Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • not accepting

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

Re: Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • not accepting

Postby Alpha_Cat » Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:57 pm

« Blue »
▪ Female ▪ 2 years ▪ North Ridge ▪ Heterosexual ▪ Hunter ▪ tagged;; Takash ▪

Blue sighed slightly as she watched the shadow leave then soon come back, but with Takash now. Her almost golden eyes stared at the brute as he dropped the rabbit then came closer to her, she tensed up as he spoke to her then circled her. Blue hated this wolf being near her but, she let him do what he wanted in fear of threatening her mate's life if she didn't, but she couldn't help to growl slightly as his tail ran along her flanks and caressed her jawline "yes, I have arrived, I told you I would, didn't I?" She asked, looking at the evil wolf in front of her "but onto the important part, the deputy and his son were murdered by a dog." She said almost robotically, trying not to let Takash see her grief for Carson and his offspring. Her bright caramel eyes shifted to the ground as she began speaking again "there is a hunt out for the killer, North, the other deputy and one of the pups are missing." Her voice monotone as she slowly looked at Takash again, making eye contact "a new wolf has joined, his name is Shard from what I've leaned. Also, the kill pile is becoming low." She spoke lower, not knowing if he cared about these things. As she thought of other things that he could use, she decided to leave any information relating to her out, nothing about Takoda or herself was going to be mentioned it as long as he didn't ask about either her or her mate "are you happy with the information?" She asked, shivering as a cold breeze of winter air hit her.

« Alistair »
▪ Male ▪ 4 years ▪ North Ridge ▪ Heterosexual ▪ Fighter ▪ tagged;; Heaven ▪

Alistair looked over at his friend, listening to her as she spoke "you did nothing wrong, darling." He said softly then became silent as she spoke again "because I am what you said, a coward." He spoke quietly, looking away from his alpha "I have never been anything but a coward, running away from all my problems or emotions instead of trying to fix or act on them." He added, slowly looking at Heaven and walking closer to her, just near enough for his shoulder to brush against hers every couple of steps "I'm sorry Heaven, I have let you down many times, as your follower and your friend, I have been lacking in helping you with everything and just hiding from all my problems." His voice got quiet again, his ears drooped and he lowered his head in shame, he looked up at his alpha and began to speak again before stopping himself. His mind was buzzing with so many thoughts and he could feel his emotions going haywire again, his guilt for leaving her and old feeling that he tried to bury, feeling of longing for the fea beside him. He couldn't believe himself, abandoning her so many times when she need him more than anything, he couldn't believe he had been so selfish and left her alone in her times of need, leaving her to raise a young pup alone right after her mate died 'you're so selfish and stupid.' His mind screamed at him and he knew it was true, not only had he abandoned her, but he also abandoned his whole pack just to take care of himself.
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Re: Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • not accepting

Postby S0ul Eater » Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:34 pm

- NR Healer

    His eyelids started to get heavier, his blinking slower. He was still conscious enough to listen to his mate. “Mhm, “ feeling her lick his muzzle and hearing the four words she told him, he felt his tail wagging slowly and a smile formed on his face. “I love you too, Ayana.” His eyes were now closed and he started drifting out of consciousness. The day was exhausting, and he knew tomorrow pretty much everyone will be in search parties searching for the killer dog.

-SD Hunter
-Tags; Chief

    She felt sympathy for the other dog but still, he stole. She pawed the bird closer to her that he did try to nudge to her. “What’s your name?” Her voice was no longer stern as it was before, it was her normal soft gentle voice now. “Do you have a pack?” She picked up the bird and rested it on her back. He didn’t smell like other dogs, he smelled like a dog.


    He listened to the female despite not even looking at her. She had empathy for him, no one has ever been empathetic to him. There was one thing she was wrong about though, that it was his fault, and Shard had every right to hate him. He didn’t correct her on it though, and that was all he was going to share with her on his past. She owed him a piece of her story now, and after a moment of silence, the male glanced at the female who was smaller in size compared to the brute as they walked side by side through the snow. “What’s your story? if your comfortable sharing a piece of it.” He wouldn’t force it out of her as she didn’t with him. He still did not understand why it was so easy to talk to her, there is a lot he needs to vent about and I guess he just vented on about his brother just now. It felt great to get that off his chest but he’s going to be careful and think before he speaks so he does not say something she was not suppose to know.

