seven heroes of aelios || o&a

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

pursan [ 002 ]

Postby Ploegy » Wed Feb 16, 2022 4:16 am

      xxxmale one thousand two hundred forty six years old demon spy location: outside the demon domain tagged: kleitos

      "I only just returned, so I haven't spoken to the superiors yet," the feline purred with a sway of his tail. If anything he dreaded facing the higher ups even though he was quite accustomed to it by now. Being a spy for so hundreds of years was enough to make him decent at it. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you eavesdropped in on our conversation." Even if he didn't, Pursan wasn't one that kept his mouth shut. Sure, it often got him into trouble with his superiors, but information was information and he saw it as his job to inform as many people involved as he could. It was better that way. No secrets, no lies. If only everyone looked at it in such a manner. It always seemed that he was the only one that did. Those above him always wanted to lie or beat around the bush with the info him and other spies fed them. Sometimes it made him want to feed them false information in return, but the troubles that would put him through weren't worth it. He already had a dreadful curse placed upon him.

      Pushing the thought aside, Pursan took a step in the direction of the superior's tents. "Besides, I'm sure you rather listen in than watch those ruffians wrestle about," he remarked as his gaze followed he merfolk's and settled upon he wrestling demons. They truly never changed. He was thankful he wasn't like them, though he had lost all interest in rising in the ranks centuries ago. These demons wanted nothing more and becoming stronger was their only option as rising up. If only they understood strength was more than being physically strong. Smarts were needed as well, though in his eyes even higher ranking demons lacked a brain sometimes. They were blinded by revenge to think. While he understood it, he still found it ridiculous. That was war. The angels had gotten their revenge from the war of old and now the demons wanted to get back at them for killing their king ten years ago. It was understandable, but their target shouldn't be the angels directly. However, what he thought meant very little and he quickly pulled himself back to reality.

      Turning his gaze back towards the tents in the distance, the feline continued forward, not bothering to wait for Kleitos to follow. He figured if the other truly wanted to listen in on his conversation, he wouldn't lag too far behind. Besides, the longer he took to report in, the more likely he was to be chewed out by his superiors in the first place. That's how it always was when he returned. All of them were aware that he'd be the one to not report in unless he was threatened in some manner. Pursan didn't mind though. If his information could bring the war closer to an end, then that was enough reason for him to report.

      Arriving at the tent of the highest officer, Pursan pushed aside the cloth shielding the entrance and stepped inside. "I am here to report, sir," he stated. The demon on the other side of the tent looked up from the papers he was scribbling away at and gave the cat a look as if to tell him to continue on. Giving a small nod, Pursan wasted little time to present his findings. "During my stationing in Bormasse, I heard rumors of the legendary weapons floating around. As you are aware, a year ago Bormasse had its legendary weapon, Excalibur, taken by the prince and has since then been missing." Pausing for a moment, Pursan swayed his tail back in forth and folded his arms across his back. "Well, the rumors had been that he had been spotted near Bormasse again. I investigated these rumors and can confirm that this is indeed true and it seemed he was no longer along, leading me to assume that he had met at least one other wielder of a legendary weapon."

      "Interesting," the other demon mused as he quickly jotted down the feline's report. "Is there anything you can report about this other he was with?

      Pursan gave a small nod of his head. "They appeared to be of the fairy race. The two of them were fighting monsters outside of Bormasse before I took off to come here. That was earlier today so it is possible that they have moved, but that isn't the important part. The importance is that the heroes of the legendary weapons are beginning to gather and that could very well shift the war. It may not be long before they target the demon army and seek to subdue them in order to cease fighting."

      The superior bobbed his head slowly before rising from his desk and giving the feline a dismissive wave. "Thank you for your report. You are dismissed." It took Pursan by surprise to be brushed off so quickly, but it was clear that the officer was troubled by his news, especially given how quickly he moved out of his tent. The feline could only presume that he was off to speak with the other officers and figure out what they would do moving forward. That wasn't his problem. Dropping his arms to his sides once more, Pursan turned on his heels and exited the tent as well. Once outside, his gaze searched for Kleitos. He couldn't help but wonder what the other thought of the news he had shared.
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[ lysandros // 006. ] [ remiel // 003. ]

