RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

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Re: RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:00 pm

Chapter 9

“I can’t wait till we have more cats, so I don’t have to walk the entire border every other day.” Lightheart state sighing.

Hawkstrike sighed. “We take turns. Every other day we switch hunting and patrol. That’s what we all agreed on. Now let’s finish this up and get back to camp.” He deadpanned, shaking the newly fallen snow from his paws. He smirked when Lightheart let out another sigh.

They continued their patrol and were just about to head back when Hawkstrike froze. “Do you smell blood?”

Lightheart stiffened and scented the air. “Yes.”

The two shard an alarmed look before racing towards the scent. As they got close, they moved cautiously, unsure of what they would find. Lightheart let out a distressed whine when it became obvious what had occurred.

There was a dead she-cat. The scent of lynx was everywhere so it was clear just what fate she had met. Hawkstrike shook his head.

“Poor thing.”

Lightheart approached the she-cat and gasped. “I smell milk on her! She may have kits nearby!” Her panicked voice drove Hawkstrike into action.

“The kits can’t survive long in this cold and snow alone.” He stated worriedly and began to scent the area to try and find the she-cat’s path. Finding the direction, she had come from, he took off, Lightheart on his heals. They followed the path to a small den hidden in the shelter of an old pine tree. The den was silent and Lightheart feared that they were too late.

Hawkstrike carefully mad his way into the den. There were three kits. Two had obviously succumb to the cold. But one was softly crying. He quickly picked her up and brought her out of the den. Lightheart looked at the small she-cat. It was a tortishell.

“We need to get her back to camp.”

“First we need to warm her up a bit.” Hawkstrike countered, curling up around the kit. Lightheart realized he was right. If they didn’t warm her up at least a little she wouldn’t survive the trip to camp. Lightheart laid down next to Hawkstrike to add her warmth to the kit. Once the small she-cat’s shaking had become less violent, Hawkstrike picked her up and the two clan cats swiftly made their way to camp. They rushed to Echomist’s den.

The medicine looked up as the two cats burst into her den. She took one look at the kit and began barking out orders.

“Lay her down on the moss bed and cur up around her. Lightheart, groom her to get her blood flowing. Let me grab some herbs.” She went through a crack in the den to the herb storage. Grabbing what she needed, she returned and began making a small medication for the kit. Once she was done, she and Lightheart helped the kit swallow the medicine with some water.

“How is the kit?” Ravenstar peeked her head in. Hawkstrike had gone to inform her of the kit they had found. Frostbreeze and Hawkstrike were right behind Ravenstar.

Echomist looked up. “She’s small and frostbitten. But she’s strong. She should survive. Thankfully she is old enough to begin weaning so we don’t have to worry about finding milk for her.” She explained. The entire clan sighed with relief.

“We can take turns caring for her, but she’ll need a primary caretaker to bond with. That’s vital for a kit’s development.” Echomist explained.

“I’ll do it.” Lightheart offered rom her place curled up around the kit. “I’ve always wanted a little sister.”

Echomist nodded and Ravenstar smiled. “Perfect. And we’ll all help.” Ravenstar declared.

The kit quickly grew stronger and it soon became clear she would pull through.
“What should we name her?” Frostbreeze asked one night. The enter clan was in the medicine cat den, curled up in various places. It was tightly packed, and it was impossible to move without kicking another clanmate.

“I’m not sure? She’s a feisty one and a fighter.” Hawkstrike offered, trying to help everyone come up with ideas.

“She is. But she’s also so quiet!” Lightheart exclaimed.

“You’re right. I haven’t heard her make any noise except the occasional purr when she’s curled up with Lightheart.” Echomist noted.

Ravenstar tilted her head. “A quiet one hmm?” Ravenstar mused trying to think of a possible name.

“What about Silentkit?” Lightheart offered. The clan paused, each rolling the name in their minds.

“That’s perfect for her.” Frostbreeze agreed and there were murmurs of agreement for the entire clan.

Silentkit quickly grew and was soon racing around the camp and causing mischief. She still never spoke but she did occasionally make sounds of agreement or discontent, though they were very rare. Echomist had checked to see it there was any damage to her throat from the cold, but she was perfectly healthy. Silentkit just didn’t seem to like verbally communicating. She and Lightheart had bonded deeply and could often be found curled up near the fresh kill pile. Lightheart had taken to sleeping in the nursery with her but more often than not the entire clan could be found in there.