-NR Hunter

    Landing in camp he folded his big white and blue wings which dully glowed now that it had stopped snowing. He walked to the site of where his den was suppose to of been built but now there was snow covering it. He watched as the snow uncovered his materials for him and melted a circular shape in the snow. Following the circles edge ice began forming a half sphere with a entrance big enough for a winged wolf like himself to walk through. He took all the moss he had and began adding it inside the den to create a soft mossy bed. Once done, he sat looking at his den. It was only temporary until the snow melted and he could build one out of actual ground that would last all year round and for many years after. The cold doesn’t bother him so the den didn’t have to be insulated but it was already warm inside of it. He walked inside of it where he layed himself over his bedding and just watched the camps entrance waiting for Heaven or the deputy to return.

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Re: Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • not accepting

Postby OceanSilence » Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:15 pm

“Chief.” He calmed down realizing she was no longer a threat to him. Hearing her question he shook his head in response. “I don’t have a pack, I’ve lived on the streets all my life.” He told her. “ There was something about her that Chief liked and he wanted to actually get to know her more. He took a step closer to her now feeling comfortable that she was not going to try attacking him or punishing him for stealing. “The streets in this area are patrolled by the pound. Cmon I’ll escort you home.” He told her walking past her and looking back at her waiting for her to follow him.

North rolled her eyes. She was irritated by Takash. She knew he can not be a good father. One thing though was that he actually left to hunt for Alessa. Now that he did leave she cursed under her breath to herself. North sighed hearing Alessa. “I wouldn’t worry about me or Coyote, sweetie.” She spoke softly with her motherly tone. She would not let him hurt her pup, thus why she is not leaving her pups side as he sleeps. She wouldn’t know how to react if he lashed out at Alessa in front of her and Coyote. She probably wouldn’t be able to do anything to help in fear of losing Coyote, but her motherly instincts were very strong and sometimes uncontrollable. So far she’s holding her back well from going to comfort the stressed out pup.

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Re: Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • new + accepti

Postby Moonncloud » Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:24 am

/ Rank: Loner / Male / Crush: Blue

Location: River / Tags: North, Coyote

As the sudden growl left Blue's maw, Takash chuckled lightly, "Thats no way to great me, Blue..." He told her as he finished up circling around her. The brute stood just in front of her now, eyeing her as she said what she had to say. Upon hearing the news of the deputies death along with one of his sons, the demonic brute grinned widely. This was wonderful news... He knew just how much Heaven cared for her pack, and just how much she loved her deputies, they were after all her next in command upone her leave. As the brutes thoughts twisted even more, he knew he had yet another thing to torture North with, but what would be better? Holding it from her until the day she is to leave? or hold it over her head and watch her crumbled with sadness? The possibilties were endless he'd just have to wait and see how things went from here on out. "Wonderful... I'll be sure to keep myself hidden during this... hunt." He chuckled, it reminded him of old times back when he killed Malachi and made it look like someone else had done it. Of course, he discared of the wolf he used leaving Heaven in utter dismay. "If it wasn't for my wounds this would be a perfect time to over throw the pack and retake what is rightfully mine, however... I guess it's just not meant to be, yet." He told her as his tail swished back in forth in the cold winter breeze. "Oh and... No need to worry about North, she's in good paws." He began to chuckle again, "Same with the pup." He told her, knowing she wouldn't utter a word of it to anyone in the pack if she wanted Takoda to live. "You've brought me an acceptable amount of information tonight.. well done love, well done." He chimed as he stepped up closer to her. Rubbing his head against her neck, in a nuzzling action, the brute stopped to sniff of her fur, "I see you and Takoda have gotten... quite clsoe have we?" he mentioned as he could smell the male's scent coating her beautiful fur. The shadowed wolf glared at her for a moment, clearly he was disgusted or maybe he was jealous... None the less, the brute wore a look of disatisfaction, "No matter, as long as he doesn't know where you are slipping off to... " he grumbled before he licked the fea's cheek and ear, unfortunately, the male couldn't shake the growing pain in his chest, the unsettling feeling he got as he thought about the fea with another brute. Before he could calm himself the male growled, pushing Blue down into the snow. Takash stood over her as he snarled, "You're not done here yet, fea... We still have much to discuss." He told her. He needed to know more, every last detail of what was taking place back in the pack even the unnessessary bits and if it kept her from leaving his side for a bit that would make him happy. (Short time skip)

After some time, the demonic male finally arrived back at his den, the rabbit was clinched in his jaws and his black pelt caked in snow which clung to him. Stepping into the slightly warm den, Takash glared at North before returning his gaze to his pup Alessa as he sat the stiffening rabbit down, "I brought you a meal, Alessa, , my dear." He spoke to her, his deep voice some what raspy from the journey. Nudging the rabbit in her direction Taksah did the honors of pulling the skin away from the rabbits body, making it easier for the pup to be able to eat. Once he had done this the brute went back to the opening of the den and laid down, allowing his back to block any wind that happened to flow into his abode. "If you are hungry North... You are more then welcome to leave and get you and your pup something to eat as well... However, do not go close to Heaven's pack territory. " He warned her, "My shadows will be watching you." He informed the fea as he waited for her response.

