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sawyer 01. made of honey and glass

Postby mtuan, » Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:28 pm


    𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐆-𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐎𝐋 mtuan, kim
    (tagged) nerissa (misc.) 1,066 words


    "Ah, so annoying!" A whine curls low in Sawyer's throat as he settles into one of the hard benches of the military vehicle, hands automatically going to brush himself off as soon as his ass hit the cold, hard material. The lithe man finds himself picking at his outfit for the duration of the ride afterwards, somewhat quiet- mood a little dampened. He wore a simply orange sweater, some pair of dark jeans and a denim jacket for the chills. It fit autumn vibes, it was nice, he thought.

    He'd been at the local florist when they first rolled by the little shop. Sawyer hadn't paid much mind to them as he reached for a poppy sitting pretty in one of the hanging buckets. Delicate little flower it was- but bright orange in hue and beautiful under the sun. Although he'd been well aware of the military men headed into the shop, the door bell ringing to disturb the peaceful ambience of the shop, the young man had simply figured they were here for something as well-- who knew? They certainly didn't make a move, much less their intentions clear when the two figures walked down the aisles themselves, seemingly surveying the many options hanging from the greenhouse ceiling.

    Not until Sawyer's at the counter, paying for the single poppy between his fingers, do the men begin their mission; jostling him out of the shop first and then into their vehicle. Much to the (very) loud protesting by the said wolf, of course, who made it more than apparent he wanted nothing to do with the humvee he'd been tossed into.

    Sawyer's still complaining when the door's slammed shut and he's left in the dimness of the vehicle; he finally huffs after he's alone, the single little flower held close to his chest as if to keep the pretty thing from wilting too fast- though it was likely to happen anyway, poppies never did seem to last without proper care- something Sawyer had intended to do as soon as he'd returned to his place, if not for the stupid little anyway.

    Kicking around a little in the lonely back compartment of the military vehicle, his foot comes into contact with an all too familiar bag- isn't that mine? Confusion clouds his mind instantly as the young man goes to pry open the sack, only to find odd bundles of articles of clothing seemingly hastily shoved in without care-- at least they were his.

    'Did you- did you raid my apartment?" Indignance flooded into Sawyer's outcry, a fist coming to slam weakly against the separation he knows is keeping him from the drivers. There's no response at first and the young man finds himself knocking again, mouth agape as if to demand a reply only for the faint, almost distant, whisper of a man's grunt to reach his ears. "At least we grabbed a bag of yer stuff for ya, could've been left with nothing, ha!" A pause and again, Sawyer wants to say something- "And shut up will you, you're so loud!" With a huff, that's enough for the wolf to clamp his jaws shut, teeth grinding unhappily against one another.

    The young man ends up unpacking his things as best as he could upon his own lap, grumbling something under his breath about 'zero fashion' as he tries to make due. The seats are dirty, but Sawyer ends up perched upon them anyway- that is, until he's neatly shoved all of his belongings back into the poor, overstuffed sack and called it a day.

    He's busy picking at the almost invisible lint on his dark jeans until someone opens the door just the slightest. On instinct, the young man tries to slip through the little crack, poor boy believing he could likely slink through with enough luck. But Sawyer's stopped in his tracks when a familiar face is shoved into the vehicle instead-- "Oh my god. They got you too?"

    Slumping into his seat, Sawyer huffs out a dramatic sigh, "So this is it, huh? We're gonna die." There's very little amusement in the small voice as Sawyer attempts to look anywhere but Nerissa, gaze falling down into his fingers, instead.

    By the time the vehicle stops moving, it feels as if hours had flown past, consisting mostly of Sawyer picking at himself or his sack (full of lacking decisions, much to his disaste). They're quick to be ushered- shoved- out into the open where the young man finds himself catching his fall, palms down, when who Sawyer believes to be the driver trips him down the vehicle. Another gritted grunt emits from the boy as he glares daggers, but there isn't much he can do when they set off almost as quickly as they came.

    "So annoying." Sawyer repeats for the second time as he brushes himself off once again for the second time. Picking up his sack, the young man looks over at Nerissa before scanning their surroundings. It's... nice, sure. Though Sawyer isn't quite sure how much he'd enjoy his time here. Where even were they? "Are you okay? Do you need a minute? I can see the tops of something not far ahead, kinda wanna go check it out." Again, for the umpteenth time, Sawyer seems to dust himself off, pointing a finger towards the tree tops soon after. Sure, the clearing was nice and all, but the man really just wanted to find his bearings- if it were even possible at the moment.

    "There's gotta be more people around, right? I feel as if I can feel a presence beyond just us, but its been a long day. Ah, did they seriously abandon us in the middle of nowhere?" The inquiry for Nerissa is gentle, Sawyer's pretty eyes searching, darting from one corner of the clearing to the next in stress. His gaze turns rather distant for a split moment, however. When he suddenly recalls

    "Ah, damn it! I left the poppy on the seat of that vehicle!" Sawyer immediately crouches against the grass in dismay, a formal pout forming as he frowns, "I just bought that stupid flower too. It was gonna go in a vase with some lilies and all." Though it only sounds like mere whining, Sawyer knows it's just a measly attempt to keep himself from overthinking too much.

    (Does this mean we're now homeless?)
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𝐎𝐍𝐄. "she hummed through a fake grin"

Postby kalo. » Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:47 pm

      mood; knife emoji // mentions; government // tags; twins, ximena // wc; 999

    indentIf the doors of this government-owned truck opened and the two twins in the car with Catalina were missing; she would not be surprised in the slightest. Cat wouldn't even Hesitate to admit it. She'd walk out of the truck with her head held high and tell them every reason Why she kicked those two out of the moving truck. It would go as follows; they smelled. Terribly. They looked like they had no idea what a shower was nor would they even consider bathing in a river or lake. Even from across on the opposite side of the truck she could smell them. Her nose wrinkling and turning her head to look the other way. The two... wolves also had a severe case of... lice. Which in itself was enough to have Catalina reacting and wanting to hurl one of her precious shoes at them. It was Disgusting. Who just Had lice? The two twins that looked like they lived in the woods for their whole lives she presumed. Now Cataline would've been okay if the Twins had just left her and Ximena alone. Not bothered with them. But Nope. Nothing went right when it came to Catalina and the government. So once the first little bug was flicked towards them, thankfully falling and hitting the ground before but she would take no chances. These clothes were coming off and being burned. And a shame too. She had one of her favorite outfits on too. Why? Because she could. She didn't need someone to tell her how to act or what to wear after all.

    indentSlowly adjusting as to not wake her daughter [but to no avail, between the twins and the government's truck bouncing everywhere she was bound to awaken] she turned towards the girl as she spoke. Shooting her left brow up before scoffing. "Put that finger down girl. It's rude to point at someone you don't know." She paused for a moment, the question 'what are you' causing the wolf mother to want to bang her head against the side of the car. This girl was going to be the death of her. She couldn't even speak properly. "And it's Who are you. Not that you would know." using her free hand to pick at the fabric of her skirt she let out a sigh. Already feeling her heart ache at seeing the two kids alone and... well.. them. No kid deserved that kind of life. "I'm Catalina. This is my daughter Ximena. We're wolves I presume just like you."

    indentThe wolf slowly moved her feet away from the lice that she knew were on the ground. Looking up as Gretel asked another question. Fix him? Glancing down at Hansel she only let out another groan. This was not on her agenda today to deal with. She was told it would be a painless ride. But of course, she would be stuck with two children who couldn't speak properly and smelled like death itself. Oh. And had Lice of all things. Either they wanted Cat to suffer or they knew that she would simply take them under her wing and try and help them the best she could. They must of knew of her history. "I can't fix him. I'm not a doctor. He's just sleeping, he'll be okay. If not i'm sure there will be a doctor somewhere when we arrive. You do know where we are going, Right?" Upon their blank stare she only let out another groan, head falling into her hands. She knew she was older but she did Not want to start sprouting gray hairs now when she had no way to cover them up.

