nepenthe - new and accepting

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Re: nepenthe - new and accepting

Postby ToxicHeaven » Thu Mar 22, 2018 10:23 am

She sat in her family's cafe sipping on a hot chocolate made with some salted caramel her favorite off-menu drink she was waiting around before she would hate to go to work. Nodding a greeting to a few people who came in she took a sip of her drink looking out the window she was still trying to warm the sleepy haze looming over her. Looking at her brother she rolled her eyes it seemed he was doing anything small to avoid being productive at the shop it was nothing really surprising.

He wandered around bringing people their drinks and then talking to them for a bit trying to take as long as possible to do as little as possible. Waving at a few of the people who just entered he walked to the espresso maker to get started on the next drink order he sighed and glanced back around at everyone. It was very busy this morning more so than usual for being the main cafe in town but it seemed like everyone was paying them a visit.
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Re: nepenthe - new and accepting

Postby xXshewolvXx » Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:15 pm

Aubrey I Female I Heterosexual I 20 I Tags: Open

When she opened the door to cafe and walked in rather slowly, she saw Jessie, Dustin, Augustus and...
Anastasia. She went in front of the counter, joining the line. She wasn’t going to start a fight with her enemy. Instead she just looked down at her phone. Waiting to get to the front.
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you wanted fire? sorry, my specialty is ice. // post 001

Postby `kosmic » Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:15 pm

      ( ) // HEYENNE IVERS!!
      ─────────────────────────── ( YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME? )
      xxxxx[ female & 19 ] [ loc. luna cafe ] [ tags. open ]
      "be careful, mija!" a female voice called from the other room, in which cheyenne responded: "always, mother!". and with
      that, the black haired girl opened the front door and exited the house. she had a few errands she wanted to run before th
      e day officially started - or rather, before her mother wanted her at the bridal shop to help with whatever. but first, as al
      ways, she needed to make her daily routine stop at the local café for some coffee. coffee deemed to be chey's lifeline - sh
      e would probably be a zombie if she didn't have it every morning. chey began making her way toward her camaro, unlockin
      g it with the keys before sliding into the driver side seat. after putting her seatbelt on and adjusting herself, she inserted
      the key into the ignition and brought the engine to life. unlike a few others she knew, cheyenne lived a bit from the main
      part of town - so walking wasn't an option she was willing to take, especially in heels. it was easier to just take her car.

      within ten minutes or so, cheyenne found herself driving into the middle of the small town she now called home. finding a
      parking spot, she pulled the black camaro into it and turned the engine off. she exited the car, her high heels clicking on t
      he pavement as she began making her way toward the familiar café. the girl that was always on more of the fancy side nev
      er changed. she might live in a small town now, but she did come from new york city. her outfits of choice always proved t
      hat: today, a black pencil skirt with a rich blue blouse. her black hair was curled as usual, and her face was compliment wi
      th her daily makeup routine.

      waving some hellos to some familiar faces as she walked, cheyenne finally made it to the café. she proceeded to open the
      door and walk inside, the ringing bell announcing her arrival. the smell of coffee and pastries instantly hit her, making a sm
      ile cross her soft lips. chey made her way to the front counter and waited in line until it was her turn, ordering her usual: w
      hite mocha with an extra shot. after paying, she made her way to an empty seat and took it as she waited for her beverage.
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Re: nepenthe - new and accepting

Postby Rats. » Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:10 am

|‡| 23
|‡| Male
|‡| Bisexual
|‡| Bookstore
|‡| Open

Adjusting his glasses he raised his brows at himself in the bathroom mirror, his hair already tied back (except for an annoying strand that always seemed to escape his grasp) and his teeth brushed. Rolling up his sleeves he made his way to the kitchen in his one bedroom apartment. He pulled down a decent sized travel coffee mug out of the cupboard, and poured himself a nice hot coffee; black of course, with the addition of two spoonfuls of sugar. Grabbing his keys he left the apartment, locking the door behind him. Descending the the black metal staircase he exited to the sidewalk, walking further downtown. He did own a car, but he usually much preferred walking, as it was only a short distance. He hummed quietly to himself as he walked up to the glass door of the bookstore, he unlocked it easily with the trick his father had shown him; put in the key, push the door, turn the key and then pull with a bit of force. He switched on the lights and took his spot behind the counter, sitting up on a comfortable stool sipping his coffee, idly flipping through a catalog for new books.
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Re: nepenthe - new and accepting

Postby GhoulishDes » Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:33 am

[Family Owns Cinema] [twenty-one] [bi] [tags: Alaska ]

xxxx Augustus payed for his drink and turned away from the counter. His eyes spotted a familiar figure outside the cafe door. Quickly, he pulled open the door and quietly walked up behind Alaska. He put one hand on her shoulder before side stepping to reveal himself, "Good morning, Alaska!" He flashed a toothy smile.
xxxx "I didn't know you were coming back yet," August remarked as he brought his coffee to his lips. Alaska had gone off to Uni and they rarely saw each other. Other than phone calls, there wasn't much interaction. But here she was; her hair in a pretty braid thing and her eyes full of life. "I saw you from inside the Luna's." He offered a quick explanation about appearing out of nowhere.

