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Postby harrington » Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:58 am

❖ ❛ ── kristoff monette, the "sweetheart", wealth of nine, kingdom of arkley. tags ;; ambrose

    Kristoff watched as the daydreaming man snapped back into reality. "Ambrose Carter," Kristoff affirmed his name, the words comfortably rolling off of his vehement tongue. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Kristoff hummed, firmly taking the other man's hand in his. He shook it firmly just like his father had taught him; however, not too firmly, just how his mother had advised. He caught wind of soft music playing in the background, and slowly shut his eyes just for a moment to savor the sound. Although Kristoff wasn't well-versed in music, he could recognize talent when it filled his ears.

    Opening his eyes, Kristoff realized, wether subconsciously or not, he found himself edging ever-so-closer to Ambrose. The man was quite a bit taller than him, Ambrose's 6'3 stature towering over Kristoff's 5'11. Regardless, Kristoff's coffee-colored eyes met Ambrose's hazel with minimal effort.

    "You must be from Nearon," Kristoff stated, "I've never heard the name Carter, truth be told." Kristoff had been to Nearon quite a few times, mostly on business. Something about his dad's company...? He wasn't too bothered with the details, his father was a stubborn old man who refused to die any time soon.

    He gave Ambrose another examination with his eyes, his attention drawn to Ambrose's blue overcoat. He presumed the man had come from a decent amount of money, definitely not as much as his family had, but enough to live comfortably day-to-day. Sometimes Kristoff wished he could be a part of a "normal" family, one with parents that weren't so obsessed with capital and finding their only son "the woman of his dreams".

❖ ❛ ── agnes gladwyn, the tailor, wealth of two, kingdom of nearon. tags ;; liza

    Agnes let out a huff of exasperation as she entered the entryway of the manor. She didn't consider herself a complete wallflower, of course, she would mingle around, politely introducing herself to the many men and women at the masquerade. Maintaining a conversation, on the other hand, was not something Agnes was well-versed in, and she found herself often having to reel her wandering mind back in. More often than not, Agnes would excuse herself from conversation to get a drink or to go speak with someone else that piqued her interest from afar. One such person was a woman who she could only presume came by herself just as she had. The woman didn't look uncomfortable, more dissatisfied, with the atmosphere around everyone; perhaps she was like Agnes and wasn't the biggest fan of parties.

    Agnes took a final sip from her glass and made her way over to the brown-haired woman, putting on a smile behind her mask of uncertainty. "Good evening," Agnes greeted the other woman with a cordial bow. She hadn't introduced herself properly to anyone in a long time, so she hoped that what she had done was the polite thing to do.
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    Re: ↘ ғᴀᴛᴇғᴜʟ ᴀʟʟɪᴇs

    Postby fruitbat » Sun Feb 07, 2021 4:01 pm

    Kingdom Nearon. Wealth eight. Title the concerned. Mentions Lauren. Tags Lauren.

          Louise briefly scanned the room again, assessing the atmosphere and the different bodies that were tangling themselves together. The music started to change- going from soft and quite pleasant background music to something more upbeat and in-your-face. Louise figured this was a sign that dances were starting, which in her eyes, was the only appropriate time for a man to ask for a random ladies hand. If her parents had it their way, Louise would've been married off on her 18th birthday and sent to live with a man simply for the benefit of the Cowen's wealth. Luckily for her, she was strong enough to fight against this decision and has happily made it to 22 without a single thought about marriage. It wasn't because Louise was against the idea of marriage, or even men for that matter, she just simply cannot fathom bearing the children of a man she may have met only days before. What type of life was that? A relationship, especially one between a wide and husband, should be full of excitement, loyalty, and most of all love. The concept of love was tricky with Louise, as it's not something she is super familiar with. As a child she was never allowed to do the things she wanted to do like run around in the horses stables, or learn how to climb a tree, or even play with the young boys. Instead, her days consisted of learning to sew, cook and "be a lady"- a complete reflection of her hopeless romantic nature, and the fact she wouldn't know the difference between kindness and flirtatiousness.

          However, Louise found herself strangely interested in the mysterious man beside her, even more so when he introduced himself as Lauren. He seemed caught off-guard by her comfortableness with using first names, which made her wonder if he didn't return the same feeling. "And if you are not comfortable with first names, what may I call you instead?" she asked genuinely, with a warm smile to solidify her concern. "Please address me as miss Cowen if you so wish, I have no issue with that" Louise added, still smiling softly. Her brown eyes sparkled in the ballroom light as she watched Lauren carefully, assessing the atmosphere in hopes not to ruin what they've already started. She perked up when he spoke again, this time not about himself, but about the others around them. He seemed to spit out the words without hesitation, indicating that Lauren was also not a fan of the great rich-poor divide. No sooner did Lauren then apologise for his truthful tongue, and all Louise could do was chuckle under her breath. "There is no reason to pardon you when I feel the exact same way" Louise explained, her gaze drifting to the crowd that seemed to be soaking up the party like a sponge to water.

