[ ━♟ ] Curtain Call [ ♙━ closed]

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Postby cyborgishly » Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:15 am

gabriel ♙ king
    he's like a wall made of steel, too cold to touch but not much to feel
      location: ocean >> tagged: tobias >> mentioned: hux, celestia, robert

        "reserved for the enemy, eh?" A laugh slipped from Gabriel'a throat, shaking his head. Everyone on this damned island hated him, so why shouldn't he do the same? His laugh turned dark, transforming into a deep chuckle. "Hate is reserved for people like me." The next voice he registered was Celestia's, whining like always. Talk to people? He might have been the leader, but it took a village to raise a team. He led, people followed. They had no reason to distrust him, though he had plenty of reasons to distrust many of the others. "Maybe it is you who should talk to me, before I go out and flirt with others," he snapped, chuckling.

        a visible flinch emitted from the leader when hux had touched him. Almost immediately, he felt an intrusion in his body, emptiness flooding through his veins. Is this what the guards felt like when they were rendered unconscious? His eyes flicked to his hands, realizing now the mess they've become. It didn't register in his mind that he was being shocked, but every visible hair was standing up on his body, his knuckles bleeding, blistered and raw. Tobias wasn't fighting back. Why wasn't he fighting back? His mind put together the insults and antagonistic comments, realizing he was egging him on. Why didn't he fight back? Anger flared into his system once again, wanting to feel fists flying into his skin. Another growl emitted from his throat, watching the male. "hit me," the leader thought, another growl slipping from his lips. The comments slipping from tobias' mouth only made anger flare into his system. He wasn't a dog and he wasn't act v.

        Monster? Gabriel wasn't...he wasn't a monster, was he? It's been a time since he's been called that, his breathing becoming rapid. His brown eyes widened, watching Tobias. Is that what he was? A monster? He couldn't have been, he couldn't. He told himself for so many years that he wasn't a monster, that he was good. He used his powers for good, not evil. His eyes scanned tobias' face, searching for any sign of humor. But this wasn't a time for cracking jokes, it was a time for fighting. Gabriel didn't have time to think about anything else but that one word before he saw the sickening, familiar, flash of lightning.

        A loud, ear-splitting yell came from Gabriel's lips, his body rigid and on end. He wasn't far away from tobias, he was barely an inch away, hovering over him. He felt the full force of the lightning, his legs collapsing from the touch. It hurt. it hurt more than anything that Gabriel had ever endured, and he endured a lot. The palms of his hands were seared, the fronts of his calves having burns from where it burnt through his sweatpants and connected with his skin. He looked at Tobias, panting, yelling, crying. The tears involuntary came from his eyes, dripping onto the male beneath him. The three minutes of void mingling with his cells wouldn't have to wait long. Gabriel couldn't endure the pain for long, collapsing just as the lightning stopped, sand clinging to the cream on his burn. He lay halfway on tobias, his skin too hot to touch, almost as if he was fried. The leader's super strength made him able to endure much more than a normal being, also being able to absorb much more violence to his body. Any normal being would've been fried alive. Gabriel, he just got a good sear.
this is calcutta,
bohemia is dead
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[ ━♟ ] Huxler [ ♙━ v.]

Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Sat Nov 12, 2016 3:29 pm

      [age: twenty // nname: hux] - [location: looking for celestia] - [mentions: errybody] // [tags: tobiasish]
          Hux was still looking at his hands. Believe it or not, emptying your void into two different people took quite a bit of a toll on you. He was praying that the three minutes went faster. Meanwhile, he was focusing on manually circulating what void he had left through his bloodstream. But he did this all while looking incredibly bored. And he really was bored. Don't get me wrong, he was worried - something that left a bitter and unfamiliar taste on his tongue. He didn't feel like he should have to worry about any of these people. He remembered meeting them all for the first time and realizing that he'd been one of the very few power holders to be enlisted into the Actors movement. He remembered keeping as far a distance as he could from everybody, even though he realized that most of the others were doing the same thing. Nobody had trusted anybody. People were confused. Others were shouting off idealistic diatribe having to do with some 'good fight' that Act V was helping them fight. There had always been to sides of the story no matter what point of the game you were in. With Act V or against it. Hux didn't know what he was for. He was for himself. That much he did know.

          Or... used to know.

          It's a lot easier on your conscious when you truly believe that you're the only person that matters. People are specks. Insignificant little blotches of DNA in a mess of other specks of DNA. When you had access to something as limitless as the void, you tend to realize just how small you are. You also start to believe that to give yourself some sort of significance, you had to separate yourself from the rest of the world. You have to believe that you're the center of the universe. That's what Hux had been convincing himself through more than half of the fight against UTRA's forces. When push came to shove, Hux wasn't at the front of the lines. No, he was off basking in the sun at a beach until the fights were over. He was there to say that he'd helped and act oblivious when people called him cowardly. He preferred the word self preserving. Somewhere along the way, his idea that his little blip of DNA was the only thing that mattered was turned upside down when he started seeing the other blips surrounding him as people he didn't want to lose. Suddenly, the Actors became his DNA. And now his literal DNA was floating around the veins in two of his closest friends even if they didn't really realize what they meant to him.

          A touch on his arm made the cocky thief look up, and he looked at Celestia, his expression unchanging. However, he did shrug a little, and eventually, he gave in, the corners of his lips tilting into a small smile, "I transferred microscopic beads of my blood's void in their blood. It's slowly circulating through them and sucking up their oxygenated cells. Trust me, it's not enough to kill them - unless I were to leave it in there but then I'd end up dying, and we can't have that now can we?" He chuckled quietly, practically whispering his explanation to the girl while his eyes flicked over to watch the other two. They looked ready to kill each other - wait. No. It was more stupid than that. They both wanted the other to kill them. What real cowards those two broken people were. Damnit. He rolled his eyes, "Anyways, once they pass out, I'll be sure to take my void away from their nasty systems. God knows what I'll contact from them. I'm thinking Antisocial Disorder from Gabriel... and copious amounts of chronic stupidity from Toby." His lips curled into a bright grin at the thought, rubbing his hands together and shuffling from one foot to the other. He hadn't been paying attention to the other two and what they were doing. Well, he wasn't paying attention until he noticed the change in Tobias' form on the ground. Oh no. Bad idea. No no no no.

          The current of electricity shot through the ground and Huxler could visibly see it coming towards the three of them like a wave. That's all he saw when he was blinded by a searing pain shooting up from his legs and moving through his weakened state. See, Huxler never had to worry all that much about Tobias' or any other person's element with one such as vacuous as his own. Anything it touched, it sucked up and stored away in empty space. However, the reason Huxler was able to control and influence this element was because of the void that slipped quietly and passively through his bloodstream. However, those flecks of void were now in two of his idiot friends. Having no means to siphon away the electricity, he got the full blast of Toby's electric shock and his muscles locked up and caused him to sink to the ground. Teeth bared, he could only think about shouting a million angry cuss words at the two of them. Hux really... really... hated pain. Scared of it actually. It's why he was so damn careful at not getting caught. He was afraid of what might happen to him if he did. Oh well. The shock was over and Huxler was left a gasping and shuddering scrap of seared meat as he looked up briefly to see the two over there go limp.

