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[Banished] Gravedigger & Pale-butt

Postby emblo » Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:53 pm


name ;; Rhett Wilson
age ;; eighteen
status ;; gravedigger
mood ;; calm, groggy
location;; grave-site
tags ;; n/a

              Rhett, as usual, was on her way to her own little slice of heaven. Given, it wasn't the most conventional places to spend your type, but she had always enjoyed it and there wasn't normally many people. The ones that were always remained respectful, as would be expected. She had just woken up and not having much else to do, she made her way carefully down to her family-run grave-site. As her parents were both getting pretty old and movement down the rickety path wasn't always the easiest for them, the responsibility to keep it looking nice had fallen on her shoulders. However, she had no problem with this and would greatly prefer it over some tasks other individuals in the village were stuck with.
              Rubbing her hands together in an attempt to keep them warm, she carefully walked down the old wooden steps lining the side of the hill. At the top lay the small the church her father ran and further to the side her house. There was a smoother path without so much of an incline but it was a longer trek and so Rhett found no reason to ever really use it. Just a few steps down, he suddenly cursed, quite loudly at that, as she lost her footing. As the steps were small and rather short, her foot had skipped right over one and caused her to lose her balance. Her legs flying out from beneath her body, she landed harshly on her butt, the slight slickness of the dewy stairs making her slide down a few before she was finally able to stop herself. Quickly standing up once more she wiped off the back of her jeans and readjusted her jacket before letting her gaze dart around. At least nobody had been there to see her fumble. She was normally...more graceful but her groggy demeanor didn't help the situation.
              As she exhaled a rather frustrated sigh, Rhett shoved her hands in her jacket pockets and continued on her way, now with more caution and a wet butt. It was cold enough already so that definitely didn't help. Just a minute later she was pushing back the overgrown branches to a bare-leaved tree and making her way across the damp ground to a small bench. The snow was mostly melted by now, but some patches were still slicked over with ice, which she carefully avoided. When she arrived at the small wooden bench she realized it was slightly wet, but as her pants already were she ignored that fact. Removing one hand from her pocket she used it to tug up her scarf so it lay over her nose and mouth. It probably looked a bit ridiculous, but her face was always cold and her pale complexion caused it to flush these times of the year.
              Rhett allowed her gaze to slowly drift across the landscape in front of her. Her back not to the path she had come from, she was able to see the full extent of the grave-yard. Or at least the vast majority. As the village wasn't that big, neither was this. The headstones were of all shapes and sizes but most remained fairly simple. Usually, the place was filled with various flowers and other plants, but the winter had killed most of them off. Rhett hoped their emerge once more, as she had spent hours transplanting them and making everything look pretty. Now however, the whole area had an eerie feeling to it. Most the trees were just sticks, the grass as only just starting to show, and things just seemed so monotoned. In a way it made her sad, but she knew it wouldn't stay this way for long.


name ;; Adrian Vhen
age ;; twenty three
species ;; werewolf
status ;; loner
mood ;; curious,
location;; approaching
the human village
tags ;; n/a

