Howl to the Woods (Werewolf RP)

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sebastian pt 2, amaranth pt 2

Postby bigwig. » Fri Mar 18, 2022 3:33 pm

    π’π„ππ€π’π“πˆπ€π π’π”πŒπŒπ„π‘
    🐺 ✧ male ✧ desarius fighter ✧ location: desarius camp, fighter shelter --> medical building ✧ tags: raine
    Sebastian half-closed his eyes as he leaned back against the wall of the fighters' communal house. Plenty of people were awake already; how they managed to deal with getting up so early every single morning was beyond him. He was barely awake even now. And his head still hurt. Maybe he could go to the healers' office and rifle around for an ibuprofen or something? Ah, but they kept that place under lock and key most of the time, didn't they? Had to keep careful eyes on their inventory and all that, didn't want anyone stealing from them. If anyone was likely to, it was probably Sebastian - but only because didn't want to have to go through a healer for something as insignificant as a headache.

    Maybe he'd just go get something to eat instead. Or at the very least, something to drink. As his cigarette slowly burned down to its end, Sebastian pushed himself off the wall and strolled lazily back inside, heading right for his bed. it was still messy and unmade, but that wasn't bound to change. No point in fixing his sheets if they were only destined to be messed up again, right? At least, that was the way he saw things. Sebastian flicked the remains of his cigarette into the thin pool of lukewarm water still sitting in the bottom of the glass to douse it, then grabbed the glass by the rim. It was his lucky day though, apparently, because he immediately dropped it and heard it break against the floor. It really was going to be one of those days, wasn't it? With a heavy, irritated sigh, he knelt down to pick up the glass fragments. Thankfully, it hadn't completely shattered; most of the glass was still in one piece, but there were still a few shards scattered across the floor. He'd hoped the thick glass would be a little bit more resilient than that. Growling to himself, he stood the better part of the glass back up and dropped the stray pieces of glass and the cigarette butt into it.

    Apparently, though, he was still feeling particularly clumsy this morning, for as he went to pick up the glass a second time, he grabbed the sharp edge and felt it scrape across his palm. The pain elicited another growl from him, gold streaks flashing through his brown eyes for a moment as he watched blood well up in the cut. He carefully scooped up the glass with his left hand and hastily tossed it in the garbage, pausing afterwards to look down at his hand again and assess the damage. The cut stretched vertically across most of the length of his palm, and it definitely looked like it needed to be bandaged at the very least. Well, now at least he had an excuse to go to the healers' office.

    He trotted swiftly across the camp towards the building he knew housed the pack's medical supplies. Hopefully, it was unlocked by now, and Sebastian could get in there without any hassle and just bandage up his own wound. He didn't really like having other people fuss over him, even if it was just to treat his injuries. As he approached, however, his path convened almost perfectly with a young woman headed towards the same destination. He recognized her immediately and stopped in his tracks right in front of her.

    "Raine." Sebastian said, sort of awkwardly pulling his hand up towards himself as if to hide his wound from her. The smudges of blood he inadvertently left on his white shirt probably told her all she needed to know, though. "Good to see you." He greeted, in a stiff voice that sounded far from genuine. He could've said he didn't expect to see her here, but this was probably the most predictable place for her to be. He had just hoped nobody would be here.

    π€πŒπ€π‘π€ππ“π‡ π‚π‡π€π‘π‘πŽπ
    🐺 ✧ female ✧ twilight scout ✧ location: twilight camp ✧ tags: winston
    Loamy earth continued to sink under Amaranth's dirty hiking boots as she made her way through the camp. Here, though, the ground was actually a bit harder, more densely packed than the loose, soft forest floor due to the foot traffic constantly tamping it down. In such a way, trails of sorts had been worn into the ground along favored paths between buildings. It was a rustic way of life they lived, but it kept them more in touch with their wild selves. Being a werewolf meant having to find a balance between one's human side and their lupine side. For some, it was more difficult than others. Trying to completely repress the beast sometimes resulted in making it even harder to control. Amaranth had been born this way, always living as one with the animal, so she supposed it was easier for her in that regard. Or maybe her wolf had just never been quite as aggressive as some others - though she did feel the wild instincts fire up every now and then, when the situation pressed it.

    As she made her way towards the center of camp, she spied their alpha, sitting on top of a rock, perhaps resting for a moment while he observed his pack. She didn't blame him for wanting to always keep an eye on things; she felt the same desire in herself often. Now, though, Winston actually looked rather relaxed. Relatively speaking, at least. Amaranth slowed her brisk pace a little as she approached him. "Good morning." She greeted him amiably, hoping she hadn't jarred him out of his calm moment. He should've heard her footsteps approaching him first, anyway. "Hope I haven't missed anything." It was a bit of a seeking remark, an attempt to drudge up any of the exact things she might have missed into conversation.

