Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!!

For roleplaying regular/real-world species with real-world limitations, e.g. cats, dogs, wolves, lions, bears.

Re: Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!

Postby moonlessnight. » Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:46 pm

    xxx-x ||age; one year ||rank; pup ||mate; none ||tagged; misaki

    naomi perked her ears, tail still wagging in happiness as she listened to misaki. "yay! you get to have fuun." she giggled softly, eyes alight with playfulness. at his question, she paused to think, before giving him a sheepish smile. "is there any meat left? i'm hungry." she murmured softly, licking her maw at the thought of a tasty meal. she skipped her meal last night so she was actually quite hungry, her stomach growling softly just as she thought of it. her mind wandered to her father, turning her head to see if she could see him anywhere, but no such luck. humming, she looked back to the male and smiled softly.
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Re: Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!

Postby rosytea » Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:49 pm

2nd Lead hunter | Tags: None | Location: Forest
She scrabbled up the hole but failed, once again, then, she heard Murlkine's voice and this time, she could actually see him! Her aze brightened a little but she realized, this was no time to figure another way to get out! She then noticed the vine, Leaf clenched her teeth on it, ''I'm holding on.'' her voice was muffled

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Re: Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!

Postby ﹏Mika-Chan﹏ » Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:57 pm

Misaki/Male/Midnight Breeze/Omega/Naomi.
He watched as the female showed interest to the conversation due to her perked ears and wagging tail, "It is fun I get to make you guys, happy..." He said softly as he looked down at the female. He watched as she gave an adorable look of thought then spoke, he listened intently. "Hmm, I don't think so but Murlkine went hunting he should be back soon with some!" He said softly. "But until he gets back would you like to play a game or something?" He asked wagging his tail and crouching to the ground in a "Playful" postion.

Murlkine/Male/Midnight Breeze/Hunter/Leaf.
He watched the frantic female, he leaned forward slightly to give the vine some slack. He then felt the weight of the female and began to pull. he dug his claws into the ground as he walked backwards. He almost fell forward but caught himself but he did jerk a little bit. He then began once more since he could still feel the weight of the female, walking backwards.
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Re: Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!

Postby rosytea » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:02 pm

2nd Lead hunter | Tags: None | Location: Forest
She jumped out of the hole and shook herself shaking dirt from her grayish brown fur. She glanced up at Murlkine ''Thanks for saving me.'' Her voice was slightly shaken with pain. She glanced at her hindleg and tried to pad a step closer to Murlkine so she wouldn't fall back into the wretched hole. She took a step forwards, with her bleeding hindleg, she winced in pain as it hurt terribly.
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Re: Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!

Postby moonlessnight. » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:03 pm

    xxx-x ||age; one year ||rank; pup ||mate; none ||tagged; misaki

    naomi pouted at his response, dramatically falling to the ground with a groan. "i'm gonna diiie!" she whined out, kicking her legs for effect before dropping her head and sticking her tongue out, acting deceased. however, as misaki mentioned playing a game, she immediately perked back up, rising to her paws and giggling as he lowered into a playful position,mimicking the male and giving a playful growl before lunging at him, giggling as she chewed gently on his ear, tail wagging at super speeds, her eyes lit up with happiness. she enjoyed playing with misaki, he was always so easygoing and fun.
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Re: Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!

Postby ﹏Mika-Chan﹏ » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:13 pm

Murlkine/Male/Midnight Breeze/Hunter/Leaf.
Murlkine padded forward after feeling the vibration of where she was, "Lean on me." He said softly offering his shoulder to her. "You can lean on me but please tell me which way to go, as I won't be able to read vibrations due to your heart beat and vibrations close." He said softly as he smelled the air. "I can smell your bleeding, correct? and since when you walk there is only three paw-steps, it's one of your legs." He said softly. "Don't thank me like that... I only do it because I can just watch someone die." He said softly.

Misaki/Male/Midnight Breeze/Omega/Naomi.

