1X1 with blu

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Re: 1X1 with blu

Postby Blumenkranz » Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:26 pm

    Calypso Argentum // 16 years old // Dragon: Valkor // Feeling: Determined // Tags: Rune

    Calypso thought silently of Rune’s question.

    What other choice did Calypso have other than to believe that they would succeed? She couldn’t falter now. She has been training for this mission for years, failure was not an option in her mind.

    If they failed to defeat Emrakul, she wouldn’t be able to heal her parents. And it wouldn’t only be Calypso who suffered, but all of Innistrad would fall prey to Emrakul’s influence. Unless someone put a stop to Emrakul, the Eldrazi would soar over Innistrad, leaving nothing but desolation in its wake.

    “I believe in the Church,” she said quietly. The Church of Avacyn has done much for the people of Innistrad through the Archangel they worshiped. It was more difficult in recent times now that they no longer had Avacyn to rely on, but even so they had not given up hope in vanquishing the countless evils that terrorized the people of Innistrad.

    She didn’t always understand the Church’s ways nor did she agree with everything they did, but she wanted to believe that they had Innistrad’s best interest at heart and were using their power and influence to do everything they could to muster up enough power to defeat Emrakul.

    She looked at Rune, sensing the girl’s uncertainty about the situation and her role in it all. Calypso could understand her doubt, and couldn’t say that she liked the position that the Church put Rune into. The Church needed powerful dragon riders (or in Rune’s case, a literal dragon) on their side, so Rune helping with their mission was a must, at least that’s how the Church made it out to be.

    Calypso understood the importance of it all. She was grateful to have a girl with such great power on their side, but she couldn’t deny the twinge of guilt she felt either.

    Rune didn’t ask for draconic power, nor did she willingly join the Church with the intent of aiding their mission. She’s been training and improving steadily, but still didn’t have a full grasp of her powers, nor has she ever been in an actual battle. She’s never seen the horrors that Emrakul could produce. She was a normal girl from a small village who was forced into a situation that she never could’ve been prepared for.

    “There’s no need to apologize, you have every right to feel that way,” Calypso said softly. “I know that the task ahead of us is daunting, and it must be confusing to know we will one day battle a being you hardly know anything about.” She paused for a moment to glance at Valkor, who had shifted his position slightly.

    “Your circumstances are difficult, but you are making great progress in controlling your new powers, and you still have time to train and grow further,” she continued. “And you are not alone. Whether on the training grounds or the battlefield, I will be right there with you.”
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Re: 1X1 with blu

Postby lynettetan1 » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:38 pm

Rune Tzorfeld
18 years old~Church~ Touched, stalwart,

Calypso was quiet, her features still, trapped within her thoughts, but Rune knew better than to take the quiet for a lack of conviction. Her words proved just as much a moment later, her words soft, but determined.

Of course she believed in Church. How could she not? And whilst Rune didn’t know if she did, didn’t have enough knowledge to ascertain if that would be a wise decisions, it would be easier for now, at least, if Rune could force herself to do the same. It shouldn’t have been hard, given her lifetime of acknowledging her very fragile mortality, of growing up knowing that she could be dead at any point if someone powerful enough demanded it of her.

Of course, things were never quite so simple.

Perhaps it was because of the dragon now, but something in Rune rankled at the thought of her position, of letting anyone tell her where to go. Especially people that had transported her in her sleep and locked her in a room waiting for her to wake.

It was especially confusing, how the Church kept speaking of how she needed to help others with her strength, even though she felt that she would be causing more harm then good. Noblesse oblige, they’d called it. The duty of the strong to protect the weak.

It was an unfamiliar concept, if anything. The strong ruled, and the weak caved. If there was any protection, it was only in getting passed over or favoured if they were useful enough, which came with its own responsibility. She’d never expected dragons to protect her. Why would the townspeople here expect different?

She’d seen how they’d behaved around Valkor, and whilst it was heartening, especially with her knowledge of the white dragon’s personality and behaviour, Valkor owed them nothing. When the people here looked at the strong, it seemed like they fashioned them a hero. And yet, what had they done? Looking at the capital, it was clear that they’d never truly had a dragon living above it, experienced the fear of knowing that you were neighbours with something powerful that only tolerated your presence.

