school of monsters v3

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: school of monsters v3 (NOT READY YET)

Postby Snapel » Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:30 pm

(I hope I got everyone)

Name: Ryker
Age: he looks to be 19 but Aki knows his true age
Gender: male
Species: used to be an android but now has become the god of technology and robotics.
Personality: he's rather neutral in his personality, some would call him bland or flat because he seems to lack a personality. He can act like a smart ass sometimes because he always has an answer to any question he is asked but what can you expect from an android. Since meeting Aki and the others he has become more expressive but he still tends to keep a neutral expression when he's not with Aki or the others.
History: he was created in a high tech science lab as an experiment to see if a realistic looking artificial life form could be created. However the program had to be shut down because no one wanted a robot that could look and think like a human because of this funding was cut and Ryker was too be destroyed. Since Meliha had been in a department near by she heard what was going to happen to him and thought it was wrong to destroy him, he might have been a 'robot' but he was alive, he could think and feel like any normal person. So Meliha decided that she would save him and they would escape together. She managed to sneak into the lab where he was being held before she went to help him she grabbed a bag and stuffed as much as stuff(electronic devices, tools etc) as she could into it because she knew they would need it then she went to help him. On their way out they ran into the cops who had received a report of her breaking into the lab. With difficulty Ryker and Meliha managed to lose the cops. Since that day both of them have been together. Just recently he 'died', spent his last few days chasing a rumour which luckily turned out to be true. The day he was able to finally return to Aki was the best day of his life. On his travels he somehow picked up a dragon called Feng but how is still unknown. Since summer began many things have happen the most recent being the birth of his and Aki son Masaru, the main group becoming gods and Ryker proposing to Aki.
Looks: He has pale skin with dark hair. He has hetro coloured eyes, his right is maroon in colour while his left is a light blue. He is taller then normal with a slim but muscular build. He also has a tattoo on the right side of his chest, it is of the numbers 00-02 and they were his model number when he was an android. Since becoming a god he has received the numbers 01 on the back of his hand and 'Love' written in binary code on his left shoulder blade as his symbols.
Powers: He is very smart, stronger and faster then the normal human. He still has amazing abilities when it comes to computers. He now has gained teleportation powers, telekinesis powers and he has the ability to absorb a force he's hit with and redirect it into an attack of his own.
Crush: Akinna of course, she taught him how to love
BF/GF: Akinna his soon to be wife.
Other: he calls Meliha his sister

Name: Feng
Age: his exact age is unknown but he's thought to be in his mid 20's
Gender: male
Species: eastern dragon
Personality: he used to have a really childish personality and still does sometimes but since meeting Ryker (and then the rest of the group) he's started to mentally grow and mature.
History: Feng's past is not very happy and neither he nor Ryker talk about it. (I might write his history eventually)
Looks: Dragon: Image
Human: Image he is blind in his left eye, it is permanently closed in his human form (as you can see in the pic) but it's open in his dragon form.
Powers: most of his powers are undiscovered but his most obvious and known powers are his ability to fly in his dragon form, he has telepathy abilities and can use magic.
Crush: nope
BF/GF: nope
Other: not at the moment

Name: Masumi
Age: 8 currently though she looks a little younger because her illness halted her aging but now she's been healed she'll start growing normally again.
Gender: female
Species: western X eastern dragon
Personality: when she was sick she was quite shy and quiet but now she's been healed she has become quite talkative and excitable.
History: Masumi was a very sick child pretty much since she was born, despite her parent both being dragons their genes didn't really mix very well and left Masumi quite unstable and sick. Her parents died when she was 6 which left her orphaned, she was very temporary put into the care of a foster family but then it was discovered that she had an aggressive form of cancer and once again had to be placed in hospital. Hisashi was the children's doctor at the time and that's how he met her. The hospital ended up 'adopting' her because she needed so much care. Her condition started to go down hill over the next two years till the day she was supposed to die but had her fate changed by Gekkou and was fully healed by Sheikatsu.
Looks: age 8: Image
Age 14: Image
Age 20+: you'll have to use your imagination for this one. She really hasn't changed much, her hair is still relatively short because she likes it that way, she really just looks older.
Dragon: younger version of this: Image
Powers: Unknown, she can't even turn into her dragon form yet.
Crush: nope
BF/GF: nope
Other: not at the moment

