1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

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1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

Postby Hannah Grace » Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:35 am

Name: Avery Garcia
Age: 21
Height: 5'1
Hair: Corkscrew curls
Eyes: Pale blue
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Family: Father, step-sister, and step-mother
Back Story: Biological mother passed away when Avery was born, and her father remarried, wanting to try and fill the void and fix everything, finding out the hard way when the bond with his first wife was broken when she passed. He now isn't the normal self he used to be, and looks down on Avery, thinking she was the reason of his wife's death. Carina, the step-mother, is a similar copy to Scarlett, who is her daughter. Both don't like Avery, and are both the more stuck-up artifical people, that aren't the best to be around. Therefore, Avery prefers to space herself from both her family, because of how they treat her. Her father is an Alpha, while Carina is also an Alpha, Scarlett is a Beta, and Avery got her biological mother's genes, she's an Omega, which explains her small size.
Piercings/Tattoos: Regular ear piercing.
Personality: A bit shy and nervous, simply because she gets intimadated often by others. Does as she's told, somewhat afraid of getting in trouble. Shy when she first meets someone, but becomes relaxed and extroverted once she's comfortable, and reassured herself that everything's fine. Has her moments when she's sassy, or full of attitude, but her 'omega' instincts tell her to back down, and listen to others, it's a werwolf thing. (Will add more as the rp progresses)
Wolf form:
Last edited by Hannah Grace on Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

Postby Velvet Gaze » Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:41 am

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Name: Jason Grey
Age: 24
Gender: male
Species: Werewolf
Height: 6’2
Hair color: darkish brown
Eye color: dark brown
Piercings/ tattoos: large tattoo on his back (picture for refence)
Family: Father, little brother
Personality/Background: His father is an alpha of a larger known pack, now Jason holds his place in the pack as his father is seen as not fit to rule over it. Due to this bloodline his wolf is larger than most and is usually imitating to others. He is seen as this bad guy that just wants other packs land or their members but he really is just trying to stop others from taking his own. He can be stubborn and just seems like he doesn’t care, but that’s how he is if he doesn’t know you. He learned the hard way of not letting others know how he truly is. Jason likes to go out at night and wonder the denser parts of the forest, sometimes not coming back until late the next morning. It’s just something he’s always done ever sense he was old enough to be trusted by himself.
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Re: 1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

Postby Hannah Grace » Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:06 pm

It was late at night, probably around eleven, if not later. Avery's entire 'Family' were asleep. Silently, she slipped out of her room, her socked feet completely silent on the hardwood floor of the house, which branched onto the rest of the pack-house. Making her way towards the back door, she silently opened it, praying the creaking from the hinges wouldn't be heard. The only other who knew she went out at night was her Dad, and he didn't care, as long as she watched where she was going, and didn't intrude on others territory.

Stealthily, she shut the back door, and stepped out back, towards the woods, which the pack own, well, own most of it. Although she hadn't realized, that a segment of the land, which she liked to run through at night, and been given to, or sold to another pack. As soon as she disappeared into the woods, she shifted, and bounded onto the dirt path, sprinting in the opposite direction, grateful for a change of scenery.

It wasn't full moon, therefore it was somewhat dark, but not pitch black, either. After running some of her pent-up energy out, she stopped in a meadow, slowing down to a walk as the small wolf scented the air, unable to smell any different or newcomers.
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Re: 1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

Postby Velvet Gaze » Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:23 pm

Jason had a rough day, people weren’t listening and his father wasn’t helping any. His little brother got in trouble with some other boys and it had just been a mess. He walked around the main floor or the pack house, making sure no one was up for now before leaving. He opened the large wooden door then closed it behind him, making sure it didn’t slam so he wouldn’t be yelled at in the morning. He walked down the steps, he knew just about everywhere in these forest like the back of his hand, wether it was his territory or not.

Once out of range of the house, he shifted. His larger colored wolf quickly picking up pace to his normal spot, his eyes glowed an orange/brown color and all you could see was that. Unless you were another wolf then you had better eye sight than humans. His ears swilved as he picked up his pace to a sprint, quickly coming to a stop when he smelt another wolf. But it wasn’t a male, which struck him as weird sense most packs wouldn’t dare let females out of the house past a certain time.

He followed the scent until he stumbled apon a small meadow, he layed low next to a bush and a few trees. Scanning the area for where the scent was coming from.
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Re: 1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

Postby Hannah Grace » Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:30 pm

Avery wondered around for awhile, sniffing the flowers as a light breeze blew, ruffling her soft, tan-colored fur as she ran about, in between boulders and out again, playing in the flowers, and rolling in the soft grass. The pale blue night-lillies had just started to bloom, it was early summer, and many different night variety flowers started to bloom.

After satisfying herself with the amount of running she had achieved, she laid down in the grass, looking up at the stars, and the moon. Avery knew it'd be dangerous for her to fall asleep outside of the pack house, and didn't intend to fall asleep, and reamined alert for any type of sound that seemed dangerous.
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Re: 1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

Postby Velvet Gaze » Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:36 pm

Once spotting her, he just stayed quiet and watched her. Normally he would have scared her off or something along that line but he just watched. He felt like he hadn’t taken a breath sense he got there. He watched as she laid down in the tall grass. He slowly rose from his hiding spot.

He put his ears down and slowly walked over, feeling the cool breeze hit his thick coat. He took quiet steps, which seemed almost impossible cause of his size, but his big paws helped even out the weight of his body.
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Re: 1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

Postby Hannah Grace » Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:42 pm

Avery sighed contentedly as she closed her eyes, but opened them when she realized a shadow fell across her view from the moon, and stars. With a startled yelp, she scrambled backwards, her pale blue eyes wide as she was cornered, backed up against a rather tall and large boulder caught off guard and her defense down, too.

Laying her eyes flat as well, she looked down as she realised she was stuck. The pack house was beyond the huge wolf in front of her, and who knows what lay behind her, it wasn't the Moonstone pack's territory.
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Re: 1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

Postby Velvet Gaze » Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:18 am

He saw her jump back, now he felt bad cause he wasn’t trying to scare her or run her off. He his ears laid back and he crouched down slightly so he didn’t seem as intimidating. He hated when he did that, it was the downside of having such a large wolf.

Jason looked at her, he had no intention of hurting her or anything. If he had wanted to he would’ve already. He made a low kinda huffy noise to try and seem like he wasn’t this big bad wolf that he seemed to be.
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Re: 1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

Postby Hannah Grace » Sat Jun 24, 2023 3:42 am

Avery's pale blue eyes widened as she watched him, unsure of what to think. After quietly watching him for a moment, she slowly started forward, tentatively scenting the air. She pricked her ears forward as she crouched down, pressing herself against the grass. Once she seemed satisfied, and after mentally reassuring herself he wasn't dangerous, she wagged her tail, crouching into a playful position, her eyes sparkling.

With an excited yip, she ran a circle around him, almost begging him to play with her. It'd been awhile since she'd been out, and was anxious to make the best of it.
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Re: 1x1 Roleplay with CountryWesternPerson

Postby Velvet Gaze » Sat Jun 24, 2023 3:50 am

He saw her tail wag and he made a not so loud bark, so he didn’t scare her any. He watched as she ran around him. He turned and faced her before laying down, his tail wagging back and forth.

Jason waited for a second then pounced on her, being careful not to land on her or anything but just rolling her over slightly.
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