Howl to the Woods (Werewolf RP)

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Howl to the Woods (Werewolf RP)

Postby No one » Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:41 am

THIS IS RP FORUM! I put it in semi-lit because of the requirement of 4-7 sentences

Late June (Early Summer time)
Mild out right now
50 degrees Fahrenheit
Slight breezes can be felt

Winston Braxton Callinger/male/26 years old/Alpha of Twilight/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Heterosexual/Crush: Closed/Mate: Celestia/No children currently, not sure if he wants any
Winston sat on a rock near the middle of there camp. The mid twenties werewolf was watching the horizon from the rock, his eyes trained on in the distance. All he could see was the black abyss which they had called home. Twilight Pack had seemed it fitting that they would be in the dark part of the woods. He has lived a life his father would be proud of. He had his pack to call his own and he was doing what he wanted, to restore peace and unity to Caripol. Unfortunately, there was just one pack left, Desarius in his way of victory and uniting the world they knew and loved. He would not rest until he claimed victory over that pack. He turned his head to look around the camp. Everything was so peaceful looking and he saw most of his pack waking up. He growled slightly and muttered underneath is breath, “To peaceful for my liking.”

Winston combed his hand through his blonde hair. His blue eyes had trained on over to his house. The house had wood peeling away from the structure. The roof was made of sticks and was made of leaves stuck together by mud. It has held up very well, but the roof as starting to have patches in it causing for there to be cold nights. He liked the cold so he didn’t mind it so much. The house did have a dilapidated look to it being honest, but so did the others. They may be in slightly better condition than his, but anything for his pack to keep them happy. Winston felt a slight breeze on his face and he closed his eyes embracing the cool air.

Olivia Willow Vextor/female/26 years old/Fighter of Twilight/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Pansexual, Demisexual/Crush: Open/Mate: Nothing/No children currently, not sure if she wants any
Olivia walked out of the fighter’s house and looked around. While there was no one around for her to talk to, she best get to work. She felt the breeze blow some of her hair lightly. Her hair was down on her face going down a bit farther than her chest. She had a small ponytail in the back of her hair laying flat against the other hair in the back of her head. Her dark brown almost black looking hair shined in the morning sun as she walked in the camp. Her darkish blue eyes with the tint of gray focused on a wolf nearby basking in the sun. The all to familiar white chested and brown pelted wolf basking was Brenna. She rolled her eyes and she focused her eyes on the Alpha. He seemed to be muttering to himself. Had the Alpha gone mad?! Worry spiked for a second, but just as quickly as it came, her normal temperament came over her. Olivia looked around. Trees concealing there camp were tall with thick trunks and green leaves rustling in the morning breeze. bushes helped to conceal there camp even more. Green leaves could be seen within the cracks of the walls surrounding there camp. The entrance of the camp was dark and from the hole where they could go out of camp, dark shadows loomed there. Even with the sharp eyes she had, Olivia had a hard time making out what each dark blob was. They had chosen the darkest part of the woods and the trees offered more shade within the camp as they crossed over above there heads high up. Between the gaps within the entwined tree branches, small shading of light seeped through causing for there camp to be lightened up while it being still dark.

Brenna Reese Williams/female/21 years old/Hunter of Twilight/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Pansexual/Crush: Open/Mate: None/No children yet
Brenna basked in the sun that came through the entwined branches. The werewolf was currently in her wolf form that was brown pelted and white chested. She had her younger lolling out of her mouth and she had dust collecting in her fur. She knew she would be dirty when she came back into human form, but she didn’t care. He stood up abruptly and shook her pelt out. She changed into her human form. The leaf green and speckled golden eyed brown haired young woman had dirt caked on her face and small dustings of dirt around her body. She was wearing a dark blue short -sleeved shirt and white shorts, well the shorts were covered in dirt now so they weren’t really white anymore. The canopy that was high in the air that let little bitS of light seep into the camp had leaves rustling and Brenna closed her eyes. She grinned widely and embraced the breeze. Her hair was in a braid and little bits of hair that were left outside of the braid were flowing behind her head. She saw Olivia and her Alpha out and about and others as well. She opened her eyes and looked around seeing if anyone of her fellow hunters were up. Maybe she could help by taking one of them hunting with her to get some food for the pack and actually do something. She also being selfish wanted to snag one of them to spend time with.

