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002. do you remember

Postby འབྲོག་ཁྱི » Thu Sep 30, 2021 3:22 am


─────── 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐔𝐒 ─── 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐍 ─────────────────────────⯮
──────────────────────────────────────────── 𝙎𝙄𝙇𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙇𝘼𝙆𝙀 ──────⯮
    LOCATION; trail > meadow cabin TAGGING; Silver Lake pack MENTIONED; (everyone) WC; 2,044

      Gentle eyes regarded Ambrose as Marcus fell back to allow his packmates to lead the way down the sole path.
      indentindent"I know, 'Brose," he sympathized, trekking over snaking roots and protruding rocks on sure feet. The wind pushing past the trees caught the collar of his flannel, aimlessly twisting it this way and that. As the russet trail meandered further among the evergreens and winter-bare boughs, Marcus's eyes found Billie, now engulfed in his jacket, as her fingers worked restlessly at something hanging from her neck. He felt for her, deeply. He knew closely how losing a parent was much like a piece falling out of a once-sturdy chain, and how the links required much time to mend and be close to what they once were ─ although they couldn't be expected to be exactly the same. They had been robbed of that time, the days of quiet mourning, by the arrival of the soldiers, but Marcus knew that these were not things that could simply be swept under the rug and forgotten about. They would get settled and he would ensure that they had a time and a place to remember, unrushed.
      indentindentindentThe path eventually became slick with the leaves the trees had shed in their preparation for the coming winter, and Marcus followed his pack closely, as if he were the shepherd looking to ensure that his flock climbed the hillside without issue. Billie, in particular, as some whim had overtaken the soldiers and resulted in her having been sedated for the journey. Chills aside, she seemed to be coming out of it, but a familiar protective urge tugged at him to keep an eye on her, because he wished to catch any sign of a possible falter before she could fall. They did not know what might have been in that injection or what adverse effects could follow, and if something were to happen, they were a medic short.

      indentindentindentMarcus himself knew how much illness and injury, those dangers he could not force away or combat in the stead of his peers, flooded him with a dread-filled sense of helplessness, which was an emotion he was not at peace with. It was much easier to be and to regard oneself as a bastion when bulk and muscle were all it took to ward off the threat and to know that, as long as he placed himself between them and it, there was nothing it could do to harm those he felt himself responsible for. Illness, old age, poisons ─ they were invisible, silent, gradual and creeping, and there was nothing he could do when they stole their way behind his back. How much he had hoped he could have simply shaken the years loose from his father's body and had him stand tall again, renewed and vigorous, the way he remembered Douglas from those many walks and adventures in his childhood. How he wished it were him leading the pack down the path, and not Marcus.
      indentindentindentThere was one day he recalled in particular, when the clouds had drooped low and heavy across the sky, casting seemingly the entire world in a dreary state of slate grey. In spite of it having been sometime around noon, the fog among the boughs had been too dense for daylight, but they had gone to the woods anyway. Marcus had been barely an adult then, lankier, and certain about things not because he had known them to be true but because a young mind such as his was filled with wilful determination. Yet those had been both the days he could remember the weight of the inevitable future feeling as if it were at its heaviest, and the days Douglas had spoken to him about many things that had then seemed vague and too scattered to understand in their true depth. He understood now, as if Douglas had set the words in him those years ago and they had only later opened up to comprehension and closer examination.
      indentindentindentAs far as Marcus knew, there had never been a time in his life ─ not even in his youth ─ when he would have been recalcitrant or lively to the point of being difficult, but he had once been eager to raise his fists and challenge every danger that would come to cross his path. Having taken care of Ambrose from when his brother was merely a baby and Marcus a teenager, he had learned patience and found a sense of calm early on, and although his impulse to take on the entire world for his family was not something he had given in to, Douglas had somehow always seen that it was there. For on that day, when they had been picking their way through a mountain pass, the alpha had lured him there with the promise that they were tracking some great danger to the pack.
      indentindentindentMarcus's head had gone to mountain lions and black bears, maybe even hunters, but when Douglas had pointed to a stream bending along the cliffs, he had been confused. His father had patiently pointed out the foul smell and the danger that lurked in the water, which could not be defeated with a fist or sharp teeth. He had then explained that they would negotiate with the men who had brought pollution to the mountain pass, and although he had followed his father's lead without complaint, it had seemed contradictory then, because surely they could have simply forced them to clean up their messes, but Marcus had understood later that brute force would only have served to bring those men's hatred down on the pack. Negotiation was a valuable tool for any leader.

      indentindentindentAs the view widened into a meadow, the trees began to scatter away from the path, which faded into not much more than vegetation trampled beneath the falls of scarce boots. The grass lay in large tangled mats, as if finding itself defeated in the face of the nightly frosts that left a hoary rime all across the fields before the sunrise would burn it away. The last of the trucks' acrid smell fell away here, dissipating in the brisk air and giving way to not only a verdant landscape bent into the slightly sweet smell of autumn's will but the scents of many wolves, undoubtedly those who had left behind the trails of bowed grass and disturbed earth.
      indentindentindentWith the scents came the passive knowledge that the bodies here were more numerous than Marcus had assessed from the few they had encountered at the place they had been left, and the much more threatening understanding that these were strangers, whose thoughts and actions could not be entirely predicted. There were many sorts of minds that he had encountered during his days of learning from his father and watching him negotiate with other leaders, and as much as most wished to solve matters through peaceful means, there were always the few to whom chaos was a tranquil state and war an undisturbed dream. It was almost as if Marcus's train of thought had split onto two parallel tracks, one of them insistent on seeking safety in numbers and the other warning him of each possible danger this could bring ─ and there seemed to be many, with the threat of claws and teeth potentially among the least of them.
      indentindentindentIf there was anything he had learned from his father, then this was the time to negotiate and learn what the intentions of the other packs in the partition were. What he knew to be an apparent issue, the one glaring him in the face from atop all the other small problems, was that a single territory split among many packs had historically been a terrible idea, not to mention multiple packs in a shared living space, and in this, the government had been rather short-sighted. When hierarchies began to chafe, it did not matter much how good and benevolent intentions might have once been. Marcus needed to find out what the others wanted, because the immediate solution to several packs in a single area was their merging, and he could not allow his father's legacy to dissolve into a group that could end up splintering due to infighting regardless.