    Amaranth was always eager to work. As a scout, she often spent a long time away from camp, alone in the woods and having to carefully keep watch of her surroundings. However, she was well-suited to it, she felt. She had wondered whether or not it would be nice to have a position of more authority, but always came back to questioning herself more than anything. Most of all, she wanted to contribute to the pack, no matter what it was she was doing. Having been out for too long in the morning, she felt restless, like she'd lost valuable time. She was itching to do something - anything - to occupy herself.
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laura i. ─ don't wanna hurt (you)

Postby འབྲོག་ཁྱི » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:07 am

tagging; Abigail, Chase. mentioned; Trevour. location; hunter house.

    Laura's eyes scanned the distant woods even as she lowered her cupped hands into the stream and lifted them again to splash the chilled water onto her face. It was June, and although the morning had not yet had a chance to turn into another stifling day, she had gotten a restless start to it tracing unfamiliar scents as they trailed through the trees, criss-crossing around their camp, and it was a relief to not only cool her warmed skin but to wash away some of the disquiet and irritation that had lingered since the day before. Now the woods stood quiet and still β€” with the exception of birdsong, humming insects and critters shuffling through the underbrush β€” and as far as she could tell, no one lingered lurking in the shadows, having all retreated back to wherever they had come from, but Laura was not a creature built of trust. As she stood from where she had tensely knelt on the pebble-strewn riverbank, in one swift move, she leapt into the shape of her russet beast and soundlessly loped into the cover of the trees.

    indentindentAlternating beams of warm sunlight and cool morning shadow washed across her rippling pelt as she stalked back toward the camp. Her skin still prickled with imagined eyes and her nose burned with hostile scents, but the knowledge that her brown pelt inevitably blended into the landscape of soft earth and ruddy trees eased the daunting scowl from the wolf's muzzle. Nonetheless, a sense of reluctance clung to her human limbs as she forced herself to leave the wolf behind at the edge of the clearing, in favour of coppery hair and a rather militant sense of fashion that favoured dark colours and practical clothing. Trudging toward the hunters' house with her feet bound in combat boots was an experience of battling sensations, both familiar and incomprehensively distasteful to the part of her that longed to be on four feet and armed with tooth and claw, rather than just sharp eyes and an unfriendly air.

    indentindentThe pack's young trainee, their only one as far as she knew, did his daily song and dance across the clearing, and she gave him a wide berth on her way, as per usual. Although Laura had not been particularly lost in thought nor lulled into any sort of state of ease, because that was simply not something she did, hearing her name spoken β€” seemingly at the end of a sentence as she didn't hear much more to clue her in on the matter at hand β€” as she neared the door to the house had her lifting her head, as if returning to attention. She stopped to stand in the doorway, and after the few moments it took for her eyes to adjust from the bright morning to the dim indoors, she could see Chase's tall form sprawled across the couch, and Abigail stood a little further into the house, having possibly emerged from her rooms not long before.

    indentindentWhile Laura did not make an effort to step into the house, her lingering in the doorway was anything but hesitant or awkward. Any suspicion of such would quickly be dispelled by the unshrinking, almost defiant, gaze in her green eyes, which, considering the voice had been hers, remained now on Abigail. Rather than being the creature ready to flee, she made herself out to be the hound standing at the mouth of the burrow, trapping the rabbits in.
    indent"Yes?" was the only thing she said, clipped in tone and habitually swimming in a suspicion that expected her name to have been spoken in an unflattering context. She impatiently crossed her arms, as if this had derailed some important plans of hers, even while she had not had anything particular planned for the rest of the day and her return to the hunters' house had been rather aimless in nature.
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Re: Howl to the Woods (Werewolf RP)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Mar 21, 2022 3:34 pm

Iyori Kujo- m, sometimes f but not often- 24 y- Twilight den tender- homo; Denali, Clyde- mate open- Toma x Rune (Rina birthed him) : Kaya and Kenji, Akai and Aoi and Murasaki- sensitivity to gluten- possible dog- Tags: Open-> Clyde
The sweet and caring but shy and nervous male yawned a bit and looked around. He then shook his head, and let out a breath. The blue and brown eyed one hummed to himself a bit. He then glanced around, and laid eyes on Clyde. The scout was outside the house, either returning from scouting or ready to set out. He quickly headed over to the male, to catch a moment with him. "Hey Clyde," he said, and offered a sweet smile. "How are you this morning?" he asked.