Bryce Nile Quill/32 years old/Alpha of Desarius/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Bisexual with female lean/Crush: None/Mate: Iris/No children yet
Bryce walked out of the Alpha’s house. The camp seemed to be buzzing with the werewolves currently up. He turned to look at the house. On the outside it looked quite grand, but on the inside it was even grander. Logs made up the house that were painted a nice color of a dark brown to keep it well hidden in the shadows. The windows were nice and clear and not fogged up like they normally were. The door was a beige color to match the tones of brown that was the theme of the house. He then turned to the camp. The tentative pack lived in place with tons of lighting that definitely made there camp stand out. They were well hidden behind hills though making it somewhat harder to find the camp. The trees didn’t offer much protection from the sun, but it did give some amounts of shade. The woods they lived in weren’t the most dark part of it. If he had to guess it was probably part of the woods with less amount of trees and more higher terrain than the normal flatness of the woods.

Bryce recognized his packs needs right now. They had to bond faster and become a unified pack, but he knew that would take time. I mean it had been 10 years since he had started to lead this pack after the death of his father and there was so far no luck with unifying the pack yet. He had tried everything that his father did with bits of his own style, but it was no use. He also knew there prey level was growing low and that the fighters and hunters were exhausted from the heat of the days and from being overworked. He had to do something or else they were doomed for an attack from Twilight if that were to happen soon. The other pack knew that Desarius was not a unified pack which gave them the upper hand. Bryce walked to the middle of the camp and stopped taking a deep breath. He heard the shout of Trevour as usual he did every morning. Bryce knew the time would be soon he would have to pick a beta and his two leads for fighters and hunters. Maybe today was the day or tomorrow. Whatever the case it may be, it would be soon. The blonde haired and hazel eyed werewolf was in his early thirties and knew his time as the sole leader would be numbered. Soon his pack might not listen to him. Even if he didn’t pick a lead yet for Fighters and hunters, he had to choose a Beta. There had only been two options for the beta role he had in mind. Abigail who was a hard working scout for the pack, but also working a second job of sorts as a hunter for the pack. Responsible woman she was. Ulric who was loyal to the core of himself to the pack and realistic with what he does. Very good man he was. Bryce would have to choose soon for that rank, but he stood there in the middle of camp his mind churning over thoughts he had.

Chase Ash Wilson/male/18 years old/Hunter of Desarius/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Pansexual (poly-open)/Crush: Open/Mate: None/ No children yet
Chase yawned and stretched. The chestnut colored hair and blue eyed werewolf had just woken up. He groaned as his back cracked and he thought to himself, your growing older Chase. He chuckled at his silent comment to himself. He was still a teenager, a very late teenager. In a few years he would be in his early twenties. It was crazy to think that he and his brother had been in the pack for three years. It had seemed like home to him. Even though the pack was still a very tentative pack just like they had been three years ago, small improvements were being made within the pack and it had seemed like some werewolves have grown very close to each other. He knew that while he hadn’t grown close to anyone in particular, he had a few friends within the pack. He walked down the hallway and into the main living room. Sagging cushions from where people sit on the couch had little bits of thread hanging from it. The chairs and couch in the room were all gray with a gold design pattern on it. The room was empty. Ah, everyone must be up by now. The young teen werewolf had a tendency to sleep in like a normal teenager would. Chase sat down on one of the couch cushions and felt himself grow comfortable. He’d go out soon, but he needed some alone time. It was now a days hard to find that time with his job as a hunter being more vital than ever. In case of an attack from the opposing for united pack, they had to stock up on food to keep everyone strong and healthy. He closed his eyes letting the quiet calm his thoughts.

