1X1 with arvanien

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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:36 pm


Hawthorne couldn't help but notice Kyran's adorably starstruck expression, finding it to be amusing and strangely heartwarming. The battered soldier's smile widened a bit more as he looked up at the other male. Hawthorne would never know what it was like to be a nurse, but he did admire them for their hard, dedicated work. Healer Quell were invaluable to Solodin, especially to soldiers like Hawthorne, who had often found themselves frequently wounded during the war. He was definitely greatful for Kyran and the other nurses that helped wounded Quell during their lowest times.

" I still appreciate you staying here with me," The captain said sincerely, returning Kyran's smile," Im rather enjoying your company. It's nice to have some one to talk to and it definitely beats being stuck here alone with my thoughts" Hawthorne chuckled softly as he shifted a bit to make himself more comfortable. He really was enjoying Kyran's friendly company. Something about the bright, cheerful nurse just seemed to bring out a little more light in Hawthorne's eyes. And it was certainly what he needed after everything that had happened. With a warm smile, the captain listened as Kyran spoke about how physical touch alleviated stress. He was a tiny bit surprised as he felt Kyran's fingers slip between his, though he certainly wasn't opposed to it. Hawthorne absolutely loved the feeling of Kyran's soft, warm hand in his. A faint blush crossed the captain's cheeks as he gently ran his calloused thumb across the back of the nurse's hand. " I think that study might have been right about alleviating stress." Hawthorne chuckled softly, his gaze resting on their intertwined fingers for a moment.


A wave of relief washed over Juniper as the nurse assured him that Celeste would be okay. It eased him to know that she was safe and steady. Though, he did frown a tiny bit as the nurse explained that it would be a while before Celeste would be able to eat anything. He had been hoping they could share a meal together, though he completely understood why she couldn't. " It's a shame Celeste can't have anything to eat. She told me all about how wonderful Quell food is." He said, thoughtfully," But, I totally understand. And I'll be happy as long as she gets well." Juniper returned the nurse's smile warmly, feeling a bit more cheerful than before. Even though he couldn't share dinner with his love, the prospect of food had greatly improved the ravenous young Howler's mood.

Juniper stared at the screen the nurse drew up for him, intrigued by the device hovering over to him. He had always been fascinated by Quell's advanced technology and he loved to learn more about it. Though, he had rarely ever gotten the chance to use it, so he was a bit technologically inept. Juniper lightly touched the screen as he had seen the nurse do, half expecting his hand to go right through the almost holographic image. It took a few moments, but Juniper quickly figured out how to use the device and he happily scrolled through all the delicious looking images of all the Quell food on the virtual menu. The young Howler didnt recognize most of the dishes, though they all looked so tempting that he almost couldn't decide what he wanted. Though eventually, Juniper chose something and asked the nurse to help him place his order for it.


Basil looked as if she had been slapped as the doctor spoke to her so sharply. She knew that the older man was under quite a good deal of stress, but still, it hurt to be talked to in such a way. Perhaps because the doctorhad a very good point. Basil had known about Arion from her brother and Solodin's gossip papers, but she didn't actually know him fully yet. She didn't know about his past or how he had gotten so many wounds after the war was over. Basil chewed her plump bottom lip and quietly let her gaze rest on her fingers intertwined delicately through Arion's. " I may have only known him for a weekend, but I know he has a good heart and a gentle spirit underneath that shell of his." She said in a soft, but firm tone. Her gentle voice grew a little more determined as she looked up at the doctor," Arion is a wonderful gentleman and I love him with my whole heart. I would thank you for not making any more harsh remarks about him, especially while he's so ill. " She said before falling quiet once more as she noticed a flicker of movement from Arion. Her heart skipped a bit as she desperately searched for a sign of life on his face. It pained Basil to see her Arion looking more and more like a corpse. Even with the healer Quell's magic and medicine, nothing seemed to ease Arion's almost death-like state. It frightened Basil more than anything to know that she might lose the man she loved so dearly on the third day she had known him. It wouldbe such a cruel twist of fate to have her soul mate ripped away from her so soon.


Lyra's jaw clenched tightly as Endymion spoke, her expression a mask hiding her true thoughts. She didn't want to admit it, but he was telling her the cold hard truth she needed to hear. Lyra was on the path to overworking herself to death. It seemed her fierce loyalty to the pack and her stubbornness when it came to her duty had come with drawbacks. She honestly didn't know when to stop and take a break until her body gave out on her. " I suppose you're right, Endymion. It isn't weakness to need rest" Lyra said quietly, her expression softening just a tiny bit. She wasn't afraid to admit her mistake, but that didn't make it any easier to say that she had been wrong. The blonde she-Howler bit back a curse as Endymion bandaged her injured leg, feeling her head spin from the pain. " Damn it. this must be some kind of cruel punishment" She hissed through her teeth," Why does all of this have to happen when the entire forest's existence is being threatened." Lyra took a breath to regain her composure before meeting Endymion's dark blue eyes," I know that this new issue is a threat to all of us, but I am their leader. We are the leaders. They look to us for guidance. We have to be stronger than the problems we face or the whole pack will suffer." Lyra said, pursing her pale pink lips together tightly, " Weak leaders make for a weak pack. And I know for damn well neither of us is weak. That's why I picked you to lead with me." The young alpha fell silent as she watched Endymion's expression before he turned away. Her expression clouded a bit, though her intelligent coffee-brown eyes clearly gave away her thoughts. " A lot of things have changed though." She murmured, lightly putting her hand to the inside if his elbow. It wasn't a romantic touch, it was more of a reassuring gesture between close companions. An easy silence fell over the both of them, broken only by the sound of crickets and the soft, muffled chatter of the few Howler's still at the bonfire. There werent many people up at such a late hour, other than the Howlers who were able to shift into nocturnal animals.


With Gilly's sharp ears, he accidentally overheard every bit of Miri and her mother's urgent conversation, though of course it was all quite muffled by the thick oak door. The young deer Howler shivered a bit as he heard Miri's mother laugh, the sound bitter and filled with disgust. Gilly couldn't help but feel an odd stab of pity for Endymion, though it was quickly replaced by mild fear as the door suddenly swung open and he was faced with Miri's mother. Her stormy eyes and less than friendly attitude caused Gilly to freeze for a moment as he tried to find something polite to say. " I'm sorry to bother you, Sister" He said respectfully, giving a dip of his head as an added measure. Usually Gilly wasn't quite so formal, but he was trying his best to leave a favorable impression on the older woman. It didn't seem to work, however as Miri's mother dismissed them with a wave. " It was nice to see you again, ma'am. " He called politely as the older woman dissappeared into the tree house. Gilly looked bck to Miri with his usual familiar grin. " Well, that went better than the last time I ran into your ma." He joked light heartedly, keeping his voice down so they wouldn't be over heard. " Ah, anyway, do you want to hang out? We can go back to the bonfire, if you want." Gilly was just being his usual friendly self as he invited her to hang out with him. He didn't really stop to think about how late it had gotten, since he was a bit of a night owl himself.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:55 pm


“Hey, no problem! I’ll stay with you as long as you want,” Kyran promised, a little too enthusiastically as was probably professionally acceptable. He gave a small chuckle as he realized how much like a fanboy he was acting, his skin glowing warmly like a fresh cup of coffee in the morning. But the nurse was genuinely happy to be there with Hawthorne—after all, who wouldn’t want to be spending time with their hero?

“You really like it?” A small giggle escaped his lips as he glanced down briefly, “You’re the first person who’s told me that,” Kyran confessed shyly. He looked down at their hands laced together, Hawthorne’s sturdy bronzed fingers contrasting starkly with his own slender, chocolate colored ones which were soft and nimble, as if they’d never seen a day of hard labor.
“Most people tell me off pretty quickly, you know. I...I guess I come across as kind of touchy feely, even though I know it’s best to leave patients alone.”
Kyran’s smile was radiant, but something in his eyes went dull as he gave a weak chuckle. Even though the society that made up Solodin was far more accepting than that of the humans, it was inevitable for the softhearted to be trampled upon once in a while. Kyran knew being kind and sweet wasn’t the same as being weak, but often, it seemed like that was the case in a culture that relied on strength and prowess...

Kyran swallowed audibly as Hawthorne caressed the back of his hand. Oh my god big hot heavy giant man hands. “Whoa, your-your hands are so large and rough, like sandpaper!” He blurted. “I mean, not in a bad way—they’re really nice!” He covered his face with his other hand, hoping his skin was dark enough to hide that his face was on fire. “S-sorry...you must get that a lot, don’t you?” He gave another small giggle.


“Ah, you okay there, son? I apologize, I should’ve at least given you a hand!” The nurse shook herself seemingly out of her thoughts and hurried over to Juniper’s side, running a hand through her frizzy magenta hair as she glanced at the screen. “Yep, you’re all set! Perfect.” She swiped the screen aside and straightened, pulling out the retractable tabletop from the side of Celeste’s bed. “I’ll let you have a moment to yourself now. If you need me, I’ll be right outside.” She patted Juniper’s shoulders, giving him a warm smile.