The small kit had proven to have quite the temper and had a tendency for making mischief in the clan, either by scaling the walls of the camp, trying to sneak out, or attempting to sneak into the warrior’s den. It was a relief to all when she turned 6 moons old.

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting.” Ravenstar called early the morning of Silentkit’s sixth moon with the clan. The clan quickly gathered and Lightheart led Silentkit to the front. She gave the kit one last lick on the forehead, getting a quiet purr in response before Lightheart went over to sit with the other warriors.

“Silentkit you are now 6 moons old and as such it is time you became an apprentice.” She declared before meeting Hawkstrike’s eyes. “Hawkstrike you are a disciplined and clever warrior who is fiercely loyal. I hope you be her mentor; may you teach her all you know.”

Hawkstrike’s eyes widened but he gave a firm nod.

“Silentkit listen well and learn well. From this day forward until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Silentpaw.”

Hawkstrike approached Silentpaw and put his nose to hers. The apprentice purred as the clan began to cheer her new name.
“Silentpaw! Silentpaw!”

Lightheart was eagerly waiting at the edge of the clan. Hawkstrike saw Silentpaw glance over longingly. He gave his new apprentice a nudge towards her sister. Shooting her mentor a thankful look, Silentpaw raced over.

“I’m so proud of you!” Lightheart greeted her warmly, purring loudly.

The young apprentice purred back, a rare vocalization for her.

A few weeks later Silentpaw was joining Hawkstrike on her first official patrol. She had spent the last few weeks learning the basics of hunting and fighting and Hawkstrike decided it was time for her to get some actual experience. The patrol was very routine but Silentpaw took it very seriously. She walked with her head high, ears swiveling and mouth open to catch even the faintest of scents. Hawkstrike felt a smile creep itself onto his face from her enthusiasm.

The two made it to the edge of the forest and the lake opened up before them. Silentpaw was about to walk forward when she froze. At the edge of the water was a stranger. Silentpaw looked to her mentor for instruction. Hawkstrike quickly took charge and gestured for Silentpaw to follow him quietly. The two cats slowly crept up on the stranger. Silentpaw observed them closely. The cat was a tom with white fur with black splashes. He appeared to be around her age and he looked far too skinny.

“Are you aware that you are trespassing on AuroraClan’s territory?” Hawkstrike asked, startling the smaller tom into leaping straight into the air with a surprised yelp.

“Oh gosh! I’m so sorry! I just wanted to catch some fish and there was this lake and I was so hungry, and I think I smelled the boundaries, but I was so hungry!” The young tom rambled, making nervous chittering noise after each sentence. The noise reminded Silentpaw of a young bird and she tilted her head curiously.

Hawkstrike sighed. “How old are you?” He questioned. He couldn’t bring himself to be aggressive to such a young cat, especially one that was skin and bones.

The tom seemed surprised by the question. “6 moons?” He finally wheezed out.

“Was that a question?” Hawkstrike asked, worried that the young cat was suffering from some sort of head injury.

“No, I’m 6 moons. You just surprised me.” The white and black tom admitted. He still chittered but it was less pronounced now. He seemed to be relaxing.

Hawkstrike nodded and turned to his apprentice. “Silentpaw, how about you catch us some fish while I talk with our new friend?” He requested. The she-cat nodded and set to work. The small tom perked up at he idea of food.

“So, what’s your name?” Hawkstrike asked.

“Umm. Splash.” He introduced, the chittering increasing.

Hawkstrike sighed. “Relax. We’re not going to hurt you. I’m Hawkstrike and that’s Silentpaw.” He stated, nodding his head at his apprentice.

Splash visibly relaxed. “Oh. Ok.

“So, what are you doing out here in the mountains alone?” Hawkstrike asked and Splash seemed to deflate a little, curling into himself more. The reaction alarmed Hawkstrike.

“I just had to get away. The city is full of cats that are so mean to me. They make fun of my noises.” He admitted, the chittering was worse now, hinting at his distress.