    indentThe sound and movement of the Truck stopping only had Catalina cursing out under her breath. But in a thankful manner. The Spanish rolling off of her tongue as if she was breathing. As soon as the doors open the matriarch was up. Calling out to her daughter in Spanish before grabbing her bag and hopping out. Ignoring the hand from the Government officer. Barking at him in Spanish that she didn't 'need a man to help her out of a stinky Government vehicle that hadn't been cleaned in God knows how long'. As soon as the wolf was on the ground she tore her decorative flats off, letting her bare feet touch the ground before turning to raise the shoe in the air towards the Government workers. Her curses and insults firing at them a mile a minute for the treatment they had and that their mothers would be ashamed because she certainly was. Tenfold. Dropping her shoes and stepping away, mostly due to the fear of lice being on the shoes, and looking at her surroundings. Did she know where she was? Not really. But as long as she had Ximena should could care less. Family was everything to her; pack or not. Turning back to the twins she let out a groan. "The first thing we're doing is getting you two in a river, lake, shower, anything. You two reek and are full of bugs. It's disgusting. And I don't wanna hear another word about it. You should be ashamed in how you look." Keeping her bag on her back [sadly Catalian wasn't allowed to bring her tote with her as it wasn't big enough to hold the contents of what she brought with her. So instead she had her deceased mates backpack] she moved towards the truck again. Firing a glare at the employees before looking at the twins. "Can you two get out? I'm not carrying either of you or helping you. You're covered in lice. And on itself just adds to the Disgust." With a sigh Catalina started to move away from the truck, ignoring the officers and looking back at the clearing. What a start to her day. She already hated everything. She really didn't want to break out the wine this early but. Yeah. It was needed.
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𝐂𝐀𝐒 [𝟎𝟎𝟏]

Postby karasu, » Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:31 pm

    tagged: dakota word count: 1,348
        xxxxcasper james sat with his head laid back and his arms tightly crossed to his chest, trying his best to take up the least amount of room as possible. although his intentions were noble, his actual execution seemed lacking and he found himself painfully squished between harlow and loki. his long limbs sprawled awkwardly in front of him and were bent at uncomfortable angles just to fit. his shoulders were jammed into those neighboring him and with every sudden jerk of the roaring humvee he felt a new body limb being shoved into his ribcage. the situation was undoubtedly uncomfortable and yet, the young werewolf still had his eyes closed as he attempted to sleep. given the excruciatingly long length of the journey, he had time to drift in and out of consciousness- however as time slowly ticked on without any sign of arriving at a desitnation, the increments of actual sleep shortened until eventually he sat there, eyes closed but mind painfully awake.
        xxxxat this point in time his body was numb, though he supposed it was for the best, and the humvee still showed no intent of stopping. when he realized that sleep was now unattainable, he instead decided to focus on the movement of the vehicle. he was unable to make out whether they were even on a road or not and soon grew bored of not getting any answers. not wanting to move even in the slightest in fear of causing pain to either harlow or loki, he decided the best course of action was simply to grow lost in thought, hoping that time would move faster in the figments of his imagination. he started recalling the events he supposed helped lead to this particular moment. being unable to outrun the soldiers. a video going viral. being bitten by harlow. meeting harlow. having nothing but time, he started to truly wonder if it had been worth it. if he could go back in time would he change anything? would he prefer a life without harlow in it?
        xxxxhe lazily opened an eye to peer at his alpha in hopes of gaining better insight, however his dreadful appearance caused him to blow air out of his nose in amusement. their strong and fearless alpha was just so, dirty. he knew he wasn't any better and instantly became painstakingly aware of just how gross he felt. he knew most of it was a figment of his imagination, triggered only by harlow's appearance itself. still, he could almost feel a layer of dirt covering his face and body, hidden underneath his pair of dark jeans, sweater, and sneakers. he resisted running a hand through his hair but knew it was undoubtedly a wreck. oh how he would have killed for a shower and a fresh change of clothes.
        xxxxallowing his eye to close shut once more and circling back to his original thoughts, he couldn't find it in him to regret his decisions. even as he sat there, body numb and covered in dirt, he found it better than the alternative. he didn't want to be anywhere other than the humvee if that was where his pack was. he felt a sense of peace in knowing that this is where he belonged- squished between two irritating werewolves. what an annoyingly sweet sentiment.
        xxxxit was then that the vehicle jerked to a stop and without any hesitation, cas stood up and immediately stretched. with feeling finally returning to his stiff limbs, pain quickly took its place and he soon started to prefer the numbness. sighing in defeat, he grabbed his duffle bag and followed harlow out of the car. the intensity of the sudden sunlight caused the young man to suck in a breath and flinch away, raising a hand to his eyes in attempt at protection. "yeah," he mumbled at harlow while blinking his eyes into adjustment- a small cloud helping dim the brightness. not being fully recovered from the trip, cas welcomed the spare time to gather his bearings but allowed a small 'tsk' to escape his lips at harlow's harsh words. still, he said nothing as he watched harlow walk away.
        xxxxa part of him wanted to follow, trailing behind harlow like a lost puppy. with everything that happened he couldn't help but feel on edge, not wanting to let anyone wander out of sight in fear of them being taken away next. with a strong, deep-rooted fear of abandonment, he wasn't sure if he could take any more loss. however, loki snapped his attention away from harlow and reluctantly, a small smirk formed at his words. he opened his mouth to reply but was instead greeted by the sight of loki transforming. rolling his eyes he picked up the duffle bag he had dropped and trailed after him. as self-proclaimed beta I guess I'll handle this.
        xxxxgiven the fact that he wasn't nearly as fast as loki when cas himself was in human form, by the time he arrived to the scene he saw loki pinning a guard and another young man face first in dirt. "how have you already found trouble?" cas asked as he carefully evaluated the situation. he supposed he would also turn if loki found himself at gunpoint, however his body was already incredibly stiff and he didn't want to put it through the pain of a transformation if it could be avoided. offering a hand to the man currently eating dirt, he watched the human retreat as well as loki. "well, I guess that could have gone a lot worse." deciding to leave the scolding to harlow he opted out of voicing just how reckless that was and instead decided to try and track down dakota. not having her in sight was causing a deep sense of stress and he wanted to find her as soon as possible. he assumed harlow was still caught up with the young woman and decided he would try and handle it himself.
        xxxxdirecting his attention to the unknown man, he quickly took in his features. although he had never seen him before he knew it was safe to assume he was also a werewolf and probably just as clueless as he was. realizing that he most likely knew nothing of dakota's whereabouts, he didn't want to waste any more time on him. "im casper," was all he offered before turning his attention back to his troublesome pack member. "loki, I'm going to go look for dakota. if you're not coming with feel free to run off some of that energy." the ghost of a small smile was the only true indicator that he was playfully teasing the wolf. "oh, and I have your duffle bag, moron." with that, he turned to head into the cabin.
        xxxxdropping loki's duffle bag as well as his own on the first available counter he found, he spent no real time taking in their new home. he quickly gave each room a run-through for the young woman and wasted no time lingering. "dakota, you here?" not receiving an answer, he continued talking to the empty rooms. "if you're dead im going to kill you." he paused. "also, if you're perfectly fine and stressed me out for nothing I am also going to kill you." he rambled on, trying to fill the silence as well as distract himself from the possibility that dakota simply wasn't here. his mind reluctantly started running through different scenarios, each one more gruesome than the last. just as he was about to give up he entered the last room, almost running into dakota herself. "there you are," he sighed with relief. "did you not hear us arrive? or me calling out? well, I guess it doesn't matter. are you okay?" he resisted the urge to hug her, mostly for his own pride, and instead looked her up and down. there was no apparent harm inflicted on her and cas felt himself relax even further. "everyone else is outside. harlow is flirting and loki is causing trouble so you know, everything is fine thus far."
Last edited by karasu, on Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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it was you [001]

Postby `silver » Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:42 pm

tags; ferdie, genim, harlow location; a really nice forest word count; 2,205

Humans. Always taking what does not belong to them and borrowing without so much as asking.