          Okay, Hux. Just make your way over. Crawl. That's good. Good. You're crawling over on the ground to two idiots not worth your crawling efforts. Because it would have been impossible to talk it out like rational adults, right? No... no no no. Let's just fry Huxler in the crossfire. That's a great idea. Maybe, after it's all done - we can just have a good old laugh about it with him. Yeah. That Huxler guy's a pretty cool dude now that I think about it. We should throw a party for him. You know what we should ban from that party? Electricity! Oh, boy you guys. You shouldn't have. Really.... I'm just lucky to have two great lad friends like you guys. Ecstatic really. Ha. Get it? EcSTATIC??? Jesus, kill me. He finally crawled over to the two, relieved that they'd at least had the common decency to go unconscious one on top of the other - meaning less crawling for Huxler. His vision was still a little blurry and his skin felt like it was still blistering and he was certain his hair had cartoonishly been shot up in the air and blackened. Breathing heavily, he placed his hands on any skin he could find from either two and a certain amount of relief began to wash into him as the void naturally gravitated back into Huxler's body. He closed his eyes as if he were taking in some addictive drug, eyes rolling back into his skull. When all traces of the void he'd shared with the other two had disappeared, he was stuck sitting there - angrier than either of those two had been but hiding it under a careful face devoid of capabilities to share genuine emotion away from emptiness. The thief blinked twice and ran his hand through his singed hair, turning his eyes over to Celestia. Then he let out a little breath and smiled at her, "That went well....Ow. Bloody hell, that's a wee bit tender."

          ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━

          He was lying on one of the cots, despite the fact that he was muttering angrily to himself as he allowed the void to take care of internal damage that the electric shock had done to himself. Tobias had been put in his bed, or at least the one that he'd stolen before the others could claim it. How nice was it that the two girls in this place got the room with three beds downstairs? There would have been no a way a selfish thief like Huxler would be sleeping on one of the three uncomfortable cots. So he'd claimed the bed upstairs and in this room when they arrived. It didn't really look like he had much of a choice, now though. Gabriel was in the room downstairs, on one of the beds that wasn't being used by anybody at the moment and in the girl's room. This had probably been one of the group's smartest moves - making sure the two angry idiots woke up on opposite hemispheres in the house. What time is it? He couldn't begin to know but his head swiveled painfully to the window and he groaned when he saw that the sky had darkened considerably. He wasn't sure where Celestia was right now, but she and Robert had been a major help getting the two unconscious guys back to the lighthouse. He was hoping they'd wake up soon.

          "Idiots." He must have muttered under his breath for the millionth time as he forced himself to sit up. The nights were getting particularly awful in this place and he kept hearing people from his past out in the forest. Then of course, there were the trees that appeared in places there had been no trees before. Those kept popping up out of nowhere. But Huxler was specifically freaked out the first time he'd seen a skimp grinning at him from inside the lighthouse above his bed. The person that had brought them here had told them about the night spawn and had given them a quick rundown of what to expect and how to handle them. But nobody had expected that they'd be so terrifying. He avoided any medium sized black flying creatures as best he could - there was no way he wanted to fall into a night eerie's trance. With night closing in on them, he hoped that the co leader was preparing Rob and Deb for the night. Then, he figured that he'd had enough lying around in a pile of bacon, so he sucked it up and pushed himself to his feet. His gaze fell on Tobias and the smaller guy rolled his eyes, stepping up to the bed and looking down at the king of electricity. His green eyes were narrowed grumpily before they finally gave way to his good-natured side that was easy to let things go up and in the air. Hope you're happy. My charming aesthetics are ruined because of you. How am I going to pick up those hot vinguard chicks now? I look like krispy kreme donut. Any moment he figured both men would wake up and Huxler almost wanted Tobias to feel guilty for what he'd done to his beautiful face. So he decided to wait it out, walking over to the wall and resting his back against it, only occasionally checking on moron #1. Though, certain boredom called that he do something so he mustered up a little energy and pulled out a ukulele from the void. It was the only instrument he'd learned how to play when he was younger. One of his sisters had been obsessed with the instrument and he'd stolen it from her when she'd gotten on his bad side. The guilt still had a way of creeping up on it and he learned to play when he was on the streets. Russell had been the one to teach him. Plus.. skimps hated music. And he hated skimps.
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[ ━♟ ] Celestia [6] [ ♙━ ]

Postby lykos brethren » Sat Nov 12, 2016 5:40 pm

( nname ) blaze, winters & snow xxx ( role ) co-leader
xxx ( element ) pyrokinesis xxx ( speciality ) telekinesis and sensory deprivation

      celestia looked at the two fighting males, her eyes locked onto Gabriel when he spoke his comment about her flirting with others. She clenched her jaw, "fine, if your going to bring what happened to us into this then fine. Two came play at that game. Who was the one who push me away? No matter how much I tried to talk to you about things. I felt like a shadow to you, and so what if I flirted with hux. If you have actually gotten to know me better and how I am with my friends, especially hux, you would understand that me flirting with him is only a joke. We poke fun at one another, but no, you pushed me away from you." she growled, tears pricking at the back of her eyes. She gritted her teeth pushing the back before looking down, eyes closed, she controlled her breathing. Why did she bother? Gabriel wouldn't listen. he would just shut her out like he always does. why did she even bother with anything? All she did was get screwed over. Why she always feared falling for anyone or just being close to anyone in general. Sure she was close to hux, and tobias but she was weary at times around them.

      Standing near huxler she saw him look at her from her touch and saw his small smile. She couldn't help but return one as she listened to him speak. "Ah nice trick. Of course not! Not my dearest huxler! I don't know what I would do without you. your like my left arm, which I don't use very often. But you know, I still care about you." she chuckled softly, her own tone a bare whisper as she bumped shoulders with him. Hearing, hux continue his explanation of the situation and nodded before chuckling again. Despite her feelings before, she seemed to be more relaxed and well, happy. Hux always had that cause on her, whenever she was down, she often went looking for hux for a cheer up session. Most of the time the cocky humourous theif always put a smile on her face when most couldn't. Hux was definitely a one of a kind and one that she couldn't lose. Not ever. He was the only one that seemed to make her smile and laugh genuinely. Not only that but he seemed to not care about her blunt or impulsive nature, he seemed to take it well and it would bounce off him like a water on a ducks back. He was never offended by what she had to say but instead would put in his own input. They often would bounce blunt, sarcastic comments off of one another. They would have complaint sessions together, which can be great to get things off each other's chests. Which often ends with them laughing or something along those lines. He was her support at times, which a lot of people would question her about. Why him? He's a theif? He wouldn't be a good friend forever? He will desert you when you need him the most. No, Celestia trusted him. He was a good friend, her best friend in fact. Nothing would make her think otherwise. Deep down she knew hux was a good person and saw that in him. Hux the incredible best friend forever?, she laughed mentally as a smile was clearly evident on her face as she looked at him.

      Her gaze flickered over to the other two men, as she saw movement out the corner of her eye. She saw the sparks coming off of tobias' body as the tension and static began to climb to great heights. She felt her body freeze as she shook her head, she knew what tobias had in mind, "tobias don't--" she was cut off as tobias put all the electricity he had into the earth below. She saw the current surging towards her, hux and Robert. She wanted to move back out of instinct but it moved to quickly. Before she knew it, she felt the current climb into her legs and course through her veins. It felt like it was coming to kept going as she felt it in the pit of her stomach. Celestia yelled out in pain and collapsed down onto her knees and hands in a violent convulsion, her body shaking violently. She gritted her teeth to hide her pain, but a small groan of pain as she shook and fell onto her side. Her eyes clamp shut as she tried to subdue the pain somehow. Small tears trickled over the edge and spilled down her face.

      Slowly, but surely, she felt the pain subside that small amount. Opening her eyes, she saw hux crawl towards the other two men that were collapsed on one another. She saw hux touch them taking the void back from their bloodstreams. Her eyes drifted to his hair and she couldn't help but laugh, but it was more of cough and ended in her being in pain. She shook every so often as the electricity still coursed through her and spasmed her nerves and muscles. Looking down, she saw that her legs were seared and burned, her stomach even had a few marks, but the marks were beginning to fade. Since they were burn marks they would heal as she was a pykokinesis user. Only she could only heal burns or injuries caused by fire of sorts, as well they can only be small injuries. pushing herself up, she looked at hux as he spoke. "Just a wee bit" she agreed and sighed with a small smile portrayed on her features.


