||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!}

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby ~Wolf Chick~ » Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:14 am

Jasper - Hunter - Servatis
The young male had returned pack to Servatis camp and he had dropped his prey on what everyone knew as the kill-pile. He gazed at the pile, even with his addition of a small hare, there still wasn't nearly enough to feed the entire pack. He sighed softly to himself and made his way over to a medium-sized oak tree and sat down underneath it, twitching his tail occasionally as he waited for any further orders from the Alpha.

Jasper flickered his ears as he noticed the Servatis Beta, Sterling wander across the camp and over to Sari. His eyes remained on Sari, she was certainly no gray wolf but what she was puzzled the young male. He had never actually spent any time with the smaller female and had no idea what she really was. All he knew was that she was a female and she was some sort of canine. He watched her muscles move under her short, sandy coloured fur and he tilted his head to the side. His golden eyes immediately darted from the female and on to the Beta after hearing his name mentioned. He watched, intrigued, wondering why Sterling had said his name and he remembered the kill-pile. After all, he was a hunter, maybe the Beta Male wanted to send out a hunting party.

After watching the two wolves for a few minutes, he got up on to his paws as he saw Sari approach him and call out. The grey-pelted male nodded his head and took a few steps towards the much smaller female. "Sure thing, Sari!" Jasper replied with a playful bark. He hadn't been out on a group hunt for a while and it should be fun. "So where are we headed?" He added as he reached Sari's side, wondering if she had any ideas on where the hunt should be taken place.

Sookie - Betess - Celia
The golden-coated female lowered herself so she was laying across the tree stump, only just fitting with her front paws hanging lightly over the edge. She rested her head on her paws and let out a content sigh as she continued to watch the pack infront of her. She immediately lifted her furry head when she saw another female, a pure white pelted one, come towards her and nod her head in greeting. Sookie returned the nod and watched the scout infront of her."Good morning Isarya." Sookie replied with a flicker of her tail. After the female scout had retreated backwards, Sookie's eyes shifted over to the food pile, almost empty apart from a few small rodents. She sighed softly, wondering if she should ask the Alpha if she should set up a hunting party.

With that thought, she noticed the black coat of the Celia Alpha slowly come towards her and she quickly stepped down from the tree stump and lowered her head in respect. She slowly lifted her head back up and twitched her ears, listening carefully to every word he had to say. Once Kenai had finished, Sookie tilted her head to the side and thought for a moment or two. Had she seen anything out of the ordinary? Just as she was about to respond, she too heard the nearby howl of a lone wolf. She watched as the Alpha Male took off in direction of the call, noticing his muscles ripple under his thick black fur. Kenai was a good Alpha, surely the best Alpha she had known. There wasn't nothing that male wouldn't do for his pack and she admired him dearly for that and he deserved great respect.

After watching the Alpha disappear in to the trees and after hearing a snarl that was most definitely Kenai's, Sookie took off after him. She was the Betess and was second in charge of this pack, if there was a Loner on Celia territory, she was the next wolf who should deal with it. She raced through the bushes, stopping quickly as she noticed Kenai's thick black fur puffed out infront of a smaller female with a brownish pelt. She took a few steps forwards so she was at Kenai's side but a few steps behind. The female noticed the scout she had just spoke with, Isarya there also and nodded her head to her fellow pack mates. She released a short sharp bark from deep within her throat and glared at the lone female. "I would listen to him if I were you." Sookie threatened with a second bark, ready to stand up and help her Alpha if it was deeply necessary.
~ w o l f c h i c k ~

a dog can not make this journey alone,
but maybe a wolf can.

aw, come on, kid. start building some memories.

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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby Popcorns » Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:53 pm

(Gah i'm so sorry for not replying sooner! my muse had just dropped for this roleplay. I just had to grab something up for Wysteria's post.)

Kenia ;; Alpha ;; Celia

The alpha snapped his teeth in the female's direction as she started to talk to herself. Clearly the signs of being alone from contact for so long. This she-wolf was pushing Kenai to his breaking point. His non sensible side yelled at him to attack this wolf untill she fell to the ground and crawled her way out of his territroy. His sensible side though told to wait. The male's breath came out in jagged parts from frustration. His lips stayed curled up as his tailed curled up higher. He could feel Isarya bristle beside him. Good. He wanted his pack to not cower at the sight of loners and instead efend their territory. Kenai's stance enlarged as he felt another dominate wolf join him- no doubt Sookie. He didn't break his stare with the female loner though, that would show a sign of weakness and make her feel like she had won the dominace fight.

