Long Live The Queen | Closed

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Long Live The Queen | Closed

Postby Epiclilkitty » Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:01 pm


        The end of the world came about in the year 2012 when the series of natural disasters began plaguing the land. Great earthquakes shook the earth; tornados and hurricanes ripped up everything in their path; great lightning storms struck the earth and caused Wildfires that spread rapidly from forests and mountains to towns and cities. All over the world, Tsunami's swept over the land, leveling entire settlements and leaving only death and destruction in their path. When it was all said and done, only a fraction of the former human population remained. Famine and Sickness quickly took care of the few humans that remained. In this dystopian future, humans have gone extinct and nature has taken over. Animals have evolved greatly in the last century since the extinction of humans. Wolves and dogs, in particular, have developed a more advanced intelligence than they once possessed. In the wilds of what was formerly known as Montana, one such pack of wolves and hybrids surpass all others. They have created a pack based on former human hierarchy, led by a King and Queen that could be challenged and usurped once a year during the Blood Moon Ceremony when any wolf is permitted to challenge them to a fight to the death. If a wolf defeats them, they are crowned King or Queen until the next Blood Moon Ceremony. Because of this, the Queen and King are typically the most ruthless in the pack, willing to go to any lengths to maintain their crown. When an illness sweeps through the pack, however, the King and Queen perish and their daughter finds herself leading a pack of bloodthirsty brutes who will do anything to usurp her authority at the upcoming Blood Moon Ceremony. Now, with the help of a small group of supporters standing beside her, the new Queen must prove herself to her pack by maintaining her title, evading a series of assassination attempts, and defeating any and all challengers at the upcoming Ceremony.
Last edited by Epiclilkitty on Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Long Live The Queen | Laws of the Pack

Postby Epiclilkitty » Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:09 pm


        1.) All Site Roles Apply
        2.) Minimum of 300 Words Per Post; More is encouraged
        3.) You may have two wolves Max to start
        4.) Romance/Drama is highly encouraged in character.
        5.) No Godmodding or Perfect Characters. Don't kill a character without consent and make sure to give your characters flaws. No one if perfect.
        6.) Respect your fellow Roleplayers; include everyone and do not fight ooc.
        7.) No unrealistic colors or features; wolves and wolfdogs are accepted
        8.) No explicit scenes, cursing, or graphic depictions of violence
        9.) All Forms should go on the Application Thread. All OOC chatter will go on the Discord. You MUST join the discord if you're going to join; otherwise, you will miss out on a lot.
        10.) Remove Signatures when Postingon either Thread

        Have Fun!


        1.) The Word of the King and Queen are Law
        2.) A King and Queen may only be challenged on the night of the Blood Moon; Challenges placed before the sacred ceremony will be disregarded
        3.) Loners and Rogues are Not to be trusted and should be driven off pack land immediately, or taken before the King and Queen for judgment and punishment.
        4.) If a wolf wishes to take a mate, it must be approved by the King and Queen. Wolves who have pups without consent will be severely punished.
        5.) Those who defy the King and Queen are to be punished, usually through exile or death.
Last edited by Epiclilkitty on Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Long Live The Queen | The Pack

Postby Epiclilkitty » Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:13 pm


        The Pack
        Queen; [ Clover | 4 Yrs Old | Female | Wolf/Coyote | Epiclilkitty ]
        King; [ Closed ]
        Duke; [ name | age | Male | species | Follower /Opposer? | Res ]
        Duchess; [ Lusserina | 4 Yrs Old | Female | Pure Wolf | Follower | Heavenbreeze ]
        Shaman; [ James | 5 Yrs Old | Male | Pure Wolf | Follower | Gordon ]

        Guards; 5/5
        [ Raven | 3 Yrs Old | Male | Pure Wolf | Opposer | Epiclilkitty ]
        [ Athanasia | 4 Yrs Old | Female | Pure Wolf | Opposer | Heavenbreeze ]
        [ Hawk | 4 Yrs Old | Male | Pure Wolf | Follower | Wildsight ]
        [ Conan | 4 Yrs Old | Male | Husky | Follower | XDinosaur ]
        [ Terra-Nova | 3 Yrs Old | Female | Pure Wolf | Follower | EpiclilKitty ]

