sunrise — closed

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Re: sunrise — closed

Postby Hellhound-My-Legend » Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:53 am

Shiloh Fray
22 / male / vaquero
at; mayor's building // tagged; Casimir

    Shiloh felt overwhelmed by the electricity rushing through his veins, under his skin, electrifying every tiny piece of him it could find. He needed so much in that moment, found himself falling into the comfort and security the other man gave him, so unlike the rest of his life. His existence had been full of fast action and life or death and so much uncertainty, and right then, he could go slow, take his time without feeling like something would explode if he didn't move fast enough. So he kissed Casimir slow, moved his hands in his own time, when it felt right and when it felt natural. He let himself drown in the other man, he'd drown as long as Casimir let him.

    . . .

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Re: sunrise — closed

Postby Consulting_Angel » Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:20 am

Casimir Lodge
23|Male|Saloon Worker
Location: Mayor's Building.
Tagged: Shiloh.
Cass woke up the next morning, sunlight beginning to stream through the window, last night quickly becoming clear in his mind. He yawned, but was otherwise unable to move, because he had Shiloh's arms around him. Not that he was particularly motivated to move anyway. Eventually, though, Casimir did begin to wonder if he should at least try and wake Shiloh up, or just wait. He soon decided on trying to wake him up - but only by whispering, because he still didn't want to really move and start getting ready for the day just yet. "Shiloh. Wake up. I think we might be late."
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Re: sunrise — closed

Postby Hellhound-My-Legend » Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:31 am

Shiloh Fray
22 / male / vaquero
at; mayor's building // tagged; Casimir
    Shiloh woke slowly, the sound of Casimir's voice gently pulling him from sleep. His first thoughts were that his whole body ached from the long day previous; his jaw ached, and nose ached, his head ached, his everything ached and pained and hurt. He didn't want to move from the warm cocoon him and Casimir had created, despite the sense the other man was speaking. So all he did was wrap his arms tighter around the other man, constricting around him like a snake might, burying his face carefully -to avoid hurting his nose again- into the other man's shoulder.
    "Don' wan' move,"
    he mumbled, words muffled by the shoulder he was speaking into.
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Re: sunrise — closed

Postby Burning_Roses » Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:55 am

Kathrine Barlow

Kate returned to her room in the early morning andmanger to fall quickly asleep, but before she knew it the sun was blaring through her window and a headache was splitting her skull in half, she really shouldn't have had anything to drink the night before because today she felt like cow turd. She groaned and managed to flop her way out of bed and into a cold shower as the memories of the previous night returned, her and Bailey fighting, well more like her being provocative to Bailey and then leading to an arguement which ended with Kate throwing her drink on him, needless to say, she bet she wasn't the only one who wouldn't be fully alert during their ride through bandit country. Kate finished her shower and walked downstairs and outside to snag some breakfast and coffee, after that quick meal and still with a spiltting headache she went to tend to her horse,checking to make sure everything was in order. She was just praying she wouldn't see Bailey before they left.
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Re: sunrise — closed

Postby Consulting_Angel » Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:57 am

Casimir Lodge
23|Male|Saloon Worker
Location: Mayor's Building.
Tagged: Shiloh.
Cass couldn't help but laugh softly, and he turned his head slightly - not that it really helped him in seeing Shiloh anyway. He knew that he shouldn't be condoning this, considering he was sure that they were late to be ready to start travelling again. However, it was very warm and comfortable here, and he liked Shiloh's embrace around him. "I know, baby, but..." he whispered, trailing off, as he tried to think of a compelling reason for them both to actually leave the bed. However, as he was unable to think one up, he fell silent. Maybe, he thought, he was just hoping that they'd end up spending an extra day in Ellinwood instead, considering how Bailey was last night, even if things had been resolved. "A few more minutes, then." Cass whispered.
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Re: sunrise — closed

Postby moonkin » Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:08 am

        [ leader ][ ellinwood ][ tags ]

          Morning came around, shining it’s less than wonderful rays into Bailey’s face. It was no use waking him up because he hadn’t slept, he had laid there all night in and out of dozing. Despite what he wanted to do and despite what his body was wanting him to do, Bailey drug himself out of bed to loosely put a shirt on - a black button up that he failed to button - and shove his feet into boots. Every joint ached and it felt like he ‘slept’ on a concrete slab the entire night. He paid no mind to packing up just yet, trudging out of his room and down the hallway like they had no where to be.

          Bailey stuck a cigarette between his lips, dipping his face into his hands that held a lighter. It took a couple tries but it finally lit and he inhaled. Dropping the lighter into his chest pocket, he headed his way down the stairway, taking them slow as he worked his fingers to put the buttons through their adjacent holes. The bruises on his face, specifically on his jawline to his nose had came through in mixes of purple, yellow and black. His hands weren’t in no better shape either and painted with the same color besides the red cracks in the middle. He hadn’t looked to his side where he was kicked but figured it was in the same, fresh state by the feel of it.

          Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, Bailey finished buttoning his shirt only halfway and leaned against the railing. Having yet another drink came to mind- but after last night, he figured a day off would do good. Next time reminding himself to drink alone, no one could get hurt. Emotionally or physically.
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Re: sunrise — closed

Postby Hellhound-My-Legend » Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:09 am

Shiloh Fray
22 / male / vaquero
at; mayor's building // tagged; Casimir
    Shiloh mumbled something completely unintelligible in reply, but it was most likely approving of the new plan of a few more minutes. Thinking about the day ahead, finally heading into bandit country, made Shiloh's gut twist. Nothing good ever came of wading into shark infested waters. He knew from his time on the other side of the law that there was nothing like a group of weary travelers to line your pockets and restock your supplies. Yeah they had Gideon's military training, his and Kate's street smarts, and Bailey's stupid bravery, but if they were ambushed or taken by surprise, it would be a tough fight. Shiloh rid the thoughts from his head, they could be saved for later when he actually had to worry.

    Struggling, he slowly untangled himself from Casimir, lifting himself slowly so he was hovering over the other man. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of him; sleep-soft and beautiful in the morning light, irresistibly kissable. Shiloh pressed forward to kiss the other man, again relishing in the feel of Cass' stubble against his skin.
    "Mornin' Sunshine," he said softly into the barely there space between them.
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Re: sunrise — closed

Postby Consulting_Angel » Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:20 am

Casimir Lodge
23|Male|Saloon Worker
Location: Mayor's Building.
Tagged: Shiloh.
Casimir remained quiet for the few minutes, as he thought about them travelling today. He was not particularly looking forward to them going into bandit territory - he was not particularly tired or weary, but he was concerned that everyone who had been drinking would be. Perhaps they wouldn't run into any bandits during at least today. At least, certainly not a group of them. No, he convinced himself that they'd all be fine, and that they wouldn't need to worry. He pushed the thoughts away from his mind, deciding that they weren't important right now.
Once he was able to move, he shifted so that he was lying on his back, and he tilted his head up to meet the kiss. "Good morning, Shy." Cass responded, gently, and smiled warmly up at him.
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Re: sunrise — closed

Postby Burning_Roses » Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:27 am

Kathrine Barlow//Kate //Female//Outlaw//Tagged:Bailey

Kate walked back inside after checking up on her horse and moved back towards the stairs when she stopped seeing Bailey and let out a breathy sigh a sigh she walked by, "I'm only gonna say this once, but I'm sorry for what I said last night. It was uncalled for and childish, you are family to me Bailey, you're one of the only people I trust." She sighed as she kept walking back upstairs and back towards her room. There she had gotten it off her chest and it was Bailey's decision what and how he would take it. She walked back into her room shutting the door behind her with a soft clock as she went to the mirror hoping to tame her rat's nest hair that rested on her head
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Re: sunrise — closed

Postby moonkin » Fri Jan 19, 2018 4:37 pm

        [ leader ][ ellinwood ][ tags ]

          Bailey looked up from running his thumb over the open skin of his right hand’s knuckles to Kate who spoke, leaving soon after she had apologized. He didn’t get time to reply but that was okay, he decided he wouldn’t have said anything anyway. Her words had struck him deep and he didn’t recover too kindly or fast to them. His gaze followed her, watching her until the door shut. Sighing heavily, he turned without any real confident structure and headed down the hall behind him. Again, to the Mayor who would be much less than pleased to see his state. Which was fine too, Bailey wasn’t looking to impress anyone.

          The talk was short, thanking him for stopping to visit - etc. Bailey honestly droned most of it out until Anna stepped into the room, bidding her farewells. He knew concern would paint her face well before she knew it herself, he also knew she’d follow when he left. And she had. A couple of yelled ‘Bailey’’s and a grab to his arm was enough to stop him and make him turn. “Where’re you at?” She asked, referring to him recently being caught up in his head. Bailey stared down at her, noting how short she actually was compared to him. For five foot five, she wasn’t to be mistaken for weak and that was something Bailey had done time and time again. “I’m just- ” he shrugged one shoulder, giving half a smile that failed at being reassuring, “I’m here and there.”

          She accepted that answer to his relief and asked about his bruises (which he made excuses for), eventually wishing him safety and giving him her necklace for good luck. It was an 22 inch silver chain, a quarter sized ‘A’ hung from it. “You can just say it’s for Anderson.” She had said with a wink and a pat to his chest, exchanging a kiss to the cheek with him before departing. Bailey looked down at the gift in the palm of his hand, holding it out and putting it on so he didn’t have any excuse of putting it aside, eventually loosing it. It was way more important than to be given that fate. Turning, he headed back upstairs to his room. No one seemed to be in a hurry this morning but that was fine by him, he wouldn’t complain for he didn’t have such a great night himself.
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