/ Rank: Alpha / Female / Crush: /

Location: Deep in the forest/ Tags Alistair, Snow, Alfie, Dog pack

Feeling a bit of relief as Alistair spoke to her, Heaven gave him a gentle smile before he continued on. Shock rolled over Heaven's muzzle as he admitted to being a coward, "Alistair, you are not a Coward... You may have acted like one but I've seen you stand up to others without batting an eye, you've helped protect my pack and my pups before... You ran Takash off when Malachi didn't have the courage too. What you lack is the ability to stand up to the situations that set the most fear in your heart." She told him, "A coward runs from everything, you only run from things that strike the heart... I've come to notice that." As her voice came to an end it became almost a mutter. For a moment the fea fell silent as his fur brushed against her ever so slightly bringing a slight warmth to her face "Save your apologies, Alistair" She told him kindly, her voice still gentle, "You've made mistakes, we all have... What we do to make those mistakes right depends on us." She told him as she walked on ahead of him. "I forgive you, Alistair. Just... Don't let it happen again." she finished as she looked back at him, her lilac eyes scanning over his regretful face. "Come on, we have a pup to find before it gets too much later." She told him as she turned her eyes back to the forest before them. "I also need to fill you in on things that have recently happened," she added as she listened to the snow crunch beneath their paws.

/ Rank: Hunter / Male / Mate: Blue /
Location: Pack Territory/ Tags: Blue

( Sleepin )

/ Rank: Healer Apprentice / Female / Mate: Shiloh /
Location: Forest Tags: Shiloh

Feeling the weight of the day coming down on her, Ayana found herself struggling to keep her eyes open. Shiloh, at this point, was sweetly returning her affectionate words as he too began to drift off to sleep. Within a matter of minutes, the collie succumbed to the surrounding warmth and the comforting touch of her mate against her pelt, only to wake from the mornings light.

/ Age: 2.5 years/ Rank: Loner / Female / Crush: Open /
Location: Forest / Tags: Eclipse

Letting a sigh slip her maw, the fea began to chuckle a little, "My story? Huh... how did I know you were going to inquire about that... " she said with a bit of sarcasm as she continued walking alongside him. Rolling her eyes towards his direction, Yuna smirked before letting another sigh escape her lips, "Well, I suppose it's only right that I give you a little snippet of my story since you gave me a little of yours." With that being said, the fea looked from the snow-covered forest then up at the trees, "Hmm, where to begin..." She muttered as the expression on her face showed genuine thought. "I suppose, I should start from the beginning... that's where all my problems stem from anyways." her smooth voice broke the silence that had crept between the two, "I was an unwanted pup... My mother was ashamed of me and my father had nothing to do with me. I received quite a bit of abuse due to this fact, not only from them but from my half-siblings as well and the older pack wolves." Yuna chuckled a bit at the thought, "I have no idea how I made it to adulthood..." She muttered as she shook her head a little bit, "When I became a Juvenile, my first power surfaced. The pack found my abilities to be quite strange but a blessing none the less. From that point on the pack used me for their hunts... and as my abilities grew stronger, I began to feel the pain of the prey which they slaughtered. I could hear their thoughts, feel their suffering, and see what they witnessed..." As the fea went on her eyes clouded as her mind went back to the past. "And they didn't care, the pack only wanted the food that was readily available in their stomachs." Taking a moment to herself, the fea became silent, her eyes were fixated on the snow at their paws. "I can't remember the exact reason I left the pack... Whether they ran me out or if I left on my own accord to avoid something or someone... I do remember, however, feeling as though I was consumed in a fiery rage" Glancing back at him, Yuna was curious to whether she was boring him with her life story. "However, I remember finding a mate and my past basically repeating it's self." She said quickly as she padded somewhat ahead of Eclipse. "I found that i also harbored the flames a bit after my first mate left me." She muttered, that memory was still painful to speak of, she'd been abused and used by many wolves since then constantly moving constantly trying to find her place in this world... One thing she did come to realize, it was safer to be alone rather than try and live in a pack. Having left out many details, she tried to stick to the most important ones and it didn't help she was still experiencing amnesia from back then.

