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[charles jefferson]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:40 am





username autumn vibes
name charles jefferson
nickname charlie
age he's lost count
gender cismale
pronouns he // him
species shapeshifter
skin tone fair
eye color pale blue
hair color ginger
hair style ^^
blemishes calloused hands
tattoos n // a
height six feet four inches
likes art ,, philosophy ,, books ,, classical music
dislikes upset in peace ,, modern music ,, cussing ,, disrespect
fears being without a book ,, death
+ traits fatherly ,, passive ,, open minded ,, compassionate
= traits patient ,, orderly ,, old fashioned ,, low key ocd
- traits neat freak ,, stringent ,, impassive ,, cynical
orientation demisexual


mutations n // a
augmentation n // a


abilities immortality ;; while it may sound like a gift this is most definitely a curse. he's seen so much in his life as well as lost so much that after a while he's learned to hate it. however charlie is immortal meaning he can't die of old age. actually he stopped aging around his mid twenties a long time ago. but this by doesn't mean that he can't die. charlie may of stopped aging but he is still able to be injured and mortally wounded. it's just his skin is slightly tougher than normal and may require more force to draw blood. so while he won't bleed out because of a paper cut charlie can still bleed out. it's less like immortality and like a fountain of youth power.
shapeshifting ;; charlie is a shape shifter meaning he can shift into other creatures. these creatures can be animals of a smaller or larger size. real or mythical. over the years he's learned how to shift into a multitude of creatures but the main ones happen to be a calico cat ,, a quarter horse ,, an australian shepherd dog ,, a stymphalian bird ,, ect. of course while shifting is a natural change for him charlie can't be constantly changing from one form to the next. shifting too much causes him to grow tired and uncomfortable and eventually he just may not be able to shift anymore.


personality charlie is a guy that gives of very calming vibes. wherever he may be a calm always follows after him. his nature is very passive and peaceful. never will you hear him raise his voice. never will you see him raise a fist. it's just not his way to be violet or loud. he simply enjoys tranquility and serenity and despises turmoil and chaos. all his life charlie has been this way. just a passerby with nothing much to say or offer other than a sense of calm. charlie isn't an advocate of violence whether it be physical or verbal violence. he despises the angry nature that some may carry around with him. he would much rather talk things through with words rather than fists. nor will he fight back if being attacked. it's not that he's weak and can't fight ,, trust me he can fight if the circumstance absolutely calls for it ,, but as said before he just isn't a fan of violence. this way of thinking has gotten him into bad shape sometimes after someone with a big head calls him out and calls for a fight. charlie is a man of patience. over the past decades he's learned that patience is key to most everything in life. one must be patient with themselves when learning a new skill. one must be patient when it comes to other people. on must be patient for a multitude of things. because of this charlie is probably the most patient person you will ever meet. being from a time before the telegraph was ever invented charlie is a bit of an old fashioned guy and it shows. not a fan of technology one will rarely be found using a phone or laptop. actually charlie doesn't even own a phone. charlie doesn't listen to modern music and is much more interested in classical music such as mozart and beethoven. light switches seem to amaze and fascinate him and sometimes he can be found just flicking a light on and off for a good while. charlie is also a pretty organized man. he likes when things are tidy and well kept and if he spots some dust he may go get a duster to clean. charlie low key has ocd either that or he just really enjoys cleanliness. simplistic is another word that may describe charlie. he doesn't need much to function and he likes it that way. the simple life is so much easier when there's nothing much to hold onto and nothing much to discard. of course charlie has other strange things to him. being centuries old charlie has witnessed horrors beyond what one could ever think up. because of this he sometimes may seem detached from his emotions. he's not exactly be monotone however there isn't much fun to him. again he's more on the calm side.
quirks charlie is almost always carrying a book around with him wherever he goes. his favorite is to kill a mockingbird. he also carries around with him a faded golden locket that behold an image of his wife who has passed.


