intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

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Re: intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

Postby the_kiiwii » Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:21 am

Aidan took a moment to look around the library. Everything was so different with colors. He had no idea what the majotity of them were but they were beautiful. He stood up, leaving his bag hanging on the back of his chair, and walked over to the shelves. Aidan ran his hand across the bindings of all of the books as he walked down the isles of books. Each were a different color, some were bright and vibrant while other were dark or bland. He couldn't help but want to explore. At least one good thing came out of finding his soulmate, the world was so much more vibrant and beautiful. Aidan walked through each and every isle of the large building, there were even more colors then he could have imagined.

After spending almost 20 minutes just walking around Aidan realized he had to leave or else he would be late, which would ruin his day. Aidan grabbed his backpack, which was usually a light grey but now it was a bright color, It was quite pretty but he wasn't sure what it was called. It was almost calming to look at but he didn;t have any time to waiste. Aidan rushed out of the libraby but instantly stopped once he got outside. The sky was such a beautiful color. He know understood why Jae loved it so much. And the he know realized his backpack was the same bright yellow as the sun. The trees were so vivivid and the flower gardens added such a wonderful pop of color. He was beggining to consider if it heshould even go to class. There was just so much to explore, he figured it would more educational to go explore the new bright campus instead of going to some boring class. But, Aidan knew he couldn't do that, if he missed even one day it would way to ahrd to get the notes and info from that day so he decided to just slowly walk to class.

The day couldn't have seemed to go by any slower then it did but when class finally ended Aidan bolted out. His phone ahd been off while the proffesor was lectoring his class but when he pulled the phone out he noticed that he had a text, and he didn't know the number. Aidan rolloed his eyes, assuming it was guy from the library. He ignored it for now. Aidan seperatly wanted to go back to the librabry and see if they ahd a book that could give him the names for all of the colors he saw. he knew some names, but didn;t know what they belonged to.

After a while Aidan was able to find the book. It had a sleek green coverd and each page was simple. It had a rectangle with a color on it along with it's name, and some places where you could find it. However it was difficult to pay attention to what he was reading because everytime he thought about his 'soulmate' or his phone he felt horrible for ignoring the text. The least he could do was respond,a t least so the guy knew Aidan didn't give him a fake number. "Hey". he texted back. After a minute he figured he should probably text back his name, because it made more snese that he did. "I'm Aidan" he sent the second message. At least he knew the guys name was Jesee, that way Aidan didn;t have to just refer to him as 'guy'
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Re: intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

Postby crabodile » Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:58 am

    jesse burrowed his phone back into his back pocket, feeling stupidly happy that he had been able to send the text. he decided to continue to lounge on the raggy couch, back pressed against one of the seat's arms. the sky was a soft blue, a little lighter than the color where the leather of the colored had worn down. he flicked his feet up, crossing them as he waited. why was he waiting? the kid had wanted to bolt the second they made eye contact and color blinded their eyes. if the number wasn't a fake, who said he would even text back? he had probably just done it to get jesse off his back..

    he sat there for a long time, until the amount of people walking below got denser. other classes had let out, but jesse still had another in a half hour. there was no use waiting, so jesse snatched his bag up and started making his way through the halls to his last class. he only had two today, thank gosh.. it was practically empty when he slipped in, save for a trio off to the side, so dakota took a seat on the other side of the room. his phone buzzed and jesse's heart soared. had his soulmate decided to text back? he calmed his heart, knowing that he shouldn't get his hopes up.

    the text message notification blinked before his eyes, and he made a giddy little shift in his whole posture (gaining a quick look of curiosity from the other three in the room.) dakota could care less, though, because an unknown number had answered back. he read the text, just 'hey'. what did he expect, a paragraph? jesse slumped over his table, tapping the reply button. but what could he say to that? before he had much time to think about it, another text came in. it was the same number.

    'aidan.' dakota repeated the name in his head, over and over until the syllables sounded like mush. he placed his simple, grey bag on the floor (carefully) and devoted his attention to his phone. he didn't really know what to text back, so it took him a few moments of staring at the bright device. "your name is really pretty." jesse had known someone named aiden, with an e, once upon a time. he hoped this aidan was just as lovable. "& thank you for giving me a chance" before his mind caught up and forced him to delete it, dakota's finger tapped send.
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Re: intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

Postby the_kiiwii » Sun Apr 28, 2019 1:35 pm

Aidan was able to focus on the book after her responded to Jesse's text. It was annoying how much guilt was lifted off of his shoulders by just responding with his name and hey. He flipped through colored page after colored page. Aidan was sitting outside as he studied the different colors. He was seated on wooden bench with a great view of the bright park. Everytime he read about a color the first thing he did was try and find it in his surroundings. He decided that he really liked yellow, blue, pink and purple. Plus those colors were quite common especially in the flowers so it was quite calming to just sit there and observe his surroundings.

