Lights, camera, action! (Acting RP)

Regular people with regular abilities in the 'real world'. All content must be child-friendly.
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Remember, all content must remain child-friendly at all times!
Users breaking this rule by using foul language, roleplaying explicit sexual scenes, excessive violence/torture, non-consensual 'romance', or other adult themes may be banned.

Lights, camera, action! (Acting RP)

Postby Richie's Gal Forever » Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:01 pm

1. Introduction
2. Info about TV shows/Movies
3. Day/Date/Month/Season/Weather
4. Rules
5. Actors/Actresses
6. Forms
7. My Characters
You're an actor/actress. You love acting. Some acting may require some singing. But, that's okay. It's not easy to be an actor or actress. You have to memorize lines, wear makeup, wear costumes, deal with really rude co-stars/crew, and be someone you're not. But, you decide to let loose and have fun. With acting comes a lot of fun. Major mess ups (most are hilarious), embarrassment, all that good stuff. You choose whether to be a pain-in-the-butt diva or you can choose to be one of the nice, kind actors. You'll get more respect if you're nice. Just saying. Good luck!

||TV shows/Movies and their characters/actors/actresses||
Living the Dream:
Living the dream is a movie about a young girl named Brooklynne, based on the real Brooklynne Jackson who passed away in June. She was born in London, England on December 9, 1960 to 2 famous singers. Her mother, Jayne, was a country singer. Her father, Marshall, was a rapper. Who knew there were rappers back in the 60s? Not Brooklynne. As you can tell, Brooklynne has been around cameras and paparazzi her entire life. Being the 5th oldest of 9 wasn't so much fun. Now, Brooklynne is 17 and happily dating a very handsome young man. Will she survive the upcoming future?
Characters and their actor/actress:
Brooklynne Sophia Juliet Annabella Wagner Played by: Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson. 17 yrs old. Dating. 1-year-old daughter named Casideei. Main character.
Paul David Wagner. Played by _______. 21 yrs old. Married to Belle Marie Fine. 11-month old twin daughters Hannah and Macie. 1 month old son Lucky. Brother.
Stephen Lee Wagner. Played by ______. 20 yrs old. Married to Kailee Marie Strews. 3-month-old son Lewis. Brother.
Kurtis Ray Wagner. Played by _______. 19 yrs old. Married to Laycee LilliAnna Havins. No children. Brother.
Trinity Renee Vosburg. Played by Rachel Alexis Jeanette Olive. 18 years old. Married to Blake Daniel Vosburg. No children. Sister.
Abigail Lynne Wagner. Played by ______. 17 yrs old. Dating Drew Austin Brewer. No children. Sister.
Amber Reece Wagner. Played by ______. 17 yrs old. Dating Nicholas Anthony Ludwig Brown. 1 yr old daughter Rosalinda. Sister.
Aubrey Drew Wagner. Played by ______. 17 yrs old. Engaged to Jesse Lucas McClain. No children. Sister.
Samuel Gregory Wagner. Played by ______. 11 yrs old. Step-brother.
Timothy Jeffery Wagner. Played by ______. 10 yrs old. Step-brother.
Jesse Raymond Wagner. Played by Prince Michael Jackson II. 9 yrs old. Step-brother.
Samantha Janessa Wagner. Played by ______. 8 yrs old. Step-sister.
Nathanael Jarred Greene. Played by ______. 10 yrs old. Step-brother.
Seth Percy Greene. Played by ______. 9 yrs old. Step-brother.
Kipper Jacob Greene. Played by ______. 8 yrs old. Step-brother.