[employed at Luna] [twenty] [pan] [tags: Aubrey]

xxxx As the line moved forward, an old familiar face stunned her. Aubrey. They weren't on good terms but this wasn't the place to start an argument. Anastasia was going to be professional.
xxxxAnastasia cleared her throat, "Good morning, what can I get for you?"

[unemployed] [nineteen] [bi] [tags: open ]

xxxx -writer's block let me know if you wanna interact with him
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Re: nepenthe - new and accepting

Postby Consulting_Angel » Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:14 am

Ezra Price
Tagged: Open.
After a while, Ezra finished up playing the harp, his arms growing a little tired from it. He went back inside - his brother taking in the harp - and it was perhaps another half an hour before Ezra decided that he'd like to go out for a while. Despite being 19, he was still instructed to make sure that he updated one of his family members every half hour or so, just so that they knew that he was okay. He knew that they were only being cautious, even though it had been around five years since the accident - give or take a few months and the time he'd spent in hospital.

He made his way down the path, onto the street, and he started towards the town square - which didn't take more than fifteen minutes to get to.
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Re: nepenthe - new and accepting

Postby Rats. » Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:08 am

|‡| 23
|‡| Male
|‡| Bisexual
|‡| Bookstore
|‡| Open

With about half of his morning cup gone, he shut the catalog and picked up his mug walking towards the back of the store. He began to gaze over the shelves making sure the books were in their corrects places, he of course started in the back where all of the old books were, making sue none of the new ones had filtered into the shelves. He drank down his coffee as he walked, making his way to the front now he did the same with the new books, except vice versa; he made sure none of the old books had found a spot on their shelves. Once he was at the complete front of the store, he stopped, gazing out of the wooden framed window coffee mug to his lips as he finished off the last drink.
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( ✗ - Levi & Katrina ) One

Postby .KeithKogane » Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:21 pm

      Lᴇᴠɪ Bʟᴀᴄᴋᴡᴏᴏᴅ
      [ male ] [ twenty-four years ] [ bisexual - ___ ] [ lone wolf tattoo ] [ tagged with --] [ feelings; tired yet calm ]

      Early mornings were never his thing. Birds chirping out his window with the promise of cheery people were not exactly Levi's version of relaxation. That's why the shop never opened until ten, giving him enough time to sleep in if he wished to. Yet the deep emerald gaze of his slowly blinked open, only one of them able to see the window on the far side of his room. The other remained squished in the pillows comfort for another few moments to gain full consciousness. It wasn't as quiet as it usually was, but nor was it out. A voice echoed around the building softly, roughly a hum to some sort of melody. Not to mention a lovely scent filled the air with it. He slowly sat up, running a hand through the disheveled mop that lay on the top of his head. Probably would have been good to put it in a small bun or something before going to bed. Kinda late now anyways. Instead of caring, a yawn erupted from the back of his mouth, bringing water to his eyes as well for some strange reason. Muscled arms reached forward to stretch out the limbs used to hold onto a pillow and be dead to the rest of the world. Last thing the man remembered was he and his sister Katrina sat on his bed watching an old favorite movie. A mental health day if you will. She probably ended up sleeping in his bed due to the rumpled pillow, not that it mattered.
      After a few moments of sitting in the center of his bed, Levi pulled his tired body over to lay his feet against the cool hardwood floor. Thank god he was wearing socks, otherwise he wouldn't get out of bed. But alas, it was time to start the day. No matter how early it was for his tired soul. Soft thumps sounded as feet dragged against the ground, barely caring to tread lightly like usual. The soft humming as well as the scent of food became stronger, pleasing the tired man immensely.