Aidan wasn't really expecting another text anytime soon so when he felt the object buzz in his pocket he was startled. Not so surprisingly it was Jesse. The black haired man opened his phone and read the message... But he really didn't know how to reply. Man, was this guy cheesy. They had talked for like a minute, and he was already dealing out compliments. Plus as far as Aidan could remember, he never agreed to giving this guy a chance. Although, he figured giving away his number could have been easily mistaken, and made Jesse think he was giving him a chance to make Aidan fall for him. It wasn't, he just didn't want to be rude.

It wasn't uknown to Aidan, he knew this whole refusing to be with his soulmate thing as over reacting. Afterall, Jesse seemed like a decent guy, and he didn't seem like he could hurt a fly let alone kill someone, but Aidan just couldn't accept fate after what happened to Jae. Even though his aprents had always supported him, even they critisized his decision. It was rare when someone absolutely refused tobe with their soulmate even before they met them. Many might date but when they meet their soulmate, they choose to stay with them. However Aidan just couldn't do it. It brought up to many bad memories.

Aidan threw his head back. His thumb ran across the screen of his phone. What should he even say? Maybe he could just, not reply? Afterall, how does one react to a text like that. it was obvious Jesse was just trying to ge thim to let his guard down, loosen up a bit. He really didn't want to give in to this guy but he knew he should respond. Ugh, he really hated this sense of guilt. Thanks... I guess?" he sent the message. "but, I didn't really say I was going to give you a chance, I'm really not intrested in this whole fate thing..." he typed once again and sent it.

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Re: intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

Postby crabodile » Sun Apr 28, 2019 10:19 pm

    jesse frowned at his phone, not expecting aidan to have responded so quickly. he read the messages. for some odd reason, his heart hurt. he set down his phone, unsure what to text back, but didn't even have time to think about it before the professor stalked in. suddenly, jesse realized there were rows of kids. had he spaced out? ah, geez. he shouldn't be letting his phone get in the way of how aware he normally was- wait, he literally used to sleep in this class. he was never aware of his surroundings.

    the yellow sun was peeking into the classroom, warm on the back of jesse's neck. the professor wrote something on the board, so all the students fumbled to find something to write on and take notes. he labelled his paper with a date and scribbled down the words on the board, although a bit shorter (he left out 'the' and 'of' a lot, since it normally wasn't really important. less writing for him). finally, when the professor turned around again to scribbled another section of notes, jesse slid his phone over his paper and wrote out the message he had been mulling over.

    "i hope i can change your mind." he tapped out, sending the message with a conflicted face. did he really have to say that? and what about his text message earlier? he knew, deep down, that aidan wasn't giving him a chance. or at least, he thought he did.. maybe he should tone it down in the messages, actually. he nodded in agreement to his own decision. he didn't want to scare aidan off, after all. his fingers shook as he typed out, "let's meet again". he deleted it in favor of, "i hope the rest of your day goes well."
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Re: intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

Postby the_kiiwii » Tue Apr 30, 2019 10:17 am

((sorry for not replying yesterday, I wasn't home all day :|))

Aidan continued on with his 'studies' for another 15 minutes. The time passed by quickly and before he knew it dark grey clouds began to roll in. It had gone from beautiful and sunny to cloudy with a slight temperature drop. There was a cool breeze blowing past. It blew Aidan's hair into his face, restricting his view. Crowds of busy students had quickly cleared the area to head back to their dorms or to go inside and Aidan figured it would probably be best if he also headed inside before it began to pour on him.

Aidan soon made it through the doors and into a building. Crowds if students stood around waiting for the current class to end and theirs to start. The black haired boy shoved his way through crowds of chattering people and found his way into a much quiet hallway. He found an open seat near a classroom. There was a worn purple couch next to a classroom where he could faintly hear a professor teaching. While he could t make out any words being spoken it seemed like there were a lot of pauses, most likely to allow students to jot down notes. Aidan sat down with a huff. If he had an umbrella then he would have just walked about to his apartment but he didn't bring one since it was so nice out earlier, so he just had to wait

Aidan considered texting once his friends but they were all in class, so that option was out of the picture; and if he texted Jesse, well that would probably be awkward. Almost on que, Aidan's phone buzzed in his pocket. He wasn't surprised to see it was Jesse. He read the text. He was seriously starting to doubt this guy would ever give up. It didn't seem like it. He really couldn't answer the first text. What was he even supposed to say? Good luck, I doubt it,I'd like to see you try? All of those seemed like they could come of as rude though. So he decided to just say, "thanks, you too." he types out then sent the message.

