Zodiac Island {open & accepting}

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Zodiac Island {open & accepting}

Postby Abducted_by_Bees » Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:20 pm


13 college students find themselves trapped on a mysterious island with suspiciously everything needed to survive and thrive here. They cant remember how they've arrived or where they were going. It's a seemingly normal island. 13 huts reside in the middle of the island, each with their own themes. 13 huts for 13 college students, as if someone knew they were coming. For what reason? It wouldn't be until night befell them when the truth would come out. They would become the guinea pigs of the Scientific community at XX University. Within each themed Cabin came a packet containing the experiment details and the clues to get off this island, as well as a set of rules that cannot be broken. What will they do now? Who can they trust? Will they work together to free themselves? or is there a betrayal amongst them?
Last edited by Abducted_by_Bees on Mon Jun 05, 2023 3:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Abducted_by_Bees » Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:21 pm


Image Please use a header when posting in the rp. for example : Xavier Thomas / age / zodiac sign / location / interacting with ____
Image Try to include everyone in the rp, even though there is an odd number of players. its no fun being left out.
Image no more than two characters per player and if possible try and keep genders even.
Image reservations last 24 hours
Image drama is encouraged and alliances are allowed but please keep it in the rp and not in RL.
Image try not to jump the gun on who you think the culprit is before reaching the climax of the rp.
Image please post a minimum of 5 sentences unless you are having writer's block. it helps others respond to your post.
Image I have no issues with players with handicaps, however for this role play i would like to request you don't make a character in a wheel chair or blind.
Image if you would like to be the culprit, please pm me, if you would like to be indefinitely excluded from such please also pm me so i won't put your name in.
Image please post a relations page under on a separate post under your character.
Image if you have an idea for the rp, i am all ears. please pm me.
Image you can use your own form or mine, it does not matter to me but please post it on the discussion form
Image have fun!
Last edited by Abducted_by_Bees on Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Abducted_by_Bees » Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:21 pm


Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ Username

🐀 Best Characteristic: Resourcefulness: The Rat is a survivor. How else did they manage to win the race in the original Chinese Zodiac legend, despite being one of the smallest of the animals. Size is no indication of strength, and as a Rat, you epitomize this. Whenever there is a crisis, you know what to do. Whenever it seems all hope is lost, you are the one to pull yourself and others through. It is one of the greatest gifts, Rat.
Worst Characteristic: Calculating. Being calculating comes with being shrewd, and yours is a shrewd mind. However, this quality can make you ruthless, willing to trample over anyone and anything to get what you want.

Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ Consulting_Angel

🐂 Best Characteristic: Persistence:Few rival you when it comes to staying the course. If you have a goal in mind, you will reach that goal, no matter what. You are reliable, and others know they can count on you to get the job done.
Worst Characteristic: Stubbornness :Once you are fixed on something, it is challenging to change your mind, even if rational and plausible explanations are provided. This is persistence in its worst form – therefore, learning the art of flexibility is highly beneficial.

Rex Volkov ❖ 28 years ❖ Male ❖ King roscoe

🐅 Best Characteristic: Courageous you are the one who charges in fearlessly when there are dragons to slay and monsters to overcome. few can compete with your courage and bravery. It is one of your finest attributes, and others feel protected when you are around. You see yourself as a warrior, and you are not afraid to stand for what you believe in.
Worst Characteristic: Reckless. Recklessness is one quality that can lead to all your hard work going up in a puff of smoke. You may be willing to leap into all sorts of dark and dangerous places, but one wrong move in a fit of anger or ego, and that’s it, game over.

Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ Username

🐇 Best Characteristic: Intuitive. Your gut feeling has never led you astray and has saved you from countless situations that could have otherwise harmed you greatly. you are the most intuitive sign of the zodiac, and when harnessed properly, this quality enables you to go further than others because you can see more.
Worst Characteristic: Conflict-Avoidant. More than anyone else, you have a special sort of aversion to conflict. You come off as timid and easily walked upon for going out of your way to avoid anything less than peace.

Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ Consulting_Angel

🐉 Best Characteristic: Charismatic. {komodo dragon} Others respect you for your fire and tenacity. You have the ability to overcome any challenges that spring your way, and you quickly earn the respect of others for your strength and determination.
Worst Characteristic: Egotistical. You can become fierce and short-tempered if you don’t get your own way.

Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ md,

🐍 Best Characteristic: Wisdom. others often think you are wise beyond your years. You seem to know stuff that others cannot comprehend. This quality gets you far in life, and others seek your advice because they recognize the innate wisdom that lies within you.
Worst Characteristic: Vengeance. You are known for wanting revenge. In fact, you can wait years if necessary to exact it upon another when you feel you or your loved ones have been wronged.

Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ [url]strawb[/url]

🐎 Best Characteristic: Independence. All Third Trine members are independent to some degree, but yours is a free and unbridled spirit.You go where your heart leads you, and damn the consequences! This type of quality is revered and endeared by others. Because you value your freedom above all else, you also value your creative spirit, leading you to phenomenal places.
Worst Characteristic: Selfishness. In its worst form, your independence can manifest as selfishness. If you want something, that’s all that matters, never mind who gets hurt along the way! This can lead to great hurt and anger for those around you, and while you may not set out to intentionally hurt anyone, the damage caused can be tragic.

Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ b.arbie

🐐 Best Characteristic: Compassionate. As a sensitive member of the Fourth Trine, you are a truly compassionate soul. Nothing you would not do to help a friend in need – or anyone really – and your kind, compassionate nature brings much comfort and joy to this world. Your big heart is truly one of your greatest attributes.
Worst Characteristic: Co-Dependent. One of your negative attributes is a loss of independence. You can become too dependent on others or a partner, relinquishing all control and responsibility. This leads to an unwillingness to take responsibility for your actions.

Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ Username

🐒 Best Characteristic: Charming. You have a way of charming others in such a way that people don’t know what hit them. You can talk the talk and walk the walk. You make others laugh, and they feel at ease in your company – one of the things you excel at is easing tension. Your oodles of charm take you far in life.
Worst Characteristic: Arrogance. this charm can manifest in its most negative state, which is arrogance. You start to think you are better than others and become incredulous when other people don’t know as much as you do.

Evander Kang ❖ 23 years ❖ Male ❖ King roscoe

🐓 Best Characteristic: Outspoken. one thing you will never do, is let others tell you what to think or say. In fact, you will speak your mind if it is the last thing you do. You are famous for it, in fact. This is a quality that others admire in you. You are brave and ready to stand for what you believe in. If you think something is wrong, then you will speak out, no matter who is watching or listening.
Worst Characteristic: Egocentric. In your most negative state, you become egocentric and intolerant. Your shining outspokenness becomes rude and insensitive, and you can wound others deeply with your words.

Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ Username

🐕 Best Characteristic: Loyal. Just like your furry counterpart, you are deeply loyal and will never betray those you love.
It is your fines quality. Yours is a friendship that many wish they had, as you can be counted on, no matter what. Faithful until the end, you will go through hell and high water to be there for someone.
Worst characteristic: Pessimistic. it can be easy for you to fall into negative thinking, resulting in further anxiety, paranoia, and suspicion. This is something that can drive others around the bend, but it hurts you a great deal.

Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ Username

🐖 Best Characteristic: Genuine. One of the most wonderful things about you, is you are such a genuine soul. Your inner child shines brightly, and you are open and honest. You tend to accept others for who they are, no matter what they have done or their background. This makes you one of the most tolerant of all.
Worst characteristic: Indecisive. You can be very indecisive, refusing to make a decision and letting others lead the way. This can be detrimental, as it means you do not take responsibility in areas you should.

Name ❖ Age ❖ Gender ❖ md,

🐈‍⬛ Best Characteristic : Clever. Your intellect is often unmatched and your wit about you comes in handy more often than one would think. You have a way about you that is able to get yourself out of sticky situations.
Worst Characteristic : Lazy. Why do all the hard work when you can trick someone else into doing it for you? You live by the philosophy; work smarter not harder. And you often pass the tasks off on others, making you a tad unlikable.
Last edited by Abducted_by_Bees on Fri Jun 09, 2023 1:58 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Postby Abducted_by_Bees » Tue Jun 06, 2023 1:29 am

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Re: Zodiac Island {open & accepting}

Postby Abducted_by_Bees » Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:59 pm

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Re: Zodiac Island {open & accepting}

Postby Abducted_by_Bees » Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:47 am

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