history charlie was born somewhere in the late eighteenth century ,, the enlightenment it was called. he was born to an unknown mother and father as well as was born with a twin brother of the name thoedore. after her children were born charlies mother learned that her husband was not what he seemed. it turned out that his father was a shape shifter who had kept his identity secret for his whole life. learning this his mother left her husband and took her two children. however she did not take them out of good will for she quickly deposited them at an orphanage fearing that they too were of unhuman blood. little did she know that she too behold a strange gift ,, immortality. growing up in an orphanage with hundred of other children ether given up by their parents or had none wasn't the best experience for charlie ,, especially when he was growing up in the seventeen hundreds. there was little room to sleep and the children had to cramp together on beds and the ground. summers were horribly hot and winters deadly cold. there wasn't much food to go around and hygiene wasn't exactly a known term. however charlie had his brother and that's all he needed in life. the twins did many things together such as exploring woods ,, doing their chores ,, and while theo would cause trouble charlie would watch from the sidelines. but as time grew on the twins began to loathe their way of life. going to bed hungry many nights and wearing ratty clothing was terrible and they wanted change. but that change wouldn't come for a long time. in fact years after charlie had grown into a young man and shoved from the orphanage into the world. although not alone charlie and his brother traversed the land in hopes of seeing new sights. together they witnessed wonders and horrors. they saw battles and wars start and end and saw illness plague the land. centuries would pass and life began to grow quite dull. the twins parted ways and charlie went off on his own. over the years he had picked up different skills and so he continued to hop around but also took on odd jobs in every place he visited. sometimes charlie and theo would cross paths and talk about what they had seen and been exposed to before parting ways again. for so long it was this cycle and charlie began to bore. there had to be more to life right? one night while he was in a pub charlie got his answer. sitting across the bar was a beautiful young woman. for a moment their eyes locked and charlies heart fluttered. never before had he been in love. in fact he never really looked at a woman before. he had never been in a place long enough to be able to feel such a feeling. the moment faded but the feeling lasted. charlie went over to the young woman and learned her name to be annabelle. she was a simple country girl and lived on a farm with her family.tba cuz i'm just way too lazy to write it out


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[[color=#B22222]centuries old[/color]] [[color=#B22222]male[/color]] [[color=#B22222]shifter[/color]] [[color=#B22222]demisexual[/color]] [[color=#B22222]stable hand[/color]] [[color=#B22222]status[/color] ,, [color=#B22222]here[/color]] [[color=#B22222]location[/color] ,, [color=#B22222]here[/color]] [[color=#B22222]crush[/color] ,, [color=#B22222]here[/color]] [[color=#B22222]tags[/color] ,, [color=#B22222]open[/color]]


role stable hand
other stella is his niece


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[wendy fray]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:40 am





username autumn vibes
name wendy fray
nickname n // a
age twenty two
gender female
pronouns she // her
species human
skin tone caucasion ,, tan
eye color pale green
hair color dirty blonde
hair style messy ponytail or bun
blemishes n // a
height five feet seven inches
likes motorcycles ,, pit bulls ,, ice cream ,, classic rock
dislikes pop music ,, children ,, humanoids ,, spiders
fears the humanoids that live close by ,, spiders
+ traits outgoing ,, adventurous ,, dependable ,, thoughtful
= traits diligent ,, perceptive ,, witty ,, adaptable
- traits cocky ,, forthright ,, impulsive ,, defensive
orientation bisexual ,, female preference


