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[✧] gay flower and simple sheep - three and two

Postby iaan » Sat Sep 05, 2015 5:01 pm

( ASHTON ! )
( role;; spy mood;; mixed tagged;; adrian and kristy song;; northern downpour )

      xxxxxxxxxxxxashton gave adrian a sly grin and ruffled his white hair. it gave adrian an older look, yet made him look chidl-ish at the same time. he honestly didn't know when he hit his growth spurt but he was glad he was taller than adrian. it gave him a superior feeling, as odd as that sounded. ashton was so overwhelmed by feelings he didnt know hot to feel about meeting adrian again, but it was a mix between wanting to scream with happiness and scream in confusion. it was very conflicting for him, as he didnt have to deal with these feelings on a daily basis. being around humans he didnt talk to was dull as hell. as he was finally settling down from his natural high, his stomach plummeted. where was his notebook? he always carried that darn notebook around, describing his every day life, and if he had lost five months of work - he would punch adrian. punch adrian and cry in anger, to be honest, ashton is probably the reason hurricanes are named after people. ashton groaned and backed away from adrian, holding his head in his hands as he tried to recall where his notebook went. upon hearing a noise of surprise from the older boy, he glanced up and noticed a notebook in adrian's hand. his face morphed from surprise to embarrassment. ashton honestly never expected anyone to go through his journal, it was the only thing he could really confine in and when adrian went through it it made him feel uneasy. making his way over to adrian in a rush, he let out a relieved sigh. " wow, you found my beloved notebook. amazing, it'd be real nice if you can give it back. " he hinted, leaning forward and flicking adrian in the neck and snatching the notebook as well. he carefully inspected the notebook, now back in his safe possession. ashton smirked and turned back to adrian who had a confused expression on his face. he couldnt blame him though, crosshatch was hard to read. admittedly, it also took forever to write, but that was the price he had to pay to keep everything top secret.
      xxxxxxxxxxxx" Its cross hatch, sweet heart. dont fret if you cant read it. " reassured he, patting his friend on the back. initially he wanted to slap him on the back really hard, but noticed in the distance a fellow pack mate approaching. putting on a serious face, he cleared his throat and elbowed adrian in the rib cage. he wasnt sure how one of the fighters of his pack would react to him interacting with some other wolf other than a pack member. recently, the pack was on edge, with scarce members, the last they needed was a betrayal from one of their own. thankfully, kristy didnt react in a negative attitude. however she didnt exactly approach them either, and instead stayed off to the side. deciding he felt genrous, he motioned for her to come over and even offered her one of his genuine smiles.

( GRACIE ! )
( role;; sheep girl? mood;; lazy tagged;; charlie song;; ready to go )

      xxxxxxxxxxxxgracie took tentative bites of her muffin, finding herself to not to be as hungry as she originally thought she was. oh well, its not like she could let the muffin go to waste. 'damn, i really shouldve brought a drink to go with this', she thought to herself grumpily. no use in getting up, she was simply to lazy. but then again, she needed to quench her thirst. just as gracie was about to stand up and go back to the bakery for a drink, one of her friends sat down beside her. politely, gracie greeted charlie and bid a small hello to her dog as well. quitely listening to the girl's request, she figured she might as well. she still had to buy the groceries and maybe she'd even buy a coffee. " To the market? I see why not, as long as you dont mind that i'll be buying some produce as well. ", she teased trying to lighten the mood. it was clear the joke fell flat, and it even made gracie cringe. deciding to evade returning back to an awkward silence, she piped up, " would you like me to hold on to your dog while we're at the market? ", she asked out loud, setting the muffin in the basket she was carrying, deciding she'd finish it some other time. maybe sheep liked muffins? possibly, she'd never fed them, and doubted she'd ever feed them one, the little fluffy clouds were jerks.
      xxxxxxxxxxxxarriving at the market instantly made gracie feel giddy. it reminded her of when she was a child and would come to the market accompanied by her older siblings and parents. it brought back a feeling of nostalgia, knowing they hadn't all gone together in forever. the though dampened her mood slightly, but she ignored it and shook away the sad thoughts deciding to focus on the nicer things. like arriving on sundays, hand in hand with her parents and her siblings straight ahead; squabbling over petty things that no longer mattered. while stuck in her reverie, she had subconsciously been sporting a goofy grin and an empy look in her eyes. becoming self aware of her position, she blushed and faced charlotte, " where would you like to go first? i dont have any particular order on where to go, so anywhere in mind is good. ", she admitted shrugging off the previous dream like manner she was acting as.
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Re: Banished