They arrived with cages made of titanium, shackles made for anchoring boats; humans once again seizing claim on the lives of others and condemning them to a fate that they had no say in. Amyas remembers how they were swallowed by a haze of red, caterwauls voiced by both fur and fang dripping with anguish as they broke. Their starved, desperate voices boomed raucously in the minds of whomever was left to listen—whomever hadn’t been eradicated or fled. Jaws clamped mercilessly against metal, a sheen of blood catching the unearthly light that had once brought them respite and solace but now drowned the area in a frigid sheen of silver. An array of unmoving bodies littered the cages. The stench of death choked those that still dared to draw breath. Amyas could only watch their Alpha morph themselves into someone they did not recognize. Frothing white and crimson at their maw, their pelt ragged, torn away by their resolve as they believed themselves—no, prided themselves—that they would become victorious against the festering wound that was humanity on this earth. A mangled lump of fur with its teeth and claws broken from futility, soiling the very air with every putrid exhale due to their pride-fueled efforts that was about to land them incarcerated and shipped off to the closest stretch of green. They did not know when enough was enough. The delirium clouded their judgement, told them that their pack was calling for them to continue to fight, to see another day for them, but the reality of it all turned to a single, sterile vial of clear liquid that was administered into their flank.

“Too unpredictable. Hard to believe that this was a person once.” A human clad in protective gear grumbled.

A small, whispered tone brought a wild light to Amyas's eyes, somehow blared over the roar of the nearby engine.
Amyas, you’ve failed them as much as I have.” It dripped with honey, breathing a heavy fog into her mind that began to turn the scene before her into a blur. Her backpack had limply slumped off her shoulder and onto the grass where her feet no longer stood as she lurched forward, white-knuckled fist greeting the jawline of the one who'd spoken aloud with an audible crack. Why? The man fell to his knees, his cries of pain falling on deafened ears as she continued to beat him. Why am I so angry? When her backside grew heavy with the weight of another, her skin began to itch and her bones creaked, aching to the very marrow of her bones. Her head turned suddenly to lock eyes with her oppressor, igniting fear and sympathy in orbs that were not her own. Why am I fighting?

The moment's hesitation on the man's part was enough time for Amyas to secure a blow to his throat that had him careening backwards into another only for her to sense someone at her flank. Her hand reached instinctively towards them before she could get a good look at them, the feeling of cold metal brushing her fingers sending a shock through her static body. Fiery wisps of white exhaled from her lips, the world no longer blurring but rather sharpening, as the very air itself moved only for the breaths of those whom thought each of their lives were about to cease.

She did not dare to move, but her eyes flickered with a sudden tone of yellow, the man standing behind the barrel then pressing his gloved finger on the trigger. Amyas remained motionless in her spot, feeling his own gaze burning holes into her face as she stared down what very well could be her own demise. It was then that the oh so familiar questions that one asked themselves when faced with a challenge that could ultimately reduce them to nothing sprang to mind, but these were also the kind she was used to asking herself about so instead she focused on the most important one.

Will it finally happen today?

The man did not give her long to ponder. The moment his breath hitched, Amyas's hand gripped the gun's underside and pushed upwards in time for her ears to begin ringing with fresh pain. The recoil paired with her strength around it's metal body was enough for the man to release his claim of the item, her hand recognizing the weight with too much ease. He scrabbled for purchase along his waistband, Amyas's shoulders loosening visibly when she came to a silent decision after hearing an array of footsteps and safeties being disengaged.


She didn't meet the man's eyes but rather felt them train onto her face once more, scenting how the mixture of fear and anger that he had reeked of only moments ago transgressed into that of disbelief. She hadn't noticed it before but there were still others here from the pack that were alive. It would do no favors to those whom were left if she too ended up like their alpha. With a deep sigh, Amyas simply walked away from the man, acknowledging those whom had accumulated around them with a harsh glance. In her wake, sat a glint of silver in the grass.

I can't believe I really just did that. A shudder passed through Amyas as she grasped the strap of her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder once again just as a shout for someone not to shoot cut the tension crackling in the air. More guns were pointed at her, some of the men that were attached to them urging her to head towards the nearby humvee that had been guzzling gasoline the whole time. It was then that she realized her heart was thudding so loud that blood was roaring in her ears, her hands swiftly shoving themselves into the pockets of the cardigan that she'd layered on top of a hoodie to hide their trembling. She couldn't tell if her quakes were out of anxiety or adrenaline but nonetheless, she entered the vehicle without any further complications to see that there were already a few others inside.

She kept her eyes trained away from the others, werewolf or not, in order to soothe not only herself but her wolf as well. How she hadn't shifted back when she'd witnessed her own alpha being euthanized in front of her, she didn't know nor could she really understand all the emotions that were attempting to break her normally stoic composure. Her ears were deaf to the ancient authority of her own late alpha even with the blood of the wolves pumping through her veins, so where exactly did her loyalty even lie? Was it because she'd only recently become a member unlike the majority of the pack? Or maybe it was just the fact that she'd been bitten rather than born. Whatever it was, it no longer mattered. It's not like I wanted to be Beta in the first place. She had gone into town for only a few hours to wander the streets listlessly and take a day for herself to relax only to return by nightfall to a pack that no longer existed. Her stomach churned at the feeling of guilt that threatened to gnaw at her already exhausted mind, whispering of her regrets and feeding off the last words that her alpha had uttered directly into her thoughts. Leave me alone. Hugging her backpack to her chest, Amyas squeezed her eyes shut in the hopes of sleep enrapturing her even if she knew she was giving her body too much credit in that regard. None of what happened would allow her to sleep well for a good while.

Or so she thought. Cold morning light struck her vision with it's weak golden rays against a bruised, cloudless sky from the windows of the humvee. Pressing up against the chilled panel of the vehicle, Amyas straightened up, shuffling quietly as she did so and earning a look from one of the guards that appeared to be the most attentive of the three before his gaze flicked to the space beside her. Genim. Ferdinand. The names leapt to mind before she could even look to them, their scents giving them their proper labels instead as her senses stirred to life. Had they seen the alpha fall to the hands of these humans? A single glance to the same guard told her that she shouldn't say anything unless it was something along the lines of needing to vomit or use the restroom. Even then, she doubted they'd open a single frame within the vehicle until they got to their destination. She pressed her mouth into a thin line as she settled back into her spot, deciding that she was too tired to deal with an unruly person right now anyway since she knew the hand she'd been dealt with these two was already going to be enough. If either of them decided to try anything, getting hit with the butt of a gun out of annoyance would be of their own accord.

The wheels of the humvee coming to a skidding halt were sooner than expected and was followed by a gust of bleak, autumnal air that radiated fresh earth and petrichor. One moment they were sitting shoulder to shoulder in a military car and the next, her boots were landing on the prettiest stretch of land she'd ever laid eyes on. Hundreds, if not thousands of trees sat atop of hills of emerald, bluish-gray mountains framing what she could see of the horizon and towering over their current location with a mass that beckoned her wolf to explore. Not yet. First, she had to deal with whatever mess that they had been dropped into. Then maybe she'll have a chance to scour the expanse that she could've only dreamt of being entrenched by in a reality she thought to never have been witness to.

It seems they weren't the only ones in this mess. Aside from the sea of varying shades of blues and greens that marked the forest ahead, there was also a good amount of heads weaving through the clearing which could only mean one thing. More than just Green Ridge had been swept into all this. It wasn't often she met other packs let alone werewolves and her body growing rigid with distrust was a dead giveaway, her hand lifting to rub at the back of her neck as she grumbled irritably. "I guess we're the only ones left of Green Ridge. How're you all fairing?" Amyas left the question more open ended for the sake of giving them an option as to whether or not they wanted to answer that question then and there. Neither wolf were the type to be shaken up so easily, but the alpha had been Ferdie's father and so this was her way of figuring out whether or not they'd witnessed his demise.

The wind that washed over them all didn't give her a chance to listen for their answers. Memories flitted across her mind, raking through the haze that normally encased her past with ease and upwelling with a sea that churned not with guilt this time, but warmth. Warmth that stopped the trembling of her hands and enveloped her in images that were filling her chest with a feeling that made her want to howl. Countless nights by a crackling flame emitting the same warmth, bouts of raucous laughter and the wordless, but noticed caresses of hands brushing past one another or the shifting of bodies as they moved welcomingly close. A time Amyas never expected to think back to right now, that half of her grew upset in not having made a better point to cement it to memory and the other half being eternally grateful for it's existence.


