⥽ ) ' louluclan , character archives .

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⥽ ) ' louluclan , character archives .

Postby w0ah » Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:15 pm


          this is the character archives for louluclan from the create a clan game. please do not post. access their
          full archives here.
          please do not steal or copy the coding from this thread. thank you.

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❝ kaimana .

Postby w0ah » Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:01 am

        ┌ ───────────────────┐

        kaimana • molly • she/her
        heterosexual • the leader
        longhair white turkish van

        └─────────────────── ┘

        this pretty she-cat may have gained quite a fortune
        by being granted the ability to lead louluclan,but h
        er past was far from fortunate... in fact, like every
        other cat out there, she had a rough and difficult p
        ath which led her here. born to a stray, living amo
        ng the streets and foundations of the only village o
        n the island, danger met the mother at every turn.
        having her two kits, kaimana and momilani,only m
        ade living even more difficult than it had before. f
        rom the time she was born to the time she reache
        d apprentice-age, kaimana fought for her life alon
        gside her sister and mother, avoiding the reach of
        twolegs yet living among their trash. but, even du
        ring the gloomiest days, when perhaps she grew h
        ungry, the young molly was revived by the stories
        her mother told of a group of cats that lived amon
        g the lush forests──how great and powerful clan-
        cats, as they were called, fended for each other,
        ate peacefully until their stomachs couldn't hold a
        nything more, and protected their home with the
        ir lives. kaimana was entranced by these tales, or
        what were thought to be just tales, and dared on
        e day to enter the forest... but she was caught b
        y her mother, which angered the young she-cat. t
        hat was when she decided to run, as far as she co
        uld from that place, and find a different path. no
        matter, kaimana had no remorse for leaving her
        mother there in that wretched place after then..

        ┌ ───────────────────────┐

        no matter what she may have f
        aced in the past, kaimana is a r
        elatively sweet cat. her kindes
        s, however, should never overr
        ule that of her command and p
        ower when it comes to leading
        the clan──as any leader shoul
        d, she has control over her foll
        owers and knows to keep them
        in line.when they don't comply
        with her order, it often leads t
        he she-cat to respond to matte
        rs in a way that one wouldn't n
        ormaly see her. she is normall
        y very accepting of any individ
        ual that enters her clan and w
        ill attempt to help any cat tha
        t is in need. compassionate, in
        telligent, skilled, and loyal,she
        sets an example for all others
        in the clan to look up to. . . . .

        └─────────────────────── ┘
        relatives: momilani (sister)
        mate: none currently
        kits: none currently

Last edited by w0ah on Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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❝ makani .

Postby w0ah » Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:33 am

        ┌ ───────────────────┐

        makani • tom • he/him
        homosexual • med-cat
        large charcoal bengal tom

        └─────────────────── ┘

        unlike most other clan-cats, makani had little to no
        childhood; when, at only two moons of age, he was
        orphaned and left to his own devices.. however, on
        ce the others found him that morning, he was given
        to the clan's medicine cat, for she was the only she
        -cat available to care for the kit. with her knowled
        ge, she was able to concoct a mixture of herbs to c
        are for him, in her own makeshift way, and was ev
        en able to produce a minimal amount of milk to ra
        ise him.no, the gods weren't too happy about all of
        this, but they were able to put aside their strict c
        onditions in order to allow this kit a chance to sur
        vive. as apprenticeship neared, the leader suggest
        ed it would be the most reasonable option to hav
        e him learn the ways of a medicine cat, especially
        since he had already acquired a knowledge of a se
        lect few and the smell was in his nose. delighted
        by this, the medicine cat took to mentoring the ki
        t she had raised, and makani was delighted to stay
        with her. although they never allowed it to cross t
        heir thoughts, for they knew it was forbidden, she
        was his true mother and he loved her like one. wit
        h his enthusiasm,makani learned quick and he was
        even skilled enough to aid the medicine cat in her
        most tedious procedures. with his experience, the
        clan was hopeful on him transitioning into a talent
        ed medicine cat to benefit their ranks. but that fa
        ntasy came to an end and makani had to move on.

        ┌ ───────────────────────┐

        makani is rather calm and reser
        ved, but observant──this being
        what made him the knowledgea
        ble medicine cat that he is toda
        y.he is quite the intellectual an
        creativity is what defines him,u
        sing these strengths of his to cal
        culate through even the most di
        sastrous situations that he must
        face in his day-to-day life. with
        out this, he may be all over the
        place, unable to deal with stres
        s. but, as a medicine cat,one m
        ust get accustomed, acquainted
        with stress in order to perform
        well, or else nothing he did wo
        uld be worth it. witty as he is,
        makani does have a joking side
        to him that is different from t
        he serious side he normally sho
        ws in among the others . . . . .