Barely a minute afterwards, Juniper’s food rose neatly from the bottom of the cubby in the wall, freshly prepared and looking absolutely heavenly. Celeste’s eyebrow twitched as the aroma wafted through the air, replacing the sterile emptiness of the room. Her chest heaved as she let out a deep sigh in her sleep, but she didn’t stir otherwise. She didn’t look quite as beat up as before, but it was eerie how fragile she seemed, as if a sudden jolt of the bed could snap her neck.


“My deepest apologies, ma’am. I am sorry if I have caused you any unnecessary distress.” Nero’s once-sharp voice was suddenly unusually gentle, as if he was speaking with a loved one, but his stony countenance didn’t even crack. Before, it seemed like the doctor’s only personality was a snarky, acrid one, but he sounded sincere as could be. “I did not mean to insult your relationship with him.” As he settled back in his chair, Nero fell silent, as if he were lost in thought.

As he heard Basil’s voice, Arion’s eyes opened slightly, just enough to register his surroundings once again. Everything was still fuzzy and distant and far too bright as if he were in shallow water, but he could hear her clearly. A shadow of a smile passed over his waxy face as he sought out her voice. “Arion is a wonderful gentleman and I love him with my whole heart...” Arion closed his eyes again, his heart catching strangely in his chest as his smile faded. What the hell? She thinks I’m THAT great? But I’m really not as good as she thinks... Gathering every ounce of his willpower, Arion opened his eyes and was about to prop himself up. Nero frowned and promptly planted his hand over Arion’s face, effectively making him lie back down.

“No.” He snarled quietly.

Arion made a disgruntled groan, his sunken eyes glaring angrily through Nero’s gloved fingers despite how exhausted he must have been. He lay back down, the wet cloth sliding down his face. Nero peeled the cloth off Arion’s clammy skin, his expression blank. “Please do not try to sit up. I’m sure you don’t want to upset Miss Basil.” He gave Arion a smile that would have been angelic, but the murderous gleam in his eyes ruined the look.

Arion squeezed his eyes shut and tried to take a deep breath, but only succeeded in sparking a nasty fit of coughing. The sound was horrible—dry and hoarse, like scissors scraping across a rock. He looked up at Basil urgently, but what he wanted to say was lost between coughs and hacks, blood spurting from his lips. “Ugh...” He pressed her hand weakly as tears formed at the corners of his eyes, his coughs slowly dying down to shallow, raspy breaths. Arion reached up to wipe his mouth, but Nero brushed away his hand and dabbed the blood away with a muslin cloth, his hands glowing with a purple aura. The doctor was used to reprimanding or admonishing Arion in a way he would not do with other patients, as the unruly redhead was his most frequent patient during the war. Nero knew that Arion never minded it, as he knew Nero was genuinely concerned for him, but the sharp-tongued doctor stayed quiet for Basil’s sake.

Arion grimaced angrily, letting go of Basil’s hand to prop himself up, despite Nero’s warnings and basically all common sense. His arms trembled as he tried to keep himself upright.The blanket slipped down, revealing the scar carved into his muscular chest. It looked like someone had buried a battle axe in his chest. “Nero, thank you, but I’m fine.” He wheezed, his voice barely a whisper. “Where’s Celeste? Is she okay?”


Endymion listened silently, his gaze resting on Lyra’s injured leg. The last thing he’d expected of Lyra was to put him in any sort of leadership position, despite their longstanding comradeship. He had only accepted her request because of their dire circumstances, but in all honestly he preferred to stay out of the spotlight. It wasn’t because Endymion was lazy or passive; his agenda was just a little different than that of the whole pack.

“Yes, I understand. I won’t disappoint you.” He put his hand over hers in a reassuring gesture. “Speaking of rest, you have five or six hours before sunrise at most. I don’t want to keep you up any longer than you must. Please, sleep. I will stay right outside.” He withdrew his hand and rose to his feet, fetching the blanket that lay folded by Lyra’s sleeping mat. He briskly shook it loose and gently drew it over Lyra’s body, in a strangely motherly way. (He’d had plenty of practice since Miri was born.) “I will leave now if you don’t need anything else.”


“I don’t know why you bother,” Miri remarked, tilting her chin up at Gilly. “Everyone kind of freezes up when Mother is around; she has that effect on most people. But at least you keep your wits about you.” She sighed and ran her fingers through her choppy brown hair, looking up at the stars. The young hawk girl seemed distraught for a moment before her old smile returned to her face. “Ahaha...let’s do that. I really don’t want to go to sleep now anyway.” She leapt easily over the railing, disregarding the welded spiral staircase winding up the massive tree trunk.

“Wow, it’s quiet,” Miri remarked, as they made their way towards the plaza. Only half an hour ago had it been packed with frantic, angry Howlers. Only a few Howlers were still outside, mostly the prominent warriors who were well known for their prowess in the war. They were still talking in hushed, agitated tones. One of them glanced at Miri as she and Gilly walked by. “Proof every family has an oddball, huh,” he quipped to his companion. “At least she didn’t inherit the dark scary aesthetic of her family. I swear both her older brother and her mother are demons in disguise.”
“She can hear you, you know,” the other Howler grumbled, her one eye flashing in the dark. But if Miri heard them, she gave no sign. “Ah, it’s so warm outside. I wonder if tomorrow will be hot. It better not be.”
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Fri Sep 20, 2019 4:03 pm


Hawthorne couldn't help but smile back at Kyran as the cheerful nurse agreed to stay with him for awhile. It was obvious that he really didn't mind Kyran's fan-boying. After all, as Captain of the Royal Guard, he had long since gotten used to people looking up to him.Though, Kyran wasn't just another fan, it seemed. Hawthorne was genuinely enjoying the friendly nurse's company. A warm, amused smile crossed the captain's face as he noticed Kyran's faint blush; it struck him as oddly adorable how easily flustered the poor nurse had become over something so simple as hanging out together. Though, Hawthorne couldn't help but feel his own cheeks warm just a tiny bit from the thought.

" Yeah, I do" The captain's smile widened and his blush only darkened a bit as he heard Kyran's giggle. Oh damn, he's just too pure and adorable for this world! He's like the embodiment of sunny summer afternoon Hawthorne thought, desperately trying to hide his blush by looking down at their delicately intertwined fingers. Hawthorne hadn't realized how touch starved he had been until he felt how perfectly Kyran's soft, warm hand fit in his. The young nurse's touch was so caring and gentle. His slender hands where so different than Hawthorne's, but he absolutely loved them just the same. " I suppose you might be a little touchy-feely, but I wouldn't say that's a bad thing. It just shows you care." Hawthorne offered gently, noticing the dull look in his eyes, " I, for one, think that you're an excellent nurse. And believe me, I know it's a hard job. I don't envy you having to work here at the hospital." He murmured, shaking his head in disbelief.

Hawthorne blushed madly as Kyran blurted out that his hands were rough, yet nice. " Wh-what?" He stuttered as he unsuccessfully tried to hold back a laugh. A warm, rumbling laugh escaped Hawthorne's lips as he looked over with a look of pure amusement lighting up his face. " No, no I don't get that often." He chuckled warmly, " Though, I do appreciate the compliment. Though, your hands are much nicer than mine, in my opinion. They're just so soft and gentle. I think they're perfect" Hawthorne said, gently caressing Kyran's hand just a bit as his cheeks burned the color over overripe strawberries.


" Thank you so much, ma'am" Juniper said politely, grateful that the nurse didn't mind helping him place his order. He truly did appreciate her kindness and patience with him. Juniper had unfortunately crossed paths with many a Quell that harbored an old bitterness towards Howlers, but he had met so many more that treated him kindly, like the nice magenta-haired nurse.

Juniper watched as the nurse left before his attention snapped back to the little cubby by the bed. His deep purple eyes widened in pure delight has his food appeared in the cubby, as if by magic. Juniper's stomach growled hungrily and his mouth watered at the heavenly sent wafting from the bowl of delicious looking food. It took all of his willpower to not devour all of it like a half-starved animal. " Bunny, I'm so sorry you can't have any of this. I wish you were well enough that we could share this together. I know how you love good food." He murmured softly, taking several large bites of his dinner with a pleased groan. Perhaps it was just his ravenous hunger, but Juniper could have sworn that he had never eaten something so delicious and satisfying in his entire life. Unashamedly, the young Howler practically inhaled the dish before staring longingly at his empty dish when it was all gone.


" It's quite alright, doctor. I know you're under a lot of stress. We all are stretched a little thin these days." Basil said, offering up a small, but friendly smile. Nero's sharp words about Arion and her budding relationship had cut deep to her heart, but the doctor's apology seemed sincere. Basil appreciated his sudden attempt to hold his acrid tongue as well; she wouldn't stand for Nero speaking so harshly to Arion.