Claire Amanda Greene. Played by ______. 7 yrs old. Step-sister.
Belle Marie Fine. Played by ______. 21 yrs old. Sister-in-law.
Kailee Marie Strews. Played by ______. 20 yrs old. Sister-in-law.
Laycee LilliAnna Havins. Played by ______. 19 yrs old. Sister-in-law.
Blake Daniel Vosburg. Played by ______. 18 yrs old. Brother-in-law.
Drew Austin Brewer. Played by ______. 17 yrs old. Sister's boyfriend.
Nicholas Anthony Ludwig Brown. Played by ______. 17 yrs old. Sister's boyfriend.
Jesse Lucas McClain. Played by ______. 17 yrs old. Sister's fiance.
[XX] Monday
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[XX] June
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[XX] Summer
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1. All of Tess's rules apply. You should know this by now!
2. Please try to keep genders even!
3. No dating your own characters! It just makes it complicated. But you can be related.
4. While we're on the subject of romance, please time skip sexual scenes! Children do look through these forums!
5. * out cussing. Again, children do look through these forums!
6. Drama is encouraged. Nobody gets along perfectly!
7. Fighting is encouraged, but please keep it PG 13.
8. No anime pictures! I'm not a big fan!
9. No descriptions! Pictures only!
10. By the way, no 'to be RPed out' or anything like that in the personality section! It drives me nuts and it helps out if you actually put something so we can understand your character!
11. No run on sentences like "Katie was walking down the hall and she dropped her books and she hated her life and she picked up the books and she bumped into this boy she really likes and he asked her out" NO!!!!! Use correct punctuation! I apologize. I'm OCD.
12. No text talk! Nbdy wll b abl 2 undrstnd u!
13. USE CORRECT SPELLING AND GRAMMAR! Again, OCD. I will gripe about the littlest error.
14. No godmodding! Me and the mini mods can control it! (By the way, I'm only taking 3 mini mods! Please pm me stating why I should let you be a mini mod)
15. Mini mods, please pm me the forms you accept while I'm offline!
16. Please completely fill out the form! Nothing should be blank!
17. No one-liners like "Susie walked out of her dorm." This is a semi-lit RP!
18. I have the right to not accept you. This is my RP.
19. No powerplaying! This drives me nuts!
20. If you're going to be gone for a period of time, please notify me or the mini mods by pm and tell us why.
21. If you don't post in a week past your last post, your character will be erased.
22. Respect everybody! I don't like fighting! I'm a pacifist!
23. Include everybody! I don't like it when people are left out!
24. Don't start until I accept you!
25. Don't start this RP unless I say to!
26. Don't time-skip unless I tell you to! Well, except sexual scenes. If it's a sexual scene, go ahead.
27. If you have read the rules, put 'Lights, camera, action!' in any color in the 'other' section. And don't fool me. I'm not stupid. I know if you've read the rules or not!
Rachel Alexis Jeanette Olive/17/Female/I<3MJ
Prince Michael Jackson I/14/Male/I<3MJ
Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson/13/Female/I<3MJ
Prince Michael Jackson II/9/Male/I<3MJ
Code: Select all
Code for Actors/Actresses
[b][i][u][size=150]ஜFirst name here!ஜ[/size][/u][/i][/b]
[img]URL here! No anime, attachments, drawings, or descripions![/img]
[b][i][u]Basic Info[/u][/i][/b]
[b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]Relationship Status:[/b]

