Here is little... MYRA. (NOT WEIRDY!!!!! D:<)
Pets name: Weirdy
Adopt your own!
Okay, I adopted her from the pound! ^_^ and guess what? Her name there was Weirdy and NOW... I CAN'T CHANGE IT! I'm freaking out here
Okay, idk if this will help, but this is EXACTLY what I seen on this computer screen...
Here you can rename your pet to whatever you like.. . After renaming your pet, the pet's adoption code will change (because it will have a different name written in it). If you want the text name that appears below your pet's image to be updated, you need to get the adoption code again.
The Box says "Weirdy" Inside it, so i backspace all of that and put in her new name, "Myra" and press the "Rename Pet" button and this comes up...
Error renaming pet
There was a problem with your request. Please go back and try again.
And it happens EVERY TIME! D: (Seriously, i did it at least 5 times)
And it has this weird code running across the page...
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file Unknown on line 0: Unknown: write failed: No space left on device (28)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file Unknown on line 0: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/var/lib/php5)
Can someone PLEASE tell me whats wrong????
((( AND HOW TO FIX IT!!!)))
Thank you guys!