        └─────────────────────── ┘
        relatives: unknown whereabouts
        mate: forbidden
        kits: forbidden

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❝ akela .

Postby w0ah » Thu Apr 18, 2019 1:52 pm

        ┌ ───────────────────┐

        akela • molly • she/her
        heterosexual • queen
        black longhair with white

        └─────────────────── ┘

        akela's family was never very fond of the clans, nor
        were they anyway tempted to join the bands of scr
        aggy strays among the village, and so they separate
        d into their own family unit of the sort. originally,t
        his included only akela's mother, father, and a few
        of their closest friends, but when the mother drew
        pregnant, that soon expanded their group by three
        . as usual, not all survived, and when the three we
        re left,the couple were hopeful that they would m
        ake it through the rugged terrain of the lush forest
        s onto the other side of the island, where they hop
        ed would serve as better terrain to raise their kits.
        fortunate for them, they made it in time, but the
        family had been split from other of their group. no
        matter, akela and her siblings lead a fairly average
        childhood, with little bumps on the route to adulth
        ood.at apprentice-age they trained with their pare
        nts,learning the skills they needed to become inde
        pendent. at around fifteen moons, she left her pa
        rents and siblings to find her own way through the
        green, tangled,looming forests of the island, adve
        nturing on her own two paws and at her own will.
        this later lead the young she-cat to join a rag-tag
        band of newly separated youngsters, bounding ar
        ound with little care in their mind. she stayed am
        ong this group for quite some time until she and a
        few of her closest friends left to travel together..
        this, as expected, guided akela to her pregnancy.

        ┌ ───────────────────────┐

        although motherly and kind at f
        irst impression, akela holds a so
        ciable and daring side to her as
        well, enjoying a bit of playfulne
        ss and innocence for the rest of
        the world's problems at times.
        this,having mostly to do with h
        er carefree time among the gro
        up of youngsters, has gained th
        e she-cat her "fun-side", as som
        e will likely say. it is easier, th
        ough, to witness akela's mothe
        rly side when she is with kits,f
        or it is when you'll see her gent
        ler, quieter nature, some that
        might enjoy better than the ot
        her. she is quick to making new
        friends and is often more accep
        ting of those that others may n
        ot take to immediately. and, n
        ot to mention, she is forgiving.

        └─────────────────────── ┘
        relatives: unknown whereabouts
        mate: none currently
        kits: kainalu, kalua, keone (adopted)

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❝ momilani .

Postby w0ah » Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:28 pm

        ┌ ───────────────────┐

        momilani • molly•she/her
        bisexual • warrior
        longhair white turkish van

        └─────────────────── ┘

        much like her sister, kaimana, momilani had a rath
        er difficult childhood. among the only village of th
        e island, she, her mother, and her sister struggled
        for their lives, trying to avoid the twolegs yet livin
        g among their trash. at as young as fifteen moons,
        the young she-cat began noticing the change in he
        r sister, which resulted in her ultimate scheme──
        running away. after that day, momilani lost her co
        mpanion, her sister, and her support. the only one
        left to keep up with their mother's self-destructive
        temptations, the she-cat devoted much of her tim
        e caring for her, and other felines, rather than her
        self. she helped those among the streets that stru
        ggled in the hard lives they lead, barely able to ke
        ep up with time. she saw many on the verge of de
        th, but at some point in time she had to learn the
        hard way of survival──to only care for yourself an
        d no one else. her seams were on the verge of bur
        sting, and momilani could feel herself struggling t
        o care for her mother anymore, or maintain her e
        motions from her own, and so she decided to flee
        into the forest, just as her sister had all those mo
        ons ago. once the she-cat was on her own, she fel
        t liberated to be away from the stuffy village, fro
        m the twolegs, and from her mother who drowned
        her in pity and guilt until it wore on her own emo
        tions. she took time to meet with other loners an
        d learn to survive in the forest before joining. . .

        ┌ ───────────────────────┐

        unlike her diligent, strong-willed
        sister, momilani is more down to
        earth and sensitive. although a s
        killed warrior,her emotional side
        can often cause some friction be
        tween the two, and her capacity
        for holding such emotions for lo
        ng is often very low. she’s a very
        sweet molly with a motive to hel
        p all who need it ,, but she wont
        let others take advantage of her,
        ever.she’s very cautious when it
        comes to such and knows her sen
        sitive side could very well lead t
        o such a case, but she’d be dam
        ned before she’d ever let anyone
        do that to her.although sometim
        es those who don’t know her wel
        l like to try to shelter and protec
        t her as though she is weak, but
        momilani is none of those things

        └─────────────────────── ┘
        relatives: kaimana (sister)
        mate: none currently
        kits: none currently

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❝ makaio .