Amyas caught sight of the bucket hat that cut through the crowd before she saw his face, recognizing him now even more than before due to her senses having enhanced since the last time they’d met. The answer for him being here now was all too obvious. In meeting his gaze, she could feel her throat closing up as her breath hitched, trapped between answering and breathing as she hesitated briefly. It was then that he held out his hand to her, reaching past all the walls she'd so meticulously raised up after their initial meeting met it's conclusion and she fell to rock bottom. The light that she'd never expected to share a single moment with again had returned to beckon her with the same intensity.

"I think you're right and it seems like you've brought an audience this time." The hesitation she'd shown in comparison to the last time they'd met was prominent and yet the way that the darkness enshrouding her gaze faded to reveal a bright glint of amber shone enough to make it seem as if it had been a mistake all along. She laid her hand gently in his palm but gripped it lightly as her mind caught what would ensue, hoping that he too would remember.
Last edited by `silver on Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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001. sent flowers to my demons

Postby འབྲོག་ཁྱི » Fri Sep 17, 2021 1:06 am


─────── 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐔𝐒 ─── 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐍 ─────────────────────────⯮
──────────────────────────────────────────── 𝙎𝙄𝙇𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙇𝘼𝙆𝙀 ──────⯮
    LOCATION; edge of the forest TAGGING; Amara, Ambrose, Billie; Casper MENTIONED; Loki WC; 2,307

      Douglas. Father.
      Some say that bad things come in threes, and with nothing else to do than think, Marcus had begun wondering: the first must have been his father's passing, the second the relocation, but what was the third? Was it that the rank of alpha had fallen on him, leaving the scattered remains of Silver Lake, his own sister, without leadership? Or was it that they had arrived during his father's vigil, during those nights when any bed feels the wrong shape to be slept in? No. Marcus had to see this as good timing, for them, not the soldiers. There had only been a few of them watching over the dwindling flames, and had there been a larger group saying their final farewells to what would now be the last alpha of a whole Silver Lake, Marcus could only imagine the chaos that would have erupted. How many would have been lost without reason?
      indentindentindentDespite the many years of declining health and the increasing burden of old age weighing down on Douglas, it was always difficult to say that someone's death may have been expected, especially when it was the passing of someone so close to one's heart. Heart and mind, Marcus could imagine his father correcting. It had been only days before his final breath that he had confided in Marcus, spoken about how he could feel the strain of this approaching fate draining the last of his life from him. Yet in spite of circumstance, in spite of everything that had sped up the loss of another kind man, Marcus could find comfort in how he had had time to go peacefully, in his bed, rather than in the sights of some soldier's gun or in the back of this truck. Marcus knew that the life he had lived with Silver Lake was not the universal truth of werewolves, but Douglas's rule had allowed so many to live and pass in peace, and that was a... demanding legacy to uphold. Yet Marcus wanted to ─ by god, he did, no matter where they were.
      indentindentindentThe arrival of the soldiers, their breach into the peace of Silver Lake's territory, was like a deck of cards in Marcus's mind, each card a flash of a scene in the dark night. They had known for some time that it was coming, that it was inevitable, and before Douglas had passed and left Marcus to harbour a fate he felt guilty for having dreaded, they had had many long and quiet discussions about what was to be done. They had eventually arrived at the conclusion that running would be a faulty plan; the government would keep searching until they caught at least a member or two in their grasping hands, because they knew that the pack was out there, and disappearing would merely warrant a search. And so they had remained, and in those few days before it had finally come, time had felt slow and dense ─ and tinged with grief like sea spray was with salt ─ and Marcus had watched each member of his family with regretful eyes. Would it be you? Would it be me?

      indentindentindentThe dying fire had spat sparks onto the black night sky when they had all heard the rumble of the engine before it was cut. The beams of strong flashlights had sliced pillars through the dark and fallen on them, pointed just as the rifles in the soldiers' hands, and he had known that it was too late for them to run. Yet, he had felt a strange sense of relief to know that it had been them, while the rest of the pack would be long gone into the shadowed woods, prompted by the simple go he had sent his little sister before crushing the phone under the heel of his boot.
      indentindentindentAfter that, there had not been much time for him to think. Everything had been instinct. Ambrose had lost his composure, and faced with the options of either losing his brother to the soldiers' bullets or putting him in the truck, Marcus's mind had ticked steady and calm as a clock, making the choices for him. He had restrained Ambrose, pinned his arms to the sides of his body and walked him over to the truck as if ushering a nervous child on his first day of preschool. He had wanted to say many things then, about how he knew his dauntless brother wanted to fight and resist, and how they couldn't risk everyone else, but he had stayed quiet under the soldiers' watch. But the only time he had felt fear was not when the rifles had been pointed at him, but when they had turned to his family and he had imagined the muzzles baying and barking, greedy for blood.
      indentindentindentMarcus had been allowed to pack them each a bag as the soldiers had fanned out throughout their home and lands, and searched every nook and cranny for signs of others, but they were long gone. Even with everything he knew, Marcus was not certain he had made the right choice there, because had the rest of them been captured, at least they would have been together, and it stood heavy in his mind to know that he had sent his own little sister into the woods, into a future possibly even more uncertain than the one this truck was taking them to. But he also knew these were thoughts he would have to abandon once they were to arrive at their destination. He could not occupy his mind with ifs and buts when he still had family to look after. Ambrose, Amara, and Billie ─ he had to keep them safe.

      indentindentindentThe scraps of sky showing through the small windows had begun lightening, a palette of cold autumn and watercolor peach. It had been perhaps ten or twenty minutes into the ride when Marcus had noticed that every move he made, whether that was handing his carsick brother a bag or trying to squeeze some more space for Amara, had had the soldiers stirring nervously. The truck kept jostling from time to time, and that was not anything he could have stopped, but he had tried to remain stock-still since then, reluctant to risk his brother or any one of them receiving a bullet from a soldier with a jumpy trigger-finger just because he had made the wrong move. Even when their escorts had settled a few hours in, he had been unwilling to close his eyes, but he had suspected that staring at the soldiers would have merely served to unnerve them once more. Thus he had settled on gazing up at the ceiling and cycling through old country songs in his head.
      indentindentindentThese old songs had been the soundtrack to his father's pick-up truck when Marcus had been no older than four, and they had continued to be so for the next thirty years. Trying to remember crooning lyrics and guitar notes brought him stillness, even when it was hard to pretend that he was in that truck, with the worn seats and dinged paint, and not this one. The world around them had turned into a cluster of nightmarish circumstance, but at least Marcus could do his best to remain calm and provide his packmates with a sense of comfort through his steadiness, no matter how small. Marcus's eyes flicked briefly to Billie, and the echo of grief came to gouge at his chest. Just as he and Ambrose, she had gone through a loss before ever stepping into this truck, and Marcus could not help but think of his sister and all the things he would do to keep her safe were that still within his reach.

      indentindentindentFor the first time in what must have been hours, Marcus's eyes wandered to the soldiers sitting on the bench across from them. They seemed more at ease than they had been, swaying along to the movements of the truck with their eyes fixated on nothing in particular. Marcus stirred in the cramped space of his seat to rouse the soldiers from their thoughts before his voice, a resonant mix of rich melody and gravelly notes, would have a chance to startle them.
      indentindent"Any chance you could tell us what our destination is?" he asked, the words intentionally musing and void of hostility.
      indentindent"Olympic partition, sir," came the brisk answer, as if addressing a commanding officer. It was a curious shift in power, one that Marcus wouldn't squander. He gave a thoughtful hum from the back of his throat.
      indentindent"Marcus is fine," he offered, allowing himself to truly look at the soldiers for the first time. He doubted this was a crusade most of them would have followed had they not been told to do so ─ yet each had agreed, whether through word or action, to execute the orders. "And where is this Olympic partition?"
      indentindent"Olympic national park, Washington," he answered, then paused for a moment, before tacking on another 'sir'.