      indentindentindentAt the very edge of the meadow, atop a slight rise in the ground, loomed a cabin with its balcony hanging above the field of grass. A different man, someone less steady and attached to his sense of protectiveness, might have found himself feeling sheepish, but Marcus did not hesitate as he gestured for his pack to take the stairs up to the cabin. The clear scent of wet wood rose from each step that creaked underfoot until the complaints of the planks turned into the sound of gravel beneath the soles of his boots. The door resisted as he went to open it, the jambs clinging on tightly, but it budged with a groan as he forced it. Dust had settled onto every surface inside as a fine grey layer, and the entryway was void of the smells of living ─ in fact, the cabin smelled cold and desolate, but he hoped a way to remediate that would soon reveal itself.
      indentindentindentMarcus turned to Ambrose, and although his initial plan had been to hand the bags over to him, he reconsidered and set them on the floor beside him in case his carsickness had proven more stubborn than usual. He gave a reassuring pat to his upper arm, even when it left half-dried mud on his fingers ─ which he ignored for the time being to spare his brother any more suffering over his fall.
      indentindent"Go clean up and see if you can find a place for us to unpack. I'll take a look around and see what we are working with," he proposed. Having something to do would be good for all of them, to keep uncertain minds from conjuring up worst-case scenarios and idle hands from creating them. Then he turned to Billie, still huddled in his jacket. He wanted to keep an eye on her, not because he didn't believe her capable, but because the possibility of some late reaction to the sedative was something that, frankly, terrified him. Although it comforted him to know that their medic was with the bulk of the pack and would take good care of them in his absence, it also meant that they were left without one, and there were terribly few things that Marcus knew about first aid.
      indentindent"Come look around with me?" he suggested, already gesturing for her to step further into the cabin.

      indentindentindentA solution to the chill radiating from the timber walls presented itself in the form of a fireplace set into the far wall of what Marcus presumed to be the living room based on the furniture placed around it. The stack of logs nearby was low, and he added finding a way to make more to his itinerary of tasks, but he found a matchbook wedged between two pieces of firewood, and that was all he would need for now. Slivers of dried bark shed onto the floorboards as he set a few logs into the opening, struck a match, and patiently waited for the wood to take the flame before tossing the match in. He dusted himself off as heat began rising from the fireplace and a warm glow stretched to limn the cushions of the threadbare couch.
      indentindentindentAdjacent to the living room was a kitchen, and on the counter separating the two rooms, there sat a sizeable cardboard box labeled as supplies. But what was of more immediate interest was that peeking from underneath one of the corners was a piece of paper, and Marcus shifted the package aside, but what he read left a crease between his brows. It was a requisition form for a few items at a time ─ very few items. Many people needed many different things, undoubtedly more than it would allow. Keeping it to himself was not an option, but he was certain that choosing what they would request would inevitably become a point of contest. He would have to find the correct people to negotiate with, sooner than later.
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happy where you are [003]

Postby `silver » Thu Sep 30, 2021 2:55 pm

tags; harlow mentions; loki, soren, casper, dakota location; valley cabin > meadow cabin word count; 1,935

For once, the darkness that normally enveloped Amyas's gaze was betrayed by the overwhelming light and mirth that the werewolf before her carried, weaving it into their breathless exchange. How long had it been since she'd held such a genuine conversation? The words she'd summoned being of a topic she would've never thought she'd be bringing out from the depths of her heart and mind into the open again with such ease. Without hesitation. The fever that had wracked her body, gnawing at her insides with ravenous intentions to change the very fiber of her then human being into something that could be reflected only onto ink and paper. An inner strength unfurling, scoring fissures into her broken mind at the time with an irrevocable desire to give into the pain, submerge her head into the cascading rush of darkness that was tearing into her weakened heart. The pair of humans whom she gave too much credit in raising her, their hollowed expressions that she'd grown so used to locking eyes with boring down on her with renewed abhorrence as her turmoil took on the grotesque form that was her wolf before their very presence. Amyas almost missed his chuckle, the attempt to retain the light atmosphere receiving a delayed reaction due to the cracking of her very bones, the extending and compressing of sinew, echoing in her distant thoughts until they both halted their advance towards another part of the forest.

She'd murmured quiet comforts to Harlow knowing that she would never be able to hear them on her own. Never be able to accept her own words herself but still willing to reach out from the darkness to push him towards the light--where he should always stay. Where he belonged and she did not. It was true that he would never truly know how a bitten wolf functioned in being a born werewolf himself, but it was that obliviousness that had her leaving out the little details. Details she didn't want him to catch a whiff of in knowing how she'd changed so much since the last time they'd graced each other. At that same moment, warmth settled on her chilled face. "As cliche as this sounds, it's not your fault nor do I blame you." She could feel her shoulders lowering at the heat of his palm cupping her cheek, her eyes brightening with renewed focus as her mind snapped to the reality before her. There was no use in fretting over things that couldn't be changed, especially things as trivial and life-threatening as the past. The darkness that had settled over her like a shroud would simply have to be dealt with.