Out of the corner of her eye, Basil saw Arion beginning to stir a bit. Her heart felt as if it would pound right out of her chest as she looked to him, desperately searching his pallid face for any sign that he was regaining consciousness. Seeing his still alluring, gold-flecked eyes open, Basil felt as if she might weep from pure joy. " Arion?" She breathed, though her smile faded into a worried frown as the injured warrior attempted to sit up. " Arion Lindheimer, lay back down. It's for your own good!" Basil said, her tone firm and filled with worry. She was terrified that Arion was going to hurt himself further of he didn't rest properly, with very good reason. She may not have known the handsome red-haired Quell for long, but she did know he often pushed himself too far and didn't think of the consequences to his already wounded body.

As Arion began to cough, Basil's heart ached unbearably and she almost reached out to wipe the blood from his dry lips. " Please rest awhile, darling." She begged softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He was dying right before her eyes and there was nothing she could do to help him. Arion didn't even seem to care that he was tempting death by pushing himself so hard. Angry, miserable tears pricked at Basil's eyes, causing her cheeks to flush a furious pink.

" You're not fine." She said, meeting Arion's gaze determinedly," Arion, you're not fine. You're hurt! You could have died. You might still be dying!" The petite earth Quell said, her voice quivering just a bit with emotion," You have to rest! I... I can't lose you. Celeste can't lose you. We need you here with us. So stop being so selfish and rest." Basil clasped her hands tightly in her lap, still angry that Arion was neglecting his own well being. Though, her anger faded a bit as she saw the deep scar running along his chest. It was huge and painful looking; Basil couldn't tear her worry-filled gaze away from it. She knew there must have been an equally painful story behind that scar of his.


" I know you won't disappoint me. In all the years we've known each other, you have never once failed to live up to my expectations, Endymion." Lyra murmured, offering him a ghost of a smile as he put his hand over hers. She may have not been in the best mindset with all of the stresses of leadership and with her injury, but Lyra was firmly convinced that Endymion was going to be an excellent co-alpha (even if the position was only temporary). She didn't doubt her decision for a moment. Endymion may not have been the most popular Howler within the pack, but he was almost frighteningly intelligent and had a cool head in battle. His decisions were always well calculated out to the very tiniest detail. And, most importantly, Endymion had earned Lyra's trust during those long years of war. Together, they had fought back-to-back countless times, proving time after time that they could trust each other with their lives, even under extreme presure.

Lyra raised her head a bit, glancing up at Endymion with a quiet look. Her expression was as unreadable as her usual stoic mask, though her coffee-brown eyes held an undeniable sincerity. " You need rest as well, Endymion. Don't stay up the entire night." She said, her "order" coming across as oddly caring. The injured alpha didn't protest as Endymion so carefully laid the blanket over her aching body. She didn't mind his motherly gesture; in fact, she found it quite comforting in a way. " No thank you, I don't need anything else." She murmured appreciatively, " And Endymion.. you don't have to stay outside. You know you're always welcome in my home."


Gilly cracked a familiar crooked grin as MirI asked him why he bothered trying to be friendly to her mother. " I try to be nice to everybody, especially to people who seem like they need it the most." The young deer Howler's eyed twinkled merrily with an impish delight," Besides, your mother is a risky challenge. One day she might decide to rip me apart or she might finally give in and actually smile for a change." Gilly was half-joking of course, but there was some truth behind his words. He was a kindhearted, fun-loving soul and, perhaps foolishly, he truly believed that people deserved to be treated with kindness no matter how nasty they were to him. Gilly also knew that Miri's mother was probably more likely to kill him than actually offer him a friendly greeting, no matter how hard he attempted to be nice to the older woman.

Even though Miri's expression flickered ever so slightly, Gilly couldn't help but notice how distraught she seemed for a moment. He was just about to ask what was wrong when Miri spoke up, accepting his offer to hang out. " Ha! Our lovely hawk is a fellow night owl!" Gilly joked light heartedly, giving her a stupid grin before leaping over the railing as well. Despite his rather large size, the young man was surprisingly graceful as he landed on the grass without so much as stumbling.

Cheerfully, Gilly followed alongside Miri back to the now mostly empty plaza. Though, the young Howler's sunny smile faded as he overheard the other's comments about Miri. A quiet anger bubbled up in his chest as he turned around to give the warriors a scowl and throw them a rude gesture. " Oi, leave my friend alone! Find somebody else to gossip about, eh?" He called, keeping his tone even. Gilly turned his attention back to Miri, grumbling under his breath. " It's none of their business if your folks dig the darker vibes. They shouldn't talk about you like that." The usually cheerful Howler frowned even more before scratching at the scruff on his chin. " It is pretty hot tonight. Ya know, I think I could go for a midnight wade in the creek right about now" He said, his eyes twinkling a bit with a familiar mischief. Though, he knew that now was probably a very bad time to sneak out of the camp.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:54 pm


“Really? Man, I...I don’t know what to say,” Kyran stammered, beaming so brightly he could’ve powered half of Solodin’s households for a year. It was kind of cute how quickly he was reduced to a flustered mess at a simple compliment from Hawthorne. The nurse had been fully expecting the captain to ask him to leave the room, but now he was just discovering Hawthorne’s unsung compassion for his fellow Quell.

Kyran shut his eyes, still hiding his burning face behind the fingers of his other hand. “Ack! I’m sorry! That was weird!” He squeaked, waiting for the captain to crack open the ground underneath him and swallow him whole. But the warm sound of Hawthorne’s laugh made him look up in surprise, his embarrassment forgotten. “Stop! My face is gonna melt!” He dissolved into a fit of giggles, unable to process the fact that Hawthorne had complimented him back in such a kindly way. If any of the hospital staff could see him now they’d be staring with disapproval—Kyran was terribly undignified—but that was only his way of spreading warmth and ease back into his patients. If you came across too coldly, they were less likely to relax.


Arion pushed Nero’s hands aside, his face tight and frantic. Panic sparked inside his dull and sunken eyes. His brain buzzed with urgency. He didn’t even seem to heed Basil, which was totally unlike the Arion which had existed 24 hours ago. Where was Celeste? She couldn’t have possibly been fine after transporting both Hawthorne and himself to the hospital, especially in her magically exhausted state. And Hawthorne? Arion’s thoughts were tangled like loose piles of yarn inside his head, but he distinctly remembered the fight between the two of them. And the way he’d looked after the fight with Rocket, bleeding out onto the forest floor...it made him sick to imagine that the last conversation he would have with his best friend was a damn argument over something stupid. Arion shut his eyes, cursing himself for thinking about such a thing. No, it certainly wouldn’t be their last conversation. Hawthorne was a lot stronger than this. Arion just needed to get out of this bloody bed and be with him...

As Basil pleaded with him, he finally turned to acknowledge her, as if he were seeing her for the first time. Following her gaze, Arion quickly clasped the sheets to his bare chest, covering the nasty rift of white tissue. “Basil...” His voice cracked, and he swallowed. “Is Hawthorne okay.” It sounded less like a question and more like a demand. His voice sounded like glass shards scraping against a blackboard. Without thinking, Arion curled his hands around the railings of the bed, the tech crunching audibly and breaking into pieces under the crushing grip of his fingers.

“Yes, he’s alive.” Nero reached out and rested his hand on Arion’s shoulder, ignoring the damage he was doing to the equipment on the bed. “You can certainly see him, but ten bucks says you’re not making it to the door by yourself before passing out. You may no longer in critical condition, but you’re still more fragile than a glass sculpture.” His eyes seemed to bore straight through Arion’s face.

Arion moistened his chapped lips, his face suddenly devoid of emotion. He was just beginning to feel how sore his body was, as if it had been mangled in a taffy making machine. All of his strength and stamina, which he had been building back up after being initially wounded, had washed away. He turned away from Nero and offered Basil a weak smile, his teeth stained with blood from coughing. “Basil, thanks for staying,” he managed. “Th...that means a lot to me.” Part of the old Arion was coming back, in the way he smiled. He put the palm of one hand against the mattress to support himself, his fingers quivering. The floor seemed to sway underneath him. Despite the fact that he felt like he’d been run over by an eighteen wheeler, he steeled his will and his smile. “Let’s go see the others, shall we?”


Celeste opened her eyes with a start at the sound of equipment shattering in the room across the hall, her Quell senses suddenly alert, despite the level of medicine running through her veins. There was only one person she knew who almost always destroyed the machinery around him when he woke up in the hospital. She stared at the ceiling for a moment, trying to move her limbs, but they stubbornly lay heavy and motionless. Her pale eyes rested on Juniper, and she blinked slowly. Celeste felt like she had glass shards in her throat, but she swallowed anyway.

