||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!}

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{6 spots left!

Postby Popcorns » Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:07 am

YAAAYY! So now that we have atleast ten members, we can start you guys. I'll post later. So if anyone want sto make the opening post, feel free. Some ideas if you don't want to just post with your charactor waking up. We could have the two packs just coming back from a dispute over the border. Or maybe your charactor is socializing with one fo their pack members. I don't think anyone will mind if you mention that your charactor was talking with them.
A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf

•roleplay one

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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{6 spots left!

Postby Smamm » Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:09 pm

Sterling ;; Beta ;; Servatis

Moist air hung above the Beta's head menacingly, like a higher force just waiting for its chance to strike; to take Sterling’s life without mercy. He had been walking for quite some time now, through this darkened, shadowy forest, quite unsure of where he was. He kept on hearing whispers, and twigs snapping that would cause him to look back in curiosity, only to find nothing but foggy air where he had once walked through. Fear had wrapped around Sterling’s stomach like a python, giving him a queasy feeling and urge to flee. He didn't though; Sterling held his composure and continued on, not giving any hint of his fear, his head held high. His paw steps echoed in his ears and throughout the forest, giving his position away to anyone, or anything, lurking. He wasn't quite sure, but he wanted to. He was looking for a fight, but he didn't know why. Anger and range has swelling thought him, almost visible in the air as his posture crackled signs of hostility. Sterling was dumbfounded by his anger. It wasn't in his nature, being a fairly calm and suddle wolf, but there was no changing it. Something was surely ticking him off, and he wanted it; wanted it clasped firmly between his jaws. Blinded by his inner rampage, Sterling almost didn't look up in time to notice the wolf standing off to the side. He was tall, and muscular; larger than Sterling but with a similar coat. Sterling stopped in mid step, analyzing this wolf before stopping and sharing. His anger ebbed to surprise and, and... something like joy. There was no mistaking this wolf, it was his father; but as soon as the joy and surprise had come, it left, fleeing into the open air, replaced by sorrow and disappointment. If this was his father, this meant Sterling was only in another one of his little, meaningless dreams. Sterling didn't regularly see his father, so maybe this was something important; and on that thought the joy returned to his features. Sterling and his father just stared, and soon Sterling began to feel slightly awkward. He sat cautiously, not taking his eyes off the gray wolf that sat only a few feet away. Still, they just stared until Sterling thought ages had passed by. Sterling opened his mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come. "Sterling?" he heard his father call, but it was not his father. It had come from his father as he opened his mouth and barked the question, but it had sounded different from how he recalled Titan sounding before, but he couldn't pinpoint who's voice it exactly was...

As soon as the Beta had been in the dream, it was suddenly torn away from him and sleep left him and he awoke to the early morning dimness that was his den. It was a stony cave-like structure that roots from the tree's that sat above the ceiling of his cave came down and twined in a sort of barrier that only a small hole allowed in sunlight. The small whole was the passageway between Servatis Pack Camp and Sterling's dim, lonely den. That small whole was where the voice had come, and what had woken him. Now awake he placed the name of the voice as someone from his pack; as it was familiar, but again the specific name of the wolf escaped him. Sterling yawned after shaking his head to try and wake himself further. The brute licked his lips, now realizing the hunger that gnawed at his stomach. His dark, chocolaty eyes glanced around from structure to structure in his den; or what he could see due to the little light available. The dream had bothered Sterling; not so much at what had happened in it, but more that it hadn't finished. He was sure his father had something very heavy to inform him of, but then had been expelled from Sterling’s mind as he woke. Sterling shrugged the thought from his brain with a flick of his tail, and sat up; shaking his fur to rid his silvery coat of any dirt or moss that may have clung there; planning on escaping the dull cave they were confined to. Not on Sterling's watch; they were staying right there. With another lengthy yawn, the male began to drag himself from his den, one heavy paw step after another.

Soon light swarmed into the beta's pupils, and he flinched in surprise and snapped his eyes shut in sudden shock. Taking a moment to gather himself, Sterling kept his eyes shut, allowing them to slowly adjust as he squinted his eyes open. Now wide awake, the silvery wolf looked around Servatis camp, watching the majority of the wolves bustling about. The sounds of chattering and light laughter filled his ears, and the sun warmed his pelt pleasantly. Things seemed to have been starting up around the camp; wolves were out and discussing, it seemed a few hunters were starting out on a hunt, and everything just seemed to be in order. Usually it was the beta's job to get such things up and running in the morning. Puzzled, Sterling lifted his white muzzle to the sky, and noticed it was nearly half day by the position of the sun. The male looked down and back around camp, trying to shake the feeling of guilt and failure to do his duty for his pack. He flicked his ears as his attention was focused on trying to discover whom had been calling for him, but unaware of who had he simply stood there, hoping he wasn't crazy and the wolf who needed him would soon show themselves.