        Hunters; 4/5
        [ Cypress | 3 Yrs Old | Female | Pure Wolf | Opposer | Razzberry ]
        [ Genesis | 4 Yrs Old | Female | Pure Wolf | Opposer | Wildsight ]
        [ Nomad | 3 Yrs Old | Male | Pure Wolf | Follower | Epiclilkitty ]
        [ Kashmere | 4 Yrs Old | Female | Husky | Follower | Gordon ]
        [ name | age | gender | species | Follower | Haru ]


        Clover and Raven are Half Siblings
        Nomad and Terra-Nova are Full Siblings
        Conan and Kashmere are Full Siblings
        Clover and Lusserina are Cousins

        Clover and Raven are Rivals

        Clover and Conan are Besties

        Clover Has a Crush on Conan
        Lusserina Has a Minor Crush on Raven
Last edited by Epiclilkitty on Sat Oct 19, 2019 2:14 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Clover [1] Raven [1]

Postby Epiclilkitty » Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:30 pm

    C L O V E R
    Queen | Feeling: Nostalgic/Sad | By the Lake | Word Count: 1,098 Words | Tagged: Open

        Clover woke with a start, heart thundering in her chest as the last wisps of her latest nightmare slowly faded away. For a moment, the young she-wolf found herself confused and disoriented as she peered around the gloomy cave, but slowly she returned to her senses and recalled just why she was in the Royal den, as opposed to the Hunter's Den surrounded by the warm bodies of the other wolves. A pang of loneliness and heartache shot through her at the thought of her parents, whom she had always been so close to. It hadn't even been a full moon-cycle since they fell ill and passed and she still missed them dreadfully... not that she could open up about that to the rest of the pack. She wasn't blind to the way a lot of her pack-mates now watched her with hunger and greed in their eyes. She knew that even the slightest sign of weakness on her part would only make them more determined to overthrow her, and as much as she had never wanted to be Queen in the first place, she didn't want to make her parents proud so she wasn't about to give up her position without a fight. Rising to her paws, Clover shook herself fiercely to dislodge the bits of moss, bracken, and feathers that had become embedded into her pelt during the night then padded to the entrance of the den and pushed through the wall of brambles that hid the opening of her den from view. Bright morning sunlight immediately assaulted her icy blue gaze, and she screwed up her eyes with a low growl of protest. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust and when they did, she allowed herself to survey the camp from her vantage point. Their camp was located in a small clearing at the base of a large hill. The hill had a natural footpath that wound down from the top to the base, and a series of small caves had been carved out naturally from the elements, before being deepened through the hard work of their ancestors. Closest to the base, the Hunters and Guards had their dens side by side. Above them, the Shaman's den sat next to the nursery and near the top of the hill was the Royal Den, where Clover had moved after her parents' untimely demise. After years of always being surrounded by other wolves, whether it was her parents, other pups in the nursery, or the other hunters once she had been assigned her role in the pack at the age of one, Clover found it quite disconcerting to sleep alone. Still, it was what was expected of her. A Queen could hardly expect to sleep in one of the commoner dens.

        Shaking herself from these thoughts, Clover made her way down the winding footpath and into the clearing of the silent camp. It was still early morning, so the other members of the pack were still blissfully asleep. This suited Clover just fine, however. As much as she missed the companionship of the other hunters, the ache in her chest dictated a bit more time alone would probably do her good. So, instead of going to wake some of the hunters for an impromptu and rather unnecessary hunting expedition, considering they had just returned from one, she set off into the forest alone. A sense of serenity stole over the gray canine as she padded silently through the forest, allowing the early morning sunlight to soak into her fur and warm her to the core. It was a nice day in early spring, and despite the early hour, the forest was already teeming with life. Birds sang in the treetops, chipmunks and squirrels chattered as they chased after each other, leaping easily through the closely woven branches of the trees. The undergrowth rustled all around her, filling the air with the temping scent of rabbit, thrush, vole, and shrew, all of which she steadfastly ignored in favor of continuing her walk. Lost in through as she was, Clover wasn't aware of how far she had gone until the terrain under her paws changed abruptly from grass and dirt to pebbles and sand. Blinking out of her stupor, the she-wolf looked around and realized she had wandered all the way to the lake, a place that she hadn't actually been to since she was much younger. There wasn't much to hunt around the lake, since most of their prey preferred to stop by the fiver that ran through the heart of their territory, but Clover could still remember happier times when she was a pup and her father would take her and her half brother, Raven, to the lake to practice swimming, fishing, or just to run along the rocky shore and splash through the cool waters. She missed those days when everything was easy and uncomplicated when none of the wolves who aspired to be King or Queen viewed her as any sort of threat.