At the same time, she had to admit that the feelings coursing through her felt more foreign than familiar. She could recognize them, sort them like a mental filing cabinet with a labeling system, but their warmth, they way that they made her tremble with not fear or anger, but joy, it felt unreal. She wasn't one to be so soft nor did her emotions normally take rein over rational thought. And yet here Harlow was, bringing the world that fell into harsh focus to a softer blur. Full of that warmth, a radiance that she didn't want to see fade yet afraid of crushing it upon grasping it too tautly. The fact that he was happy to see her again was enough. More than enough, honestly.

At his lips quirking up, she expected more of his smooth words to come tumbling out but she hadn't expected the idea of him going out of his way to look for her. The time that they'd spent together had been brief yet the impact that it had was enough to intertwine both of their lives enough for things to align. Just the mere concept of Harlow attempting to scour endless territories and concrete jungles for her allowed the weight on her shoulders to lift away for a heartbeat. Her mind felt light, shackles coming undone and she finally caved at the unbearable resistance in her chest as her own warmth escaped into the air. It was brief--the laughter that escaped her lungs--but it confirmed one thing to her: she didn't want to see that twinkle in his eyes fade or worry to crease his forehead.

She noted the way he'd straightened upon their approach to the cabin, assuming that they were on the right track to finding someone he'd recognized. The closer he'd drawn to the porch, the more that the warmth that had grasped her loosened it's grip and returned the air to it's normal, autumn chill that spoke of the presence of other wolves. It's cold again. Her feet remained planted whilst she watched Harlow bound towards the cabin, easily whipping the door open to reveal a glimpse of a couple of people standing in the main living area from what she could see. Another smile graced her lips in hearing their chattering, finding a moment of comfort in how Harlow hadn't been alone all this time without her. He'd never been the type to enjoy being by himself so she was glad there were those that were willing to stay by him and his overzealous antics.

The only problem now was that she'd have to be around werewolves she didn't know. People for that matter. The first obstacle was already cultivating a glowing orange light on the porch steps, cutting the crisp scent of firs with the dusty, bitter flare of tobacco. The light that had amassed around her cooled into a shroud of indecipherable emotions as she too made her way onto the porch, offering Loki a brief glance in order to make a mental note of each wolf. She peered inside at first before casually leaning on the doorway, keeping her hands tucked away in her cardigan's pockets to conceal the way they were trembling. Her dark gaze swept along the interior of the building, wrought with distrust after promptly smothering the light she'd held only minutes ago. Four wolves. I'm assuming all a part of Harlow's pack. Amyas tilted her head slightly when her eyes caught sight of Soren witnessing the scene between Harlow and the rest of his wolves, partially capturing how he appeared to be curious before his body had gone rigid with the arrival of Harlow. Interesting.

She took another look at Loki whom stood less than a few footsteps away from her, taking another gander at the wolves Harlow embraced so contently as well before she scoffed quietly, another smile threatening to soften her features but vanishing as she turned away from them. Like a vampire, she couldn't cross the threshold. It wouldn't feel right to intrude nor did she feel she belonged in such a .. healthy dynamic? Let's call it a conflict of interest. Perhaps she was giving herself an excuse to not have a chance to ruin what Harlow had established, to insert herself into another pack's territory where she didn't belong. She couldn't tell if it was a wolf thing or if it was simply her natural disdain for others and trusting her own feelings. It'd be easier to just sleep under the trees in her wolf form, even if it would be painful in more ways than one. She didn't trust herself.

Wordlessly, Amyas stepped away from the scene and down the steps onto the dewy grass. A gentle zephyr brought more scents rolling in, one of which striking her as recognizable. Her mind sifted through the traces of sandalwood and musk to catch something along the lines of ginger and.. something smoky? Maybe the tobacco smell was confusing her. Pressing her mouth into a small line, Amyas followed the traces past the soft slope where the cabin in the valley stood, reaffirming her place within the verdant foliage to confirm her suspicions. Her memories offered no assistance as she couldn't match a name nor a face to the defining scent. She knew this person. A soft growl threatened to rumble in her chest at her foggy recollections, her wolf stirring for whatever reason the further she tried to bring those images and interactions to the forefront of her mind. Quit acting up and tell me who it is. It was almost as if her wolf knew and just didn't want to tell her. For protection, irritation out of being disturbed, she didn't know. Amyas breathed a deep sigh to expel her annoyance and continued to track down the scent, passing through a different part of the forest that didn't veer too far from the path that her and Harlow had traversed. Several imprints within the peaty soil paired with trampled grasses and a few broken branches on the trees ahead marked the passing through of several others, denoting a similar group of wolves had cut through here.

Out of wariness for how exactly they'd greet her, Amyas decided to take a wider berth once the trees began to thin out, following the way they seemed to encircle a particular meadow and keeping to the trunks of the arbors for proper cover. She couldn't deny that stepping through the field of lush green was tempting, the lack of cover being something of more interest since there was nothing to halt the wind from howling through the open air. It'd be a wonder to run through. Getting distracted, focus. Another cabin, similar to that of where Harlow's pack resided sat comfortably on the edge of the meadow, it's backside coming into view the further she followed the natural separation of areas. Tall windows cut into the wooden cabin similar to that of Harlow's, providing some manner of looking into the building but for some reason her eyes wouldn't raise to peer in. Still hate making random eye contact with the unknown, huh? Even as a child, Amyas had hated the idea of looking out or into a window to realize someone or something had been staring at her the whole time. It was annoying, a little pathetic maybe, but she wouldn't fight it right now. If they were operable, someone could easily wrench them open and toss something at her too so it was better if she started moving again.