Hawkstrike felt his heart go out to the smaller cat. He was about to respond when Silentpaw came back with the fish and promptly curled up against Splash’s side. She purred reassuringly when he tensed.

“Uh… Hi?”

Silentpaw merely pushed a fish towards him. Hawkstrike smirked at the two and grabbed a fish for himself. He settled down to eat, enjoying Splash’s confusion. After he finished he stood up.

“Alright. Let’s get back to camp.” He turned to leave, Silentpaw following. Splash stayed where he was.

“Well are you coming?”

“I can come?”

“Of course. Silentpaw has basically claimed you as a clanmate already and I can’t just leave a cat your age out in the middle of foreign territory.” Hawkstrike explained. Splash made an excited noise and perked up. His body language relaxed more than it had previously in the other cat’s company. It basically screamed excitement and happiness. His overwhelming joy was surprising to Hawkstrike and it made him sad to think that such a bright personality had been suppressed for who knows how long.

The three cats quickly made their way to camp. Silentpaw led Splash over to the area near the apprentice den wile Hawkstrike went to where Ravenstar was speaking with Lightheart and Frostbreeze.

“Hawkstrike, you’re back. And with a new cat?” Did you get a second apprentice?” Lightheart teased.

Hawkstrike rolled his eyes. “Silentpaw and I found him by the river. His name is Splash and he’s basically skin and bones. Apparently, the city cats were cruel to him because he has a slight verbal tic.”

“What kind of tic?” Frostbreeze asked. As a runt, he had a soft spot for any cat that didn't fit in, and he found himself glancing over that the small tom with worrying eyes.

“He chitters at the end of sentences when he’s nervous or excited.” Hawkstrike explained.

“That’s honestly quite adorable. Poor thing. He looks like skin and bones.” Lightheart spoke.

“We’ll we certainly need to get some meat on him. Once he’s regained his strength, he can become an apprentice. He is the right age correct?” Ravenstar spoke, getting a nod from Hawkstrike.

“I’m going to introduce myself. Let’s not all overwhelm him a once.” Ravenstar stated when the rest of the cats moved to follow.

“Ah. That is probably for the best.” Frostbreeze admitted, deflating slightly. He had been eager to meet the little tom. Ravenstar gave him an understanding look.

“You’ll be able to get to know him soon.” She reassured him.

Frostbreeze nodded and Ravenstar went over to Silentpaw and Splash.
“Hello. I’m Ravenstar, the leader of AuroraClan. You must be Splash.” She greeted warmly settling down beside the two cats.

Splash looked up nervously as she approached. Silentpaw was curled up next to him. She seemed to realize that he needed a friend in these unfamiliar surroundings and had taken it upon herself to be just that for him.

“Hello Ravenstar. It’s nice to meet you.” He greeted, making that chittering noise again at the end of his sentence.

Ravenstar smiled reassuringly. “It’s nice to meet you too. Hawkstrike filled me in on what you told him. And I was wondering, would you like to stay here and become an apprentice? You’d have to regain your strength first though.” She offered.

Splash blinked owlishly, seemingly having trouble comprehending the offer. Silentpaw nudged him encouragingly and he blinked out of his shock.

“Can I really?”

“Of course.”

“Than I’d love to.” He finally agreed after a moment of deliberation. Silentpaw purred excitedly and Splash sent her a tentative smile. He still seemed overwhelmed by her attention.

Ravenstar nodded smiling. “Excellent. When you’re ready, come meet your clanmates.” She stood up, gave each of the young cats a lick on the head and walked back over to the others.

“So?” Lightheart asked eagerly.

Ravenstar smiled. “He’s staying.”

“Good. I’ll help get him on a regimen to regain his strength.” Echomist stated. She had been brought up to speed while Ravenstar was speaking with Splash and Silentpaw.

Ravenstar nodded at Echomist’s words. “Excellent.”

“Silentpaw seems to be truly helping him open up.” Frostbreeze mentioned watching the two young cats. Splash seemed to be talking about something important if his expressing said anything. Silentpaw was listening attentively and giving him encouraging nudges or purrs whenever he looked unsure of himself or seemed to be discussing something particularly painful to recall.

Hawkstrike nodded. “I’m not sure I could have convinced him to come to camp without her help.”