      A heavy sigh escaped her mouth as she opened her eyes, and looked around confused momentarily. Well, that is until she remembered where she was. In her and deborah's room. However, she was curled up in a chair uncomfortably, her neck ached and so did her lower back. Sighing, she looked over to gabriel unconscious in one of the spare beds they had in the room. They—her, hux and Robert—decided to put Gabriel in the room downstairs and tobias upstairs. So they weren't next to each other when they woke up. Which is realistically a good idea that they had come up with. Who knows what would happen if they were in the same room when they woke up. But it seemed like it wouldn't be a good idea. So they were in separate rooms. Looking at Gabriel, she rose to her feet, grabbing a flannel from the small dish of water she had next to the bed. She gently brushed the flannel over the wounds that the electricity had caused. She had tended to them earlier and did the same for tobias. She had a fair bit of experience with healing and actually didn't mind doing it. However, at first she learnt it more for animals but tweaked her techniques to healing humans. Well, the basics. It isn't like she could do surgery. Nope, definitely not.

      Sighing, she put the flannel back in the dish and decided to put some more cream on grabriel's wounds and put s bandage over the worse of the ones. It would help prevent infection, nothing worse. Drying her hands on her shirt, she looked down at her stomach seeing the small burns gone only small scaring. Her legs were still badly injured but she didn't care at the moment. She cared more for the others than herself. It was often the case. Looking to the window, she saw that the sun was nearly gone behind the horizon. Frowning, she knew the nightspawn would be starting to show their faces. "Great." she muttered and cursed slightly before looking back at grabriel. She sighed and looked away, as small tears from. "Were a mess." she spoke her voice thick as the tears fell. They were silent ones, her emotions were blank despite the tears. This was her time to let the tears fall. Shaking her head, no, She couldn't cry now. Even if Gabriel was out, she didn't trust that. Turning on her heel, she walked out, shutting the door behind her. Her back was resting on it before she slid down the door and tears fell silently as they created rivers down her face. "Oh shut up. Your being so pathetic." she muttered as she banged the back of her head on the door, eyes clamped shut. She pushed the last of the tears back and wipped the rest away before rising to her feet. Drawing a deep breath, she calmed down before walking to the kitchen and grabbed a drink of water. She sipped at the cup as she looked out the window, where she viewed the shore line. Watching the tide come in and out before her eyes flickered to the woods. A sudder ran over her body before she looked at her arms as goosebumps formed. Hairs standing on end, she mentally wondered where's hux was. She didn't feel right being on her own and she wanted the void user to stay around her.

      "Better check on tobias." she spoke her thoughts out loud when she felt weary or tense. A habit of hers that she wished she didn't have. One of many she had, there were hundreds that were embarrassing and just plain annoying. Walking up the stairs, she winced a little from the pain in her legs before coming to the door to the upstairs room. Celestia peeked in and slowly opened the door. "right, I'm coming in! I sure hope everyone has clothes on." she spoke as she opened the door. Her hand over her eyes before pulling her hand back and laughing a little despite the chaos she couldn't help but joke around. Something she has definitely gotten from hux. Looking at hux, against the wall, she smiled briefly, "you okay, my fine spud?" she smiled. Calling hux a spud was a joke about him being Irish since a stereotype of the Irish is that they love their potatoes, which is true in some cases. Her silver gaze flickered to tobias unconscious form on the bed, and walked over to him checking out his wounds, but he seemed completely fine. She looked at his throat where the vine had dug in. She tenderly used a wet washcloth over the wound before tending to the other ones.

      Once She was done, she walked over to hux. Leaning against the wall she stood beside him, she subtly wiped away the last remaining tears and smiled at him. Her shoulder brushing his, "you okay? How are your injuries?" she asked as she scanned over him for any injuries. Sighing, she looked up at his face "it's getting late." she spoke thickly, a small tickle of fear in her voice. The nightspawn would be about, meaning the others would have to stick together. She wouldn't have to find rob and deb and get the group sorted and ready for tonight. Who knows what would happen tonight? Anything really. And she wanted to be ready for anything tonight. She won't let anything happen to the others, not while she was alive and breathing. She just won't let it. She will die keeping them alive. To her last breath as cheesy as that may seem. But the group was all she had left, she wasn't going to let anything happen to them. No one will harm them on her watch.
Last edited by lykos brethren on Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [ ━♟ ] Curtain Call [ ♙━ closed]

Postby Bushranger » Sat Nov 12, 2016 6:36 pm


    Name: Robert Alexander Floodxxx

    Nickname - Rob
    Gender - Male
    Role - The Brains
    Crush - Celestia


                  Robert scowled at Gabriels comments. Why was this man filled with so much anger, he wondered. They had all faced the same perils, the same pain during the conficlts before their time on the island. They had sacrificed much, that was something they all shared. He understood somewhat as to why he was angry. Robert had felt the same sort of anger, he could tell during the few moments when he had entered Gabriels mind. He could tell Gabriel wasnt as much of a tough guy as he made himself out to be. Robert could tell, behind layers and layers of anger, malice and brute force, he was just like anyone else. But Gabriels one flaw of sorts was that he was his own worst enemy - He isolated himself and he hated talking things out.
                  He raised an eyebrow as he heard his comment to Celestia. Flirt? Why did he need to threaten her like that, they were over. And her talk to him? Sure, that might work, if the damn man listend for a few minutes, instead of blocking people out whenever he hears something he doesnt like the sound of.

                  He stood back and watched as Gabriel and Tobias fought. The static in the air was getting almost unbearable. It was like Tobias was releasing it as he moved, like he was loosing charge to the air around him. It was messing with Roberts head, he could feel it all around him. His eyes followed them, and he saw Huxler take Gabriel from behind. The two fighters stopped, their energy being drained from them as Huxler attempted to calm them both. Robert wasnt sure how much longer it would last for.

                  Then it happened. In a sound of rage, Tobias released an electric shock of some great magnitude into the earth. He could feel it rushing towards him, sprawling out in all directions. he watched almost in slow motion as he used all his energy to lift himself off the ground in a great gust of air, but it was too late. The colatoral damage from the electricity arced from the ground, up into the air and caught Robert in the leg. He felt his body convulse, before he spiraled to the ground with a thud. He groaned, as the air was pushed from his body. In an effort to stop himself from falling unconscious, he used what energy he had left to fill his body with air, pushing oxygen around his body. He coughed to life, and stood up woth a start. Tobias and Gabriel lay in a heap, uptop eachother, unmooving. He looked around, and Celestia and Hux were alright it seemed. Well 'alright' was an overstatement - they were conscious, which was better than the state that Tobias and Gabriel were in. he shugged his shoulders, as much as it hurt, and thought they best take them back to the lighthouse before the darkness set in. It was the best they could do for them at the moment, before the two started drooling on eachother.


                  Robert walked along the scarely grassed soil outside the lighthouse, looking at the ground, hands in his pockets. He hadnt sleapt well during the night, his back ached from the fall from the air, and the conflict was still dwelling heavily within his mind. He tried his best to not think about it, but it still sat there, eating away at him slowly. he couldnt tell what time it was, he didnt have his watch, but the sky was getting darker, and it was overcast. He looked up, and watched as the grey mat of clouds moved across the sky. If he foccused enough, even from down here at his vantage from the ground, he could just about feel the air that pushed the clouds around, the warm spots and cold spots hundred and thousands of meters above his head.

                  Looking back to the ground, something pale caught his eye. One of those creatures, what was it called again? Imp? No- Skimp. Thats it, he thought to himself. He was interested in them, but hell were they ugly. The creature looked at him for a moment, flicking its ears in all directions, before it took off and scaled the wall of the lighthouse, clambering inside a deep crack in its side some meters up. Great he thought to himself. Best warn the others before it pops out of the crawlspace he sighed to himself, as he walked to the lighthouse, before taking the spiral staircase to the mens dorm. He didnt see Celestia or the others as he passed the Kitchen and other rooms, but he heard talking in his Dorm. Walking in, he Saw Hux and Celestia, and tobias passed out on one of the Cots. "Hello" he said, as he stood in the doorway, rubbing the back of his neck as his eyes passed over the room. He saw Celestia cleaning Huxlers wounds, and he blushed with jealosy somewhat. "I apologise if im interrupting something," he said awkwardly, trying to hide his jealousy, "But i thought it would be best if everyone knew one of those Skimps got inside somehow". He made a half-smile and sat down on his bed awkwardly, it making a noticle creaking as his weight slumped into the old cream mattress.