You certainly didn’t expect them to fight your battles.

And yet, perhaps that was what made the Church good, in that sense. That they grew strong and then took it upon themselves to safeguard the weak where others would not, even if it meant stretching themselves thin. That was what Calypso seemed to do, after all, and whilst Rune didn’t know if it was right, it certainly seemed righteous. It definitely felt like something to put one’s belief behind, if nothing else.

But how much of that was Calypso, and how much was the Church? As Calypso continued, Rune softened at the other’s empathy, nodding at her words. It was indeed a confusing situation.

She was about to say as much, but Calypso continued, her praise bringing the softest flush to Rune’s cheeks. She was definitely better, but she wasn’t sure if her improvements could be counted as great, and the other’s encouragment was heartening, as was the reminder that they still had time.

No matter what would come, it was solidly in the future. No matter the expectations, she had the now. Rune was about to thank the other, but Calypso continued in her serious tone, making her pause. I will be right there with you. The declaration was a solid one, a statement in a world full of unknowns, and Rune paused for a moment, before her eyes scoured across Calypso’s face.

Even if it were a platitude, she would have taken it nonetheless, but it didn’t look like Calypso was saying such a thing lightly.

Her fingers playing with the robes the Church had fashioned her, in a town that she’d never been to, in a body that wasn’t even necessarily her own, this felt like something tangible. ”I… thank you.” Rune said softly, quite unsure of what else she could say, how she could express the thoughts that were raging around her mind.

”You don’t know how much that means to me.” Calypso definitely didn’t have to say that. It wasn’t in the job description, and if even if it somehow astoundingly was, no one would have expected to say such a thing. Rune wanted to thank the other, to hug the other, to look her in the eye and beg her to make it a promise. But instead, she smiled, mentally holding the words to her heart. If anything, she had this. ”If anything happens to you, either of you,” Rune looked toward Valkor, running her hands over his scales, ”No matter what position you’re in, you can always come to me too.”

She didn’t know about Emrakaul, but if she could get strong enough to help the other in her quests, determined enough to support the other in her troubles, that would be enough for Rune.

At that thought, she stared at the night sky above, placing her wish firmly into the air. As she did so, she bit her lip, realising just how late it was. ”Do we have to head back now?” she’d wondered as much previously, but she’d not wanted to interrupt, wanting the moment to last as long as possible, running away from the reality without care. But it had occurred to her that Calypso was responsible for her and as such the blame might fall on her if they went missing, and as such she would try to refrain from doing anything that might get the other in metaphorical hot water.
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Re: 1X1 with blu

Postby Blumenkranz » Sat Apr 02, 2022 1:36 pm

    Calypso Argentum // 16 years old // Dragon: Valkor // Feeling: Ambivalent // Tags: Rune

    Calypso was glad that she could provide some reassurance to Rune, but wished that there was more that she could do for her. She wished that she could turn her back into an ordinary girl and return her to her village to be with her family so that she wouldn’t have to face the hardships that would come with one day confronting Emrakul. But unfortunately that was not within Calypso’s power, and they needed someone with Rune’s strength to aid in the coming fight.

    She could only hope that in the end, everything would turn out all right.

    Though Calypso had not known Rune for long, she knew that the words she spoke next were true. Calypso has been with the Church for several years now and was on friendly terms with most members, but couldn’t say that she was particularly close to anyone. She didn’t have anyone that she felt that she could confide in, and it didn’t help that she wasn’t eager to burden others with her issues in the first place. So, she tended to keep to herself.

    But Rune was different. Calypso could sense the other girl’s sincerity in her words. Calypso felt at ease in her presence, and longed to spend more time with her.

    When Rune asked if they should head back, Calypso looked up. The moon hung high in the dark sky, and the plaza was mostly devoid of people. It was getting late. She let out a small sigh. “Yes. We’ve been out for long enough, so it’s time for us to return.”