              The white-furred wolf paused mid-step, lifting his paw to rub his muzzle with. A few miles back he had run into some type of feline, which he assumed had been a bobcat, and had ignorantly tried to feast upon it. Unfortunately for him, that hadn't worked in his favor. Shortly after he had pounced on it, miraculously getting close enough to even do that, it had turned and attacked him right back. After hissing, growling, and scratching up his face and shoulder, it darted up a tree to where the brute was no longer able to follow it. Not that he would have if he could, Adrian had learned his lesson. No more cats for this canine. Not that he had ever liked them in the first place.
              It no longer hurt, and was nothing that wouldn't heal if a few days, but now it's presence remained as a constant annoyance. For the past few days Adrian had been following the scent of a human, which probably sounded odd, but that was always how he discovered his next location. It was not often you found a single human living alone in the woods, so it was clear that whomever this was had been hoping between villages. Returning his paw quickly back to the ground before he lost his balance, he tried to ignore this very minor setback and continued walking forward once more. He already had a pretty good idea in his mind where the human had gone off to, so he was relying more on that than their actual scent.
              It was a pretty boring journey, and with finally being close, Adrian was more impatient than ever. It had been a few weeks since he had left the previous village, and although he had quickly lost interest in it, he had lost interest in being alone even quicker. Given he had been alone for much longer prior, he was becoming accustomed to being around other people, even if that interaction may not be a positive one. It took the man a few more long hours to finally reach his destination. He was not quite inside the village yet, still protected by the cover of the trees, but human scents were everywhere. Most were still quite distant, but others were fresh, meaning someone had been here not long ago. Adrian slowed to a walk and a few minutes later he stopped altogether. Making his way under the shade of a nearby tree, the white wolf sat down, his eyes trained on the direction of the village. He was exhausted, staying up almost the whole night to travel here. He was also hungry, though that could wait. Letting out an annoyed huff, his eyes blinked heavily a few times. Each village treated travelers differently, and some were pretty hostile, so he was never quite sure how to approach the situation. More often than not, he simply walked through and found something to do. As a human of course, not his current form. However, he felt like something was holding him back, but couldn't figure out what that may be.
Last edited by emblo on Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[✧] ashton - one

Postby iaan » Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:25 pm

( ASHTON ! )
( role;; spy mood;; grumpy tagged;; nobody song;; when the day met the night )

      xxxxxxxxxxxxas strange and uncomfortable as it may seem, ashton always liked to sleep underneath a tree - where he could gaze at the beautiful stars through the leaves. the dancing of the leaves in the wind caused a beautiful effect that made the night sky look even busier, if that was even possible. while sitting at the roots of a tree was beautiful and relaxing, roots and loose branches on the ground would always poke at his rib cage and get caught in his hair and clothes. 'well why doesnt he just sleep in a bed, like a normal person?' well you see, ashton smith isnt even human. at will, he can transform into a beautiful beast, a werewolf. you could even say, the only reason he sleeps on the ground is because its part of his deep primal instincts.unfortunately, another set back to sleeping on the ground is raging back pain in the morning. as ashton is still youthful, its nothing he cant bounce back from easily. but it doesnt mean it hurts any less. but you didnt come here to hear about ashton's sleeping habits, did you? if you did, then you must be an awfully boring person, as talking about his sleeping habits is awfully dull itself. onto the real story, of a grumpy boy waking up.
      xxxxxxxxxxxx" dammit. ", whispered the boy angrily, as he rubbed at his sore neck. on top of feeling sore from last nights patrol around the town [ where he full out sprinted the whole time, mind you he isnt very used to exercise, as he has grown lazy much like the majority of humans ], his neck also felt horrible. " Im never sleeping on the damn floor again. ", he complained. the funny thing was, ashton said the same thing every day. and then he would always lay down on the ground to go to sleep and whisper, 'screw it' before dozing off. it was a quaint routine, but he wouldnt change it for the world.
      xxxxxxxxxxxxpulling himself up, with a loud groan of anger, he dusted himself off and bent down to pick up his leather bound journal. it was his sacred keepsake, and carried it everywhere with him. ashton used the journal to record any strange behavior he caught among the villagers, though it was mainly filled with documentations of the villagers life. of course,to keep any of them from reading it, he always made sure to right in crosshatch. only ashton could understand his sloppy crossed writing. while it may seem creepy, he found it the most effective way to keep track of every one. he could always just talk to the humans, as it would be easier to collect data on them but... humans were just so.. how could he explain it? humans, in his opinion, were simple minded creatures. ashton even felt pity for them... okay maybe not. he sometimes wished he could just be as ignorant as them. shaking the stupid thought away, he finally started his journey to the town, since he lived about a mile out in its outskirts. you can never be too sure. as he walked, he could swear he smelled a familiar scent, one that sent glee and confusion flooding through his body all at once. the only people who could make him happy were his alpha and maybe noemi, she was a nice girl. deciding to ignore the niggling thought at the back of his mind, he shifted into his dark brown wolf form, and took the leather journal in his jaws before bolting immediately into town. ashton found it highly important to be there from the break of dawn to sunset. it was crucial. and ashton was proud to say he reached the town in a few short minutes. he promptly shifted back to his human form, and wiped away any sign to indicate he was previously in the woods just a couple minutes ago. leather journal in hand, he strutted into town and kept his eyes to the ground while discreetly peeking at people.
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Not Liar And Shy Fish