Aidan just sat on the couch, waiting for the rain to stop. He could hear the drops pelting the roof. It was definitely pouring out now. He was probably going to be waiting for quite a while. Aidan leaned hair head against the back and closed his eyes for a moment. So much had happened today, he just needed a minute to focus

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Re: intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

Postby crabodile » Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:07 pm

    jesse was tired. sometime during the class, the dark clouds from earlier had fully slid over the sun. not to long later, the rain had started pitting against the glass. a perfect environment to sleep, except the hard desks. if he hurried, he could bolt through the rain and change into sweats before burrowing into his bed to sleep. then maybe he could do homework or whatever during the night. the professor's droning voice really didn't help with his drowsiness, though. a girl two seats next to jesse was snoring, face down on her notes. her friend looked slightly panicked, but otherwise seemed to be writing down the notes up front word for word. they'd probably share later.

    the professor glanced down at his watch before letting out a dramatic sigh. the notes on the board were messier now, not at all as neat as they were at the beginning of the class. it seemed even professors got tired after going through a lecture. "five minutes" he mused, "well, in light of the weather, i suppose you are free to go." that clap of his hands was like thunder, loud enough to be real. or was it really thunder and he had just timed it coincidentally? jesse didn't really care. he just wanted to go home, change, curl up under his blankets, sleep...

    another loud clap of thunder made him flinch as he pulled his zipper to close his bag. he had shoved the day's notes in carelessly, and he knew he would regret it later, but.. he shrugged to himself, slipping through people packing up and making it out the door. outside the nearest window, the dark clouds were bursting with rain. lightning shot down and no more than six or seven seconds later, thunder came and shook the glass. maybe he should just wait it out on the purple couch? it couldn't be that bad. no one would, like, steal is bag if he shut his eyes for a half hour.

    he nodded to himself, pleased that he had come up with the idea. hopefully, the storm would pass quickly and he would be able to book it home before the next class got out. that gave him a nice, long time frame. he turned the corner, coming face to face with the couch.. but someone was already on it. he considered sitting on the opposite end, since he had to shove through the people trying to pour into the classroom to get there, but paused when he noticed it was aidan. his soulmate was barely five feet in front of him. he rocked onto one foot, weighing the possibilities. should he try to sprint back to his dorm or quietly claim the other side of the couch?
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Re: intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

Postby the_kiiwii » Wed May 01, 2019 11:51 am

Aidan fell asleep. He hadn't been that tired earlier but like most people, rain made him lethargic. It hadn't taken long for him to drift off to sleep to the calming sound of rain hitting the windows. along with stress and change which were both things he hated made Aidan tired, so it didn't take much for him to drift off to sleep, when the setting was just right.

A loud crack of thunder stirred him awake suddenly. Aidan opened his eyes just a bit, and noticed someone standing in front of him, but as soon as the noise receded he fell right back to sleep. He had just assumed the person was passing by so he didn't feel the need to move, until after a moment Aidan realized the face seemed familiar. It took him a moment to put a name to the face but as soon as he realized it was Jesse he woke up.

He sat up pretty quickly to noticed the other boy still standing there, he looked like he was contemplating something. Aidan rubbed the drowsiness from his eyes and looked up at Jesse. "Hey..." he muttered under his breath, voice barely above a whisper. This felt awkward already, was Jesse staring at him? Or maybe he just wanted a seat?

Upon realizing it Aidan shot up, and off of the couch. "Oh, you probably want a seat, right? I should get going anyway..." he said and took a few steps away from the Jesse and the old, worn purple couch. His attention was taken away from the floor to a window on the wall as a bright flash of lightning lit up the dim hallway, and a deafening crack of thunder filled the hallway. It caused the black haired boy to jump, since he hadn't expected such a loud noiss. Aidan know remembered the whole reason why he had come inside. "Or not."

He really wished that Jesse wasn't standing there. It was embarrassing enough for his friends to know he was afraid of storms like this, but now some guy he just met, his soulmate could very easily see it. He desperately hoped the way he had jumped earlier wasn't so obvious. He could feel himself shaking and could do nothing but hope no one else noticed. Aidan took a deep breath, and went to look away, but he couldnt look away. He kept waiting for another crack of thunder and the thought made him more nervous by the second. He couldn't pull his gaze away from the window, he knew if he could see the lightning he could be prepared for the loud noise that always came next. And of course, it happened. There was lightning and instinctively he went to cover his ears. His breathing was heavy and shaky as he waited for the loud noise to pass, covering his ears didn't really help. He still jumped and it was even worse. There was no way the action went un-noticed. Aidan reluctantly tore his eyes away from the windows, he just wanted to get out of there, away from the embarrassment sure to follow.