    A small part of her didn’t want to go back. If Calypso wasn’t a part of the Church, she would have liked to stay at the fountain and continue speaking with Rune under the stars, but she had duties to fulfill and her responsible side wouldn’t allow her to linger any longer.

    If they stayed out for too long, the Church may realize that they were missing and wonder where they were. While Calypso had more rein to act freely, Rune didn’t. Calypso didn’t want either of them to get into trouble.

    Calypso stood up, causing Valkor to open his eyes and look up at her. Realizing that they were returning to the Church, the dragon rose to his feet and stepped away from the girls so that he could stretch out his wings.

    After watching Valkor for a moment, Calypso looked back at Rune. “I...enjoyed this. I would like to come here with you again, when we have the time.”

    She walked up to Valkor, whose glittering scales seemed to glow faintly under the pale moonlight. She climbed up onto his back, settling into the saddle before reaching a hand out to Rune to help her up.
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Re: 1X1 with blu

Postby lynettetan1 » Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:04 am

Rune Tzorfeld
18 years old~Church~ Resigned, hopeful

Calypso's response was anticipated, but still a shame. Nodding, Rune looked up, taking a deep breath in. She closed her eyes, breathing in the air of the silence in the too big town, hoping to solidify some of it in her memory.

The town wore the quiet like an ill-fitting robe. Where silence in her village seemed restful, the peaceful slumber of a rabbit, silence seemed to gape and yawn here, having an edge of emptiness that the presence of Calypso beside her was able to ward off. Perhaps it was the contrast between just how many people there were before, but Rune had a feeling that if Calypso weren't there, she'd feel discomfited by the obvious lack.

But since the other was there, it felt almost like her company was a candle in the dark, staving off the odd effects of this strange town and it's expansive streets.

Valkor stood, his bulk filling the space, and Rune lost her wandering thoughts once more to stare. The moonlight shone gorgeously upon his scales, giving them a glowing luminescence. Every time she looked at him, Rune remembered the enormity of this whole thing all over again. A creature of myth stood before her, terms like Eldrazi and magic now thrown around as if they were common place. The awe took her breath away, and Rune didn't feel like she'd ever get used to it.

But then Calypso was speaking once more, and Rune looked back, looking at the warrior who stood before her, who fit right in with her dragon partner. She looked like the heroes legends based their tales around. For a second, Rune felt an impossible distance, as if the space between them were more than just a few footsteps, a wide gap that she couldn't find the ability to bridge.

But Calypso paused as she spoke, and as Rune searched the other's features, she felt the loneliness in her own heart reflected in the other's eyes. The distance before snapped with a soft pop, and Calypso was a young woman like her, younger than her, and Rune was stepping forward, placing her hand in the other's and squeezing it gently. "I feel the same way." She said softly, not breaking her gaze, and she hoped that the other could see that she meant it too.

She sat up on Valkor with some effort, Calypso's saddle not really having been built for two. Threading her arms around the other under the excuse of balance, Rune held on. The Church had told her many things, but this conversation with Calypso was all her own. This moment, these words, she would believe.
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Re: 1X1 with blu

Postby Blumenkranz » Thu Aug 04, 2022 7:42 am

    Calypso Argentum // 16 years old // Dragon: Valkor // Feeling: Uneasy // Tags: Rune, the Lunarch

    Calypso could feel the sincerity of Rune’s words. The current state of Innistrad was a difficult one: werewolves and vampires and other horrors roaming the streets with Emrakul looming in the distance left the future uncertain and undoubtedly difficult, but she hoped that amidst all the chaos they would have more peaceful moments such as this.

    She liked what she did for the Church. Keeping the people of Innistrad safe was something she took great pride in, but taking things slow now and then was something she wouldn’t mind doing more often.

    A strange nervousness and excitement coiled in her at Rune’s touch, almost distracting her from what she was supposed to be focusing on. She didn’t quite understand these feelings forming in her. She felt drawn to Rune in a way that she couldn’t explain, in a way that she couldn’t recall ever feeling for another person.

    Valkor stretched his wings out by his sides and lowered his body in preparation for flight. He launched himself into the air with a powerful push of his wings and it wasn’t long before they were in the sky, the city looking small below them.