Trevour Brooks Wilson/male/16 years old/Trainee (Fighter) of Desarius/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Pansexual/Crush: Open/Mate: To young/To young for children
Trevour ran out of the trainee’s home. He was the only trainee in the entire pack and so he had it all to himself. He pumped a fist in the air and shouted, “Another beautiful day in Desarius Pack!” The energetic young werewolf was only two years behind his brother Chase, but he had way to much energy like a five year old. He looked eagerly around seeing his pack mates up and about. He would die to work alongside them someday, but he knew that day would be soon. He was growing day by day ever so closer to becoming a full fighter and being able to help out with fights and on the front lines instead of being backup for the camp. It would get lonely from time to time, being in the semi-big house by himself, but that meant more space for him to do whatever he wanted and no one to tell him what to do or be rude to him. In terms of his training, he was attentive and took his training very seriously, though he put a lot of lighthearted comments and jokes into his training, much to his brother’s disapproval. He scanned the clearing for his brother, not seeing him anywhere. He shrugged and looked around for someone to talk to. The young werewolf has chestnut hair similar to his brother’s. It was straight with a slight curl to it. Like his brother, he had dazzling blue eyes that seemed to twinkle with energy most of the time. He looked a lot like his brother in that respect, but Trevour was a handful to handle. He remembered his brother telling him that he felt sorry for who ever was his trainer. He laughed at the thought and smiled eagerly, ready to get the day started.
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D | 001

Postby senna_ » Sat Mar 12, 2022 9:51 am

───────────────── . he/him . twilight fighter . location; outside fighter camp . tags; celestia ─────────────────

    The thing that woke Ali up that morning was not the glistening rays of early sunshine, or the singing birds outside his bedrooms’s window, or even his own alarm clock. The sound of clinking dishes from somewhere on the level below was indeed what caught his attention. He groaned into his pillow as sleep began to clear away from his body, the obnoxious buzzing of his alarm clock stirring up a pain in his head. Zombie-like, Ali raised himself upward, from the back to the head, like a puppet, then lazily slammed the palm of his hand on his clock until it fell silent. For a moment longer, he continued to let his head droop, curls covering a good portion of his face as he fought to keep his eyes open.

    When he finally felt like he could stand straight without falling back asleep, the Twilight Pack Fighter slid off the mattress, stretching his arms up towards the ceiling until he was satisfied with the number of cracks he counted from his sore back. He dragged himself over to his closet to get dressed, siding with a pair of worn-in, faded jeans and a dark brown flannel. Traditionally, he used to wear his hair in braids growing up, but after chopping most of it off, that was difficult to do. Instead, he decided to throw it up into a bun, wrinkling his nose as wisps of hair tickled his cheeks and forehead. Slapping them back, he turned and left his room, leaving the blinds down, even though really, they weren’t able to fight back the bursting sunlight.

    He trudged downstairs, his confident steps leading him outside. If there were people in the house, he didn’t properly stop to say hello, but he knew there would be an opportunity for that later on. Instead, he made his way towards the main door, squinting his eyes as the sun overpowered his senses. Shielding his eyes, he shuffled towards the wall of the house, then took a seat on one of the chairs on the porch. Breathing in the fresh air, he allowed himself to bathe in the silence of the early morning.

    He twirled the braided leather bracelet around his wrist as he zoned out. It wasn't until a particular face from afar caught his attention. Pushing off the wall with the bottom of his boot, Ali casually started up towards the figure. "G'morning, Celestia," he greeted in a rather drawn-out tone, shooting her a boyish grin. "Good sleep? What's the plan for today?"
Last edited by senna_ on Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A | 001

Postby senna_ » Sat Mar 12, 2022 9:55 am

─────────────────── . she/her . desarius hunter . location; hunter house . tags; chase ───────────────────

    Abby was up before the sun itself, which wasn’t uncommon for the Huntress. She’d managed to get a decent amount of sleep the night before, a hearty six hours, which was more than she had gotten in quite awhile. She couldn’t deny that she felt a little sluggish, but that wasn’t uncommon; with an unpredictable sleep schedule, she constantly felt thrown off in some way. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop her from ripping the covers off her body and popping onto her feet in a matter of seconds. The more she rested in her warm bed, the more tired and unproductive she felt. In the winter, it was particularly difficult to do this with ease, for the morning air often had a bite to it, but that wasn’t something she had to worry about for another few months.

    Yawning, Abby lazily combed her hands through her dark hair, then headed towards her closet to grab her outfit for the day. Usually, the Huntress prepared it the night before, but her mind had been so preoccupied that it, for once, slipped her mind completely. Even though she knew she and Chase had to get out this morning, though, Abby didn’t feel overly rushed. She rarely ate breakfast, which cut out an ineffective ten or so minutes of her time. She glanced down at her watch. She liked Chase, she really did, but she had a feeling he probably wasn’t preparing today’s hunt. With that in mind, she slowed down, brushing the hangers along in a more careful manner.