Name: Masaru
Age: just a baby at the moment
Gender: male
Species: descendant of a magical space werewolf (I really don't know what to call him)
Personality: as a baby he is pretty quiet, doesn't cry very often, is easily amused and overall just a happy child. As he gets older he'll become a very energetic, happy child that enjoys being outside and getting to know other people. As he gets older still he will become quite flirty.
History: (I don't think I need to write anything here since we will know his history)
Looks: age 6: Image
age 14: Image
age 20: Image
Wolf: Image
Powers: unlike his mummy Aki he's not very good at magic but he does have her ability to turn into a wolf. He inherited his daddy Ryker's teleportation, telekinesis and force redirecting powers (or whatever you want to call it).
Crush: nope
BF/GF: nope
Other: not at the moment

Name: his birth name is Drake Williams but he changed his last name to Victor.
Age: Unknown but he's older then you think
Gender: male
Species: Dragon elf
Personality: At first glance Drake seems like the typical evil person that wants to take over the world but if you can see passed that you'll find that he's really got quite a kind and caring heart.
History: (this is gonna be less of a history for Drake and more of a history of his species, if you want to know his history then you'll have to ask him) the world hated dragon elves for their ability to control dragons, the world lived in fear at what they could do even though the dragon elf race was nothing but peaceful. However fear makes people act without thinking things through and that is the main reason the dragon elf species were hunted nearly to extinction. The remaining elves eventually found a sanctuary where they were safe from the rest of the world unfortunately there wasn't many of them left. Drake's parents were part of a group that was sent into the outside world looking for other elves but the group never made it back. After that the elder elves decided not to risk sending out anymore of their elves to their deaths.
Looks: Image
Powers: he has the ability to control dragons, he can get inside their heads and make them do what he wants. He also has enhanced strength, speed, agility and endurance. Weapon and hand to hand combat is nothing new to him and has trained years to perfect his techniques.
Crush: nope
BF/GF: nope
Other: (if anyone has any interest in making a dragon elf and want to know more about the species please send a PM my way and I'll tell you more) Drake's three soul bound dragons names are Lucas, Hadi and Iri.

Name: Kai
Age: 400
Gender: male
Species: eastern dragon
Personality: he is normally kind, caring and pretty playful but since Drake took control of him he's become aggressive and short tempered.
History: you'll have to ask him.
Looks: Image
Powers: he can shape change and fly. He's a strong fighter no matter what form he's in.
Crush: no one
Mate: no one
Other: not yet

Name: Sha
Age: 500
Gender: female
Species: eastern dragon
Personality: she used to be a kind and caring soul before Drake got to her, after that she became aggressive and would jump straight into a fight
History: just try and ask
Looks: Image
Powers: she has the ability to make herself look bigger then she is, she can control light and fly.
Crush: no one
Mate: had one once
Other: not yet

Name: Fang
Age: 150
Gender: male
Species: wingless dragon
Personality: he didn't really change much when he was taken over by Drake other then being overly aggressive and obedient.
History: ask away
Looks: Image
Powers: extremely sharp teeth and claws, whip like tail, is very strong and fast.
Crush: not yet
Mate: no one
Other: not yet

Name: Adriana
Age: 100
Gender: female
Species: acid dragon
Personality: she was much of a recluse before Drake got to her but now like the other dragons he has taken for his army she has been turned into an aggressive warrior.
History: she won't tell
Looks: Image
Powers: she spits acid instead of fire, her teeth, claws and scales are covered in bacteria that cause bad infections and the barb on her tail contains a deadly poison.
Crush: nope
Mate: nope
Other: not yet