Postby w0ah » Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:02 pm

        ┌ ───────────────────┐

        makaio • tom • he/him
        bisexual • warrior
        orange tabby with white

        └─────────────────── ┘

        like many and most of the cats of the atoll, makaio
        was once a stray whom roamed the streets of their
        only twoleg village. alongside himself was his famil
        y──including a mother, father, sisters and brother
        s, aunts and uncles, cousins alike. with all of this f
        amily around, their small family unit was akin to s
        urvival, but his father had other things on his mind
        rather than what occupied him in the moment──a
        nd that was the tales he had also been told as a ki
        t, of groups of cats living amongst the dense forest
        , fight for one another, hunting for one another,an
        d thriving from one generation to the next. for any
        cat, even a sound meal was enough to entice their
        mind, and that was just what kept makaio's father
        entranced──no, not just for a meal,but for the co
        ncept of a group of cats, of unrelated ties, living t
        ogether in such an organized unit. the stories then
        told to himself passed hopes and dreams to the to
        m as he spent moons as a kit dreaming of the clan
        s, only to learn there may actually be a chance it
        was real... and not just some fairy tale. the tom t
        ook the first chance he had to leave and adventure
        through the island to find this clan, but his mother
        was strongly opposed to the idea and found the sto
        ries to have "damaged" him in some way. makaio,a
        ngered by this, left the village anyways and search
        ed for the cats in his dreams, eventually landing h
        im here, with the clan, as his father had told then.

        ┌ ───────────────────────┐

        makaio can often be a bit anxio
        us at times, though he holds a s
        trong belief to improve himself
        and take that fright away. even
        so, new situations are often har
        d for him to become accustome
        d to and he has trouble socializ
        ing when left to his own device
        s──if one were to approach hi
        m first, he'd gladly talk their e
        ars off, but if not he isn't much
        of a confrontational individual.
        he strays from conflict and ofte
        n feels nervous in the presence
        of tension, even if he is not inv
        olved in any way. thus, some m
        ay find makaio rather strange,
        though he is a strong warrior wi
        th a drive to do better and mor
        e like no other warrior before,y
        ou just need to get to know him.

        └─────────────────────── ┘
        relatives: unknown whereabouts
        mate: none currently
        kits: none currently

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❝ akamai .

Postby w0ah » Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:23 pm

        ┌ ───────────────────┐

        akamai • tom • he/him
        heterosexual • warrior
        flame point cornish rex

        └─────────────────── ┘

        before akamai and his children had mysteriously fo
        und their way onto the island where their now curr
        ent clan, louluclan, resides, he lived on mainland i
        n a clan called graveclan. although akamai has litt
        le fond memories of this place, since it had been s
        uch a drab and forlorn place, it was where he met
        the mother to his children. they had such a sweet
        beginning, distracting him from the turmoil of the
        ir everyday clan-life, and she was able to calm hi
        m when he hadn't the capacity to do it on his own.
        not long after they befriended each other and gre
        w close did he know that they were to be togethe
        r. as mates, the couple shared their first litter of
        two kits, and all was going well... their children g
        rew older and became warriors, making the paren
        ts oh so proud, and days when on peacefully... bu
        t that was all bound to change. although akamai n
        or his children have any idea what happened that
        day, they may only recall brief moments of it──
        chaos is the only way to describe it. had they not
        known such a clan would come down in such a wa
        y? once the tom had escaped, with his children n
        ot far behind, they searched and searched for his
        mate, their mother, only to end-up empty and h
        opeless...from that day forth, they'd never see h
        er face again. the trio traveled and found themse
        lves on the island after falling asleep on the bank
        of river, then awakening to the ocean waves . . .

        ┌ ───────────────────────┐

        akamai has shaped into quite th
        e fatherly figure as he remains
        with his only two children. in th
        is wake, the tom has grown a gr
        eat sense of patience and calm,
        which has helped him deal with
        even the most difficult situation
        s.he even grows protective and,
        although he's scaled back since t
        hey were kits, he would still sac
        rifice all for his two children. ho
        wever, underneath that fatherly
        instinct is a tom with great skill
        and steady ease,which he uses t
        o his advantage during hunts.not
        only this,but his ability to take c
        ontrol of a particularly difficult s
        ituation, calmly and with little t
        urmoil, allows him to grow and b
        ond relationships with those he'd
        never suspect who respect him.

        └─────────────────────── ┘
        relatives: unknown whereabouts
        mate: barleystep,
        kits: lanakila, leinani

Last edited by w0ah on Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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❝ lanakila .

