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Wyatt - The Teacher

Postby Crono » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:31 pm


Name: Wyatt Johnson ┓
Nickname: Mr. Johnson
Age: Thirty-Eight
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Former Occupation: High-School Teacher ┛

Wyatt considers himself a simple man. Teaching is something that gives him purpose, helping shape the future by educating the younger generation is something he's always taken pride in. That said there's far more to the job than simply that. There are many problems that those students face and Wyatt does his best to be there for them. It helps that he can be perceptive and catch things that others might overlook, he's learned to watch for signs of problems outside of school. Wyatt believes in second chances for just about anyone and will help them onto that path. This all being said he's the type to care far more for others than himself and occasionally neglects his own well-being through distraction or prioritizing others. In this he can be seen as reckless but it's more obliviousness than anything.

Being outspoken is nothing new to Wyatt and he will stubbornly try and interpret the way he see's things or explain his opinion. When met with hostility he doesn't exactly back down but loses his steam quickly, falling back into a more neutral state of passively holding one's ground. There's a fear of making things worse by reacting the wrong way that tends to override any sense of being right or wrong in a situation. Not to mention he's always been known to be more of lover than a fighter. While he'll gladly defend those who need it with a protective fierceness, he's by no means effective in the matter and is more bark than bite. Still, that doesn't stop him from doing so. As good as Wyatt is at helping his students, he's a rather hinderance on himself in really putting forth the effort. This leads to those few being the only people to really understand him and the way he ticks.

Wyatt grew up in Grand Haven Michigan in the US in a rather average household. He's an only child who took to sports in high-school, specifically Baseball. He was a well rounded student and athlete, though he'd still been considered a jock in those days. By the time college rolled around and Wyatt had to really consider what he wanted to do he opted to follow in his mothers footsteps by getting his bachelor's degree in education. His first few years of teaching were in the US. When Wyatt was twenty-six he'd been dating one of his fellow teacher's for about a year, and for Wyatt it was getting serious and he was falling for the other man. To the point that he'd even set up a proposal in the coming months. But before that could happen both the student body and faculty found out about their relationship, and what was once private became public. And while some of the students teased, there wasn't any particular hate thrown their direction. The most they'd had to do was having a meeting with the administration about it and face a few sneers here and there. Still, it wasn't something Paul was interested in having and had broken it off with Wyatt within a week of it going public. This devastated Wyatt who voiced that he wanted to fight for the relationship but Paul had seemingly lost interest leaving him to question if their relationship had ever had a shot at being anything more.

Like with any good life crisis, in the aftermath Wyatt wanted a change of scenery. Thus he moved to Virginia and continued his life and job there, diving headlong into work and even taking on the role of coaching the school's Baseball team. Two years after the move Wyatt noticed one of his students acting out abruptly, beforehand the teen had given few problems. Not long after he uncovered the fact that abuse was involved, though before the authorities could be contacted the student's father managed to attack him publicly. The story sort of blew up in the small town, the father going to prison for multiple reasons and his son being placed safely with family in New York. Wyatt came out of it with some bruises and stitches but considers that worth the result. After this he found that he'd seemingly found the respect of many of those in town. Maybe it was just that his name and face were on the news, who knew. Either way he was met with more greetings in passing than before, the impact really made him feel at home there until the world went to hell.

Wyatt was one of those lucky enough to fall in with a group that had defendable walls near the beginning and spent half of this apocalypse behind them. But they didn't hold out and once again the man found himself on his own for a time before coming across another small group that were looking to survive together.
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Wyatt Relations

Postby Crono » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:32 pm


- Really needs his glasses, his
vision is terrible. Currently they're a bit cracked.

- Has a nut allergy.

- Before the world ended he'd nearly lived off coffee.

- Not the most efficient at dealing with the dead.

- ?

- ?

- ?


✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Crush)

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Postby lush » Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:22 am


001. joshua lee, likes to be called josh :). 002. twenty onee
years old, born on the 25th of january, hes an aquarius.' 003
cismale, he/him pronouns. 004. five foot seven, roughly abt
170 cm. 005. bisexual demiromantic, heavier male lean 004
scared of abandonment and the dark- and frogs awell... 005
loves the rain', has a very big sweet tooth,' enjoys skinship..
001. joshua's love language is words of affirmation and touch. because
of his energetic vibe and feel, he needs to know he's not being too ann
oying or too much, relying on the words of affirmation almost desperat
ely. he also just enjoys touch. being held, holding hands, anything.. he
just finds a lot of comfort in the touch. 002.. joshua smells like fresh p
ears, strawberries and sugar. he has a very sugary soda smell, which al
most feels like an energy boost with just a small hint. it has a sharp vi
be to it, easy to warm and relax into the smell like a soda bath. 003.,,
joshua has severe adhd, he struggles to pay attention to anything. hee
used to have meds for it which would cool him down enough he couldd
focus and relax, but with the certain circumstances he can't take them
anymore. with the severity of his adhd, sometimes it's hard for hiim to
remember what he has been told, just because his mind was running a
t two hundred miles per hour when listening. he also can't sit still unle
ss he's stimulated, otherwise he's going to be a squirmy and movey per
son. might need to just sit on him or something. 004. joshua is a veryy
energetic person. his mind is practically just swirling constantly, giving
josh tons of energy. he loves to use it, running around and practicallyy
throwing himself over things. like climbing fences and purposely gettin
g himself into tight spots just so he can test how fast he can get out of
it. he used to be on the cross country team in high school,, and joshua
can run very quickly- easily getting him out of trouble if he finds hims
elf in it. he trusts in his legs heavily. 005. along with his leg strength--
joshua learned taekwondo! and he's very good at it. joshua has a good
range of flexibility, and being able to move quickly with his legs his ta
ekwando skills are very advanced, he got himself to a black belt in hig
hschool, still using his talents even now. 006. joshua is very flexible--
he can bend his spine and move his legs higher than you normally cann
007. joshua has diagnosed anxiety disorder. even though he trusts in hi
mself alot, sometimes he still lets his anxiety get the best of him andd
he panics. he could be a ticking timebomb- with his anxiety making hii
m harder to deal with in hard times. he doesn't always react with anxi
ety, but once it's built up it's just a matter of time before he cracks. a
usually he responds with shaking and shivering uncontrollably, and hyp
erventilating, not being able to get a word out. it's hard to communica
te with him when he gets into that state, just because he can't respon
d back. he tried to learn sign language for it, but he hasn't completely
mastered it, getting confused and sometimes signing the wrong things.
008. very verbal about his emotions, he won't hide when he is upset or
mad about something. but that also means he's very verbal with his ex
citement or romantic feelings- straight up telling them or just slowlyy
dropping down random hints. like complimenting them constantly, smi
ling at every thing they do, being extremely supportive, etc. etc. he n
ormally is that way anyway- but with romantic feelings it's just intensi
fied. and with his happiness, sometimes he tends to stim and get very
excited, shaking his hands and jumping up and down with his emotions
009. has a tongue piercing! currently has a blue jewel in it, and he ten
ds to stick his tongue out a lot just because he really likes his piercing
especially when hes happy or excited, just throwing out his tongue.. a
lso has a belly button piercing, usually he matches it with his tongue p
iercing, but he doesn't do it all the time. he wants to get his industrial
done next, if possible. he loves decorating himself. has two piercingss
on his left ear, and one on his right ear. 010. with his normal self being
talkative and energetic, when joshua is upset, his energy levels drop n
he stops talking completely. when hes tired he still talks, and has lowe
r energy levels, but that's just when you barely wake him up and when
he went to sleep at a very unreasonable time the night before. wip lol
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Postby lush » Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:36 am