He combed through neck length soft black hair once more. He couldn't help himself, but then he scolded himself. He was silent in his scolding of himself, of course. The hair was a bit messy after all, so he felt the need to do this though it never fixed it. He didn't mind so much, but he had an instinct to comb at it. There were no pups, but he knew he had to help with laundry and cleaning. He wondered if Clyde had any laundry needing done. Therefore he asked "Clyde, do you have any laundry that needs to be washed?"

(Furry: hopefully where I placed them works)

(Edit March 20: Stellia and Donovan)

Stellia Reich- f- 20 y- Twilight huntress- pan; open- mate open- not sure if she wants kids- brother Donovan- Tags: open

The water disliking one who tried to listen to others as much as possible yawned. She quickly got up, in human form, and got off the bed. She went to eat, then came back to brush her teeth. She washed her face and brushed her hair. It was brown and wavy ended, to her upper back. In fact, she had a twin in Desarius with the same brown hair. She shook her head at the thought of him...She hoped he was happy there. Even if Twilight didnt like Desarius, she could still wish for his happiness. She quickly pulled part of her back into a ponytail holder. She then left the room once more. The tan skinned one had changed into clothes too.

She now walked towards the front door and out of the hunter house. The hazel eyed one phased into wolf form. The fast and sure footed average sized slender she wolf took off. Fluffier than her brother, she was the same brown as a wolf. She entered the woods, and began to sniff. She soon sought out two rabbits. She waited for them to inevitably grow curious and wander over. Even though she was a wolf, animals gravitated to her. Human form, wolf form, it didn't matter. Animals gravitated to her, and that's how she hunted them. She waited a bit longer, than grabbed one. She killed it then grabbed the other, frozen in fear.

She killed this as well, then stood and returned to the houses. She dropped the rabbits, turned human, grabbed them and went in to prepare them. She had a skill in making food. They had older food they had to eat, so she'd cook these then freeze them.

Iris (Quill?)- f- 30 y- Desarius alpha mate- pan with male lean- mate: Bryce- no pups yet- Corden x Bailee: Roman (has mate), Ire and Ether and Renee- allergy to peanut butter...- potential dog- Tags: open-> Bryce
The cold and seemingly cruel but animal and book loving female hummed a small sound as she began to move towards waking. In other words, the lovely lighter skinned average height but slender she wolf was regaining consciousness. Not that she'd been in a coma or anything, she'd just been sleeping from the night before but was now starting to wake. As alluring blue eyes finally began to open, she sat up and noticed her mate wasn't in their bed, in their home. A home she knew to be a bit better looking than the ones the other had constructed/had help constructing. She shook her head at the thought, then let out a slow breath as she took in their room, which was also nice to look at. She then made herself actually sit up, shaking herself a bit which made the blanket fall down into her lap. She pushed it off herself and swung her feet out, putting on her socks then going to change into clothes rather than pajamas. She then went and put on her shoes, before having some food because she was hungry, and she...wasn't great to be around when hungry.

She ate her breakfast as fast as she could without hurting her belly or getting hiccups, because even a werewolf could have those things. She then went to clean her teeth and wash her mouth and face, before combing through her long wavy light blonde hair. It was to mid back, and she went to grab one of the many ribbons which she'd gotten. She hummed quietly as she picked a pretty lavender light purple colored ribbon, and ran it between her fingers. She then shook her head and cleared her throat, though no one was around to even see what she was doing. She then pulled her hair over her shoulder and began to braid it, going as quick as she could while still being precise. She thought of Bryce as she worked at her hair, knowing how much he cared for the pack but they... just weren't unified. She wasn't sure how she could help, because ones that didn't listen to him probably wouldn't listen to her. She shook her head but not enough to mess up her hair, and tied the ribbon around to secure the braid. The thirty year old she wolf then stood up again, stretching then heading out of the room then through the house. She hummed quietly as she headed for the door, coming outside to find her mate seeming to be lost in thought. She hurried over to him and said "Love...are you alright? What are you thinking on?" she asked, wondering if she needed to be worried. She didn't know if she needed to actually worry, but she was asking him for his thoughts. She just needed to know his thoughts, be sure he was alright and was just...thinking of food, or pups, or who to put in what higher ranks.

Donovan Reich- m- 20 y- Desarius den tender- homo; Gehuil, maybe Atticus- mate open (possible poly)- wants kids- sister Stellia- Tags: Gehuil

The sweet and sensible but evil and bully disliking one yawned. Hed climbed a tree and made up a story yesterday. Of course, he'd told no one the story as there were no pups. He didn't think adults would be interested, but who knew. The average height but slender wolf yawned. He'd woken in wolf form, and now stood. The handsome but also pretty green eyed wolf leaped from the bed. It was a graceful motion that landed the fluffy brown male on the floor. He phased to human form. He changed clothes for the day, and went to eat. He then went to brush his teeth and comb his hair and wash his face. He was handsome even as a human. He had that underlying pettiness too. He combed the neck length brown wavy ended hair. Green eyes looked back at him through the mirror. He shook his head and stepped away then.

