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three / three / two

Postby pereyra » Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:52 pm

dalila housebug • he/him • local • location: quiet passing hotel • mentions: none • tagging: peter
    dalila floundered for answers for a moment, digging through the pockets of his slacks until he found his phone. it was an old one- a flip phone, really. he held it out to the man, peter. “uh, you can try to call them, but i don’t get very good service. especially if you’re trying to call someone out of town. never seems to go through for me, but i can’t figure out why,” he explained with a small shrug.

    “and don’t worry about the room- my boss came around, told me that nobody from the bus is paying for their rooms. and they’re a whole lot nicer than this place- lots more modern,” dalila looked around the lobby, a little hurt that it had been insulted, though he understood why. the hotel wasn’t in great condition, sure, but it was his home, so it felt a little personal in that sense. he didn’t pay it any mind, though- it’s not like peter knew, and he was sure the man was frustrated by his current predicament enough as was. “my name’s dalila, by the way. we don’t really have room service or anything, but if you need anything, just let me know.”

luciano ochoa • he/him • local • location: cafe • mentions: none • tagging: silas
    as silas sat down in the seat across from him, luciano was very, very tempted to tell the other man that yes, that seat was indeed taken. a blatant lie, of course, but it’d save him a world of embarrassment at this point. he didn’t say that, though. instead, luciano didn’t answer the question- but he didn’t tell silas to move, either, whatever that said about him.

    for a moment, he didn’t respond to silas’s thank you, either, struggling to find an excuse for buying the man coffee that wasn’t just well, you see, i have no self control. despite the confidence and bravado that luciano usually carried himself with, personal interactions outside of his job had never been his forte. he shrugged. ”i figured there was no harm in doing something nice for one of livinggrove’s beloved teachers.” despite his limited interactions with silas, one that particularly stuck out to luciano was silas bringing one of his students in after she’d broken her finger in history class. luciano hadn’t bothered to ask for the details- he’d met his fair share of teenagers and they were, in his experience, absolutely terrifying.

    ”bus broke down in town,” the doctor stated simply, taking a drink of his coffee before turning to face silas. ”i think they’re having some trouble actually fixing whatever went wrong, so it looks like our small town is about to become quite the tourist attraction. it should be… interesting, to say the least.”

seattle washington • he/him or they/them • bus rider • location: bookstore • mentions: none • tagging: julian
    after a long moment of standing outside the bus, seattle sighed dramatically to himself and picked up his luggage- a duffle bag and a single suitcase. a few weeks ago, he’d outsourced everything else to a private moving company, which he was honestly kind of thankful for now. no way was he dragging the entire contents of his apartment across this town.

    seattle wasn’t entirely sure where he was supposed to be going, but that seemed to be a sentiment shared by most people. after about fifteen minutes of wandering up and down the main road, he gave up and slipped inside the bookstore he had stopped beside. the inside was cozy, cute, even. small, compared to the bookstores in the city seattle had come from. thankfully, he wasn’t alone in the store. seattle smiled at the person behind the counter, offering them a small wave. “hi! is there… look, this is weird, but is there any chance you could point me in the direction of the quiet passing hotel?”
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o n e/

Postby bin » Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:50 am


Rose walked from her home,her normal daily life always seemed to shift for her.
''When will I meet somebody I truly loved? like pa' always said?'' She sighed,wondering is all she ever did,she could come up with millions of new thoughts in just a second.

She fixed her dress's sleeves. shutting her door,Rose walked down by the road, taking her normal left to a bench.
she watched simple objects, flowers,dogs,cats,people chattering like there was no tomorrow ''Who knows maybe there is no tomorrow,at least for them..or even me..

She sat down on a bench.
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mason, theodore, peter / 003.

Postby kalo. » Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:01 am

◆ ◇ ◆ mason tyler thompson
( sixteen ) ( asex/rom ) ( local ) ( tags none ) ( location thompson house)

      The sound of people talking and walking outside of Mason's window caused the boy to stir from his sleep and slowly rise up into a sitting position. He brought his hands up to his eyes to rub the sleep out of it and try to wake himself up. He let out a large yawn before he slowly moved himself up and out of his bed. He knew he was alone judging by the amount of light outside of his window. Mason finally stood up and stretched before a sigh overtook him. His dad was going to yell at him for not getting up when he was supposed to. Oh well. he'd live to see another day.