With a final glance she glided past them, shrugging her shoulders to relieve herself of any leftover apprehension from before and circuited around to the front of the cabin. The scent of other werewolves was so fresh she wondered if she'd just missed them entering the building. I'm not sure if I should even be here. The trail to the scent ended on the porch, the individual she'd been tracking most likely having arrived with their pack and now existing behind the closed door. Knocking would be awkward, budging in sounds wrong and yet again, interacting with people. Should she just defect from Green Ridge at this point? What kind of Beta could barely even stand to talk to other people, let alone be around them? She took a note from Loki's book and decided to make due with just sitting on the porch steps, letting her legs stretch out before her and using her hands to prop herself up as she sat. Eventually she'd have to talk to someone but if they hadn't noticed her yet, everything would be fine. Until then, she looked over the landscape in solitude, allowing brief flickers of memories to begin upwelling.

I hope I didn't just follow someone that wants to end me, whoops.
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⚔️ ii || "We do a lot of walking, don't we?"

Postby Zyn » Sun Oct 03, 2021 9:04 am

⚔️ 𝐚Mвŕᵒᔕᶤ𝐎𝕤 𝓦𝔥𝕖ĹAŇ ⚔️
Born Werewolf || Fighter || Male || Twenty-Four || Demisexual-Panromantic || wc: 1,333

⚔️ Location: Meadow Cabin
⚔️ Tags: Amyas & Marcus
xxxxxxxxxAmara & Billie
⚔️ Mood: Well.. better I suppose

    A subdued gaze meet Marcus's gentle one before Ambrose pulled away to lead the way down the path. He offered only a small tilt of his head to indicate to his older brother that he had heard their words. Even if he had wanted to reply, which he wasn't very inclined to do, the words would have been guided away but the same wind that was tugging relentlessly at his jacket. Cold wafts of air slipping through the thick hoodie to attack at his warm core. With the haze that settled over his mind from the relentless carsickness of the past hours he wasn't really concerned with the cold. He tightened his grip on his bag, keeping his gaze fixed on the path in front of him. The last thing he wanted was to collapse like a fool on the path before his packmates. He had already found himself face first in the dirt and wasn't eager to have a repeat of earlier, though that had hardly been his fault. Each step away from the truck was only yet another stark reminder of how far from home they were. Each step was a step away from the very place he had grown up and come to know and love. Even with stints away from the pack he had always felt that tug to return home. It seemed like no matter how far he strayed he always found himself making his way back. Back to the people he loved and the place that gave him peace. If he was more aware of his surroundings he might have taken note of the trees and the scents that clung to the underbrush. Scents that indicated the presence of multiple lupine, all strange and unfamiliar.

    No, he noticed none of it. In fact he didn't seem to stir from his haze until they were stepping into a meadow. His gaze slowly swept over the grass and then wide open space that he hadn't been expecting. As he drew in a deep breath, allowing the scents of the meadow to glide over his senses he finally noticed the strange notes that had gone over his head earlier. His brows furrowed slightly and his lips tugged downwards at the sharp tang of multiple wolves in one place. The wolves beside him were comforting, grounding the tired wolf and taming the wolf that demanded that he fight for their claim on the land. He was neither in the condition to be running around fighting random wolves nor was in the position to act on such instincts. If Marcus ordered them to attack he would without hesitation. But that was highly unlikely, seeking peace would probably be the first thing his older brother would try for. Violence especially when faced with potentially every single wolf that he could smell wasn't a wise idea. He pulled his gaze away from the meadow around them and slowly shifted until it landed on his taller older brother. He watched with a exhausted expression as Marcus took in the meadow as well. Then he was following behind the tall wolf as they made their way across the meadow and towards a cabin at the edge of the meadow. It was a fairly impressive sized cabin. Striding up the stairs he gave the air a curious sniff, unlike before this place didn't smell like the wolves. It meant that whomever they had smelled hadn't come this way, not yet at least. Taking a step into the cabin his nose wrinkled at the level of dust that clung to every surface in sight.

    Ambrose would have ventured further in but he was stopped at the sound of bags being set at his feet. He paused and lifted his gaze to peer up at Marcus, a brow cocked curiously. His brother reached out to give him a reassuring pat on his upper arm, something he had to refrain from leaning into it. For a moment his car sickness was forgotten as the corner of his lips quirked upwards in an amused smirk, would have looked normal if it wasn't for obvious exhaustion that was etched on his face. "Don't worry I would get this place any dirtier than it already is" he quipped before taking a step back. He couldn't help but notice the way Marcus looked after Billie. For the best he knew logically, she had been sedated and it would be wise to keep an eye on her for a bit. However a part of Ambrose, a part he hated, twinged with jealously. Before he could make a fool of himself he headed further into the cabin, peering into dusty room in search of a bathroom. It didn't take long until he stumbled upon a bathroom and he slunk inside. It wasn't the most extravagant bathroom he had ever seen but it would work. After fiddling with the shower he managed to coax a stream of water, even warm water. Without even bothering to de-robe he stepped under the water and watched the mud get washed away, coloring the water by his feet a disgusting brown color. He only stripped after the majority of the mud that had clung to his clothes had been washed away. The rest of the shower went by quickly as he cleaned his hair and he was soon stepping out of the shower feeling a couple of pounds lighter. Digging through his bag he pulled out a set of clean cloths and quickly dressed. He paused only once to peer in the dirty mirror and observe the bruise that was blooming across his spine. He left his clothes hanging in the hopes that they would dry and the remaining mud would flake off.

