the creatures first attacked, ready to fight, Captain America sent her back to her island to protect her people and to be there to protect the earth should they fail.

This act of his is what saved her from being taken by the Chaos creatures. Now, she has come to New York, searching for the lost heros; her lost comrades.

~ Character © Me; This includes the main picture, the picture of Quetzalcoatl, and the Divine's Form design. DO NOT STEAL ~
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Re: { .:. Chaos || Marvel RP .:. } Ver. 2 ||discussion threa

Postby The Alpha » Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:54 am

Reserved for character form later.
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Re: { .:. Chaos .:. } Ver. 2 ||discussion thread

Postby Me?Sarcastic? » Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:32 am

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Sometimes it's better to be alone. That's where no one can hurt you.

Talitha H. Vlaho
Age; 93
Gender; Female
Team; Avenged
Description; Talitha is toned and muscular, yet in a sleek way. She's 5'10" and very slim. She has a bit of an hour glass figure but it's not very pronounced. Her skin color is more of a pinkish tone and she's fairly light skinned. Her face is longer wit a more chiseled jaw. Her hair is jet-black with one small turquoise line running through it, which just appeared when she gained her powers. It's silk smooth and shoulder length. Her eyes are almost the same color as her blue streak and she has heterochromia, a strange anomaly where you have a streak of a different color in your eye. She has a rare black streak in hers.
Talitha usually wears either a hoodie combination that looks similar to this, or a leather jacket combination like this.
Sexuality; Heterosexual

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Powers; Acid Manipulation, Acid Blood, Wings
Combat style; Stave fighting. Specialized stave that channels acid.
Personality; Firstly, Talitha is cold and stone hearted, yet she does feel the need to help innocent people in danger. She's pretty introverted but not in a shy way and detaches herself from others, rathering to be a loner. This means that she's not exactly a team player, which can be difficult in some situations as she'll just go every girl for herself on you. She's always been very sarcastic, clever and a bit foxy at times. She's extremely serious and you'll never see her laugh, unless your very close to her or you did something really stupid.
Secondly, Talitha is also very harsh and untrusting. She doesn't sugar-coat and doesn't care if it hurts you. She's always suspicious and it takes quite a bit to gain her trust, but takes very little to lose it, never to be gained again. However, if you go through the difficulty of gaining her trust, it's worth it. She'll be brutally loyal and protective until the end. She can also be a bit more caring to those she's close to, and will try to help in any way possible.
Thirdly, Talitha is very decisive and stubborn. She won't give it up in any situation, even if it's hopeless. She's oe of the worst enemies to possibly have, because she won't give in when hunting you down and won't give up until she finds and either kills or severely hurts you. She's also a good planner and organizer. She'll think through things pretty thoroughly before doing it.
Lastly, Talitha has a red hot temper, but it shows in an odd way. Instead of getting the usually kind of mad, screaming, violence ect, she gets even colder and harsher. Her voice becomes full of poison and her looks, well, let's say if looks could kill, you'd be dead. She also gets very stiff and rigid to keep herself from hurting someone. She also holds grudges against people until they either redeem themselves to her, which is rather difficult, or disappear from her life.
History; After Talitha turned three, her parents were killed and her and her siblings were taken to a German testing facility. They were named Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta, then were each injected with acid. The reasoning was that she and her siblings had a special acidic blood line and the Germans were going to exploit that to make an acidic warrior for World War 2. That way, they could fight against and hopefully defeat Captain America or Wolverine.
Her sibling Beta and Gamma died the process, one immediately and one slowly but they both died in front of Talitha's eyes. When the only two remaining, Alpha and Delta, survived the testing, the Germans began 'training' them in different fighting techniques. Delta with the stave; Alpha with a chain whip. This was to make them strong and hardened battle soldiers. However, their training was basically ten to twenty well-trained soldiers trying to almost kill them. At first, they'd done terribly and almost died a few times, but they started to slowly gain the upper hand on the soldiers, until they could each handle at least ten each. After every training lessons, the two were forced to kill the soldiers they'd defeated. At first they wouldn't do it, but then they'd be lashed and finally give in. After a while, though, they'd do it without hesitation.
This left Talitha with many emotional and physical scars. But she somehow survived and made it out with the powers and abilities they had wanted her to have. They also gave her and her brother massive, black wings that could disappear at will. Finally, the two siblings decided to escape. However, they had to fight their way through tens of hundreds of soldiers. Alpha was mortally injured in this hopeless escape attempt and died in his sister's arms. That's when the Germans realized what they'd done. Talitha was completely enraged and went berzerk. She killed several hundred people before being caught and subdued. They froze her froze her alive, knowing she was too strong to use in the war and that they couldn't control her but not wanting to waste their money and effort put in to her by killing her. When the war ended, Talitha was forgotten and stayed in ice for over eighty years.
Then, she was found by a group of tourists who had gone off the beaten path at a German museum and found the basement lab where she'd been put. They screamed, guards came and got Talitha to hospital, where the doctors had no idea what to do. Then, she'd been shipped to America and slowly unfrozen in their best facilities. When she had been completely unfrozen, Captain America had been there as they'd told him that she was from his same era. He'd helped her to understand what had happened and where she was, but she still refrained from telling him, or anyone else, about her 'abilities'. Whenever the doctor tried to take her blood, she'd always find a way out of it. They'd also found there was a stave frozen in with her and gave it to her when she'd regained conscience.
After a bit, she was let go and went on to try and live a normal life. That is, until the invasion. At first, it hadn't been her problem because she was out in upstate New York, but then she heard about Cap and the other Avenger's disappearance. She came straight to Fury (which took no small amount of fighting to get to.) and basically just notified him that she was going to be on his new Avenged team that he would either have to deal with it, or be burned to death. He went with the first choice.
Kin; All listed below:
Mother- Tatiana N. Vlaho.
Father- Selg C. Vlaho.
Siblings- Daemon (Alpha), Page(Beta), Haidee(Gamma).

