Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

Re: Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Postby Calypso Sky » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:41 pm

"Do your best!" Pearl called at them, "And please be safe! Figure it out and solve it as fast as you can, we need our plains back!" She was quite proud of their decision for the four horses they had chosen. Juni, Boxer, Mercury, and Lotus all together represented the herd well, Pearl was certain that they would do everyone proud.

Juni, you have a kind heart and we know that you won't lose your way. You'll always know the way back to the home herd even in the shifting sands of the desert. The words went on replay in Juni's mind as she stood shocked in the middle of the herd. True, her hearing, smell, and sight were better than most horses after spending so much time straining them (to make sure she knew where the others were, of course!) but she couldn't believe that she had been chosen. Deciding that she didn't want to be left alone, the mare made her way towards Lotus, hoping that his mellow attitude would rub off on her.

"Why thank you Leaders," Boxer said, dipping his head low in gratitude and obedience, "I will do all that I can." Shaking his mane as he stood up, he trotted over towards Mercury, knowing that she was usually as willing to move as he was. "Are we ready to go?" He asked, the excitment evident in his voice.
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Re: Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Postby Kagi » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:52 pm

((Kay, so we have smart, strong, fast and heightened senses. xD))

Lotus turned, noticing the small mare called Juni making her way towards him. "Hey." he greeted her lazily, bobbing his head a bit. He swished his tail to get rid of some flies gathering on his legs. Gazing up into the skies, he saw few clouds. Noting that it wouldn't rain for a while, he looked back to Juni. "Do you think we should take water into the desert somehow?" he asked.

Mercury's head flew up as she heard Boxer's voice. "Of course I'm ready to go!" she exclaimed. Her ears pricking forward again. Moving away from these plains actually sounded interesting. After the same old scenery, maybe seeing another part of the world would be fun. "Let's go see what those two are chattering on about." she flipped her forelock a bit and trotted over to where Juni and Lotus were speaking.
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Re: Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Postby Calypso Sky » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:12 pm

((Yup! It's great :D))

"Oh sure! That sounds like a great idea!" Juni bobbed her head back at him, glad that someone so smart was chosen to journey with them. "Do you have anything in mind? I mean, unless we figure out how to suck moisture from the cacti or something..." She trailed off when she saw Mercury and Boxer coming towards them. "Hello!" She greeted, trying to be on as good terms as possible with all of them.

Boxer clopped after her, coming to a stop in front of the others. "Hello miss," He said, nodding towards Juni respectfully. "Greetings to you as well," He did the same treatment towards Lotus, happy with the group selected. "So when are we leaving?" He rumbled, pawing at the ground.
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Re: Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Postby Kagi » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:31 pm

"I don't think we're ready to to quite yet, don't get ahead of yourselves." Lotus grumbled, observing the foliage they had to work with. "I think we might be able to weave temporary necklaces out of vines, then soak moss in the river and take that with us for water. Judging by the clouds, it won't rain for a while. And drinking from cacti could be bad. Some types make you hallucinate, though, I'm not sure what kind..." Lotus finished, walking over to where vines hung off of a few trees. He pulled four long ones out and wove them into necklaces, attaching moss around them. Leaving three on the ground, he took his and dipped it in the river, then hung it around his neck. It was pretty heavy, but he knew it'd come in handy later.

Mercury snorted as Lotus told them of the plan. This was lame, why did they need to take water? They would already hallucinate in the desert with all of those mirages! Unwillingly, she grabbed a moss necklace, not even bothering to greet Juni or Lotus. Dunking her's in the river, she quickly put it around her neck and pawed at the ground impatiently, hoping to get going soon.
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Re: Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Postby Calypso Sky » Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:26 am

Juni followed right behind Lotus, grabbing the vine and moss. She went to the river and dipped it in before putting it on her head. It was pretty heavy, but she'd be able to deal with it if it meant she were to survive. Pricking her ears, she heard the telltale rumble of thunder in the far off distance. "A storm is coming," she said nervously, glancing around at the others, "Also, how are we going to eat in the desert? The vines aren't nearly that appetizing..."

