FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

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Re: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

Postby dr. freeman » Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:44 pm

what are suggestions and why dont people like them?
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Re: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

Postby Ashki » Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:32 pm

blueshifted wrote:what are suggestions and why dont people like them?

A 'suggestion' is when you send a trade, and select the option to "Ask them to edit the trade and send it back". It is the second option when you go to send a trade:


This option sends the trade to the user, but they are unable to 'accept' the trade, and only have the option to edit the trade (and then send it back) or cancel the trade. Some users may prefer not to be sent these types of trades because they prefer not having to edit trades, and would rather have the option to just accept/cancel the trade.
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Re: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

Postby The_Caitallo » Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:49 pm

Ashki wrote:
The_Caitallo wrote:Sorry if this is a dumb question or if it’s been asked before but what does it mean to “trade down”?

Not a dumb question at all! When someone says they want to "trade down" a pet, it just means that they want to trade that pet for multiple lower-valued pets that add up to the value of their pet. So for example, if they have a pet that is a 2010 very rare, they may want to "trade down" for 2 2010 rares.

Inversely, if someone wants to "trade up" it means they want to trade multiple of their pets for a higher value pet. So they would be the person that wants to "trade up" 2 2010 rares for another person's 2010 very rare.

I hope this helps!

Yes that makes sense! Thanks!
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Re: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

Postby Kiwiana » Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:50 am

Why do I see the same pets appearing in the Pound and a reduced number of pets even though there shows no "already taken"-sign? Do people get different pools? I wished there were different pets every time I refresh without the same ones, it feels like having less chances to get missing pets. I can't remember the last time I actually found a pet from my wl and chances would sure be higher if there were different pets each refreshing. But perhaps I do misunderstand how it works^^
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Re: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

Postby Ashki » Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:43 am

Kiwiana wrote:Why do I see the same pets appearing in the Pound and a reduced number of pets even though there shows no "already taken"-sign? Do people get different pools? I wished there were different pets every time I refresh without the same ones, it feels like having less chances to get missing pets. I can't remember the last time I actually found a pet from my wl and chances would sure be higher if there were different pets each refreshing. But perhaps I do misunderstand how it works^^

The pound is indeed random, and everyone gets different pools of pets to choose from. ^^ You aren't more likely to see wishlist pets or pets you're missing. The point of the pound was never for users to get high value/wishlist pets, but rather to give pets a "second chance" of finding a home - this is also why rarities are not shown on pound pets, to encourage users to choose a pet that they like rather than one that is valuable.
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Re: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

Postby Crim » Fri Aug 02, 2024 2:48 am

Can a locked thread be reopened? I labeled my free pets thread closed to get a break but I only meant temporarily, not forever oops
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Re: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

Postby Kiwiana » Fri Aug 02, 2024 10:07 am

Ashki wrote:
Kiwiana wrote:Why do I see the same pets appearing in the Pound and a reduced number of pets even though there shows no "already taken"-sign? Do people get different pools? I wished there were different pets every time I refresh without the same ones, it feels like having less chances to get missing pets. I can't remember the last time I actually found a pet from my wl and chances would sure be higher if there were different pets each refreshing. But perhaps I do misunderstand how it works^^

The pound is indeed random, and everyone gets different pools of pets to choose from. ^^ You aren't more likely to see wishlist pets or pets you're missing. The point of the pound was never for users to get high value/wishlist pets, but rather to give pets a "second chance" of finding a home - this is also why rarities are not shown on pound pets, to encourage users to choose a pet that they like rather than one that is valuable.

Ty for explaining, but I am not after valuable pets only, just intereted in wl pets in general, I have lots of less value pets on my wl, but rarely see even those. Second-chances-pets are sure something for people that do collecting, but I just want to fulfill my collection, I do not need more than one of a kind^^
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Re: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

Postby Ashki » Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:00 pm

Kiwiana wrote:
Ashki wrote:
Kiwiana wrote:Why do I see the same pets appearing in the Pound and a reduced number of pets even though there shows no "already taken"-sign? Do people get different pools? I wished there were different pets every time I refresh without the same ones, it feels like having less chances to get missing pets. I can't remember the last time I actually found a pet from my wl and chances would sure be higher if there were different pets each refreshing. But perhaps I do misunderstand how it works^^

The pound is indeed random, and everyone gets different pools of pets to choose from. ^^ You aren't more likely to see wishlist pets or pets you're missing. The point of the pound was never for users to get high value/wishlist pets, but rather to give pets a "second chance" of finding a home - this is also why rarities are not shown on pound pets, to encourage users to choose a pet that they like rather than one that is valuable.

Ty for explaining, but I am not after valuable pets only, just intereted in wl pets in general, I have lots of less value pets on my wl, but rarely see even those. Second-chances-pets are sure something for people that do collecting, but I just want to fulfill my collection, I do not need more than one of a kind^^

Regardless, what the pound shows you is completely random and will not “favor” showing you wishlist pets, whether common or rare ^^
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Re: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

Postby spacemilk » Thu Sep 05, 2024 2:28 pm

quick question! why don't item trades get automatically cancelled like pet trades? will this ever be fixed? apologies if this a bit of a dumb question!
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Re: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions [READ FIRST]

Postby Ashki » Thu Sep 05, 2024 5:03 pm

spacemilk wrote:quick question! why don't item trades get automatically cancelled like pet trades? will this ever be fixed? apologies if this a bit of a dumb question!

Items are coded differently than pets, which is why this happens!

Each individual pet has its own unique ID number. No two pets will have the same number. When you trade a pet away, the system registers that you no longer own that ID number and so auto-cancels any of your trades that included that pet.

Items are different; they do not each have a unique ID number, but instead each type of item has an ID number. So like a gold bracelet could be item #12 (just an example), and every gold bracelet that exists has that same number. The system wasn't made to tell when you run out of gold bracelets. It only identifies the item, it doesn't know that you have x amount of gold bracelets. So that's why trades don't auto-cancel when you trade away an item.
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