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Boyfriend/Husband; Open
Children; None
Crush; She very much enjoys Cap's company so that may turn into a crush. Otherwise, open.

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Superhero alias; Delta
Scars; Several on her back, arm and legs.
Other; Nope.

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Meanness can be a short and easy way, but kindness, even if difficult to achieve, is worth it.

Carmen Donagan
Age; 22
Gender; Female
Team; The Loners
Description; Scarlet's eyes are a very, very light baby blue. Natural crimson hair. 5’5”. 130 lbs. Small, slender, not very muscular.
Sexuality; Heterosexual

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Powers; Mental and Physical Healing of all life forms (humans, animals and plants). Carmen can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though she may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed. Once the patient has died, however, she can do nothing. Different types of wounds take different amounts of time, but even the most fatal can be fixed in three hours or less. If the wound’s inflicted by her though, she can only partially heal it and she cannot heal herself.
Carmen can also heal mental illnesses, disorders and other forms of mental trauma, to their healthy state and reverse the effects of mental tampering, such as mind control or memory loss to some extent. However, she can only heal one person at a time, or else it's ineffective and she has to fully concentrate, unable to do anything else. Lastly, her own body is quite weak and almost malnurished-looking from the strain of healing.
Combat style; She really can't do much in the field of actual combat because of her small stature and frail body.
Personality; Firstly, Carmen is an extremely compassionate and caring human being. She just cannot ignore a person in need. To her, it doesn't matter if someone's bad or good, she just has to help them, even if afterwards, she feels guilt for healing a villain. She loves people of all kinds and will never turn anyone away. In fact, she's actually healed a few of the Chaos creatures who were crying for help. She has strong empathy for most people and can vaguely feel others' emotions.
Secondly, Carmen is hard-working, reliable, and submissive. She will do what she's asked, even if she needs to go to great lengths to do it and almost never lets people down. Even if you mistreat her, she will try always to do what you want, which can make her seem idiotic, but it's just that she will never give up on anyone. She's very passive and rarely puts up a fight. She actively avoids conflict and hates fights. However, she will fight for what she believes in, always and forever.
Lastly, Carmen is kind, sweet as possible and shy, yet trusting. She will do everything in her power to be a sweet, kind and affectionate person towards all. This can seems fake and annoying to some, but it's just her way. Although she is very shy with new people, she trusts nearly everyone very quickly, which makes her somewhat naive. When someone breaks her trust, she's hurt, but she will still try to be nice to you and you can regain her trust, although it'll take a bit longer.
History; Carmen was born with crimson hair, which was the first indicator that she wasn't a usual child. To try and hide this oddity, her parents attempted to dye her hair brown like their's, but the dye would be out within the hour. As a kid, Carmen was often teased for her hair and her parents were ridiculed for "letting her dye her hair so young". As she grew older, however, most people accepted it, including her parents. She also had two younger siblings, twins, who were both brunette, which helped calm their parents a bit.