Postby prince of heart » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:05 pm

Toni Michell
Recruiter | 22 | Female
In the woods; open
Toni Michell loved being a wolf. It was her favorite thing, which explained why she woke up in her wolf form almost every morning. Honestly, there was hardly a point to having a bed any more, though she did enjoy the feel of blankets. So, when the birds began their daily screaming, it was a large russet colored wolf that blinked awake. Just barely stifling a growl, the girl leapt off the bed, nails click clacking against the floor as she walked towards the door. Shoving it open with her head, she bounded across the yard until she stood under the tree holding the offending animal. Rising onto her hind legs, she snarled, barking at the bird as it gave a screech of fear and flew away. Satisfied that she had scared another hell creature off, she shook herself and returned inside. No feathered menaces would be yelling at the yellow sky hate orb in her yard, thank you very much.

Returning to her cabin, she finally returned to her human form, running one hand through her brown hair. Slightly knotted, she finger combed most of it out before shoving it up into a semi acceptable bun. A few locks escaped and hung over her face, bust she wasn't in the mood to try again. Not bothering with breakfast, she changed shirts and returned to the woods, strolling along barefoot. Never one to really plan out her day, she was intending to just move where the day decided to take her, wandering from place to place, and likely pack mate to pack mate as well. Perhaps she might even find a traveling human to recruit, that was always fun. Looking up, she judged the suns position in the sky and sighed. Ashton had likely already left for the village, which was too bad. She loved hearing about what was going on.

Magnus Fray
Fisher | 23 | Male
In Town; Open
Magnus awoke with a start, slamming into a sitting position as his head whipped about. Seeing a pair of eyes in the corner, he slumped back, sighing. He regarded the girl for a few moments, studying his sister. "Max outside?" He asked, receiving a nod in response. "Not talking today?" Another nod. "Alright then. I've got some stuff to sell in town, so you're on your own. Behave, and stay away from the woods." He listed, rising and beginning to dress. He young girl nodded and slipped out. Magnus bit his lip to prevent a sigh as he stared after her. Ever since their parents death, Clary was talking less and less. He was a bit afraid she would go mute. Still, the market waited for no man, and so he gathered his wares and began to walk to town.

Once he entered, he slowed, eyes flicking around the town rapidly. He trusted almost everyone, at least he tried too, but the center of town was always far to crowded for him. If he had his way he would always stay on his boats, not having to trade or sell anything with other people. But his family couldn't live on fish alone, and so here he was. Resolved to get his business done as quickly as possible, he walked quickly, passing a man holding a leather journal as he did so. As he reached the square, Magnus slowed, fumbling a little as he contemplated what to do.
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Re: Banished

Postby Shadō » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:32 pm


xx Form Male Twenty-Four Werewolf In Wolf Form Hunter Location; Forest Tags; Open

Stay right where you are

Up ahead, a few meters in front of Aaron's hiding spot, a rather large, male deer was standing and grazing. Every now and then, some other animal somewhere else would snap a branch, and he would lift his head and look around. Every second that passed was increasingly frustrating, as each time he was ready to leap out and grab the deer, something would grab its attention and make the chances of it running more likely. It also increased the chances of the deer catching his scent in the wind. Aaron readied himself to launch himself at the animal and take it down once and for all when another branch snapped somewhere else, and the buck looked up. Right then, the wind blew, and immediately, he knew that it had caught his scent. Off it went, charging away at an extremely fast pace.