/ Age: 2.5 / Rank: (will be) Lead Scout / Female / Crush: open (you can PM if interested)
Location: City/ Tags: Akin, Kai

"I need a bit of fresh air every once in a while, don't I?" She asked her pups with a slight tilt of her head. Of course, the answer to that question was clouded by Kai asking about her eyes, sighing softly, Lilly looked off to the side where all was simply a blur. "I'll be fine loves... the healing will just take some time is all. " She told them, she was feeling better then she was when she first arrived... however, it had only been a day hadn't it? surely the healing would continue enough so that her eyes would heal completely. Smelling the food, Lilly returned her attention to the pups before her, "You brought me food?" she asked before feeling a bit of pain hit her heart, with her eyes like this... how could she raise her pups properly? How could she teach them to hunt in the city streets or even on the forest edge?

/ Age: 4 months / Rank: Loner / Male / Crush: ...
Location: Abandon building/Tags: Cynthia, Snow, Kai

Hearing his mother's response caused Akin to feel worried, "Mama, can you not see us?" he asked as he stepped forward to sniff of her as if he could smell whether something was wrong or not. Whimpers began to leave his maw as he looked at her, "It'll be okay mom you'll heal." He said as his little tail wagged as he tried to be hopeful for her.

The Spring semester has started up again! So, my time on chickensmoothie will be a lot less. Please understand and I'll reply to rp's as quickly as I can.

Hey guys check this out! ≪S U B - Z Ɛ R O≫ has a wolves series coming out! She has started a casting call for the character Sidka, who is male, she will have more casting calls coming out for female characters later. Please go and check it out and leave a comment below in the comment section!

Check out my and ≪S U B - Z Ɛ R O≫'s new Role play Website ^^ It's still under construction but you are welcome to check it out and become a member! Moon-n-Cloud.proboards.com <-- Just click the link ^.^
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Re: Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • new + accepti

Postby Fluttergal2424 » Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:56 am

Snow/Female/Pup/Tags:dog pack,/7 months

*Snow falls asleep thinking about life*

Kai/Male/Pup/Tags: Lily,Akin,lots of everyone/4 months

Kai nodded at his mother's response and wagged his tail but it soon stopped as his brother asked if lily could see them at all" b..but it wont take long right?" He gave a small whine then he stood up straight and puffed out his chest nodding "yes mama is tough and brave! I'm sure she'll be better in no time!" The pup tipped then licked his mother's paw "yes yes we got food for you mama"
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Re: Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • not accepting

Postby Boomer » Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:13 am

Alessa was still worried about North and her pup. She didn’t want anyone to be hurt or killed just for her. When Takash returned, she lost her appetite when he brought the rabbit. She knew he didn’t let the blood drain from it before giving it to her. Alessa took one look at him skinning the rabbit before promptly fainting. When she came to, she was shaking all over. “I-I c-can’t st-stand blood...” she whimpered, shying away from the meal. She didn’t want Takash to hurt her for not being grateful.
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Re: Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • not accepting

Postby Alpha_Cat » Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:00 pm

« Blue »
▪ Female ▪ 2 years ▪ North Ridge ▪ Heterosexual ▪ Hunter ▪ tagged;; Takash ▪

Blue stared at the male as he grinned about the death of Carson and his son "sadistic piece of crap." She muttered then watched his as he spoke "you..." She trailed off, not really knowing what to say, it upset her to know that he had north and Coyote, but she knew she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Blue's ears drooped and her tail lowered, just with a few words, Takash had made her feel inferior and absolutely useless to her pack. The female let out a slight whimper as she began to realize how much Takash controlled her now, she couldn't seek help from any wolf because of the shadow minion that followed her everywhere, hidden in her shadow. Her eyes went to the ground and her head lowered quite a bit, she was nothing but a traitor and Takash's little puppet, he controlled her more than she controlled herself. As Takash spoke, she nodded her head, feeling numb, she didn't even try to move away from his as he nuzzled her neck, once he spoke of Takoda, her whole body when ridged "yeah." She mumbled then looked away. Her eyes welled up slightly with tears, she knew she was betraying her pack and her mate but she couldn't do anything about it and that's what mad her want to cry "he doesn't know." She managed to say barely in a whisper, that's all she could manage now, he head dropped again as he licked her cheek and ear. Blue didn't make a sound as the shadow wolf pushed her down into the snow, she looked up at him as he snarled then looked away "you said I brought you enough information though.." She said quietly, looking away. (short time skip)