Aletta ;; Lead Hunter ;; Celia

Aletta awoke to the dripping sound of the remaining puddles from last night storm; echoing noisily around the stony cave that she knew as none other than her den. Her ears twitched in annoyance while her eyes slowly blinked open, revealing the pitch black area she lay in. She blinked her eyes in attempt to adjust to the little light that surrounded her, which didn't take long once she lifted her head from her paws. She glanced around drowsily, making out the shapes of pebbles of rock scattering the edges of her den and the bumpy formation of the stone walls that separated her from the rest of the pack. It wasn't very spacious, just enough space for her to lie down and have three or four inches between her and each wall to her left, right, rear, and front. Some wolves may find it uncomfortable or inconvenient, but Aletta didn't really mind; she'd actually grown quite fond of it over the year or two she'd slept behind it strong and protective barrier. With a silent heave,the wolf was raised from the cool, hard ground to stand to her paws. She made sure to shake any debris of scraps of leaves or moss from her gray, black, and white speckled fur. She licked her lips out of habit as she exited the cave, not surprised to find it was rather early. The sun was not visible yet, only darkness gripped the forest like a hidden threat; the cold morning mist sending shivers up her spine. It was earlier than Aletta usually woke, but she was a fairly early riser. She licked her lips again as the damp, humid air whisked around her and made her fur feel almost sticky. The hunter's light golden eyes scanned over Celia Pack's Camp, searching for any signs of awakened or awakening wolves, but she found none. Her paws carried her to the camp entrance, just a gap between two rocks that revealed a forest full of mouthwatering prey. She sniffed the air, trying to pick up any scent that may lead her to a meal; but her results came up negative. So there was nothing close to camp, but that didn't mean there weren't critters rummaging around in the early morning. Her paws led her further into the never ending rows and rows of trees; small and big and all different shapes...

-Time Skip-

Sunlight now streamed through the tree's leaf filled branches and dappled the forest floor with small dots of light; the rest of the area a darker, more of a shadowed shade of color. The sun had increased the temperature drastically since the morning, drying up the moist earth so that no sign of the storm last night remained, and clearing the moist, foggy air up and away. Aletta stealthy padded through the forest, her paws silent despite the now dry leaves and twigs that lay in her path. She carefully picked her way past every obstacle as her ears adjusted to listen in a new direction with every step; her glowing hazel eyes glancing from one spot to another in search of a decent tribute to fill Celia's growling tummies. Behind her silent thoughts, the smell of rabbit ripped her senses toward the source, finding a snowy white rabbit nibbling at something underneath a nearby beech tree. Aletta found it odd that the rabbit already had its winter fur, but she agreed winter was not far off; simply unfortunate for the rabbit... The female instinctively crouched into a common hunter's stance; her hind legs bunched tight, crouching so low her fur gently touched the dusty ground. Step after step the skilled hunter came closer and closer to her prey, silent and undetectable as always. Then suddenly, her back paw bared weight down on a twig and a snap burst through the air, echoing past the miles of forest that lay ahead.

A snow white flash went dashing through the forest, dodging tree's and throwing up leaves in its haste to escape it's pursuer; Aletta. The female was fast and lean, so she was having no problem keeping up with the rabbit; it was the bushes that kept blocking her way and that were slowing her down. The rabbit was smart, ducking under small places to force the hunter to find another route. It never took long for her to find an alternative route, but those few seconds wasted here and there were adding up. This was it. Only bushes and impossible undergrowth that lay ahead. She had to make a move now, or it would be too late. The hunter leaped up with her hind leg muscles and instantly pounced through the air, coming down cleanly on the plump, juicy rabbit. Without hesitation the hunter snapped the poor creatures neck and it was over; she had made the kill. She sat there panting, trying to catch her breath while scanning over the forest, making sure not to let her guard down in case someone or something may be watching. It was only a few minutes until the panting started to die down, and it was nothing more than a gentle inhale and exhale. Aletta sighed in a newfound boredom before gripping the furry rodent in her jaws and padding back in the direction of Celia Pack Camp.