001. ashton moon, likes to be called ash or whatever you can
pull from it. 002. twenty? years old, born on the 20th of dece
mber, making her a capricorn. 003.'' demigirl, she/they prono
uns. 004. five foot three, roughly around 160 cm. 005'. panse
xual panromantic, no lean and no preferences. 006'. scared o
f spiders and heights. 007. likes spicy foods and art/ painting
001. ashton's love language is touch and acts of service. though sh
e takes her sweet time warming up to people, she doesn't like ski
nship with people she isn't used to. the way she gets closer to the
m and shows shes trying is acts of service- helping with the smalll
things, brushing someone's hair, helping sharping something, even
painting their nails if they ask her. she only gets to the skinship w
hen they're close, and then she likes to just keep it plain and simp
le unless you're a certain someone. just her head on their shoulde
r, quiet hand holding, leg over theirs, blah blah blah. 002. ashton
smells like raspberries and marshmallows, with a hint of chocolat
e. she smells like a warm dessert- or candy of some sort, sweet n
welcoming. even though she isn't the most welcoming person, her
perfume definitely is. it's sweeter than she is /j. 003. ashton is ju
dgemental- whether it's good or not. the moment she meets some
one new, she monitors their behavior and personality like its a tes
t. she isn't quick to trust anyone, and she makes sure she watches
them and judges them as much as she can. sometimes it can com
e off as rude or disrespectful, especially if the stranger is older th
an her, but it's a gut reflex. she does it no matter many times she
s told its rude. 004. more bark than bite- as much as she threate
ns to fight or bite, she most likely isn't going to. she isn'tt one to r
eally fight, she's more so wanting the situation to end than rather
getting physical. but if needed, her weak ass can try :,) 005. tend
s to tease the ones she loves- she isn't the best at expressing herr
gratitude and love, so the way she does it is with teasing. just me
ssing with their hair, or teasing the way they say a word. saying w
ink just to bother them and see how they react, anything to pulll
a smile or a giggle from them. she loves to see them smile at her
006. ashton has an rbf- she appears like she is disinterested andd
annoyed by default. even though sometimes it's just her spacingg
out or not really reacting, it just seems like she is mad or annoye
d. she's trying to be more expressive to fix it, but a part of her ju
st doesn't care about it. 007. tends to chew on her lips alot when
she's thinking or shes anxious. and she scrunches her nose when s
he's confused! tilting her head and scrunching her nose, it's just a
habit of hers. 008. isn't afraid to speak her mind. if she thinkss so
omeone is annoying or untrustworthy, she's going to tell someone.
if she thinks something is a bad idea, she's going to say it, she doe
sn't care if they don't agree or see her as stupid- as long as she ca
n get her opinion out to someone who listens- she's good. 009. lov
es the cold. the way it feels on her skin just makes her feel comff
ortable. plus seeing the way the lakes freeze over and the snowfl
akes when it's extra cold, it's just her favorite thing. winter is her
favorite time of year, and she will always be a fan of it. 010. jade
d and cold- just as a coping mechanism. she doesn't want to be s
een as weak or unworthy, so instead of she likes to come off as co
ld and unbothered. even if the things people say about her upsett
her, she refuses to do anything about it. she'd rather come off as
strong and independent than sensitive. it takes a lot for her to op
en up and talk about her genuine feelings, her heart having large
walls put up around it. she doesn't hold back a lot, but she still is
scared to talk about the things that hurt her. 011. sarcastic- most
ly to close friends when she's trying to joke around or tease, thou
gh if a stranger or someone she doesn't respect tries to boss her a
round or give her their opinion when it was unwanted, she will us
e sarcasm littered with little insults to retaliate to them. wip lmao
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the coding doesnt wanna cooperate