The tanned wolf went into the hall, and began to wander. He saw Gehuil's door, and wandered over. He knocked, being polite, and called "Gehuil, are you in there?" He and Gehuil had to do laundry and cleaning. He knew Gehuil also had a vegetable garden he tended. Well, technically it was for the pack, but Gehuil seemed to be the caretaker.
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Gehuil Asenah [02]

Postby Scorpioness » Tue Mar 22, 2022 5:37 am

Gehuil Asenah
[male/21 years old]_[demi/gay/poly]_[Desarius/Den Tender]_[Mate(s): open]_[tags: Donovan]

Gehuil has already changed from his sleeping robes and he was about to brush his hair when he heard knocking to his room and Donovan asking if he was inside, putting down the comb with barely audible sigh he walked over to open the door, he opened the door since he was unable to reply. Donovan seemed to be first one in Desarius pack to warm up to his prickly personality, he might be loud, but he was a good kid... It was hard to not find him likable. Black wolf raised his hand greeting him, he was about to ask Donovan if he needed something before he was interupted by a very rude strong yawn had taken over his body for a second... Anyway, it was still quite early for some den tenders and there was more than enough time for them to go eat breakfast.
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jonathan i. ─ killing time

Postby འབྲོག་ཁྱི » Tue Mar 22, 2022 6:06 am

tagging; Ali, Celestia. mentioned; none. location; clearing > twilight camp.

    The sun rose over the woods, leaving the trees dark against the gilding sky. Jonathan had woken in a mood that left him craving relative solitude, which was not possible to find in the tumult of the camp once the rest of the pack had risen. This did not mean he didn't itch to stick around and wait until the summer heat had made someone irritated enough to be goaded into sparring him, as he usually did, but something about the still woods, then shrouded in the darkness of early dawn, had beckoned him and he had listened, for once in his life. Although Jon maintained that he was meant to be a fighter, and thus retained a certain resentment for those above him in the hierarchy β€” that he would mostly acknowledge in sardonic tones β€” his sentence as a hunter had its benefits: mainly the exploration of the surrounding woods, which had led to him discovering the clearing.

    indentindentJonathan had kept this clearing to himself, even if seeing him sidling up to someone to gossip about some secluded break in the trees would have been unusual at best and made him seem (differently) deranged at worst. Growing up in New York, he hadn't formed much of an understanding of the wilderness or how it came together, but he suspected the clearing existed because of the hard ground and the brook that murmured in the deep groove it had cut into the stone underfoot. Jonathan could see a scrap of the sky from where he was sitting, but the trees were tall and the canopy dense enough that it remained shaded, and so plush green moss crawled across the rocks and over the roots of trees. The fresh, clean smell of water hung in the air, which felt altogether cooler than anywhere under the July sun.

    indentindentStrands of dark hair β€” a cold shade of umber, struck through with rich browns and even bronze in the gracing sunlight β€” dangled down to frame his face, although he had tied some of it into a knot to keep it from being a bother. In his sure fingers he held both a piece of ashwood and a small knife. Vague features and shapes had begun to emerge from among the grain, although they were still rough and angular where the blade had carved them out. Slivers of discarded wood had gathered on the bed of moss between his feet, and with the sun climbing higher in the sky, he would occasionally hold out the figurine and turn it in the increasing light to see the changes his knife had made. The sun would catch on the few veins of scar tissue that traveled over his fingers and the backs of his hands. Had he not been a werewolf, his knuckles just might have been perpetually bruised.

    indentindentOnce Jonathan had received his fill of solitude in the shadowy glade, the itch to fight took it upon itself to return with a vengeance. It was almost as if the black wolf had shifted its weight in him, and he left the figurine resting where he had been sitting and struck the knife into a log. The camp wasn't all that far, and not long after he had set foot on the darker trail trodden into the underbrush, he could already hear the voices and sounds of the pack at the edge of his senses. He happened to emerge from the woods nearly exactly where Denali and Celestia were standing, with Celestia holding out a bow. Jonathan did not know either of them well, but he knew enough to recognize him as a fighter and her as the mate of their alpha. In spite of his disdain for the higher ranks and the heated twitching that had started in his muscles, he had enough sense in him to know that hassling the alpha's mate wasn't likely something he would get away with, but Ali, on the other hand, was free game as far as he cared.