          "I come from a town in Nearon called Squalls End, the most southern point of the kingdom" Louise replied with a slight wince. She hated talking of her family since they were considered one of the wealthiest in the town. Her father was head of council, granting him major control over it's people and their land. Being settled upon the southern coast, Squalls End was a high-profile trading centre for the kingdom of Nearon. Seafood, wheat, textiles, you name it, it came to the ports of Squalls End. Louise's father was heavily involved in the processing of each incoming product, from arriving at port all the way to its departure to the wider community. She tried to change the subject quickly, immediately asking Lauren "And where do you come from?"
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    Re: ↘ ғᴀᴛᴇғᴜʟ ᴀʟʟɪᴇs

    Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Sun Feb 07, 2021 6:24 pm

    19||Female||Demisexual||Wealth: 2||Nearon||Paired: N/A||Tags: Agnes

    As she was standing there watching the crowd go in its motions you could see the dissatisfaction on her face, some may even call it boredom. She watched as the flock of people danced among themselves, they spoke and greeted each other with such formalities. Women swooning over rich suitors, in hopes of getting courted. It was distasteful and rather dull. Couldn't anyone think for themselves without the thought of being draped over a man? The same fate her mother wishes upon her as well, the thought left an awful taste in her mouth even though she spoke no words. It's not like anything happened in her life to make her dissatisfied with men aside from being looked down on simply because of her being a woman.

    She was just thinking about how she wanted to leave and stick her nose inside of a good book and get out of these heels or she should have simply brought a book with her before a fair woman approached her. Her brown eyes watched the woman, she seemed friendly, and maybe as bored as she was if not more, why else would she approach her? Every part of her wanted to wave her away but her mother popped into her mind. 'If you don't learn to be kind, you will always be alone, just you and your silly books.' she sighed to herself. If she was being honest that sounded like a life she could enjoy, just books and her. But it did seem lonely as she would have no one to talk about the books once her mother passes. Her mind returned to reality as she looked at the girl.

    She offered a bow in return, something that went against everything she normally does but she did it anyway her ankles slightly wavering with the wretched heels on. She offered a smile, nothing to extravagant, just a simple closed-mouth smile. "Good evening." she responded before thinking of her next words. "Dear, you look like you are in need of as much good company as myself. Seems to me with all these colorful dresses everyone is rather dull." it was meant to be a small joke even though she was fully serious, but this was all she knew how to converse. Her bluntness tends to scare people away, or making them gawk at her like she is some kind of witch.

    21||Male||Heterosexual||Wealth: 9||Arkley||Paired: N/A||Tags: Annie

    With Theo, he didn't have any hatred towards anyone, especially if their parents were still alive. He actually very much enjoyed hearing about Annie's family, it made him feel less alone. With both his parents being gone and having no siblings he was the last of his bloodline and alone. But he always had the Purcell family to lean on in times where he felt hopeless. With being a little lost after the loss of his mother the Purcell family had made a presence in his life that he could never repay in this or the next lifetime. He was grateful to them and often found himself full of kindness and warmth when he thinks of them. They offered him a hand to guide him through that dark part of his life and they did it without expectations of being paid back or judgment. It was nice hearing they think of him as a family because as of right now they are all he has, and the issues between the kingdoms left him alone again, to bury himself in his work.

    "I suppose you may be right. Maybe I shall whisk you away with me, where there would be no worry of the kingdoms having ill intentions towards one another." he chuckled. "You sure you shouldn't be in the arts of performing? I think you would make well in a theatre with your extravagant personality," he says sarcastically. He always found her over the top actions rather intriguing and entertaining. But maybe that's him just being biased because she is his friend, either way, it was comforting to know she was comfortable with him, and even more so enough to call him out on his decisions of staying at ease.

    He listened intently before narrowing his eyes at her comment for the safe option, "Ah, now what was it you just said?" he questioned as he grabbed his chin lightly with his thumb and index as if to ponder something. "Ah yes, You are too comfortable. You must aim higher!" he said as he mimicked her. "Don't simply shy away from something because you are no good. Besides, you can always paint over mistakes," he smirked. He chuckled at her comment of scribbles on her card, which gently reminded him they were at a ball still. He nodded lightly to her "That sounds like a trip I may need to partake in, hopefully, the alliance doesn't fall apart quickly so we can enjoy the things usually closed off from us."

    He narrowed his eyes at her once more but playfully. "It is true I need to court a woman eventually if I were to ever continue the bloodline. But I could ask you of such as well." he hinted a smile. "I will have you do no such thing, Miss Purcell. Though I thank you for the offer." he chuckled. "There really is no need." he said once more before putting out his hand. "Though it seems my manners are lacking, as I have taken up a rather large amount of your time without as so much offering a request for a dance M'lady."

    20||Female||Heterosexual||Wealth: 8||Arkley||Paired: N/A||Tags: Royce

    If her parents were here they would be pretty upset with her speaking to Royce, they honestly would pull her away and more than likely have a nanny on her tail to keep her out of trouble. Because god forbid she speak to someone who doesn't have high wealth. Her parents are truly the most selfish and does not care for people who are "lower" than them. They look at the wealthy as gods and everyone else...are purely insects, meant to be beneath ones boot. But she couldn't see how something like that could be. Someone as kind and fun as Royce she was sure was worth more than how much his fortune is.

    It seemed he had caught on to her letting the people and eyes get to her, because his remark was made simply to try to make her smile. He had succeeded, it wasn't the same giddy smile as before but this one just as bright. "I suppose it is good then that men do not wear a corset then." she chuckled lightly. Though she honestly wondered how he was able to eat anything, she is filled with so much anxiety ridden excitement she has grown nauseous and a lack of appetite. But of course, her mind reminded that Royce doesn't have access to the food they serve here, it did slightly make her sad but he seemed well off. One day she hopes to stand up to her parents about their beliefs and opinions of the lower class then she would give Royce as much of the delicious foods he desires. But that right now was just a dream, she couldn't see herself being that way towards her parents, even if they treated lower class people differently.
    As she adjusted herself in the dress due to bumping into him as her eyes were cast downwards as she pulled at the dress slightly to rid it of any creases, she listened to him. Her cheeks turned as red as her hair as he complimented her, becoming a little flustered. Just the thought of someone complimenting her made her happy, with the actual words being spoken it was surreal for her. Besides everyone else really doesn't give her the time of day anyways. "T-thank you. As do you.." she quickly realized her words before responding again just as fast "I mean you don't look beautiful, you look handsome tonight." So sloppy, but within minutes you could see that the issue of possibly embarrassing herself melted away. "I am doing well. It's...a bit overwhelming with all the people and such but I'm growing used to it," she spoke as her hands rested in front of her in a lady-like manner. "I also have been granted freedom from my cage, if thats what I should call it. Seems mum and papa have kept to their word for my freedom...so that..is quite nice."