It was her job as a hunter to provide food for the pack along with herself, just like it was a warrior's job to fight and protect their pack and alpha. Aletta was a skilled hunter though, and easily brought in her share before she allowed herself to chow down on her morning and afternoon meals. She liked hunting as a group best, though, bringing down the larger prey like deer and the occasional moose, as she found it as more of a challenge to cooperate with the pack and use her strength along with all the other wolves to bring down the kill; however, this proved difficult as her fellow hunters often preferred to ignore her knowledge. Putting her thoughts aside, the lightly colored female noticed Celia Pack Camp not far off, just a few meters at the most. The hunter had caught a squirrel and small bird on her way back, but they weren't much compared to the fat rabbit that swung from side to side alongside them in her jaws. Her mouth was certainly preoccupied, but her ears were pricked up, alert, and angled themselves from time to time the faint voices of wolves talking in the distance; Celia wolves from the sound of it. She couldn't distinctively make out any of the voices she heard, but there was a light chatter from what she could tell. Now the rock entrance to camp was only a few steps ahead. Aletta briskly closed the distance and plundered into camp, setting her kills down in a small pile, known as the kill pile. Looking up she noticed a few of her pack mates, and called out polite greetings. "Good morning..." the female greeted the wolves with a polite dip of her head. The petite hunter padded past the wolves, not wanting to interject any further.
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||The Wolves of Twilit||

Postby KiwiKoala » Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:28 pm

Linnai * Omega * Servatis

A small figure sat huddled at the edge of the clearing. Her white fur mottled and patched with grey the shade of a rain cloud. The she-wolf's deep chestnut eyes flicked anxiously from pack-mate to pack-mate, watching them almost wistfully. She stared at them, entranced by their differing mannerisms and personalities... Waiting to be noticed by one of them. She would wait there as long as necessary until she was needed. Usually she had a hunting job, or would help with training. On an off day she would simply wait until dark to retire to her den. The she-wolf was used to sitting at this place for the most part of the day, gazing at the sun spots cast over her pelt by the tree canopy above. 'Might as well keep a positive attitude, Linnai, nobody likes a gloomy loner,' she often reasoned with herself when loneliness threatened. After all, she did not wish to stay an Omega forever. If an opportunity appeared, she would love to fill just about any higher position in the pack.

Then the female's thoughts were interrupted as she sensed a new presence, a change in the scene she had observed for most of the morning. Sterling, the pack's Beta had emerged. Her snowy tail thumped weakly and pulled closer to her body, head drooping so her eyes looked upwards, resembling a pup. Her actions were tactfully submissive, an effort to appeal her younger side to simultaneously attract and avoid attention. She knew somewhere in her mind that this must look in some way stupid, but her habits took to themselves almost automatically. Acknowledging that she must have stared for a bit too long, Linnai looked down quickly. "Maybe Sterling will need some help today," she murmured encouragingly to herself. Looking up again - a more confident gleam in her eye now - she watched the Beta once more, waiting eagerly for his first commands of the day.
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby Harpy• » Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:22 pm

The sleek-furred shewolf moved fluidly along the southern border of the Servatis territory; wanting to get a taste of the cold, crisp air before the rest of the pack became mobile. The sun had not quite risen above the slightly-frosted pine trees, leaving the sky a misty gray color, showing the slight whisps of her breath puffing from her nostrils with each steady pump of her muscles.

She knew the Scouts would be awake and checking the borders, so she made sure to avoid any contact by shying away from the exact borderline, remaining further into the territory than a patrolling scout would roam. Being her usual self, she wanted to stray from contact with the others for as long as possible, even though she trusted them more than any other wolf before in her life. Due to her past, that was a very rare thing. The avoidance of contact, for her, was simply a habit, a long-born instinct from harsh winters and tormenting summers. Not harsh and tormenting in the matters of the physical nature; but of the emotional, of the mental. Having a history with other wolves like she did only worsened her outlook on life, and nearly destroyed it; until a vision led her to Servatis. This is where she's been happy, or as happy as she could be, for the past half year of her life.