      After coming down the stairs and making his way into the kitchen, the source of the smell and sounds were found. Doing a little dance in front of the stove was Katrina, along with their breakfast bar being set for the two of them. Her voice sang along softly to one of her favorite songs that played from the speaker in the living room, which was just only loud enough to hear in the kitchen. Levi didn't say anything at first and instead walked up behind his younger sister, placing his head on her left shoulder and arms around her waist in a slight hug. "Morning, making something good I see?" He asked giving the smaller girl a light squeeze and pulling away. On the stove in front of him appeared to be eggs that she was working on, while grits cooked in a pot nearby. Being as cute as she is, Katrina had even made a little fruit salad for them to share. The bright colors that belonged to strawberries, grapes, peaches, and some watermelon pieces were quite appetizing. It wasn't surprising that the two of them had the same taste in foods. They did everything growing up together, especially after losing their parents at a young age. It's definitely safe to say that these two were very close. Attached at the hip at that.
      While Katrina finished up cooking, Levi poured two mugs of hot tea. He could go either way with tea or coffee, but his sister preferred tea. Something about coffee didn't sit right with her. Probably the after taste if anything. He placed the mugs down in front of the plates, farther on the bar before swinging around to take a seat on one of their cushioned stools. The girl served both of them and placed the empty pots in the sink with soap and water for easy clean-up later. There wasn't any rushing to day as there wasn't much on the schedule to do. Ritual cleaning and possibly one client for a touch up on a fish tattoo. Otherwise it was a simple day. Together they enjoyed their meal, both not speaking much. His sister was much more of a morning person than he was, yet even she looked tired. Better than yesterday of course. Instead she hummed lightly along to the song while eating and taking sips out of her mug. Her long auburn hair was pulled up into a messy bun while being dressed in one of his sweatshirts and work out shorts. Similar to him of course in comfort, the man being dressed up in sweatpants instead along with a hoodie.

      About two hours later, the Blackwood siblings waltzed out of their house dressed and cleaned. They both had showered and put together a small list of things that should be done in Katrina's work notebook along with leaving open a tab to fill in on any important things needed to be bought for the store. Levi was dressed in simple black jeans, army green short sleeved t-shirt, with a black biker jacket on top. Black and white hightop vans to match of course. Katrina on the other had was the cuter one of the two. She had on white shorts with medium sized black fishnets underneath and the same vans, while wearing a soft royal blue sweater with a small cut out on the chest. The outfits pretty much fit their personality in odd ways, but hey, whatever works. Levi lead the way to the motorcycle parked in the drive way, opting to take it to work rather than the truck. He built it himself over the past few years and getting it tested it before it was completely safe to ride. Nothing flashy, just solid black with a small wolf head design on the side of the fuel tank in white and grey. The male had to admit, it was a nice touch. Katrina drew it out herself before giving it to him to paint onto the bike.
      The pair rode into town, which was only a five minute ride. The engine purred while being stopped at a red light, right by Zita's Diner. From the clean windows, it didn't seemed too packed. Yet then again, the pair could visit any time. But for now they continued down the street for another block. Levi slowed down the vehicle, parking it in the farthest spot from the door. The rest were reserved for customers. Helmets were placed within a small compartment on the bike with it being carefully parked. The store was pretty clean on the outside, maybe the only thing needing work would be the windows. At the moment it was just the two of them running the shop; the job opening sign must not be big enough. Or perhaps not many people want to work at a tattoo shop.

      ( Words; 1,159 )


      Kᴀᴛʀɪɴᴀ Bʟᴀᴄᴋᴡᴏᴏᴅ
      [ female ] [ twenty-two years ] [ bisexual - ___ ] [ lone wolf tattoo ] [ tagged with --] [ feelings; slightly sad but okay ]

      ( Will write in later; but for the gist, read above )
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Re: nepenthe - new and accepting

Postby xXshewolvXx » Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:53 pm

Aubrey I Female I Heterosexual I 20 I Tags; Anastasia, but Open.

“Good morning, what can I get for you?” She heard the all too familiar voice of Anastasia. Everybody knew they had a rivalry going on between them, so a few people glanced at the two standing there. She looked up to greet Anastasia. She forced a Well practiced fake smile, choosing to be civil. “Just a caramel Latte and a banana choc chip muffin please.” She said, looking at the the menu. (Please pretend they have it, I have no idea what they have XP)
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Re: nepenthe - new and accepting

Postby querencia » Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:09 pm

eighteen . owns the diner . pan . tags; open

    (just doing diner stuff, come annoy her!)

twenty one . writer . bi . tags; augustus

    alaska took in her surroundings as she headed into the center of town, it was odd to be back but in many ways she enjoyed it. even if high school had been a bit like torture, you always go back to where you belong, right? she peered into shop windows, many of which were the same as they were four years ago. she got so distracted that she barely noticed augustus come up behind her when she passed the cafe, and let out a loud squeak and nearly jumped out of her skin before slapping her hands over her mouth.
    "augustus!" she gasped, spinning to face him, "you nearly- oh my god!" she stopped, eyes wide. okay, she had never expected that augustus would be the first person she'd meet up again, especially since she'd just come to terms with the fact that she still had a crush on her high school crush and best friend. "i- yeah," she continued, voice it's usual softness after her moment of panic, "i just got back. i might have had enough credits to graduate early." she blushed, a small smile forming on her lips. she hated bragging but there were times she let herself feel proud of what she'd accomplished. "i told you i was going to write a book, right? well, i figured why not do it here so i can get my career going?" she continued, hand moving to rest lightly against the back of her neck, fingers tangling in the few loose baby hairs that just wouldn't cooperate
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