Blue shivered slight as she sat in the snow, staring up at the sky, Takash had left only a bit ago and Blue couldn't be more thankful for his departure. She soon closed her eyes as hot tears began running down the sides of her muzzle, she was such a traitor, she didn't know what to do anymore, she wanted to tell Heaven and get help from her but she didn't want to threaten Takoda in any way, and telling her alpha was a one way ticket to Takoda's death by a certain shadow wolf named Takash. She could still smell Takash, she hated the scent of that vile wolf, what she hated even more was his scent being on her. Blue slowly opened her eyes again and looked at the river, she knew the waters would be frigid but she stood and began walking to it, stepping into the icy water and walking till the water was at her chest, she dunked her head under the water, washing the scent of the wolf she had met with off. She soon brought her head up and moved out of the water shaking her fur out and shivering as the piercing wind hit her "that was a horrible idea.." She mumbled then shook her head "but I needed his scent gone." She mumbled again. She slowly began her trek back home through the numbingly cold snow and wind of the clear winter night, her dark fur clung to her body, revealing her small frame that seemed bigger when her fur was fluffy. On her walk home she tried not to think about Takash and just thought about how she wanted to cuddle up with Takoda. She soon saw their den and walked toward it, thinking of an excuse she could tell Takoda for where she went and why she was covered in water as she walked through the entrance.

« Alistair »
▪ Male ▪ 4 years ▪ North Ridge ▪ Heterosexual ▪ Fighter ▪ tagged;; Heaven ▪

Alistair nodded and looked up at the sky, noticing how it was cloudless, a least the could see to get around because of the moon light reflecting off the snow. His eyes went back to Heaven "yeah, I'm not good with personal situations, Heaven." He said softly then looked away as they walked "I'm still regretful for every time I left you, alpha, and In some of your times when you needed me the most." He said softly then walked slightly quicker to walk beside her again "but right now let's focus on finding this pup." He said, his voice becoming serious as he spoke of finding the young one. He looked at her again "you can catch me up later when we actually have time and don't have to worry about a scent going cold." He told her then put his head down towards the snow, sniffing for this puppy that had gone missing all of a sudden, he could barely smell the trail and if they stood around much longer it would be gone completely just like how the small pawprints in the snow were already getting covered in snow by the wind, Alessa's scent would be gone, carried off by the wind and they'd have a lot more trouble finding her after that. He became focused on finding this pup and he wasn't going to stop till he got her back home safe with her family. His cool grey eyes scanned the ground slightly as he sniffed along the ground in search of the pup, he hated how weak her scent already was, this snow and wind was really an issue for him as he continued following the trail, the wind made his eyes water and his nose not work as well as usual because scents were being blown from every side of him at different times.
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Re: Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • not accepting

Postby S0ul Eater » Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:25 pm

- NR Healer

    Soon the male was sound asleep. His flanks rise and fell slowly.
    “What is this berry called?” A soft voice questioned a small golden pup. “Juniper!” The peach colored fea smiled to the pup. “What does Juniper help with?” A humming sound came from the pup as he thought for a moment and processed his words into sentences. “They calm a wolf down, strengthens a wolf, helps with trouble breathing..and that’s it.” The fea grew a wider smile at her son as she grew proud of him. “Your going to be an amazing healer someday, and you’ll help a lot of wolves.”

-SD Hunter
-Tags; Chief

    She observed the dog as he went from tense and threatened to relaxed after she asked her two questions. “My name is Rosalina, you can call me Rose for short.” She began following him back to the warehouse. She wanted to give him this bird but she refused to. He stole it therefore he does not deserve it. He now had to earn food from her if she decided to give him some to fill his belly, however she may not be allowed to give him anything as he’s not apart of the dog pack and he did just steal from them. “Do you want to join our pack? You’ll be able to fill your stomach if you do, and you’ll be kept well fed.” She did not know how the alphas would feel about the same dog who stole from them wanting to join. They’d probably give him some sort of punishment for doing just that. As she kept walking on the cold sidewalk her eyes kept wandering to stare at the male. She could not understand why and whenever she realized this she tried controlling herself so she could pay attention to where she was walking.


    The male fell silent as he listened to the fea tell him her story. The abuse, the pain, it sounded awful but he felt both before by his mother, and by his brother. The female went on about being used by her pack because of how beneficial her powers were. He never was used like she was, usually he’s the one using others for his own gain weather it is to feel stronger, untouchable, or accomplished. She was not beneficial to him for any of those reasons however, her powers don’t work around him, she mainly so far has distracted him from the fact he just murdered a father and a son and how it mentally effects him negatively. She’s also been helpful thus far to vent to. Last she explained how she left her pack and does not remember for what reason. By the end of her story they made it back to what he called his den. “You’ve been through a lot it seems.” The male looked at her face with soft yellow eyes. “I bet you are glad my powers are deterring those animals then.” Seems like she’s using me like how her pack used her, only except the only thing beneficial about her is having someone to talk to and to feel normal despite how things are with myself. She at least met both her parents. Then there’s himself who’s only been told by his mother how much he looks like his father. He sat in the snow as he looked down at the fea. “Its getting pretty late out, I should get some rest now.” He did just want her to leave so he could go out on a night hunt so he’d have breakfast in the morning. Though he did think if she would come back. If shes using me for my powers, then she will.

