Corruption of Elements (Accepting!)

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Corruption of Elements (Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:31 am


'Nightmare is a dark, malevolent entity that wants nothing more than to take control of every elemental, and force the world to do his bidding. It was written by the Ancient Elder that he came manifest in this world after falling through a now permanently sealed wormhole. However, he wasn’t always evil, as he once helped the world as it is to now thrive. But when he was denied complete control over everyone, for his true intentions in helping was to gain this full control, and so he became twisted and vengeful. Unfortunately, there were many people that sided with Nightmare, and they became his followers, naming them the Shadow Warriors. He grants dark power to his loyal Shadow Warriors, to allow them to corrupt other elementals, and possess them into fighting against those that resist Nightmare. Those that are corrupted have their powers amplified, but they can also burn out and exhaust themselves quicker, making them essentially disposable pawns to the Shadow Warriors and Nightmare.

There is a way to bring them back from corruption, a ritual to purify them, by journeying to an abandoned village named Fogmarke, and reciting an ancient spell while they - and the Corrupted one - stand in the healing fountain, while a sigil is drawn in charcoal made of wood from the enchanted oak tree that stands around a mile away from the village on the back of the Corrupted’s hand. But with this process being quite lengthy, it is often easier to end up killing them or allowing them to die from exhaustion, so such a decision must be made carefully, but also quickly.

For years, Nightmare had been trapped in a stone tablet, his image marked in the back of it, while the front reads the ritual and spell required to trap and destroy Nightmare, should he ever come free from the tablet (because the Ancient Elder sort of didn’t want to deal with that at the time, and guessed things would be safe until the end of time). Indeed, five years ago, one of Nightmare’s oldest and loyal Shadow Warriors traveled to Fogmarke - where the tablet was stored - having found the spell to release Nightmare from the stone tablet. In doing so, his life was taken so Nightmare could manifest in the world once more, and he destroyed the village (leaving only the near-indestructible structures such as the healing fountain, a disturbing, decrepit church where the tablet was once kept, and a few caves that have messages written in ancient languages, said to be left there by the Ancient Elder himself, regarding the prophecy). To try and ensure that he is never destroyed, Nightmare broke the tablet into twelve pieces, scattering them across the land. In the time that he has been free, he has been gathering power, and building up his army of Shadow Warriors, preparing to take over the six elemental camps to begin his rule.

However, the Ancient Elder left a prophecy, which has been passed down from generation to generation by the Elders of each camp. It was said that two elementals from each of the six camps - Fire, Water, Earth, Ice, Air, and Electricity - will meet, and they will form a team to fight Nightmare, and defeat him using the tablet. These elementals would be chosen by the Elder of each camp, in a premonition that they foresee themselves at the right time.’

(Note: This is a remake of my roleplay from around 7 months ago. You may not copy or reuse any unique parts of this roleplay)
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Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:32 am

You wake up to someone knocking loudly and frantically on the door to your cabin. When you finally answer the door, you barely get the chance to ask what the person wants, as they tell you: 'The Elder wants to see you!'. That sparks something in your head, and you're suddenly wide awake. It's always a big deal if the Elder of the camp wants to see you, and sent someone to wake you up at this time, because whatever it was clearly couldn't wait.

You quickly get changed, and go to the Elder's Cabin, where you spot one other person that is also part of the camp is also there. Confused, you both knock on the door of the cabin, then enter as the voice of the Elder grants you entrance. Once inside, you greet the Elder, who addresses the two of you, and says, 'I had a premonition last night, regarding the foretold prophecy. I saw the two of you fighting alongside ten other chosen young elementals… fighting for all of us,’

Naturally, you're a little surprised, maybe reluctant and confused. How did you manage to be chosen for the prophecy? You had never really thought you were anything more than the others. The Elder, however, doesn't take no for an answer, calmly explaining to you and reciting the well-known story of Nightmare and the prophecy. So, accepting what it probably your fate, you select one of the weapons offered to you, and you are requested to gather any supplies, armour and anything you need. The Elder then instructs you to travel to the abandoned village, Fogmarke, where you are to meet the others, and then begin finding the pieces of the tablet, for which clues should have been left within the village to guide the quest. Finally, after saying your goodbyes, you leave, not exactly confident that you will be returning. It is your time now, but will you be able to fulfill what you're destined for?
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The Land - Gwildor