    The shower even with the added time of rising off his cloths had barely been ten minutes. Stepping out of the bathroom he glanced around at the cabin. He would have returned to Marcus' side to trail by his brother's side but the alpha was nowhere to be seen. Sure he could have sought out his brother by following their scent but he chose not to. Instead he picked his way through the cabin and back to the door they had entered through. Getting fresh air might be the next best ideas, perhaps it would clear his mind in ways that the showed hadn't been able to. His fingers wrapped around the door handle and he smelled her before he had even opened the door. The scent of a strange wolf so close hit him like a freight train. Rather than barging out as though ready for a fight he slowly opened the door, his body tense and ready to leap if it came down to it. However what he saw made him pause. A woman with delicate features and long dark brown hair sat on the porch steps, looking for the world like she was relaxing. A strange carrier had been set next to her, two jackets laid haphazardly across them as though someone had been in a rush. A distinctly woody scent with hint of floral and spice clung to the jackets and wafted towards him making it clear that they didn't belong to the woman. As he stood there his head tilted curiously he observed the woman. There was something familiar about her, tugging at the back of his mind as though he should know her well. And then it suddenly hit him, washing over him with memories of a time when he had been younger. Flashes of a fight and then an understanding, followed by days of traveling side by side. As the shock pulsed through his body his fingers twitched, loosing their grip on the items he had clutched to his chest sending them tumbling to the porch with a dull thud. "Amyas" the name slipped past barely parted lips. Shock, excitement, fear, and wariness swirled in his mind as he stood unable to move to voice any of this thoughts out loud.
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𝐓𝐖𝐎. "drowning in the lake check!"

Postby kalo. » Mon Oct 04, 2021 7:34 am

      mood; lord help her // mentions; other pack mems // tags; twins, ximena // wc; 1037

    indentRight away Catalina knew she was going to have to help the two. Between their... Disgusting state and the male being knocked out, there was no way for them to get to their destination. And, Well. She would take one for the team. If only Catalina was exposed to the lice it would be more beneficial than if Everyone was exposed. Rather have one patient than... several... hundred... patients. Whoever was in charge of the medical side of things was going to get a rude awakening. Catalina felt bad for them. However, Catalina Didn't want her exmate's backpack to get infested and ruined. She would rather get lice herself than let them lay eggs on the precious cargo. Adjusting her backpack to take it off and throw her shoes in, Catalina turned to where her daughter Should have been. Wanting to have her hold the precious backpack so the lice didn't get infested into it. But. Ximena was gone. "You better hope I don't find you slacking off." She hissed under her breath, throwing the backpack back onto her back before shoving past Gretel. Her blood boiling under her thin skin as she hopped back in the truck. Ignoring the way the government soldiers watched her. Feeling her face heat up in frustration as she adjusted her long skirt. Moving to grab the twin and drag him off of the bench. Wincing as he landed with a thud on the metal flooring of the truck. "Sorry hun. Don't have the time to waste here." Finally the wolf got Hansel at the end of the truck. Letting out a sigh before grabbing twin underneath of his armpits, and rather hastily she dragged him out of the truck. Metaphorical ears flattening against her head at the sound of his feet slamming against the ground. Hopefully, she wasn't hurting him Too harshly. But again, she was one person. Gretel certainly wasn't fit enough to carry him.

    indentOnce Cat had gotten him far enough away from the truck she slowly put him down. Wiping at her forehead before groaning in frustration. This day was a mess and she would give anything to start it over again. But in a different truck. Adjusting her backpack once more and tying her curly hair up, Catalina went back to work. This time grabbing Hansel and holding him bridal style. It was more comfortable for both of them but at the cost of the lice. So she angled his head away, making sure to keep her head held high. Glancing at his twin before starting to move. "Grab his stuff dear. I ain't carrying that."

    indentThe matriarch started to move without a second thought. Gretel could find her way if she got lost. Plus something told Cat that Gretel wouldn't be too far behind. The twins seemed close. It brought a frown to her face to think that they only had each other. Deep down Catalina had a feeling that maybe that was why she was helping them and risking her own comfort and sanity health. Letting her bare feet dig into the soft earth as she made her way through the trees. She wasn't quite sure Where she was going, but she just followed the scent of her kin. Her face was stone cold as she saw the clearing open up to reveal the others. Eyes digging daggers into anyone that dared look at her. She wasn't about to cause a scene, but she would give anything to have this whole situation go away. She let her eyes scan the area, looking for anywhere to place the unconscious twin before behind the lakes she could make sight of a reflection. Water. That's what she would do. She'd dump the twin by the water and then drown herself. Either that or she would dump the twins and drown them. With how the day was going, the latter of the two seemed to be the better option. However, the feeling of Hansel in her arms only made her ears flatten. He was so light. He had to be just shy of twenty, and for him to be so light in her arms made her feel sick. They needed care, and fast. The wolf knew nobody else would want to care for the two, so Cat had already decided she would. She didn't necessarily Want to right now, but her inner wolf wanted others to care for again. The painful memory of caring for all of her children arising. Causing her grip to tighten on Hansel. She needed others to take care of again. So the twins were the answer. Whether she liked it or not.

    indentAdjusting her grip on the twin she started. Making sure to shy away from the others to avoid an unnecessary conversation as well as the Lice. Cursing in Spanish under her breath as she kept moving. Feeling her skin crawl with the thought of the bugs crawling on her. So she sped up, digging her heels into the dirt as a snarl escaped her. The lake coming into sight. The rippling edge coming closer and closer. If Catalina enjoyed shifting as much as her family used to, she would have dropped the twin and bolted into the lake as her wolf. But she refused to shift after the incident. Keeping to her human form as she neared the lake. Feeling her body start to relax knowing she could put the twin down. So that she did. Dropping Placing Hansel down on the grass near the lake before tearing her backpack off. Tossing it away from the twins before moving to rip her shirt and skirt off. Not even missing a beat before she was diving into the lake. Shaking her long hair under the water and scrubbing at her scalp. Feeling her whole body relax as she stayed under the water. Closing her eyes to try and pretend she wasn't in this situation. However, one must come up for air. So at the last possible second, she surfaced. Taking a large gasp for breath before shaking her hair out of her face. Hair, Makeup, and clothes be damned. All the mother wanted right now was a drink. And her sanity back.
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Re: visions coalesce [004]

Postby `silver » Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:37 pm

tags; ambrose, caydran, kieron mentions; harlow location; meadow cabin word count; 2,452

I know who you are, but what do you mean to me?