Most of the wolves of the pack view her more of a loner than a stranger wolf. She never interacts with them, or at least does so sparingly, at the least amount possible. None know her past save Sterling, the Alpha, and she wishes to keep it that way for as long as she has breath. In her eyes, none should know of her life, for none should have to know that such a thing could occur in the wolf species, that such hardship could befall an individual. And if any other did know her history, she knew that she would immediately be shunned and outcasted from the pack more than she was already, if not completely excommunicated. Only out of Sterling's good will and mercy was she permitted to stay with them, on the terms that she would never again repeat what she'd done to keep herself alive the previous year. She of course agreed without argument; she had hated that life to the core of her being, loathed doing what she did. She is still recovering from that life, slowly but surely, and is warming to the pack with each day; becoming slightly less distant and more involved. Though, she does know for a fact that she'll never be truly at home with wolves, with any wolf at all; it's just not part of her nature any longer.

She paused when she reached a small clearing in the middle of the forest of Servatis territory, moving to the center of it and sitting slowly, wrapping her tail around her forepaws. She closed her topaz eyes, lifting her slender muzzle closer to the sky, feeling the filtered beams of sunlight shine on her through the holes the trees made. She hadn't left the pack's actual camp for a few days; it felt nice to get out and leave the camp's borders for once. The sunlight and the breeze here felt different, somehow; more refreshing, crisper, newer...like no other wolf had felt it before. And perhaps they hadn't; that thought entertained her for a few moments, until she felt the slight drowsiness of being warm and still drift over her. She yawned, her ears falling back and her muzzle wrinkling, then shifted forward onto her paws, laying down on the ground and resting her head on her legs. The drowsiness took an even heavier hold on her, and she felt her eyelids drift closed, her muscles relaxing completely.
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby ~Wolf Chick~ » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:47 am

Jasper - Hunter - Servatis
The young wolf held his block-shaped head low as he made his way back to the Servatis Camp after a consultation at the borders between the two packs. He was moving at a reasonably slow pace, his amber eyes staring at the ground as he walked. The ground was made up of earth, dirt and moist, dead leaves that made a sharp crunch sound underneath each paw. There was something about that sound that made Jasper feel somewhat satisfied, it certainly made him feel better. Although it had rained a awful lot the previous night, the leaves were still crisp and brittle when a paw was to step on one. The male didn't have anything particular on his mind, just the constant nag of hunger in the back of his head. Jasper could feel his stomach twitch and moan every few steps, like a pup would paw and whimper at it's mother's underbelly for food. He tried his best to keep his mind focused on other things but he just couldn't help it.

The three and a half year old shook his head, trying to fight the thought of food but it was failing him miserably. Jas took a deep breath and sighed with frustration. At this rate he was going to have to go on a small hunting trip by himself. He glanced around, seeing a few pack members also making their way back to camp. He felt his stomach rumble a final time and he sighed a final time before heading away from the other wolves and in to the forest, away from camp. He wouldn't catch anything big on his own but anything was better than nothing. A single wolf could catch anything smaller than a young deer, so young that it's antlers hadn't even began to grow through yet.

Jasper immediately pushed his nose against the ground, sniffing vigorously and tredding carefully, light enough that his paws didn't make much noise as he stepped amongst the leaves. His ears twitched constantly and his eyes darted at every sign of movement. It didn't take the male long to pick up the scent of what he detected to be a fully-grown hare. Jasper's pace slowed right down after this as he continued to stalk his prey. He followed the trail for a few minutes before his target finally came in to sight. He narrowed his amber eyes and licked his dry lips and crouched down low, his belly just brushing softly against the ground. Jasper crawled until he must have been only a tail's length away from the hare. He took a deep breath before raising his hackles and launching himself out of the bushes and full speed ahead, aiming directly for his unsuspecting prey. The poor hare didn't see the predator coming and it froze, allowing Jasper to quickly clasp his jaw down around it's neck, killing the rodent almost instantly. He dropped it to the ground and panted softly, proud with his catch.

The male picked up his catch and quickly began to make his way back to camp, his head held high with pride.

Sookie - Betess - Celia
The thick-furred female was laying on the ground, dreaming peacefully in one of the pack dens used only by the Beta and Betess but seeing as there was no Beta, Sookie had the assumingly large den to herself. At first she liked sleeping alone with a good amount of space but now, after a few days of being alone, the female felt a bit nervous and cautious when she was about to drift off. Something about not having a fellow wolf to be by your side while you slept made her feel self-conscious and wary.