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    [ ━♟ ] yasss nighttime[ ♙━ ]

    Postby the dreamer. » Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:00 am

    ...'the support' mentioned Celestia, Gabriel, hux, robert tags Robert, Hux, Celestia

                  Debs was in her room, after Gabriel had left she decided to just go back and take a nap until nighttime..after all that is when she'd prefer to be awake anyway. When she woke Celestia and Hux were in the room, Gabriel on a spare bed and Celestia just waking up from one of the nearby chairs. She lay there as Celestia tended to Gabriel's wounds and thought about how much easier it would have been for him to just accept her help. Most of his wound would be particularly easy to heal, especially during night time for Debs. Celestia spoke to herself for a few moments and then went to the kitchen, though Debs wanted to she couldn't heal mental wounds and so was no help there. She was never very good and consoling people and at this point, she was more ticked off at the boys for even fighting than she was worried about how the group was doing as a unit.

                  part of Debs powers was umbrageous teleportation, which is yes...as cool as it sounds. She could move with the shadows and teleport among them freely. to her, though, her favorite and most-liked power was umbrakinesis. with this she could heal herself or others using darkness. Sounds weird, right, and the first time she did it she was dumbfounded. since darkness was creeping up on them, she could heal gabriel. the only problem was there was two questions surrounding this - did gabriel want to be healed? he was pig-headed...probably didnt want to feel like he owed debs something. and did she want to heal gabriel? though he is the leader he was also act v's little baby. most liked, most used, most trusted out of them. everyone knew how close he was to them and debs still didnt know if she could trust him. maybe it was best now... to leave him not fully healed and question him? see if he is really telling the truth... find out whose side he is really on. after all, if they loved him so much why would they dump him with them? on an island full of terrors in the middle of nowhere.

                  debs could have probably avoided the whole fight, but getting in the middle of things during the day was not really her forte. she can use darkness to create sort of barriers or shields, but the catch is that it can usually only be done at night. that was the sucky thing about her powers, even though she had many she could use during the day her best ones and most powerful ones required darkness...and darkness on this island brought out way scarier things than debs. like a mind-reader Robert passed her room and went up towards the boys room. debs took the opportunity and went over to the corner where it was particularly dark and teleported to the room above. she appeared just as robert was finishing his sentence, "one of those skimps got inside somehow.." debs skin immediately started crawling. though, not the worst monster on the island it still gave her the heebie jeebies. she spoke up before anyone could, "well gabriel is downstairs alone...it probably wont touch him because his skin is all burnt and nasty right?"... she was blunt but it was also hopefully accurate.
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    [ ♙ // v ]

    Postby rogue, » Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:16 am

        ( ⚡⚡i//iTOBIAS REEVES
        [ gender || male ]xi[ age || twenty-two ]xi[ role || combat ]xi[ power || electrokinesis ]xi[ speciality || violence induc. & intuitive apt. ]
        [ location || lighthouse, upper floor ]xi[ tags || huxler, celestia, robert & deborah ]xi[ mentions || gabriel ]

        Maybe he was dead. He felt rather dead.

        His last recollection of the fight was the burnout. The last flare of static before the darkness swept in to claim him. And no, that darkness wasn't Deborah, he was sure of it. An artificially induced state of unconsciousness, it was. Tobias had been vaguely aware of the pain in the dark soup he'd been swimming -- no, not swimming, the dark was thick and far too heavy. He was face down, drowning in that lake of darkness. And what didn't mix well with electricity? Water. A natural conductor, and each time Tobias showered it was an effort to rein it in enough to stifle the sparks before they could fly. It was a living entity, the electricity. Forged into a man who had then been tempered into a weapon. A volatile weapon. Lightning was as unpredictable as Tobias. Seemed it also enjoyed pulling the wool over the conduit's eyes and taking his body for a spin while he stood back in awe.

        Not dead. He was alive. And he knew that because of the pain.

        Tobias' white electric flickered. Drained, completely and utterly drained. He could feel the throb of each and every muscle and the cry of his bones. Must've given way when he had poured his anger into the earth. Before he dare open his eyes, he performed a sweep of the room with his static. It was so bloody weak, the charge. The pain acted as a hindrance to his focus, trying to push a charge through the air in order to detect the bodies strewn around the room. One in the corner... and was that, music? Delirious. Two more, one passive and... one barely there but still undeniably there, so Deborah, must be. And there was one who fizzled with skin with a gentle flannel of water -- that one was Celestia, she burnt brightly against the back of his eyelids. But by the ever-loving gods; his throat was red raw from the outside-in. Swallowing was beyond difficult, and the lacerations around his neck dented the skin, making the skin painful to flex when he inhaled. From the agony, he could only guess that his chest and wrists hadn't been spared from Gabriel's superhuman strength.

        He missed Evie.

        She couldn't heal in the same degree as Deborah, but her element was pain. An awful, hideous element to control. Unlike his violence inducement, she could both induce pain and take it away. Odynokinesis, they called it. Far more advanced than his simple electricity; by infecting the air with an undetectable about of pain, it lent Evie the ability to walk through the streets unnoticed by the vast majority, who found themselves turning away from her. That's where Tobias took the idea for his static field from. But, oh! A benevolent thing, she truly was a benevolent thing. What were her specialities again? Ahh, smoke was one of them. Smoke. On multiple occasions, Toby could jab at her smoke abilities, saying how much he disliked the inherent scent of it. And now, well, now he just missed the burn at the back of his throat. Brought tears to his eyes for a very different reason altogether now. But the second speciality... best not mention the second one.

        Huxler, Celestia, Robert and Debs. Four other beings in the room. Toby was too far gone to stretch his electric air any further, drawing it back to settle in the marrow of his bones. He opened his electric-flecked black eyes. And by the looks of it, he hadn't channelled enough of it downwards into the earth's core, and instead, it had stretched out across the surface and fried his friends. They were all in various states of hurt, electric burns and oh gods -- he had done that. Who's the monster now, Toby? Still Gabriel? No. Only had to look at his reflection to find the real antagonist of this story. Him and his petty grievances. He groaned, pushing himself up on his elbows, rather appreciative to find the soft mattress beneath his body. Didn't feel the need to speak to any of these people whom he had hurt, bowing his head in shame. A hand touched his neck, then his chest, the electrical conduit falling back on his training and performing a field assessment of himself and his faculties. Found most of them to be injured in one form or another. But at the end of the day, Toby had escaped the worst of it. Bruising, maybe a fractured bone here and there, but he had survived. And Gabriel? Where was... no. Now was not the time to concern himself with that violent attack dog.

        He forced his way from the bed and into the nearest bathroom, arm wrapped around his chest and hand tucked beneath his shoulder joint, propping it up. Slinking free of his friends, he made certain to avoid their hateful gazes. Once inside, Tobias peeled off his jacket, followed by a tentative removal of his shirt. A pained note left his lips, and in the end, he settled for just lifting it up. Dear gods. The sight of blackened skin was sickening, blue veins snaking through the dark marring. Barely any flecks of his pale skin were even visible between the black and purple bruising covering most, if not all, of his torso. It mottled his entire chest and stomach with varying degrees of dark purples and blacks, large pools of blood gathered just beneath his layers of skin. There were awful depressions in his skin and muscle where the vines had dug in, and he growled, wincing back as he touched the swollen skin. It was a right state, thought, he had a feeling Gabriel had been the worst off with his blistered flesh.