A slow, quiet ache began to trickle from her chest as Amyas allowed her inner strength, her wolf, to take hold of the body that they shared. It wanted to help her remember, but only if she took the initiative to reach out for it. Fingers dug into the wood of the porch as she closed her eyes in order to focus, not only using the ground beneath her as a means of steadying herself, but also to not give in to the power that the undulating pain whispered into her ears. She wasn't quite shifting, but more so anchoring herself to the level in which her wolf seemed to exist, letting go of her awareness to her surroundings, relinquishing her senses to that of the lupine that stirred beneath.

A few weeks, maybe a month, had passed since she had abandoned her humanity. The temptation of the shift had battered her to the point of being unbearable after she'd attempted to tamp down the instincts of the wolf. With no proper guidance, she'd decided on trying to ignore the feelings entirely and dampen her senses back down to something more so along the lines of the mundane. Streets rushing with herds of people, their bodies wavering between blurs of color and a cacophony of voices ranging between murmurs and caterwauls, skyscrapers that she once marveled now casting their deep shadows over her, taunting with reprieve even when she knew she couldn't stay in one place. If she stopped moving, she wouldn't be distracted which meant that she would lose control. Amyas could almost taste the multitude of emotions in the air, hear the wild thudding of heartbeats all around her even when she tried to turn down their volume. If it wasn't the sound, it was the smells, and if not those, it was simply the feel of the people and life whisking past her. The city was a new werewolf's worst nightmare. The stimuli was just too much.

At one point, she broke. Amyas had finally left the city that she knew and once loved, trading it for vast, open sky and towns that batted an eye at her city slicker form, but asked no questions. The need to shift made her want to tear at her very skin, lapped at her with fervor that struck her sharpened senses with a dizzying spell of nausea and most of all, brought the wolf lurking within her out into the open. She could hear it's snarls for release, thought she could see it's looming form within the shadows. It wanted out, now.

It's wish was soon granted when she set her sights on traveling further north, trying to recall the area in which she'd once been to when she'd met Harlow. The forests there had welcomed her, but the residents within had not been so forgiving. She soon found herself cornered by those of her kind more often than not. The questions that were raised no longer carried that certain curiosity such as a situation where a person wandered onto someone else's property by mistake. They were accusatory, full of aggression and suspicion. A wolf protecting it's territory from the likes of a loner. She couldn't blame them. How many times she'd shifted, exposed her cries of pain as her human body morphed nearly against her will, she couldn't remember. Wouldn't remember. The whispers of power whilst traveling through lush landscapes had turned into howls whipping through the wind, not allowing her to rest until she gave in completely. Amyas hadn't known the consequences of resisting the shift until she allowed it to take over and even then she refused to learn her lesson. Her wolf had been like any other wild animal. It sought food, water and shelter like any other being, but it also fought for the little it had, building it's strength, learning from it's surroundings and eventually.. acknowledging her. Recognizing the fact that it couldn't be this way forever if they both wanted to survive.

Her first lesson. She hadn't seen him, but could sense his presence sifting through the foliage on the outskirts of a territory she knew belonged to multiple wolves--a pack. It had been a risk, but the reward had been far better. It sat in a corner tucked away from civilization, but if you followed a few roads, you would come to find a small, yet bustling little town. It stroked at her humanity, bringing with it another type of clarity that gently brushed away the feral haze she'd settled into for months. She wanted to wander into town as a human again, to follow a narrow concrete path lit in the night by yellow-amber lights and yearn silently for the comfort of others that would accept her struggles with open arms. To not have to worry about the next time she would have to find a meal or when she would have to keep moving so that she wouldn't be attacked, or worse, captured. These were the thoughts that had wormed their way into her instinctual mind. If she left the territory, it would tear away the part of her that she felt she couldn't give up, even if there were times when she wanted to. So she fought for it instead, fought as if her very life depended on it.

His footfalls had been utterly silent even as he barreled forward, dark brown-black fur combatting the stark white of her own coat. Deep crimson had already clung to patches of her fur before he'd begun his pursuit, brightening when together they became a flurry of snarls. Amyas had sized up her foe incorrectly. She’d underestimated his strength as well as the bond he shared with his wolf that she didn't have, but made up for it with sheer willpower fueled by her unspoken desire to be human again for the first time. They exchanged wounds swiftly, fangs sinking into burdened flesh, powerful sinews being exhausted until both of their strengths were evenly matched and the message was clear.

What had followed suit, Amyas definitely had not expected. He hadn’t attempted to chase her off the area or seriously maim her enough to drag her back to his own pack, but rather offered her a look of confusion and curiosity. As if he wasn’t sure of what to make of her. He’d exposed his human form to her eventually, probably after realizing the fact that she wasn’t a seasoned or born wolf like himself. She didn’t know why and she didn’t ask. He’d tried to coax her out of her wolf form after a good while of simply existing by her without knowledge of the fact that she’d never actually turned back before. Somehow, he’d managed to pull her out of her wolf’s figurative maw, Amyas soon settling into her human skin after what felt like years of fending for herself in the lupine form.

The wounds she’d been afflicted with prior hadn’t been healing well and being human again only emphasized her weakened state, to her detest. He’d patched her up as well as he could against her near constant struggling against his kinder efforts, her stubbornness awarding her a companion rather than a foe. He offered his help only when she was calm enough to take it. She learned through him how to actively come to a compromise with her wolf, working with it instead of trying to smother or tether it down and how exactly things were going to be now that she was no longer human. As for personal information, neither had really delved into more than just the simple ‘you’re a werewolf, I’m a werewolf’ aspect, where they’d come from as well as.. names.