Postby molotov » Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:50 am

    𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐒 ────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    xx [ fairy ] x x [ mistilteinn hero ] x x [ location: field outside bormasse ] x x [ tags: cassian, sordi & friends? ]
    to say lysandros was overwhelmed was an understatement, though momentary ease was brought about by sordi’s smile over his offer to stay with her, one in which he reciprocated with a gentle smile of his own, it did not last. cassian’s mention of a story regarding the legendary sword had the fay’s full attention, listening intently in trying to discern his intent for telling the story behind the legendary sword, though the curiosity in his eyes soon dissipated to confusion as it went on. lysandros did something of a double take at his companions own admission, a prince? his eyes went wide like saucers momentarily before he urged himself to relax and a slight frown settled across his face, it was difficult to hold back surprise. his heart went out to cassian, he was not bothered that the other man had concealed the truth from him, he could understand why he had and respected his privacy. he couldn’t imagine how it may have felt to be deemed a traitor, by his own people - his own family. he gave cassian a look of sympathy, only wishing he could speak, though in the presence of others he was too uncomfortable and so he gently nudged the prince instead, hoping it was enough of an indication that he was here for him.
    in a way lysandros could understand it, perhaps not to the same degree, he was no royal and he had no friends or family to speak of, but
    mistilteinn had chosen him and in the process threatened the neutrality the fairies were intent on maintaining in the war, though the end result was meant to stop the war, a declaration of peace the fay race would ultimately favor. it would not prevent conflict from arising throughout the process, and he was by no means about to put eislia forest in danger by returning until they saw their mission through, he doubted he would even survive that long. he would stand by cassians side regardless, he would remain loyal to his new allies and prove his worth. a look of determination twinkled in the fairies eyes, though it dissipated when a new issue was thrust into the limelight.

    the fairy flinched at carla’s laugh, finding himself filled with repulsion by the sudden change in her demeanor. questions flooded his mind in that moment; she had been lying? why would she admit to that when she was outnumbered? had she just claimed she wanted to… sell their legendary weapons? had he heard that right? mistilteinn was a sacred treasure of his people, all these weapons were beyond an item to be sold, and yet here someone was intending to profit off it like it was a pound of meat? he could take a lot, but to disrespect such a treasure, he would not stand for it. a pang of anger ran through his chest. “i b-beg your pardon?” lysandros spoke up, appalled. though there was an attempt to maintain politeness - despite her deeming undeserving of it - to his own surprise the edges of his words were laced in a newfound hostility. his agitation reciprocated by a few hornets that buzzed about nearby, drawn out of their neighboring nest by his sudden wave of negative emotion. “these weapons have been around for ages, long before you even learned to walk. with the aid of their past wielders they’ve done far more than you ever will.” he was glowering at carla now, or at least attempting to, wings twitching in irritation at her lack of respect. “they chose us to rid aelios of this horrid war, some of us have had to make sacrifices for the greater good just to hope we can obtain such a goal - and you wish to steal them to make profit as if they were mere trinkets?” his voice raised slightly, three or four of the large wasps buzzed around him protectively, eagerly awaiting an excuse to swarm carla. “does the fate of this land mean nothing to you? have you no honor? y-you shameless h-heathen.” he struggled to insult her, soft-spoken as he was, the words came out nervous and awkward, worried he had gone too far. nevertheless he made it a statement to open mistilteinn as he stared her down. this whole situation remained foreign to him - he was hardly a threatening contender, so to act in such a manner felt odd. he had never attracted hornets before, creatures that only attacked if they felt threatened or something got too close to their nest, he did not wish to get them involved, if only they would return back to their home. he was about to ask them to do just that - until a new face arrived, again, why did this keep happening? it was one he found all to threatening to even attempt to mask his fear, and in response the hornets grew more erratic in their movements, aggressive. as the newcomer spoke lysandros took a step back, panicking now, tome still open at the ready. he found sordi was quicker to react than him, like the speed of a praying mantises strike, the elf was at the strangers throat with the blade of her axe as quickly as he had made his presence known. lysandros himself, surprised and already jumpy, fumbled with his tome in the background of this in an alarmed manner, almost dropping mistilteinn in the process as he tried to calm the wasps brought about by his own anxiety.

    𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐋 ────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [ angel ] x x [ bounty hunter ] x x [ location: bormasse ] x x [ tags: eloa ]
    remiel watched quietly as she tucked the knife away, allowing both her hands to settle on the staff she carried. he too, let his hand lower to his side, away from his weapon. he was still trying to understand her intent for asking her initial question, was it meant to take him off guard? some sort of mind game? his brows furrowed at her comment, keen to argue that a mere human couldn’t possibly understand his circumstances, though remiels expression relaxed as she went on. her admittance to not being fit for chasing brought a hint of a smile to his face, unless she had a bounty on her head, or he had been ordered directly by his higher-ups, she needn’t worry over that. even still, he didn’t like the idea of harming someone who’s introduction started by expressing concern for him.

    a faint hint of surprise crossed his expression at her claim to be an angel, though it explained why she was so quick to recognize him as one of her own despite his changes. “i see, my mistake.” he gave her something of an apologetic smile, here he was grumbling over being mistaken for another race, meanwhile this angel had the same issue. “unfit for a chase, but still intrepid enough to approach what could’ve been a threat?” he glanced at her curiously. impressive, given her condition. to be stripped of one’s wings sounded like a horrible fate, and though he felt intrigued to inquiry further on the matter, he held his tongue, feeling prying was ill mannered at this current time. “-and to protect the impoverished no less - or at least that’s what I’m assuming was your intention - seems you hold more consideration for the poor of bormasse than its very ruler.” it was a troubling thought, though came with the territory of war; people were bound to suffer, and in this case it came in the form of the poor.
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cassian [ 007 ]

Postby Ploegy » Tue Feb 22, 2022 8:04 am

      xxxmale eighteen years old excalibur hero location: field outside bormasse tagged: lysandros, sordi, carla, aurelia & ater rex

      The reactions he received came as no surprise to him. Sordi seemed displeased to be dealing with a human royal given the soft snarl that escaped her throat, Carla seemed disinterested and Lysandros seemed surprised, yet the gentle nudge reassured Cassian that he was still in support of him despite the secret he had hidden. In the moment he wanted to personally apologize to him, but there was no time to. Carla's laugh was enough to keep him from speaking to the fairy and focus his attention entirely on her. Narrowing his eyes, the prince was disgusted by the words the other spoke. Clearly he had been right to not place his trust in her, though her reasons were not what he had expected. If anything, they were more pathetic than he had anticipated and caused him to wrinkle his nose. Did she really think it would be that easy to take their weapons and sell them? Maybe if she had paid attention to his story, she might understand how impossible that was. While there probably was some magic out there that would allow one to move the legendary weapons, it wasn't a common one, thus only those chosen by the weapons were able to lift them. That certainly made selling them a difficult task.

      Keeping his blade pointed at the elf before him, Cassian listened as Lysandros beat him to speaking up. It was unusual for the fairy to seem so bothered, but it was understandable. He too was agitated by what the other had said and the look upon his face was enough to make that obvious, but there was something that the elf had said that did stand out to him aside from her intentions. Her remark on the people of Bormasse bothered him as well. While things had been tense when he left, he wouldn't have expected things to get worse. Things certainly had changed since he was a child. It bothered him to think that such unrest would come to his people. Race hadn't mattered years ago, but now it was such a focal point in the war. It was disgusting. Still, if things had turned for he worse, then perhaps it was time he returned. As much as he hated to think it, he knew he couldn't let the people continue to suffer much longer if his father's rule was causing them to hate even more. Taking the throne by force was beginning to look like the only real option he had.

      Grimacing at the thought, Cassian did his best to push it off for the moment and allowed his attention to shift to the fairy beside him. Noticing his irritation, the prince couldn't help but feeling for him. While it wasn't like him to have such outbursts, it was still nice to see him standing up for them. "You really are pathetic," he finally spoke with a shake of his head. He was prepared to continue on and back his companion's words up, until the voice of a newcomer stopped him. As much as he hated to turn his attention away from Carla, he knew he needed to see who this new person was. Allowing his gaze to move towards Ater Rex as he made his appearance, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. If anything, he too looked untrustworthy and from how he butted into their conversation, Cassian felt that to be even more true. Watching Sordi take action quickly, the prince figured he didn't have to deal with it. She seemed to have it under control for the moment. "This is all becoming ridiculous," he sighed under his breath. More problems were arising and keeping him from what he actually wanted to do. As much as he wanted to simply turn away and take off towards the city, he knew he couldn't with everything that was going on. For now he would need to stay put.
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Narok Vuma [002] // Kleitos Vole [003]

Postby Aniki » Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:26 am

    ☼ 𝑁𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑘 𝑉𝑢𝑚𝑎
    lieutenant of the angel army • giant • male • location: chalet's library • tags: miu • mentions: npc angel
    The reports gave cause for slight alarm but they were nothing special. So what if the demon forces were starting to gather up? What did the angels expect? The rumors of the legendary heroes piqued his interest, but the news was extremely vague and left so much to the imagination. As one would expect, the news caused some concern. When they looked at him for his input he simply shrugged.