        But that wasn't what caught his eye. What did catch his eye, was the silver locket glimmering bright against his ruined flesh. "The dragonfly," he croaked, shoving the door back on its' hinges. The beat of his heart increased tenfold, thrumming painfully against his probably broken ribs. Oh gods, what if it was gone? Through his own damn carelessness? "A dragonfly charm. Did any of you see a golden dragonfly charm? In the sand, the vines," please. Tobias hissed through gritted teeth, pressing the heel of his palm against his eyes and rubbing in small circles. This couldn't be happening. "Have any of you seen it?" It was just his damn luck something like this would happen. Just his damn... luck. Huxler. "Hux, please don't tell me this was you," he sounded almost distraught, the deep cry of his voice only in thanks to Gabriel's earlier vine attacks. Tobias had to lean against the far wall, needing to recharge just like a battery. His electricity hummed in his blood, far from complete and not impressed in the slightest.
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    search and rescue

    Postby cyborgishly » Sun Nov 13, 2016 7:52 am

    gabriel ♙ king
      he's like a wall made of steel, too cold to touch but not much to feel
        location: ocean >> tagged: nobody >> mentioned: hux, celestia, robert,tobias, debs

          for hours, Gabriel slipped in and out of consciousness. His bones screamed in pain whenever he tried to move them, his hair against the pillow was crunching in his ear. He felt as if he had a bad sunburn, feeling dry and seared. He felt people flicker in and out of the room, someone tending to his wounds. If he was conscious during the water being put on his face, he would press against the touch, skin thirsty for moisture. He felt his hands and legs being wrapped, cream being reapplied to the burns. He wanted to thank the mystery person, yet the words wouldn't form on his lips. Gabriel lay there because of indulgence, the soft ground beneath him feeling more of a luxury that he wanted more of. He drank in the soft sheets, the thick blanket warding off the cold. The island seemed to be cooler at night, the warmth of the sun setting, leaving all warmth and light to man made objects.

          Once the darkness started to settle, Gabriel decided it was time to get up. Any people that were there before were not there now. A yawn slipped through his lips, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. He heard murmurs drift throughout the lighthouse, assuming everyone was out and about somewhere. His tongue begged for water, his bones screamed when he stood. It took some time, his legs unwilling to cooperate. The smell of burnt flesh radiated through the room, his body too tired to move anywhere quickly. His pants were seared, frowning as he saw the holes around his legs. He sighed, knowing he would have to go upstairs if he wanted to change. Unlike the others, Gabriel didn't know about the skimp wandering around the lighthouse. Those creatures didn't scare him. They could easily defeat them with the right tools. Slowly, but surely, Gabriel made his way up the lighthouse stairs. He couldn't use his hands to pull himself up the stairs, his legs heavy and weak. Weakness was a feeling that Gabriel couldn't stand. It made him feel like a child. The pain in his body and the fatigue in his bones made him realize how much he hated these damned stairs, every step feeling like a death sentence.

          After some time, Gabriel made it to the kitchen, grabbing a rag and running it under the cool water. He was careful not to wet the gauze wrapped around his hands, eagerly patting it to his face. His stubble that he had growing was singed off, his eyebrows and hair also feeling crispy. Did he care? Nope. With shaking hands, he filled up a mug, tipping it back and finishing it in one swig. He did this three more times until his stomach felt full, leaving the mug in the sink. He left the kitchen, hobbling up the stairs up to the top floor; the boys' room.

          He ignored the people that collected in the room while he limped over to his clothing, taking off his pants and replacing them with thicker pants, careful not to disturb the bandages. It didn't bother him about changing with the other people there. He wasn't embarrassed or shy about his body, though he wouldn't get completely naked with others standing around. A shirt came on next, grunting as the fabric slid over the burn on his torso and the burns on his hands. He registered Tobias coming into the room, asking about a locket. He looked at him for a moment, but he turned away, the anger that was in his body evolving into the pain he felt now. Maybe he should go out and look for the locket, maybe as a truce. He was willing to not fight with Tobias as long as he didn't electrocute him anymore. The burns on his body, and the lightning that surged through his system, hurt like a son of a b*tch. He quietly made his decision that he would go out and retrieve the locket, hoping he had enough energy in his system to ward off the creatures of the night.

          Gabriel slipped on his jacket and his shoes, quietly leaving the members of his team back on the floor. He murmured a simple "I'll be back," before he left. He staggered down the lighthouse stairs, reaching the beach below. He didn't know what would be out here tonight, just hoping he could fend off whatever oil-dripping creature that was out here. walking across the sand was hard for the leader because one, he was hurt and two, he sunk down into the sand's mighty grip. He hoped he could find the spot where he and Tobias fought, hoping to duck in swiftly and return without any creatures noticing him.

          But that was too much to ask for.

          The first creature was number one on his list of dangerous creatures. It was one of those damned shatterknox, and Gabriel wasn't looking forward to it's encounter. The first thing he did was put a hand over his ears, his other hand shooting out, grabbing the monster with a thorny vine. It had shrieked, knowing that Gabriel must have damaged it in some way. It's eyes were now facing him, a hiss coming from it's lips.

          "monster! Look what you did, look what you did to me!!"

          Gabriel knew that voice, he would recognize it anywhere. It was the man who made him who he was. It was his guardian and the man who knew him best, the one who trained him, raised him. He was practically a father to Gabriel, though a sh*tty one he was. Gabriel practically fell over, a wimper falling from his lips as he landed on his hands. It hurt even more when it struck something solid. It was a chain. "the necklace," he thought, tearing his gaze away from the creature for a moment as he slipped it into his pocket.

          "you marred me! How dare you? How dare you!!"

          Gabriel looked up at the monster in fear, suddenly back on that day, back when he was a child. He wasn't in control of his powers, accidentally scratching the man with spiny vines right across his arm, making a deep cut into his arm. "I'm sorry," he whispered, looking up at the man, trembling as much as he did when he was ten. The man yelled more, called him a monster, told him he was worthless. Gabriel had been called these names before, just not by his guardian. He trusted this man more than anyone in the world. He called him dad, and the man called him his son. They were family, they were as close as blood. And here he was, being yelled at, called a monster.

          Gabriel was frozen, he couldn't move, couldn't think, just shaking and trembling, murmuring he was sorry. His dad kicked him in the ribs, feeling the pain of the memory. He was kicked in the ribs by the creature, pain corresponding with memory. "Please," he murmured, holding his ribs. "I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you, papa, please." The leader was scared, the creature violating his mind to his fears, his memories. He hated it, he hated feeling this way, he hated feeling weak. He clutched the locket in his hand, eyes wide, pleading to the creature, telling it that he didn't mean to hurt his papa, trying to convince the creature just like he tried to convince his father, though neither one seemed to listen. He tore away from the monster long enough to yell, surprisingly yelling out for Tobias, wanting him to have the necklace before anything bad happened to him.
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    [ ━♟ ] Huxler [ ♙━ vi.]

    Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:10 pm

        [age: twenty // nname: hux] - [location: looking for celestia] - [mentions: errybody] // [tags: just a lot of ppl]
            Huxler picked gently at the strings of the uke, the focus he poured into the music something that wasn't seen often. Every now and again, he'd look up and watch Tobias calmly wondering if he was more worried or more angry. He didn't know if he was either, to be honest. He was just sort of tired to tell you the truth. Huxler wouldn't mind taking a nap but sleeping at night had become nearly impossible. That was saying something, because Hux could honestly sleep forever if he could. When he'd first come here, he slept on any surface that was sleepable. A couple times he'd even taken a nap on the lighthouse balcony. But with the nights becoming more and more dangerous, he figured that he would be sleeping a lot less. Of course, he'd been right. A voice from outside made his lips curve upwards and he wasn't allowed a chance to answer before Celestia came into the room without explicit permission.