It was the warm rays of the sun that woke the Betess, the warm air drifted through her fur, heating her skin. In her opinion, waking up to the sun was one of the best ways to be woken up, it was peaceful and calm and generally a nice feeling. Sookie opened her golden eyes slowly and glanced around, blinking several times to get the sleep out. All she saw was the dark walls of the den and the moist, soft earth of the ground below her with a single ray of light beaming in from the den entrance. She sighed and forced herself to her paws, stretching out and letting out a low, tiresome yawn. She shook her fur a few moments later before peering her head out of the den and surveying the area infront of her. She didn't see anything that interesting, nor did she smell or hear anything particularly intriguing.

After a few moments hesitation, Sookie finally pulled herself completely out of the den and she took her place a few feet away from it, perching herself on a small tree stump that was found just beside the den. She let out second, softer yawn before shaking her head one last time and continuing to watch the camp ahead of her.
~ w o l f c h i c k ~

a dog can not make this journey alone,
but maybe a wolf can.

aw, come on, kid. start building some memories.

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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby ossa di cervo » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:17 am


Rizzaun / Alpha / Servatis

Dark images came tumbling out of the depths of imagination. Long, taloned arms and wide spread wings overhead. Fire, that seemed more like smoke and smog raced toward the alpha, who was franticly dashing through the open, black plain. Loud, shrill screeches sounded like thunder in the gray sky and when Rizzaun looked up above him, millions of creatures could be seen soaring above him, their ugly faces twisted in rage as they dived for him and lashed out with talons the size of eagles. The wolf was forced to dive to the side or do summersault like movements in order to avoid a treacherous death in this dream world and his legs were shaking with the effort. There was no sign of help in front of him, yet he kept running, the dreadful fear of death driving his paws, which sank lower and lower into the dark with each pounding, aching footstep. His tongue hung from his jaws and his dark ears were pressed against his skull, almost hidden by his puffed up, thick fur coat. His golden eyes were almost invisible in this dreadful dark, and yet he kept running.


Riz woke with a dead look in his eyes and his fur hanging loosely from his shoulders; had the canine been anything remotely close to humanoid everything for miles would be able to distinguish the deep circles that encased his eyes. Riz had spend most of the night tossing and turning, his head swimming every-time he dared to stand. He'd finally gotten a hold of his conscious long enough to stand though as he made his way out of his den. His dead eyes looked down at the pack grounds, noticing several wolves missing and a few up and about, while still a few more slept. Sterling caught his eye for a moment and he considering calling out to the Beta, but he seemed to be busying himself, looking for, well, something. Linnai caught his eye next and he looked at the omega for a moment, watching her act of submission and followed her eyes to Sterling once more. A smile caught his lips briefly but was quickly gone as his exhaustion took him once more. With any hope, this feeling would be gone soon and he could pick up his chattering, jokester attitude.

Rizzaun shook his head as he hopped down and landed with a soft thud onto the ground below him. He had a sudden urge to go patrolling, but his eyes couldn't seem to lock onto Meretrix. Where was the scout when he needed him? He let out a rather small sigh as he moved toward the dens that were scattered throughout the camp. When his inspections were through he looked up at the sky, "Sterling!" The alpha called out without turning his gaze to the Beta. When he finally did look down it was at a distant tree rather then his Beta. Riz wasn't really sure why he chose not to look at the male, it was probably just for the intimidation he hoped it offered up, "Have you seen Meretrix lately?" Riz's golden eyes finally locked onto the Beta's and they held a now determined look, rather then the previous dead one, "My bones seem to be begging to go on a jog." Riz offered up a small smile as he awaited the answer.


Velyse / Loner / Currently in Celia territory

The cool water whispered as it past by Vel's face, her snout inches away from the surface. Her pale, gray-green eyes were staring down into the depths while her lips were in constant motion. Occasionally her front paws would lift from the ground, making her look as if she were doing an awkward sort of dance and her feet were placed on scolding hot pavement rather then soft, lush grass. Her head suddenly shot up with a loud laugh before her head went back to the water, this time closer so that a few drops would splash at her snout.

Her back feet were now dancing too and Vel quick threw her head back with a snarl directed at her paws, which stopped dancing. If there was an innocent bystander watching this she-wolf, they'd get an odd, humorous kick out of watching her snarl and laugh at what seemed to be her paws. If wolves could communicate with fish, then that might throw up another explanation to what she was chatting with, but they couldn't. Therefore, her paws were the only reasonably insane explanation.