Name: he goes by the name of Jared
Age: same age as most of the other gods
Gender: male normally
Species: he's the god of love and romance.
Personality: he is kind, caring and patient. He doesn't anger quickly, can be quite the trickster but his tricks are never harmful. He can be a bit of a flirt but it doesn't happen very often.
History: first off none of the other Gods know he exists, he has seen them before but they've never seen or met him. He has kept himself pretty hidden from the world if he's not messing with his powers. He used to try and make friends with people and animals but ended up giving up when he couldn't get them to remember him.
Looks: Image
Powers: his main power is to open the hearts of creatures and make them fall in love but he does have a few other powers. He has the ability to change what he looks like(believe it or not but this includes his gender) and he has strong telekinetic powers. He also has an ability that he doesn't really like but has no control over, he is forgettable, five minutes after meeting someone he is completely erased from the other person's memory.
Crush: Itami
BF/GF: Itami
Other: nothing that I can think of yet.

Name: Meliha
Age: 19
Gender: female
Species: she thinks she is a human cyborg but that's not entirely true.
Personality: she is kind, smart, likes making friends and having fun but she can be serious if she is needed to be. She is also cautious about doing things that may cause trouble or problems.
History: a scientific program was launched to research robotic replacements for body parts, the program did okay on it's own but what they really needed was someone or something to test and implement their ideas on and so Meliha became involved. She had been involved in a bad accident and had lost her legs and lower right arm because they couldn't be saved. She had also lost sight in her right eye because it had been damaged in the accident. She had volunteered for the program in hopes that she would be able to return to a relatively normal life and not be stuck in a wheelchair. Now that the scientists had someone to test on they began preparing ideas to use. A year passed and Meliha could now walk and participate in daily activities without help from anyone thanks to her new limbs however as time went by she could tell that attention was slipping from helping people with missing limbs to creating a bionic human or cyborg but there was nothing she could do to stop them or get out of the program so she was forced to undergo all of their operations and tests until the day came that would give her a chance to escape. She had heard that a research program that was based near by was shutting down and that all their research was being destroyed including a certain android. She thought it was wrong to take a life even if that life had been artificially created. She decided then and there that she would escape from her lab and would take the android with her. However she is slowly forgetting all this.
Looks: she gave herself some upgrades so her roboic limbs actually look realistic and not robotic, she no longer has to wear the exoskeleton to hold them together. She straightened her long, curly, fiery red coloured hair. Her left eye is a soft light brown colour while her right is a more yellow-brown and it glows slightly in dim light.
Powers: she is much like Ryker but she specialises more on her physical traits like strength and speed.
Crush: no one
BF/GF: nope
Other: she calls Ryker brother

Name: Murphy
Age: 19 almost 20
Gender: male
Species: he is a water serpent
Looks: Human: Image
Serpent: Image
Personality: he is kind and caring. He loves to joke around and play as he is very energetic but he can be serious when needed.

Name: Morgan
Age: 18 almost 19
Gender: female
Species: she is a Kelpie
Looks: Human: Image
Kelpie: Image
Personality: despite what people think about Kelpies Morgan is actually really kind to others and would never hurt anyone. She loves hanging around others and being social but she does like time to herself too.

Name: Merikh
Age: 18
Gender: male
Species: he is a Grim dog
Looks: Human: Image
Grim: Image
Personality: he is very solitary and prefers to be alone but this is not by choice. If he had his way he would surround himself with other people but he is afraid that someone will see his Grim form because the Grim is the omen of death he believes that if someone sees it then they will surely die and it wouldn't be the first time it's happened. So because of his belief he cuts himself off from other people and refuses to get close to anyone.