    "But please tell me how you are? Are you enjoying the ball?" She didn't want to seem like this wall all about her. This is why in most conversations she remains silent or shifts the attention to someone else. Fleur has always been someone who was not in the spotlight and now that she was healthy and able to rely on herself, it seemed she found herself trapped in it many of times. She will do anything to make people see that what they say about her family is not true, at least not about her and her siblings. Even though she knew, that he did not see her like that, she wasn't sure who would be listening in to their converstation.
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    Re: ↘ ғᴀᴛᴇғᴜʟ ᴀʟʟɪᴇs

    Postby senna_ » Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:22 am

    title: the artistxxwealth: ninexxkingdom: nearonxxtags: theodore

    Annalise continued to lazily swirl the champagne around in the crystal flute as Theodore fell quiet, most likely having sunken into his thoughtful mind. She had never been a heavy drinker, but she had to admit, the drink was pleasing to her tastebuds. She made a mental note to get the details on the drink later that night; it would make a fine addition to their collection for their next big event. She finished the drink just as he opened his mouth to speak once more, and leaned past him to drop her empty glass on the platter one of the servants was carrying. Nodding her thanks towards him, she shuffled back to give Theo his room once more. If she hadn't known him, she'd feel much more awkward, but it was just Theo. She felt as comfortable around him as she did with her own family.

    "If only it was that easy," she sighed in an almost dream-like manner. "Unless I am wedded or you are my brother, I do not believe my family would let me off the hook that easily. However, with the alliance, they have little to protest for if I were to say I was taking a trip to Arkley. Oh, to be a man. You can go anywhere, it's so unfair!" Despite her dramatics, though, Annalise truly was excited for Theodore. He was a grown man now, with as much freedom as he so desired at the tips of his fingers. Unlike herself, he could go wherever, whenever, with little requirements to follow through with. Theodore didn't really seem spontaneous enough to do that often, but perhaps he'd take the teasing conversation and turn it into something grand. He was a kind soul, a pleaser, but surely a change in scenery would do him as good as it would for anything else. "As long as you write to me, I will be happy. Perhaps you can recommend the best places to travel. I am counting on you, now." A twinkle in her eye sparked with the comment on her dramatics. "Extravagent personality sounds so enriching when you say it, though I think I would go off-script one too many times to keep me in a play. I would do something grand. Follow in Marie de Gouges' footsteps, perhaps, and write a play instead. Though, that seems to be more up your alley than mine. You're much more intellectual and-" she waved a hand from his chin to his ankles- "rational. You can consider me as little more than a little woman with dreams far too wide to accomplish. Dreams you, Mr. Lefeuvret, can accomplish, which is exactly why you, little bird, need to spread your wings and fly." A curt nod of the head concluded her playful, miniature speech. Theodore could do as he pleased and she had nothing that could force him to do anything he didn't wish for. She simply liked to kittenishly remind him of his freedom against her own. It didn't bother her much anymore, either. In fact, she was always excited to get an update on what her male friends did and do. It was refreshing, really.

    She leaned back ever-so-slightly with wide eyes, as if he had just spoken something outrageous, upon returning to her comment on the art she was to create for her family. "Theodore Lefeuvret, you do not know my father. One wrong mistake and the only thing that will be hung on that empty spot will be my head." Her tone did not waver and a smile did not dare to make an appearance on her face, but she was sure Theo knew her well enough to know she was only joking. Her father was strict, yes, and strived for nothing less than perfection, but Annie sensed he would be a bit less stern with her abilities. Though, on the contrary, he didn't pay for those painting lessons for nothing. She had yet to decide if it was a lose-lose situation or not. She waved off his comment on marriage. "Unlike yourself, I am quite sure my parents have a man waiting at home for me if I do not return with one by the end of this trip." Her tone was light, but it lacked the humour that danced in her vocal cords moments earlier. "One can never enjoy a get-away trip without any jobs to fulfill. I will put my offer aside, but I must tell you, my matchmaking skills are quite extraordinary. If you wish not for a lass, that is fine, but I must introduce you to my dear friend later! I have yet to scope her out here."