    As comfortable as she was in jeans, Abby didn’t often opt to wear them. Hunting required a lot of running, and even though she was able to shift into wolf form, getting to that stage was a nuisance. Instead, she grabbed a pair of black flare yoga pants, pairing it with a simple and comfortable white cropped shirt. Throwing on what she could consider to be her signature leather jacket, Abby decided it was time to head out, now. She left her hair down, mostly because with its long bob-like cut, she couldn’t really put it up. It didn’t bother her much, though, especially since, again, the main part of her job wasn’t in human form.

    Sticking her hands in the pockets of her jacket, she made her way towards the main room of the house she lived in, having caught sight of Chase only seconds prior. “Hey,” she called out to him, tipping her head up in greeting. By the way the tall young man had nestled himself into the cushions, she could tell he had gotten himself comfortable. Abby, however, was a go-getter, and extra antsy in the morning. “I was going to check with our Alpha, but you down for a morning of hunting? Maybe we can get a Fighter or even Laura on board.”
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R | 001

Postby senna_ » Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:42 am

─────────────────── . she/her . desarius healer . location; medical room . tags; augustus / open ───────────────────

    Raine was unnormally tired that morning. She had had a decent sleep the night before, so she couldn't help but find it odd that she was moving so slow. It didn't matter too much, though; once she had her cup of tea and a decent amount of food in her body, as well as some fresh air in her system from outside, she knew she'd be feeling better.

    As someone who wasn’t required to do a whole lot of physical activity, Raine never felt too pressured to put on an outfit that was fit to run in, or do anything along those lines. She stepped into a pair of thin, black tights, then pulled on a black skirt which was just long enough to be classified as something other than a mini skirt. Based on the way the trees were synchronously swaying, Raine could rightfully assume it was windy out, and thus, decided to go with a thicker top, which was long-sleeved and the colour of cornflower blue. She liked the colour; it complemented her blonde hair and brought out her eyes. She washed up, brushing her eyelashes with her mascara wand. She didn't do a whole lot of makeup on casual days like today; mascara and concealer was about as far as she was going. Letting her hair hang loose around her shoulders, Raine turned and headed to the main room of the house. She was quick to spot Augustus, who was hanging around nearby.

    “Good morning,” she greeted the other Healer in a sweet tone as she slipped by him. “I’ll be back in a bit.” She wasn’t sure if he was planning on heading to their main workspace anytime soon or not, but she figured she’d go check it out. In honesty, even though Raine spent a lot of her time in there, it had been a while since she’d done a proper counting of all their stock. She suspected they’d need more products soon enough (the pack was unusually clumsy). She respected Bryce Quill, their Alpha, immensely, for he had been extremely generous to her over the years, but she had to admit, he was a bit intimidating. She supposed his rank had to do with a lot of that.

    Although Raine didn’t have a fully laid-out plan in her head, all she knew was that before grabbing breakfast, it was best to unlock their office. So, grabbing the keys from the hook on the wall, she set off to do just that.
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sebastian pt 1, amaranth pt 1

Postby bigwig. » Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:51 pm

    🐺 maledesarius fighterlocation: desarius camp, outside fighter sheltertags: --
    The sunlight slowly streaming through the curtains tickled his eyes through their lids, finally irritating him enough to wake him up. Sebastian groaned at the sight of the light and pulled a blanket up over his head, despite knowing it was likely futile. His head had started to hurt almost the moment his eyelids had parted. It was gonna be one of those mornings, wasn't it?

    Blinking drowsily, he finally gave up and lifted himself up into a sitting position, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. The sunlight glittered through a crystal glass which sat lazily left on his nightstand, a vessel for the watery remains of a jack and coke he'd downed before slumping into bed far too late last night. The crepuscular nature of the wolf was inherently at odds with the diurnal habits of humans, and for those with one foot in both camps, a happy medium was seldom found - at least in Sebastian's experience. He stretched his arms above his head, listening to his joints pop in an erratic staccato. He slept stiffly - always had. His muscles were stiff, resisting the stretches, and rolling his neck did nothing to abate the thrumming in the back of his skull. With a sigh he lifted himself to his feet, grabbing his overcoat on his way out the door. It was still cool enough in the mornings that his light coat wasn't too much, though by midday it would likely be too warm for the extra layer.