Wonderful, Aaron thought, almost growling as he leaped into the chase.

The animal ran through the forest, leaping nimbly over branches and rocks and streams, navigating its way swiftly. However, it was only a matter of time before it was caught one way or another. Either it would make a mistake and fall, or Aaron would run it down to the point of surrender. He had pretty good stamina, being a hunter and being used to chases quite similar to this one. They were not his favorite thing, but he was quite good at it. Aaron followed, dodging under branches and bushes and leaping over whatever other obstacles were in his way that he couldn't duck under or go around fast enough. The animal seemed to be getting tired, and Aaron thought he was close to catching it. But then, to his surprise, it turned to fight.

Now he was stuck in a battle with this animal. It was strong, part of the reason he had picked it, but it also had these rather large antlers that it knew how to use. A low growl escaped Aaron as they faced off. He made a fake lunge to test its reflexes, and found they weren't too shabby. If he made a move the deer anticipated, he'd end up with an antler in his chest. Aaron barked and it paused, long enough for him to try and make a move. He leaped forward and managed to latch on to one of the deer's antlers. As it swung them around in confusion, Aaron was thrown into its side, though he at least managed to land a claw mark there. If he had to weaken this animal and break it down slowly, then that's what he'd do.

The two fought quite a duel, with Aaron mainly on the offensive. At long last, the mighty hunter managed to bring down the large buck, though not without plenty of bruises and what he suspected was a cracked rib. Well, it was the price he paid for taking on such a large animal on his own. He hadn't really thought about bringing Tatum along, mostly because he had expected to go after something smaller. But this was fine, and he'd heal. He always did. Aaron picked it up by the hoof and started dragging it back home, though a little slower than normal due to the rib.
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Re: Banished

Postby masochisticAphasic » Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:08 pm

    тαтυм αcє ριєяcє - the hunter
    age;; nineteen tags;; open crush;; open location;; woods
      Everything in this world is beautiful whenever the months of September, October, November, and December dash into the spotlight. That's a fact Tatum came to accept ever since she first met the chilly season of autumn and winter. The morning sun is slowly creating a fuss as it rises to wake people up. Thankfully, Tatum has always been an early riser, so she enjoys the morning sunrise to the fullest, taking a lazy morning off. Too lazy to get up and go hunt right now, Tatum is fine with just relaxing against a thick stump of a has-been tree, the bark rough against the thin material of her shirt. She's alone and doesn't mind it, though company would be equally welcome. Actually, being alone is pretty cool. It's a good opportunity to think about life and make up some sort of dramatic soliloquy about what the future holds and what the world can offer people. Spring is around the corner, and the excitement of the cold had her imaginary tail wagging months before, but now her tails has gone limp. Goodbye to chilly afternoons and snow fights, and hello to the sticky and annoying heat of spring and summer. Sighing, she gets up, wiping her jeans off slightly to get rid of any dust that might have crawled its way onto her body. She doesn't bother changing into her wolf form for the walk around the woods. That is saved for special occasions when she's hunting. For now, her two feet are more than enough to keep her going.

      Enjoying the scenery takes time for Tatum, never having been the kind of girl to want to enjoy things alone. A few birds call out their morning calls, while other animals have yet to even open her eyes. It's the simple things in life that make Tatum happy so she feels refreshed taking a stroll through the forest. A few bushes catch her eye, barely beginning to show signs of budding new flowers for the coming spring. When they flourish, the woods will be a beautiful paradise, that she's aware of. If spring came without the heat and the buzzing insects, she's probably appreciate it much more intimately than right now. However, nature does not bend its rules for just anyone, not even a werewolf, so Tatum will just have to suck it up and get over her dislike for the season, trying to find positive things to think about instead.