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Re: intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

Postby crabodile » Thu May 02, 2019 4:49 am

    jesse's face remained impassive as he squeezed himself against one side of the couch, putting his bag down between his feet. "you can sit on the other side," jesse offered, eyes unwavering as he watched aidan. "i won't.. do anything. you don't have to touch me. just stay here until the storm blows over or it gets a little better." another shot of lightning made the whole floor light up, and the thunder even made jesse almost jump. he pulled out a notebook to use as a table and a worksheet he had gotten in his first class. spanish. why did he take it again? he didn't know.

    he scribbled down a few translations before frowning down at the paper. the rain pattering against the glass reminded him how little sleep he had gotten. he would finish the worksheet later, maybe. that professor didn't tend to check. he placed the notebook on the floor, paper and pencil neatly on top. he glanced over at aidan, who had his hands over his ears. "that won't help.." he muttered, careful. he dug in his bag until he found earbuds, offering them up. "i guess it is weird but i haven't used these yet. do you want them?"
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Re: intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

Postby the_kiiwii » Thu May 02, 2019 1:29 pm

Aidan was about to walk away when he heard Jesse speak again. Oh course he saw. It was pretty hard not to noticed the guy standing in the middle of the hallway having a freak out because of a little thunder. It was even more embarrassing when Jesse offered his earbuds. Sure it was nice, but he still felt embarrassed that his fear was so obvious. He turned around slowly, unable to look up. He removed his hands from his face and took a few steps back towards the couch where Jesse sat. "Um, ar-are you sure?" he asked. Aidan wanted to take the earbuds really bad but he was worried maybe Jesse was just offering them to be kind to him, and didn't really mean it because he expected Aidan to decline anyway.

The black haired make walked a bit closer. He did however turn around a few times in order to look out the window. A few students walked past them, their gazes followed the two as they walked past. It must have looked just as awkward as it felt. "thanks" he muttered carefully taking the earbuds Jesse had offered. He quickly plugged them into his phone, and sat down. Aidan sat down on the opposite end of the couch, trying to give Jesse as much room as he could. He plugged in the earbuds and immediately turned on music, in order to drown out the noise. It was much more calming to have a beautiful Melody drown out everything and everyone then to have frighteningly loud thunder cover everything up.

Aidan's hair fell into his face as he let his head droop down. His visions as hazy as his eyelids hung half closed. His head bumped against the wall with a soft thud as he leaned back. Aidan hadn't really thought much about Jesse sitting beside him but as soon as he caught a glimpse of movement front he boy he figured maybe he should say something, but what? "Oh I'm not that scared of thunder, but thanks anyway?" That sounded stupid even in his mind. He let out a sigh and tried to just enjoy the fact that Jesse didn't seem to find it hilarious that he had such a childish fear. It was nice to know someone didn't think he was wimp because of it, or at least that's how it seemed.

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Re: intertwined // 1x1 SpaceDad_00 & sprite,

Postby crabodile » Thu May 02, 2019 9:55 pm

    jesse nodded in reply to aidan's thanks, dragging his feet up so he could press against the side of the couch. he had left his other pair of earbuds at home, so the only thing he could do now was go on his phone or sleep. jesse was quick to pull his black sweater from his bag and lay it over his knees like a blanket. settled for the moment, he turned on his phone and connected to the campus wifi. he made sure his volume was low when he opened up youtube to watch something.

    jesse assumed aidan had fallen back to sleep with the way he was leaning. he hadn't even come across anyone older with a fear like aidan's. he wanted to help, but aidan still wasn't going to let him get close. first, jesse had to figure out how to get aidan to let his guard down a little more. maybe he could buy noise cancellation headphones and give them to him, somehow? something told him aidan wouldn't accept them directly. did aidan live on campus? with a roommate? jesse could leave them in front of his room or something.

    he unconsciously began to pick at the rips of his jeans like he always did when he was lost in thought, the soft music of his video simple background noise at this point. another crash of thunder snapped him out of his thoughts, and he glanced over at aidan almost instinctively. yes, he would somehow get aidan something to block out sound. it was the least he could do if aidan didn't want to give him a chance to prove they could work out.
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