“Hey. Are you okay?” Her voice was barely louder than the sound of the hospital system humming around them, but full of concern.


Endymion dipped his head slightly as he took his leave. “I understand, and I am grateful. Sleep well.” He let his gaze linger on hers for a moment longer before slipping outside and shutting the door without a sound.

The night was quiet and peaceful, all the traces of the evening’s frantic commotion gone. Endymion looked up at the sky, tracing constellations he knew by heart. There were a few planets visible, though to the untrained eye, they just looked like stars. The sun would rise in a handful of hours. Endymion pulled a small leather bound book out of his pocket, the yellow pages crinkling softly under his fine-tipped fingers, and began to write.


Miri fell silent, Gilly’s words reverberating in her brain. Juniper could’ve said those exact words—it was perfectly in character for him. She didn’t understand how well Gilly was taking Juniper’s banishment and death so well; the two of them had been brothers for as long as she had been alive. Whatever the case, Gilly was doing a very good job of hiding his grief.

“Well, sleep is kind of a lost cause after having our nerves shook like that,” Miri reached up and rubbed at her eyes, unwittingly making a funny face as she did so. “All we have to do is mentally prepare for tomorrow. I know it’s not the first time we’ve done such a thing, but I have a bad feeling about it.” She sighed and glanced back at Lyra’s hut, where Endymion was standing outside, writing something in the book he always carried. Something always happened after Endymion found something worthy to write down.

“Ah...” Miri gave a small chuckle, mostly out of embarrassment, as Gilly defended her. “Don’t bother. I got used to it after a while.” She swatted Gilly’s arm, thought it was obvious that she was grateful for his support. “A sorcerer needs to look the part, and I’m just not one yet.” She smiled up at the stars, a small sigh escaping her lips. Miri preferred not to talk about her training with Endymion after she made the decision to follow his path, but she felt comfortable enough with Gilly. The other Howlers only scowled at Gilly before continuing to discuss among themselves in hushed tones, pulling their cloaks tighter around themselves.

“Ooh, I would love that,” Miri grinned, lowering her voice. “It’s been so long since we got to sneak out like this. And on such a lovely night too!” She quickened her pace, her tunic fluttering behind her. By any other account, it may have seemed foolish for the two young Howlers to sneak out to the river at night at such a time. Miri, however, knew just what she was doing—imbuing oneself with peace, no matter the circumstances, was absolutely crucial before every battle. And there was no better way to do that than a midnight wade in the river’s clear waters.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Sat Oct 05, 2019 5:57 pm


Hawthorne couldn't help but chuckle as Kyran became so flustered from his compliment. He found it sweet that the friendly nurse was so adorably awkward and caring. " Yes, really," The captain chuckled warmly, giving Kyran a playful wink," You don't have to say anything at all. I rather enjoy your company, holding hands and all."

Another warm, rumbling laugh escaped the captain's lips as Kyran apologized for sounding weird. " No, no it wasn't really that weird," Hawthorne chuckled, reaching up to gently move Kyran's hand from his face," I think that it was very sincere and sweet of you to say. I don't think that anyone has ever complimented my hands." He remarked with a warm laugh, " And believe me, I've gotten much stranger compliments before, so don't worry about it."

Hawthorne beamed up at Kyran, his heart feeling lighter than ever before. It had been a long time since he had felt this happy, laughing and joking around. Kyran's ways of easing jis patients may have seemed a little unorthodox, but it seemed to be doing Hawthorne wonders. Despite his wounds, the captain had a new spark of life in his eyes. He didn't know it, of course, but spending time with Kyran was as exactly what Hawthorne needed.


Juniper flinched at the of metal crunching and glass breaking in the other room. " Yikes, that doesn't sound good at all." He remarked quietly to himself before glancing back down at Celeste. " Bunny!" He cried happily, seeing that she was beginning to wake. Carefully, the young Howler shifted around a bit so that Celeste could be more comfortable and stretch out if she wanted to. " Yeah, I'm okay. You're the one I'm worried about!" He chuckled fondly, " How are you feeling, pumpkin?" With the utmost care, Juniper cupped his calloused, yet gentle hand to Celeste's cheek, gently running his thumb along her cheek bone. " You gave us quite a scare for a while there, darling. But, I know you'd pull through. You're the bravest, most strong willed person I've ever met." Juniper chuckled warmly, gazing at his love fondly," I bet you would have spat in Death's eye if he tried to take you."


Basil watched Arion's expression, her heart aching to see him looking so panicked. He didn't even seem to recognize that she was right beside him. It pained her to see Arion looking like this and was hurt even worse was that there was nothing she could do to comfort him. Quietly, Basil put her hand on top of Arion's gently in vain hope that her presence might comfort him just a bit.

The doctor's words echoed in Basil's ears before she could answer Arion's question. Her pulse pounded in her chest and her mouth went dry as she tried to speak. " He's alive?" She said, the words coming out of her mouth in a hushed whisper. Basil squeezed her eyes shut, taking several breaths to calm herself. She couldn't believe it; she almost felt like the news was too good to be true. Her brother, Arion and Celeste were all alive. Hot tears rolled down Basil's adorably chubby cheeks as she opened her eyes once more. Her emotions were all over the place after the stress of everything, but she felt almost giddy with relief and pure joy now. She had hope that her family was going to live.

With a kind twinkle in her eyes, Basil returned Arion's smile softly. " Of course I stayed. I couldn't let you stay here by yourself, silly" She murmured fondly, reaching up to brush his bright red hair from his face," Besides, you can't get rid of me that easily. We're together now, remember?" Shyly, Basil leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to Arion's cheek. It was such an innocent thing, but Basil's gentleness in her little gestures showed how much she truly cared for him. Quietly, the young earth Quell smiled up at Arion," Yeah, let's go see everyone." She nodded in agreement," If you're feeling well enough, that is?" Basil would help support him as best as she could, but... he was so much bigger than her. Arion was like a six and a half foot tower of muscle and she was just so short and chubby; Basil probably wouldn't be much help with trying to support him.


Lyra's warm, intelligent gaze followed Endymion as he moved towards the door. Her coffee-brown eyes met his stormy blue ones for a moment as he lingered just inside the doorway. " Thank you, Endymion" The young Alpha murmured, a hint of a smile softening her features," Good night."

Once Endymion stepped out of her hut, Lyra smiled softly to herself for a moment before laying back in hopes of getting some rest. Tomorrow was going to be a very difficult day for all of them; Lyra knew that she was going to need all the rest she could get if she was going to lead the scouting mission. The she-Howler curled up on her sleeping mat, pulling her blanket a little closer to her aching body. Exhausted, Lyra fell into a deep sleep, resting easily despite her injured leg.


Gilly appeared almost unbothered by the loss of his best friend, which was very strange considering how close the two of them had been. Ever since Juniper had been adopted into the pack, he and Gilly had been inseparable brothers in mischief and unsung kindness. It was odd how the young deer Howler didn't seem to be grieving over his best friend. The truth of the matter was that Gilly was upset that Juniper had been banished from the pack that they had both grown up in. He was hurt that Lyra had been so unfair and he absolutely hated the fact that Juniper would never be able to come home, but, as usual, Gilly saw a positive side to things.

Perhaps he was too optimistic, but he didn't believe that Juniper was truly dead. He clung firmly to the hope that Arion had taken Juniper to a healer, hoping that the red-haired Quell wasn't as cruel as the legends made him out to be. Gilly was confident that Juniper was alive some where in Solodin, perhaps even completely healed by magic, and eventually they would be reunited.

" Yeah, I doubt many of us are gonna get a good night sleep after this evening's little event." Gilly murmured in agreement, glancing over at the darkened huts around them. He had no idea what was going to happen come dawn, but he shared Miri's sentiment that something bad was going to happen. It was like a dark clouds looming over the entire forest. " I wish humans would mind their damn business and keep out of the forest. They seemed determined to destroy every living thing they touch." He grumbled unhappily, putting his hands on his hips, " But, I know we'll drive them out. Even if we have to join forces with the Quell." The young deer Howler had a sort of grim optimism about him. Gilly was confident that they would be able to force the humans out of their forest, but he wondered at what cost?

As MirI swatted his tattooed bicep, Gilly pretended to look hurt and sighed dramatically. " Oh, I see how it is. You don't need your old pal Gilbert to defend your honor any more." He sighed even harder, clutching his fist over his heart as he pretended to sniffle," Soon my little Miri is going to be too badass to hang out with a dork like me." Gilly couldn't help but laugh at his own silliness, cracking himself up before flashing Miri a crooked grin. His eyes shone brightly with good humor. " Ha~ I'm just teasin' you, ya know. You can handle yourself pretty well, sister." He said, smiling down at her, " Just know I'll have your back when ya need me. Even if it's just to defend you from jerks like them because shouldn't have to put up with that crap."