      Out of the corner of her eyes, Tatum spots a small rodent, a rabbit with snow white fur and two black feet. Droopy ears give the small animal the impression of innocent adorableness, and in a second Tatum transforms into her wolf form. The scents overwhelm Tatum in a rush as she tunes into her senses, a satisfying overbearing scent of woods and nature, and the cool earth underneath her paws. She keeps a close eye on the small creature, being careful on how she stalks it so as to not make any sounds. It's as healthy as can be, and the thought of having breakfast leaves a longing in her watering mouth. Tatum felt her muscles tightening, about to spring forth and sprint after the pale rabbit. It has to be young, but so weak compared to her that the hunt would be over before it even began. A little disappointing, but still. Food wins over excitement by now. three, two, one She takes off sprinting and snaps her teeth around its neck, biting into bones and sinew and feeling the blood snake its way through the cracks in between her fangs. With her front paws, she held down the animal by it's hind legs, and when it stops struggling, Tatum knows it's over.

      She lets go to take a look at her catch. She wants to take it back to the pack but isn't ready to head home just yet. She looks around, swinging her head back and forth, shaking off some stray debris that caught onto her fur during her run. Up ahead there's a nice tree, climbable with the right amount of skill and patience, two things Tatum has when it comes to heights. She shifts into human form again and takes a moment to stretch out her limbs. Shifting is no longer painful, but it always leaves a subtle tightness in her muscles that she has yet to become used to. It might have something to do with Tatum not shifting as often as other wolves, but she's learned to stretch out the irritation and live with it. It takes a minute or two to climb to the top, the rabbit hanging off of her left belt loop from a short rope she keeps in her pocket for moments like this. Once high enough, Tatum ties the animal up to keep it hidden from other carnivorous creatures like her and her pack that like to feast on meat lying around begging to be taken. She's made that mistake one too many times to not have learnt her lesson by now. Always hide your catch. always. When she's done she jumps down to the ground and looks up, satisfied with her work. Now she can enjoy the woods just a tad longer. When Tatum's ready to head back, she'll come back for her prey, but she's not ready just yet.
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[✧] simple minded sheep - one

Postby iaan » Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:10 am

( GRACIE ! )
( role;; sheep girl? mood;; neutral tagged;; nobody song;; nine in the afternoon )

      xxxxxxxxxxxxit wasnt unusual to find gracie with a scrape on her knee or a bruise on her legs. one might think sheep are mellow, and they are - for most of the part. it was around winter that they would get rowdy and jittery. with food being so scare for predators, there was a likely part that a wolf or some other wretched creature would come and try to feast upon her beloved clouds on legs. winter and autumn was a tiresome time with her, she'd usually have to keep watch of her sheep, it was her only job in the family: watch the sheep and dont let the wolves take them! it was her father and mother who would shave the sheep during summer. it was her older, responsible siblings who would sell the wool. she always got the lame jobs...but she took them very serious! gracie felt very fond of the family's sheep, and would protect her sheep at all costs.
      xxxxxxxxxxxxbut this morning was different. no scrapes or bruises. it was an unusually peaceful morning, without any chaos to be dealt with. upon waking up, she immediately started to get dressed and dashed out of the house with money in her pocket and a basket in hand. she left with the goal to prove to her mother that she was mature enough to handle more task. how would she do that? she'd simply buy the produce and any other food the family would need. they never had to deal with going to buy meat, as her whole family was vegetarian. unfortunately, when the sheep would become overpopulated...they have to hand on over to the butcher to get rid of some. but that was a different story, a rather sad one she'd rather not dwell on.
      xxxxxxxxxxxx gracie arrived town feeling exhausted beyond belief. she was rather active, but maybe jogging into town on an empty stomach wasn't the best thing to do. deciding it's no big deal, she hunched over and set the basket on the ground before placing both Hans on her knees and taking deep breaths. first things first, she'd buy herself breakfast. her family would probably scold her, but she was very hungry and gracie would probably pass out from exhaustion on her way back to the house if she didn't eat. walking into a local run bakery, she eyed the array of treats layed out in the display case before settling on a muffin she found. it was a huge muffin, and since gracie had a massive sweet tooth, she found it most adequate to pick the muffin and exit the heavenly place. she withheld herself from devouring the muffin, and instead nibbled on it peacefully until she reached the town square and sat down on a bench. the town square was usually the most busy part of town, since lots of small businesses were surrounding it. if she had friends, she'd probably be talking with her, but since she didn't have any friends she always lonely. it'd be nice if a sheep could someday talk back to her, gracie had many pent up thoughts.
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"charlotte jones - post one