Go on. Do it. ((This is Romeo:D))
No. Don't do that.. You have to keep away from there, they'd kill you! ((This is Vincent!))

Vel's eyes flicked from her right to her left paw, listening to the small, voices that no one else could hear. "But Vincent. Romeo just wants to throw a little fun into the equation. No one says they'll kill me. Plus. We could kill them first." The she-wolf smiled as she threw a glance at the Celia border, her eyes aglow with amusement.

Exactly. So do it. Just go for a quick run through. Stop in a clearing for a moment to catch your breath, then leave. But you have to get their attention. Maybe you should howl. Get them to chase you!
No, no, no! Vel, you must listen to this! He'll get us all killed! I won't stan-
You have to stand by wether you want to or not, you're not in control of what we do. Plus, you've seen Vel fight. She can do things you only wish you could.

Vel grinned and laughed again as she lifted her head and hopped across the small river, her back paws landing in the water and her front paws scrabbling at the edge. Once she was on the right side, facing the woods of Celia she laughed again, this time a low, half-insane laugh, "Alright you two.. Let's get this fun started." The she-wolf took off in a sudden spring, her eyes laughing all the while and her thick, dark coat being pushed into her skin. She ran like this for quite some time before she found a clearing that had Celia stench seeping in the ground and trees. She panted and shushed Romeo, who was cheering now and snapped at Vincent, who's voice was that of a lost child. She stood for a moment, her eyes analyzing the area before she lifted her jaws to the sky and let out a loud, sharp howl. A grin came to her again as she stood her ground, staring in the direction she thought the pack camp would be, "Come get me, you pack dogs. Let's see if you can run." Both paws hushed as they all waited intensely for the sound or sight of a Celia wolf.
Last edited by ossa di cervo on Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby cynicalAdvocate » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:39 am

Image Isarya;Scout;Celia
The female was locked in a deep sleep, rolling over on her side in an attempt to get more comfortable. While rolling, she slammed her fores into the wall by accident, causing the she-wolf to awaken, startled. She was alone in a small cave. She released a slight yawn, jolting upwards to slink onto her paws. She moved forward, exiting the small cave.
The grass was neatly cut, bright as day as it blinded her eyes. Clouds hung above her, seemingly dark and ready to unleash any rain held within. He muscles coiled lightly, rippling beneath her white fur as she stretched. The sun warmed her fur. She loved the sun, but she loved the moon more, so she slid into the shade beneath her favorite tree, retrieving downwards to lick the dirt that got shoved between her pads. Her ears wiggled around, tuning in on any sound around her. Spotting Sookie coming out of her den, she pulled her lips back into a slight smile as Sookie sat on a tree stump. She moved to her paws, walking over to her.

"Greetings," She spoke quietly, dipping her head in courtesy. She reclined backwards, settling her rear against the green grass with a "oof" noise. She let a small chuckle slink out of her maw as she flicked her glance around the territory, arching a brow as she did so. A slight sigh escaped her chest cavity, and she breathed deeply, inhaling the scents of the trees and any furry animals nearby. Her ears tingled and flicked around, tuning in on the sound of scurrying rabbits and the rustles of bushes. She liked being outside. It calmed her, so she enjoyed it. She always longed for nighttime when the moon was out, and so were the stars and such.
[Oh, and Meretrix is a boy. xD ]

Image Meretrix;Lead scout; Servatis
Meretrix awoke with a jolt, feeling the urge to bask in the sunlight. He arose quickly, hearing the alpha ask where he was. He slid out of his small cave and advanced towards the alpha, slight apology spread along his facial features. He hoped he wasen't mad at him. He tossed and turned all night as well, waking up almost every hour before going back to sleep and re-waking. He was very tired, and his muscles ached beneath his multicolored fur.
He breathed in and out deeply, not wanting to face the most-likely unhappy alpha. His eyes blinked rapidly, trying to stay awake as he wobbled back and forth slightly, sleep aching to overcome him. His claws unsheathed into the soil as he moved, his fores moving in rhythmic motions as he did so. He locked his gaze onto Riz, daring to give him eye-contact. He wasen't that afraid, but he didn't want to face any consequences as he woke up a little late. "Hello, Riz," He spoke, apology spiking up in every word he slipped out. "I heard you needed me." He crouched slightly lower, submission shown in every move he made.