    The sun hit him even harder as he made his way out the door of the fighters' quarters, causing him to wince as the pain in his head surged from the offense. Fresh morning air could've helped his headache, but that wasn't why he'd stepped outside. Quite the opposite, in fact - he just wanted to have a smoke. Once outside he immediately fished around in his pockets for his lighter and a pack of cigarettes, huffing to himself in quiet frustration. It could've been said that he'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but, for Sebastian, there wasn't really a right side of the bed for him to even get up on. Didn't help that he'd never been a morning person in the first place. At last he managed to get his cigarette lit and he breathed a smoky sigh of relief, slumping back against the wall of the cabin he shared with the other fighters. This communal 'summer camp' lifestyle had never really been his cup of tea, but this was his home now, for better or for worse. He couldn't stand the guilty thought of leaving his packmates behind, especially now that they were at risk of being pushed out of their territory.

    They were a bit of a mess - disorganized, pulling in different directions, prone to quarreling. But that just meant they needed all the help they could get, right? Sebastian almost chuckled to himself at the thought, blowing out a long stream of thin smoke that rippled and curled over itself. He lifted a hand and twirled his finger through the cloud. It didn't have the sluggish quality of pipe smoke that hung in the air for longer, making it so manipulable, but it still swirled around his finger like a spectral thread for a few moments before disappearing. Someone would complain about the smell, no doubt. Looking around, he could tell several of his packmates were up already, but he didn't feel like approaching them. Partially because they would inevitably complain about him smoking next to them, and partially because his head still hurt. Wasn't sure he felt like dealing with a second headache on top of it.

    🐺 femaletwilight scoutlocation: twilight camp, outdoorstags: --
    Amaranth always woke up early - usually before most of her packmates were even awake. She woke up before the sun rose, to take advantage of every moment of the morning. She loved mornings - the cool, crisp air waking up her tired lungs, the pale sun rising slowly and dreamily into the sky, the quiet outside without the usual chatter of the daytime. But most of all, she liked the early morning - when the first rays of the sun had only just begun to scrape the horizon and the deep blue of the night quietly turned over into a paler, dusky blue. It was beautiful and mystifying, the most enchanting time to be awake. Most of all, it was a time when just about nobody else was up and about, meaning Amaranth was usually by herself. Perhaps, in a way, that was what made it seem so alluring.

    Amaranth was very much a creature of habit, and without her daily rituals, she felt like half a person. Her ritual in the morning was to wake up before the start of dawn and, usually, go outside for a walk. Most of the time, she just went around the edges of the camp - more often on four legs than two. Sometimes she ranged out a little further into the dark forest, but she always kept the camp well within her peripheral. It wasn't really patrolling; she wasn't a fighter, after all, and there was never any rigid intent to her morning rounds. She was moreso just enjoying the quiet, waking up her mind and muscles, getting a feel for the day ahead. She chased birds, or stopped to listen to them utter their first cries of the morning. She ran her nose over interesting scents - places her packmates had been, places wildlife had been. She always thought that, in wolf form, it was almost possible to forget you were ever a human. When she was alone in the woods in the blue early morning, she felt as if she was simply one with nature. It was peaceful and contemplative - things she longed for in her daily life.

    These days, she had felt a little more on edge. Perhaps that was why she had languished in her morning walk and let it drag out much longer than normal. It wasn't that she was necessarily worried, no - despite the conflict they'd had with the other pack, it was unlikely they would actually be attacked, especially not in their camp. That would be a huge risk for the enemy, especially as scattered as they were.

    The aggression on behalf of her pack, though, was not something that she particularly approved of, but she held her tongue. It was unavoidable, she supposed; it was something the animal within her knew - these kinds of quarrels could never be avoided entirely. C'est la vie, as her father would have said, a hint of rich Cajun accent creeping back into his voice when he spoke French. Such is life. It was unfortunate, perhaps, and it made her uneasy, but the animal in her knew there was no such thing as a life without conflict.