Gilly wasn't surprised as MirI so casually announced that she was training to be a sorcerer. Truthfully, he had known for a while and he was chill about it. Miri's sorcery was her business, not his. Though, if any body gave her any trouble about it, Gilly would be one of the first to defend his friend. " I don't think you have to look gloomy and dress in dark clothes to qualify as a sorcerer, do you?" He asked jokingly, glancing down as his flamboyant, brightly colored tunic," I don't think I'd ever make it past the uniform part of sorcerer training."
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Tue Oct 08, 2019 6:37 pm


Kyran’s jaw dropped open in disbelief, his expression so scandalized it was almost comical. “No one? Really? You’re kidding. But hey, that means I’m the first!” His dark eyes gleamed with a joyful warmth as Hawthorne smiled back at him.

The young nurse glowed with inward sense of satisfaction, knowing he had successfully distracted Hawthorne from his pain just like he had asked him to, albeit in an awkwardly clumsy way. He looked down at their intertwined hands, his face still warm. “I can’t tell you how good it is to see you doing so much better. I live for these little moments in my job, you know? It’s not always blood and sickness and death, especially if I get someone like you.” He grinned bashfully.



Pumpkin? Shut up.” Celeste grinned, her shoulders shaking with a soundless laugh. Juniper was so sentimental and sweet, which made his affections all the more endearing. She reached up and clasped his hand as he cupped her cheek, her skin cold and smooth as marble. “Oh, I’m feeling better.” She reassured him. “Whatever they injected into me made me feel like I was slowly dying, but I suppose that’s just a side effect.” The pain and fatigue that had plagued her previously had begun to fade, and she could actually think clearly now. Celeste rubbed her eyes, a delicate white eyelash falling onto her cheek. “I just want to go home.” She sighed dejectedly.

“Basil?” Arion’s voice was fraught with concern. He peered at her curiously, baffled at her reaction to Nero’s confirmation that Hawthorne was alive. Arion already had an idea of how badly Hawthorne had been injured, but it obviously had been pretty awful considering Basil’s reaction. He pressed her hand gently, still unsure what to say to her. “Hey, everything will be all right.” He promised firmly. “We’re alive, and together—that’s what matters.”

Arion’s expression softened. “You’re the best,” he began, but was cut off as Basil kissed his cheek. Just like it had back at the restaurant, Arion’s brain immediately melted and trickled down his spine. Literally the simplest affection from Basil reduced him to a flustered mess, which was heartwarming considering how smoothly and suavely he would treat his past girlfriends or boyfriends. Arion had never been in love, not even with the models he’d spent frequent nights with from the city’s most well-known agency. To Arion, dating was only a fun activity, like archery or gymnastics. He had given up on real romantic love. Then why did he feel this way, and with the most unlikely, most amazing girl in Solodin? Maybe this was what those damn poets and philosophers were all gung ho about in literature class last year. Perhaps they knew what they were writing about after all.

“Together?” Arion repeated numbly, tracing the word with his lips. “Basil, I’m sorry I didn’t make this clear to you earlier, but we’re not dating. I don’t like that word anymore, at least not in that sense. It’s so flimsy.” He gave her a gentle smile, his dimples showing. “I’m courting you, sunshine, and it’s up to you if you want to be courted by me or not.” He raised Basil’s hand to his mouth, kissing it softly. His lips were cold and chapped, but the sensation was charming and gentle. Arion’s tousled hair fell back into his face, but he was too busy smiling to care.

Nero sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes. “Well, if you courting lovebirds could save all your lovey dovey chocolate-box antics for another time, that would be peachy. Arion, twenty bucks says you can’t get up by yourself.”

Arion pried his eyes away from Basil and grinned impishly at Nero. “Ahaha, I almost forgot. Let’s find out.” He turned away, his bright golden eyes glowing with an intense light, like all Quell’s did when they activated their magic. Arion slipped his hand out of Basil’s and swung his legs out of bed, grasping the charred stump of equipment he’d broken earlier. Every muscle in his body howled in protest as he stood up. Stars swam in his vision. The golden glow in his eyes shone brighter as his legs wobbled, his magic compensating for him in his wrecked condition. Searing hot pain scorched his heart and raced through his arteries, his nerves screaming in unison. But even in such a wrecked state, having to use his red magic merely to get to his feet, Arion was undeniably majestic, even for a Quell. From his perfect posture to his literally flaming eyes, he radiated pure power.

“Cheater.” Nero rolled his eyes, unimpressed. He’d witnessed Arion tapping into his powers for the most mundane things after being injured too many times. As a doctor, it kind of had lost its flair for him.

Arion smirked, ignoring the hot lump of pain rising in his chest. The light in his eyes faded erratically until it was a dim, pulsing glow. He picked up a clean white shirt lying folded the table and pulled it over his muscular torso. “The bread isn’t gonna knead itself.” He wiggled his fingers, trying to shake some life back into them. “Thank you for everything, Nero. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to make it over to Celeste’s before my body decides to collapse again.” He turned to Basil and cupped her cheeks in both hands, kissing the soft green curls on top of her head. “Go check up on Hawthorne, okay? He’ll be very happy to see you. I’ll be right with you before you know it.” He promised.

Arion stopped outside of Celeste’s room, alone. His fingers trembled on the doorknob as he rested his forehead against the door. The back of his throat tasted like old blood. He still felt ready to pass out—he was only putting up an act for Basil’s sake. There was so much to be done—he needed time to heal properly, but there was the restaurant to be looked after, and oh was his beloved staff going to kill him for taking two days off. And he needed to resolve things with Hawthorne, and with that little Howler runt, who apparently was going to be part of the family now. A drop of blood ran down his chin, and it took all of his willpower not to cough. Arion wiped at his chin with clumsy fingers and pushed open the door.

Celeste looked up as the door creaked open, her soft pink lips falling open. Arion leaned heavily against the door jamb, his messy red hair falling over his forehead. His eyes lifted, meeting hers. There was a smudge of red lipstick on his cheek, and blood on his chin. With the dark shadows around his eyes and cheekbones, he looked worn out as ever, but his beautiful golden eyes glowed softly. Arion didn’t even seem angry at Juniper sitting by her; his eyes were only fixed on her.

Forgetting her exhaustion, Celeste sat up straight so quickly she almost knocked over Juniper’s empty bowl. “Arion!” Arion’s sluggish demeanor suddenly broke as he took a step forward, laughing. Dropping heavily onto the bed, he crushed Celeste’s small body into the pillows as he wrapped his arms around her. He was so big and muscular compared to her; it was ridiculously sweet. Celeste sobbed into his chest, a soft, muffled noise which sounded like she was suffocating. “You giant, horrid, abominable idiot! Y-you scared me so bad! You’re gonna wish you were dead!” All the pent up fear and worry threatening to explode in her chest was replaced with a murderous relief. Rather than hugging Arion back, she began pounding his chest and stomach, making him recoil in pain.

“Ow, ow, stop!” Arion gasped, his smile so bright it chased away the shadows under his eyes. Although Celeste was weaker than a newborn kitten, her punches still hurt, seeing how he was just as weak as she was. It was good to see her back to her old self. “Hey, hey, Nero just stitched me back together. You can beat me up me later.” He wheezed, planting a palm on the bed to keep himself upright, running his other hand through his hair to get it out of his face. “Looks like everyone is alive and well, including Half-Pint here.” Arion turned his gaze to Juniper, his 24-carat gold eyes flickering unstably. “Juniper, man, I was wrong about you. You’re a bit of a pest, but you’re super cute! I wouldn’t mind us keeping you.”


Miri shivered despite the warm summer night. “You know very well that is impossible for them. Humans are the only species who don’t possess the gift of magic, but oh, they make up for it twofold in greed and wickedness.” She sounded so old, it was hard remembering that she was fourteen. “But you are right! At this point, an alliance with the Quell is inevitable. They care about the forest, too, and such a situation will definitely call for their action.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. How could I forget? If one has a faithful friend, one has everything,” Miri laughed, her dark blue eyes sparkling. “And yes, you are a dork.” She affirmed gleefully.

As Gilly mentioned the way sorcerers dressed, Miri gave a snorting laugh, shaking her head. “Of course not, silly! You don’t HAVE to dress exclusively in dark, flowing robes to become a practitioner of the dark arts. It’s just that dark magic has some...ah, how do I explain this?” Miri skipped along for a few paces, looking up at the sky. “Regular armor, leather, and certain types of cloth tend to react poorly to radiating magic, and can even hinder it to some extent. That’s why Endymion typically wears rough homespun linen or cotton, you know? And no, he does NOT dye them black to match his aesthetic.” Miri rolled her eyes. “Black magic rubs out dyes, wears down threads, and, well, is a wardrobe destroyer.” Miri plucked absentmindedly at the string of gemstones around her neck. “But don’t you worry about me. I know what I’m signing up for.”
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:14 pm


A warm, rumbling chuckle escaped the Captain's lips as Kyran's expression shifted to one of total disbelief. He found the young man's passion to be quite heartwarming. " Oh absolutely! You're the first person to compliment me on my hands" Hawthorne chuckled merrily, " Though, personally, I think that your hands are far more attractive. They're just so slender and soft, it's impossible not to like them." Delicately, the battered soldier ran his thumb gently across the back of Kyran's hand. At the realization of what he had said, Hawthorne's cheeks and ears began to flush a furious pink. In his own blundering and awkward way, could he be flirting with his nurse right after nearly bleeding out? Hawthorne pushed the thought aside, blushing even harder. Kyran was just being nice to a patient who needed a little kindness, right?