Kenai's face turned to the side a bit as she approached. His mouth unclenched as he opened his jaws and let out a throaty growl. His right golden orange eye narrowed with hate as she changed her stance and took one of a challanger for Alpha. That was the last straw. He knew she wanted to get a rise out of him, and it worked, "You better run." He said in a low tone. That's exactly why he brought along the female Scout. Her body was made more for running which is what he guessed this meeting would turn out to. The alpha's head loward as he looked up at the loner before letting a final snarl rip fgrom his throat as he sprang at her. The male didn't land on her, only beside her. His claws dug into the ground as he propelled himself after her brown tail vainshing through the trees. Once he had her, oh how he would show her that she should have taken his warning.

Wysteria ;; Hunter ;; Servatis

Wysteria turned her head to the side as she heard Sterling's demanding bark. She moved over to gather by the kill pile. Her gaze locked onto the Beta as she waited for orders. The huntress stood beside Sari, her fellow hunter and friend. Wysteria listened to Sterling with one ear while one ear stayed pointed to Sari as she was in charge of hutning trips. The female was listening to the Beta and her superior hunter incase she missed something either said. She sat down and wrapped her tail around her front paws as she waited for Sterling to stop talking.

When the Lead Socut Meretrix chose Linnai to come with him and Rizaun, Wysteria felt a bit relieved. She didn't want an Omega to tag along on the hunting trip. Thank goodness though that Linnai was gone. Her tail unwrapped from her paws as it started to quietly thump against the ground. It has been ages since she hunted something good. It would be a challeneg though to bring something big down with just three hunters. Wait. The female's eyes trailed over to where Sari was now paused after flicking her tail. Why weren't they leaving? Wysteria tried to think back on what Sterling had said, trying to remember anything that would stop Sari from running off. Then it came to her. Oh yeah. A soft whine came from her maw as she remembered that there were two Omegas in the pack. Just great. Since Linnai was going with Meretrix, that ment the other Omega Ambu was coming with them. It wasn't that the huntress diskide the Omegas, it's just that she liked hunting with offical hunters. Yeah sure the Omegas did hunt with them once in awhile when needed, but they didn't have a hunting rank yet. Their place was still being decided. her eyes flashed up to Sterling as she loward her head and little as she watched him, begging him with her eyes to jsut let them go. Hell, he could come along. Infact, that would be fun. Wysteria didn't speak out though, she just sat there and watched Sterling as she waited for Ambu to join them and Sari to lead them off.

Clayton ;; Loner ;; Servatis territroy
Clayton's paws bounced off of the soft forest ground as he saw the trees thinning. Great, another open area. He didn't want to be caught by this wolf. That would mean trouble. He didn't know if she was following him or had even noticed his presence. The loner was sure though that she could smell thanks to the wind. His pace slowed though as he put distance between where he last saw the she-wolf and himself. Clayton felt that he would be fine, no need to run off like a scared pup.

Pretty soon, Clay was just walking through one of the vast meadows that were all over Servatis territroy. His nose to the ground, he payed attention to the sceant markers more then he normaly did. The only reason because of this was that he was searching for somewhere that he could rest for the night. He didn't want to cross the river again and go back into the Celia area. He would probably stay here in Servatis for a couple days then switch.His shoulders dropped as his tail slowly wagged behind him as he felt relaxed. The scent markers weren't really strong in the east part of the territory. Perhaps about a day since they been right in this spot. So he would be okay untill they would return in the morning. Raising his head from the ground, his jaws opened as he inhaled the air around him just out of habbit.

Clayton's body went still for moment as the wind told him of his follower. His hackles raised as he started to run to his right. Oh how stupid he was to forget about the she-wolf! She did smell him no doubt! Why would he think she wouldn't follow his trail! Clay growl softly to himself as he headed back towards a clump of forest that he had passed. Surprisingly he had relaxed a bit out in the open enough to not dart across meadows and into the shadows. Now he wished he had.
A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf

•roleplay one

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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby Harpy• » Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:07 pm

The Shaman picked up her speed as the pungentness of the male's scent grew stronger; anger fueled the energy in her muscles, contracting them and then releasing them faster with each breath. Her paws flashed almost silently over the underbrush, turning over leaves and brushing twigs aside with no more force than a breeze blowing against the forest.

She could feel how close the male was, how close /she/ was to exacting revenge on such an insolent wolf. But in her rush to catch up with the beast, her own logic failed her. How was she, a wolf so much less fit for fighting than he, be able to beat him into submission? It wouldn't be possible. She was blundering into something without any preparation, and the results could end up in her death. At the very least, a serious injury. When the thought finally dawned on her, she snorted harshly, almost a sharp growl, shoving them aside. It was too late now, she was already much too into the chase.