      Mason made his way towards the single window in his bedroom and opened it, sticking his head out to see what was going on. He let out a confused 'what' when he saw a bus further down the road. He sighed, knowing his dad would come home and be pissed about it but brushed that thought off for now. He needed to get out of the house and do something before his father came back and yelled at him.

♛ ♛ ♛ theodore john thompson
( forty-five ) ( bisex/rom ) ( police chief ) ( tags callum shyler ) ( location bus-->alleyway )

      Theodore crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at the townsfolk before his mind went back to what he was originally out here for-Callum. He knew he had to be around here due to seeing him not even a minute prior, but finding him would be a different story. The police chief made his way around the gaggle of people before his eyes saw the various alleyways in between the buildings. Maybe he ducked in there? Only one way to find out after all. Theodore made his way towards the first alleyway he saw and poked his head in. Nothing. Just a trashcan and a stray cat. Nothing unusual besides the various graffiti the delinquents have managed to spray on.

      Theodore made his way to the next alleyway, turning the corner to see just who he wanted. Callum. The police chief let out a sigh as he crossed his arms and shot daggers at the kid with his eyes. "You know you aren't supposed to be doing this. C'mon kid I'm getting tired of chasing out around town like as if we were Tom and Jerry." Theodore glanced over his shoulder back at the bus before looking back at the kid. "And to top it off we have this bus stuck here. The last thing I need is for you to be misbehaving. Can't you just be like the other kids around here?" 'Kid' was used lightly. Theodore called anyone younger than 30 a kid. In his eyes, they weren't mature enough and lacked the ability to behave like an adult.

♥ ♡ ♥ peter taylor "cash" crater
( twenty-three ) ( homosex/rom ) ( touring band member ) ( tags dalila housebug) ( location quiet passing hotel )

      Peter felt himself grimace when the man handed him a flip phone. He picked it up and stared at the numbers on it before giving the innkeeper a look. "A flip phone... Nice. But it won't reach outside of town? How am I going to contact my band now? They'll think I ditched them or died someplace." Peter let out a groan as he ran his free hand through his hair before biting his lip. "I guess they'll have to make do without me then." It wasn't ideal for Peter but it would have to somehow work. His band was smart... in some ways. They'd figure something out for the time being. And if not they'd file him as missing and the police would come a find him. Right?

      When the brunette mentioned the rooms Peter let out a soft smile. "That's good-I'm not sure If I could afford anything at the moment, to be honest. Most of my stuff is with my band. Only got some emergency money here." He glanced down at his guitar before he felt his face light up at the keepers' next comment. "That's a relief. This place reminds me of my grandmother's. The place was a nightmare." The brunette knew he was slightly oversharing but yet he was stuck here for what could be a few days. Might as well try and leave some sort of impression. Not like they had any sort of entertainment if they couldn't even get cell signals. "Dalila? Like the flower?" Peter wasn't sure if he was exactly right but again he didn't really care. At the mention of no room service, Peter just shrugged. "Haven't had room service for most of my life. I'll make do. Not like I'm going to freak out or anything. But I do have another question-what is there to even do at this town? Like I'm gonna be here for a few days any suggestions on what to do? I don't think me practicing for three days straight is going to be doing anyone any good."
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Re: Three?

Postby Spiritstar3 » Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:46 am

Spiritstar3 wrote:Jessika Tompson- 25- she/her- pan- bus rider- location: street- Tags: Ivy

The redhead hummed quietly as she and Sorraa just stood there a moment, taking stock of the people she could actually see. That was a woman from the bus talking to a guy who must be a local, and another bus rider, male, carrying a kitten. That’s when she realized another woman was right there, and she’d spoken. She blushed with a bit of embarrassment. She hummed quietly a moment, then realized the woman was looking at her. She nodded her head to the other woman, smiling softly a bit. She said “It’s fine,” and nodded to the other woman once more. She too glanced down to the poodle.