Name: Keane Zephyr
Age: he looks 20 but is actually older because he's immortal.
Gender: male
Species: wind spirit x snow spirit
Position at the school: PE teacher
Personality: he is kind and cares for his students, he is someone who they can go to if they are troubled, he will listen and help if he can. When he is teaching a class he gets pretty serious, some see him as strict because he won't take bad behavior or slacking off and won't hesitate to give out punishment.
History: no one knows much about him or what he did before he started teaching but it was rumored that he used to be a famous sport player but what he played and when is unknown.
Looks: Human: Image
Spirit: in his spirit form his skin pales, his hair grows slightly longer and his wings will appear on his back, they look like normal feathered wings but if you look closer you will see that the 'feathers' are actually made up of tiny snowflakes. His eyes become snake like and his claws grow out.
Powers: he has mixed powers between a wind and snow spirit, he can fly and can control the wind as well as being able to control snow and ice. He is also naturally fast and agile because of his wind spirit side.
Crush: no one yet
BF/GF: no one yet
Other: -

Name: Keaira
Age: Unknown
Gender: female
Species: demon I guess or whatever you would call the devil's daughter.
Personality: she is the Devil's daughter and she is as cold as ice. If you for some reason find yourself alone with her then you had better pray to the almighty lord because she won't hesitate to take advantage of the situation. She is selfish, callous, sinister, and knows that she hurts people but doesn't care. However in saying all this, this is only what she shows people.
History: she is the devil's daughter but she never really saw much of her father though she never really saw much of her mother either and when she did the encounters weren't very pleasant. She was raised in hell (literally) but left as soon as she was old enough to and she never wants to go back.
Looks: Image
Powers: she has many powers most of which she either doesn't know about or can't use very well. The main powers she uses are her fire and shadow manipulation powers as well as her mind manipulation powers. She does have the ability to shorten a persons life span and add those years onto her life span but that power is extremely unstable and she avoids using it at all costs because it could back fire and kill her.
Crush: Kait
BF/GF: Kait
Other: under no circumstance should you make a deal with her, it will only end badly for you.

Name: Misaki
Age: She doesn't know her birthdate so she is not sure of how old she is.
Gender: female
Species: fresh water mermaid but she just says she's a water spirit because of the bad reputation ocean mermaids have given the species.
Job at the school: vice principal
Personality: she has a gentle aura and wouldn't hurt a fly (unless it's causing trouble). She is nice, kind and caring. People naturally listen to her which helps when dealing with problem students (and a certain principal). She is compassionate, helpful, considerate, sympathetic and generous.
History: she doesn't talk about it.
Looks: monster: Image or for better image go here -> x
Human: her human form looks the same as her mermaid form except without her tail and fins. She tends to wear light dresses of the same colours as her tail.
Powers: she can breathe under water (obviously), she can summon and control water in all its forms at will, she can also use charm speak where she charms people into doing what she wants with only her voice (she rarely uses this power though).
Crush: Shard
BF/GF: Shard
Other: she doesn't eat fish and rarely eats any other meat so her diet is mainly fruits and vegetables.

Name: Hisashi Kurosawa and Death
Age: as old as time itself because Death is immortal though Hisashi did die recently.
Gender: both male
Species: they have been called different things depending on cultures and beliefs of the people in the world. Guardian of the gates, Angel of death, Grim reaper, Reaper of souls, The hooded one are some of the things they've been called but that doesn't change the fact that they together are the God of death.
Personality: a lot of people think that Death is a grim, uncaring being that will ruthlessly kill people but that's not entirely correct. Hisashi might seem cold at first but he genuinely cares for each soul he collects and takes to the soul haven. Death also recently gained a heart and you can even see it glowing in his chest on occasion.
History: Death was born at the beginning of time but never had a purpose till the first living creature was born, it then became his job to oversee the deaths of the living creatures and help them into the after life. Unlike what many people believe he does not take lives, he lets fate do its thing with the lives of the creatures on earth and collects the souls when their lives have ended.
Looks: God form: (rarely used by Death as he prefers his smaller skeletal form) Image
Death's smaller form: Image
Death: Image
Powers: they have the power of flight because of their wings, teleportation, invisibility, sensing ability (they can sense all living or undead creatures around them), soul ripping (they can rip someone's soul from their body but they only does this if the body has already died), telekinesis, they also have the ability to see the lifespan of people.
Crush: Sheikatsu and Nature
BF/GF: same as above.
Other: not that I can think of at the moment.