He laughed softly, "If you wait it'll just make it extra tasty." He teased playfully, he watched as she matched his actions. He grinned as she lunged at him, he didn't expect for her to go to his ear for the first thing. He chuckled softly as she nibbled on his ear. He then softly pushed her off and jumped away in a dodgy movement.

Kurostare/Male/Midnight Breeze/Scout/Open.
Kurostare's grey eyes flickered over the horizon as he watched out for any specimen of which did not belong in their territory. He on high alert sought out every little noise that was gather by his ears, as they swiveled on his head. Soon thought crept into his mind one of the voices called "Kalo" spoke withing his conscious. 'Stop being so uptight, Kuro.' The voice chuckled softly. Kurostare shook his head in reply to the voice that chimed in his head, "That'll save me someday." He whispered softly as he starred out into the distance refocusing on the task at hand.

(Yu)uchrio/Male/Midnight Breeze/Second in command Scout/Open.
Yuuchiro stirred gathering to his feet, he groggily looked around gather information of the actions happening before him, and of course it wasn't all that much. He sighed softly as he blinked trying to wake himself from the slumber he had just endured, it hadn't been very good sleep it was a sleep filled with dreams of a pale wolf, one of which looked like his brother, Mikaela. He shook his head trying rid it of the images that had been created by his conscious when in slumber? Or perhaps maybe he had already seen these images they just had been manipulated by his mind. Yea, that seems plausible correct? Yuuchiro yawned gaping his mouth and letting out a soft yawn before clamping his sharp teeth together signaling the end of the yawn.

Mika looked around as he padded into the den-site that he had created for himself his pale blue-grey eyes glancing around as paranoia crept on him, Needing to have a conversation to get his mind off things. He sighed softly as he didn't come across a soul to have a conversation with to be fair he really didn't look all that hard. He didn't want to cause any distress of a strange wolf approaching or coming off as hostile so he just sat and watched silently as his mind roamed to thought of his adopted brother and old family that had supposedly been slaughtered by humans. The images flew through his mind as he thought of the day and the lonely days that came after the incident. He stood frozen looking off into the distance as these memories played into his mind.
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Re: Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!

Postby moonlessnight. » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:17 pm

    xxx-x ||age; one year ||rank; pup ||mate; none ||tagged; misaki

    naomi considered his words, shrugging. "maybe." she murmured softly. she yelped dramatically as misaki pushed her off to dodge her next movement, the female charging at his legs and crouching so she was hiding under him, laughing with a cheeky grin. "can't get meee!" she sang out happily, ears perked as she awaited his next move, ready to run if anything, a wide grin across her maw at the fun she was having.
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Re: Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!

Postby rosytea » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:23 pm

2nd Lead hunter | Tags: None | Location: Forest
She glanced at Murlkine ''Okay, thanks.'' She leaned against him glancing around the forest while she did, then she glanced at him, he was blind, and she added ''I can guide you, I can limp on three paws. But, only if you want me to.'' While she waited for a reply she sniffed around the forest to see if she could scent anything that could be danger.
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Re: Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!

Postby ﹏Mika-Chan﹏ » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:32 pm

Murlkine/Male/Midnight Breeze/Hunter/Leaf.
"I will need you to be on three paws, so you don't injure your leg further." He said softly and took a step forward signaling that they should start going so she could get treatment immediately. He felt her inhaling into her gut, "What are you looking for, Leaf?" He asked softly as his head turned to her slightly as his pale blank eyes stared out to her. "You can verbally alert me to turn or press you flank to mine in whichever way you would like to go. Either way is fine, I suggest Verbally so you don't hurt your leg." He said softly.

Misaki/Male/Midnight Breeze/Omega/Naomi.
He nodded, "You'll see." He said softly as laughed as she yelped. "Are you okay?" He asked softly as she bolted between his legs. He laughed softly, "You bet?" He asked and jumped forward and swiveled back to attempt to tackle her into and then cuddle into her.
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Re: Pack of Midnight Breeze // Wolf RP // Open & accepting!