mutations n // a
augmentation n // a


abilities n // a


personality wendy is a very spunky young woman. she's sort of out there in terms of personality. rarely will she take no as an answer and she's always trying to get what she wants whether she has to work for it or threaten somebody for it. wendy won't hold back when it comes to violence. while she won't go out of her way to be violent she doesn't mind throwing a few punches if somebody does something to piss her off. typically she tends to turn the other cheek but if things come to it she won't back down. however don't pin her as the excessively violent type! as i said she doesn't go out of her way to get into a fight. she sees fights as inconveniences most of the time. but just because she doesn't mind a fight doesn't mean she's to be feared. wendy is actually very kind and outgoing gal. she likes to be buddy buddy with strangers and loves to just have long conversations with people she doesn't know. over the years she's met so many nameless faces that she's shared her life story with. it isn't uncommon for her to be sitting somewhere and turn to the person next to her and start speaking with them. wendy is quite a sociable person and it shows. although wendy can tend to be a little big headed. she's known to be on the cocky side and is somewhat of an adrenaline junky. never play truth or dare with her because she will beg for crazy dares that may go too far. sometimes she thinks she's invincible and will do whatever people dare her to do. in general just don't dare her to do anything ,, even in a joking way ,, because she will go forward with completing that dare. when it comes to her friends wendy is probably one of the most dependable people there is. she would take a bullet for her friends and family. she doesn't mind helping her friends out or doing any solids for them. ask for a favor and she'll typically deliver. but just know if she does something for you she will want compensation. wendy doesn't want to be walked all over by people who think they can get her to do whatever they want her to do. wendy has a dark secret though. she is a monster hunter. she feels that non humans should be exterminated and has a personal grudge against them. she believes it to not be natural to have powers and mutations. she's out to kill and the way she does this is get close to who she suspects to be not human and then go in for the kill at the least unlikely moment.
quirks she always is wearing sunglasses whether it's sunny or not. whether she's inside or outside. winter or summer she's wearing a pair and always seems to have a few extra pairs on her. she's also constantly chewing gum.


history still too lazy to write out my characters histories!


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[[color=#DAA520]twenty two[/color]] [[color=#DAA520]female[/color]] [[color=#DAA520]human[/color]] [[color=#DAA520]bisexual[/color]] [[color=#DAA520]townsfolk[/color]] [[color=#DAA520]status[/color] ,, [color=#DAA520]here[/color]] [[color=#DAA520]location[/color] ,, [color=#DAA520]here[/color]] [[color=#DAA520]crush[/color] ,, [color=#DAA520]here[/color]] [[color=#DAA520]tags[/color] ,, [color=#DAA520]here[/color]]


role townsfolk
other wendy is a hunter. she likes to hunt deer ,, rabbits ,, other animals ,, as well as non human creatures or people with powers. she's trying to find cresentwood manor. she's knows there's someplace around harboring supernaturals but she just doesn't know where it is. wendy also has a pet pit bull named spike. he's three years old and helps her detect the unnatural.


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[stella skye]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:41 am





username autumn vibes
name stella skye
nickname stell
gender cisfemale
pronouns she // her
species vampire angel hybrid
skin tone pale
eye color bright blue
hair color dark brown
hair style armpit length
blemishes scars along her arms
tattoos tbd
heightfive feet five inches
likes dogs ,, sleeping ,, chocolate ,, sweatpants
dislikes parties ,, people ,, sweets ,, emotional people
fears love of any kind ,, humans
+ traits loyal ,, trustworthy ,, determined ,, independent
= traits sarcastic ,, impulsive ,, insensitive ,, secretive
- traits bitter ,, hot headed ,, self centered ,, judging
orientation pansexual


mutations being half vampire stella has obtained fangs in which she used them to suck the blood from her victims. her fangs can also be used as defense when she bites. the other vampire mutation she has are claws that grow out from her finger nails. these claws are her main use of defense. the claws are about two inches long ,, which may not seem long but measure it out and her fingers pretty much become daggers. these claws are retractable. as for the angel side of her stella has been given a pair of wings. these wings resemble much of a crows in color and shape. the feathers are black in color and fade into a dark brown or rusted color. her wings are torn up and mutilated beyond repair. because of this stella rarely ever uses her wings. she doesn't even know how to fly with them. sometimes she think of cutting the off to rid herself of the burden. her wings are much like her fangs and claws ,, retractable into her back. they sprout out from between her shoulder blades and one on each side of her spine.
augmentation n // a


abilities liquid manipulation ;; stella's first and main ability is that of liquid manipulation. she gains this ability from her fathers angelic side and his elemental abilities. with this ability stella is able to control many different liquids however she mostly uses this power to control water as well as blood. with water stella is able to change the liquid through its three different stages of solid ,, liquid ,, and gas. she can freeze with a touch or lift it from its position with a simple finger movement. stella is able to shape water into different things such as weapons like bow n arrows or swords or just pointed objects that she can throw. she is also able to "animate" water. pretty much stella has gotten so good at manipulating water that when she morphs it into a creature of some sort its movements are so fluent it might as well be alive. except it's just stella controlling it. as for blood stella typically uses this power to pull the blood from her victims ,, freeze the blood ,, or simply stop its flow.