        Sighing, Clover padded to the edge of the still water and sat down, staring down at her reflection in the murky water. She looked almost identical to her mother, who had been half-wolf and half-coyote, and almost nothing like her pure wolf father. She was scrawnier than he had ever been, her body and legs longer and thinner, her fur a tad shorter and thinner. Her face was definitely more narrow, and the unusual color of her eyes definitely wasn't wolf-like. Or coyote-like, for that matter. Her mother likely had some dog in her as well, not that that was necessarily a bad thing. Clover's best friend was a dog. But it made her different, which of course drew attention to her even more, and Clover really hated being the center of attention. She had always wished she was just a normal, unextraordinary wolf that no one looked twice at. Now that she was Queen, she might as well kiss that dream behind. Now everyone's eyes were on her and she honestly hated the attention, both good and bad. She missed the anonymity she used to enjoy so much. Growling resentfully at her reflection, Clover swiped a paw at the murky vision of herself, sending water droplets spattering over herself and the shore and causing her reflection to break up in ripples. As soon as it had come, the anger left her in a whoosh leaving her feeling more exhausted than ever, and with a deflated grumble, Clover slid down to lay on her belly and rested her head on her paws.

    R A V E N
    Guard | Opposer | Angry | Following Clover | Word Count: 656 Words | Tagged: Clover, Open

        Raven lay in his nest just inside the Guards' den, watching the camp boredly. He had been awake for a while, having gone on an early morning patrol of the pack's territory before returning to the den, but he was too restless to sleep. There was an anger that had been festering inside him for years now, and a few days ago it had spread to his very soul and become a near all-consuming inferno. He was angry. No, he was furious. Furious at his father, who had knowingly mated with Raven's mother, had knowingly had him, and yet had allowed his mother to be killed for a crime that hadn't been hers alone. He was furious at his father for then refusing to officially claim him as his son, lest he anger his precious Queen, thus denying Raven's birthright as heir to the throne. He was the only son of King Cliff. He had every right to be King. He should be King because he was the most capable one to lead the pack. Instead, they had made Clover the Queen, because Clover was the daughter of the King and Queen and Clover had forever been the favored one. Problem was, Clover was small and scrawny and didn't have an aggressive bone in her body. She didn't have what it took to lead this pack. She would likely wilt at the first real sign of trouble because Clover was barely any better than the lowliest of Omegas. Gnashing his teeth furiously, Raven was almost tempted to go hunting (something he typically deemed far beneath his station) just so he could tear something limb from limb when the scent of lilies and mint reached his nose and a flash of gray bounded down from one of the upper dens. Ears pricking with renewed interest, Raven watched as Clover descended the hill and padded quickly across the clearing before disappearing into the thick trees and foliage of the forest. A low growl escaped him, his anger nearly reaching a boiling point just at the sight of her.

        Glancing around, Raven quickly determined that the rest of the pack was still fast asleep and likely no one would notice if he were to slip out of camp after his half-sister. Clover was small and weak. There was a reason that she had been slated as a hunter. She was inept at fighting, her size and lack of brute strength both working against her in that regard, and it would be laughably easy to get rid of her. So, so easy to just sneak up behind her and... Raven didn't make the conscious decision to rise and leave the den, his paws carrying him forward as if they had a mind of their own. Slipping into the forest, the black wolf blended into the shadows almost seamlessly, stalking after his sister on silent paws. She seemed lost in thought, wholly unaware of his presence, and again he was struck with just how easy it would be to get rid of her. If Clover was gone, he would automatically become the King of the pack. Even if his father refused to formally claim him as his son, he still shared his blood, which means he was in line directly behind Clover. He was fast; she could very well be dead before she even knew what hit her, the pack none the wiser. And really, who would question his authority. He already had a few loyal wolves who would happily defend him as their King if needed. Conan might put up a fight that stupid mutt had always been soft for Clover. He was hardly a big concern to Raven, however. He and any others who might question Raven's authority could either be eliminated or persuaded and then his reign as King could begin uncontested. All he needed was an opening and he could sink his teeth into his half-sister's neck.
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Postby XDinosaur » Sat Oct 19, 2019 4:33 am