    indentindentJonathan seized the shorter man's shoulder with a rough and sudden hand, in the hopes of jostling him, before squeezing with some force and stepping closer to the pair.
    indent"Shouldn't you leave the shooting to us hunters?" There was already some darker tone in his voice, an edge of heat and perhaps a challenge. "Seems fair to me I should get something of the fighters' in return." The dark of his eyes was overtaken by a flash of lupine gold, and he planted his foot behind Ali's before forcefully wrenching his hand in the hopes of sending him tumbling to the ground in a capricious show of humiliation.
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Re: Howl to the Woods (Werewolf RP)

Postby Furrydogs12 » Tue Mar 22, 2022 7:24 am

Male/ 20/ Scout/ twilight/ mate: open/ tags: Iyori

Clyde turns as Iyori called out to him. β€œWhy, hello” he says with a flirtatious tone in his voice. He walked over to the male, taking exaggerated steps, like a model. β€œI’m doing okay, better now that this gorgeous specimen is here” he says tipping the other male’s chin a little before releasing his face. β€œOh, no. I don’t have any laundry this morning” he says. β€œThough, I am free for now, I can come with you to wherever you need to go?” He offers. β€œI do have to check the borders in the afternoon, nothing in the morning” he adds.

Male/ 21/ Healer/ desarius/ mate: open/ tags: Raine

Augustus sat at his lab table, scribbling observations down on a notepad. He was still trying to count the herb stock they had. He wasn’t even halfway through counting a fourth of the herb stocks. This normally took him a few days to finish, then another few days to restock. He sighed, rubbing his brow as he continues to count. Augustus closed his eyes after a few minutes, leaning back and taking a break. He stretched his arms above his head and got up out of his seat.

Female/ 23/ alpha's mate/ twilight/ mate: Winston/ tags: Denali

Celestia smiles, β€œokay! I can let you borrow one of mine!” She says cheerfully. β€œOh, I just like using my bow honestly, it’s fun for me” she explains. β€œI’ll get you a bow, stay here” she says. She quickly rushes to her room, grabbing a nice ash wood bow as well as another set of arrows. She then briskly walked back towards where she left Denali. She spots another pack member harassing him. β€œHey! Stop it!” She says rushing over. She recognized the male as Jonathan, one of the hunters. β€œLeave him alone!” She says glaring down the larger male, not afraid of the much taller male. β€œHe’s with me, mind your own business!” She says before storming outside with Ali in tow.

Male/ 27/ hunter/ twilight/ mate: open/ tags: open

Zoran is open, again idk what to write for him

Male/ 20/ fighter/ desarius/ mate: open/ tags: open

Atticus walked out of his room, silently the whole way. He avoided any other contact from his packmates, afraid of shifting and injuring any of them. Atty has no friend, probably for the best. Atticus gulped, feeling his wolf stir inside him, letting him know of its presence in the back of his head. He grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl on the kitchen counter and began peeling it. He took a bite, chewing the fruit. He then sat down in a corner, like he normally did, and finished his banana there. He stared out, not focusing on what was going on around him, zoning out.
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─ twilight; tyler & grayson. [i.]

Postby Virixin » Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:57 am

    ── πšƒπšˆπ™»π™΄πš π™±πš„πšπ™½πš‚ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    x♦ ; twilight hunter ; 24 yrs old ; female [she/they] ; location ─ hunters' house > clearing ; mate ─ none ; tags ─ open ; ♦

    The cool breeze trickling in finally stirred the slumbering cocoon, which had been wrapped tight in attempt to block such things from happening. Most would have never known it was the young hunter, Tyler, if it hadn't been for the long blonde hair poking out from the
    ragged blanket in various directions. She gave a muffled sigh, before finally kicking her feet from the confines of the blanket. With
    that, Tyler peeled away the blanket reluctantly. Pushing herself to sit up, she could not resist the yawn that tickled her jaw, her hand
    slowly dragging down the side of her face as feeling began to return after sleeping on it to the point of numbness.

    Tyler finally found the will to push herself off her bed, holding her arms out to steady herself when her knees wobbled. Carefully, she
    tested each step, almost like a newborn calf. When she noticed her legs had woken, Tyler gave herself a quick pat down. She didn't
    have to look in a mirror to know she looked a mess, exhausted and sore. After all, she could feel the mess that her hair was, tangled
    and heavy. Mumbling to herself, Tyler reached around herself to grab the hairbrush settled on her nightstand. She eased herself back
    down onto the edge of her mattress and began raking the brush through the wild mane that framed her face in attempts to tame it.