[b][i][u]Body Info[/u][/i][/b]
ஜ3+ lines pleaseஜ
[b]Hair color:[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Distinctive features:[/b]
[b]Body Mods:[/b]

[b][i][u]Attitude Info:[/u][/i][/b]
[b]Interesting Fact:[/b]
[b]Something everybody knows:[/b]
[b]Something Nobody knows:[/b]

[b][i][u]Career Info[/u][/i][/b]
[b]Were your parents actors?:[/b]
[b]How long have you been an actor/actress?:[/b]
[b]Movie & role:[/b]

Code: Select all
Form for movie
[b]Title of movie:[/b]
[b]Short description:[/b]
[b]A little info about the characters:[/b]
۩Age. Married/single/dating/divorced? Children?۩

||My Characters||

Basic Info
Full Name:
۩"My name is Rachel Alexis-Jeanette Olive. Nice to meet you."۩
۞"You can call me Rach, Rachy, Ray, Ray-Ray, Lexie, Alex, Jean, Jenny, or Skittles."۞
ஜ"I am 17 years old."ஜ
۩"I'm a female. Duh!"۩
۞"I'm straight."۞
ஜ"None at the moment."ஜ
Relationship Status:
۩"I'm single."۩
۞"None at the moment."۞

Body Info
ஜ"My mom, dad, uncles, aunts, cousins, and siblings say I look a lot like my late aunt Brooklynne. First of all, we have the same hair. We both have long white-blonde hair, but mine is straight like my mom's. We also have the same eyes. They are blue almost white. We are both very pale despite being out in the sun a lot. Our faces are shaped the same. Oval with a bony, pointy chin. We both have pale pink lips. We have long eyelashes, which brings no need to wear mascara. I don't wear makeup because since I look a lot like my aunt Brooklynne as everyone says, I'm beautiful because she was very beautiful even before she died at the age of 50. I'm very tall, standing at 5'11 3/4. I'm taller than almost anyone in my school. Yes, I still go to school even though I'm famous. A lot of people tease me because of my light weight, asking me if I'm anorexic or something. No! I would never be that way. I'm just naturally thin like 90% of my family. I don't really dress up. Usually I'll just throw on a t-shirt and jeans. Occassionally a jacket if it's cold."ஜ
Hair color:
۩"Like I told you, I have white-blonde hair."۩
Eye color:
۞"Like I told you, I have white-blue eyes."۞
ஜ"I'm 5'11 3/4."ஜ
Distinctive features:
۞"My eyes and hair are very bright."۞
Body Mods:
ஜ"Ear piercings."ஜ
۩"I'm deathly allergic to nuts. I'm allergic to cats, but not as much as nuts."۩
۞"Insomnia. It sucks!"۞

Attitude Info:
ஜRachel is basically the opposite of her 13-year-old cousin. Yeah, she misses her aunt and uncle and yeah, she lost a cousin and a best friend over the years, but hey. She looks on the bright side of things. She's very bubbly and sociable. She couldn't live a day without making a new friend. She makes everybody feel happy and she can turn anybody's frown upside down by just talking. She's a very positive person which people like very much. She can be a flirt at times. She has a negative side, though. She can be pushed a little too far sometimes and go off on you. Especially if you hurt her cousins. That'll get her very ticked extremely fast. She doesn't have an enemy because she can relate and talk to anybody. She knows what her mom, aunts, and uncles went through as young children in the 60s and what some of her friends and family have been through. She can help in any situation and brighten your day. She's a very intelligent young lady and she donates and volunteers like her cousins. She's a vegetarian, humanitarian, and she loves nature. She doesn't get offended or angry easily. It takes a lot to get her negative side out. She's a playful young lady and just loves to relax and have fun. She's very religious and doesn't really think about relationships.ஜ
۩"I was born on May 15, 1994 to Trinity and Blake Vosburg in Los Angeles, California. I have an older brother named Bernard. I will mention his family in a little bit. As a young child, I was beat up and made fun of at school because I had a tiny British accent to my soft, sweet voice. My only friends were 3 girls named Joyce, Jocelyn, and Ricki. As I got older, people started ignoring my accent and started talking to me and getting to know me better. By 2nd grade, I was getting asked out left and right, carefully declining because I wanted to wait a while before I got into a relationship. When I was 14, I dated this one guy named Jacob, who had been my friend since we were 2. We hung out every day and helped each other with homework and all that although I was in honors and he was in high college prep. One day, he invited me over to his house, thinking his parents weren't home. He was abused all the time and he hid his scars but only showed me. We walked in and sat on the couch, doing homework and watching TV. His parents burst in and stared at us. His dad picked me up and held me to the wall, one hand around my neck. 'You better run.' is what he said to me before lashing me with a belt. Not fun, let me tell you. Jacob walked me home. We were walking down the sidewalk one day and out of nowhere, he fell to the ground. What I saw made me cry. He had gotten shot. Right in front of my eyes. I tried to pick him up, but I was a weak 14-year-old. I ran home and cried in the living room. When my mom, dad, uncle, and aunt got home from a concert rehearsal, they saw I was drenched in blood and covered in bruises. 'Who did this to you?' My aunt Brooklynne asked me. I just shook my head and cried harder. She asked me again and I told them about everything. The choking. The belt. The gun shots. The blood that was permanently stained on my shirt. So, we sued Jacob's parents. They went to jail and we held a funeral for Jacob. We still don't know who killed him. I started acting a week after and I had been singing since I was little. When I was 15, my uncle died. Just earlier this year, my aunt died. Here I am today. Even though it sounds bad, I just think of what Jacob would tell me and I smile and laugh through the pain."۩
۞"I like: Singing
ஜ"I hate: Thinking about death
Not smiling
۩"I'm afraid of: Planes
Interesting Fact:
۞"My parents are over 50 years old"۞
Something everybody knows:
ஜ"I'm famous"ஜ
Something Nobody knows:
۩"My past"۩
۞Lights, camera, action!۞

Career Info
Were your parents actors?:
How long have you been an actor/actress?:
۩"3 years"۩
Movie & role:
۞"I'm in the movie Living the Dream. I play my mom, Trinity Vosburg."۞