    "What we have is nothing but conjecture." Narok looked towards his commanding officer who nodded, giving him the signal to continue. "If you truly want information I would say send more scouts out. Call on our allies. We need more information if we want to have a proper attack plan. I for one am not going to lead my troops with a half-handed plan." Seeing the approval in his commanding officer, Narok took a much-needed breath. Of course, his words sent the other members of the group into a frenzy. Having said his peace and was at the end of his rope, Narok prayed that the meeting would end soon. The meeting took three hours, which in Narok's opinion was too long for something that could easily have taken an hour and a half at most, but angels do love the sound of their own voices.

    Once he was free to go, Narok decided to head to the library. While some of the angels like to joke that he was nothing but a brute, Narok was actually very well educated. He enjoyed spending time in the libraries. The number of books always overwhelmed him. He was sure that he would never be able to read all of them in his lifetime. Something caught his eye on his way in. A little figure - a fairy - was fluttering around clearly looking for something or someone. He wasn't too surprised to see the angels around them shun her too. For a race that brags about being all kind and welcoming, most of the population was the opposite, or at least in his opinion they were.

    He watched as the fairy fluttered over to one of the nearby trees. Narok broke away from the path and headed over to the tree, doing his best to not step on any of the flower arrangements that circled the tree. Thankfully because of his height, the branch that the fair was sitting on was at eye level. He gave a little wave to make sure the fairy noticed him so he didn't scare them.

    "You alright little one?"Narok spoke softly or at least attempted to.

    ⊱ 𝐾𝑙𝑒𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑠 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑒
    soldier for the demon army • merfolk • male • location: just outside the entrance to the demon domain• tags: pursan • mentions: the heroes
    It didn't take long for Kleitos to catch up with Pursan. The two walked in silence to the tent of the highest-ranking officer in the area. The tent was a dark purple color, so dark that it looked black in the parts that were in the shade, and was at least triple the size of all the others. The flaps of the tent had the symbol of the family crest of the demon royal family which was made out of silver thread. The flaps were pulled apart and held together with a black cord. Two guards stood on either side, each wearing a full suit of demon-forged armor.

    Pursan walked in without any fuss while the guards crossed their spears in an x-shape blocking his path. Kleitos couldn't help but roll his eyes. He knew this would happen, but at the same time, he thought the whole thing was ridiculous. Taking a step back, he watched as they relaxed back into the positions they were in before they arrived. Luckily Pursan came through once again, speaking louder than he normally would so that he could hear.

    "During my stationing in Bormasse, I heard rumors of the legendary weapons floating around. As you are aware, a year ago Bormasse had its legendary weapon, Excalibur, taken by the prince and has since then been missing... Kleitos listened, his eyes going wide for a moment before he collected himself again. The more he heard the more excited he got. With this new information, it was only a matter of time before he was deployed. Which meant no more training the drones!

    "The importance is that the heroes of the legendary weapons are beginning to gather and that could very well shift the war..." That made Kleitos pause. The idea that the other weapons had been found did not settle well with him. Two heroes on their own were something that could easily be taken care of, but if all the weapons were together that would be a true cause for concern. He was too caught up in his thoughts to hear the rest of the talk. When Pursan walked out of the tent the two locked eyes.

    They walked away in silence, one waiting for the other to speak while one collected their thoughts, through the maze of tents until they got to the tent that was Kleitos's. Compared to the highest commanding officer's tent made this one would like a child's. It was cramped. The only pieces of furniture were a cot, a small writing desk, a broken mirror that was leaning on its side against the wall of the tent, and a tiny stool that had seen better days. Kleitos plopped down on his cot in a very ungraceful manner. He gestured towards the stool for Pursan, but he wouldn't be offended if the cat demon declined the offer.

    "If what you report is true - which knowing you it is - then this changes everything." Kleitos ran his hands over his face. "The smartest move would be to somehow separate the heroes so we can pick them off one by one, but knowing the higher-ups they will more than likely order us to attack the party in full." Kleitos stood up and started to pace in what little open space was available. "If we were able to find out the race of the other wielders then we can figure out who would be the weakest in their ranks and start with them. Perhaps we may be able to talk them into joining us? Having a legendary weapon on our side would turn the tables in our favor."
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Re: seven heroes of aelios || o&a

Postby AcetheKidd » Tue Feb 22, 2022 4:24 pm

female • human • traveler • location: linnois • tagged: maki,-

        Finally after a long journey, Ren and what appeared to be a human with ears and a tail, it to the city of elves. unfortunately, they were low on supplies and had to make a stop here..this city was the closest to their location." Listen Maki, we aren't here to mess around. No pranks, no nothing. got it?" the man would walk down the streets, feeling the glares of some of the locals." You know how much i hate trouble..i want to avoid it." Ah yes, the last little town they went to, the shape-shifting demon had played a harmless prank on the one in charge..thus getting them kicked out." Remember what we need?"