    Despite her misgivings, she knew her place. And where she belonged - which was back at camp. It was far later in the morning than Amaranth usually stayed out, and she needed to be back. She had a role to play, after all; the alphas might need her. Amaranth came jogging back into camp, her hiking shoes kicking up loam now rather than her claws. She only hoped she hadn't been missed.
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Re: Howl to the Woods (Werewolf RP)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:48 pm

Iyori Kujo- m, sometimes f but not often- 24 y- Twilight den tender- homo; Denali, we'll see what happens- mate open- Toma x Rune (Rina birthed him) : Kaya and Kenji, Akai and Aoi and Murasaki- sensitivity to gluten- possible dog- Tags
The sweet and caring but shy and nervous male was in wolf form at the moment, but was on the actual bed and not the floor. Surprisingly. Usually he'd turn into wolf form in the really early hours, half wake and jump down to the floor. He'd then just kind of flop to the floor, on the nice rug he had in his room, and he'd spend the rest of the time there until he woke. Every time, he'd be embarrassed to wake in wolf form on the floor, but this time he was actually on the bed. The shorter and slender semi fluffy black male yawned a whining yawn, and moved his paws a bit then stopped. The blue and brown eyes soon began to flutter, and after a bit the wolf had opened his eyes and sat up, looking around.

Glad to see he wasn't on the floor this time, the shorter and slender golden tan skinned male phased back to human. He quickly put the clothes on that he'd laid at the end of the bed the night before, and the almond shaped eyes looked about. His bed was good enough, he liked his rug, he probably had a bathroom but who knew, and he had a chair and table. He went to eat some food then came back to clean his teeth and face, and combed through his neck length soft hair. It was the same black as the wolf fur, of course, and was straight but a bit messy even after being combed at. He didn't mind, and he went through the house to go outside and see if anyone else was up, as there were no pups to take care of so he just wanted someone to talk to.

Iris (Quill?)- f- 30 y- Desarius alpha mate- pan with male lean- mate: Bryce- no pups yet- Corden x Bailee: Roman (has mate), Ire and Ether and Renee- allergy to peanut butter...- potential dog- Tags: open-> Bryce
The cold and seemingly cruel but animal and book loving female hummed a small sound as she began to move towards waking. In other words, the lovely lighter skinned average height but slender she wolf was regaining consciousness. Not that she'd been in a coma or anything, she'd just been sleeping from the night before but was now starting to wake. As alluring blue eyes finally began to open, she sat up and noticed her mate wasn't in their bed, in their home. A home she knew to be a bit better looking than the ones the other had constructed/had help constructing. She shook her head at the thought, then let out a slow breath as she took in their room, which was also nice to look at. She then made herself actually sit up, shaking herself a bit which made the blanket fall down into her lap. She pushed it off herself and swung her feet out, putting on her socks then going to change into clothes rather than pajamas. She then went and put on her shoes, before having some food because she was hungry, and she...wasn't great to be around when hungry.

She ate her breakfast as fast as she could without hurting her belly or getting hiccups, because even a werewolf could have those things. She then went to clean her teeth and wash her mouth and face, before combing through her long wavy light blonde hair. It was to mid back, and she went to grab one of the many ribbons which she'd gotten. She hummed quietly as she picked a pretty lavender light purple colored ribbon, and ran it between her fingers. She then shook her head and cleared her throat, though no one was around to even see what she was doing. She then pulled her hair over her shoulder and began to braid it, going as quick as she could while still being precise. She thought of Bryce as she worked at her hair, knowing how much he cared for the pack but they... just weren't unified. She wasn't sure how she could help, because ones that didn't listen to him probably wouldn't listen to her. She shook her head but not enough to mess up her hair, and tied the ribbon around to secure the braid. The thirty year old she wolf then stood up again, stretching then heading out of the room then through the house. She hummed quietly as she headed for the door, coming outside to find her mate seeming to be lost in thought. She hurried over to him and said "Love...are you alright? What are you thinking on?" she asked, wondering if she needed to be worried. She didn't know if she needed to actually worry, but she was asking him for his thoughts. She just needed to know his thoughts, be sure he was alright and was just...thinking of food, or pups, or who to put in what higher ranks.
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Re: Howl to the Woods (Werewolf RP)