vampiric abilities ;; being half vampire stella has gained small abilities from her mother. this abilities just gives her heightened sight ,, smell and reflexes as well as speed. that's just about it for this ability.

force field ;; stella's third power is the weakest of all her powers. only just discovering it stella isn't sure if she gets it form her mother or father or some estranged family member. though with this power she is supposed to be able to create force fields ,, to protect her an all ,, except that the force field that she creates are very weak and break after even the slightest amount of force and put upon them. not to mention that she can create only one force field at a time. stella can also inadvertently make her force fields into small bombs. since she's not too great at creating them they end to sputter out of life instantly causing a small shock that can knock someone off of their feet.


personality stella is probably one of the most rude people that has ever lived. she has almost no care for others and their well being. she isn't shy about making rude or snide remarks to or about people ,, or doing it right in front of their faces or behind their backs. to her peoples feeling don't much matter and that's why she couldn't care less about insulting people. stella doesn't even like to get a rise out of people. pissing them off is just part of her nature and comes naturally to her. but also it can sometimes be fun to see people get all flustered and red in the face. she's learned that she has a knack for making people angry. however stella also doesn't have the most care for her own well being as well. she herself doesn't put much though into how she may be feeling any given day. sometimes she may do things that lower her self esteem such as starting fights with others who do the littlest thing that bothers her. or she'll tel herself things that simply aren't true such as she's not good enough and other mentality lowering thoughts. to add onto this stella is quite the hot headed person. she herself is extreamly easy to annoy ,, fluster ,, and anger. the slightest thing can set her off and get her annoyed and flustered. someone could simply bump into by accident ,, ask her about her past ,, or speak to her and she'll be in a sour mood. she can easily break out into a fit of yelling and raging at whoever is bothering her and she sometimes may physically attack.on the other hand befriend this girl and she will be loyal to you till the end unless you cross her in any way. her personality may not change that much. she'll still a hot headed person but she will show whoever she is loyal to at least some sort of respect. she'll defend her friends till the end whether be in a physical or verbal fight or anything else. stella is also just your average teenager. she's trying to figure out life and who she is. this confusion feeds into her anger and she just doesn't know what to do with herself.
quirks stella wears a silver chain around her neck that beholds two silver rings. one of them her fathers wedding band ad the other her mothers which has a pink diamond on it. she has an unhealthy obsession for chocolate but hates most other candies. she's also an insomniac and has night terrors.


history tba cuz again too lazy!


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[[color=#01579B]eighteen[/color]] [[color=#01579B]female[/color]] [[color=#01579B]vampire angel hybrid[/color]] [[color=#01579B]guest[/color]] [[color=#01579B]pansexual[/color]] [[color=#01579B]status[/color] ,, [color=#01579B]here[/color]] [[color=#01579B]location[/color] ,, [color=#01579B]here[/color]] [[color=#01579B]crush[/color] ,, [color=#01579B]here[/color]] [[color=#01579B]tags[/color] ,, [color=#01579B]open[/color]]


role guest
other charlie is her uncle


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[evan grace]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:41 am


.. want..to..touch..things....don't..feel



username autumn vibes
name evan grace
nickname n // a
age seventy ,, looks twenty
gender cismale
pronouns he // him
species spirit
skin tone light gray
eye color dark gray
hair color ash brown
hair style ^^
blemishes a scar on his chest
blemishes where he was shot
height five feet ten inches
likes sunsets ,, rainy days ,, autumn ,, disney
dislikes guns ,, physical contact ,, night ,, just being
fears guns ,, walking the earth forever
+ traits observant ,, self reliant ,, sympathetic ,, reliable
= traits melancholic ,, lonely ,, stubborn ,, isolated
- traits distant ,, spiteful ,, closed minded ,, rude
orientation demi-pansexual


mutations i wouldn't exactly call these mutations ,, however due to being a spirit of a dead man evan is a little translucent and is partially able to be looked through. his skin also resembles that of a dead persons ,, gray and unhealthy looking. colorless really. his body has pretty much been drained of all color.
augmentation n // a


abilities phasing ;; even has the ability to phase through objects and people. this means that he is able to pass through objects and people with no problem. although with living things this is more of an involuntary reaction. with inanimate or non living objects evan has no problem picking up and touching or phasing through. however when it comes to people and animals and living things in general evan just passes through them without even trying to. because of this he hasn't felt the warm embrace of someone since he died.