    Her eyes skimmed over him, almost in a suspicious manner, at his comment, but her attempt to hide a smile was no use. Despite her delight, however, she still whipped her card out as if it was a chore. Her gaze caught sight of the two other names that had been messily scribbled on the inside of the paper, and neither guilt nor pride flashed across her face. "As I said, my parents have little intentions of letting me leave on my own," she sighed before he had a chance to say anything. She lifted a hand so he could grasp the pen that dangled against her wrist. Oft in the Stilly Night had begun to play, a song Annie only knew because Aretha had attempted it on the piano years ago. Annalise had never enjoyed singing, but she was no stranger to scoping out talent. The opera singer's tone was beautiful, it was almost envious. Still, Annie did not focus so much on the woman, but Theodore, who stood before her. It was just like old times, with a slight hint of a greater amount of maturity. Teasing, yes, but with respect. She'd miss those days when they were to grow up and go their own ways.


    title: the ghost xxwealth: fivexxkingdom: arkleyxxtags: louise

    People had always been an interesting subject to study. From the way their face portrayed a certain emotion to how they held their posture, it was always a mystery to dig deep into. Louise oddly reminded Lauren of a lioness- strong and independent, with an admirable grace to her and a need for success, though never through force. She seemed to always be watching, like a hawk, though not yet ready to swoop down and startle her prey. Her calmness reflected on a dove's, peaceful and tranquil, though with enough power to hold her ground, like an eagle. Lauren's caregiver had always made references to animals, and Louise's attitude seemed to fit into every category of the animal kingdom. It was captivating, really. Perhaps this was simply because Lauren hadn't had a decent amount of social interaction with someone new for quite some time, or maybe she really was different than those he had come across. He couldn't quite place a finger on what exactly it was that kept drawing him in. It was startling, really, for his intentions all along was to avoid people, especially women. He had found himself doing exactly the opposite, and so quickly, too. He supposed he still had a lot to tackle when it came to following through with his original intents.

    A raise of the brow was his response as she quickly caught onto his hesitation. A people-reader, she was. Sensitive, aware. Lauren was almost positive that the only withdrawal he had shown was the extra second he had taken before responding. She was quick, that was for sure. "I will admit," he voiced lowly, "That from where I am from, women are not often to introduce themselves with anything less than a dramatic title. It was simply a change that I hadn't expected. Louise is perfectly suiting." He wished not to offend her. Now that it had settled in his mind, Lauren was okay calling her by what she wished. He wished for the same, anyway, so why selfishly turn that around? He knew some men- especially the snobby business-involved ones of Arkley- would take control and demand for what they wished to Louise, but Lauren found those people nothing more than ridiculous and overdramatic. It was never too difficult to follow through with a woman's request. After all, they were human, too.

    His dark eyes grazed over her once more at her response to his apologies, but this time, it wasn't nearly as much of a surprise as it had been the first time. Although it had only been a few minutes, Lauren had already begun to get a semi-decent idea of who Louise Cowen was.
    Though he was not from Nearon, he knew well of Squalls End. How could one not be familiar with the name? Like Arkley, Nearon had pockets of wealth, and Squalls End was one of the major cities. He had suspected she was from a good amount of money, given the velvet dress that was perfectly snug against her figure, and even just the way she spoke, but it was evident that she was not too delighted over the fact. Unlike some people who surely snapped at the opportunity to bombard Louise with every imaginable question regarding her hometown and whatever business her family was involved with, Lauren gave nothing more than a slow nod of his head. There was a hint of disgust in her tone when she spoke, suggesting she was not too fond of the place, or something linked to it. Lauren understood that all too well, if that were the case. If she wished to speak more on the subject, he hoped his quietness would grant her plenty of time to do so. He wasn't going to push that on her. "I believe you are the first Nearon citizen I have spoken to in quite some time," he mused thoughtfully. "I live in Bryant, Arkley, though I was born in Rensteigh. If you know anything of Rensteigh, I hope you can conclude that I am far from those obsessive businessmen." In all honesty, Bryant was not much better, but there were much less crime and hatred that sprawled over the streets. It was also fairly comfortable in terms of wealth, and did not have a reputation for success and money the way Squalls End did. It was almost a mystery, a place full of secrets, in which its citizens were the only ones with the keys to access its answers.

    His eyes flitted back over to the main part of the ballroom as more couples joined the floor. Unlike some, the twirling and giggling did not get his heart racing. Instead, he rocked from the balls of his feet to his heels to distribute his weight evenly, as if he had little intentions of moving closer anytime soon. He nodded his head once to the beaming couples. "You may not be fond of a ball, but surely you have a full card already?" Raising a brow in slight amusement to show he was merely teasing, Lauren returned his gaze onto the attractive women. "I sense men will soon be begging for a woman like yourself to join them out there."


    title: the anthurium xxwealth: threexxkingdom: nearonxxtags: daniel

    The exquisite music that hummed in the background of their conversation reminded Elliott of home, of when his mother would spoon-feed them fantasy stories whilst his father sang gently to himself in the distance. Although this was very much not home, nor did it have even a similar atmosphere to Cosben's, it had an alike calmness to it, with disregards to the swirling hoop skirts and twirling bodies, and that settled Elliott. He still knew he would much rather be at home, assorting his mother's newest floral collection or even laying out the heaps of fish his father had collected from his fishing trip earlier that day, but he was beginning to suspect he would be alright for the rest of the night. He had already begun to fret over the future's events, for they had been offered a few nights at the Onryx, but Elliott knew he had to take one thing at a time. It was never easy, for his mind was far too busy and had a strong desire for a laid-out schedule to simply sit back and enjoy what the days would bring forth to him, but he would make it work. If anything, perhaps he could muster up enough courage to get some more information on what it was they were to experience at the grand house. The Kings' workers were undoubtedly strong and a bit frightening to approach, given their sturdy stance and grim expressions, but everyone had a softer side somewhere inside of them. As long as Elliott's worries didn't come across as too feminine, for he had been told various times by community men that although true to his emotions, he was to hide them, everything would be alright. He supposed he was going to have to think over what to say before he did anything further.