Postby Queen of flames » Sun Mar 13, 2022 10:42 pm

Amethyst Bellatrix
Twilight fighter | female | love interest is open | tags: open
She was being awakened for an hour now but didn't have enough spirit to get out of her bed. She turned around and listened to those faint conversations she could hear coming outside of her room, she could not hear what were they saying about, but likely nothing important. As a fighter, her duties were not as hectic as hunters were they need to get out to hunt and early morning was the best time for that as most of the animals were just woke up and rooming around to do their own things. Though she was feeling a little hungry, she was not eating much anything for a few days as she didn't like the one who looked her at in the mirror. She was getting some weight, and she hated it when her favorite clothes felt like they were going to pop out any time she wears them. Sighing she kicked the blanket away and got up to sit on her bed, her eyes looked at the window which was covered by the black curtain. Storing up she moved the curtains out of the way and watched the outside world for a moment 'this could be a good day for some exercise' she thought to herself before walking to get some of her running clothes out of her closet. For a werewolf, she sure had clothes of any kind, even if she could no need hem on her wolf form as wolves don't wear clothes. Thought now she thought to do some exercise in her human form as it was harder and could do a good to take away that little extra weight she felt she had.
She put on her black t-shirt and black trousers she usually wore when doing some exercise. Putting her long black hair into a ponytail and left her room.
William Shane
Twilight healer | male | love interest is open | tags: open
He woke up in his little room next to the healer's room. He did fast cleanups in his room, then walked toward the medical room. There was not happened any injuries or almost anything in here for weeks, so he felt like the medical room was just left too dusty there. Though he knew that he needed to take care of the room as it could be a very high risk of infection if something does happen and the room is dirty. He didn't really trust or like when the den tenders cleaned the room as he wanted to keep the things at the same places so he knew where to get them when needed them. So he was told any ten-tenders that he will take care of this room and they can only take the laundry out. He cleaned the rooms a bit and changed the trash, he looked at his dirty laundry bag near the door, seeing that it still had some of the dirty ones there '...still there huh, oh well I will take them to the laundry room on my way to take the trashes out' he thought to himself and took the laundry bag with him.
Ulric Gollum
Denarius fighter | male | love interest is open | tags:
(I don't know what to write for him...)
Heather Morticia
Denarius den-tender | female | love interest is open (maybe Atticus) | tags: open
She was being awakened for two hours already, doing some of her den-tender tasks, like cleaning the house, dishwashing, doing laundry. She enjoyed working in the early mornings as the air was fresh, and most of the others were either sleeping or relaxing somewhere. She could always do some naps later of the day, after the little duties she decided to do was done, for a den-tender there was not really any jobs which were needed to do at that minute she could herself decide when to do them. The clock was 9 am when she took the laundries out to hang them to dry on the clotheslines in the backyard. As she hang the laundries she eyed the windows of the mansion, seeing some movements happening here and there some of her packmates watched out of the windows. Sighing she took the laundry basket with her and walked out, hoping that anyone could not run into the backyard now to mess with the newly washed laundries. She could say about that to the youngest member Trevour but thought that the trainee could be old enough to understand it by himself, without snapping at him. Snapping was not her style anyway, so she took the basket to the laundry room and walked toward the kitchen to see if there was anything small to eat.
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Gehuil Asenah [01]

Postby Scorpioness » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:48 pm

Gehuil Asenah
[male/21 years old]_[demi/gay/poly]_[Desarius/Den Tender]_[Mate(s): open]_[tags: open]

He was a new face in the Desarius pack, he joined them about two months ago and the funniest thing was that he stumbled upon them by accident... It looked more like this: he was on his own since he left his former pack where he was born, he didn't remember these times positively, the memories were bitter and painful like a burn that had yet to heal... His parents constant comparing to everyone else that was better at anything that he was not and their neverending dissapointment left the biggest wounds on his heart. However he could only take so much before breaking, it happened right after unsucceful hunt were few young people (including him) got hurt, his parents came bashing at him right before everyone, it was too much and he was already on the edge. Gehuil made very impulsive decision that night, he left the pack with a small note: "Don't look for me".

Gehuil woke up a little later than usual, his dreams were restless, replaying the night he cut ties with his family over and over again, but not wanting to dwell on that he shook off the last remnants of sleep and started his day - today he helped with laundry, cleaning and he had to check vegetable garden. Unlike the rest of this pack, Gehuil was still wearing his traditional robes - he just couldn't wear modern clothes... they felt too releaving for his liking.
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Re: Howl to the Woods (Werewolf RP)

Postby Furrydogs12 » Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:55 am

Male/ 20/ Scout/ twilight/ mate: open/ tags: open

Clyde is open for interaction and I don't know what to write for him atm

Male/ 21/ Healer/ desarius/ mate: open/ tags: Raine

Augustus woke up fairly early this morning, up at the brink of dawn. This guy wasn't a late riser, no. He slept early most nights so he could wake up eaarly to avoid the morning bustle when everyone was frantic and scrambling to get to places.