Indent hereWhen Carmen turned about thirteen, her parents noticed something else about their dear firstborn daughter. Whenever she was near plants, they seemed to flourish, and animals absolutely adored her, always leaving happier and almost more healthy looking. Then, once, her sister Myra came home with a large bruise over her eye from an "accident" at school. Begging to be left alone, Myra left to her room, but Carmen followed her. About an hour later, they came back out and Myra had no bruise and an extremely happy demeanor. This started happening so often, with both Jack and Myra, that Mr. and Mrs. Donagan began to suspect that Carmen was somehow healing her siblings and yet, whenever the girl herself had a injury, hers healed like normal. They confronted Carmen about this and, knowing she couldn't hide it, she admitted to being able to heal mental and physical wounds. She just couldn't resist helping. Mr. and Mrs. Donagan were a bit overwhelmed at first, but eventually attempted to help Carmen hide her abilities. She was able to graduate and go to college without being found out, but it was more difficult without her parents' help.
Indent hereFinally, Carmen was found out. She'd witnessed a very nasty car accident where two cars smashed both sides of one man. She ran to help, healing the pedestrian who'd been hit. Many, many people saw this, and Carmen had to go on the run to get away from SHIELD, which was looking for her. It turned out that the man, named Loki, that she healed was actually quite a bad person and went on to launch the battle of New York. Carmen blamed herself for all the deaths in Manhattan and disappeared into New York. As the Chaos Creatures started to invade, she hid herself in her house and was able to keep most everything out. However, the few times she went out, she would see an injured creature and heal it out of pity. Most times, they were hurt enough that they didn't fight her and she'd soon disappear again. Once, however, she healed a royal, not knowing their high status. As she finished the job, the royal stopped her from leaving. It grabbed hold of her and dragged her to what was once the Avengers Tower and they began to force her to heal their injured. Now she's their personal doctor and protect her at all costs from being taken.
Kin; All listed below:
Mother- Angela Donagan
Father- Aaron Donagan
Siblings- Myra and Jack Donagan.

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Boyfriend/Husband; None.
Children; None.
Crush; Open.

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Superhero alias; Crimson Healer
Scars; A long scar on her left arm.
Last edited by Me?Sarcastic? on Mon Dec 26, 2016 4:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: { .:. Chaos .:. } Ver. 2 ||discussion thread

Postby InfectedHau » Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:11 am


Name- Roxanne Apodaca
Alias- Nanotech
Age- 20
Gender- Female
Team- The Avenged
Abilities- Roxy's body is filled to the brim with tiny, nanoscopic machines called... Well, nanites. As they permeate her entire being, she's formed a mental link with them, and can control them at will, using them to both form various constructs out of her own body and to control existing machines. She also seems to have gained an ability to converse with the machines she interfaces with, she can often be seen arguing with various appliances or vehicles, trying to get them to do what she wants. Her nanite supply is limited, she can't overextend herself without risking a total shutdown, and they've also caused her to take on some mechanical weaknesses. Strong magnets make her a extremely loopy, and a strong enough EMP could knock her out entirely. Furthermore, her nanites have a limited power supply, and she has to recharge them on a daily basis or risk being caught without her powers. Provided she doesn't actually use her nanites for anything, she can extend their battery lives up to a week, but that rarely happens.