      indentindentindentOnce the tires ground to a halt to let them know they had finally reached the end of their journey and the doors were opened, they had been placed in the truck so that the girls were first to exit, and Ambrose would be right behind Marcus, having been placed in the back by him after his attempt at fighting back against the soldiers. The truck lurched on its suspension when Marcus hopped out, planting his boots firmly in the mud that had formed where they had stopped. Telling by the shoeprints and tire tracks left in the soft ground, they were not the first to have stopped there. His breath became a swirling white cloud in the brisk autumn outside ─ this had always brought him a strange sense of comfort, the visible proof that they were here, alive, and the world was there, alive in its own way.
      indentindentindentWith the cold weather in mind, Marcus had turned to settle his sheepskin jacket across Billie's shoulders, when a thud from behind stole his attention and had him turning back toward the truck. What he found was his brother, on the ground, with his face in the mud. The exact course of events had escaped Marcus, but he was reluctant to start anything with the soldiers, and would thus give them the benefit of the doubt and blame Ambrose's inclination of feeling ill in a car for his fall. Marcus slung both his and Ambrose's bags over his shoulder and moved to help his brother, when his path was cut off by a hulking black wolf. It descended like a shadow upon one of the soldiers near Ambrose, and they both went tumbling to the ground with a force that ─ with a human underneath those paws ─ he could imagine at least bruising a rib or two. If not worse.
      indentindentindentIn a blink, what had been a tense-yet-peaceful arrival to the partition had turned into a standoff. Matte black barrels pointed at the wolf atop his quarry like brambles in a bush, poised to tear, and all Marcus could do was keep his hands visible, warn the girls with a look, and inch himself between the rifles and his brother lying prone in the mud. This stranger had just endangered them all, put some foolish notion of pride or power before their lives, and went ahead to write a check with others' blood. They all knew that what the soldiers were doing was not fair by any measure, but it was the most asinine form of resistance, to lunge alone into a battle that could not be won and have a crowd of innocents killed in the process. When a soldier shouted a warning and the black wolf made the right choice of leaving, it was as if every muscle in Marcus's body released, and he made a note to steer his family clear of anyone who was willing to let others pay for their mistake.

      indentindentindentThere was no world in which Marcus would have wanted to help the soldiers after what they had played a part in, but he did wish to avoid further problems, and so he offered a hand to the soldier that had been trampled. Instead of taking it, he clambered up on his own, dusted himself off and spat on the ground before climbing into the truck and driving off with the rest of his troop. Marcus watched them until they were long gone, somewhat more at ease now that the guns had left the territory, and by the time he turned to aid his brother, a stranger had offered to help him onto his feet. He introduced himself as Casper, and Marcus offered his own name in return, paired with a nod and a grateful look. It seemed he knew this Loki, but such contrasting actions made Marcus wary of the both of them, regardless of the decency Casper had shown toward Ambrose.
      indentindentindentMarcus dug out a pack of clean tissues from the side pocket of his bag, then took a gentle hold of his brother's chin to wipe off the most critical parts of his face, before handing him the rest.
      indentindent"I'm sure we can find someplace to properly clean you up," he reassured with an affectionate squeeze of Ambrose's shoulder. That was when he turned to Amara and Billie, and looked them over briefly, mostly to put his own mind at ease about neither of them having been injured in the confrontation. He adjusted the bags hanging over his shoulder and gestured toward the head of the trail that snaked into the woods.
      indentindent"I suppose we should find someplace to settle before we can talk about what to do next. Most of the footprints look to be heading that way."
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⚕️ i || "Well there goes paradise."

Postby Zyn » Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:33 am

⚕️ 𝔅𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔦𝔫 𝔐𝔞𝔠𝔊𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔢 ⚕️
Born Werewolf || Medic || Male || Thirty-Six || Demisexual-Homoromantic || wc: 1,638

⚕️ Location: A Creepy Path
⚕️ Tags: Jeremiah
⚕️ Mood: Don't touch his patient

    There were many things that irritated Brendin about the truck and the soldiers stuffed into the back with them, hard cold seats that hadn't been created with comfort in mind. Or maybe the way they were packed in like sardines, or the fact he barely had room for his bag on his lap and the cat next to him. But those were minor irritations at best, the biggest irritation had to be the way the sun ducked behind the clouds. The small slit in the top of the truck did little to allow the sunlight to filter through the gap and from where he was crammed he could just barely shift the medical journal grasped in his hands into the light. So when the sun decided to slip behind the clouds and yank back what little light he had, well the frustration was almost unbearable. The words so elegantly sprawled across the pages were the only thing keeping Brendin's mind from spiraling out of control. The thin line that kept him tethered to this world rather than floating away. He gave a quiet huff as once again the most fickle piece of nature decided to yet again hide their face and cast his journal mostly in shadows. Shifting in an almost irritated way he managed to twist his body until he could catch the only glimmer of light that the sun had left for him. It was only then that he noticed that the shaking in his hands had gone away. Shaking caused by anxiety and panic from the days earlier events. He had grown so used to the ever present tremor that it was far more startling to the medic to see his hands stilled for the first time in hours than it had been to see them shaking beyond his control.

    The day had started like any other day, he had woken up in his clinic bright and early. Times were fairly peaceful and he only had one patient with him, a packmate who had broken some bones and gotten several deep wounds doing some stupid stunt to impress someone. He hadn't actually paid much attention to what had gone down, the moment he had processed that it was stupid he had elected to ignore it. As to why they were still haunting his clinic, they had gotten ill a couple days prior and had to stick around his clinic while he watched them. Which had been fine at the time but when the warning came in about the government making a move and rounding werewolves up things had gone down hill fast. Moving a patient who was both injured and sick was never easy. Moving a patient while the whole pack was panicking and trying to get things in order to vanish off the face of the earth? Far more tricky than he could have ever anticipated. Thankfully most of the pack had the good sense to leave him behind. Unfortunately Jeremiah had been very insistent on staying behind to make sure both himself and the patient managed to get away. Something that would never come to be since the government rolled in as they made their break for it and surrounded them. Between the two of them they had managed to carve a path for the injured packmate to make their get away before the soldiers closed ranks. Faced with an inevitable defeat Brendin had all but shut down. Retreating into his mind in an effort to not be in present. His lack of support would be something that he would forever regret. What ifs that would always plague his mind when he was alone.

    It wasn't until Jeremiah had been knocked out that he had sprung back to life. Roaring his defiance as he bodily flung soldiers away to reach his fallen packmates side. Fingers fumbling as he desperately searching for a heartbeat to reassure himself that he hadn't lost everything yet again. The steady thrum of a familiar heartbeat had allowed the muscles that were coiled for battle to relax. He had hardly noticed the rough hands that had dragged him to his feet and shoved him away as they bound the enforcer. The rest had been a blur, orders being barked in his ear and him methodically following them. Filling a bag with as much medicine and medical supplies as possible. Filling the gaps with wet cat food and medical journals that he had been saving for a rainy day. Cleaning the litterbox as fast as possible and taping the litter and dry cat food to the bin and placing it on top of the cat carrier. Caydran and Kieron had been unceremoniously shoved in the carrier. There had been a small altercation between himself and the solider but he couldn't remember what was actually said, all he knew was that they had allowed him to take the cats. In fact they had allowed him to keep the cat supplies too. He had been stuffed into the truck, sitting opposite of Jeremiah so he couldn't even lean over and check the enforcers injures. The cats had been placed beside him, a vain effort to keep the duo calm on the ride. Caydran had freaked the moment the truck had started, flinging their fluffy body at the side of the crate while singing the song of his people. Kieron's irritated gaze had peeked through the crate at anyone willing to make eye contact. Thankfully the flame point had calmed down after five minutes and had flopped over and promptly passed out.