    The world around them was dark, the city lights tiny and distant and nothing but the moon and stars to light their way. The air was colder here than it was on the ground, the wind almost biting against the skin of Calypso’s face. Despite the temperature, the glittering stars and the peaceful silence of the night was pleasant.

    Calypso did not need to guide Valkor as the dragon already knew where to go. As they neared the Church, Valkor angled his wings in preparation for descent. He landed with the grace of a cat, his wings folding and returning to his sides. Though Calypso was a bit sad that the night was coming to an end, she turned her head slightly to look back at Rune with a small smile. But before she could say anything, she could see movement in the corner of her eye.

    She turned her attention towards the Church building. Someone was approaching them. They were an older man, adorned in the white robes of the Church. Calypso instantly recognized him as the Lunarch.

    Her calm demeanor changed in an instant. She sat up straighter, her smile disappearing as her expression settled to something more neutral. “Lunarch,” she greeted, dipping her head respectfully. Underneath her, Valkor perked up, watching the approaching man with curiosity.

    As the Lunarch drew closer, Calypso got a better look of his face and found that she couldn’t quite read his expression. What reason did the Lunarch have to approach them at this time of night? She only hoped that they were not in trouble for returning as late as they did.
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Re: 1X1 with blu

Postby lynettetan1 » Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:20 am

Rune Tzorfeld
18 years old~Church~ Awed--> unsettled

With a precise movement, Valkor's wings were outstretched, seeming to span the length of the town, reflecting the moon in all it's hues. Another shift, and they were launched into the air in a movement that felt strange, yet was starting to become familiar. Rune could feel her body tensing ever so slightly with the muscle memory, her shoulder blades twitching ever so slightly at the sensation.

For a moment, she wished that she were in her dragon form again, to be able to feel the way the wind solidified into something she could grasp under the planes of her wings. But then, the wind gusted through her hair and she felt the warmth of Calypso's back in her front, and Rune was quietly thankful for what she got to experience as she did now too.

The flight seemed to end in the space of a second, and it was all too soon that Rune felt the sensation of Valkor descending. His scaled feet touched the Church grounds with more dexterity and grace than Rune had in her soft heeled shoes, and once again, Rune felt herself awed, even more so now knowing how hard it was to be any sort of silent with all that bulk.

But then Calypso was turning toward her, and Rune looked up curiously, but then the other woman suddenly turned around, drawing Rune's attention to the line of her gaze.

She recognised the white first, her arms stiffening ever so slightly.

When the other came close enough for the features, Rune's feeling of unease only grew. Though she knew she'd done nothing wrong, her hands slowly drew away from Calypso's middle, her body hunching ever so slightly as if she could hide behind the other as she bobbed her head slightly in acknowledgement.

At Calypso's words, Rune finally placed the other's neutral face to one that she vaguely remembered, staring down at her as she'd burned. "Lunarch." She muttered softly, the word too large and unwieldly for her tongue, which did not know how to hold it. She'd never seen him since that day.

His face was inscrutable, his manner calm as befitted one that was in charge of a holy Church, but something in her gut made Rune sure that she did not want to come down. At her greeting, his eyes shifted to her for just a second, and Rune thought she saw something appraising in that gaze, something that made her want to flee and rage at the same time.

Pressing her lips together, Rune frowned.

"Girls." The Lunarch greeted in return, inclining his head ever so slightly. "I was worried when the both of you disappeared. What were the both of you doing out so late?"

Wanting to see Calypso's expression but also not wanting to direct his attention, Rune tried her best to look at Calypso through the side of her eye. The question sounded harmless enough, even nice of him, but Rune only knew that she did particularly want to talk to this man, and she didn't have enough experience to know his behaviour. There were some people, after all, that were polite, only to point to you when things went wrong. Not to know that she didn't exactly know what the proper protocols were in this situation.
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Re: 1X1 with blu

Postby Blumenkranz » Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:21 am

    Calypso Argentum // 16 years old // Dragon: Valkor // Feeling: Uneasy // Tags: Rune, the Lunarch

    Calypso could feel Rune’s arms stiffen before they pulled away from around her middle. For a moment she missed the almost comforting warmth, but it was not a thought that she lingered on for long.