Postby tsunami, » Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:19 am

❝ the doctor ❞
▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂
species: human
age: twenty
feeling: content
tagged: none

              "Have a nice day!" the young woman called, waving goodbye to the mother and daughter that had just walked out of the door of her home. the small girl, who was maybe eight years old, had a terrible cough and the worried mother had rushed her over to Charlie to be sure she would be alright. in the end, after she had been evaluated, Charlotte announced that she nothing more than a mere cold, and was to be tucked into bed when she got home. she also gave the mother some liquid medicine, just in case. she had taken over the family practice of medicine when her mother passed from old age, as her father no longer had the same drive in life as he did before. but every once in a while, he would drop by to check on his only daughter.

              Charlotte had been up for quite a while now, seeing that she sometimes had to wake up in the most unconventional times if someone was in dire need of her help. nonetheless, she had learnt to make the best of her odd sleeping patterns. humming quietly to herself, she wandered in the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea. after it had cooled a bit, she took it with both hands and brought it up to her lips. a small smile made it's way onto her pale complexioned face as she felt the warm liquid run down her throat. it was still a bit chilly that day, so she had chosen to wear a white t-shirt with a knit grey cardigan over it, and paired it with a comfy pair of wool lined leggings.

              after a while of lounging on her couch with her cat, she decided that it would be best for her to get up and wander about the village a bit. as she stood up and put her cup into the kitchen sink, she noticed that her dog, Milo, had made himself comfortable right in front of the front door. smiling, she walked over to him and bent down to pet him behind his ears. "you silly boy, i'm guessing you'd like to go out for a walk?" she laughed, watching as Milo's ears perked up at the sound of the word 'walk'. she grabbed his leash and hooked it onto his collar before pulling on a pair of white converse. then, she unlocked the hatch and walked out the door.
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» ✩ vaara mustonen « I

Postby fawn, » Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:23 am

      ➳ vaara mustonen

      tags; aaron rank; alpha crush; open
      relationship; single location; pack land species; werewolf