    He couldn't help but feel a bit stupid when Daniel openly revealed his hometown. Elliott knew of Eldury. It was a bit closer to the Onryx's area than Cosben, near the bordered lake and shouldering rivers, for his father and the company he worked for sometimes took a trip out that way. Relief swelled over his features, though Elliott knew it wasn't very noticeable with his mask. Although he was not afraid to let his emotions express freely, he couldn't help but feel slightly glad that he had something to cover up most of his appearance. It was always harder being himself around complete strangers.

    "I have heard of that place," he murmured. "My father has taken a few trips out your way for his work." He did not bother adding aloud that that town struggled nearly as much as Cosben, if not more. Daniel Bishop was not as wealthy as Elliott had originally suspected, then. It was comforting, for Elliott didn't feel he had to act nearly as high-end and respectful, though that did not mean he was going to drop all of his manners right there. Wealthy people made him feel a bit restless. Those who were on his level came across as more of a human being than a gold-bathing God. "No, I've only ever made a trip to Kinsbery once. It's rather loud, I cannot say it is somewhere I wish to settle in anytime soon." That was the truth, too. Elliott's family had always been very comfortable where they were, both money-wise and literal comfort. The people were friendly, though not overbearing, and it never seemed to be a competition. The support within the walls of Cosben was immensely dense. He couldn't say the same for the larger cities. "Do you have any immediate connections with the royal family, sir? Or was your invite simply a spontaneous surprise?"
    Last edited by senna_ on Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
    'senna_x.xshe/herx'.x'est'x.x'adultx'.x'soc student
    hey all, i'm senna! i'm a young adult,full-time university
    student, and a writer with a spontaneous muse :') i'm
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    Re: ↘ ғᴀᴛᴇғᴜʟ ᴀʟʟɪᴇs

    Postby fruitbat » Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:28 pm

    Kingdom Nearon. Wealth eight. Title the concerned. Mentions Lauren. Tags Lauren.

          The red velvet dress that lay upon the young woman's figure was making her hotter and hotter each time someone new entered the Onryx. So much so that Louise started to show physical signs of her flustered state: rosy cheeks and the tendency to fidget with whatever was appropriate. The golden rings on her fingers were the first victims of her uncontrollable manner, especially the ring located on the right index finger. It was crafted with exceptional care and dipped in 14k gold- a forever-treasure jewellery piece passed down from her mother. It showcased a simple yet bold interwoven band dabbled with small ornate swirls that swept in and around each intertwining section, perfectly combining simplicity with a contemporary design. She spun it around her finger while feeling the pattern with a careful, soft touch. Another ring, this time on her left thumb, was the alternative when Louise needed variety. This one was also gold, yet with a much simpler and slimmer band. Detailed with shimmering clear stone, it added a subtle touch of sparkle to the strikingly simple dress Louise was wearing. She would also move one hand up to her neck to fiddle with a necklace also passed down from her mother. Since her dress had a V-shaped neckline, her necklace was longer and played the statement role in her outfit. The necklace boasted multiple diamante-adorned cats eye pendants on more 14k gold, but Louise wasn't fussed on any specific materials. If anything, she wore this because she wanted her mother to stop making such an embarrassing fuss over what her daughter dressed like.

          Lauren was from Arkley, more specifically Bryant, but grew up in Rensteigh. She was aware of both locations, having met some people from Bryant when accompanying her parents on business trips or gathering held for wealthy, high-ranking people. Rensteigh, however, was more foreign to Louise. She knew of it's basic reputation of being a very peculiar place, somewhere that puzzled even it's own population. She concluded that Lauren reflected this township quite well, while also having a bright, bubbly spark that represented Bryant. Like an inquisitive cat sit in the windowsill, watching cars and people pass by, Louise assessed Lauren to see if he displayed any signs of discomfort with his whereabouts. Other than his remark about the Rensteigh business men -who Louise wasn't familiar with anyway- he showed no discomposure around the topic. She smiled, her curious mouth taking the lead "How long have you taken residence in Bryant for? I can only assume most of your life, considering you are, like you said, far from the likes of Rensteigh men" Louise asked with a hint of reassurance, hoping he would be glad she noticed.

          The rosy-cheeked blush couldn't have appeared at a worst time than when Lauren spoke about her card. Louise was completely unaware of her fidgeting until this moment, when she looked down briefly to see that she had been rolling each edge of the card multiple times. Now that the curling was almost permanent due to the frequency at which she was fidgeting, the embarrassment grew slowly in the bottom of her stomach. She tried to shake it off, looking down once again and showing Lauren the blank state of her card. "Since arrival I have been roaming the outskirts of this terrifyingly beautiful ballroom, and have been with you for the majority of the time" Louise said without hesitation, "Which explains why I do in fact, not have a full card" she added with a chuckle, picking up on his playfulness. "On the other hand, I sense that you, Lauren, must have your name scribbled on all the women's cards begging for a dance, hmm?" Louise stated, returning the tease in full-force.

    Kingdom Arkley. Wealth five. Title the virtuoso. Mentions Fleur. Tags Fleur.

          Royce couldn't help himself looking at his surroundings, feeling internally grateful for the opportunity to share the same air with such a variety of people. Those from lower class and upper class could mingle freely without judgement, even though deep down Royce knew and was fully aware that wealthy folks still exercised prudence around the poor like himself. His eyes sparkled with content, however, his expression was clouded due to the mask upon his face. He become hyperaware of it for a moment, fixing the hand-crafted piece so it sat higher on the bridge of his nose rather than down near its tip. Royce was yet to find another man wearing something similar to himself, and he had his creative talent to thank for that. He enjoyed being different than the rest, even if he got backlash for it. His mask was created by himself, for himself, with his specific dimensions and measurements. No one else could possibly fit it as well as he, so Royce held his head high with a sense of pride. However, he couldn't give all the credit to himself, since his mother helped with the intricate beading that laced itself on the aluminium fame. Each bead reflected the ballroom lights so effortlessly, they seemingly danced as Royce moved even the slightest.