Appearance- Sans costume, Roxy is a fairly unassuming figure, for a college kid. She's about 5'7", weighs about 120 lbs, and has deep brown eyes, with long black hair that she's highlighted with streaks of cyan blue, though the color can change with the wind. Her ears are pierced in several places, and she's got a tattoo of the caffeine molecule on her left wrist. One of her piercings, however, isn't actually real, but in fact a nanite construct, which allows her to tap into various radio frequencies, especially police bands. She typically wears ripped jeans, a wrinkled T-shirt with some sarcastic saying on it, and sneakers that are really only shoes in the technical sense, held together by duct tape and paper clips. As Nanotech, she puts a bit more concern into her wardrobe, wearing a skintight black leotard, black, thigh-high boots, and a black leather jacket with black padded gloves. All parts of her costume have hidden LED strips embedded in them, which she can turn on at will, and which glow in a variety of colors, usually to match whatever color her hair is. To hide her identity, she wears a pair of black goggles over her eyes, the lenses of which change color to match the lights on her suit.

Personality- Roxy is the kind of engineer who will spend an entire week building something, then spend the weekend blowing it up. She loves to build, and she'll happily work on anything mechanical, her housemates have saved hundreds of dollars on auto repairs thanks to her. She's always looking for a way to do things better, whether by streamlining a mechanical process, finding a simpler way to code something, or even devising a better system for organizing the dishes. She's enthusiastic, perhaps too much so, and she tends to get lost in her work, she almost cost her roommates their security deposit when she tried to automate the washer and dryer. As Nanotech, she's no different, enthusiastic, devastatingly intelligent, and perhaps a bit too zealous for her own good. She'll often get carried away in the midst of combat, causing far more harm to her targets than she originally intended. She has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, which she uses almost as much as her nanites in a combat situation, and she's also incredibly loyal, though she can be slow to trust.

Civillian occupation- Roxy is currently a junior in college, double-majoring in Computer Science and Robotics. She also has a paid internship with DARPA, and usually can be found at their R&D lab, when she's not studying or fighting crime.

History- Cutting-edge research has been in Roxy's blood for generations. Her Grandfather worked on the Manhattan project, and her father was once the head of the nanotechnology department of DARPA, which was in part how Roxy was later employed there. He would often take his daughter to work with him, to show her what he was working on, and she, being the rambunctious ten year-old she was, often found ways to get into trouble. Usually it was minor things, playing with the lab animals in the chemistry department, messing with the constructs in the robotics lab, that sort of thing, but one day, when she was twelve, something happened that would change her life forever.
It happened like any other Wednesday afternoon, Roxy, out of school, was at the lab with her father, being shown a test chamber where they were studying the behavior of Nanomachines in a macroscopic environment. Fascinated, Roxy approached the chamber, and, when her father was called away for a meeting, opened it and climbed inside, hoping for a closer look. Immediately, the nanites attacked her, invading her body on a cellular level, seeing her as a foreign entity that had to be eradicated. Had it not been for the timely intervention of one of her father's assistants, that might have been the end of her. In an attempt to short out the rampaging machines, the assistant sent a low-level electric charge though the chamber, and it seemed to work, until a couple months later when Roxy started talking to the TV. Apparently, the shock that had saved her life had also bound the nanites to her, linking them irreversibly with her synapses and bodily systems. Quickly realizing what had happened, her father told her what she was, and what she should theoretically be able to do, but his tutelage came with a warning: never, under any circumstances, tell anyone about her powers. For several years, she kept her promise, practicing in secret and never telling a soul, until she went off to college, and stopped her first criminal, a burglar who broke into her apartment in the middle of the night. Up until then, Roxy had never used her powers in an offensive manner, but, after she watched him make a sizeable dent in her refrigerator door, she found that she was inexplicably exhilerated. She should have been terrifed, she knew, but all she could think about was how she just punched a guy across the room. She wanted to do it again.
When the chaos creatures appeared, and the other heroes disappeared, Nanotech made her debut, fighting the creatures alongside other heroes, who would later become the Avenged. Afterwards, she was approached by Nick Fury, with an offer to join the new team. Naturally, she accepted.

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Re: { .:. Chaos .:. } Ver. 2 ||discussion thread

Postby hurricanessong » Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:18 am

Age: 18
Nicole Barnes (A.K.A.: Storm Strike)
Gender: girl

Nicole has storm powers, like shooting lightning or controlling winds up to 79 mph (will grow). She can create giant storm clouds, even on the ground to confuse enemies. She can make a thunder clap but prefers not to. She has the out of control ability to cause rain or snow. If she lets a strong wind keep going to long, it may turn into a tornado which she has no control over. She can also use wind bursts to effectively fly. Lastly, she can make a small ball of electricity in her hand that she can use for light/message with Morse code.
Team: Avenged.