            "Now what would you have done if Tobias and I were passionately having a shag? Wouldn't you be embarrassed," he joked, catching the fact that she'd been tearing up a bit. The sight of it put him off, and he had to think of all the ways people could handle sympathy in a normal manner. He wasn't used to being sympathetic. People's feelings and emotions had always been their own damn business, but now Hux actually wanted to make people feel better. Now that's just a nasty thought. Flicking his fingers over the strings of his instrument once again, Hux watched Celestia tend to what wounds Tobias had endured today. He rolled his eyes accordingly. That guy had wanted the pain. Gabriel had also wanted the pain. But for people like Huxler, who were deathly afraid of pain, it was a different story entirely. However, he supposed that was just a price to pay when you were friends with the strongest power holders in the world. Of all the people Hux would let into his life... these guys? Really? He couldn't begin to mind Celestia's company however, and as she fell in beside him once again. He partook in the manner of sympathy and wrapped an arm around her shoulder in a hug before withdrawing with a smirk, "I'm just as fifty shades of messed up as I always am, but there's nothing new about that, is there? Naw, I'll be alright. Oi," he spoke up, then glancing at her softer than usual, "Thing's will work themselves out. I've got all the luck in the world if I want it. You can count on me too."

            She had that look she always got when she was putting herself in front of everybody, willing to take the worst of the blows. Though, Hux probably wouldn't end up letting that happen to the girl. He was a far way away from jumping in front of somebody and taking the full force of the blow. But he wouldn't let her take a hit for him. If he was going to get hit, he'd get hit. If they were going down, they were all going down together. He opened his mouth to say something but when Robert came in, he closed his mouth and just smiled instead. "Interrupting something? I don't know Celestia, he interrupting something?" He smirked and moved away from the two of them, standing next to Deb instead and looking down at the girl. He decided that it was about time to take into consideration the girl's company. He had to admit that he often overlooked her. That was just what happened to people with powers like theirs. Powers that allowed you to sink into the background unnoticed. "You missed quite the party. Maybe I'll invite you to come along next time." He chirped to the girl, passing along a chuckle.

            The sound of stirring from the bed distracted him from his playing and he was watching Tobias quietly. He didn't say anything, however. In all honesty, he didn't have anything to say. He knew Tobias was basking in about 50,000 watts of self hatred right about now. The thought disturbed Huxler, and he went back to focusing on his uke, aware of the fact that Toby had pushed himself to the bathroom. He couldn't be angry right now. Just calm and collected. Playing the uke like a champion sport. He wasn't even angry when Gabriel walked into the room looking like he'd just escaped some sort of hell. He probably had. Remembering the pain from Tobias' shock was still fresh in Huxler's mind. But come on. That was Tobias' element. It was destruction in of itself and Huxler knew more than anybody that the element you take on is more than a part of you. It is you. Huxler's element could have detrimental results if he went ham on physical earth. The most he'd ever done with the void was rob a bank. Literally. An entire bank. The building was ripped from the Earth and pulled into the void just as you'd imagined. It wasn't until the news reports told of the story that he'd realized there had been three people in the upper level. That sort of thing has a way of messing with your mind. Fortunately, Huxler had been a sick son of a b**** so he didn't really take to heart any lessons. The next week, he robbed a vending machine.

            Good times. Speaking of good times, this was not one of them. There was no particular song he was playing, but he kept doing so as to distract the skimp that was watching them with big eyes. Internally, Huxler was freaking out about the pink creature - which was soon joined by two more. Their larger than life eyes watched his friends greedily. Some of them had bones which were painfully obvious and begging to be covered by human skin. And there they all were, drooling that black oily liquid. He had no way of knowing what the stuff was, and he didn't really want to know. The skimp that had appeared first made a small chirping noise and three more of the creatures joined the pack. "Guys..." He started, but was interrupted by Tobias who was looking at him in distress. "What? Uh..." Huxler shook his head and frowned a tiny bit as Gabriel left the room without saying a word, "C'mon mate, you should know I'd never steal that charm of yours... I'm almost offended. Almost. But seeing as I have stolen crap from you lot before, I gotta say, I can't be surprised." He sighed, and gave the man a friendly pat pat on the shoulder before walking out of the room. He couldn't keep his heart rate down while those skimps were lining up above them. There was also too many people in one room for him to be comfortable. He knew they were all his friends, but he that didn't mean he was any better in crowds than he'd been when on the streets.

            He hoped the other's were smart enough to leave the room before the skimps strategically outnumbered them and caused a bit of a problem. They weren't deadly, but the nasty scar on the back of Huxler's neck could testify that they were a world of pain. He took a deep breath and moved to stand in the kitchen. With a blank expression, the thief of void stared out the window thinking about anything and everything. It wasn't until he started to wonder specifically where Gabriel had gone that Hux's mind seemed to turn 180 degrees. Without a word, he slammed his fist angrily against the kitchen counter and marched across the building to rip open the door of the female's room. Of course. Of course he wouldn't be in here. Huxler should have known that Gabriel would go and do something stupid. That guy was a hop and a skip from walking off a cliff just to see what would happen - specifically knowing the outcome. Huxler sounded exhausted when he shouted up the stairs. "Oi chappies! Going out for a walk! Seems like we got ourselves a masochistic ignoramus in our midst!" That was his warning before he opened a rift and stepped into the void. When he stepped back out, he was in the place where the earth had been scorched as was the result of the boys' fight. His hunch had obviously been correct when he saw his little leader fighting against the skeletal form of a shatterknox. Somewhere around around them, the shatterknox' sibling creature was in hiding.

            As if on cue, he heard the soft voice of his mother muttering incoherently. He was instantly able to form a memory of her in his head. She was staring at a wall, her neck curling and spasming as she was tweaking on pills or whatever substance she'd taken. She was muttering quietly as the chatterknox imitated this woman who'd failed to raise him, but he knew that the muttering would get louder. And then he heard the screaming. Mistake. Huxler only grinned a twisted grin. These creatures overestimated how much he cared about that family of his. He was easily able to ignore the imitation of his mother's insane and tweaking episodes. Instead, he paid attention to the fact that Gabriel was getting pwned by his opponent, shouting for Tobias of all people. How cute... Huxler split a twisted expression and he conjured a dark orb that practically sat and twisted menacingly in the palm of his hand. However, before he could come to the rescue he stopped and just watched the shatterknox.

            No. Not the shatterknox that was beating the crap out of his friend. The second one.

            Two? Since when had two shatterknox been together in one place? These nights were changing and suddenly he was facing his own skeletal being. Not Good. In a head on head fight, these creatures were always a step ahead of him. He took a step backwards, risking a look at Gabriel and fighting himself at the same time. He could run. The void orb in his hand disappeared and a bead of sweat rolled down his temple. He was a runner. He didn't save people if the outcome wasn't in his favor. So what did Huxler end up doing? Freezing like an idiot. His head was going a little something like this. Not the best time to be breaking down in a moral dilemma you idiot. Shut up, do you want to fight the shatterknox? Not really, but this should be simple. You're not a hero, man. You never were. Gabriel's a big boy. He can handle himself. Big boy? Look at him. He's pathetic right now, and that's coming from a guy that has to literally argue with himself as to whether or not he should run away with his tail between his legs. Look man, your lonely void arse created me when you were on the streets to help you out in these situations. I'm trying to help you just like I've always tried to help you. By the way. Duck. Huxler's eyes widened and he ducked out of the way from the skeleton's bone crushing attack. His heart sped up. Thanks man. No problem. So I guess you're staying? I.... I guess so. Huh. Weird. Hmm... I know. Go get 'im my boy. The voice in his head disappeared and Huxler swallowed and the void orb worked itself back up. "Come at me ugly." Oh good God, he was going to die. With the sound of his tweaking mom in the background. How poetic.
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    [ ━♟ ] Celestia [7] [ ♙━ ]

    Postby lykos brethren » Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:04 pm

    ( nname ) blaze, winters & snow xxx ( role ) co-leader
    xxx ( element ) pyrokinesis xxx ( speciality ) telekinesis and sensory deprivation

        celestia attention focused on the soft gentle strum of the strings of the uke that huxler held in his hands. Admittedly, she felt a sense of calmness and felt her nerves slide away as she walked into the room. Her eyes flickered to hux as he spoke. She laughed a little, "is it wrong to say that I wouldn't be surprised?" she joked lightly and waggled her eyebrows to him. "And no, I wouldn't be embarrassed, I would probably make some smarta** comment like you have taught me so well." A smile spread across her face, she couldn't help it. Hux always seemed to make her smile even when she was down in the dumps. Someone she could definitely count on.