    When she found herself content with the work she had done, Tyler chose to tie her hair back into a quick ponytail. Standing once
    more, she hurried herself to change into something easy to move in and brush her teeth. Once happy with her appearance, Tyler
    finally stepped foot outside of the hunters' home, letting out a slow exhale. While she had been a part of the Twilight pack for a
    handful of years now, Tyler still felt nervous facing them. It was something she beat herself up over, but she couldn't help the
    nerves that sparked to life whenever she stepped outside. With a tiny huff, Tyler rubbed her prickling hands along her pants.

    The gentle breeze ran its playful fingers through her ponytail, rustling strands of hair along the back of her neck, and Tyler couldn't
    fight the goosebumps that littered her arms at the light nip in the air. While she didn't mind the cooler temperatures, she couldn't
    help but long for the ideal warmer weather she dreamed of. But, then again, her thick coat in her other form would make it hard
    to appreciate that warmer weather. If questioned how warm Tyler would want it, she would simply shrug and mumble a quick
    "warmer." The idea was pleasant, but she endured the cool weather in the mornings, and any other time of the day.

    Shaking herself from her thoughts, Tyler quickly scuttled off in hopes to find another hunter to possibly group up with for the day's
    work. Tyler tried to keep herself closed off from the others, but hunting was far more easier in pairs, and even groups. And she
    couldn't deny that she did enjoy the company, even if she wasn't all that nice at times. She couldn't hide the growl that rumbled
    from her stomach at the idea of food, heat rising to her cheeks as her gaze darted around, hoping no one was close enough to hear.
    While she could hear various voices drifting through the clearing, she couldn't pinpoint anyone close enough, letting out a soft sigh.

    ── π†π‘π€π˜π’πŽπ π‘π„πˆπƒ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    x♦ ; twilight healer trainee ; 26 yrs old ; male [he/him] ; location ─ medical house ; mate ─ none ; tags ─ open ; ♦

    Being a chronic early bird meant that Grayson was typically up before a good majority of the pack. It was pleasant, albeit very quiet
    at first. Though, hearing the others slowly stir from their slumber overjoyed him, and sometimes he would wait with baited breath to
    count how many voices he heard and if anyone was sick. It eased his nerves as the numbers grew, as Grayson knew that no one was
    injured. If he were to hear someone injured or someone complaining of being sick, whether it be a cough or worse, Grayson would
    jump right in with the fellow trainees and healers to assist. Being able to help keep his pack healthy was a duty he truly cherished.

    But, currently, Grayson was busy shuffling through and sorting supplies in the medical room. Keeping count on the things they had,
    and possibly needed, was something he took very seriously. Tending to a fellow packmate was not fun if they were lacking any
    material. It was dangerous, and Grayson always made it his duty to check first thing in the morning to see how their supplies were
    going. He was incredibly diligent with this self-given task, gaze raking over each pile as he worked his hands through each one,
    counting individual pieces in his head. When he would complete a pile, Grayson scribbled a number down before moving on.

    When voices reached his ears, Grayson would pause, itching to bound out and join the others in their conversations. Yet, he would
    shove the urge down, forcing himself to stay focused on the task at hand. While keeping relations between him and other packmates
    was important, Grayson found his duty more important. It would have pained him to admit that, but he would rather have the
    others alive and adequately tended to instead of sick, injured, and suffering. He could mend relations with the living, not the dead.

    Coming back to reality, Grayson leaned back and placed his hands on his hips as he finished another pile of supplies. "Hm.. a tad
    short, I'll have to bring that up to the others when I see them."
    He mused to himself, scratching the back of his head as he stared
    aimlessly at the pile before him. He rolled his shoulders after letting his arm drop, giving a grunt at the faint pop that came from one.

    His gaze drifted to the makeshift window, letting out another sound in the form of a sigh, longing to step outside for a moment. He
    had been there since he rolled out of bed, which had been a few hours by now. Grayson turned back to the supplies laid out neatly
    before him, sucking his bottom lip in to chew at it as he found himself lost in his thoughts once more.
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R | 002

Postby senna_ » Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:30 pm

π‘π€πˆππ„ π‹π˜π‘π„
───────────────── β™‘ . she/her . desarius healer . location; medical building . tags; augustus, sebastian ─────────────────

    Raine was barely halfway out the door when she remembered that Augustus was indeed still in their work area. She wasn’t usually antsy in the morning, so she couldn’t help but pause and ponder over what had happened that would have caused her to act out this way ─ so rushed and out of sorts. Nothing came to mind, though, which made her believe that maybe she had just hopped out of bed too quickly, and now it was starting to hit her. Whatever the case may be, she shook it off by physically shaking her head, placing her icy fingertips to her forehead as she turned back around to face the other healer. β€œCoffee,” she voiced suddenly, feeling her cheeks grow warm at the odd outburst. She rushed to get in an explanation before he could look at her as if she’d grown an extra head: β€œDo you want coffee? I’m heading to the kitchen.”