Basic Info
Full Name:
۩"My name is Prince Michael Jackson, thank you."۩
۞"Only my family can call me Princey or Applehead. Friends, teachers, and strangers can either call me MJ Jr. or PJ."۞
ஜ"I am 14."ஜ
۩"I am a male."۩
۞"I am straight."۞
ஜ"Nobody at the moment."ஜ
Relationship Status:
۩"I am single."۩
۞"None yet."۞

Body Info
ஜ"I look nothing like my mom and I barely even look like my father. When I was little, I had the same blonde hair as my mother but the same brown eyes as my father. As I got older, some of that changed. Now, I have brown hair and brown eyes. I have the same facial structure as my father. I'm tall like both of my parents, standing at 5'11, and skinny, weighing about 100-101 lbs. I don't really wear a lot of fancy clothing, but I will if I have to. I usually wear jeans and a jacket."ஜ
Hair color:
Eye color:
Distinctive features:
Body Mods:
۩"Dust and mold."۩
۞"Insomnia and vitiligo. Both of my parents have insomnia and my dad has vitiligo."۞

Attitude Info:
ஜPrince is a very strong young man. He doesn't let the pain of the past get in his way. He loves to have fun like his cousin. He can be a little out of it, but that's only if he's thinking about his family. But, that's rare. He's usually focused and ready to do whatever he has to without a problem. He does whatever he's told because he was raised that way. He was also raised to be a respectful, loving, caring person, which he is. He was also raised in a talented family, the talent rubbing off on him and his 12 siblings. He's the one to be extremely protective of his family. He can't bear to lose another. He protects his sister from anything. He'll seriously do a background check on anyone who she dates. He's very protective, but only because he loves her. He's a humanitarian, vegetarian, and he absolutely loves nature. He'll go to school because he knows he has to and he's very intelligent. Don't get him wrong. He's not a total nerd. He's actually very popular and he has a great sense of humor. He will act tough around friends and his fellow casts, but at home, he's silent and very busy. He's always keeping himself busy. If he doesn't have anything else to do, he'll clean the house top to bottom, so you can tell he's a very neat person. He only keeps himself busy to keep his mind off of his mom and dad. If he thinks about them for even a second, he'll break down. He's a little weird at times, but who isn't?ஜ
۩"I was born on February 13, 1997 in Beverly Hills, California to 39-year-old King of Pop Michael Jackson and 37-year-old Queen of Pop Brooklynne Jackson. I was only 1 when we moved to Los Angeles, where my sister was born on April 3, 1998. I grew up in a rich, but proper, environment. I was taught to be respectful, caring, and loving. Never fight. I'm okay with that, though. I think it's better if nobody fights. Anyway. I grew up in a huge house in Los Angeles. In the front yard, we had a pool, surrounded by a fence that kept the neighbors from coming into our yard for autographs. In fact, that house got torn down. Anyway. The beach was literally our backyard and a park was not that far. I grew up with 1 step-sister, 6 older siblings, 3 adopted sisters, and 2 younger siblings.۩
Interesting Fact:
Something everybody knows:
Something Nobody knows:

Career Info
Were your parents actors?:
How long have you been an actor/actress?:
Movie & role:

ஜFirst name hereஜ
Basic Info
First Name:
Relationship Status:

Body Info
ஜ3+ lines pleaseஜ
Hair color:
Eye color:
Distinctive features:
Body Mods:

Attitude Info:
Interesting Fact:
Something everybody knows:
Something Nobody knows:

Career Info
Were your parents actors?:
How long have you been an actor/actress?:
Movie & role:

ஜFirst name hereஜ
Basic Info
First Name:
Relationship Status:

Body Info
ஜ3+ lines pleaseஜ
Hair color:
Eye color:
Distinctive features:
Body Mods:

Attitude Info:
Interesting Fact:
Something everybody knows:
Something Nobody knows:

Career Info
Were your parents actors?:
How long have you been an actor/actress?:
Movie & role:

Title of movie:
Short description:
A little info about the characters:
۩Age. Married/single/dating/divorced? Children?۩
{{ 'Cause you were born to be my baby
Baby I was made to be your man
We've got something to believe in
Even if we don't know where we stand
Only God will know the reasons
But I bet he must've had a plan
'Cause you were born to be my baby
And baby I was made to be your man
'Cause you were born to be my baby
And baby I was made to be your man}}

{ Bible verse of the day 12/10/13: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing would be made that has been made." ~John: 1-3
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Richie's Gal Forever
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