Frostbreeze raised an eyebrow. “She does seem to have a knack for earning cat’s trust. I wonder who else she’ll recruit?” He mused smirking playfully.

Another moon passed swiftly. Splash had quickly gained his strength back. And after much deliberation, Ravenstar finally decided who would be his mentor. It had been difficult to choose between Lightheart and Frostbreeze. Her brother knew what it was like to grow up ‘abnormal’ and could help Splash deal with the mental affects that come with cat’s judgment’s But Lightheart’s warmth and lust for life would be excellent in brining Splash’s potential out and helping him grow into a confident warrior. By the time Splash was ready, Ravenstar had made her choice.

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting.” Ravenstar called early in the morning. She smiled as her clan gathered. Splash left from his temporary nest in the medicine cat’s den and mad his way over to the center. Silentpaw gave him a playful nudge as she walked past on her way to sit, making him smile.

“Splash. You are finally ready to begin your apprentice training. From this day forward until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Splashpaw” She spoke. She then turned and looked towards Lightheart.

“Lightheart. You are passionate and skillful warrior. You will be Splashpaw’s mentor. Teach him well.” Lightheart walked over to Splashpaw and touched her nose to his forehead.

“We’re going to have so much fun.” She told him excitedly, making the apprentice smile.

“Splashpaw! Splashpaw!” The clan called. Silentpaw raced over and walked around him in a circle, purring loudly. She was ecstatic to finally train beside her friend.

Over the next two moons Silentpaw and Splashpaw excelled in their training and could often be found training together in their free time. The entire clan was impressed with their dedication, especially their mentors.

“I think they have a competition going on who can master the most skills in the shortest amount of time.” Lightheart stated one day as she sat eating with Ravenstar and Hawkstrike.

“They do. Silentpaw came up with it.” Hawkstrike stated. “I’m more surprised Splashpaw was able to tell what she was getting at. It took me a while to learn how to read Silentpaw, but he seems to have picked it up quickly.”

“Really? It’s probably because they are always together.” Lightheart mused.

“I have a feeling those two are going to be close for their entire lives.” Ravenstar stated, getting a nod from both mentors.

“Sounds like two other cats I know.” Frostbreeze teased walking over.

Ravenstar tilted her head in confusion while Lightheart started chuckling.
“Too true!” She agreed. Hawkstrike seemed just as lost as Ravenstar.

Seeing their confusion, Lightheart groaned. “Seriously? We meant you two! You’ve been joined at the hip since Hawkstrike set foot in our territory.”

Ravenstar glanced at Hawkstrike and chuckled. “I guess you’re right.” She shrugged. Hawkstrike rolled his eyes but smiled slightly.
Lightheart and Frostbreeze resisted the urge go scream in frustration.

“How about a hunting patrol with the apprentices?” Hawkstrike stood up and proposed to Lightheart. She nodded and got up as well. Ravenstar and Frostbreeze wished them well as they grabbed the apprentices and left through the camp entrance.

“So, what are we hunting?” Splashpaw asked as they padded through the forest.

Lightheart glanced back at her apprentice. “Rabbit. Ready for a chase?”

Both apprentices perked up at that. The two mentors brought the apprentice to a clearing.

“Show us your hunting crouches.” Hawkstrike ordered. Both apprentices dropped into their crouches. The mentors studied them before moving and nudging them slightly on the shoulders, hips, or back to get them into proper form.

“Feel the difference?” Lightheart asked, getting nods from both apprentices.

“Good. You two are improving steadily but there is always room for improvement. Now let’s get going.” Hawkstrike spoke and began to lead the way. The clan cats followed quietly. When a rabbit came into view, the cats stop. Hawkstrike gestured to Splashpaw to try his luck. The smaller tom nodded and took a silent breath. He checked the wind and ensured he was downwind. He crouched low and began to stalk his way silently toward the rabbit. His form was nearly perfect and not a single movement was wasted. He was just getting close enough to pounce when he stepped on a twig. The rabbit’s head shot up and locked eyes with the hunter. It spooked and began to race off. Splashpaw gave chase but ended up tripping into a snow pile.

“Ah man! I was so close!” Splashpaw groaned.

Lightheart chuckled. “That was nearly perfect. Just don’t forget to look at where you’re putting your paws.” She instructed, getting a nod from her apprentice.