    She left soon after she received a response. She wasn’t overly fond of coffee herself, much happier with a cup of tea, but she knew most of the pack favoured coffee. Or, at least, she suspected it. Raine stopped in her tracks within seconds of departing from the office, though, as she suddenly recalled leaving her mug in the office from the day before. Raine had two mugs in total, but, as she claimed proudly, one was for hot chocolate or other staining drinks, and one was for tea. Seeing how her tea mug was still in the office, that meant the Healer would have to go get it. So, with that in mind, she turned back to fetch it.

    She was stopped within seconds as someone spoke her name aloud. Her wolf went into alert mode, but she forced herself to remain calm, especially after concluding that the speaker wasn’t using an odd tone. Slowly, she glanced over her shoulder, then rotated the rest of her body so that she was properly facing the man who had addressed her. Sebastian Summer. Raine couldn’t deny the fact that the fighter made her a bit nervous. He had an unpredictable attitude, and quite frankly, she naturally felt the need to shrink beneath him. However, that feeling didn’t wash over her as quickly as it usually did, and she suspected it was because she had picked up on the tangy smell of blood within seconds of his approach. She didn’t miss the way his hand shot back towards his person, either. β€œGood morning,” she greeted in return, her voice audibly quieter than his was. β€œWhat happened? What did you do?” Her tone was the slightest bit wary, but it was also laced with concern, which came naturally when speaking with clients. She wasn’t about to grab his hand to see for herself, though, so, standing there rigidly, the healer could only hope he’d cooperate and show her his wound.
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D | 003

Postby senna_ » Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:51 pm

πƒπ„ππ€π‹πˆ πŠπ„π„π–π€π“πˆπ
──────────────── β™œ . he/him . twilight fighter . location; twilight camp (outside) . tags; celestia, jonathan ────────────────

    Ali didn’t even have a second to breathe, let alone argue, as Celestia rushed off to fetch an extra bow for him to borrow. He supposed he couldn’t do much against it; he’d have to consider what she said an order, right? Besides, it wasn’t as though he was going to break it. It was a bow, after all. His attention was side-swiped as he sensed a new figure, and within a matter of seconds, Jonathan had emerged from the shadows.

    β€œHey, man,” he tilted his head up in a half-nod, enough to acknowledge the hunter as he strolled into sight. A scowl was tugging at the corners of his lips, just managing to peak through as Jonathan nudged him rather roughly. His shoulder swung backward, and from afar, it surely looked comical. He didn’t push back. β€œCan’t a guy spend some time with his friend?” It wasn’t meant to be answered, and he was sure the tone he used was enough to show that. His brows narrowed and he tilted his head up to catch the hunter’s eye; gold flecks were sparkling intently, which only made Ali’s own wolf grow restless. β€œYou share our part of the forest and you use our weapons. What more do you want?”

    He barely had a chance to glance over to see if Celestia was coming back to them when Jonathan shoved him hard, sending him flying like the acorns he liked to slingshot when he was younger. His knees hit the dirt within a heartbeat, and his head dropped forward; his hands managed to stop himself from eating the grass under him. As if perfectly timed, his hair tie snapped, too, and his mop of curls covered his face. A growl sounded from within his throat, and he whipped around to face the hunter, the ochre-yellow eyes of his inner wolf visible as he glared at the taller pack member. β€œC'mon, really?”

    He felt he’d have been much more embarrassed if Celestia wasn’t a friend of his. Nonetheless, though, even the tips of his ears were burning red, and the delighted look that was plastered across Jon’s face certainly wasn’t helping, either. He’s just like every other… His inner voice stopped before he could bitterly compare Jonathon to the nasty white boys he went to school with. Inhaling sharply, Ali stood his ground, although the pout-like look on his face surely didn’t make him look overly intimidated. That, and the fact that he was the smallest there, out of the three of them. β€œI’m not stealing your prey, man, relax. Don’t you got better things to do, anyway? Go bully someone into doing your laundry or something.”
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Re: Howl to the Woods (Werewolf RP)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:59 pm

Iyori Kujo- m, sometimes f but not often- 24 y- Twilight den tender- homo; Denali, Clyde- mate open- Toma x Rune (Rina birthed him) : Kaya and Kenji, Akai and Aoi and Murasaki- sensitivity to gluten- possible dog- Tags: Clyde

The black haired one hummed a moment, then shook his head. He couldn't help but giggle a bit, and a blush touched his cheeks. He was giggling at the exaggerated walk. He didn't dislike the walk though, but he also found it a bit funny. That or he was giggling because he was attracted to the guy. He nodded at him, saying "I just need to check everyone's laundry. I also need to do some cleaning around the house. If you're still willing to hang out with me while I do that, by all means come along."