[Sorry for the short posts. ._. I don't have any thing to where I can word count, so.. And I can't think of anything. WritersblockFml. >:[ I'msorry. I'll write more on my second post. <3. c: ]
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby AgroShadow » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:58 pm

Ambu; Omega; Servatis;

Ambu gave a small grunt as he heard his fellow pack members begin their daily rutine. Must they wake so early? The small male let out a huff of air despite the fact that he was probably the only one still curling up trying to sleep. His tail twitched the slightest bit over his nose and he gave it a wrinkle, letting out a loud sneeze. "Well so much for sleeping..." The male reluctantly stood up, his front paws sliding forward in a stretch. His tail hung limp behind his body as he rocked forward and lifted his head in another stretch that extended his back. His blue eyes gave a lazy look around, looking at the wolves that were up and moving around him.

Giving his head a small shake and turned around to head out to the forest. Rather than conversing with what was going on in the pack, he felt that he would rather hunt and stay away from the yapping mouths of a pack. He found that they always talked too much, and the small male was not quite accustom to so much talking. He mumbled to himself as he lifted his nose into the air, letting it fill with the air around him. His ears twitched as he caught the faint scent of a rabbit. He gave a small wolfish grin as he began to head toward the stronger part of the trail, his eyes glancing in every direction, trying to pick out where the food was.

It wasn't long before he caught up with the small rabbit. He looked at it, debating if it was worth catching. It was a scrawny rabbit, not even worth a mouthful. His eyes flashed as the rabbit turned it's back to him, nibbling on a nearby bush. Now was his chance. Ambu gave a powerful leap forward, his hind legs propelling his small body forward. The rabbit darted away, it's eyes filled with terror. Ambu, having the small body he had was able to turn quickly, his legs scrabbling to catch up with the small prize as his tail was used as his mid-air rutter. He soon wapped his jaws around his soft, furry prize. He lifted his head up, the rabbit dangling from his jaws, moving no more. He gave a slight smile around the rabbit and sat down, placing the rabbit between his front paws. The male's tounge hung out as he panted, his eyes scaning around his current area, not really searching for anything particular.

Tanvi; Loner; Entering Celia Territory

Tanvi rubbed her body up against a tree, scratching the side of her body in a fluid motion to remove the itch that had been bugging her the last few strides it took to get to the tree. She turned and sniffed the tree, giving it a disgusted look as she realized she just caused the trunk of the tree to reek of her scent. Afterall, she didn't want to be caught in this pack's territory, seeing as it could lead to worse things to happen to her if the pack did happen to stumble upon her. She was leaving big enough scents. Scoffing at herself she lifted her head and gave a quick glance around with her golden eyes. She hated this always having to be on the look out for a pack and surely the tree she rubbed against would let them know she was there but risks had to be taken to survive. She flicked her tail and took off at a trot around the boarder, making sure to keep a couple strides right out side of it. Her paws were soft sounding thuds on the cool dampened ground, which she found to be the perfect cover for her at the time.

She kept her ears and eyes alert for any noise that might suggest there was a wolf or even worse a pack of wolves around. She turned her head rapidly when she heard a twig snap from somewhere off to the right. She let out a soft growl, her chest rumbling as her amber eyes glared at the bush that she pin pointed it to. She let out a soft sigh as a small rodent ran from the bush, her eyes rolling in slight annoyance. She gave a look around to see if anything else was there. Satisfied that nothing or no one was she turned back to padding near the boarder, hoping she wouldn't run into something like that little rodent. A small snort escaped her snout out of boredom, but her sences never stopped being so alert, as they were her only chance for her to survive.
Nuna on Chatlands

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby ιdєитιтy » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:24 pm