His blush fading quickly, Hawthorne's deep green gaze followed the young nurse's to their intertwined fingers. " I... I have to thank you for all you've done. I really appreciate you staying here with me. You don't know how much it's helped me." He said, offering Kyran a warm smile and gently squeezing his hand," I know it's your job to help out injured Quell like me, but... I really appreciate it. You're a damn good nurse and a kind person. It's rare to find someone like you." Hawthorne chuckled softly, wincing just a bit before pressing his hand to his side. " And hey... of anybody gives you crap about being soft-hearted, let me know. Once I get back on my feet, I'll beat their asses for ya." He joked light heartedly, though he meant every word. The captain had found a friend in Kyran and he wasn't going to let anyone pick on the kind nurse.



" Oooh~ Yea, you like that one?" Juniper teased playfully with a little wiggle of his eyebrows," Pumpkin is just the tip of the iceburg! I have a million sticky sweet pet names I could call you, my little honey pot~ Or wait! How about sunggle bunny~? I kinda like that one" He said thoughtfully, a mischievous twinkle in his violet eyes. He couldn't help but tease his love, after all it was all in good fun and nothing made him happier than seeing his precious Celeste happy. Her dazzling smile never failed to send his heart racing.

Juniper leaned into Celeste's hand gently as she cupped his cheek, his playful grin shifting to a more fond, loving expression. " I'm so glad you're feeling better, love." He murmured, gently putting his hand to her cold, pallid one," I'm sorry you're stuck in this awful place... but.. if it's any consolation.. I promise, I'm not going to leave your side." Very gently, Juniper leaned over and wiped the delicate white eyelash from Celeste's cheek, his smile widening a bit. " Here, why don't you take this and make a wish on it? I don't need it~ " He smiled impishly, placing the eyelash in Celeste's hand," I have everything I could ever wish for right here~" Delicately, Juniper brushed strands of pastel colored hair from Celeste's face. His eyes still sparkled with mischief, but the gentleness and care in his movements conveyed just how genuine his love was for her.

Basil was, of course, shaken by the news that her brother was still alive. She still felt a bit light headed from the casual announcement, but she was more than happy to hear that his condition was stable and she was eager to see him once more. As Arion spoke up, Basil's attention snapped to him quickly and a small smile tugged at the corners of her plump lips. " You're right... everything will be okay." She murmured softly in agreement, " As long as we're all together, everything will turn out alright."

Seeing Arion grow flustered from her innocent kiss, Basil nearly giggled from how adorable it was to see him melt from affections. She absolutely loved it, and in her eyes, it was just as attractive as his suaveness. Though.... she was just as lovesick as Arion was in her own little way. Basil was a little shy and blushy, her cheeks were flushed deep pink from their affectionate gestures.

Arion's words made her heart skip a beat. Not together? She thought, a barrage of worries crossing her mind. Had she over stepped her boundaries? Misread Arion's intentions? Did he just not like her anymore after he nearly died from her mistake? Basil's worries instantly melted away as Arion explained further, her hear fluttering a bit from his dimpled smile. She found herself smiling back, unable to take her eyes off the handsome red-haired Quell while he kissed her hand. " Yes," She breathed happily, a pleasant warmth flooding her senses" I'd like it very much to be courted by you."

With a shy giggle, she leaned up and gently ran her fingers through Arion's tussled red hair in an attempt to tame it just a bit. " I love you, Arion~" She cooed fondly, making his name sound sweeter than honey as she spoke it " Be careful, okay? Don't strain yourself". Trying her best not to let her expression give away her worry, Bail watched as Arion stood up with such effort. She new his power was taking a huge toll on him, but she couldn't help but be in awe of him. He truly was one of Solodin's greatest warriors.

With a soft smile, Basil's gaze followed Arion as he moved over to get a clean shirt. " That was amazing, love.. I have to say, I'm impressed." She laughed softly, beaming up at him," I knew you could do it though. I never doubted you for a moment."

The young earth Quell's cheeks flushed even more pink as Arion kissed the top of her head. " That's an excellent idea. I really would love to check up on him," She said softly, worry creeping back into her voice," Are you okay with checking on Celeste alone?" Basil shook away her worry, realizing that Arion would probably want to talk to his sister alone anyway. Mustering up a warm smile, Basil stood and gently kissed Arion's cheek one more. " Take all the time you need, okay?"

Turning to Nero, Basil offered the older man a friendly smile. " Thank you for everything, doctor. I really wish I could stay and chat, but I'm desperate to see my brother". She said with a polite nod, " You... you wouldn't happen to know which room he's staying in, would you?"

Juniper turned towards the door as he heard it open, expecting a nurse or a doctor. Though, he was surprised to find Arion standing in the doorway. The poor Quell looked as if he were going to pass out at any moment, but Juniper wasnt fooled. He knew how resilient members of the Royal guard were, especially warriors like Arion. A hint of old fear ran through him, though Juniper pushed it aside quickly.

Relief washed over the young Howler as Arion rushed to his sister's side. He didn't seem angry at all, which Juniper counted himself lucky for. Happily, he watched as the reunited siblings hugged and as Celeste pounded her tiny fists against Arion's chest.

" Ha! It's good to see you alive as well, Arion" He said, flashing him a good natured grin. Juniper may bit have started out on the best terms with Arion, but he liked the intimidating red-haired Quell. And he wanted to be nice to him, even if it were only for Celeste's sake.


" You're probably right", Gilly sighed heavily, turning his face up towards the starry night sky," I used to think that Quell where the most evil threat to our pack. They have such strong magic and powerful warriors.. but... the carelessness of humans is a more terrifying threat" The young man shook his head, giving a heavy sigh. " Sometimes I wonder if all humans are just wicked or simply so ignorant that they can't see the harm they're doing." Gilly stretched a bit with a yawn, though he was far from tired. He was far too awake to even think about sleeping. " Isn't it strange to be forming an allegiance with the people we've been fighting against for so long? I mean, for once I'm thankful for how strong a force the Quell warriors are." He chuckled warmly, a hint of an old ache in his tone," They'll be excellent allies to have, don't you think?" Gilly didn't hold a grudge against the Quell. It was the idea of being trapped in another endless war made the usually cheerful Howler sick to his stomach with dread.

Though, hearing Miri's laugh seemed to brighten Gilly's mood a bit. " Why thank you, my faithful friend," He said with a sort, comical bow, " Im more than happy to be a dork. It's much more fum than being a stick in the mud" He chuckled warmly, the merry twinkle returning to his bright hazel eyes.

" Oh well, forgive me for being so confused about a sorcerer's wardrobe," Gilly chuckled warmly, easily following along with Miri as she explained the dark magic. " Ah well, that makes sense. So, I take it he wouldn't be interested in that colorful wool scarf I knitted him for Christmas?" Gilly joked lightly, flashing Miri a dorky grin she could see in the moonlight. Though he didn't know much about sorcery, he respected Miri and her brother, so he didn't mind their interest in the dark arts.

" Hey, I know you can handle yourself, little sister." Gilly said respectfully, being a bit more serious than usual. The young man looked to Miri, offering her a kind smile, " I may not know much about the spooky stuff you and your brother are in to, but I do know you. You're wicked smart and you've got a good head on your shoulders." Lightly, Gilly gave her head a gentle, affectionate thump like an older brother might do," If you wanna be a sorceress or whatever, then I know you'll be great at it. I can't say I won't worry about you- after all, that's what friends do- but, I know you can handle yourself pretty well."
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:02 am


Kyran’s heart thumped wildly in his chest as Hawthorne ran his calloused thumb over the back of his hand, an intense blush rising to his cheeks. His face broke into a wide grin as he looked away bashfully, his dark curly hair falling over his face. Hawthorne’s simple, gentle gestures flustered him far too easily. “Awwww, you’re too sweet b–” he stopped himself just in time before he could say baby. Kyran’s face heated up even more as he realized what he could have said. And to the captain of the guard, who could easily kill him before he got to his feet! “Um, thank you, I-I really appreciate it,” he stuttered in an attempt to save himself. Oh my god that was so embarrassing! I hope he didn’t notice he thought, but couldn’t bring himself to look back up to Hawthorne’s face yet. He felt like his stomach was doing jumping jacks as he looked down at their hands intertwined together.