        When returned back to hux, she felt his arm go around her shoulder in a hug. She smiled a little as she leant slightly into him before moving back when he removed his arm. She saw his smirk and heard his comment and rolled her eyes. "I suppose not. But I still...well you know...ah...care." she spoke rubbing the back of her neck a little awkwardly. She often got like that's when she felt like she was beginning to become close to someone. She didn't know how to deal with, often her response is to run. It was one of her fears, it was definitely up there. Celestia heard hux's soft tone and lifted her gaze back up and looked him dead in the eyes as he spoke. Hearing his comment, a small smile appeared but disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. The way hux's tone was so much softer and gentler, which a side of hux she never saw. Admittedly, she liked that soft of him. Well, she preferred the sarcastic smart aleck that he could be, as that is really all she knew him for. In a way, she thinks it's his way with dealing with everything, just like her in a way. No wonder the two seemed to get along on a different terms than what tobias and hux had long before her.

        Celestia watched him momentarily and saw him open his mouth but then heard a voice. Turning her head she saw Robert standing there and smiled sheepishly towards him. She looked back at hux and saw his had closed his mouth and raised an eyebrow. what else was he going to say? she wondered curiously to herself, before sighing, probably just one of his usual comments she chuckled mentally before she heard hux's words. "Nope, nothing at all" she smiled and her eyes flickered over hux's face for a moment before she stretched her arms. Hearing the cracking and grinding of her bones before she shook them out. Looking towards Robert on the bed, she walked over to him and sat down beside him. "You okay?" she asked kindly as her silver gaze flickered over the aerokinesis user. He wasn't that bad looking to say the least, actually pretty decent. better than hux's singed hair she laughed mentally and knew Robert probably heard her thoughts but honestly didn't care.

        Hearing another person enter, she Deborah at joined the small group. She felt a small amount of guilt for not talking to the other girl sooner. should have done that while I was done in our room she sighed to herself. But then again, Celestia honeslty didn't even know if Deborah was in their room or not. Another feeling of guilt stung the girl. At least hux was talking to her which made her feel that little bit relieved. "Hey deb, you alright?" she asked softly, her eyes looking over the female. She might as well make the rounds, she asked and tended to the others, why not deb? She was in the group was she not?

        Hearing movement, Celestia looked over to the he bed and saw tobias rise and head to the bathroom. She raised an eyebrow, and was about to go after him but thought better. She looked down momentarily and played with her hands, they warmed a little. Why was she upset? Well, she felt betrayed by tobias somehow. It felt like he had wanted to die or something along those lines today. Didn't he see that Evie wouldn't want that? Wouldn't want to see him, beating himself up forever about what happened. She wouldn't want to see him upset forever, well surely she didn't. Celestia cared about tobias like her own blood, her brother. So was he determined to hurt himself and hurt her. What hurt him, hurt her basically. It didn't make sense to anyone that has had a sibling you were close to. Sure, they bother sparred and she loved it, but she found him to be much like that older brother she needed around. To achor her and support her when she needed him the most, and she would do the same for him. Yes, like siblings they both had their moments of fights and bickers. Maybe this was just one of those moments? Maybe? Well she definitely hoped it was.

        Lifting her head, she saw Gabriel come into the room. She frowned, what is he doing? she thought, her gaze flickering to Robert before looking back at Gabriel. She felt tense now that both tobias and Gabriel were awake and well together. She dreaded when tobias would come back out of the bathroom. Would they fight again? Ignore each other? Or kiss and hug and make up? Well, all expect fighting seemed unlikely to happen. Which didn't make her feel any better or less relieved. Suddenly, seeing that Gabriel was getting changed she quickly turned away. Looking at robert, she decided to rest her head next to his side. Hiding her face of embarrassment and awkwardness. What? She didn't know what else to do. Even though she felt like one of those ostriches that when they get scared they put their heads into the ground, which is not true but nonetheless that is how she felt. Gosh, she felt like her face was on fire, even those her element had no role in this.

        suddenly hearing tobias' voice in a frantic tone, she lifted her head and looked where she heard his voice. She frowned a little and shook her head, she didn't see anything of the sort on the beach. All she did was help Robert and hux bring in both tobias and Gabriel, well tobias to be exact. For reasons known. Seeing Gabriel disappear, she wondered where he was going before looking at tobias. "I will have a look for you." she sighed, not being able to make eye contact she stood up and decided to drag her butt a bit before going out to look. Of course, she would make tobias feel a bit annoyed. After what he has done today, she wasn't in any mood to play friendly. She was going to do her way, and if he didn't like it, he can go do himself without her help for all she cared. She froze, what was she talking about? Why was she being like this? She groaned at herself and walked out the room. Her gaze looking at Robert for a bit before she left. She really needed some space, too many people. She needed to breath, much like her element. How ironic.

        Celestia wondered for a bit as she sat in the small living room they had, her hands had a single flame. She almost played with it like it was alive. It ran over her fingers, transferring from one hand to the next and back again. It would at first be a orange yellow colour before going green, blue and then lastly black. Felt anyone felt that flame they would get a really nasty burn. Reason why she never saws it to anyone, afraid she would harm someone in some way. Fire was unpredicatable. If could jump, and spread in a spilt second. Much like her st times. Even if she doesn't mean to, and she tries to control how she is, she canf help it. It is who she is. No if someone doesn't like that, they can go jam it up their...okay none of that now celestia.

        Her mind was brought back to realists when she heard hux's voice yell out. She shot to her feet and checked the girl's room, expecting Gabriel to be there. Of course though, he wasn't. "You have got to be sh**ing me." Shen cursed as she quickly slipped her boots on. Just as she was about to move outside she saw hux step into a void before disappearing into its midsts. "Slack ass." she shook her head as she threw the door open. She ran into the night and instantly got a chill from the cold night. Her element quickly reacting by warming her up. It was dark outside so she had flames engulf her left hand. Light scared away the darkness around her as she ran towards the spot where the boys had their tussle. Seeing four figures ahead, wait, four!! she came to a stop and saw there were skeletal forms that weren't only half the side of her. Intimidating nonetheless. With bones that violently protruded the dark leathery skin that looked ready to break. Their eyes blood red as they glowed in the night. The same black oily substance dropping from their mouths like all the creatures on this damn forsaken island. The shatterknox.

        It didn't take long before she began to hear the muttering of the chatterknox. it began in the voice of her brother zoran, then her mother, flickering between voices. Which confused her more than scared her. She didn't have much of a voice that she feared.however, to be on the safety side of things, "ah I don't think so." she spoke before her hearing blacked out. It was her sensory deprivation. She trusted using it on herself, but others? Well only one way to practice. She focused as best she could on hux and Gabriel, pushing their hearing to black out. She hoped it worked, even if it did flicker it would help prevent the muttering the best she could. Looking at the shatterknox harming Gabriel and the one pproachinf hux. She decided to help Gabriel first, hux would handle himself surely. Seeing him actually fight was a sight. So she had to at least she him struggle for a bit before she would do anything.

        Approaching the shatterknox harming Gabriel, she saw it turn at her approach and open its jaws. She couldn't hear it's growl or snarl or whatever it was producing. She looked at and smirked, "sorry, I'm deaf. Could you please repeat that kind sir?" she snickered as it ran at her, claws swiping at her. She managed to dodge a few but some managed to hit their target. The sharp claws cut into her flesh causing blood to ooze form the wounds. It only made her more determined, at least she was keeping it away from Gabriel until he got his bearings. She tried using her ability to push it away with her telekinesis but nothing worked. She frowned in frustration as she ducked out of the way, and rolled to side to avoid another. Thinking, she tried to find some weak points. Anything that could help her. It was the way she fought okay.