    At some point in their journey they had dragged Brendin to his feet and none to gently told him to collect things for Jeremiah. Equal parts threat and order. So he had, hands still trembling from memories and flashbacks he had robotically packed a bag for his packmate. All of the essentials as well as things that seemed like they were important to Jeremiah. It was messy but he was in not state of mind to carefully fold clothes. There had been a time limit, something that his panicked mind had taken note of and he had returned with plenty of time to spare. Crawling back into the truck and tucking the bag next to Jeremiah in an effort to make sure that the unconscious wolf would be at least a little bit more comfortable. Brendin had then settle into his spot and retrieved a medical journal, opening to the page he had left off on. His hands still shaking he had clung to that journal with such a fierce grip his knuckles had turned white. His distant gaze had flickered over the same sentence for almost an hour before he actually started reading it, taking in the words slowly. He had been distracted once when a soldier had reached out to try and shake Jeremiah's shoulder. His distant gaze had sharped as he zeroed in on the solider. Brows knitted with fury he had stared down the solider, who despite the weapon advantage had frozen under his fierce gaze. "Touch my patient and I will free your head from your neck" the words had been hissed in whisper just loud enough for the solider to hear. Maybe it was the venom in his voice or maybe it was the sharp look that formed from an individual who appeared to be out of it but the solider had obeyed. Then like nothing had happened his gaze had flickered back to the journal in his hands.

    A particularly harsh bump jolted Brendin from his thoughts and brought him back to the presence. Tired eyes flickered up from the journal to peer around. The steady pace of the truck was slowing down and his gaze narrowed into slits as he took in as much information as he could from the actions around him. The soldiers seemed to be readying themselves for something, which gave him a good of idea of what was happening. Snapping the journal shut he slipped it into his bag, and none to soon, only a heartbeat after he had zipped the bag shut the truck came to a shuddering halt. Rocking to his feet he gathered the cats and their stuff in one hand and slung his own bag over his own shoulder. Then he stooped over and slung Jeremiah's bag over his other shoulder. A hesitant arm reached towards the enforcer earned a sharp gaze from Brendin stalled whatever the solider was going to do. "Don't touch my patient" he growled. Then without waiting for the solider to say anything he leaned over to gently loop his arm under Jeremiah's arms and hoisted the enforcer to their feet without waiting for them to accept it help. Then he lead the two of them to the end of the truck and helped the enforcer down before whirling to face the solider and holding his hand out. "The key obviously, leaving us here in the middle of nowhere? Well fine there is nothing I can do about that, but I can't carry all this stuff alone" he grumped while waiting. After a few moments of hesitation a key landed in his hand. Turning on his heel he hopped down from the truck and gazed around as the truck rumbled to life and rolled away. His grumbling didn't end there though, as he made his way back to Jeremiah's side the grumbling was almost incoherent. Mostly insults for impatient soldiers followed by a string a swearing. He paused only once in his irritated grumbling to inquire on how Jeremiah was before he returned to it. Luckily for Jeremiah it didn't take long for Brendin to free them and then he gave the enforcer so space as he motioned for them to follow him as he headed off down the creepy path.
Last edited by Zyn on Fri Sep 17, 2021 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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⚔️ i || "It can't get any worse. Today at least. Its late."

Postby Zyn » Fri Sep 17, 2021 6:04 am

⚔️ 𝐚Mвŕᵒᔕᶤ𝐎𝕤 𝓦𝔥𝕖ĹAŇ ⚔️
Born Werewolf || Fighter || Male || Twenty-Four || Demisexual-Panromantic || wc: 1,558

⚔️ Location: The Dirt
⚔️ Tags: Marcus & Casper & Loki
xxxxxxxxxAmara & Billie
⚔️ Mood: Somehow still alive

    The vigil had been peaceful, staring into the flames that reached towards the sky. He has settled into a crouch, his sharp gaze never leaving the dwindling light. Ambrose couldn't tell how much time had passed or how much longer they would be there but here sitting beside the fire he had never felt so close to the man that had been his father. Or at least the linger presence of the man that had once stood before their pack, bringing peace that had last years. Whatever quarrels he had had with his old man seemed trivial and pointless as he stood before the fire, letting the plumes of the smoke rising from the burning wood to take any regrets away. To leave only the good memories behind so that one day he could cherish them in a way that he couldn't then. That it until that peace was trampled in an instance, the calm wrenched away from him at the sound of the soldiers and their metal beast. Eye glittering with rage had swung on the approaching wolfs, tension building in his lean frame. The audacity to broach their grieving made his blood boil and his lips curled into a snarl that almost seemed inhuman. But he didn't move a muscle as the soldiers closed in, the flash of metal in the darkness telling the young wolf exactly how close the soldiers were.

    He waited until they were close enough, the only warning that Marcus had up until then was the snarl on Ambrose's lips and tense body language. For the moment they were close enough he erupted from his seated position with a cry of unbridled fury. He slammed into the closest solider, fists flying, paying little mind to the weapons being trained on him. He would have kept going if strong arms hadn't wrenched him back. Pulling him off the solider and pinning his arms against his side. Side heaving he gave one last thrash to get at the solider before Marcus' scent washed over him and he stilled, calmed for a moment by his brother steady presence. Glowering at the soldiers around him he allowed Marcus to guide him to the truck, both relieved that his brother had stopped him and furious that he hadn't been able to exact some revenge. Still he had been a good little brother and had let Marcus guide him away from the soldiers, that is until his gaze landed on where they were headed and he dug in his heels. Not that a little resistance would even register to his older brother but the horror of being stuck in the truck was enough to make him try and put up a fight. A pointless endeavor since Marcus didn't even break stride as Ambrose was hoisted into the truck. The moment his feet hit the ground he was scrabbling to make a break for it but a solider blocked his way and shoved him to the very back, pinning the young wolf to the seat until Marcus had returned.

    Marcus had returned with a couple bags packed, one for each of them as well as arriving with a bag for him. A bag that he had ended up clutching to like a life line as the truck started. It hadn't be long before the wolf who had tried to bloody his fist on some solider was the most useless packmate in the truck. With every jolt of the truck the young werewolf felt his stomach give protest to the abuse. His fingers dug into the thick hoodie that enveloped the young man and his jaw flexed as he ground his teeth against the urge to expel what was left of his last meal. Furrowed brows gave away the agony the easily carsick Ambrose was in. With an almost inaudible moan he shifted so that he could press his temple more firmly against the side of the car. Attempting to find some stability in the coldness that seeped from the unforgiving metal walls. This was how he spent the whole ride, curled into a position that couldn't have been comfortable nor healthy for his back. Twisting periodically to find a different spot to rest his head and allow the truck to seep the warmth away. He couldn't turn to Marcus for reassurance since he was too afraid of his stomach revolting if he so much as shifted to far. So he had to settle with just occasionally bumping shoulders with his brother. At some point there was a murmuring that started, his carsick mind couldn't process the words that were being said, only the voices. The muffled voices quieted down almost as quickly as they had filled the space and the truck had settled into mind numbing silence. After what felt like several life times the truck came to a shuddering halt. With the jolting Ambrose clasped the bag even closer to his chest, squeezing his eyes shut as his stomach made a mad revolt.

    For a moment there was peace and then a hand was grasping the front of his hoodie, hauling the weak wolf to his feet roughly. Piercing blue eyes slide open into tiny slits as he dangled helplessly from the mans gasp. He barely had time for his feet to touch the ground before he was being pushed forward towards the opening in the truck, something he hadn't noticed until that moment. Staggering after his packmates, his legs shook and threatened to send him crashing to the ground at any moment. After what could have been a matter of seconds or a lifetime, Ambrose wasn't sure what time was at this point, he was teetering at the edge of the truck. Peering down at the dark earth bellow he found he could quite measure the distance, the way the earth spun and swirled in front of his eyes made it practically impossible for the wolf to comprehend what was happening. Apparently his pause was too long because just as he was able to step down the butt of a gun slammed into his lower back, forcefully ejecting Ambrose from the truck. There was a heartbeat of shock as the reality of what was happening failed to sink it. It was only when the next moment when his feet left the floor of the truck that he understood what had happened and what was coming. The blow had been for a werewolf strong enough to resist but he couldn't put up a fight when he would rather be violently ill and so he had been flung out of the truck. The fall itself felt like it was in slow motion as his whole body went limp rather than make an attempt at bracing himself. The ground rushed towards and he accepted his fate moments before he slammed face first into the dirt. The wind was driven from his lungs and he lay there pathetically. As he struggled to get his lungs functioning again so that he could get much needed air flowing through him he faintly registered the tell tail thump of wolf paws. It still took him a long moment before he was able to greedily suck air into his lungs and and even longer moment before he was able to blearily lift his head to see what was happening.