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:36 am

This roleplay takes place in Gwildor, a fictional land (created by yours truly). The terrain varies widely, so some areas are more mountainous, some are open areas, others are more urban/city-like, some are coastal and some are foresty. There's some forms of transportation other than walking, but they are mainly public service-types of transport (bus, train, etc.), but none of them go any closer than five miles from Fogmarke, due to the stigma and panic around it after Nightmare’s release and destruction of the village. It’s fairly modern-Medieval, with plenty of technology aspects, but some areas do abstain from being highly technologically advanced, though everywhere does still run with technology to some degree. Most of the people living there have no powers, but they and the elementals get on well with one another, often helping or exchanging advice.

The elementals are all based in one of six different camps, each of which (depending on where they are) could be ten minutes to an hour away from the nearest settlement with other humans. There’s far more towns, villages and cities mentioned, of course, but the following are those that will be relevant for now.

The Fire Camp is situated at the base of a dormant, inactive volcano - Mt. Verica. The heat is comfortable for them, and it is where they are able to draw power from the excessive heat to help them with their powers. While they tend to walk around everywhere (the nearest other town being just a short ten minute walk away, where they get most of their supplies from), a bus does travel daily, every three hours, to a town named Adia, where more transport is accessible to go to other places. On market days, Wednesday and Saturday, the bus is more frequent, at every two hours.

The Water Camp is based on the coast, the sea air refreshing for them. In between the camp and the nearest town - Seacrest - is a large fishing dock and port that the two areas share. A fish market that takes place every two weeks attracts lots of customers, and both of the areas split the profits that they receive. They also make money by making things from driftwood and shells that they may find on the beaches. They have a train to take them to other places across Gwildor, if they also have a station.

The Earth Camp is secluded in a forest, with a clearly-marked trail to allow visitors that may require help, or for those going out to collect supplies to find them. No other transport runs through the Etheria Forest, but the village that is just outside of it does have it accessible. They are best known to be healers, using herbs collected in the forest and the natural power that may be granted to them from the earth and the trees. They do not get involved with much else, but do like to make conversation with visitors.

The Ice Camp is isolated in the Kana Ice Plains, where is it extremely cold and usually dangerous for those that are not prepared and cannot navigate the area. Snowstorms are quite uncommon, but not unheard of, though. They tend to use sledges pulled by horses or husky dogs, and ice skis in order to get around. They are one of the furthest camps away from any other village or town, because of its location, but by going to the town of Reda - an hour’s walk, and placed just outside of the Kana Ice Plains - they can get a bullet train to one of three other locations. The elementals here are also the sort of people that if the temperature rises to be just mild, then they’ll wear t-shirts and shorts.

The Air Camp is located up in the mountains, where it is said that overly-large birds nest - though this is not quite true. It is on a flat plateau, where the wind speeds are controlled by the elemental users there so that no one is pushed off the edge - though just in case, controlled wind barriers around the edge help to prevent such a thing from happening. Airlifts allow for them to travel easily up to the camp, and down to the Silver Valley, which they can then travel around Gwildor by either walking for a couple of miles to a town named Nalor, where they can get a train, or they can take a bus from Silver Valley.

The Electricity Camp is positioned within a fast-moving city, Zephia City. Their ‘camp’ is more of an entire apartment building where everyone resides, and is a few minutes to the city centre by bus. The city also has a huge solar panel walkway that goes above the roads, so it is generally quite safe (and green!). Their transport comes in from several other areas, and even within the city itself! Any new technological developments can certainly be found first here. It is also home to a huge hidden archive - only hidden for fear that Nightmare, or his Shadow Warriors, may destroy it if they come to Zephia City.