( guard - male - location;by the river - tags;Athan, Raven, Clover )

With a slight twitch of his left black ear, Conan woke from his sleep. His pale blue eyes immediately landing on the exit of the guard's den, catching a solid black mass in its view. He guessed it must've been Raven. And boy, did he stomp around like an angry bear when he walked out of the den. Maybe this was overexaggerated since his pawsteps were the cause of Conan's consciousness, but he did worry about the cause of Raven's aggression and what he planned to do with it. With that in mind, the large brute swiftly got to his paws and moved out of the den. His designated sleeping spot was near the entrance but further away from everyone else. While his enduring condition had gone, the thought of passing it to a packmate was a great fear of his. He wouldn't wish that life onto anyone. A few of his joints popped into place, making a crackling noise. He didn't bother looking to see if anyone else was awake. Perhaps that would have been important but Conan's drowsiness clouded his actions. He didn't even know why he wanted to follow Raven, his frustration was none of his business. But one thing was for sure, Conan felt like something bad was about to happen. He thought about waking up his sister, Kashmere, but she'd probably claw him for waking her up over an assumption.

However, his nerves did bring him back into the guards den for help. He walked up to the first canine he saw, Athanasia's pure white pelt, quickly prodding her in the side with a paw to wake her up. Once she was awake, he gave a tilt of his head towards the exit with concern in his eyes. Conan didn't want to wake up the whole pack so once outside, he explained what he witnessed in a whisper, "Raven appeared irate as he got up this morning... I really believe something is wrong." He hurried with his words, not wanting to lose track of Raven.

Stepping out of the camp, he caught a glimpse of Raven's black tail turning sharply around a tree as if he was chasing something. Confused, the black and white husky picked up his pace in order to catch up to his packmate, watching for Athan to do the same. The early morning sunlight swept across Conan's pelt, the trees obstructing it every once in a while as he sprinted through the shallow grass. The noise of the forest kept his steps nearly silent. The birds singing their early morning harmonies, squirrels scattering from limb to limb in a hurry. It was a familiar and beautiful sound to Conan now. Not being able to hear the sounds of the forest for the majority of his life from being concealed in a den, it allowed him to appreciate even the small things about this life. After locking his eyes on the jet black guard, they finally neared. Close enough to see another mass off in the distance walking. Conan now focused on hushing his footsteps. Who was he following? He looked to Athan, wondering if she saw the figure ahead too. "Who is that?"
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Re: Lusserina [1] Athanasia [1]

Postby Euthymios » Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:13 am

    • fae • 4 yrs • duchess • waiting on clover• no crush/mate • alert, anxious, somber
    sleek white-furred vixen with dark golden-green eyes
    → tags; none
      The aura in the open-dawn was what caught lusserina first. the melodic tang of emotions immediately latched onto her senses, and the white duchess reared from her nest, dislodging bits of feathers, rabbit-ear-moss and sticks. and who could blame the duchess for being so on edge; after all wasn't it the new coronation day of the queen? it seemed so early ago that the white duchess had stayed up the previous night helping to move the nest of her cousin.

      yes, lusserina was perfectly aware of her family ties to the monarch family. after all, her mother siora was the sibling of kestrel, although few could catch the coyote side that the white vixen hid. she could recall how devastated siora and seldannus, her parents, were over the death of the queen. but it wasn't just the grief that caught the duchess ; it was the knowledge that many other wolves did not support this idea of clover being queen. there would be more to watch out for...
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nico | one.