    A huge black wolf it seemed was pinning down the solider that must have thrown him from the truck. Although it could have also been him imagining it since he wanted someone to stick it to the solider. He could feel the ache of the bruise the size of the butt of a gun growing on his back and knew it would stick around for awhile to torture him. Blinking owlishly he barely registered as a large form inched in front of him, placing their bulk between the guns that he hadn't even noticed before. They had been equally directed at himself and the large black wolf, which was real apparently, no doubt they assumed he would be able to leap to his feet and shift just like that. He was almost disappointed that he couldn't prove them right by shifting before their eyes and tackling the nearest soldier to the ground. It wouldn't be worth it though, his eyes fluttered shut, his brother was all he had left and he wasn't about to leave Marcus alone with these crazy wolves. Whatever had come over the black wolf seemed to dissipate and he listened to the sound of their paw steps as they retreated. The sound of another person joining them had his eyes sliding open again and he regarded the offered hand before reaching up to take it and staggering to his feet. "Ambrosios" he stated simply in return for Caspers offer of their own name. He would have added more but Marcus chose that moment to grasp his chin to start to whip off the dirt and blood he could only assume was caked to his face. "A shower sounds really good right about now" he grunted, his voice was still weak as he struggled to recover from hours of carsickness. Reaching out he snagged the tissues and started to try and clean his face as best as he could. He only nodded in response to Marcus' question and started to follow the footprints.
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001. where is my mother..

Postby wonderous » Fri Sep 17, 2021 9:09 pm

ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴxforest's edgexxꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢxmournful, terrifiedxxᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅxsilver lake packxxᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛx680
𝐢𝐟xx𝐭𝐡𝐞xx𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭xx𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬xx,xx𝐬𝐨xx𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥xx𝐭𝐡𝐞xx𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬xx. . .

xxxxxthe past week had been a fictional nightmare turned to a nonfiction novel. perhaps, a badly written horror movie.
xxonly hours after mourning her mother, word spread that the head of the whelan family had taken his journey. the
xxalpha. if they weren't thrown into chaos now, the intensity of the government fiasco had stirred unrest within the
xxatmosphere. every movement, every word, every breathe... every shift felt the need for heavy deliberation.

xxxxxthe chair beneath her acted as the only form of grounding. her knee kept a continuous bouncing pace to hold her
xxedging emotions at bay. the ceremony was beautiful.. peaceful, even. the woman found comfort in the realization of
xxboth the whelan's and her parent had avoided the betrayal and abandonment soon to be felt across many packs. for a
xxbrief moment, the grief had subsided into dull contentment.

xxxxxthe presence of the military was a fever dream. the group had scattered without reluctance to the dark weapons
xxpushing through. by the time billie began to process her next movements, the younger whelan boy had launched himself
xxinto a neighboring soldier. she had a similar reaction as the newly appointed alpha-- restrain the wolf. they have guns.
xxhowever, in the midst of confusion and panic, the faces of those trying to flee diverted her attention from the conflict.
xxone last act of kindness before they endured whatever fate that was soon to ensue. steady yet anxious hands reached
xxout to the few that stayed to pay their respects. under the impression there was still time to mourn a cherished man.

xxxxxthankfully, the diversion occupied those armed long enough for the stragglers to take shelter within the earth's trees.
xxmarcus entrapped his brother not a deadly slow second later, hoping to avoid any ring of violence. after a glance of
xxdiscomfort towards the trees, faded emerald eyes laid upon the rushing uniforms ahead. tactics for this scenario had
xxobviously been demonstrated as a circle easily coddled her. she was left to feel like a lost little girl; one trapped in
xxendless loop of scares. the feared beast could not scrounge any will to refuse-- not much more than a saddened growl.
xxhowever, it was enough for a soldier to not risk the hesitation. firm grips of terrified authority signal her defeat as an
xxinjection found its way into the crook of her neck.

xxxxxtime was of no function for the sedative. the effects wearing down her once heightened and heavily relied on senses.
xxas the vision of the other wolves being ushered into the truck crossed, frantic eyes began to tussle the scenery. mother..
xxall she wanted was one last glance at the woman she loved- loves so dearly. she needed to know everything was okay.

xxxxxrepetitive, harsh bumps teased the woman to stir from her heavily induced slumber. a swiftly offered command lurched
xxher feet forward, carrying her out into the cold grasp of the newfound land. the sudden drop in degrees forced billie
xxinto a more groggy, recuperating state than her recent too still to be alive phase. yet, an awe moment was exhibited by
xxthe new head of command, marcus. a cozy jacket had engulfed her shaking shoulders, ceasing the chatter of her teeth.
xxagain, chaos ensued. a large wolf, presuming one of their same nature, had reimagined and amplified ambrose's past
xxencounter. a telepathic warning was all she needed to stand down and fight a different day; rather, she allowed
xxherself, in a way, to cower towards amara, seeking the safety net of another.

xxxxxupon the tension settling after the scuffle, marcus immediately took to action, directing them to the path dragging
xxahead. the younger being could only return a hesitant glance but followed nonetheless. pale fingertips awkwardly
xxtugged a silver piece of jewelry tangled around her throat. a simple heart-shaped locket in which an image, that
xxhad been hastily taken, of her mother and billie hid away in. a small depiction of the upper half of a wolf howling
xxhad been engraved on the outer back of the enclosed object. miss you, momma.
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Jeremiah | I |

Postby Crono » Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:56 am

𝒥𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓂𝒾𝒶𝒽 𝐹𝒶𝓁𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓇
Male ~ Forty-Two ~ Riverside ~ Lead Enforcer ~ Profile
Location: Drop-Off Point -> Path to the Cabin ~ (Tags: Brendin) (Mentions: N/A)

Life throwing curveball's at him is something Jeremiah had hoped he'd grown accustomed to. From being given months to live because of a brain tumor, to his mate walking away without a word. But no, Jeremiah had been waiting for the next curveball all things considered. What he hadn't expected was how it was going to play out. One moment it was life as usual, the next was chaotic. The pack was frantic to grab what they could and scatter once the whispers of Wolves being taken from their homes started escalating. The Riverside Alpha set forth a plan for them to relocate after doing so. As packmate's hurriedly left their life long homes Jeremiah was helping to make sure they did so fast enough, it was his job to see them safely escape and to be the final one to do so. This was when he'd ran into Brendin still dealing with the injured pack member who wasn't ready for such a journey, they were the last two remaining.

The Lead Enforcer wasn't too pleased of the situation, he had to admit. But he'd done whatever possible to help Brendin get the injured pack member mobile, because he was well aware the medic wouldn't be escaping until that was done. Luckily it hadn't taken too long, unluckily the government's dogs were ahead of schedule. Just as the trio were on the move Jeremiah had heard the roar of the engines before the abrupt halt. Both he and Brendin made enough of a nuisance and distraction to allow the injured pack member to escape. Whether they actually made it out of town, who knew.

Jeremiah fully planned on getting him and Brendin out of this situation. Even as the armed soldiers swarmed them, he fought back snapping bones and disabling as many as he could. It came naturally from twenty years of experience as his role in the pack, protecting through violence. That said he still never shifted nor maimed, or killed the humans who sought to capture them. But when he spotted Brendin in the fray being led away Jeremiah hesitated, it almost looked as though the medic had given up. He was no fool, Jeremiah understood his only choice was to try and run or do the same now. This momentary hesitation was enough time for someone to get the drop on him from behind, even though he'd already made his decision it was lights out.

Something shoved up against his back and a shake of the shoulder caused Jeremiah to finally rouse. It was then that he'd become aware of the throbbing at the back of his head as well as the uncomfortably hard flooring he was lying on. Slowly he attempted to right himself, becoming all to aware of the fact that his hands were bound by some sort of reinforced cuffs. It didn't take long to take in where he was and the situation. A dark vehicle, soldiers with weapons pointed at him cautiously, and Brendin looking on with a hint of worry. However he was no fool, Jeremiah simply got himself upright and comfortable but his body remained tense.