Nicole isn't the most strong willed of people, she tends to be more go with the flow, but if you find something she truly believes in, she won't budge. She is doesn't give her trust easily but if you gain it, she'll be loyal as long as you keep it. She isn't an extrovert but she's not introverted either, she's not afraid to do her own thing but she isn't very talkative around strangers. She has a very sharp tongue and can accidentally insult teammates without trying or meaning to. She can be very determined which can sometimes get her in trouble. She is relatively intelligent, though she never admits it. Lastly, like most heroes, she is athletic.

Nicole stands at about 5'5". She has wavy black hair that is kept in a braid most of the time. Her eyes are startlingly icy blue with tinges of green and gray. She has freckles across the bridge of her nose, though they are rather subtle. She generally wears her super-suit, which is dark blue with subdued yellow accents, no cape. If she isn't wearing her suit, she's wearing a basic t-shirt with jeans and sneakers.

She grew up in New York, Bronx area. She had a basic childhood, fit in for the most part and everything seemed like it would stay that way until she offered to help a brilliant friend who was trying to harness the power of storms. They went to the roof of their school during an electrical storm and were setting up their equipment when lightning began to strike. They were surrounded by metal and their only chance was to break through a skylight that fell into the chemistry lab. Thunder seemed to roaring at them as they ran, almost scolding them for trying to tame nature. Her friend got to the skylight first and broke through, landing on a desk and getting knocked out and breaking a few bones. Nicole hesitated, and that moment was all it took. Searing pain had coursed through her as lightning struck her. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't think, and suddenly she fell through the broken glass of the skylight. Her vision was gone for the moment but she could hear the shatter of the beakers of liquids as her body fell into someones solution. The liquids ran over her as she lay there helpless. She wanted to cry out but the lightning had left her temporarily paralyzed, instead she gave in to the pain and let everything go.
She woke up two days later, in a hospital bed, but this wasn't a typical hospital. These people didn't seem perturbed by her strange pulse or the fact she shocked almost everyone who tried to touch her. "Who are you? How did you find me? And where's my friend?" She remembered asking.
"A friend. And your friend is okay, but of no concern at this point." They answered "As for you, when we saw a giant bolt of lightning and hurricane level winds blast the roof off your school, from the interior, it kind of grabbed our attention."
She soon realized she had been saved by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. They now were very interested in her new powers, even to the extent of trying to train her to see what she could do. The longer she stayed, the more she realized how dramatically her life had changed. When she had finally stabilized a bit, at least to where she wouldn't shock everyone, she was introduced to the Avenged team and given her specialized super suit. She tried to settle in with the other heroes, but still wasn't completely sure how she fit. It wasn't long after that when the aliens attacked. So now, here we are.

Immune to being shocked
Can power electronics (short term)
Can cook basics
Can sometimes pick up electrical signals

Complete Darkness
Being stranded from the others
Being Submerged

Only her powers

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Re: { .:. Chaos .:. } Ver. 2 ||discussion thread

Postby rey skywalker » Fri Dec 09, 2016 11:15 am

i would like to collaborate with someone to begin a role-play with any of my characters below please?
scarlet witch
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Re: { .:. Chaos .:. } Ver. 2 ||discussion thread

Postby The Alpha » Fri Dec 09, 2016 11:19 am

{ Um, we aren't starting the roleplay right now as I am waiting to hear from a few more people who'd been in the old roleplay. I'll let everyone know when we can start, but right now, I'd like for us to wait.



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Re: { .:. Chaos .:. } Ver. 2 ||discussion thread

Postby rey skywalker » Sat Dec 10, 2016 6:57 am

huh, what? oh :( i have nothing to do now.
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Re: { .:. Chaos .:. } Ver. 2 ||discussion thread

Postby The Alpha » Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:26 am

Well I am sorry to hear that, but unfortunately we are not ready to start right now and I'm not sure when we will be ready. And if you could, even though most know who they are, could you put together a small form for each of them? This is the case for all canon characters too.



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