Postby lush » Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:37 am

001 adrian song; likes to be called dri or ria. their auntie used
to call him dray, so they don't like it because they dont like h
er 002. XX years old, born on the second of may, making them
a taurus! 003.nonbinary, they/them prnouns 004. five foot six,
roughly around 167cm . 005. homosexual homoromantic, clos
ted. 006. scared of spiders and needles, but also really hates
being left alone. 007. loves cats and music, also played base
ball when the world wasn't full of walking dead people yk xx
⎯⎯ love language is touch and gift giving. they like to hold onto people's
arms for comfort, and hold their hands. they just find a lot of comfort i
n holding people. also likes giving people the little trinkets they find. li
ke a little army doll, or a pretty shiny rock they found in an abandoned
room. it's how they show their love when they verbally can't say it.
⎯⎯ smells like strawberries and cream- with hint of cold strwberry vanil
la ice cream! they smell very sweet and have a comforting tone, almost
a childlike feeling to it. they smell like whatever i want
⎯⎯ finds comfort in the little things. the endearing looks towards them,
messing with their hair affectionately, just the little things to keep the
m comforted and to remind them that they're cared for
⎯⎯ likes to be with people- they definitely prefer to be in larger groups
than in smaller ones, but as long as they aren't alone and have someone
they're okay. traveling alone is their worst nightmare, and they're terrif
ied of having to find someone on their own
⎯⎯ isn't quiet, but just doesn't really speak until spoken to. they dont w
ant to risk interrupting someone or annoying someone with their stupid
little antics, so they just keep quiet until then
⎯⎯ has little fangs >:) their canines are sharper than normal and its cool
⎯⎯ really logical? tends to think more with their head than their heart--
especially in moments of stress when they need to get out of a situation
quickly, just more calculating. sometimes they tend to ignore they're ow
n feelings just to quickly get a problem solved, even if it means it hurts
them. they care about other people's feelings, but tend to just ignore th
eir own, just to get things over with quickly. they don't like having longg
lived conflicts or problems
⎯⎯ i hate them so much rn
⎯⎯ can be very competitive? if you randomly want to see who can run to
the abandoned treehouse fastest they want to join man, though they ar
ernt that upset if they lose, they just like the thrill
⎯⎯ definitely likes to get their blood pumping with running or climbing-
they don't like being in danger, but they don't mind being scared if its l
ike a horror game or something. yeah idk
⎯⎯ very physically reactive, it's hard for them to hide their emotions whe
n they just reflex pull a face without even meaning to. they can't lie very
well about it either- so they get put in a tight spot. especially if they ma
ke a disgusted or annoyed face lmao, only time they can get awya with it
is when they're not paying attention or when they're too tired to care
⎯⎯ oddly scared of horses? just because they don't want to get on one yk?
they're scared of getting hurt with the horses, its just a paranoia issue
⎯⎯ allergic to pineapple, it's a random thing but something u gotta look
out for yk just because they can get sick and their throat can close rip
⎯⎯ yo mama wip
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Postby rogan » Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:01 am

001. dekka talise moore. x 002. known by the nickname
decker. x 003. twentyseven, feb. 13, aquarius. x 004. ci
sfemale, she/her. x 005. bisexual/rom, no lean.i' 006. a
bout 5'1", 105 pounds. ix 007. was studying to be a vete
rinarian, knows basic medicine. 'x 008. fc, gillian zinser
i. used to have really high spirits and was a rel
atively happy person.' this has changed over th
e last nine years, though '''x ii. has been known
to act a bit impulsively,' and dangerously, almo
st. xix iii. rather nice and patient- doesnt have
issues with most people.' also very forgiving an
d doesn't hold grudges at all. xix iv. spaces out
quite often,i especially when there happens to
be something else on her mind. xi' v. not the m
ost outwardly opinionated,i tends to keep thos
kinds of things to herself. xix vi. typically she's
pretty independent and likes doing things on h
er own,' but she dislikes being by herself great
ly. xix vii. tends to be pretty relaxed, shes nev
er really tense'' unless the situation happens to
call for it. xi'x viii. pretty stubborn and doesn't
really waver her opinion-'' at least, not very ea
sily and certainly not without a fight. x'x ix. i l
owkey kind of hate her lmao what happened ''-
short- but thin and feminine.
littered with little scars, dirt
y blonde,' midback length ha
ir,' that is usually a bit messy

usually soft shirts- long sleev
ed, typically -which aren't to
o heavy. prefers jeans, but w
ill '''wear ''whatever ''fits ''her.

if needed,'' a bow and arrow-
otherwise she carries a small
pocket knife around 'instead.