The captain’s gentle, heartfelt words sank into the pit of Kyran’s stomach like warm honey. The flustered, fluttery feeling suddenly solidified into something lighter and more stable. Kyran swallowed nervously before looking up and meeting Hawthorne’s eyes, his own eyes holding a spark of resolve. “I’ve really enjoyed your company too. Honestly...I felt so at ease when we were talking, like neither of us were going to judge the other for saying something. That’s a rare feeling.” A small smile rose to the corners of his soft lips. “I hope we can still keep in touch after you get better?” He suggested shyly. Kyran laughed as Hawthorne promised to defend him, his straight white teeth gleaming against the smooth brown of his skin. “You’ll be my knight in shining armor? I couldn’t ask for anything better!” Hawthorne might have been joking, but his words had warmed the young nurse to the bone. Kyran felt almost giddy at the prospect of Hawthorne throwing hands at a random stranger, just for him. It made him feel strangely special in a way he’d never felt before.



Celeste laughed, her nose scrunching like a kitten’s as her cheeks flushed pink. Her eyes twinkled merrily, her lungs feeling like they were slowly thawing as Juniper teased her playfully. “I like that one too! But you know what? I’ll take ‘em all!” She smiled breathlessly, leaning back on the pillows to look at him more clearly. “You’re the cutest, darling; you make me feel so special. I love you,” Celeste murmured softly, just for him to hear, even though the room was empty.

“Thank you love,” Celeste breathed gratefully, pressing Juniper’s hand warmly. “Truthfully, the hospital is supposed to feel like a second home to anyone who enters it. But wherever you are is already home to me. I’m perfectly happy when you’re with me.” She smiled contentedly, her fingers caressing his face in slow, soft movements. Celeste looked down at the eyelash Juniper placed in her hand, her heart warmed by the simple but sweet gesture. Juniper’s kind thoughtfulness was sweeter than honey. “All right, I’ll make a wish for both of us then.” She smiled and closed her eyes, blew the eyelash off her palm as a silent wish surfaced in her mind. I wish that Arion and Juniper will come to get along with each other. Celeste smiled to herself, her eyes still closed, as she briefly imagined their future together. They had their whole lives to figure things out, but they would never be alone. That comforted her more than anything else.

Nero cleared his throat, looking like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders as Arion made his exit. “He’s in room number A201. Right outside this door to the left. I’ll walk with you if you’d like,” He offered, opening the door for Basil.

Celeste propped herself up, her expression changing into a more serious one. “Seriously, Arion, you look terrible. I could tell from the moment you walked in that you’re still in pain. You shouldn’t be up and about like this.” Her hand came up to brush unruly red locks of hair from Arion’s forehead, her careful gaze surveying his bloodshot eyes and waxy complexion.
Arion drew a shaky breath, his eyes fluttering shut at her gentle touch. “Don’t worry about me, squig. Look on the bright side—I’m not dying anymore! How’s that for improvement?” Arion forced a laugh, a muscle under his left eye twitching slightly.

Celeste’s eyebrows furrowed anxiously. “I am VERY much worrying about you. You look like a freshly reanimated corpse. What were they thinking, letting you come over here in the first place? You should be resting!” Her hand came down and wiped at his chin, her fingers coming away red and sticky. Exasperated, Arion quickly took Celeste’s hands in his. “I swear I’m fine! Nero loves me too much to make me stay there,” He gave a cocky grin, tilting his head in an annoyingly endearing way. Blood glistened on his teeth. “Besides, I wanted to see you, silly goose. Why else would I come over here? To see Juniper?” Arion laughed wickedly. “Oh my god.” Celeste groaned, rolling her eyes. She face palmed as Arion leaned forward and tucked one finger under Juniper’s chin, lifting it ever so gently. An unhinged light flickered crazily in his gold eyes as he looked the young Howler over, a smirk growing on his chiseled lips, their faces only a few inches apart. Despite his beat up condition, Arion was even more beautiful up close. He smelled like apples, probably from the medicine. “I guess it’s final. We’re keeping you. You’re sleeping on the couch, though.”

Celeste blushed to the roots of her hair, the old annoyance only Arion could provoke in her bubbling up in her chest. “Arion, you’re so embarrassing! And stop looking at Juniper like that—you look like you’re gonna eat him.”


“Isn’t that right,” Miri heaved a sigh, “Nothing unites better than a common enemy. The Quell have a lot of firepower, and it’ll definitely be a valuable asset when we fight back. But we’re not teaming up with them ‘cause we’re weak, they better understand that. The humans are a threat to us all.” Her voice hardened, a glint of the proud, icy tone Endymion always spoke with showing through her words.

“Honestly? I think it’s both. Ignorance is deadly, but at this point it doesn’t matter if the humans know that they’re destroying the ecosystem or not. All they care about is profit.” She spat resentfully. As Gilly yawned, Miri found herself yawning as well, even though she wasn’t even remotely tired herself. “Stop it, you’re making ME yawn too!” Miri shoved him playfully, grinning as she ducked under a low-hanging tree branch.

“What, you knitted Endymion a scarf? Gilly, you’re TOO nice!” Miri snorted out a laugh. “But I dunno honestly. Endymion is only a fashion person when the job calls for it. He disguised himself as a woman once to sneak into a coven meeting some moons ago. Honestly, it’s eerie how much he can change when needed.” Miri smiled fondly. “But deep down he will always be the same.”

A small, bubbly laugh escaped Miri’s lips as Gilly voiced his confidence in her. “Well, even though I’m still figuring it all out, I’m glad you’re confident I can do it! It’s good to know someone believes in me,” she hummed happily.

The musical sound of water flowing over stones floated faintly in the air as the pair walked together. “Ah, here we are!” Miri forged ahead, catching a glimpse of the moonlight reflecting off the stream’s clear surface. “Man, I can’t remember the last time I came out here with you!”
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Mon Feb 10, 2020 7:06 pm


Hawthorne felt his cheeks begin to grow warm in response to Kyran's rather flustered expression. He just couldn't seem to tear his gaze from the young nurse until Kyran turned away for a bit. A sudden wave of shyness washed over the usually more stoic Captain. His heart pounded wildly in his chest, his mind racing with a million thoughts, though just one stood out in particular. Oh heavens, how was he so freakin' adorable? Hawthorne couldn't get the handsome young nurse out of his mind.

Shyly, the Captain stole a glance at Kyran while he was still looking away. His heart thumped even harder in his chest as he noticed how Kyran's dark hair had fallen in his face. Biting his lip, Hawthorne leaned forward and brushed his curls from his face with the utmost care. The Captain's fingers where rough and coarse from years of rigorous training, but his movements where caring and gentle. " Sweet?" Hawthorne repeated, his face flushing an even more noticeable deep red. He had guessed what Kyran was about to say, but he decided to play it off. " Ha! There are very few people that think I'm sweet, you know" The young man chuckled warmly, "Most people just think I'm a grouch".

Hawthorne returned Kyran's smile with a shy one of his own. Out of nervousness, the Captain attempted to smooth out his deep green and black locks with his free hand. " I... I would like it very much if we could see each other again" He said, offering Kyran a nervous smile. " Would you possibly consider going out for a cup of coffee with me sometime?" Hawthorne asked in a bit of a nervous rush, fidgeting with the white linens on the bed. It was clear that Kyran had somehow managed to soften up the battle weary soldier and was slowly capturing his heart.



Juniper practically glowed with joy as he saw Celeste was. Just being able to sit back and enjoy watching her when she was this happy never failed to send the young Howler's heart soaring. Hearing her adorable laugh and seeing how her gorgeous blue eyes lit up with joy was addictive. With a familiar crooked grin, Juniper leaned closer to Celeste, planting a gentle kiss to her forehead before smiling down at her softly. " Well, you're wrong about one thing, darling~" He teased playfully, brushing Celeste's pastel hair from her face," You're definitely the cutest person ever~" Juniper chuckled softly, the mischievous sparkle in his eyes beger leaving even as his expression grew just a touch more serious. " I love you too, bunny. More than I could ever explain" He murmured softly as he gently caressed her cheek," I want to spend the rest of my life making you feel loved and special. If you'll have me, of course." With a soft smile, Juniper moved his hand away from Celeste's cheek and took her delicate hands in his warm, tanned ones. " You're welcome, bunny~" He said softly, offering her a sunny smile," You make me happy too! I never knew that my life was missing something until we bumped into each other at the library. Now I can't imagine my life without you in it" Juniper leaned into Celeste's hand as she caressed his cheek, closing his eyes for just a moment as he smiled to himself. He was so perfectly happy like this. All he needed in life was to be with his precious Celeste and to have a full belly.