Stellia Reich- f- 20 y- Twilight huntress- pan; open- mate open- not sure if she wants kids- brother Donovan- Tags: open

The water disliking one who tried to listen to others as much as possible yawned. She quickly got up, in human form, and got off the bed. She went to eat, then came back to brush her teeth. She washed her face and brushed her hair. It was brown and wavy ended, to her upper back. In fact, she had a twin in Desarius with the same brown hair. She shook her head at the thought of him...She hoped he was happy there. Even if Twilight didnt like Desarius, she could still wish for his happiness. She quickly pulled part of her back into a ponytail holder. She then left the room once more. The tan skinned one had changed into clothes too.

She now walked towards the front door and out of the hunter house. The hazel eyed one phased into wolf form. The fast and sure footed average sized slender she wolf took off. Fluffier than her brother, she was the same brown as a wolf. She entered the woods, and began to sniff. She soon sought out two rabbits. She waited for them to inevitably grow curious and wander over. Even though she was a wolf, animals gravitated to her. Human form, wolf form, it didn't matter. Animals gravitated to her, and that's how she hunted them. She waited a bit longer, than grabbed one. She killed it then grabbed the other, frozen in fear.

She killed this as well, then stood and returned to the houses. She dropped the rabbits, turned human, grabbed them and went in to prepare them. She had a skill in making food. They had older food they had to eat, so she'd cook these then freeze them.

Iris (Quill?)- f- 30 y- Desarius alpha mate- pan with male lean- mate: Bryce- no pups yet- Corden x Bailee: Roman (has mate), Ire and Ether and Renee- allergy to peanut butter...- potential dog- Tags: open-> Bryce

The cold and seemingly cruel but animal and book loving female hummed a small sound as she began to move towards waking. In other words, the lovely lighter skinned average height but slender she wolf was regaining consciousness. Not that she'd been in a coma or anything, she'd just been sleeping from the night before but was now starting to wake. As alluring blue eyes finally began to open, she sat up and noticed her mate wasn't in their bed, in their home. A home she knew to be a bit better looking than the ones the other had constructed/had help constructing. She shook her head at the thought, then let out a slow breath as she took in their room, which was also nice to look at. She then made herself actually sit up, shaking herself a bit which made the blanket fall down into her lap. She pushed it off herself and swung her feet out, putting on her socks then going to change into clothes rather than pajamas. She then went and put on her shoes, before having some food because she was hungry, and she...wasn't great to be around when hungry.

She ate her breakfast as fast as she could without hurting her belly or getting hiccups, because even a werewolf could have those things. She then went to clean her teeth and wash her mouth and face, before combing through her long wavy light blonde hair. It was to mid back, and she went to grab one of the many ribbons which she'd gotten. She hummed quietly as she picked a pretty lavender light purple colored ribbon, and ran it between her fingers. She then shook her head and cleared her throat, though no one was around to even see what she was doing. She then pulled her hair over her shoulder and began to braid it, going as quick as she could while still being precise. She thought of Bryce as she worked at her hair, knowing how much he cared for the pack but they... just weren't unified. She wasn't sure how she could help, because ones that didn't listen to him probably wouldn't listen to her. She shook her head but not enough to mess up her hair, and tied the ribbon around to secure the braid. The thirty year old she wolf then stood up again, stretching then heading out of the room then through the house. She hummed quietly as she headed for the door, coming outside to find her mate seeming to be lost in thought. She hurried over to him and said "Love...are you alright? What are you thinking on?" she asked, wondering if she needed to be worried. She didn't know if she needed to actually worry, but she was asking him for his thoughts. She just needed to know his thoughts, be sure he was alright and was just...thinking of food, or pups, or who to put in what higher ranks.

Donovan Reich- m- 20 y- Desarius den tender- homo; Gehuil, maybe Atticus- mate open (possible poly)- wants kids- sister Stellia- Tags: Gehuil

The green eyed brown haired make smiled a bit when the other male opened the door. He liked Gehuil as a friend. However, he was starting to realize he may be attracted to him too...This made him nervous, yet at the same time happy. He liked when he got to spend time with the other male. He was glad they were of the same rank, as both men were den tenders. This meant they got to be together a lot. He hoped Gehuil wouldn't get sick of him...but he seemed alright with him. He made a small sound as the other male yawned. "Sorry, it's early, and you must still be tired. It seems we're together for laundry and cleaning today. Do you...could I help in the vegetable garden too, or do you want to do that alone?" he asked.
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