i'm not sure what to call this power but whatever. while evan can phase through stuff with no problem he can also make himself solid. this means ,, with some bit of concentration ,, evan can give himself a solid form where he has skin and muscles and bones and innards. it's like he goes from being a ghost to being a zombie. except he isn't a zombie because he doesn't crave brains or living flesh. in this form he can actually touch living things. however he can't hold this form for very long before he changes back into a gaseous form.

possession ;; evan is able to posses objects ,, but not in the way one may think. he doesn't posses objects in the way that he puts is spirit into it. no ,, instead this ability is much more like telekinesis than possession really. he just likes to call it possession cuz he's a ghost and it just fits better. he can put some of his life force into an object to be able to control it from afar with a thought or hand movement.


personality evan is a bit of a tough nut to crack. having a hard past he's grown to learn that people don't really care about others problems and when asked about them people only want to make themselves feel better about their bad situation knowing that someone else has it harder than them. at least that's what he believes. because of this way of thinking evan doesn't tend to open up very easily. he holds back a lot and will give very little or vague information out about himself and his life and death and experiences. he hates being drilled at and wonders how people don't understand personal boundaries. if he doesn't want to talk about himself then he won't and will avoid the topic and try to change it. at the same time he won't ask much about other people because he doesn't want to be a hypocrite. if someone wants to tell him about themselves then that's fine because it's what they want. but he won't go quizzing people about their lives. if anything he finds nosy people rude. at times evan may come off as spiteful and cynical. he feels that the world owns him a debt and that is to let him fade into the next life. he doesn't understand why he's still walking the earth. he has no clue what he's looking for and how to fix it. sometimes he may have sudden bursts of anger at the world and just questioning why he's still here. all he wishes to do is see his family again. whenever evan may go he seems to just emit waves of melancholy and sadness. he typically has a stoic expression but behind the bitter look there is usually a sad twinkle in his eyes. this is because he's quite lonely. for years he hasn't had anyone to speak to and nobody to interact with. this is mostly of his own fault though because he distances himself from the living. being around them reminds him too much of his past life and how he's stuck in the state he's in now. but he does wish for maybe friend to be there for him. it's hard though when he's so reclusive and drawn into himself. in no way is he shy though. he just wants to remove himself from the pain that he's reminded of each day.
quirks Evan carries around with him dog tags, one is engraved with his name and the other with his best buddies name. Evan has extreme ptsd. loud noises scare him, blood can send him into a flashback, and the sound of screaming is traumatizing to him.


history once more i'm too lazy to write it out so yeah


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[[color=#778899]seventy[/color] ,, [color=#778899]looks twenty-ish[/color]] [[color=#778899]male[/color]] [[color=#778899]spirit[/color]] [[color=#778899]demi-pansexual[/color]] [[color=#778899]homeless[/color]] [[color=#778899]status[/color] ,, [color=#778899]here[/color]] [[color=#778899]location[/color] ,, [color=#778899]here[/color]] [[color=#778899]crush[/color] ,, [color=#778899]here[/color]] [[color=#778899]tags[/color] ,, [color=#778899]open[/color]]


role homeless
pets evan is eternally stuck with a little kitten. he's not exactly sure if she's a zombie kitten or a ghost kitten or what, all he knows is she doesn't age, eat, or need to use a litter box, and he is able to hold her and pet her with ease. he gave the kitten the most original name ever, mittens.
other n // a


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[just in case]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:41 am

      [just in case]
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentwood Manor Discussion

Postby Squirrelstar123 » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:43 am

Accceeppptted! I was unprepared XD No wonder you didn’t post em yesterday
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentwood Manor Discussion