      ----Vaara yawned, her hair slightly tousled from the way she slept on it, she stretched out and threw some clothes on quickly before wondering out of her small cabin, she looked around and couldn't help feeling a swell of pride about her pack. She had worked damn hard to be in the position she was today, a famous saying "throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack" had never rung more true than in Vaara's case. She had contracted the disease when she was very young, she was four, maybe five years old and though her parents could have afforded the cure, they cut their ties and threw Vaara into the forest. That's when the pack had found her and she had consented to be turned. Thankfully she had slipped straight into pack life and had found herself very happy to be part of the pack. Through the years she proved herself and gained a good reputation, when the previous alpha had died, he had chosen her to succeed him as he had no offspring or remaining family to take his place. She had been honoured, it was but a few weeks ago that she attained this position and it still felt somewhat like a dream to her. Once she had finished with her little reminisce she decided to follow through with her intention and actually go for her morning run. She shifted, her golden tinged pelt reflecting the morning light. Her amber eyes took in her surroundings one last time, she lifted her muzzle to scent the air, nothing unusual, she could smell her pack mates, but not much else besides that. Perhaps she would find some breakfast on the way, this thought made the fae's tail wag and started her on her small excursion. If there was one thing that utterly thrilled the girl it was the feeling of the wind whipping through her fur and the rhythmic thrum of paws on the hard packed dirt underpaw, the sound and feeling was even better when they ran and hunted as a pack, because that was when the feeling of being wolf, being pack, being one was wholly present, when excitement and all other feelings flitted between all wolves as though they were a singular being.
      Vaara barely held back a thrilled howl as she raced through the trees, bounding every now and then to avoid smashing into their trunks, it was a favourite game of hers to see how close she could get to the tree without becoming a wolfie pancake. She stretched her gait wider and sped even faster, this was the best time for her to let loose and really be herself, thankfully, this early in the morning there was unlikely to be an incident at the camp due to the fact that most of her pack happened to be busy doing their own things, it was only towards the end of the afternoon that incidents came around when her fellow wolves began to get bored. With a final swift turn of her paw Vaara broke through the treeline. She stopped abruptly and put her nose to the air again, still smelling nothing unusual she allowed her tail to wag and she pelted back towards the cabin, her spirits high and her ears perked, on the run she smelt the familiar scent of the hunter Aaron and blood, ahh, smells like someone caught some breakfast at least, she changed her course towards her packmate. She skidded to a halt next to the brute and yipped to alert him of her presence before she shifted back, she noticed him struggling slightly with the catch and she rushed to grab some of the stag to aid him. It was certainly an impressive kill that was for sure.
      "Hey Aaron, nice catch, did it give you trouble?" She nodded towards his ribs and gave him a small smile before scenting the area again, she caught the faint scent of Tatum though she didn't see or hear the fae whilst she was out, "Hey, is Tatum with you? Or is she hunting solo?" she chatted amiably as they continued on, her shoulder aching slightly under the massive weight of the stag, she would cope though, this was nothing she couldn't handle, especially if it meant helping out a pack mate in any way she could. She smiled as the pack area came into view ahead of them.

hello! i'm fawn c:
i'm an adult living in the uk and my timezone is gmt!
i use she/her pronouns, my current obsessions include;
bnha/mha, pokemon, hellaverse, d&d
i'm always looking for new roleplay partners so please
don't hesitate to reach out for a chat if you're interested!

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Re: Banished

Postby Cyphron » Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:41 pm

Drayton Severin
The simplicity of being unknown and forgotten....

I am~ ”Roaming the forest.”
Feeling~ ”Apathetic.”
Rank ~ ”Beta.”
Tagged~ Noemi

Cold wisps of air slithered it's way through the forests and rustled a large brute's pelt as he raced through the forest. His paws pounded underneath him and sent small vibrations into the earth below, startling small critters and insects as the predator made his way through. With ease the werewolf weaved through the trees and blended in with the shadows casted by the trees, providing protection and cover for him. Slowly he eased his pace and came to a halt as he perked his gray and tan colored ears up in high alert. Staying stock still Drayton raised his snout towards the sky and inhaled deeply, letting the surroundings scents infiltrate his nostrils. Taking in the scents the lad's chest rumbled deeply as multiple smells assaulted his senses. He could smell the earthly soil beneath him along with the musky smells of the forest animals and also the familiar scents of his pack mates. His chest rumbled softly as he extended himself out to his full height, wooly tail sweeping low against the forest floor and amber eyes carefully scanning his surroundings. He had just returned from a long night of patrolling and keeping track of the herds nearby, making sure no intruder were attempting to infiltrate their territory and that the herds were close enough for them to hunt so they wouldn't have to venture too far out. The last thing they needed were humans finding out about them and tattling off to the other villages. Sensing nor seeing anything out of the ordinary around him the multi-colored nodded to himself and continued on treading through the woods.

He stopped abruptly though when he felt the familiar dull pain pulse from the bottom right of his chest down towards his rib cage away. Growling softly the brute remained still and waited for the pain to subside. He had received the wound a few weeks ago during a big hunt, he made a grave mistake though and something spooked the herd when he was stalking close by. In result the herd panicked and Drayton got caught in the middle of a stampede. He had managed to get half way out but when he was almost to the sides of the plain one of the bucks from the herd managed to kick him hard in the chest and another trampled on him and dug their hooves into his flank. The kick had cracked a few ribs and the trampling open a wound into his side close to his stomach, for days he was prohibited by Vaara to venture out and was ordered to remain at the cabins until he was full healed. It was simple to say that for those days the lad felt caged in like an animal and wanted out, once his sentence was over he had never felt so free in his life. Shaking his head the beta snapped out of his thoughts and started moving again, grunting quietly when the pain struck him again and he knew he was going to have to go to Noemi to get it check out.