          His head snapped back to Fleur as she replied with a smile and a equally witty remark. He could not even imagine the pain caused by those horrendous-looking corsets, and nor did he want to find out. For a brief moment, Royce wondered if Fleur was wearing one herself, and if she could even breathe properly. The thought quickly diminished when one silver platter of food was replaced with another, and this time, with something different! He didn't know what it was, but it looked delicious nonetheless. The small, quiche-style appetizer had his name, as well as his hands, all over it. He grabbed two whilst maintaining eye contact with Fleur to show he was still engaged in their conversation. He gave a bright, goofy grin to the woman when she attempted to return the compliment, understanding exactly what she was trying to say even if she did stumble on her words.

          Fleur seemed happy to be present at the ball, especially when she spoke of her mother and father keeping their word for her freedom. He hoped she was enjoying herself, but he offered Fleur the other quiche just in case she needed some cheering up. He held it out in one hand, which were actually perfectly clean, unlike most of the time when they were backed up with dirt and grime from the workshop. He looked down at it and then at her, as to silently say "take it, I insist". Royce's gaze remained on his friend as she asked the same question, replying with a simple nod before opening his mouth. "So far, I am enjoying the ball, but my favourite part is definitely the food" the young man said happily with a faint laugh. "Business at the workshop is going well, but we've had a decline in commission as of recent" Royce added with a tint of disappointment, "I guess Arkley and Nearon must be getting along and are in no need of new armour or weaponry." He laughed again at his out statement, but this time he was a little unsettled. The kingdoms never got along, so what was really going on?
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    Re: ↘ ғᴀᴛᴇғᴜʟ ᴀʟʟɪᴇs

    Postby senna_ » Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:47 am

    title: the ghost xxwealth: fivexxkingdom: arkleyxxtags: louise

    The conversation carried upwards and rolled downhill, like an ocean's waves that were dancing towards the shoreline. It was comfortable, though, and Lauren did not feel like either was desperately carrying on the chit-chat more than the other. He felt okay in the current moment. Lauren hadn't ever been the type to outwardly reveal his feelings, but that didn't mean he didn't care. Quiet and a bit shallow from time to time, he was, but Lauren didn't wish to upset his converser, with the painful exception of a few outrageous topics that hit a nerve a bit too roughly for Lauren to swallow down. That didn't seem to apply to this scenario. Louise was adequately quiet, but he didn't get the sense at all that she was shy. She also didn't give off a judgemental vibe to her, and although Lauren wouldn't consider her to be an exception when it came to spilling his feelings, he felt she wouldn't easily mock his uncontrollable rage or sharp, dark sarcasm if it came to that. He was thankful that he hadn't lived with his father for long enough to have a complete change in mindset; for whatever reason, his father had been strongly against those who lived within Nearon's parameters and most likely would have drilled some ridiculous amount of toxic, false information to twirl Lauren's own opinion. Nearon citizens were just like Arkley's. They were human. Yes, it seemed the ways of the kingdoms themselves were immensely different, but people were people. A name of a town did not define who they were as human beings.

    He tuned back in as her sugar-sweet voice coated the air between them, shooting her a quick glance before returning his gaze to the dance floor yet again. "I believe I moved when I was five," he told her, tone curving his words almost enough for it to sound like a question. "It's been quite some time, I cannot say I remember the exact date. Although I do remember it being dreadfully wet that day." A small, rare chuckle escaped his lips at her comment, the sound touching on genuine amusement. "I'd like to think I am not one of them, no. And considering your tone when mentioning your hometown, I sense you feel a similar way with Squalls End."

    He didn't catch her blush due to the elegant mask that was perched atop of her features, though Lauren's eyes hadn't settled long enough on her to notice it regardless. Staring made people uncomfortable, and Lauren didn't need any turn-around surprises if that was the case.

    "Well, isn't that shameful," he drawled, the teasing sensation between the two granting him a bit of comfort in the tense room. He didn't often jump on the train of jokes and lighthearted talk, but he felt comfortable being with Louise, given the drastic change in personality in comparison to what he was used to. "A lady like yourself in a place like this without a single name on her card. Although," he continued slowly, "I suppose the longer you are on the floor with someone, the less amount of time you will have to spend switching from man to man." Lauren did not add in his silent suspicions, which had to do with her family. Given the way she was dressed, she was undoubtedly wealthy, and assuming she was around his age, her parents were either at the ball or had some sort of connection to whom it was Louise danced with. Rich families with like that. Arranged marriages came about more often than not, and if a woman wasn't wed by twenty, the parents were strict on time. Of course, this did not go for all, but Lauren had dealt with enough wealthy families to get an idea that that was the trend amongst such people. "I am not often the type to test theories so quickly, but perhaps that it something to discover." Quirking a brow, he glanced over at her. "Unless, that is, you have some other card is either indeed filled from top to bottom with desperate men who will fall at your feet and praise every little thing you do, or you are the woman who has gone around forging my signature to all of these busy ladies' cards."
    Last edited by senna_ on Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: ↘ ғᴀᴛᴇғᴜʟ ᴀʟʟɪᴇs

    Postby poppyxoxo » Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:11 pm

    AMBROSE - tagging: Kristoff

    Kristoff turned out to be a delightful conversation holder, Ambrose found with much relief. Ambrose had also deduced that Kristoff was of a higher wealth, possibly between eight and ten. He was definitely one of the most polite gentlemen Ambrose had the pleasure of knowing. The swell of music momentarily distracted Ambrose from his conversation however it wasn't for long. "It's always a pleasure to meet a polite stranger. Not strangers anymore" Ambrose agreed, smiling softly.