Augustus had already eaten his breakfast, a quick bagel sandwich he slapped together with cheese, bacon, and eggs. He was sorting though the medicine stocks, marking down which were low or empty. He wrote them down on one of his many notebooks. He had many, all organized in the back of the medical ward. His hair was nicely combed and gelled; he'd already did his hair and clothes quite sometime ago. He wasn't one to slack off or be messy, always getting ready ahead of time, so in case anything comes up, he can make leeway. He heard someone speak from behind him, so he turned his head. "Hey, Raine! Good morning to you too!" he says cheerfully. He nods when she said she'd be right back and turned back to marking down what he needed to restock.

Female/ 23/ alpha's mate/ twilight/ mate: Winston/ tags: Denali

Celestia rose from her slumber, stretching and yawning. She got up, not spotting her mate. She walked across the room opening the curtains and letting the light shine into the room she shared with her mate, Winston. She was up late yesterday, partly arguing with her mate, as well as doing paperwork and patrolling. She looked to the alarm clock on her bedside table, either Winston turned it off, or she forgot to set it. She quickly set it so she wouldn't forget tonight. She walked into the bathroom conjoined to the master. She dragged her brush through her hair a few times before putting it up in a ponytail. Winters changed into a pair of sweats and a long sleeve shirt, probably Winston's, and slapped on her warm black coat. She walked out of the room, grabbed a muffin from the kitchen, and walked outside. She ate her muffin in peace, till she heard someone call her name. "oh, morning Ali" she says. "ya, I slept in, by accident I'll have you know. My alarm clock was off" she says as if it was the clock's fault for her late rising. "I was going to do some shooting practice, care to join me?" she replies, holding up her bow.

Male/ 27/ hunter/ twilight/ mate: open/ tags: open

Zoran is open, again idk what to write for him

Male/ 20/ fighter/ desarius/ mate: open/ tags: open

Atticus walked out of his room, silently the whole way. He avoided any other contact from his packmates, afraid of shifting and injuring any of them. Atty has no friend, probably for the best. Atticus gulped, feeling his wolf stir inside him, letting him know of its presence in the back of his head. He grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl on the kitchen counter and began peeling it. He took a bite, chewing the fruit. He then sat down in a corner, like he normally did, and finished his banana there. He stared out, not focusing on what was going on around him, zoning out.
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D | 002

Postby senna_ » Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:36 pm

───────────────── . he/him . twilight fighter . location; twilight camp . tags; celestia ─────────────────

    At first, Ali wasn't sure if Celestia had heard him. He had called from afar, and with the wind (which occasionally came and went, but it was rather powerfully strong when it was in action) acting as aggressive as it was, he wouldn't have been surprised if his voice got carried away. Eventually, though, her gaze did lift up from her muffin, and he automatically felt a smile play against the corners of his lips as they connected eyes. He drew closer.

    Ali didn't feel bad or guilty or anything along those lines from having a casual conversation with Celestia. In fact, he often felt quite comfortable being around her. It wasn't usually until Winston came along that he tensed up and visibly began to act differently; even Ali could catch himself doing it. His crush on Celestia had dimmed quite a bit since she and Winston officially announced themselves as a couple, but he couldn't deny that there was still something lingering inside. Despite that, Ali wasn't possessive or disrespectful. In fact, he'd never said anything to Celestia about his feelings. To this day, he had no idea if she ever suspected anything about them.

    "By accident," he returned with a teasing grin, placing his hands behind his back. "Sure, it was." The wink that followed it was surely enough to add to his teasing; Celestia was a go-getter, and Ali believed every word she said. His eyes lit up and he snapped upright as she mentioned shooting, momentarily peeling his eyes off of her to gaze out into the open. "I'd love that," he agreed. "I'll have to go find one." He paused yet again, slyly tilting his head as he studied her. "What's the occasion?" he asked. It wasn't often those who weren't Hunters who underwent shooting sessions unless given a decent reason for it.
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