        Standing back a few metres and examined the shatterknox curiously and calculating. Saw it running towards her and swip it's claws at her again and again. Barley missing their target. She had to stay on her a game, or she would not see the next day. But what do you know what happens next? Well she stumbles. Over one those pesky roots. A tree so close to shore? Suddenly the green eyes glared at her and she moved back. That was when the shatterknox was on her. Her heart pounded in her chest as her eyes looked frantically around for a way out. Her body warmed, her hands red hot. The flames grew and she grabbed onto the leathery skin, that made her skin crawl. The flames leapt across the shatterknox. It threw its head back and threw its claws down. Landing them into her sides, a loud scream came from her mouth. The flames shot up climbing, and turning green. Then blue and finally black. The shatterknox tried to escape but couldn't from her grasp. It seemed to disintegrate in her hands, and before she knew it was gone. Nothing more than dust in the sand. too bad she thought and groaned as she rolled onto her side blood seemed to form its way into her throat. "Disgusting crap" she spat and hissed in pain as she tried to move. One thing was for sure, she hated shatterknox. Now, the vineguard seemed to onto her next. What next?

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    [ ♙ // vi ]

    Postby rogue, » Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:05 am

        ( ⚡⚡i//iTOBIAS REEVES
        [ gender || male ]xi[ age || twenty-two ]xi[ role || combat ]xi[ power || electrokinesis ]xi[ speciality || violence induc. & intuitive apt. ]
        [ location || beach shore ]xi[ tags || huxler, celestia & gabriel ]xi[ mentions || --- ]

        Thank Huxler's luck that Gabriel didn't run into the harsh Toby on his way into the room. He wouldn't have known what he might've done had he arrived face-to-face with the charred man. An apology for his actions was in his eyes, but it was unclear whether that applied to Gabe as of yet. Maybe one day, and one day soon if the gods shined upon the earth king. "No, Hux," he scratched at the base of his neck, ignoring the incessant whines of his skin. "Not steal, I meant your luck absorption," you threatened to steal my luck, didn't you? What if this is a repercussion of it? Karma? That was a thought and a half, wasn't it? A noise escaped Tobias, his eyes firmly pinned to the ground in case it was just beneath his nose. No such luck. Didn't bother to glance up at the skimps above. Didn't care to.

        "Celestia," he spoke softly, yet found himself unable to curb a growl. "You don't need to do that." Family was a fraught thing, wasn't it? They may not have been bound by actual blood, but that didn't stop Tobias in believing they were. To him, she may as well have been family; chosen through trial and tribulations. He sensed her hurt, the pain welling in her chest. Yet it was the faint resonance of Evie that pushed him away. A mind reading ability wasn't needed when he just knew what she was thinking. Must have hurt her far more than he realised, gods! Celestia couldn't even look at him! Well, talk about walls, Toby had built himself a damned fortress. "Celestia," he said again, tentative in reaching out towards her, on the basis that he didn't completely trust his refuelling element not to surge. "It's not... are you alright?" But she was gone, out the door without another word for him.

        Left him one final option; to search the beach for it. Shouldn't take him too long, right? He could pull things with his electricity, all apart of the package. (Act V even told him, had he honed his skills, he would he able to neurologically alter the mind of a person, even reanimate the dead if he could re-spark those neural connections and networks -- but that didn't bloody work. And yes, he had tried.)

        ──────────── 🌀 ────────────

        The beach was a right state. Toby wanted a peaceful search, so he could be alone and wallow in oodles of self-depreciating thoughts. He didn't need others to look out for him or question his mental capabilities; he wanted time to heal. Time to pull together the threads of his electric, and time to sit, watch the sunset and take his aggression out on any wandering wildlife. He touched at his neck, then his chest, curling his fist into the fabric of his shirt with a cry. His Evie was gone, her locket was gone and where did that leave him? No friends and staring at the unfolding scene of blurred shapes. Only blurred because of the glaze covering his dark eyes, and he had to blink away the residue just to focus clearly. Energy burned through his skin. Light flashed at his hands, jagged pieces of lightning crackled as they fed on the atmosphere. More specifically, fed on the essence of Gabriel's sob.

        Was that his name? On the lips of Gabriel of all people?

        What did that say about the leader? The cry of help in the electrical conduit's name? And what of the screeches of the... bloody shatterknox. What was it screaming about? Something to do with, wait, he tuned into Gabriel's cries instead. The words spilling from his mouth like tears from the oceans of Evie's pretty blue eyes. Papa, followed by a series of apologies, all aimed towards whatever Gabriel was hearing -- seeing. Chatterknox whispers could do that to a person. While Toby liked to think he was immune, he most certainly wasn't. He just happened to listen to the degrading shrieks of the monsters and agree with them. Words weren't that effective when you called yourself worse, right? Right. Toby hated the shatterknox for two reasons. One; they were revolting to look at, and two; they were a match for him in the field of battle. Combat was his territory -- his damn speciality -- and he didn't take kindly to a force encroaching upon it. Especially one that used underhanded techniques to level the playing field. The chatterknox, as he had learnt thus far, fled upon the death of their comrade; so if he wanted to kill them, they had to be found before the shatterknox bit the dust. And considering none had yet seen the chatter part of the 'knoxes, he hadn't been terribly successful. They weren't particularly vulnerable to his electric attacks, so he focused his power inwards, shielding his bones and dulling the ache. Perhaps not fighting fit, but he'd give it as good as he got. Tobias wanted a fight. And the one with Gabriel hadn't given him the release of endorphins, since the fight had been rather one-sided, so he was beyond prepared.

        Ahh. Even Hux, the mighty void prince had his own shatterknox to content with. That meant two chatterknoxes. Two of them. Whispering hateful things into his ears. Again, easy to ignore when they were true. Tobias bolted onto the scene -- yes, bolted -- and pushed out his static aura, attempting to sense the local of these cowardly counterparts to the more brutal ones. Didn't get very far until his electricity ebbed from his marrow, and rather regrettably, he forced it inwards, shielding himself once more. Gabriel seemed to be the priority. He was on his back in the sand, not returning the attacks. Tobias shouted some profane remarks at the shatterknox above Gabriel, followed by: "If anyone's going to kill him, it's going to be me," (insert further foul language here.) "Get in bloody line!" He pushed his hand into the sand and pulled out the result of his earlier frustrations; a sharp-edged fragment of glass. Brandishing that as his weapon, he notched up the dial in his mind and lunged.

        Celestia beat him to it. And he knew, he just knew his fighting protégé had this. All he did was shoot her a fighting grin. So, instead, Toby hauled Gabriel to his feet. "Snap out of it, hero-complex," he may have snarled at him, but it was all in an effort to pull Gabe back from the brink. Tobias slung an arm around the other man's torso, guiding his self-proclaimed enemy back to the relative safety. If either of these damn shatterknoxes broke his necklace, he vowed to hunt down their nest and slaughter every last one of these night spawn in their sleep. Flay them and their leathery hides alive, that would be fitting; then light effigy's as a warning to their kin. He had yet to realise that his locket's saviour rested in his arms. Call it fate, right? Toby pulled him towards Hux; towards the ocean. "Lick your wounds, attack dog, and watch the weapon of choice at work," he gave a wink.

        Clutching his glass shard, Tobias rounded on the final shatterknox. No chatterknox in sight, and he couldn't feel them with his power at an all time low. Plus his body was in terrible condition, unable to allow him full flexibility, and it was his flexibility he relied on in a fight. Ah, well. He'd have to manage without for now. "So, Hux, is your earlier offer still in the cards?" Tobias motioned his head towards the top floor of the lighthouse where Huxler's joking proposition had been spoken to Celestia. "Because I could really use it right about now." The electrical conduit coughed a laugh, staring up at the darkening night sky. Then, his gaze fell to the back of the creature sizing up his former best friend. "What do you say, Hux? Two against one? I'll give you the first hit."
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