-NR Hunter

    As he waited longer and longer he grew more and more tired. Before he knew it he was asleep.
    The makes eyes opened to his paws pounding on the ground as he raced through a familiar forest. Familiar scents hitting his nostrils and a sense of panic overwhelmed him. Then a new scent hit he breathed him. Blood. He slowed his pace down upon a deathly scene. His mate in a pool of blood, next her was a little pup, her eyes open with terror still in them under their glossiness. “Isabelle..” His voice shaky as he trembled.
    He woke back up immediately, his heart pounding and his eyes full of pain and terror as the images didn’t leave his head for a few more seconds. He pinned back his ears and rested his white head on his paws and fell back asleep minutes later.

Last edited by S0ul Eater on Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • not accepting

Postby OceanSilence » Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:22 am

“A pack?” Chief thought for a moment as they walked together creating a long silence. He wasn’t sure if he’d be comfortable in a pack setting with how he liked having no responsibility. With how things are for him now though, it wouldn’t hurt to consider it. “I’ll think about it.” As they arrived to the warehouse Chief paused at the entrance nervously. He felt ashamed for stealing not realizing who he he stole from and hung his head low.

North had been laying down quietly for quite some time now with her head on her paws and body wrapped around Coyote keeping him warm. She raised her head as Takash returned with a rabbit in his maw. She stayed silent even moving her head to face the dens wall. That was until he spoke directly at her. North lifted her head again and looked at Takash, her eyes were tired but she wanted some time away from him, besides she needed food herself. She uncurled herself from around her pup and heard Takashs earning before she left the den entrance. She said not a single word to him as she cursed within her head. She kept away from Heavens territory as she went on her lone hunt.
Coyote woke up from his nap and noticed his mom was not in the den. “Where did mom go?” He asked as he felt anxiety overwhelm him. He didn’t like how he was left with this strange by scary wolf and Alessa who smelled of vomit. “I-I want my daddy...” He whined quietly.

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Re: Wild & Stray! • Dog and Wolves W/ Powers • new + accepti

Postby Moonncloud » Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:32 am

/ Rank: Loner / Male / Crush: Blue

Location: River / Tags: North, Coyote

The demon brutes eyes followed after the silent fea, her expression showing discontent, 'Just wait... that expression will fade to a more appealing one when you learn of your mate's demise.' he thought coldly as he snapped his teeth at her tail before whipping around to face the pups. His golden hues fell on the "meal" sized pup, "She went to get food.... and You won't be seeing your father any time soon." He told him as he flashed his white canines at the pup. There was a bit of blood on his fangs, slightly staining them yellow. Returning his attention to his Alessa, Takash watched her reaction to the rabbit, the pup had collapsed for a short while before coming too, her body quivered and shook at the sight of the blood-filled animal. Lowering his ears slightly, the wolf quickly picked up the stiffening rabbit before pivoting on his paws and heading out into the cold snow once more. What pup couldn't stand blood? How did he produce a pup that couldn't eat its meal with ease? Shaking his head the brutal male placed the rabbit down in the snow and put a paw on it's back as he took hold of its head and began to rip and pull the rabbit's head from its body. Once it was in two pieces, the wolf lifted the lifeless animal's body up and into the air to allow the life liquid to drain from the morsel. After a few minutes, the wolf padded back into the den, dropping the Rabbit at the female pups feet, Takash smiled gently at his daughter, "There..." He said before padding off to the side and laying down. In due time, his den would be simply his and his pups...

(Time Skip, I'm letting North and Alessa start the time skip for Takash's next interactions with them.)