        Maki sighed and rolled his eyes."Sure, sure..whatever you say your highness...just want one little prank? a stink bomb?" the look on Ren's face made the tanuki huff." OK fiinneee..i'll behave. We, that's it. and of course, your sake." his eyes would shift around the city, looking at the elves roaming around." pointed ears..they are weird for yoaki."

        "most defiantly my Sake..i can't survive without it." the man smirked." and they aren't Yoaki, they are creatures called elves and yokai are just known as demons here." Ren paused, gripping his katana. He would deflect a shuriken that was thrown at him..a poison-coated one at that." Seriously..i said i wanted no trouble..why are you following me? i was already banished."

        "Teh, good detection skills as always ren." a man dressed in all black followed up by serval more appeared on the roof top."don't take it personal, but we have orders to..put you to rest."

        Ren noticed some of the citizens would move away, some would gather to see what was going on. This..really annoyed him."Oh come on little he that power-hungry?" he pulled his katana out and prepared his self. He was outnumbered...but he could manged, hopefully
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Re: seven heroes of aelios || o&a

Postby Timoria » Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:15 pm

Neutral Fairy
Location: sartou kingdom (chalet)
Mentions: NPC
Tags: Narok

Miu sighed as her gaze lazily scanned the crowd of passersby. Not a one of the angels so much as even acknowledged her. Of course, she had mostly given up on them at the moment. She didn't expect anyone to go out of their way to help. They all had somewhere to be afterall. For now she had resigned herself to watching and waiting for her old friend to return. In the process, she didn't notice the gentle giant slowly approaching. When she saw him carefully avoiding the flowers planted around her tree she smiled cheerfully and quickly returned his wave. He was surely a giant, though there was no guarantee he wasn't an exceptionally tall human. Either way, seeing someone 100 times her size approach with such care made her chuckle a little, especially considering the treatment she was given not even 1 minute earlier.

"Hello there." Miu replied happily,"Well, I was going to borrow a book from the wonderful library here but," Miu stood up on her branch and gestured at herself "I'm not all that good at getting them off of the shelves and carrying them around." Miu sighed lightheartedly and continued, "Everyone seems a bit too busy at the moment, not that I mind too much. Its to be expected, most people wouldn't have the time to carry a stranger's books."Miu punctuated her sentence with a chuckle. She knew finding help here would be a bit of a challenge but she never expected to happen upon such a kind giant. Unfortunately, the chances of a giant knowing a water proofing spell were somewhat low and she didn't want to have him walk all the way back home with her just to carry one or two books.

"You wouldn't happen to know anyone who could perform a water proofing spell on the books would you? With that I could manage to carry the books myself." She quickly demonstrated, forming a small sphere of water in her hand, trying to make it big enough for her larger companion to see. "It would be a great help," she finished, letting the sphere evaporate away.
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pursan [ 003 ] | axel [ 002 ]

Postby Ploegy » Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:53 pm

      xxxmale one thousand two hundred forty six years old demon spy location: outside the demon domain tagged: kleitos

      Following Kleitos, Pursan stayed silent as he walked, allowing himself to listen to the faint clicks of the heels of his boots. Swaying his tail from side to side, the demon quietly eyed the tents they passed, trying to see if anything stood out to him, but to his dismay everything seemed in the ordinary. He supposed he should have expected as much. Nothing exciting ever happened around the camps, which was why he had opted to become a spy long ago. It was far more exciting and nobody ever suspected a cat to be relaying information to the enemy. His appearance was the perfect disguise. That was the only good thing about his curse.

      Not allowing himself to dwell on such things for long, the feline came to a brief stop as they arrived at Kleitos's tent. Watching the other enter, he took a moment before following. It wasn't much to look at, but it was a place to stay. That was more than he had, but again his role didn't have having staying in one place for very long so a tent of his own was never needed. His lodgings were always something he needed to figure out on his own, which was a pain, but it came with the job. At least it beat a tent like this. It was hardly anything, though in war, one didn't need much to begin with. A place to sleep and food was all that was needed. That was the sad reality of it all. It certainly wasn't something Pursan wanted to think all too much about and luckily he didn't. Seeing Kleitos gesture towards the stool, the feline didn't hesitate to take up his offer. After a long day of journeying, he needed to sit for awhile.