Name: Aika
Age: 18 almost 19
Gender: female
Species: fairy
Personality: she is usually quite kind and caring (especially to animals) but that is only to her friends and it is hard to gain her trust. She can often be very stand offish to strangers and people she dislikes/distrusts.
History: she lived quite a happy life that is until her parents were killed by humans when she was 10. That incident and many that followed have lead her to hate humans and believe that monsters and humans cannot live together no matter what. She hates the idea of a school teaching monsters how to live with humans and joined the anti-schoolers.
Looks: Image
Powers: she has the ability to charm and cast spells through song, whether she uses her voice or by using an instrument. She can also fly (obviously) since she has wings and she has the ability to teleport great distances and even between dimensions though it does take up a lot of her energy.
Crush: not yet
BF/GF: not yet
Other: not at the moment
Last edited by Snapel on Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:49 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: school of monsters v3 (NOT READY YET)

Postby Shardaken Demonis » Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:33 pm

Guess ill start working on mine man i hate making forms theyre so tedious

Name: blank
Age 18
Gender male
Species human
61bdbed8e87e4b6dcc3807bc04295d3f~2.jpg (63.78 KiB) Viewed 181 times

Personality : stuck up
Family: he treats maya as his little sister

Name maya
Age: nobody knows
Gender: female
Species: unknown
181510793000202.jpg (154.21 KiB) Viewed 181 times

Personality: childish
Extra: goddes of gravity

Name mizore shirayuki
Age 17
Gender female
Species: icewoman
Appearance( will ad later)
Powers: ice and ninja skills since she is a A+ class stalker
Family: her brother, her mother , is married to aries
All hail shard god of muffins

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Re: school of monsters v3 (NOT READY YET)

Postby PAK404 » Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:51 pm

((I forgot Space and Life Im such a jerk..oh well thats nothing new XD))

file.jpeg (50.99 KiB) Viewed 178 times

Name: Sheikatsu Ai

Age: immortal

Gender: takes the form of a female, she always has

Species: goddess ((base species angel))

Crush: Hisashi

Boyfriend: Hisashi

Goddess form:
file-1.jpeg (259.38 KiB) Viewed 178 times

Other: she has an adoptive daughter name Masumi ((see forms above))
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Re: school of monsters v3 (NOT READY YET)

Postby Shardaken Demonis » Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:55 pm

That's not sheikatsu that's name from one piece
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Re: school of monsters v3 (NOT READY YET)

Postby PAK404 » Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:03 pm

Shhhhh *puts cake with 20 bucks on it in front of you* dont tell anybody
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Re: school of monsters v3 (NOT READY YET)

Postby Shardaken Demonis » Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:08 pm

All hail shard god of muffins

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Re: school of monsters v3 (NOT READY YET)

Postby PAK404 » Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:19 pm

2101049-bigthumbnail.jpg (186.16 KiB) Viewed 168 times

Name: Shizen Ai (AKA Nature)

Age: same age as Sheikatsu

Gender: female

Species: goddess ((base species elf))

Crush: Death

Boyfriend: Death
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Re: school of monsters v3 (NOT READY YET)

Postby PAK404 » Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:04 pm

Sorry for giant size..
5wCOCH3cMWyXFxpucu7uXdJgqPCDbjG2bF-pTPx_hQs.jpg (157.08 KiB) Viewed 160 times

Name: Evil Red Akinna

Age: 16, immortal

Gender: female

Species: goddess, base species demon were-witch

Crush: Xiard

Boyfriend: Xiard

Other: Jazmiine and Akinna are her triplet sisters, and she is currently pregnant with Xiard's baby
41064910-1.jpg (35.91 KiB) Viewed 160 times

Name: Jazmiine Sennen

Age: 16

Gender: female

Species: goddess, base species: werewolf

Crush: Echo

Boyfriend: Echo
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Re: school of monsters v3 (NOT READY YET)

Postby Shardaken Demonis » Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:29 pm

Name echo:
Gender male
Appearance(will add later)
Species; God (base is ghost)
Extra:his spear has many different forms and is named chastifokd
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Re: school of monsters v3 (NOT READY YET)

Postby Snapel » Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:00 am

Slowly slowly all the charries appear.
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