-|Phaedra - Beacon of Light|-

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-|Phaedra - Beacon of Light|-

Postby Clementine Cloud » Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:35 am

"In a time of darkness, she became their light"


Phaedra lived in an age of darkness and fear. Every day some from her isolated village would venture out into the wild in search of food and other resources, Phaedra would see them off at the gate along with the other young ones. As the sun grew low she'd run back to the gate to welcome them home... but sometimes not all would come back. "The darkness got them." She'd hear the others say, but they never told her more than that. Despite their shielding, she knew what they really meant.

This was their reality, their life, and all grew weary from the fear the night brought. But as they huddled close to the candlelight in their little homes they shared stories of Simas with yellow jewels, ones that could create and control light itself. Although none in the village had ever seen one (many even believing it to be a myth) these stories of the "Light-bearers" kept the hope of the young ones alive. Phaedra believed the tales, knowing in her heart they must be true.

As time went on the village morale faded, but Phaedra's hope never faltered. But she knew thigns couldn't continue as they were, she had to do something! If only she could find the Light-Bearers and bring them back, they could fight the darkness and defeat the monsters! Then her village could finally be happy again. So search she did.

Her village was old, simas had lived there for many generations, and a few had left books and journals behind. A small dusty library held these texts, rarely used as most in the village had too much to do, but one old grey sima looked over them with care. "Book-Keeper!" Phaedra called ecitedly, startling the old sima. "I need any books you have about the Light-bearers!" The book-keeper chuckled "Oh Phaedra, I know those old stories are always your favorite, give me a moment and I'll find them for you!" Phaedra bounced up and down as the old sima sorted through the books and texts, plumes of dust floating off of every one they touched. After a bit the book-keeper dropped a tall stack before the little Phaedra who thanked them and took the books away back to her home.

Phaedra poured over the texts left by her ancestors, any tales of these Light-bearers that had been recorded. Some were the grand stories she'd heard before the fire growing up, tales of great heroes defeating the evil. Phaedra already knew all of that though, so she dug deeper into the pile. She sifted through the many books and journals late into the night, but finally she found it! A leather bound journal left by an unknown writer spoke of these Light-bearers in a less grand way, but one written as if seen firsthand.

Every yellowed page pieced together the truth, that of a band of yellow-jeweled simas who passed through the area regularly, bringing bright displays of their light powers with them. This band kept the darkness of the wild at bay, allowing an area around each of the villages in the land to remain bright and safe for the peoples. This went on for many years, but one year there was a very bad winter storm. When the skies finally cleared and the wind stilled, the villagers looked out but the Light-bearers were never seen again. Each year after, the darkness creeped closer and closer until the village was surrounded every time night came.

Where did they go? What happened to them? This journal only gave Phaedra more questions. The Journal came to an abrupt end after that, but as Phaedra went to close it one last piece of paper fell out from the very back of the book. Phaedra picked it up, unfolding the page which seemed to be from another book. On it was a map of the land! Her village was on it, but some of the places around it Phaedra had never heard of. She had seen maps before, but this one was clearly much older. Someone (perhaps the journal's writer?) had written over top of the map, not words but some arrows pointing to specific locations. And at the end circled in some sort of bright yellow ink was a cave found deep into the woods with strange starburst shapes around it. "That must be where the Light-bearers are!" Phaedra shouted ecitedly, but soon quieted as her mother asked what she was doing. Phaedra knew her mother would try to stop her if she told her what she was planning, so she had to do it in secret.

She gathered supplies over a few days, so as to not draw attention to herself. But the day had come, Phaedra would go out and find this place marked on the map and bring the Light-bearers back! If she timed it just right, she should be able to get there before dark... before the monsters came out. She quitely gathered herself and her things, map in hand. She said a silent goodbye to her parents and snuck out to the edge of the village. Just as the sun finally peaked an edge back up over the horizon she set out from the side of her village into the wild. She dare not take the main gate where she could be seen, as it was forbidden for anyone her age to go out alone. But Phaedra didn't have time to wait until she was grown up to do something! So out she went, on her journey.

This map was clearly VERY old. Though most of the landmarks were still identifiable, she found that the roads marked were nothing more than brambles and briars. Fallen trees cut right across many of these old paths, but Phaedra trudged on. The briars and brambles poked at her grey fur, but at least a few had ripe berries she could snack on along her way! And although she was alone, she didn't feel like it as she listened to the many birdsongs and insects singing in the deep woods. These kept her company as she walked along late into the day. As she followed along her map it was surprising how close this cave really was to her village, but it was clear that no one had come that way for a very long time. Phaedra was too naive, or perhaps simply too young to realize the lack of clear path to this cave was a bad sign, so she carried on bright and hopeful as ever.

The sky grew colorful as the sun lowered toward the horizon once again. She had made it just in time, as Phaedra pushed past the last of the thick bush she saw it. The mouth of the cave, still exactly as it was drawn on her map, though with more vines and moss. She dusted off the dirt and leaves, trying to make herself as presentable as she could, ready to see her heroes for the first time. She lit her lamp and entered the cave.