Amyas’s eyes slowly pried open when she faintly heard footsteps headed towards her direction at a swift rate. Seconds later, a thunk along with the shuffling of clothes sounded beside her as a man whom clearly was in a rush dropped his belongings beside her. Blinking quickly, she watched him work, confusion spreading across her face as she tilted her head at him. He didn’t question her at all, in fact, his mind was elsewhere as he let her know that "they” were “probably going to hiss at her, but that they warm up to people quickly” before taking the wind with him as he ran off to attend to whatever it was that had his attention. She sat up a little straighter then, craning her neck to watch the man disappear into the woods. Shaking her head, Amyas squeezed her eyes tightly before opening them again in disbelief, thinking maybe she’d imagined it all, but nope. The mysterious objects were still underneath their jacket cloaks. She took a wary glance around before slowly lifting one of the garments, exposing metal cage bars and the plastic carriers that encased them. Eyes blared out from their depths, wide and bright with distrust. Cats? Her shoulders dropped in relief, her own darker gaze softening at the sight of the felines that now shuffled in their carriers with a mixture of anxiety and apprehension at the new person they were being involuntarily exposed to. Amyas couldn’t help, but murmur quietly to them after sensing their distress, letting them know that they wouldn’t be harmed. One of them hissed at her at first, while the other came to the door to sniff at her hand that she now offered after brushing away part of the clothes to give them fresh air.

Slowly, she stuck her fingers in between the gaps of the door, not wanting to move too quickly so as to not scare the curious one. He had a pale colored coat and judging by his darker orange toned face and paws, he had to have been some kind of breed with flame point mutations. She rubbed at his chin as best as she could, scoffing quietly in amusement at the rumbling noise that started right after. Her eyes flicked over to the one that had hissed at her only moments ago whom seemed to meow at both her and his companion with interest, his eyes distinct against his much smokier coat. “Kieron and.. Caydran?” The names of each cat were scrawled on the top of the carriers in faded permanent marker, rubbed away probably from years of being grabbed and tossed—hopefully without the cats in them—around. “Nice to meet you both.” Amyas smiled a bit at them, Kieron taking a turn to sniff at her hand that she pulled away from Caydran, and blinking up at her again. She almost wished she could hold them, but they weren’t her’s to exactly mess around with nor did she want to scare them into following their owner into the woods.

“Amyas.” The voice had her jerking her hand away from the cats as surprise struck tension back into her body. Both the cats hissed at the sudden movement, Amyas quickly attempting to soothe them, but their narrowed eyes causing her to sigh in a mixture of sadness and disappointment. Her head hung for a second, dark hair rolling off her shoulders to conceal her expression. She could smell the storm of emotions coming off him, her body soon straightening up and facing away from him again as she ran a hand through her hair to push the locks away whilst analyzing how exactly to process this situation in her head. It was all too convenient, this roundup. She pinched the bridge of her nose now, squeezing her eyes shut knowing that this time around she was sure of who exactly was gawking behind her. Who the scent she’d followed belonged to. Piercing blue eyes, long, tousled dark hair that caught red in the sunlight and freckles dotting along fair skin. Of all the wolves that had been rounded up, the one she would’ve expected to have ever seen again the least had been him. The one who’d taught her how to be a wolf, but also the one she’d pushed away the most.

"To think you'd be here of all places." She muttered aloud, half to herself, half to him as she stood up in one fluid motion and turned to glide towards him. Her peripherals told her he was still stunned as she crouched down, collecting the bag along with a.. tissue box that had been dropped at his feet. Nonchalantly, she balanced the tissue box atop the bag, brushing dirt off of the former before finally meeting his gaze. Her eyes nor her expression gave away the anxiety that shot through her upon locking eyes with him, her hands thankfully hidden underneath his bag as she held it carefully. "You look.. different, Ambrose." She stepped back briefly, tilting her head a bit as she studied him. His hair was much shorter than the last time she'd seen him, but still retained its curly aspects, his face was now more cleanly trimmed and the freckles were nearly all faded away. The only thing that had remained the same were those sharp, icy eyes. How much have you changed?

Amyas could remember it now. They'd parted ways after she'd convinced him to return home or more so, reasoned with him. They couldn't travel together forever nor would she have allowed him to even think about giving up what he had no matter how much it had angered him at times. She'd essentially given him a good wake up call after he'd been so hard-headed.

She took a step forward again, holding his bag out to him until he took it from her arms and quickly pocketed her hands once he did. "Turned into a crybaby while I was gone?" Her tone was matter of fact as she spoke, amusement briefly passing through her gaze before it vanished. From the looks of it, he was with a pack, but was it the same one from back when they'd first met? She was tempted to ask, but figured she'd find out eventually, so instead she moved away from him again to squat down in front of the cat carriers. "I think I'm going to put them inside. I don't want them getting heatstroke. Don't worry though, I'll leave right after." There were so many questions she knew he'd have, people she'll want to meet, but was staying here the right thing to even do? Should they even be speaking to each other? All she knew was that leaving the cats outside was the wrong thing to do and it was obvious that another pack had taken up the space here. She was past intruding on territories, it seemed.
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⚕️ ii || "I’m not a magician, just an old country doctor."

Postby Zyn » Tue Oct 05, 2021 9:09 am

⚕️ 𝔅𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔦𝔫 𝔐𝔞𝔠𝔊𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔢 ⚕️
Born Werewolf || Medic || Male || Thirty-Six || Demisexual-Homoromantic || wc: 1,491

⚕️ Location: The Lake
⚕️ Tags: Catalina & Jeremiah
xxxxxxxxAmyas & Gretel & Hansel
⚕️ Mood: ... What is going on?