Artemis || Shaman || Celia

On the horizon, the sun rose slowly, shading the grass and leaves at the bottom of plants orange and basking it's warmth on everything as it reached for the center of the sky. At this time, the pack might have been awakening, but most of them would have been dropped into their dreams, or peacefully sleeping with no interruptions.
As the pack remained in it's deep slumber, the pack's Shaman was already stirring. Artemis flicked her ears, trying to catch the sounds of the Alpha or Lead Hunter or Warrior. Usually when they awoke, Artemis would rise.
The white wolf rose to her legs slowly and quickly shook off the moss and dirt that decided to cling to her fur like fleas. It's chilly out. She thought to herself as she passed one of the long gaps on the side of the structure that made up her den, the breeze ruffling her coat.
Walking out of her den, she smelled the crisp morning air as let out a breath which came out in a small puff, reminding her how close winter was. Shaking off the thought, she walked slowly out of the camp to look for herbs <what are they called to wolves?> before the wild animals within the thick forest awoke and possibly trampled or eaten them
Artemis crept silently across the forest floor because even though she was out ere for the plants, she might as well catch something for the pack if she were to come across something edible.
The forest was cold and quiet, only the hushed sounds of a small animal or the fluttering wings of a bird taking off into the canopy of the mighty oaks disturbed the silence here, but somehow it all fit and made walking around here alone less creepy.
Artemis picked her way alone a choppy row of shrubbery, her nose now placed to the ground trying to pick out the scents of the plants she was looking for. This was probably going to be a long morning.

- - - 

The sun was now higher up in the sky, possibly marking the afternoon. The rays that it gave off were warm, a great relief after a bit of a chilly morning.
Artemis was back in her den, picking out a pebble wedge between her toes that made a very annoying walk back to the camp, though her mouth was empty. Artemis rarely recalled a search for herbs going unsuccessful, but it wasn't entirely a rare occasion, by she found herself quite disappointed.
With a final jab with her one of her rather large canines, the pebble flung out across the floor of her den, the small stone landing in a ray of sunshine that got in through the twigs.
Sighing, Artemis rose to her paws and walked out of her den again, blinking her eyes against the sunlight that warmed her to the skin. This brought her mood up a bit.
A small gust of wind blew leaves across the dirt ground. They were dead leaves that made crunching noises with every time it hit the ground. Artemis found herself mesmerized by the leaves and was only brought back on earth when they collided with one the wolves. Shaking out her head, Artemis looked around the camp before making her way to the kill pile to see what was there even though she wasn't hungry. She just wanted to glance at the selection that the pack's excellent hunters had brought in for everyone to devour over time.
Everywhere I Go
When everyone who knows me
Knows that I would stand alone
It's all part of the

g a m e
The game, the game, the game

I'm standing on my toes
To the sky I know
And you know you're the one to think
It's all part of the g a m e
The game, the game, the game
We all play it the s a m e
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby Cazio » Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:15 am

Sari • Lead Hunter • Servatis


Sunlight would always be a curse. Sari’s white muzzle twitched as the first beams of light burst through the darkness, tearing away the fabric of the night. The beams ripped away her sense of stealth, her cloak of invisibility. If she had it her way, she’d take her patrols out at night, when her bold orange and white fur wouldn’t stick out so vibrantly. Besides, a sleeping deer would be much easier to kill than a fully alert herd in the middle of the day.

She supposed that Rizzaun had his reasons. After all, night is the most predictable time to be attacked, for the same reasons it would be a good time to hunt. Servatis was lacking in the warriors department, but Sari was confident that the pack could fend for itself if trouble arose. Her two hunters, Jasper and Wysteria, were good at their job and they all had a bit of fighting training. It couldn’t be that difficult, Sari guessed it was the same as hunting, but you were hunting one of your own kind. She ran her tongue across her teeth, her eyes narrowing. She would have no hesitation killing a Celia wolf.

She’d gathered a fair amount of prey in the predawn darkness, two squirrels and about three voles. She sniffed around, retracing her steps and unearthing her kills until her jaws were full of mouthwatering prey. Her small, agile frame bounced lightly as she trotted through the familiar path to camp. It was a good hunt, but it was not enough. Without her hunting patrol she had no choice but to hunt rodents, even a hare could pose a serious danger to her tiny teeth. She did not have crushing jaws or a thick string chest that could be battered by hooves. She was built to duck into small holes and extract her screaming prey with delicate precision. She had to adapt to hunting large creatures, but it came eventually with time and practice.

The decision to make her Servatis’s Lead Hunter was a surprising one, however. When Rizzaun announced her new duties to the pack Sari was shocked, and not at all upset to hear other pack member grumbling about it. She brushed through the ferns into camp, placing her prey on the pile. That was then. I’ve done well, haven’t I?

    "(The things that I've loved the things that I've lost
    The things I've held sacred that I've dropped
    I won't lie no more you can bet
    I don't want to learn what I'll need to forget

    I like throwing my voice and breaking guitars
    Cause it doesn't remind me of anything
    I like playing in the sand what's mine is ours
    If it doesn't remind me of anything

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