Postby Muke. » Sat Sep 05, 2015 5:27 pm

gender; femaleage; twentyspecies; werewolfrank; fightermood; neutralcrush; pendingtags; ashton, adrian

observing the way he was acting with the other werewolf, she tilted her head. seeing that ashton gave him some sort of note book made her more curious, yes ashton may have been a spy, but out of all things a loner was who he happened to speaking with at this moment. knowing the pack laws were strict on lone wolf interaction, kristy wasn't really phased that he was speaking to him, if anything she was more cautious about the location being the human village, a place where werewolves never really went too. more like a out of bounds. was he planning something? kristy thought to herself as she tried to listen, not to ashton but to the village just in case there was a human near by, which was the last thing she had wanted to be accompanied by. it wasn't that she had hated humans, although some of them were rather rude and acted like they could whatever they wanted without consequences, shaking her head to ignore those petty thoughts, kristy saw ashton look over at her. just as she was about to hide behind the tree she saw him elbow the loner, kristy had a blank look on her face, she wasn't sure why ashton did that but she had a feeling it was because he had spotted her. taking a deep breath kristy looked back at them, just before she could leave, kristy realized the spy had motioned for her to come over along with a generous smile plastered on his lips. having nothing better to do she went over there, after a few more steps the fighter was standing either side of the two males, giving them both a small smile she stood there. "don't worry ash, i won't tell anyone," kristy reassured him. "who are you anyway?" she asked. analyzing him carefully she gave a small smirk, it had been a while since she'd actually met a new person that wasn't in the pack, not only that but he had an unusual hair colour, well not unusual but more on the uncommon side.
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Re: Banished

Postby Shadō » Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:04 pm

ooc;; Sorry I'm not making any new posts right now. I'm wiped and anything I wrote at this point would make no sense, so for now, I'm quoting old posts that I haven't gotten a response to yet, and tomorrow I'll see if I can post something to at least get Will interacting with someone.

☾ Silvereil wrote:x

xx Form Male Twenty-One Human Jacobson Family The Builder Location; Town Tags; Open

Hammering noises came from a house down at the end of one of the town's streets. It was a fairly new one, looking as though it had just had its walls and roof put on. Leaning against one of those new wall was a ladder, tall enough to reach the roof. And on that roof, there was a young man with light brown hair going around and hammering down nails that would hold the shingles of the roof down. Will stood and took a break to stretch his back and wipe a small bit of sweat off his forehead. Aside from the inside furnishings and stuff like that, there was not much more to do. He had been up earlier this morning, holding in mind the goal of getting the house's outside done by the end of today. So far, he seemed to making pretty good time and progress. There was only half the roof left to do, and then all he needed to do was patch up a few holes in the one wall, where there had been a slight mishap involving a small tree, and make sure things functioned properly.
The inside of the house was pretty plain. It had a kitchen with kitchen cabinets, a sink, a toilet, a dining room with some chairs, nothing too fancy and pretty much the normal stuff one would need to live comfortably. However, as this wasn't Will's job, he didn't worry too much about the interior. That was mainly for someone else, aside from installing the things that kind of needed to be built as part of the house. Once he finished up on the roof, he climbed down the ladder carefully and landed on the ground. He went around to patch up the wall that had been slightly damaged by the tree, which took only about 5-10 minutes, and then went and sat down for a bit to admire his hard work. It looked good, or at least it did on the outside. Perfectly presentable with a nice front yard to accompany it.
Finally, Will decided he had to get up. There was enough time to grab a quick snack before waiting for his father to arrive to inspect the house. It was kind of the family business, and though he was perfectly independent and on his own for the most part, he still worked for his father, building and repairing houses. Will didn't see much of an alternative outside the business, knowing that his father would want him to take over the business eventually. But for now, he put those worries behind him as he headed into town to see what he could find to eat and maybe walk around a little before returning to meet his father.
☾ Silvereil wrote:x

xx Form Male Twenty-Four Werewolf In Wolf Form Hunter Location; Forest Tags; Vaara

The forest was always a lovely place to be at this time of day, or at least it was in Aaron's opinion. The leaves of the trees made gentle rustling sounds as the cool wind blew threw them, also making the light able to penetrate through to the forest floor dance with their movement. In those trees, he could hear the birds singing their songs and going about their business of building nests, feeding their young, maybe even finding love. Small animals scurried here and there, though there were never really any around at least when Aaron was in the area. He couldn't blame them either. He was a pretty scary hunter, and he knew how to do his job quite well, even when it left him with injuries like his cracked rib.
The injury slowed him down, sure, but he didn't mind the walk. Walking in the woods was always something that was calming to him and peaceful. Every so often, Aaron would have to pause and set down the deer to rest and catch his breath, as the rib, despite it being only cracked, made it a little hard for him to breath. He could feel the pain of the cracked rib, the once dull throbbing now a steady and rather annoying ache that made it harder to move. Normally, he wouldn't be so urgent to get back to camp, even if it didn't seem like he was, because he could normally go at a pretty fast pace even with large prey. However, he knew at this slow pace, the longer it took him to get there, the larger the chance was of another predator smelling the animal's blood and following the trail back to its source, and in this state, Aaron wouldn't want to risk a fight. Since he didn't want to lose his kill after all this hard work, he simply went as fast as he could.
About five or so minutes later, he was making good progress, when he heard something in the bushes. He paused and looked up, sniffing the air and listening, only to find later that it was Vaara, his alpha. Relaxing, he put down the leg he had so he could rest and replied,
Thank you. It only gave me a little. Don't worry, I don't feel it. It's just a tad bit hard to breathe, that's all. He shrugged, as best one could when they were in the body of a large wolf. Besides, it could be plenty worse. Aaron picked up the leg again once he felt he was rested enough and was happy to see her pitch in and help him drag the deer back. When she asked if Tatum was with him, he shook his head slightly. No, she's not. I got up earlier than her, I think, and didn't want to wake her. So if she's not back home, she's probably out hunting solo. To his relief, he saw the pack area up ahead not too long afterwards. The relief was mostly that he'd be able to put down the deer and rest properly, maybe get his rib looked at. It wasn't that he didn't like talking to Vaara, for he very much did. Generally, Aaron tended to find that he had many nice conversations with her and enjoyed being in her company.