    More so she wondered what Rune was thinking, considering that the Lunarch was part of the reason why she was at the Church in the first place. If it weren’t for the Church’s interference, Rune wouldn’t be here. She would be back in her village, continuing her life as normal. Whatever feelings that the other girl harbored for the Lunarch, Calypso doubted that many, if any of them, were positive.

    “I apologize that we made you worry.” Calypso was careful to keep her voice even and body relaxed as she spoke. Valkor shifted his weight underneath her. Though the young dragon did not have a full understanding of the situation, he could sense both Calypso and Rune’s uneasiness. “That was not my intent. We had simply gone out for training and lost track of time.”

    She internally chided herself for not being more careful. The Lunarch’s face was neutral as he nodded. She couldn’t detect any anger in his features, but she had always found him difficult to read. She also had an image to uphold, and didn’t wish to do anything that could make the Lunarch think less of her.

    Despite her worries, she couldn’t say that she regretted the time that she spent with Rune in the city. It was something that the both of them desperately needed, and she would have done it again if given the chance.

    Before the Lunarch could say anything else, Calypso continued. She didn’t want to elaborate just on what they were doing in the city in case the Lunarch didn’t approve, but she figured she could give him a progress report instead.

    “Rune has been progressing excellently in her training. She now has a better grasp of her dragon powers, and was even able to begin flight today, which is why we were out for so long,” she explained.

    “Is this flight training the reason why there is now a dragon-sized hole in the indoor training ground?” The Lunarch asked.

    Calypso barely suppressed a wince as the question caught her off guard. She had completely forgotten that Rune had plunged into the building’s wall when she was first trying to maneuver her wings in the air. “...Yes, and I apologize for that as well. I was going to tell you about it as soon as we came back. In hindsight, I should have begun flight training elsewhere.”
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Re: 1X1 with blu

Postby lynettetan1 » Wed Jun 28, 2023 1:51 am

Rune Tzorfeld
18 years old~Church~ Uneasy

Inscrutable. As he stood there, his features shifting as he spoke and appraised them, something about his manner was velvet smooth, none of his emotions or his purposes showing. Some of the statues in the church had more emotion in their features, carved out of unmoving stone as they were. The lack of emotion unsettled Rune, made her feel almost as if she was staring at someone not quite human.

No, not even human. Like Calypso, the Lunarch had a feeling of being larger than life, his own presence seeming to fill up the halls more than his physical size would bely. He seemed a caricature, a creature of myths and fables, like the girl before her and the dragon under her. But where Calypso and Valkor gained parts to them as she grew to know them, had sides to them that made them someone she could interact with, someone alive, the Lunarch was different.

The way he spoke and moved, he only seemed to grow ever more mysterious, as if his body was slowly getting shrouded in shadow. Instead of getting his measure, Rune was only getting more confused, and she would readily admit that it wasn't something that she really wanted to rectify as soon as possible. In general, the more she got to know him and his strangeness, the more Rune was sure. The further she got away from him, the better.

All the same, Calypso was speaking, and Rune couldn't help but feel grateful at the way the other girl had taken charge of the conversation. Perhaps she had more experience with the Lunarch, but her voice was calm, her demeanour relaxed as if they were just talking about the events of the day-which in a way, Rune supposed was true. Listening to them, she could almost believe that they were having a harmless conversation. Almost, if not for the feeling of wrongness that just covered her body. She had no basis for the matter, and the Lunarch might be harmless, but nothing would convince her to drop her guard.

When he spoke of the hole in the ground, Rune briefly thought back to the events of the day, mildly surprised at how that seemed so far away with the bustle and the pastries. Had that all really happened in the same day?

Calypso apologised easily, but Rune couldn't help feeling irrationally angry as the other did so. It didn't sound like the Church had given Calypso any guidelines, and for foisting something that no one had never done unto a teenager, Calypso was doing her best as it was. For that matter, she hadn't seen anyone else attempting to come and help, and surely there were other people with magical powers, right? Though it seemed like the apology didn't cost Calypso anything, Rune couldn't help but feel like she shouldn't need to give it in the first place.