Postby haru ; » Sat Oct 26, 2019 9:46 pm

      █████ ━━ ‘ NICODEMUS ━﹙☾﹚.
        ━━━ ` role; hunter, supports the queenx `location; pack campx `tagged; nova, mentions clover
        indentteeth clicked against one another through the thin, almost neglible fold of skin he had managed to gather with his jaws, before a sharp toss of his head sent the hare tumbling into the reccesses of the hunters' den. for a moment, nicodemus's motionless figure was starkly silhouetted against the den mouth like a mirage, or perhaps a wraith would have been a more accurate term. then a perfectly triangular ear twitched, and the spell was broken.
        indentthe ethereal-looking wolf-dog rolled his shoulders, coming to ease down on the ground right at the edge where he had a clear view of his packmates' slumbering bodies. blue eyes like shards of ice roved over them once before settling on a particular spot on a tree in the distance. nico's head was still lifted, very much as if he were a sentinel of sorts, but he was currently in one of his most relaxed of moods. the various smells that infiltrated his nose were balanced. everything was where it should be. everything but not everyone. no sooner had he thought this did a small, familiar form came nosing out from the alpha's den and as he watched, wandered away towards the trees.
        indenta couple beats later, a dark phantom slyly followed.
        indentnico's visage was void of stray emotion as usual, but if he had eyebrows he would have raised them. the young hunter had always been individualistic, detached from the rest of the pack and communicating solely through what understanding he had garnered from each and every one of them during his observations and small interactions, and he was hardly the sort to guard the queen closely no matter his alignment, yet this... seriously? the bundle of ivory fur he was had not moved a muscle since spotting the queen and her new sinister stalker, but even he, he had to admit, was mildly unnerved by the entire situation.
        indentflicking his ears, nico glanced at his fellow hunters. it wasn't difficult to make out raven's dark chocolate-hued pelt from where he was, the early dregs of sunshine spinning onto their fur. he considered waking him. perhaps he would even wake kashmere. both were even-tempered canines he could trust not to try and bite his head off immediately, but nico was only half-convinced about this cause, and even less convinced that raven wouldn't try to spring the queen the second he got. his own indecision irked him to the core.
        indenta tiny huff of irritation escaping his parted jaws, nico clambered back to his feet (pausing only to pop his joints back in place) and trotted away from the hunters' den towards the camp centre... where he very conveniently nearly ran into a small, multicoloured she-wolf.
        indenthe blinked, side-stepping just in time. the difference between their pelts could hardly be more striking. where hers was rich and dark, his was pure and blinding. nico's cool, unfathomable gaze fell upon the she-wolf's face and instantly recognised her as nova, and if he were distinctly aware of it - his body was already subconsciously prepping for a mouthful of how he should be watching his way. nova was sometimes pissy like that. nico, well, was not. he would have gone on his way if the thought of clover hadn't just resurfaced in his mind.
        indentstopping short, the irritation only reached an all-time high. nico absently wondered if feeling such a powerful influx of emotions was even healthy for someone like himself. nova, on the other hand, would probably be no stranger to spectrums of anger, hate and fear. if she had by any chance caught sight of the impending trouble at hand as well, he wouldn't put it past the guard to leap forward and stop them. one foot hovering off the ground, nico then regarded the significantly smaller she-wolf in a whole new light, perhaps even thoughtfully.
        indentwith some hesitation, the young wolf-dog swept his tongue over his teeth, feeling the prick of the pointy bits. "i don't trust raven," was all he said. a frustratingly cryptic start, and almost certainly she would have something snappy to say about that, but nico was more focused than he had been for a long time.
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Postby XDinosaur » Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:48 am

( guard - male - location;by the river - tags;Athan, Raven, Clover

Who was Raven following? Conan grew more and more nervous as he neared the canines. He usually wasn't this anxious when observing his packmates, but there was something about Raven that made him uneasy. He had a relatively hostile vibe, which was expected as a guard. However, malice displayed in his aura that set Conan in a disturbed state. The black and white husky focused on identifying the first wolf ahead. Closing his pale blue eyes and parting his jaw, Conan sniffed the air. Fresh lilies and a minty fragrance washed into his nose, providing information to his brain. Raven was following Clover. He knew her smell better than anyone. It brought him back to the days she'd visit him while he was sick. Her scent was always a nice change from the stagnant den he lived alone in.

The guard glanced back to Raven to not lose sight of him. Too late. The solid black wolf had disappeared out of sight. Conan lowered his head in a small defeat. He looked back in Clover's direction. Her small, dark grey pelt lay in front of the river bank. She was so vulnerable, so easy to attack. He thought about surprising her with a tackle, but decided it was too early in the morning for a heart attack. The large dog quietly crept up to the queen, hushing his pawsteps. He eyed her as he stood over her. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown," his voice was smooth and a bit gruff from the sluggish early morning. He glanced around her surrounding area, looking for Raven or at least a sign that he was there.
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