“Shall we keep going?” Hawkstrike questioned. The other cats nodded.

After a bit of time each of the cats had managed to catch a rabbit. They were on their way when Lightheart froze.

“Do you smell that?” She whispered. Hawkstrike dropped his rabbit and scented the air. His eyes widened. He quickly grabbed his rabbit and gestured for the other cats to follow him. He walked briskly until he spotted a tree. He quickly gestured for the apprentices and Lightheart to climb up. Once they did, he began climbing up. Once all the cats were safe up high, they watched as a nearby bush rustled. Out stepped a dog. It was scenting the air eagerly and followed a tail to a patch of blood left by their rabbits. The clan cats didn’t dare make a sound as the dog sniffed around their tree. It seemed to be just about to find hem when a sharp whistle was heard. A two-leg walked into view and attached a rope to the dog’s collar and began to lead it away.
After a few minutes the cats climbed down.

“Ah. I hate when two-legs bring their dogs.” Lightheart groaned.

“Does that happen often? I’ve never seen one here.” Splashpaw asked.

Hawkstrike shook his head. “It’s pretty rare but it does occasionally happen.” He explained.

The cats quickly returned to camp. All of their fur was still a bit ruffled and their clanmates could tell.

“What happened?” Frostbreeze asked worriedly once the group had dropped their rabbits off at the fresh-kill pile.

“We saw a dog and its two-leg. They didn’t see us.” Hawkstrike explained, getting a nod from Frostbreeze.

“I’m glad you are all ok.” Ravenstar stated and Echomist nodded.

“We’ll have to keep an eye out just in case they come back.” The medicine cat stated, getting nods all around.

For the next few sunrises the cats were extra cautious about the dog. It came back once with its two leg while Ravenstar and Lightheart were hunting. But after that it left with its two-leg and wasn’t seen since. The clan assumed the two-leg had moved on, taking the dog with them. It was a relief to the entire clan. But it was a strong reminder that the territory had dangers that although were rarely seen, were certainly present. Lynxes, bears wolves, foxes, all of them could easily kill a cat. The clan decided that no cat should go anywhere alone, not for any amount of time.

It was this rule that saved Frostbreeze’s life not even a moon later.

Frostbreeze and Echomist were out gathering herbs to stock the medicine cat den. Frostbreeze had moved just out of sight when a loud rusting was heard. He whipped around to be face to face with a lynx. He let out a snarl and looked around urgently to find a way out. The lynx growled lowly and stalked forward, seemingly intent on eating him. The warrior growled, his fur fluffing up to make him seem larger in the hopes of making the lynx have second thoughts. The lynx moved closer and Frostbreeze gulped as his bluff failed. He braced himself for a horrific fight.

The lynx was about to lunge at the small warrior when a streak of silver swept past. Echomist gave a ferocious growl, her claws raking across the lynx’s face. She dropped down to her feet in front of Frostbreeze.

“Leave.” She snarled out. Frostbreeze got over his shock and stood beside her. The two clan cats snarled and swiped at the lynx, gaining ground. They got right up in its face and snarled angrily. The lynx was young and unexperienced. It was unsure of what to do in this case. Its supposedly easy meal had turned into a potential fight. Losing its bravado, the lynx turned around and took off into the forest. Frostbreeze and Echomist took off after it, slashing at its heels all the while. They drove the lynx further along until it crossed out their territory.

Once the lynx was long gone the two warriors stopped to rest.
“Are you ok?” Echomist asked worriedly, checking Frostbreeze over for injuries. The tom shook his head, still a bit out of breath.

“I’m fine. You got there before it really attacked.” He looked at his clanmate with gratitude. “You saved my life. Thank you.”

Echomist smiled gently. “Of course. What are friends for?”

Frostbreeze smiled back. “Let’s go grab those herbs and get back to camp.”
Echomist nodded and the two set off.

Sometime later they arrived back at camp. Lightheart and Ravenstar were eating and looked up worriedly when they approached.

“What happened? You guys were out for so long. We were starting to debate if we should send out a search party.” Lightheart asked, visibly relaxing as the two approached, seemingly unharmed.

Ravenstar was checking her brother over for injuries as he answered. “There was a lynx. It cornered me but before it could attack Echomist caught it off guard. We were able to drive it out of our territory.” He explained.