      Making himself as comfortable as he could, Pursan listened to the merfolk begin to speak on his report. Listening to him speak his mind on it caused a soft purr of amusement to escape his own throat. It was always interesting to hear such takes, even if he didn't fully agree with them himself. His views always differed from most anyways, but he wasn't one too invested in the war itself. "You're right that separating them would be beneficial," he agreed with a curt nod of his head as he crossed his arms over his chest. "But is seeking out the weapons something we really need for us to win? I know me saying such a thing must sound crazy, but hear me out." He paused for a moment to make sure he had the other's attention before he decided to continue.

      "While we are unsure of the prince's intentions, we might be able to assume things. It is possible he is finally returning to Bormasse with another wielder in order to seize the throne," Pursan explained as he lifted a paw up to his hat and pushed it back slightly. "You might ask why that is important so let me tell you. If the prince does attack Bormasse and succeeds, I'm sure he will ascend the throne and declare himself king. In doing so, he take control over the Bormasse army and would surely declare them free of the angels given they deemed him a traitor. That would be a huge hit to the angel's army. Losing the Bormasse forces would turn the tides easily in our favor without us even lifting a finger. Wouldn't you think that would benefit us the most?" The feline tilted his head to look upward at Kleitos, wondering how he might react to his theoretical approach. It was one that did rely on a simple assumption being true, but beyond that seemed extremely plausible in Pursan's eyes.

      xxxmale eighteen years old scout location: linnois tagged: ren & maki

      Minutes passed as Axel sat meditating in the garden, taking in the sounds of people passing by having normal conversations - the weather, typical gossip, the local market, and more. None of it was of importance to the teen and was all things he had heard other times he had come to meditate. Still, he knew he couldn't give up after such a short time, even if he wanted to already go. Keeping his posture, he sucked in yet another deep breath, allowing himself to calm himself even more. That was when he heard it - the clang of two metal objects coming together. His immediate thought would have been two pots clanging together at one of the nearby houses, but this was much different than that kind of sound. It was two weapons. He was sure of it. That was enough to break him from his meditation.

      Moving his hands from his knees, he didn't rise to his feet, but instead tilted his head to allow himself to look around and figure out where the sound had come from. It wasn't hard to figure out. Some were hurrying away to avoid getting caught up in the fight, while others huddled together all trying to get a look at what was happening. Axel couldn't blame them for being curious although it was dangerous for them to stand nearby as a battle was breaking out, if it even was that. There was only one way for him to find out.

      Finally breaking his meditation entirely, Axel uncrossed his legs and climbed to his feet before moving towards the group that had formed. As he moved, he allowed his hand to rest on the hilt of his katana, just in case something were to happen and he needed to protect himself. It was unlikely, but he still wanted to be prepared. Nudging his way through the crowd despite the nasty comments and looks he received, the teen found himself near the front where he finally got a good look at what was happening. Men dressed in strange outfits lined the rooftops surrounding two men. It wasn't an attack from any unit he had ever seen, but as his eyes settled upon the weapon one of the surrounded men held, his eyes widened in surprise. It was one much like his own. Never before had he seen another. Was it possible that this man was from the land his mother had come from? It was hard to tell and now was hardly the time to ask. If anything, it looked as if the man could use some help.

      His mind took a moment to debate helping over. On one hand it was none of his business and he had no reason to get involved, while on the other he might be able to learn something from this man all while protecting the bystanders that were standing about. That alone made the choice clear.

      "Get this crowd to move back. It's not safe for them to stand so close," he directed towards the two men at his side. At first neither seemed to register what the boy was saying, but when he pushed back his kimono to reveal his weapon, it seemed to click and in an instant they started yelling at the crowd to get back all while beginning to shove them. While it was too noisy for his liking, at least he would know that he wouldn't accidently hit a bystander. That put his mind at ease.

      After a moment longer, Axel finally drew his blade in one swift movement, causing a razor wind to fly from it and head towards several of the men on the rooftops. A few managed to dodge his attack, while others weren't so lucky and found themselves being flung backwards off the roof. Satisfied with his opening attack, Axel gripped tightly on to his katana and took a step forward towards Ren and Maki. "I don't know what's going on here, but allow me to help you."

Last bumped by Ploegy on Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:53 pm.
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