    Ambrose gazed at a slightly downwards angle towards Kristoff, noting that the other man didn't mind the height difference but neither did Ambrose. It was rare that he was able to fully enjoy the company of someone he had hardly met, but that night was different. Perhaps it was the change of atmosphere that relaxed Ambrose enough to join in with the conversation. "My name is not popular, rarely even in my own town" he admitted sheepishly, lifting a hand to gently adjust his mask.

    "Is this your first masquerade?" Ambrose murmured towards Kristoff.

    DANIEL - tagging: Elliott

    Daniel was quite taken aback by the twirling of dancers, their clothes swishing about in a slight mesmerising pattern. Many of the ball goers obviously knew their way around a dance flor quite naturally, it seemed. He could not say the same for himself but had obviously come prepared with knowledge of the most common dances. Daniel knew he would not be doing much movement until further through the night. He guessed this would be the same case for Elliott, given how he was already beginning to relax around the crowd.

    Daniel could only guess that the pair would branch off so he made a mental note to bid goodbye to Elliott if they happened to separate. "Although it is not one of the most common towns, I'm not surprised that your father has dropped in. We have quite the many visitors however most are on their way through" Daniel commented, subconsciously tucking his arms behind his back. "I've heard that of Kinsbery as it is a popular conversation between the men of my town" Daniel commented, his voice slightly higher than a murmur, it seemed. The background lulled him into a relaxed state.

    "I do not have the pleasure to be related to the royals" he admitted to Elliott but it was not hard to guess from Daniel's appearance. "And yourself, sir?".

    ARETHA - tagging: Augustus
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    Re: ↘ ғᴀᴛᴇғᴜʟ ᴀʟʟɪᴇs

    Postby sunhorsestar » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:29 am

    OOC: Others in a few minutes!


    Lucien Tandler | 19 | Wealth 4 | Nearon | Tagging: Royce, Fleur

    Lucien has arrived a BIT on the later end, having procrastinated just a LITTLE in his anxiety. How embarrassing! However, he had forced himself to move past the worst of that anxiety, did not allow himself to dwell on such things. He was sure he wouldn’t be the only one late to join the party, in a manner of speaking. So he put on a relaxed smile and rolled his shoulders back, easing out the worst of the tension he held. As soon as he stepped in, he was greeted by the sounds of chatter and laughter, a beautiful sound.

    Lavish ballroom, the smell of food in the air, people dressed up their very finest, and he was no exception, yet still he paled in comparison to many of the other young men. Everything was quite overwhelming, but he was fine with that. He liked it that way, he decided. Lucien's gaze was drawn by the sound of a laugh, his eyes focusing on the conversation it had spawned from, where a young man and woman stood talking gaily. Curiously, he wandered over.

    "I hear laughter. Beautiful sound, really," Lucien commented, sauntering over. "Mind if I cut in? A bit late to the party, and it looks like there’s some good discussion going on over here." He offered a smile to the two other partygoers.
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    Re: ↘ ғᴀᴛᴇғᴜʟ ᴀʟʟɪᴇs

    Postby sunhorsestar » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:56 am

    Sterling Rena Robin | 22 | Wealth 8 | Nearon | Tagging: Open

    Sterling had been standing off to the side in the corner, content to watch the going-ons around her rather than to walk up to a perfect stranger and strike up conversation, especially when she saw small talk as being such a trivial thing, a waste of time. She would humour it should someone choose to approach her, but she herself had no intentions of wandering around making chitchat with strangers.

    The young woman wasn’t trying to hide herself, but she wasn’t flaunting her presence either, simply standing in the corner, and even though she remained in silence, she felt good. For all her wealth, she rarely opted to go to parties, preferring to sit and read, study something, pick up some sort of knowledge of skill to apply at a later date, but she had been invited to this celebration, and oh it was a big one! She’d accepted, and now dressed in a fine ruby red dress of silk, and had done her black hair into a neat braid down her back, abandoning her usual more casual style of dressing.

    Sterling truly envied those who could walk up to someone and simply start a conversation. It was not her style, nor one of her skills. Finally she stepped out of her corner to head to a table where appetizers were set out, having not laid eyes on the food prior. Everything smelled delicious and looked twice as good, so she selected a small bruschetta slice, a high quality bread with olive oil, it sounded good to her. It tasted better than she expected it to. They really did go all out here. Beautiful, lavish ballroom, fine clothes, fine foods, everything.
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    Re: ↘ ғᴀᴛᴇғᴜʟ ᴀʟʟɪᴇs

    Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:21 pm

    21||Male||Heterosexual||Wealth: 9||Arkley||Paired: N/A||Tags: Annie

    His eyes watched as she placed the glass on a platter that happened to float by. He offered a smile, "You and I both know not being a man have yet to stop you from achieving that which you want. You aren't exactly a quiet soul. And I mean that as the greatest compliment, it is one of the good qualities you have." he stated. "Besides it could be our little secret, they needn't know." he joked. Though because he thought so fondly of her as a friend, he hated seeing her feeling so trapped when her personality is something that needs to be released. But she was right, this was a man's world, women were seen as just the ones to bear children and cook and clean while the husbands worked and brought home money. It was sickening to him really because someone as bright as Annie, well given the chance could begin to make some rather large changes to the people and places around her. Women have so much potential, it's saddening that most men don't see them like that.