    As Jeremiah took their bag from Brendin's hands the medic peered at the enforcer's head as though searching for the wound. His brow crinkled as he let his gaze flicker over the other man, scouring the man for more wounds that he hadn't been able to look for on the ride over. He took note of every single scratch and cut, calculating how long it would take each one to heal. If anything went wrong with the sedative he was positive it would mess with their healing abilities. He was distracted from his assessment when Jeremiah addressed him, requesting that he fill them in. His brow shot up and he fixed the other with a calculating look. His expression faded and he avoided the other's gaze at the next thing that was asked of him. Guild swirled in the pit of his stomach, he had been so out of it that he hadn't even been able to question the soldier's about where they were headed. He assumed that they were being taken to whatever place the government had set up for them but he couldn't be sure. His mind had been foggy and panic filled and he had hardly been able to focus on the words on the book much less figure out how to form coherent questions. But still a strong part of him scoffed at his weakness and proclaimed that it would have been easy enough to do. Shifting the cat carrier into a more comfortable position he let out a gusty sigh.

    "Can't say much for sure, I was a bit distracted. Based solely off of context clues and the rumors floating around, it seems like we have been shipped off to the middle of bum nowhere so we aren't a menace to society. Though I doubt they would have been kind of enough to indulge my curiosity and inform me of where we were headed even if I had the forethought to ask." Through the gruff voice came a tinge of amusement as though to prove he wasn't mad at the question or at Jeremiah. More so irritated with himself and his lack of Inquiry. He let out another gusty sigh that transformed into an unhappy grumble about halfway through as he proceeded to trip on a rock and stumble. Nature had never really been his cup of tea, even when his father had dragged him out all those years ago to go hunting with the rest of the pack. No even then he had found it irritating and muggy and cold and had counted down the hours until he could return to his study. Now though he had no such thing to count down too, not promise of a warm bed and an office to kick up his feet in. At the thought of his old office his gaze flickered once more to any wounds visible on his travel companion. "If and when we get to whatever haphazard place they have slung together I want to take a look at those wounds. I'm sure there is nothing to worry about but it would my mind at ease" he added with a calculating look.

    After one last scrutinizing gaze Brendin turned back to the path in front of them, shifting the carrier further onto his shoulder. The two cats weren't necessarily fat but they were definitely larger than average cat and their combined weight was growing heavy upon his shoulder. Their weight combined with his own bag and the awkward litter box lead to an already irritated medic to being even more irritated. A furrowed brow and terse lips betrayed his irritation with his current situation. Rather than slowing down like he would have very much liked to do he pushed himself to lengthen strides until he was walking briskly along the path, clearly eager to find a place to relieve himself of his burdens. It wasn't long until the trees that surrounded them started to thin out and the lush underbrush slowly turned into a meadow. If he had been in a more charming mood he would have taken a moment to look around, but instead his gaze was riveted on the horizon. His quick pace had allowed him to catch up with a trio whose scent he recognized as being the freshest of the scents. The trio was made up of two younger kids and an woman who was older than the two she was with. The most notable thing was that the woman was carrying one of the kids, a boy, and they looked distinctly uncared for. Even from where he stood he could see the mats in the two kids hair, he could only assume they weren't in the best shape. "I have to go help her but don't you go wandering off, your next on my list" he grunted, barely able to tear his gaze away from the trio. After fixing Jeremiah with a serious expression he twisted away from them and hurried towards what looked like an cabin.

    His rushed footsteps soon brought him to the front of a old looking cabin, better than what he had been thinking. If Brendin was being honest he was half expecting a series of tents for everyone to use, that would be on brand with the government. After all he had seen some of the labs that this country called suitable for important work. Like the one that he swore would slip into the ocean with one big gust of air. So the fact that it was a cabin and one that looked like it could actually stand the test of time was surprising and pleasing. As he jogged up to this cabin the first thing he noticed was a young woman sitting on the porch, eyes shut. Any other time and he would have been more gentle about his approach but his mind was else were and he didn't have time for pleasantries. With a thump he dumped his bag and then litter box on the porch and then gently set the boys down next to this woman. Peering at the woman, noting the confusion on his gaze. "Won't be long, these two will probably hiss at you but they warm up to folks pretty quickly" he explained in a rush as he shrugged off his jackets and drapped them across the carrier. If the two could smell him he knew they would be more willing to warm up to other people. When he was sure that Caydran and Kieron were going to be okay he turned to his medical bag and began to rifle through it. Luckily for him it didn't take him long to locate the lice shampoo and the regular shampoo and the lice comb. He barely allow himself time to shut the bag before he was whirling on his heel and rushing off again.

    It didn't take long for him to pick up the woman's scent again and he picked up the pace as he followed her trail. It lead through the tree's until a lake came into view. The sight of the lake took his breath away and he paused for a moment, it looked so peaceful and calm. Then he spotted the person he had rushed after and began to pick his way down the the edge of the lake. The first people he came upon were the two kids, one very clearly unconscious. "Here, use a generous amount and cover you and your brother's hair and head with it and wait about ten minutes and then go rinse it out. Then use this to wash it out and when your done with that use this to comb through each other's hair to get rid of those creepy crawlies" he instructed, handing each item to the girl. The moment he had finished he stepped back and made his way over to the discarded bag. He took a moment to carefully remove his shoes and socks and then without skipping a beat made his way to the edge of the water. Drawing a deep breath he took his first step into the water, grimacing at the cold water. Rather than going to slow and letting himself chicken out he instead plowed ahead, wading through the water until he was standing next to the woman who popped out of the water next to him, shaking her hair. "Excuse me Ma'am I know it isn't much but I brought you this and I have a bottle of Jefferson's Ocean bourbon in my bag back at the cabin that we can share later on. Got to take care of a few patients first but then we can break into the bottle" he said whilst offering the shampoo. If he was lucky both offers would cheer this woman up. "Oh I do apologize for not introducing myself first, the names Brendin MacGille." He wore a sheepish expression as his lack of manners.
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