"Well, it's fine. We are breaking new ground." The Lunarch said in what could be a conceding of the facts if he didn't sound so expressionless. Pressing her lips together, Rune stole a quick look up, only to freeze.

He was looking at her, his expression as neutral and unoffensive as ever, but somehow, it felt like he was measuring her, as if he was taking a tape measure to her and seeing if she'd fit through the door. She couldn't tear her eyes away, and he cocked his head, his mouth quirking in what was probably supposed to be an affable smile, if the warmth in his lips didn't feel manufactured. She swallowed, and he looked back at Calypso. "Yes, we will leave this up to your judgement. Let us know if you need anything." Everything about his movements, his words, should have been kind. "Nothing is too much. In the name of Avacyn, for the battle that lies before us, we will need to be as prepared as possible. Things have to be sacrificed for the greater good."

In this case, was she the thing to be sacrificed? Or the greater good? Why did she feel like the difference between the two was just a hair's breath away?

Rune wondered what would move such a man, who sat so quietly and spoke calmly, as if no force in the world could force him to hurry. What was it like, to move and have a thousand move in step with you? The way he’d stood, a pillar of unfeeling white as she’d burned and roared was etched into her very bones. What would make someone like him, who stood toe to toe with a dragon and forced her to compromise, build an army?

But would she really like to see such a thing?

"Remember what we are all fighting for, Calypso. Rune. We are counting on you." Rune tore her gaze away, staring stubbornly at her shoes. She didn't see him, refused to see him, and only heard the sharp tread of his footsteps as he turned away. She didn’t have any of the answers, but she knew she didn’t trust him, and usually that was enough, but Rune knew that she didn’t want any part in his plans, present or future. Perhaps, she thought with a groan, she’d need to make some moves of her own.
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Re: 1X1 with blu

Postby Blumenkranz » Mon Jul 03, 2023 10:44 am

    Calypso Argentum // 16 years old // Dragon: Valkor // Feeling: Resigned // Tags: Rune, the Lunarch

    Interacting with people who did not readily emote was nothing unfamiliar to Calypso, having undergone a military regime at a young age. Seriousness and rigidity was not uncommon among those who aided in her training, and was a trait that she herself expressed at times.

    So it was not the Lunarch’s lack of emotion that bothered her, but something that lay hidden underneath. Even those that concealed their feelings and intentions had ways to read them, even if subtle, but despite all the time that Calypso had known the Lunarch she could never pinpoint what he truly thought behind those steely eyes of his.

    She could not recall a time in which he had ever been particularly unkind to her, but when she was in his presence the pressure on her shoulders grew heavier. The need to impress, look her absolute best, and not make any mistakes amplified. She hadn’t gotten into any major trouble with the church, she followed her orders as diligently as she could. Even so she couldn’t help but feel at times as if she were walking on a wire and any misstep could lead to her downfall.

    The Lunarch’s promise to help her parents was more important to her than all else, she could not lose that one hope.

    “Thank you. I will keep that in mind,” Calypso said with a stiff nod. His apparent approval was a small relief. He must have faith in her if he continued to entrust her with Rune’s training. “I will ensure that we will both be ready for when the time comes.”

    She had to suppress a frown at the Lunarch’s mention of sacrifice. She didn’t quite get what he meant, but the ideas that surfaced to mind were not ones she liked.

    She murmured out a farewell as the Lunarch finally turned to leave. She willed herself to relax once she realized the tension in her shoulders but her body would not cooperate.

    Her day with Rune, the flight, the walk through town, the sweets and friendly conversation, it made it all so easy to put aside the reality of their future but now it had all come crashing back down. She breathed deeply, in and out, then looked at Rune.

    What was going on in her head, to have been face-to-face with the one responsible for her predicament?

    “Are you alright?” Calypso asked gently, but gone was the warmth from before, replaced instead with a hint of unintentional resignation. Her eyes wander back to the church. “He was right, it is late and we should return. I can walk you back to your room if you wish.”
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