    "I would never not write to you, though I think you may grow tired of my attention if I did." he laughed. He could see it if he went traveling that she would receive plentiful of letters. He watched her as she spoke "I suppose but to rid one because of originality would suggest that they should be in other business." he explained in all seriousness, a hint of playfulness in his voice. He watched her hand as she waved it "Hmmm then maybe if I should write up a play then you shall play the lead, go off of script as much as you desire." It did sadden him that a lot of her dreams seemed to be so far out of reach but if he could do anything to help her he would.

    There was that overdramatic reaction, though he knew of how her father was, at least to what he has heard from Annie. He was a man who looked for nothing less than perfect. And though his ideals towards her art have changed, there is always a possibility that this is a test to see how she fares under an immense amount of expectation. He knows that every father's plan is to make sure his daughter is well off, and safe, most of the time happiness means little to nothing. Oh what a shame, wondering how many talented women have been told to hide their art and desires to simply marry well, how much color has been painted black and white. He hoped that Annie would never change to fit the mold of a man. His mind returned once again as she spoke, quite good at multitasking he was able to form his own thoughts and be able to keep track of the words she speaks. "I would think nothing less. You seem to excel in everything you do as always. But I would love to meet any person you have deemed worthy of your friendship." he poked fun at her gently.

    He could tell by the way she brought out her card that she wasn't much for the thought of dancing, there was probably so much other she would rather do than be here pretending to search for a man due to her mother's wishes and he could see her thinking of the cards like a man trying to claim her. Which wasn't too far off, it was as if writing your name on the card somehow bound you to the woman for that dance, or the night. But this was how it was, so he gently took the pen and wrote his name on the card. His head had turned for just a moment as the music somehow become more heard, this whole time he had tuned out the music and all his attention was on Annie. As people began to dance he offered Annie a smile and put his hand out for her to take. He remembered how she had looked when they were kids, it was almost surreal looking at her now, the bright and amazing person she had grown up to be. "Just know that if a man ever starts making you uncomfortable here tonight, do feel free to retreat to me, I would hate for some man to ruin your night here tonight, or make you feel anything less than safe, not that you need me to handle anything, I am fully aware of how capable you are but, I figured I would extend the offer in case," he states.

    20||Female||Heterosexual||Wealth: 8||Arkley||Paired: N/A||Tags: Royce, Lucien

    She could sense this pride of sorts radiating from him for just a moment as he adjusted the mask on his face. She found herself staring as the beads reflected the lights. If someone wasn't close enough she could see that the mask would look almost as if it had the stars themselves resting upon his face. This now made her think of her mask as well, a rose-gold delicate and intricate mask that sat on her face and tied back with the ribbon. Though hers was not made by herself so it really didn't have much originality. But she thought it beautiful anyways.

    He didn't seem to mind much of her stumbling over her words, it made her feel much more comfortable that he didn't even point it out or bring it up, just a goofy grin on his face which made her laugh at herself. "Words are not exactly my most strong suit," she commented with a chuckle, starting to feel a lot less bothered by the people around them and more focused on the conversation itself. Her stomach was finally starting to settle, and an unlikely hunger arose. Though was it really that unlikely with all the adrenaline rushing through her body just moments ago. If Royce was feeling anything close to how she was she can certainly understand now how he was able to continue to consume so much food. The smell of food starting to consume the Onryx made the experience all the more pleasant.

    She looked to the quiche he offered out with his hand. She smiled gently before reaching out and taking the quiche a small nod of thanks directed towards him. The quiche looked quite delectable as she ate it. It was quite pleasing and helped subside her hunger for now. It would look not very lady-like for her to be eating lots of food. With that thought, he started to answer her questions. "Well that is easy to see." she chuckled. But the subject turned more serious as she listened to him speak of his work. She felt her eyes fall towards the ground "I am sorry to hear that, Maybe I can try to convince my brothers and father of picking up some more weaponry. I have been thinking of getting into archery of the late, suppose you could make me a bow?" she spoke as her eyes slowly trailed back up again to look at him. She had yet to bring it up to her father but she was sure he would be okay with it, and if not she would simply do it in secret. She had not felt unsure of the recent acceptance of the kingdoms together mostly because she is still not too sure as to why they hate each other in the first place and what makes them so different from each other. But she knew others questioned this gathering.

    With being in thought for just a moment another voice had approached from the crowd. A stranger someone she had never met before, probably from the other kingdom? But with a stranger comes her starting to close herself up a bit, though she tried her hardest to fight it. Sometimes with others, she doesn't know she tends to lose her voice, even though this man seemed friendly and kind, which did help in her not closing herself up completely. She offered a curtsy to the man and a gentle smile, her eyes going to the ground as she curtsied and then rose with her to look at the man. "It is," she responded to his comment, her words soft. She looked back and forth between Royce and the new gentleman. "Not at all feel free to join us, we were just talking about the food and home," she explains. "Might I ask your name and which kingdom you are from? I am Fleur Disraeli of Arkley, but please do feel free to leave out the formalities and call me by my first if you please," she says. She wasn't much on people calling her by her last name, besides there were 5 other siblings and her mother and father who all have the same last name. She honestly didn't understand addressing people by their last name when there is more than one. If someone had called out Mr. or Ms. Disraeli there would be 8 of them responding to it as to where if they called by their first name only the one would respond. It all in all was quite confusing for her, but never the less she simply told people to call her by her first name to avoid the headache. The other problem that would arise with her last name is the rumors tied to it, so she was usually reluctant to tell people her last name just to avoid questions and conflict.
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