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Postby rogan » Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:01 am

i. jade do x ii. only goes by jade,
rarely j.d. x iii. 23 years old, bor
n on the second of march,' a pisc
es. ix iv. cismale, he/him pronou
ns. x' v. demihomosexual/romant
ic. x vi. a little over 6'1", about 1
60 pounds. xi vii. wanted to be a
florist,i' stilli reallyi intoi botany.
prty fit,' a bit muscular;' re
latively slim.' hair is natura
lly black, and is usually cut
very sloppily bc he does no
t care. his eyes are dark br
own' and he has multiple p
eircings he did on impulse.
words words words w
w words words words
words words words w
w words words words
words words words w
w words words words
words words words w

i.' he's not exactly the nicest person on earth, actu
ally pretty mean most of the time.i has no real reg
ard for most people's feelings xx ii. quiet and keep
s to himself, prefers his independence. also does n
ot like being helped a majority of the time- it mak
es him feel weak and incapable. xx iii. pretty deta
ched. he doesn't really connect with most people,,
at least, not well. he prefers it this way so he's not
risking losing anyone like he did his brother i'x iv. h
es pretty protective of those he is close with- even
if it isn't very many. when it comes down to it he d
oesnt like being separated from them, either. x vi.
basically he's a mean mess with separation anxiety

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ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴡʜʏ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢs, ᴅᴀʀʟɪɴɢ

Postby senna_ » Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:05 am

01. mallory megan covey 02. mal 03. 24 yrs old 04.
cisfemale she/her 05. panrom./demisex. 06. 5'2 07.
golden-blonde hair 08. forest green eyes 09. carries
a strawberry & whipped vanilla scent 10. english ac
cent 11. fc is florence pugh

xxxx''positive: eloquent, driven, exuberant
xxxx''neutral: staunch, vociferous, dramatic
xxxx''negative: capricious, picky, audacious
cat mom vegetarian hates bugs coffee addi
ct 3am bedttime will throw hands 5 steps beh
ind everyone else craves naps chaotic neutral
Mal grew up on a farm. Her father was a horse trai
ner & her mother was a midwife. She liked the out
doors well enough, though she won't ever deny her
love for the luxury of cities. They moved to the US
when Mal was nine (to another rural area), but she
was never able to properly lose her English accent.


Rambunctious and outgoing, Mal likes making her
presence known. She either likes you or she does
n't, simple as that. To those she likes, she'll treat
them like her best friend: she'll spoil, complimen
t, & constantly show her appreciation. Fiercely l
oyal to them, she'll act like the "mom friend" wh
o will gladly give someone a lesson if her loved
one is upset. To those she doesn't like, she will e
ither dismiss them, or she'll act bitter. Usually, M
al isn't petty to someone unless given a reason; s
he's not usually the type to forgive, so once on h
er bad side, it's rare to flip over. She's fluent in s

arcasm; she'll hurl it at ev
erything. With sarcasm co
mes sass, and Mal isn't afr
raid to give a snarky rema
rk. She has a tendency to
act then think, which can
often get her in trouble.
When nervous, Mallory te

nds to try and make the scenario appear comical to calm
her down. She's stubborn, though, & rarely admits it whe
n she is feeling anxious. Few people have heard her vent
to them; she likes to keep her troubles to herself.
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tell me that you love me even if it's fake.