The ride took the rest of the night and he spent a majority of it glaring at the soldier across from him who had yet to lower his weapon in any way. He'd likely been ordered to do so by whoever was in charge of the group considering Jeremiah hadn't gone quietly, but that didn't mean he had to like it. When they finally stopped and started to ready to disembark the medic was quick to snap at the soldier who was attempting to help him get out. "Doc, it's fine." He spoke softly, attempting to dissuade any further retaliation for either of them. Jeremiah understood he'd possibly made things worse for them in the long run and wasn't interested in taking that up a notch. Still the soldier recoiled in the end and Jeremiah attempted to disembark on his own, this however nearly had him toppling back to his seated position. Clearly he should have taken that slower. But Brendin was there to help right him and help him off the truck and to a nearby tree, leaving to get the key to his restraints as well.

The sudden forced amount of light was doing absolute wonders for his headache. But now that he was up and mobile Jeremiah had his balance back, and was attempting to look around as the vehicle drove off leaving him wondering just what was going on. The man rubbed gingerly at his wrists before being handed a bag by the medic, one he not only recognized but by the smell of it retained his belongings. "You wanna fill me in on what I missed?" He asked curiously as they started their march down the designated path all the while taking the mental note of the intermingling scents of other Werewolves he didn't recognize. It was both confusing and reliving to realize that he wasn't smelling any of the other Riverside members. "I don't suppose you got any information on what all of this is from any of them." He wasn't holding his breath that they spoke to Brendin while he was out cold, but he wasn't a fan of missing time and if the medic caught onto something he missed then all the better.
Last edited by Crono on Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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harlow 02. darling don't be afraid

Postby mtuan, » Sat Sep 18, 2021 4:16 am


    𝐋𝐈𝐌 𝐇𝐀𝐍-𝐁𝐈𝐍mtuan, mtuan, kim
    mtuan '𝙃𝘼𝙍𝙇𝙊𝙒'
    (tagged) amyas, elk spring (misc.) IMMEDIATE SQUAWK
    -ING, with you - jacob bae, 1,222 words


    Retrospectively, perhaps Harlow could have worded himself a little better, the knowing little quirks and the mischief swimming in the eyes of both of his remaining pack mates all too familiar if he'd taken any longer than a glimpse to study them. Though the alpha had missed them in the moment, all too preoccupied on the task at hand, he really should have known. Known the way the only sane pack mate he'd received over the past couple years was currently missing and the other two? Five year old children, Harlow was surely convinced. Uh- perhaps five year old children in the bodies of twenty-something year old werewolves with far too much time on their hands whenever the elk springs alpha wasn't around to chide. Man, they make me sound like a single dad with two rascals for sons. Almost forgetting the hat perched atop his head, Harlow almost wants to scratch his head at the thought.

    Anyway, his instinct itches, which only really meant one thing. Trouble- though not the urgent kind.

    Loki, their residential self-proclaimed 'bad boy' was full of mischief and defiance, often going out of his way to act out, do the exact opposite of what he was asked. A little insufferable, if he wasn't already a elk springs pack mate, but sentimental as it sounded, Harlow wouldn't have asked for any changes, even if he'd been offered the chance.

    And Casper- well Casper has always been a little a little special, Harlow supposed. One of the first humans to be brought into the werewolf life through transformation on Harlow's part, they certainly were forced to work through whatever differences they possessed; the blunders and hiccups that came with the process. The alpha himself had been a born and raised, so needless to say, he hadn't the first hand experience to relate with. There was a certain kind of regret- no, guilt, perhaps, for the young and reckless decisions of the past. Perhaps it was because of him that Casper suffered. Suffered the transformation, the adjustment- and worst yet, the relocation that happened today. If you were still human, would you be safe? Tucked away in some high-class neighborhood somewhere, perhaps? With the rest of the humans who never needed to worry about such unique obstacles? Not to mention, the pair certainly had their differences to settle- seemingly like opposites that somehow found their ways into each other's lives. The bickering was constant- sometimes tiring, and in complete honesty, like Loki, a little insufferable on the occasional days. Casper's character wasn't necessarily an easy one- quite difficult to adjust for, actually. But he family nonetheless. Found family. (Or at least- Harlow considered him to be.)

    (Not going to lie though, to a certain degree like a tired father, somehow Harlow found himself wondering if these hopeless idiots would ever find someone who'd tolerate their asses like the alpha did on some- all- days.)

    Between Casper and Loki, they certainly made the third and final member of Elk Springs sound like quite the darling. And a darling Dakota was-- if she hadn't been currently missing in action, that is. Maybe I should have just asked the boys to go searching for Dakota, keep their minds busy, instead of idling around.

    As much as Harlow berated the boys at times, scolding them for stepping too far out of line at times- as much of a crazy mess elk springs seemed to enjoy creating, the young man really wouldn't have had it any other way. They were found family, as overly affectionate as it sounded. Ugh.

    Deliberately pulling himself out of the thought of his pack, Harlow allows himself to reminisce on the easy past instead. The sound of the waves roaring, the sunset hues, and the clinks of glass bottles against one another as the wood cracked under the heat of the bonfire and the smell of toasted (but to be honest, burnt) marshmallows all brought the best of Harlow forward. His best memories.

    The ocean scent, the ocean view; the sound of the waves roaring. Certainly came to mind.

    Standing before Amyas, time seemed to stop ticking as Harlow awaited her response, the only steady rhythm he could trust being that of his heart; pounding strongly, confidently.

    It’s not the first time, but feels good all the time together.

    Despite it all- the exhaustion, the grimey disgust, the gloomy atmosphere of losing everything in the blink of an eye, Harlow certainly couldn't help but beam when Amyas decides to respond, allowing any residual tension to leave his frame at the thought of potential hostility. Though the changes in the young woman before Harlow was clear as day, almost as if the seasons had aged her beyond her physical years, at least Amyas seemed okay. (As 'okay' as anyone could have been, given all that's happened in the past day.) Maybe it was the naivety that was long gone from her actions that was the reason for her initial hesitation.

    But the way the pair lit up in one another's exchange made everything feel... okay, less burdensome.

    Harlow chuckles, in spite of the fiasco, the remaining mirth from earlier coming back in soft waves, "Well, you know. If there isn't one waiting for you already, then might as well bring your own, right?" he jokes lightheartedly. "Though I'm not quite sure I brought the right kind of audience- they're kind of a mess- but definitely the good kind-"

    The young man cuts off mid-sentence when he feels light fingertips graze his own, a delicate hand fitting into his own rough ones. One- no, two, beats skip in his chest, but like an old-time movie that's been replayed far too many times, Harlow doesn't hesitate to give Amyas's hand a gentle squeeze and tug her in for a slow twirl, guiding her through the motions as if for old time's sake. Her scent wafts past Harlow's wolfish senses as familiar as can be, like a comforting blanket once lost, now found-- in the back of his mind, the werewolf in him mildly wonders if she could distinguish the scent that was so distinctively him now too. The animalistic, instinctual part of Harlow.

    The grin could only widen, if that were any more possible, as Harlow brings their intertwined fingers back down afterwards, a breath he didn't know he'd been holding exhaling gently through his lips, "Didn't think I'd remember that, did you?" The alpha tries to joke, but his voice comes out slightly breathless instead. "As if I could forget you, angel."

    Though body beginning to pull away, Harlow never allows Amyas' fingers slip through, a gentle tug prompts her to follow his footsteps in some random direction. "Walk with me? We've got a lot of catching up to do- you know, since last time I remember you weren't one of us enough to be caught up in this mess too-"

    "-I mean, you know, until the very end, and then we kinda just lost contact, I suppose." The sense of alpha responsibilities somehow kicks in, in that moment and the young man wanted nothing more than to know how his companion had been faring after all this time-- albeit she was now very clearly in a different position than his memories recalled.

    "What I mean is- how have you been?"
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