Postby Tordier » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:51 pm

Porygon-Z wrote:
4.9 Years
Lead Hunter
Crushing on Toka
With Aeyr and The Pack
At Camp
      It seemed today was one destined to be full of surprises.
      Rhea was a diligent wolf who liked to wake up with the sun and start her day with a brisk jog about Midnight Breeze territory, searching for signs of where the best prey was so that she could direct her Hunters towards them. Today was no different in that respect. Even the distant howling as pack members organized themselves was commonplace. The exercise had warmed her bones and stretched her muscles, so the chilly morning hardly phased her. It was what Rhea found when she returned to camp that was surprising.
      There, smack-dab in the middle of the clearing was a fresh-smelling mule deer carcass. The shock of it was enough for Rhea to absently slow to a halt as her mouth fell open a crack.
      "How the heck...?", she puzzled under her breath.
      Then, curiosity took over. Rhea padded up to the deer, nostrils twitching as she took in every detail of the mingled scents that left invisible stains on the deceased creature's fur. One such scent was unmistakable.
      "Toka... But, how...?
      No other wolf's scent was present, which lead Rhea to believe he had somehow taken down this large prey all by himself. Usually, animals like deer and bison required coordination and teamwork to catch, and Rhea's team was not always successful. A one-wolf hunt like this was practically unheard of. That was, until she noticed another smell. It was the faint, sour smell of disease. Rhea's maw parted into a wry grin.
      "You found it like this, didn't you, you sly mutt?", Rhea purred to herself, amused at her own brief misunderstanding.
      Toka might not be a legendary hunter after all, but he was a terribly lucky one, and that still deserved congratulations. Rhea glanced around to see if he was nearby, but saw no sign of him. No matter. She had an idea of where he might have gone. Before she set off, she paused long enough to turn her gaze off to the side where Aeyr seemed to be moping over something or another.
      "Hey, Aeyr!", she called. "Wipe that frown off your face! Thanks to Toka you've got the morning off! We hunt at dusk today!"
      After a brief pause, Rhea added a small afterthought.
      "And tell Kerro when he wakes up!"
      Knowing him, that lazybones was probably still sleeping, but there was no need to interrupt his beauty rest if there was no hunting to be done at the moment. Trusting Aeyr to take care of that little errand when he got around to it, Rhea set off again towards the place she thought Toka might be, leaving a trail of perfect, lupine pawprints behind her.

1.2 Years
Crushing on Sandwood
With Autumn
At Camp
      Alojz's tail whipped back and forth a few times, clearly glad that Autumn was not irritated by his presence. On the contrary, she treated him with humility and kindness. Alojz made a mental note about Autumn's preference for more familiar terms of address and nodded eagerly at her answer.
      "We could certainly go out and hunt.", he promised. "Gev and I will get started right away!"
      If Crow or Ayame caught him with a different task in mind before he left camp, that was one thing, but Alojz was disinterested in wasting time double-checking everything. Hunting was one of those chores that always needed doing, so it seemed like a perfectly good way to start the day.

Porygon-Z wrote:
1.2 Years
With The Pack
At Camp

      Shameless. Gev was shameless. While everyone and their mother was awake and starting their daily routine, Gev was fast asleep. If he had any sense, he would at least choose to oversleep somewhere descreet so as not to attract discepline from his superiors. Alas, Gev had no sense. What he did have was a belly covered in snow.
      He was laying right out in the open, oblivious to the barking, howling, and shuffling paws all around him. Gev simply continued to sprawl on his back, paws stretched haphazardly towards the sky while he snored softly. The cool snowflakes felt relaxing on his soft tummy, and he had accumulated a good inch or so overnight. It seemed Gev was practically begging to get in trouble, not that he cared.
      Gev's plan was the same as always. He intended to rely on Alojz, who always got the twins' assignment for the both of them, came to wake Gev, and then proceeded to do most of the work while Gev got conveniently distracted by everything under the sun. So far, this plan was working perfectly towards Gev's ultimate goal of maximum relaxation and minimum responsibility, but it was only a matter of time before someone wised up to his tomfoolery and whipped him into shape.
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