Boxer observed the way Lotus had made the necklaces, and instantly made four more. He carried the five that were now on the ground over to the river and dipped them in, allowing as much water to absorb as possible. The horse then hung them all on his neck before trotting back over towards the others. He overheard Juni's comment, and waited to see what the others had to say.
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Re: Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Postby Kagi » Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:56 am

Lotus thought for a moment, then he caught sight of the lily that was woven into Juni's mane. An idea struck him and he grinned. Pulling out mounds of grass, he wove as much as he could into his mane and tail. "Like this." he said, his voice holding a tone of accomplishment. "Get as much as you can into your mane and tail." he instructed, continuing to do it. "Thank Juni for the idea." he smiled to Juni, then continued with his work.

Mercury snorted and began to pull out hunks of grass. She sloppily wove the blades into her mane as quickly as she could. Why did they have to stand around here? She couldn't wait to get moving.
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Re: Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Postby Calypso Sky » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:10 am

Juni blushed furiously at Lotus' comment, glad that she was already being useful to their small herd. The tiny mare bent down and pulled up mouthfuls of grass, weaving them expertly into her mane and tail. Because she was so used to doing it, she managed to get the most grass possible onto herself. Giving an experimental shake of her head, Juni realized just how heavy everything was, and knew that they wouldn't be travelling as fast as they were used to.

"What good ideas!" Boxer exclaimed, praising both Juni and Lotus. He bent down and grabbed as much as he could, weaving it so that his mane and tail looked more green than chestnut. After getting as much as he could, he trotted around the group a bit, trying to get used to the added weight, and knowing that the exercise would benefit him in the long run. Suddenly, a rare moment of thought entered his mind, and his dumb white face took on a glimpse of intelligence. Slowing to a walk, he asked, "Won't these grasses wither away eventually?"
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Re: Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Postby Kagi » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:32 am

Lotus tested the weight of his mane and tail, seeing that they wouldn't be able to go more than a trot before tiring out. He looked up at Boxer as he asked about the grass. "True, Boxer, the grass will dry out, but that will just make it hay. It won't have water or as much nutrition, but... it'll give us energy." he nodded. "Look, now for the most important part." Lotus looked at each horse in turn, "As you probably know, I'm not the most motivated horse here. I don't like getting my hooves dirty or running or doing anything that involves work. But this is our herd, and I'll put my life on the line to save it." he finished.

Mercury was busy glaring at her tail, she hated having all this extra weight. I can't run like this! she thought resentfully. Though, her head flew up in surprise at Lotus's speech. She had always thought of him as a good-for-nothing, but... after this... He was kind of noble.
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Re: Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Postby Calypso Sky » Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:12 am

Juni was completely smitten by Lotus at this point, and nodded after all that he had said. She too would give her life to protect the herd as long as she wasn't doing it alone! Too shy to say what she felt, she just stood around and waited for someone to tell them to leave.

"I too, would put my life on the line," Rumbled Boxer, pleased that he wasn't the only one with these thoughts about the others. He took a few steps away, and looked at the others with his bright eyes. "Should we get going?" he asked, knowing that they couldn't waste any time.
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Re: Isn't This Just a Mirage? (Private 1 on 1 RP.)

Postby Kagi » Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:33 am

Mercury flipped her messy mane and trotted ahead of Boxer, her ears pinned back at the extra weight. "Let's just go already!" she snorted, slowing to a brisk walk.

Lotus sighed, shaking his head a bit at Mercury. He gave a small nod, indicating that they should get moving. Lotus took off at a slow walk, in no hurry to get into the dry desert. Before he moved, he took one last bite of the fresh grass, his eyes flashing with a bit of sadness. Now... the challenge began.
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