ooc;; Speech in italics is when he's in wolf form.
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Re: Banished

Postby emblo » Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:52 am


name ;; Rhett Wilson
age ;; eighteen
status ;; gravedigger
mood ;; calm, happy
location;; market
tags ;; Magnus

              Rhett rolled her eyes playfully at his response. She took a small step backwards when she realized how close she had been. Fitting her hands neatly into the pockets of her jacket, she opened her mouth to reply. "Oh whatever, I could still pet you if your hair was shorter." She felt slightly odd using that term for a human, but after all he had said it first. Although she liked his hair as it was, she still found it fun to tease him about it. Removing her gaze from him, her eyes darted around to the nearby stalls to see if he had set up yet, assuming that's what he had been here for. Finding nothing of the sort Rhett looked back to him, smiling slightly at his questions. "Well no, not exactly. She made me guess until I got it right." she replied, giving a small lift of her shoulders. Although she didn't quite understand the girl's reasoning for becoming mute, she didn't feel as though it was her place to step in, as much as she wished she could help.

              Rhett couldn't help but let out a small noise of surprise as he was knocked into her, instantly holding up her hands in reflex. Her eyes went over his shoulder to the person who had caused it, but they were already walking away, clearly not caring to apologize for their mishap. Returning her focus to Magnus as he began to speak, she realized her hands had ended up on his chest. After giving a nervous laugh she dropped them back to her sides and looked up at him, seeing his cheeks had began to flush. Giving a grin, she was tempted to comment on it though held herself back from doing so. "It's cool." was all she said in response to his apology.

              "Were you here to set up?" she questioned, deciding to quickly change the subject. Since she had nothing else to do, she figured she could just tag along. If he didn't mind that is, though she was sure he wouldn't.


name ;; Adrian Vhen
age ;; twenty three
species ;; werewolf
status ;; loner
mood ;; humored,
location;; human village
tags ;; Ashton, Kristy

              Adrian frowned slightly as his hair was ruffled but said nothing on the subject. It was already messy from months of neglect as a wolf and growing too long for his liking, and the simple action did nothing to change that. It was however, annoying. He was still in shock about the fact that he had actually stumbled into the man, though none of that showed on his exterior. It was crazy and brought up a plethora of memories, both good and bad, but he preferred to act as thought they had never parted at all. His eyes still cast down at the journal in his hand, he turned his back on his old pal once more and began slowly walking away, knowing Ash would most likely want it back. He had never heard of the other male keeping such a thing, so he was curious as to what was written inside. To his disappointment, he was only able to read a few lines going horizontally before it was snatched back out of his hands. Although he was a quick reader, the text going the opposite way kept distracting his gaze, causing his pace to become allot slower. What he had read had been saying something about some girl and that only added to his confusion.

              As he was flicked in the neck he growled slightly. Of course, the sound came out strangely as he wasn't in his wolf form, probably diminishing the meaning behind it. Lifting his hand, he quickly slapped Ashton's before he could fully pull it away. He ignored his patronizing words, shaking his head slowly with a grin. "You're such a creep dude. What are you, stalking one of the ladies here?" he questioned, raising his eyebrows before letting out a laugh. If it were not for the fact that he wasn't attracted to females, he would have assumed it had something to do with that. However, as he already knew it wasn't, he had no idea why he would be writing down some stupid information on a human girl.

              He opened his mouth to say more, but was soon elbowed in the rib cage, causing him to frown. Looking up at Ash, he followed his line of sight to some chic standing among the trees. Adrian instantly noticed his change of attitude and couldn't help but become annoyed. His facial expression remained blank however as the female made her way over to him. Something about her made him peg her as something apart from human. Weather it was the way she walked, how she carried herself, or her relationship was Ashton, he wasn't sure. He stayed silent as she asked who he was. After giving it a few seconds of thought he suddenly broke into a wide smile. Half of it was fake, though still very believable, but the other part of it was because he thought the situation was truly funny. "An old boyfriend of his." he spoke, then gave a wink. Turning to Ashton, he lifted himself up onto his tiptoes and panted a small kiss on the other male's cheek. He couldn't help it. Ash seemed too serious around this girl, so he was curious to see how he would respond. When they were younger, it had been so easy to get him flustered, but after so many years he wasn't sure if he was the same in that aspect. Returning flat-footed he turned back so he was facing this girl, now standing much closer to Ashton, a large smile still set on his features.
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