/ Rank: Alpha / Female / Crush: /

Location: Deep in the forest/ Tags Alistair

Listening to the male speak, Heaven allowed a gentle exhale to leave her maw. Alistair was so kind, but he like everyone else had their flaws. "You're back now, you can make it up to me." She informed him with a gentle smile and a friendly nudge to the shoulder. Returning her gaze to the cold frozen earth, Heaven nodded her head as she continued to sniff along through the snow. The pups paw prints were nearly gone, how though, the snow fall had stopped before she disappeared why were they gone? "I'm going to take a look from the sky..." The fea told the brute as she felt more concern roll though her chest. Outstretching her wings and propelling herself into the cold winter breeze, Heaven took flight to search for the pup with a birds eye view. After hours of searching, it became clear to the fea that her and Alistair were not going to be able to find the pup tonight. It was almost as if she wasn't in the forest at all... Maybe she had returned to the dog pack? But why would she go into the forest without Alfie in the first place. As the moon raise to the highest point in the night sky, Heaven returned to Alistair's side, her wings had ice froze to her feathers and fur. "Lets continue our search tomorrow.... I'll inform the pack that we are not just searching for the killer of our packs deputy but we are also searching for Alessa, the dog packs pup." she told him, the fea's ears were flat against her head. The first clear day of winter turn out to be a horrible day for the pack, and the alpha feared this was only the start of it all.

(2 weeks Time Skip)

Sitting in the middle of the denning area, Heaven waited for her pack mates to awaken and start another day of searching. The Alpha's ears were pinned back, her eyes narrowed on the snow covered foreast before her. Two weeks had passed and there was still no sign of Gunter or North and Coyote, or Alessa... All this time, the pack had continuously searched. Occasionally they would be divided into two, one group for hunting, and another for searching. Half way into the first week, Heaven had retrieved Snow, as well as, North's remaining pups, Maya and Rider, from the dog pack and appointed Shiloh and Ayana as their care takers until further notice. She knew with the hardening winter, food would be harder to find for both packs and Mary and her mate already had many little mouths to feed as it was. At this point, Heaven's mind was traveling to the what ifs, her eyes were heavy with worry for her pack mates and it was showing as tired bags formed under her eyes. She was glad to have Alistair back at her side though, with both her deputies gone, he was there to take their posts for the time being. Inhaling deeply, the alpha exhailed slowly, as if trying to calm herself, a misty cloud rolled from her maw as the sun slowly began to peak over the horizon. This was the beginning of a new week, half a month had gone by would she find her pack mates and the pup? How much longer could she and her pack continue searching? When was it time to say enough was a enough... Closing her lilac eyes, the fea tried to calm her worried mind. She knew, at some point, she would have to make the call. As the sun peaked through the trees and kissed her cold pelt, the alpha opened her eyes once more, hoping, praying today would be the day they find them.

/ Rank: Hunter / Male / Mate: Blue /
Location: Pack Territory/ Tags: Blue

The brute had woke up moments before Blue had stepped foot back into the denning area, "B-Blue?!" he called out as he looked around his den with blurred vision. Once his eyes focused, the brute quickly darted out of his den to search for his mate, where would she go at this hour? Of course, upon his paws touching the freezing snow, the males eyes fell on his mate. Her pelt was soaked and starting to freeze, "B-Blue what happened!? Where did you go this late at night?!" He began questioning her as he quickly raced over to her side. "Lets get you inside.." he told her that was when he noticed the wound. "Blue you're hurt!" He barked as he quickly began examing her, the wound on her left shoulder was very small, but it was big enough for her dark fur to be stained a slight red color. He wanted to find who did this to her, gritting his teeth Takoda's eyes flew towards the forest before he nudge her towards his den. The only scent the fea carried was that of the river, what was she doing at the river? That was quite the distance from the pack... how long had she been gone for?

(2 weeks later)

It had been a few weeks since his mother had issued the search for Gunter, North, her pup, and Alessa. Still, they had not found them, where could North have gone with her pup? Why wasn't she returning... had she been killed? And what was up with Gunter's dissapearing act... the killer was still on the loose. Lifting his head up off his paws he gazed out side his and Blue's den, his mother was stationed in the center with her eyes fixated on the horrizon. "Blue? You awake?" He asked her softly as he turned his blue green eyes in her direction. Nudging her gently he smiled at her before licking her cheek. "We are on hunting duty today, if we're lucky we can sneak in a few more hours of rest." He joked as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. At this time, the brutes eyes traveled back over to his mother, she was tired looking, concern, worry and even stress was whirling around the alpha. He hoped this hunt would come to an end today... For the packs sake and his mothers. With all the chaos he hadn't even had the time to inform his mother of his and Blue's engagement... Maybe today was the day he should try to do that, maybe it would lighten his mothers mood and make her feel more hopeful for their future as a pack.