Postby ~ moth ~ » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:48 am

Squirrelstar123 wrote:
Accceeppptted! I was unprepared XD No wonder you didn’t post em yesterday

      yeah! i had to redo all of my coding cuz i was sick of my old coding and then i had to revamp wendy and evan as well as search for new images for all of them. it took a while but i'm happy with how they all turned out
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentwood Manor Discussion

Postby Squirrelstar123 » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:53 am

Eventually I will finish my forms completely but it’s been so long with all these characters so I kind of have to rediscover them again. I am not good at coding anyway so that probably won’t get too much better XD I do love them all though! (I love everyone’s characters so far). I also realized my new character isn’t really new to you though.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentwood Manor Discussion

Postby MacabreSmile » Thu Oct 11, 2018 1:27 pm



    Full Name: Arsene Olivier LeMarc
    Nicknames: He goes by LeMarc
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Species: Half-Demon
    The son of a human woman and a demon man, LeMarc is a half-demon with a variety of demonic qualities. These include telekinetics, pyrokinetics, a short temper, and an attraction to chaos. He is visibly human at most times because he exists under a glamour that hides his demonic properties.
    Sexuality: Homosexual
    Position: Head Butler
    Personality: LeMarc is an all business kind of man. He's intensely devoted to his work, and runs a tight shift. A stickler for manners and rules, LeMarc is the number one to be worried about getting caught by.
    In conversation he tends to be rather brash and prickly...Most would call it mean. LeMarc is certainly not a nice guy, though when he decides he likes someone he can be rather pleasant...Well, perhaps pleasant is being generous.
    Likes: Boiling hot tea, crisp suits with polished cuff-links and neatly tied bowties, formal ballroom dancing, early mornings, peace and quiet, everything where it belongs
    Dislikes: Noise, 'rude people', other demons, his own family, messes, rule breaking, break of order
    Fears: The future and what it will bring. Change.
    Secrets: His entire background including his history and lineage is a closely kept secret. Most wouldn't even know he's half demon unless they catch him on a bad day. And even if they do know he is a half demon, they would only believe him to be a lower level demon with rather weak powers.
    LeMarc is the son of the King of a Hellish dimension (Hell or not, it's undefined). One of many half-demon children, he is the favourite, and was created in order to one day rule over the demons of their dimension. Raised by his human mother, though, LeMarc had no inkling to follow the path he was set on. He ran off at the age of sixteen and has been in hiding ever since.
    He's been employed at Cresentwood for some years now, and though he considers it to just be one stop on his escape from his fate, it's starting to feel more permanent to him.
    Romantic Interest: .///.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentwood Manor Discussion

Postby MacabreSmile » Thu Oct 11, 2018 1:28 pm



    Full Name: Francis Joseph Dressler-Stoker
    Nicknames: Franz
    Age: Very old. He looks like mid 30s though.
    Gender: Male
    Species: Vampire
    Sexuality: Unknown
    Position: Part of the Stoker Family
    Personality: A former professor of psychology, Franz Stoker is a patient and even tempered man at best, and terribly shy at worst. Most of his days are spent holed up in the manor attic, working on his so-called 'research', though no one knows what he's researching. He's basically a hermit. Some thing he's gone a bit mad having lived too long in life.
    Likes:Intelligent conversation, research, books, solitude, long debates, cold nights with warm fire places, a fine wine
    Dislikes: Social interaction. His past.
    Fears: Time.
    Secrets: What is his research?
    History: Franz may or may not be one of the reasons humans don't trust mythical beings, at least in this area. Some century or two ago Airedale had a local legend about a creature, a servant of death, they called Thanatos who would come into town and steal their young, kidnapping and forcing them to slave away in his haunted mansion. He supposedly fed on human flesh and could haunt the minds of men; see your deepest desires and manipulate you to his will.
    Well...They weren't exactly correct. Like...At all.
    For sure, those rumours were all about Franz. Whether or not any of them are true, well...
    Little is known about his past before he joined the Stoker family. Or even after that.
    Kin: Stoker Family
    Spouse: Was once married. Unknown to whom, but they were a Stoker. He married into the family.
    Offspring: Unknown
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