Postby w0ah » Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:50 pm

        ┌ ───────────────────┐

        lanakila • tom • he/him
        bisexual • warrior
        black & white cornish rex

        └─────────────────── ┘

        before lanakila, his sister, and father had found th
        eir way, unknowingly, onto the island, the tom had
        been apart of another clan, called graveclan which
        he had been born among from his father and mothe
        r's binding as mates. at first innocent and without
        much care, they had grown fast and carelessly, not
        until later having his true nature show through the
        innocence of his childhood. graveclan was never th
        e brightest nor happiest of places (as its name sug
        gests), but it provided a sustainable, guarded plac
        e for he and his sister to maintain their youth. bei
        ng among one of the first kits born among the clan
        ,they were popularly titled as so though this did li
        ttle to boost their status, for both their parents w
        ere but warriors with little room to climb the rank
        s other than two perches higher. however, as only
        new warriors with a few moons of experience und
        er their belts, lanakila and his family were thrust
        from their peacefully life into a chaos like no othe
        r──one that eventually shattered the clan and sen
        t members along their way in every which directio
        n. the tom and his family fled the scene to search
        for their mother, but were unable to find her and
        thus left in grief to travel alone. those first few d
        ays of travel without her were the worst, as the t
        om could recall. the trio traveled and found them
        selves on the island after falling asleep on the ba
        nk of a river, then awakening to the ocean . . . .

        ┌ ───────────────────────┐

        lanakila had always been a nerv
        ous tom, even before he had joi
        ned the clan, and was riddled w
        ith social anxiety. his only outpu
        t is through his sister, and this o
        ften causes for him to rely great
        ly on her and her support.unlike
        her, however, as though they ar
        e opposites, lanakila is less conf
        ident and not a bone in his body
        is aggressive, thus differing from
        her competitive side. he is rathe
        r quiet in other's presence and w
        ill only ever speak if spoken to o
        r if his sister is around to reasur
        e him, as though she is his safety
        -net. other than this, he can be
        reclusive and self-conscious, nev
        er fretting to turn a blame on hi
        mself even when the situation d
        oes not call for it . . . . . . . . . .

        └─────────────────────── ┘
        relatives: akamai, leinani
        mate: none currently
        kits: none currently

Last edited by w0ah on Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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❝ leinani .

Postby w0ah » Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:58 pm

        ┌ ───────────────────┐

        leinani • she-cat •she/her
        heterosexual • warrior
        calico cornish rex

        └─────────────────── ┘

        before leinani, her brother, and father had found th
        eir way, unknowingly, onto the island,the molly had
        been apart of another clan, called graveclan which
        she had been born among from her father and moth
        er's binding as mates. at first innocent and without
        much care, they had grown fast and carelessly, not
        until later having her true nature show through the
        innocence of her childhood. graveclan was never th
        e brightest nor happiest of places (as its name sug
        gests), but it provided a sustainable, guarded plac
        e for she and her brother to maintain their youth.b
        eing among one of the first kits born among the cla
        n,they were popularly titled as so though this did li
        ttle to boost their status, for both their parents w
        ere but warriors with little room to climb the rank
        s other than two perches higher. however, as only
        new warriors with a few moons of experience und
        er their belts, leinani and her family were thrust
        from their peacefully life into a chaos like no othe
        r──one that eventually shattered the clan and sen
        t members along their way in every which directio
        n. the molly and her family fled the scene to searc
        h for their mother, but were unable to find her an
        d thus left in grief to travel alone.those first few d
        ays of travel without her were the worst, as the m
        olly could recall. the trio traveled and found them
        selves on the island after falling asleep on the ba
        nk of a river, then awakening to the ocean . . . .

        ┌ ───────────────────────┐

        leinani has always been a very c
        onfident and determined she-ca
        t with a competitiveness which
        sometimes pushed her to her br
        oadest boundaries. she'd risk ev
        en her life for something she'd t
        ruly care much for, including ot
        her individuals,until whatever h
        er mind so decides.impossible it
        is to pull her away from anythin
        g she's determined to do and sh
        e will keep trying until all of he
        r options run down.tending to k
        eep her emotions locked-up and
        hidden, leinani takes to her bro
        ther as the only other cat she r
        eally shares her emotions with.
        she relies on him for emotional
        support and output for he is th
        e only one who knows almost e
        very aspect about her . . . . . .

        └─────────────────────── ┘
        relatives: akamai, lanakila
        mate: none currently
        kits: none currently

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❝ kainalu .

Postby w0ah » Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:38 am

        ┌ ───────────────────┐

        kainalu • tom •he/him
        undecided • currently kit
        black, white chest & paws

        └─────────────────── ┘

        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
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        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
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        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words
        words words words words words words words words

        ┌ ───────────────────────┐

        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words
        words words words words words

        └─────────────────────── ┘
        relatives:akela, kalua, keone (adoptive)
        mate: none currently
        kits: none currently

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