/ Rank: Healer Apprentice / Female / Mate: Shiloh /
Location: Forest Tags: Shiloh

(2 weeks later)

Opening her eyes to the slight hint of light dancing through the opening of their den, the temperary mother lifted her head up as a soft yawn exited her maw. Looking back at Shiloh, the collie smiled gently at him before looking down at the pups, Rider and Maya. She had them snuggled up against her to keep them warm. For a moment, the collie admired the growing bundles, sure they were North's pups but it brought out a motherly urge in the dog. The creamy colored fea's tail gently wagged behind her as she gazed at the two with a gentle look in her eyes. The pups had grown quite a bit since their mother had gone missing, they were getting bigger with each passing day. Two more weeks and the pups would be three months old... would there mother be here for that mile marker? And Alfie, he was about to turn ten months old... he was nearly a year old now. All of these thoughts and the worry of Gunter and what had happened was still floating around. Every morning Heaven would take a group out to search for everyone that was missing as well as the criminal, this had been going on for the last two weeks now. The fea's eyes locked on the opening of their den, she knew Heaven had to be out there, waiting for everyone to emurge from their dens to begin another day long search. Would today be the last search? Would they finally find everyone? She hoped so, though she would miss her time with the pups, they needed their real mother and the pack needed the relief.

/ Age: 2.5 years/ Rank: Loner / Female / Crush: Open /
Location: Forest / Tags: Eclipse

"Then I mustent keep you from your rest." Yuna told the brute as she turned from him and his den. Though she enjoyed the time where she wasn't being followed and nagged by the animals of the forest, she couldn't justify using him for any longer then she already had. "I'll see you around..." She told him before the fea started back off into the cold winter world alone. As she had gained a good distance between her and Eclipse, the animals which once followed the fea began to return. First, a snow owl flew from the tree tops and landed upon her back, looking over her shoulder, the fea looked back at Eclipse. About that time a few winter rabbits bounded over as well as a single doe could be heard in the distance making it's way though the snow. Returning her attention to the forest before her the female continued on her way, she needed to find her own source of shelter from this storm...

Two weeks had passed she the fea had seen the handsome brute with the bat wings. Why, why couldn't she get him off her mind? Resting within the hidden cave the fea watched as the doe which accompanied her stood to it's hooves and stepped out away from her to shuffle through the snow for food. Yuna had only known the brute for a short while, not even a day at that yet... she was taken by him. She knew it wasn't his powers either, sure it was nice not being followed by the gang of prey, however, that wasn't her reason for feeling so drawn to him. Eclipse seemed very familar to her, but why... His brother Shard had also given her that feeling yet she didn't feel the urdge to follow him as she did with Eclipse. Had she known him in the past? Surely he would have recognized her though... Unless her pelt was synged in black... Maybe she had known him from back then? Back when she'd lost her memories...Right after she had lost her memories maybe?

/ Age: 2.5 / Rank: (will be) Lead Scout / Female / Crush: open (you can PM if interested)
Location: City/ Tags: Akin, Kai

Smiling, the mother nodded her head to her pups, "Yes, your mother will get better in due time." She told them before chuckling at their excitment over getting food for her. She knew in time, she would be able to see them again, it would just take some healing is all.

A few weeks had passed since the wolves had left the dog pack and now the mother was healing up rather nicely. She was no longer weak when standing and her body even looked as though she'd put on a nice amount of weight. Not to much, but not to little either, "Akin? What are you doing." She questioned her oldest pups actions, he seemed to be trying to get something out from under some sort of struture within the warehouse. If it wasn't for her poor eye sight she'd probably be able to make out exactly what he was doing. Glancing over and down at her other pup Kai, she licked his forhead and giggled a bit, "Why don't you go see what your brother is up too, hmm?" She asked him before pushing herself up into a sitting position. It was very early in the morning but her pups had always been early birds, she just hoped they kept it down and didn't desturb the other dogs who were trying to sleep.

/ Age: 4.5 months / Rank: Pup / Male / Crush: ...
Location: Abandon building/Tags: Cynthia, Snow, Kai

Pawing at the odd round object, Akin was sure he'd get it. It was just out of reach! He could feel his little puppy nails rubbing against the soft fabric like material. What the pup was trying to reach was a tennis ball, at some point or another one of the dogs within the pack had brought home a ball, Akin wanted it badly. He knew what toys were, his mother had some before their master went stupid so to speak. He missed the tug of war rope, and the squeaky toys.

The Spring semester has started up again! So, my time on chickensmoothie will be a lot less. Please understand and I'll reply to rp's as quickly as I can.

Hey guys check this out! ≪S U B - Z Ɛ R O≫ has a wolves series coming out! She has started a casting call for the character Sidka, who is male, she will have more casting calls coming out for female characters later. Please go and check it out and leave a comment below in the comment section!

Check out my and ≪S U B - Z Ɛ R O≫'s new Role play Website ^^ It's still under construction but you are welcome to check it out and become a member! Moon-n-Cloud.proboards.com <-- Just click the link ^.^
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