“Him, he’s a boy. It’s fine,” she giggled, shaking her head a bit. “His name is Sorraa, S o r r a a. I always wanted a male dog. I finally got him. He’s very helpful,” she said with a dip of the head. “Thank you, I think he’s cute too. He tries hard to be,” she giggled, again. She hummed as she noticed the way the woman seemed to study her hair and face. “Oh, um...Is there something on my face?” she asked. She seemed a bit worried about that, actually, that there were marks from how she’d been sleeping or something. She shook her head softly a few times.

She nodded to the woman a third time in that short span of time. “My name is Jessika, with a k rather than a c. Mother told me it’s more unique,” she said with a smile. “Oh, um...I think I’m doing fine. I took a nap.”

Mark Redd- 23- he/him- bi- bus rider- location: bus/street- Tags: open

Mark and Jayda wip
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Re: bourgmestre - open / accepting

Postby mandalorian » Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:29 pm

xxxxxxxxxxxxx𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑲 𝑴𝑰𝑳𝑺𝑶𝑵 . . . !!
xxxxxxmale - twenty five - a photographer - photography studio - open


xxxxxxxxxxx𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝑼𝑴 𝑺𝑪𝑯𝒀𝑳𝑬𝑹 . . . !!
xxxxxxmale - twenty two - troublemaker - alleyway - theodore

callum grins, winks and throws out a two finger salute when he passes finn. it's a common greeting for him but the wink is reserved for that dork. gotta please the fans, anyway.

the bus has way too many people around it at the moment, enough to get him to groan. but hopefully they'd disperse soon, lost attention — not much happened in this town, so chances are it'd take until sundown. not that he minded a bit of a waiting game, it gave him something to do at least.

he diverges from his path into a nearby alleyway, pulling his scarf up over his mouth again as a makeshift mask as he began to shake some more spray cans. it doesn't take long for some cat like senses to get him to pause from the clicking of boots, and he ducks into another alleyway, only to come face to face with the man himself.

he pulls the mask down to glare at theodore, before it turns into his charming grin, sideways and lazy-like.

"aw, theodore. coming into one of these dark, scary alleyways just to greet me? you must be my biggest fan, dory." the use of a full name just seemed much more belittling — no respect for the police captain or any regard to his title. the nickname made it worse. he throws his arms out and takes a few steps back before lacing his fingers together and pressing his palms flat against the back of his neck. it's a strain to keep up his smile as theodore continues. "you know i don't take lightly to all of these accusations. you haven't even caught me doing anything bad other than... enjoying the local art."

he drops his arms, spins on his heels to gesture to a display of graffiti on a nearby wall. "man, you police-folk just love killing creativity though, don't you? the bricks are always so.. bare, gross. it's prison like, don't you think?" he drops his head to the side, and cocks a brow as he looked over at theodore again, "i mean, you'd know, wouldn't you?"

xxxxxxx𝑪𝑳𝑬𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 . . . !!
xxxxxxfemale - thirty five - veterinarian - office - open


xxxxxxxxxxxxx𝑱𝑼𝑳𝑰𝑨𝑵 𝑹𝑶𝑺𝑺 . . . !!
xxxxxxnonbinary- thirty four - bookstore clerk - bookstore - seattle

the quiet, barely alarming sound of a bell going off when the front door to the library opened got julian to lift his head. almost immediately the demon of customer service possesses them, and they offer a pleasant smile to greet whoever had entered the store.

a new face wasn't uncommon, the town was small but not small enough to know everybody. though everything about them, well, didn't feel right. the first words out of their mouth seemed to make sense.

it takes a moment for julian to regain themselves before speaking, "the... quiet passing hotel! yes, i could, actually." he sets aside the book he had been working on and moves to grab a pamphlet beneath the counter. "i have a map right here. it's not too far, though pretty easy to miss just because of how surroundings like to blend in." he crinkles his nose with a small grin, and opens up the map with ease to spread out over the counter.

"uh, i know not many people use these anymore, but i'm typically a visual learner so..." he grabs a pen nearby to draw the route from the small bookstore to the hotel. it isn't much of a trek. "i hope that helps."

Last bumped by mandalorian on Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:29 pm.
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