She burst into the meadow from directly across where he exited, and her steady gaze caught a glimpse of the tip of his tail disappearing into the brush. With a partly-triumphant snarl, she launched herself forward again, lithe muscles pulling taut, pumping with a renewed and revigored strength. She could almost taste his scent on her tongue, could hear his breathing. She was so close...
𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐, 𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜 :)
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby Cazio » Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:15 am

ooc// I want to reply, but I really need whoever plays Ambu to reply first. >.<

    "(The things that I've loved the things that I've lost
    The things I've held sacred that I've dropped
    I won't lie no more you can bet
    I don't want to learn what I'll need to forget

    I like throwing my voice and breaking guitars
    Cause it doesn't remind me of anything
    I like playing in the sand what's mine is ours
    If it doesn't remind me of anything

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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby AgroShadow » Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:01 am

Ambu; Omega; Servatis;

The small male made his way back to the camp, his meal dangling back and forth with every step he took from his jaws. He made sure to take his time, taking care to step over logs and sticks, not really wanting to draw attention to himself. Ambu drew himself into the pack's camp through weaving through the trees soundlessly. He stopped for a short second, drawing in the gathering of some of the wolves. It took him a few minutes to take a moment and realize this must be for gathering food through hunting.

He made sure to make his way over to the mingly small kill pile that had nothing to it. Ambu flicked his ears back slightly as he dropped his rabbit into the pile. His tail flicking slightly when he picked up the almost hallow thunk it left when it hit the pile. He proceeded to lift his head and glance back at the wolves. His eyes landed on the lead hunter, Sari, then toward the Beta, Sterling. They must be waiting for someone... It didn't occur to him that he would be wanted at all, seeing as he was an omega he was hardley ever needed him unless it was for something important.

Tanvi; Loner; Roaming around Servatis Territory

Tanvi had heard the loner howl, her scoff able to be seen on her muzzle. "You have got to be kidding me..." She mumbled under her breath at the loner's stupidity. Even she knew not to bring on a pack of wovles, seeing as you would have no chance. She rolled her eyes and turned away from the current territory she was in. It was no use to her getting involved in something that could possibly end her life. She padded swiftly, making sure to pass the scent boarders of the Celia territory. The last thing she needed was pack wolves on her tail.

Giving her carmel colored body a small shake, which almost looked like a shiver, she pulled her body in a slow but steady lope. She lifted her nose slightly as another scent crossed it with the slight breeze that happened to blow past. Another pack...? Her ears perked forward, listening for anything that might be near. Satisfied that there was nothing at the moment but the wind, she cautiously padded forward to the scent to get a good wiff of it. Her ears folded back slightly as she wondered if this pack was at all like the last one. With a flick of her tail she decided not to try and find out.

OOC: Sorry for not posting lately, college prep is consuming my life the past few weeks x3
Nuna on Chatlands

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby KiwiKoala » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:11 pm

((I'd post, but no one's responded yet. :/))
Trading 1000+ Old Rares!

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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby Chirai » Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:43 pm


Name: Kair (kah-ir)
Nickname: (optional)
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Description: Kair is a sleek, white she wolf with amber eyes and a long scar across her back. She tens to look downward when embarrased.
History: As a pup, her parents were quite brutal. They always had their three cubs hunt and care for them even though they were fit to do that themselves. Once she was old enough, as the eldest of the litter, she decided to rebel against her parents. While her parents were asleep, she ordered her two litter-mates to swiftly kill her mother. Meanwhile, she went and fought with her father, who heard her paw steps and awoke. The battle was gruesome but Kair succeeded in killing her father with her siblings aid. But before he lay defeated, he sliced a deep gash in her back. Her and her siblings split up to join a separate pack.
Personality: Kair is a shy wolf that is sometimes calles odd and strange by her odd actions and her history, but she is well respected for her battle strategics. She is quick to learn but she tries things out when she is alone. She can be very shy at times but when it is time to take control, she does not hesitate, especially if the Alpha gives an order. She is very loyal and obeys orders right when they are given out. She helps others when they need help but worries that she will make a mistake or slip up and ruin her "student" or even her position.
Strengths- Running long distances at an even tempo, obeying orders, and developing strategies.
Weaknesses- speaking up when she is not defending someone or something and hunting small animals.
Likes- howling at the moon, swimming, fighting and developing plans.
Dislikes- challenges (from other wolves, like a fight), and decisions
Fears- Her parents, being alone, and her siblings.
Rank:lead warrior
Crush/Mate: none currently.
Other: Her scar is running sideways.
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