Padding through the underbrush Drayton nudged a few plants and branches aside, pausing in his steps when he could make out the clearing that lead to the cabins. Staring out silently the lad sighed to himself, knowing well he was going to have to get his wound checked out and make sure it was healing properly. Grunting he trotted out of the forest and made his way past the tree line before he entered the clearing. Silently the beta maneuvered through the cabins until he found the one where Noemi would be along with all her medical supplies. It was smaller than the other housing cabins but efficient enough to house wounded wolves. Nudging the ajar door open with his snout the large wolf padded in, claws clicking against the wooden flooring and scented the air as he searched for Noemi. Venturing around the house he stopped at a doorway and lifted his front paw towards the brown door before he pushed it open. Entering Drayton emitted a small rumble from his chest to let his presence known and casted his amber gaze onto Noemi. Tilting his head to the side in a pup like matter he sat down on his haunches, waiting patiently and quietly as always.
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Re: Banished

Postby Shadō » Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:10 pm


xx Form Male Twenty-Four Werewolf In Wolf Form Hunter Location; Forest Tags; Vaara

The forest was always a lovely place to be at this time of day, or at least it was in Aaron's opinion. The leaves of the trees made gentle rustling sounds as the cool wind blew threw them, also making the light able to penetrate through to the forest floor dance with their movement. In those trees, he could hear the birds singing their songs and going about their business of building nests, feeding their young, maybe even finding love. Small animals scurried here and there, though there were never really any around at least when Aaron was in the area. He couldn't blame them either. He was a pretty scary hunter, and he knew how to do his job quite well, even when it left him with injuries like his cracked rib.
The injury slowed him down, sure, but he didn't mind the walk. Walking in the woods was always something that was calming to him and peaceful. Every so often, Aaron would have to pause and set down the deer to rest and catch his breath, as the rib, despite it being only cracked, made it a little hard for him to breath. He could feel the pain of the cracked rib, the once dull throbbing now a steady and rather annoying ache that made it harder to move. Normally, he wouldn't be so urgent to get back to camp, even if it didn't seem like he was, because he could normally go at a pretty fast pace even with large prey. However, he knew at this slow pace, the longer it took him to get there, the larger the chance was of another predator smelling the animal's blood and following the trail back to its source, and in this state, Aaron wouldn't want to risk a fight. Since he didn't want to lose his kill after all this hard work, he simply went as fast as he could.
About five or so minutes later, he was making good progress, when he heard something in the bushes. He paused and looked up, sniffing the air and listening, only to find later that it was Vaara, his alpha. Relaxing, he put down the leg he had so he could rest and replied,
Thank you. It only gave me a little. Don't worry, I don't feel it. It's just a tad bit hard to breathe, that's all. He shrugged, as best one could when they were in the body of a large wolf. Besides, it could be plenty worse. Aaron picked up the leg again once he felt he was rested enough and was happy to see her pitch in and help him drag the deer back. When she asked if Tatum was with him, he shook his head slightly. No, she's not. I got up earlier than her, I think, and didn't want to wake her. So if she's not back home, she's probably out hunting solo. To his relief, he saw the pack area up ahead not too long afterwards. The relief was mostly that he'd be able to put down the deer and rest properly, maybe get his rib looked at. It wasn't that he didn't like talking to Vaara, for he very much did. Generally, Aaron tended to find that he had many nice conversations with her and enjoyed being in her company.

ooc;; Speech in italics is when he's in wolf form.
Last edited by Shadō on Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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