Postby mtuan, » Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:00 pm

> Kang (l) Ji-Hyuk (f), english name is Maddox, his friends usually call him Mads
> twenty-five years old, demiromantic graysexual, though assumed asexual, Da
nish nationality, Korean, slender & toned, but usually hidden away, subtle, 5'11
> first impression, an enigma all on his own, he's skeptical at best with trust iss
ues that'll send anyone in the other direction; the kinda dude who doesn't mind
asking the difficult questions, who is quick to shut down complaints otherwise-
> he's a bit overwhelming, harsh with the way he speaks sometimes- all too qui
ck to retort or accuse someone of something as soon as he catches wind of thei
r intentions; extremely quick to judge & even quicker to take defensive action
> comes off as callous and indifferent to most of his peers and the kind of man
that most would brush off in a "forget it man, he's not worth your trouble" way
> guarded as hell, but not just for himself, but in his close ones as well, he test
s people, and sets them up for failure at the first wrong move; he tends to sit i
n two extremes- either the most loyal of friends / the most hateful of enemies
> it's hard to know the heart of a man with too many surprises up his metaphor
ical sleeve, but he's a good man- one that looks to solely take care of those wh
o matter most in his life; lionhearted, and tolerant, but sacrificial to an utmost
> he would rather take the pain on his own, rather than let the people he has c
ome to adore take it themselves, would rather shoulder their burdens along wi
th his own in the way that he believes he has a 'duty' to lighten their worries; s
omething of a jaded man, though (-& perhaps as a result of his usual worrying)
> charming, when he wants to be- he's definitely worked out the mechanics for
flirting, sure- though it's not really in his.. top list of passions for sure; if anyth
ing, he sweet talks only to take advantage of someone- assuming that is fitting
> but if anything, he's just gotten really good at staying in control of his tempe
r; the kind where he's gotten a pretty good grasp on his anger.. until he doesn't
> because when he's finally decided to 'let go' out of ire, then all bets are off; i
t wouldn't be a first in his life if he'd gotten worked up enough to throw a chair
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feelin a little dangerous

Postby mtuan, » Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:00 pm

> Yu (l) Xue Han (f), english name is Vivian, usually he goes by his nickname Vi
or Viv- sometimes even Xueer by his closest friends, something of an affection
ate endearment that he really enjoys, but he only permits with the select few
> twenty-four years old, demiromantic demisexual, Chinese, thin and lanky wi
th a very long-slender appearance, but he struggles to put on weight, abt 5'11
> first impression, charismatic and a smooth talker, he has always been one to
use his words to get what he wants from people, using that honey-voice of his
to tell others what they want to hear- what will help him obtain his goals; the
insincerity drips from sugary lips, though, and usually both parties know exact
ly what he's up to- he has never been secretive about the way he manipulates
> one for teasing- the kind that involves one quip for another, wherein both si
des know that the scenarios they're building are too good to be true, but each
one (--specifically him) continues to play a part until someone else surrenders
> "i know what you want and you'll get it, if you help me get what i want" ("an
d how are you so sure we'd succeed?") "i just do, you'll have to trust me" ("ok")
> sensitive and attuned to the changing emotions of others, observant, and qu
ick to make calculated judgment based on the assumptions given in the situat
ion, but otherwise distant and detached from his own mind; conscious, empat
hetic, and more aware for his peers around him than he is of his own thoughts
> kind of a flirt, though it's more of a kittenish antic rather than any sort of st
raight-forward suave-ness on his part; metaphorically, rather than reaching ou
t a hand, coaxing others to take it as he'd usually prefer, when he chooses to f
lirt, he's more likely to play up a chase, luring people into a mischievous game
> a lot of empty promises; has made a bad habit out of agreeing, even when h
e knows he will never actually accomplish what he said he would for his peers
> generally hates being touched, and will brush hand away if they're too close
> though he's an incredibly heedful and ardent individual nonetheless, dedicat
ed to his morals and ethics and quick to protect them as soon as something no
longer aligns with him; loyal, but clings to his sense of "meaning" or principle
Last edited by mtuan, on Thu Jan 13, 2022 11:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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