Basil nodded a bit as Nero told her where Hawthorne's room was. She was desperate to see her brother, though she was terrified as well. The memory of Hawthorne's bloodied and mauled body was still fresh in her mind from the fight. Basil was still rather afraid that she'd find a corpse instead of her brother laying on the bed. Feeling a bit lightheaded, the young earth Quell rubbed her temples and took a breath to compose herself. " Yes, would you mind walking me to his room? I would greatly appreciate it," Basil said, offering the doctor a friendly smile as she walked over to the door.

Juniper frowned a bit as he watched Arion and Celeste, his purple eyed gaze resting on the larger Quell before him while he was preoccupied with his sister. Arion was equally terrifying and beautiful, which made him all the more alluring. His looks where just as awe-inspiring as his talents as a warrior. Juniper thought back to the tales about Arion that had come from the war. None of them had been able to successfully capture what it was like being so close to the revered Quell warrior.

Juniper was frozen in place as Arion lifted his chin with a single lithe finger. The young Howler looked up to him, his violet eyes wide as he met Arion's golden gaze. Juniper's heart raced in his chest as he held his breath, not daring to even let himself blink. Was this some sort of Quell test he hadn't been prepared for? Was Arion going to kiss him? The scent of apples filled Juniper's nose, snapping him out of his thoughts. The young Howler released the breath he was holding slowly before offering Arion a friendly smile. " The couch sounds fair to me" He said light heartedly, giving a warm laugh, " I promise I don't shed too much!"


" True, very true" Gilly agreed with a heavy sigh and a sorrowful shake of his head, " I know we all wish things where different. How cruel is it to be forced into another war when you're still celebrating the end of the last one?" The young Howler gave a short, humorless laugh. " Some twist of fate, eh? The gods must be having a real laugh." Gilly sighed softly, seeming much less cheerful than he usually was. For a moment, the young deer Howler couldn't seem to muster up any of his usual infectious optimism. " Maybe you're right," Gilly said sadly, " Humans don't care what they destroy. There isn't any reasoning with them because profit is the only thing on their minds."

Gilly couldn't help but flash Miri a crooked grin as she shoved him. " Sorry, sorry" He apologized, putting his hands up in mock surrender, " I'll do my best to keep from yawning". With a wa arm laugh, Gilly followed after Miri, having to duck quite low to avoid the branch. " Mhm~ That was my big plan to win your brother over! I was knitting him a very fashionable scarf!" Gilly joked, barely able to keep a straight face before he burst out laughing. Chuckling, the young man looked to Miri with an amused smile, " Ha! I never really took Endymion for much of a fashion person. I think his dark clothes and his cloak suit him though. " He hummed lightly, grinning crookedky as he imagined what Endymion would look like as a woman.

Gilly beamed down at Miri as she seemed pleased that he was confident in her. " Absolutely! You're the cleverest person I know, I know you can figure all of this out. And heck, you've always got help if you need it" He hummed cheerfully, giving Miri a gentle nudge," I may not be a sorcerer, but I'll always be around to help you out. It's what friends are for, right?"

As soon as he heard the sound of the water flowing over the rocks, Gilly gave a joyous shout. " Race ya, Ri-ri!" He called, racing off for the moonlit water. As he bounded gracefully towards the stream, he stripped off his colorful tunic and tossed it on a nearby bush. " Ha! It's been too long since we've came out here together!" Happily, Gilly waded into the stream before dunking his entire body into the chilly, pristine water. After a few moments, he came back up with a satisfied groan, " Yup, it's been waaaaay too long. The water is so refreshing!" He laughed joyously, flicking water droplets at Miri lazily" Come on in! It's a little chilly, but it feels so good"
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Sat Jun 27, 2020 8:41 pm


Kyran glanced up in surprise as he felt gentle fingers brush the curls away from his face, his face flushing as he basked in Hawthorne’s gentle touch for a few heartbeats. The young nurse’s hair was thick and especially soft, with the texture of those luxury wool blankets that were super trendy last winter. His full mouth parted for a few moments, his attention too focused on the way Hawthorne was biting his lip for his brain to form an articulate response. How could someone be this impossibly hot after waking up from a coma an hour ago?

“A grouch? Really?” The nurse gave a short laugh. “Oh my. Here you are, having us thinking you were dead, then waking up without anyone by your side to comfort you. I don’t have the best memory, but wow, I don’t recall a single complaint coming from you.” He mused. “Everyone knows that you are strong and brave, but, well, I didn’t know how kind and patient you were.” Kyran grinned bashfully as he met Hawthorne’s eyes, his heart jumping as he noticed the way Hawthorne was smiling so gently. Wow, his eyes, they’re just like gemstones. Kyran blushed madly as he realized he’d been gawking at how handsome the captain was this whole time. Maybe it was impolite or tactless, but he just couldn’t tear his eyes away from Hawthorne.

“Coffee? With you? Oh, I would love that!” Kyran beamed, his gray eyes lighting up with excitement. His pulse fluttered wildly, enthusiasm flooding his veins. The prospect of spending more time with Hawthorne, especially outside this hospital room, sounded golden. Is this—is this a date? he ventured to think. Kyran felt as if his stomach was doing jumping jacks as he eyed the captain shyly, suddenly self-conscious about his enthusiastic response.

Nero’s steely gray eyes softened with some semblance of pity as his gaze rested on Basil. “Of course I’ll come with you. I'm sure he will be overjoyed to see you.” He walked Basil out to the hallway, nurses and healers weaving around them respectfully. Despite the late hour, the hospital staff were tireless. He stopped in front of the door and turned the knob gently, stepping aside to allow Basil to enter.



Celeste snuggled against Juniper, her hands moving to cradle his as he caressed her cheek. A soft smile flirted across her face as her fingers found his. “I couldn’t agree more. I wasn’t looking, but I found you anyway. Providence has been good to me.” Celeste beamed, an expression of contentment settling on her countenance. The unpleasant ache in her bones was fading, but with Juniper attending to her so closely, they were already a distant memory. In a slow, gentle movement, she raised Juniper’s hands to her mouth and kissed them softly. Her usually soft lips were dry and chapped, but the sensation was warm and sweet. Celeste leaned back on the pillows, a slight feeling of peaceful somnolence seeping into her limbs.

Arion’s sharp, bright eyes softened, the unnervingly hungry light in them disappearing as he took in the sight of Juniper’s wide violet eyes. A smile tugged at his chiseled lips. “Aren’t you a pretty little creature. Celeste, you marry him any time you want.” Arion settled back and patted Juniper on the head, his fingers tousling Juniper’s hair in an almost affectionate manner. The gesture was spontaneous, yet gentle, and carried none of the hostility or resentment Arion had so clearly harbored for Juniper in the past days. All of the negative feelings between him and the young Howler seemed to have dissipated. The redheaded Quell learned back and put his arm around Celeste, his expression mildly amused as if he had just tasted something new.

Celeste couldn’t help but chuckle as she watched her two favorite boys, her mind brought back to the wish Juniper told her to make. She hadn’t missed how the hard, bitter edge Arion’s gaze used to hold when he looked at Juniper was now gone. Instead, it was replaced by a sort of fond tolerance, like the sort a soft-hearted pet owner would have for a mischievous puppy. “Awww, you two are so cute.” She gave a small yawn, snuggled into Arion’s warm embrace, and rubbed at her eyes. “I’m so tired. What time is it?”

Arion glanced at the clock. “Fifteen minutes past midnight. You should get some sleep.” He leaned his head back against the headboard, his eyes fixed on an invisible point on the wall. Arion was exhausted, but there was no way he was going to rest until he got to see Hawthorne. But first, he had to make sure Celeste was all right. He glanced down at her with listless eyes, the corners of his chapped lips lifting just a bit.


“Well, if war breaks out, I think it will be a short one. This time, we have magic, technology, firepower, and better understanding of the enemy on our side. It will definitely lay waste to the forest, but there’s still hope for us.” Miri shrugged thoughtfully. “Twist of fate? I don’t think so...I mean, there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature, but the gods really couldn’t care less. They’ve left long ago.” As a deist, Miri didn’t believe in praying or divine intervention. She had yet to see any solid intellectual or scientific evidence for the immanence of any gods. “It’s up to us to make the best of even a horrible situation like this.”

Miri giggled brightly, her crooked front teeth glinting in the moonlight. “You would? Thanks, Gilly. That means a lot to me! I’ll remember your offer the next time Endy wants me to dissect one of those giant eight-eyed spiders that live in the mountains!” She teased, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

“Not so fast!” Miri grinned, breaking into a sprint. She tore her loose white tunic off, a simple wide strip of cloth wrapped around her chest. As she jumped over a large log, her small body morphed into that of a common kestrel, with brown and white mottled wings. The tiny bird of prey soared several feet high into the air before diving, morphing back into her human form before plunging into the middle of the wide stream where it was the deepest. She came up gasping and grinning widely, her sleek brown hair shining in the moonlight. “We really need to do this more often!”
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