"Helloooo? Light-bearers?" Her voice echoed through the cave, soft light of her lamp flickering against the stone walls. She continued to call out as she walked deeper through the cave, but no answer came in response. The darkness entered the cave and creeped behind her as she went, Phaedra glanced at it but quickly turned back to her path forward. Then a cold draft blew against her grey fur, dangerously flickering her lamp's flame. Suddenly Phaedra was filled with fear, maybe this was all a very bad idea... maybe her village was right... maybe she shouldn't have come out here. The candle of her lamp grew short, the cold wind blew harder, and Phaedra was lost. She huddled into herself, squeezing her eyes shut as she knew it was the end, and with one last howl the wind blew her lamp out.

Phaedra shook in fear, but nothing came. She waited there in cold silence, but nothign came. After a few moments she built the strength to peek an eye open. Both eyes grew wide as she saw an array of beautiful colors. Reds, greens, blues, yellows, all around here were glowing crystals embedded into the cave itself. She couldn't see it with the bright light of her lamp, but now in the darkness they shined like stars. Just as quick as it came her fear left her, replaced by wonder at the beautiful sight.

She took it in for a while, but soon noticed the soft yellow glow coming from deeper into the cave. Renewed with hope she followed the twinkling crystals to find it's source. As she walked closer to the yellow light she heard a soft pleasant hum. She rounded a corner and there before her was the largest crystal she'd ever seen. Glowing a beautiful yellow she couldn't help but be drawn in like a moth to a lamp. She gazed inside and saw the shapes of simas jumping and dancing, surrounded by those strange starburst shapes she saw on the old map! Phaedra was entranced by this vision, her paw raised to touch the gemstone. The moment her paw met the crystal a burst of light surrounded her.

What was a faint hum is now a joyous song, shining yellow simas with yellow jewels danced and leaped around her. Phaedra smiled up in awe at them before one came forward. "Hello little one, it seems you have come a long way." The golden sima said, Phaedra took a moment before realizing she should speak. "Oh! Not too far actually..." The golden sima chuckled "It took a lot of courage to face the darkness and make it here, young one, what is your name?" "Phaedra" she replied. "Phaedra? Your name means 'bright.' How fitting!" They smiled back at her. "Tell me, why have you come to this place?" "To find the Light-bearers and bring them back home, so they can scare away the darkness again!" The golden sima's smile grew somber, they sighed as their head lowered. "Find them you have, but I'm afraid we cannot come with you. We cannot leave this cave."

Phaedra shook her head in disbelief. "No, no you must come back! The darkness has taken over, my village can hardly leave! Everyone is so sad all the time... you have to come back" The golden sima drew close to her, the others around had stopped their joyful dancing, feeling the sorrow of the moment. "I am sorry young one, but there is nothing we can do..." They sat in solemn silence, before the grand sima's eyes widened once more. "Unless... Little Phaedra, there may be something we can do to help. But it's a very big decision, you have to be absolutely certain." Phaedra looked up at them curiously for this new plan.

The weight of the decision sunk in as Phaedra pondered what the golden sima had told her. There was no turning back if she agreed. But she had made it all this way, she finally had a chance to help her village. She looked back to the wise old sima and nodded, a convinced smile upon her face. "You are very brave young Phaedra. We will be with you on your new journey, wherever it may take you. Come, touch the crystal once more, and you will become their light." The many yellow and gold sima spirits smiled proudly around the young grey one as she made her way back up to the glowing crystal. With a deep breath she closed her eyes and touched the crystal.

The cave filled with a rainbow of colors once more, Phaedra's red eyes and jewel glowed before suddenly half turned to the same yellow light of the original crystal. Antlers sprouted from her head, and small crystals grew along her body mirroring the rainbow crystals surrounding the cave. With a cheer the golden sima spirits laughed and jumped before turning into those starburst shapes she had seen. The beautiful lights danced and played around her, beconing her back towards the exit of the cave. After a moment of surprise taking in her new form, Phaedra grinned and bounded back toward the exit of the cave.

She came to the mouth of the cave as the morning sun rose above the horizon once more. She had been in the cave the entire night, it certainly didn't feel like it, but Phaedra didn't take the time to ponder that too long. She sprinted back along the thick forest path to her village. Though her spirits where high and she'd made the trek before, the path was still pretty brambly so it took her most of the day again to make it back. As her village came into view the sad and somber mood hit her like a shock. It's what she always knew, but it seemed so different now.

The villagers sighed and murmered among themselves. Little Phaedra hadn't been found yet and it had been two days. If she somehow manged to survive the first night in the wild, they were sure she wouldn't make it a second one. As the last of the scouting parties filtered back into the village the sun set and the darknes clawed back towards the village. Except... something was stopping it? Normally it would be right at the gate by now, but some glowing light was emanating from the deep forest. Many simas peered through the still-open gate, trying to see the light's source. After just a moment Phaedra came bounding out of the woods, starbursts of yellow light swirling around her pushing back the claws of the darkness.

They couldn't believe their eyes. Was this their own Phaedra? Some were guarded at first but all stood in awe as their young one returned to her village. Her shining new colors and her powers over the light shocked many of those who knew her, but with it came new hope. Phaedra, their shining light, their beacon of hope, turned back to the gate and commanded the darkness: "Go away! I'm not scared of you anymore!" With her words the starbursts of light pulsed out from her and flew around the village, pushing the darkness even further back.

The villagers where silent at first, but erupted into shouts and cheers for their Phaedra. What was once called myth now stood before them, their very own little Light-bearer! The darkness would not all be defeated in one night, but they knew with her as their light they wouldn't have to continue in fear.

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Clementine Cloud
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