Fogmarke is the abandoned village, and where the tablet that Nightmare was once trapped in was kept. It was also the home of the Ancient Elder, and it is said that his spirit remains there, wandering the ruins of the once thriving, historical village. No transport goes within five miles of the village, because of the stigma that now surrounds it, and also because it is slowly being considered sacred ground. Memorials of those that were lost when Nightmare destroyed much of the village are placed on the edge of the five-mile point, and a vigil is held at these points every year. The only structures still fully standing are the healing fountain, the decrepit church (where the tablet was placed), and a few caves that the Ancient Elder wrote messages in ancient languages.

A single bullet train can take passengers across the land very quickly, though it has just four stations that are far apart. The four points are Seacrest, Reda, Adia and Zephia City.

The Citadel is Nightmare’s land, which he took over after his escape and building up his strength and power. Most of the people there are Shadow Warriors, but a small number - who are now trapped there - are regular people. Entrance and exit to the city is forbidden, unless you prove yourself to be loyal to Nightmare. There is a secret entrance, however, but more of that will be revealed later in the roleplay.
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Character List

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:49 am

You may have up to two characters, but they must be of different elements. You may also be a Shadow Warrior as well - these will not count towards your character limit, but still let me know if you'd like to be one, so that we can discuss how to integrate them into the roleplay. PM me to reserve, and post all characters in the discussion thread.

- Aeron Callahan|22|Non-binary|Twin Chakrams (Consulting_Angel)
- Kian Blaze|26|Cismale|Whip (Consulting_Angel)
Shadow Warriors (unlimited)
Last edited by Consulting_Angel on Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Strengths & Weaknesses

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:52 am

Every character must have three strengths and three weaknesses. Below is a list of traits to select from, and brief descriptions for each. I also advise that you keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses of other characters as well, so that it's not the same traits being used in particular areas.

> Agility - how fast your character can run.
> Healing - the healing ability for characters, whether they use herbs, or - in rare cases - can use their elemental power to heal others.
> Strength - shows how physically strong your character is.
> Defense - can involve creating shields using their element, and taking less damage.
> Endurance - shows how long your character can last while fighting/travelling/etc.
> Stealth - useful for sneaking around, surprise attacks, etc.
> Arms - a character's skill in using their weapon, and throwing stuff.
> Elemental Skill - the character's skill in using their element, including the control and power of their elemental attacks.
> Charisma - the ability to charm and persuade other people to give information or the like.
> Intelligence - a measure of a character's mental acuity.
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Character Form and Rules

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:02 am

You may use the form below, or use your own (as long as it has everything requested in the provided form). Post forms to the discussion thread.

Code: Select all
[left][img]Realistic Image/FC[/img][/left][b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]Nickname[/b] (if any):
[b]Appearance:[/b] (written description, optional)


[b]Strengths[/b] (see list - need 3):
[b]Weaknesses[/b] (see list - need 3):


- No Mary Sues/Gary Stus/God modding.
- PM me to reserve - they last for 24 hours, though you may request an extension.
- Please only join if you're going to actually be active and not forget about the roleplay after joining.
- Interact with other characters and don't leave anyone out! That said, don't just wait around for someone to interact with you, or keep constantly asking if anyone's characters are open - especially if you haven't posted yet!
- Roleplay post lengths must be a paragraph of 6-7 lines (in size 85 font) at the minimum. Slightly shorter posts may be acceptable occasionally, but absolutely no posts that are only 1-3 lines.
- Characters must be at least 22 or older.
- No romantic relations between your own characters.
- Please disable signatures in the roleplay thread.
- Weapons can be anything (within reason, and no guns), but don’t have the same weapon as someone else.
- Keep OOC chat and character forms to the discussion thread.
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Updates & Events

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:38 pm

Any updates and announcements will go here, so be sure to check back occasionally!

One or two tablet locations will be hinted at/revealed throughout the roleplay, and characters can decide - if there's more than one location revealed - which one they want to go and find next.

Tablet Piece Locations:
Piece 1 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 2 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 3 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 4 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 5 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 6 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 7 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 8 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 9 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 10 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 11 - Not yet revealed.
Piece 12 - Not yet revealed.
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Re: Corruption of Elements (Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:51 pm

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