“I’m glad you two are ok. We’ll have to keep an eye out to see if it comes back.” Ravenstar stated, getting nods from her clanmates. Echomist and Frostbreeze put the herbs in storage and settled down to eat.

Ravenstar stuck close to her brother the next few days. Seemingly afraid to let him out of her sights, less she lost him. The entire clan had taking notice of her behavior and some wondered when she would relax.

As the sun began to set on the third day Frostbreeze finally sighed. “I’m not going to disappear.” He told Ravenstar who was curled up beside him at the fresh kill pile.

She frowned, her ears folded back. “I know. But I’ve already lost you once. I can’t lose you again.”

“You won’t. Alright?” He purred, rubbing up against her. “I’ll be careful. I have a whole clan to help me out. So, you don’t need to follow me around like a guard.”

Ravenstar sighed and curled into the hug. “Ok. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I would have reacted the same way.”
Finally, at ease, Ravenstar stopped following Frostbreeze the next day, much to his relief.
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Re: RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:41 pm

Chapter 10

It had been a little over a year since AuroraClan was founded when Ravenstar began to feel restless. She loved her clan, but something was missing. This yearning had been distracting her for days and after finally getting sick of it, she sat down with Echomist and Lightheart to talk.

“So, what’s up Ravenstar?” Lightheart asked. She had noticed her friend’s shifting mood lately and had been wondering when Ravenstar would bring it up.

“It’s kind of complicated, and I don’t fully understand it myself.”

“Let’s hear it then. Maybe we can help you sort through it?” Echomist offered.

“Yeah. I know were not Hawkstrike, but we’ll do our best to help.” Lightheart supported. “We’re still you friends. And we’re your fellow she-cats.” Ravenstar smiled and nodded.

Taking a deep breath, she began. “I’ve been feeling like something is missing from the clan. Something fundamental. But I can’t figure out what it is. We have apprentices that are excelling in their training, we have a secure territory, we have plenty of resources, we have warriors, and all roles are fulfilled. What am I missing?”

“Well, three roles are empty. The elders, queens, and kits.” Echomist noted after a pause.

“But we’re too young of a clan to have elders yet. But kits…? Oh!” Lightheart exclaimed.

Ravenstar tilted her head confused. “What?”

“Maybe you want kits?” Echomist supplied.

Ravenstar startled. “What? But I don’t have a mate! And I’m the leader of our clan. I can’t take the time off to have a family.” She explained.

Echomist frowned. “But you have a supporting clan. If you wanted kits you could have some. The clan would be fine, actually the clan would be ecstatic.”

“But again, no mate.” Ravenstar pressed.

Lightheart sighed. “Umm. Hawkstrike? Your deputy, best friend, etc. The cat who we all know you’re in love with? Who absolutely loves you?” She deadpanned.

Ravenstar laughed. “He’s my best friend. But I’m not in love with him. And I could never ask that of him.” She explained.

Echomist nodded. “But if he wanted to?”

Ravenstar shook her head. “I don’t want him to feel pressured.”

Lightheart sighed. “Well, just think about it ok?”

Ravenstar sighed but nodded. She stood up and headed to her den. “I’m off to sleep. Goodnight.” She called over her shoulder.

Lightheart and Echomist sighed as she let. “Why are those two so oblivious?” Lightheart asked, frustration leaking into her voice.

Echomist shook her head. “I have no clue.”

Ravenstar debated her conversation with the other she-cats for a few days. Lightheart’s words stuck with her. Did she really want kits? She had always liked the idea of eventually having a liter of her own, but now? Was she ready? And could she really ask Hawkstrike, her deputy and best friend to be the father?

Ravenstar snarled and shook her head, she couldn’t keep debating. She had to make a decision. Settling down in her den, she weighed the pros and cons heavily. Around mid afternoon she emerged from her den with her decision. She went over to the fresh-kill pile and ate a quick meal, her nerves not letting her savor it. He clanmates looked at her curiously. She met Echomist’s and Lightheart’s eyes and simply nodded. Both she-cat’s eyes widened and Lightheart beamed.

As the sun began to set, Ravenstar called Hawkstrike to her den.
“You wanted to see me?” He asked as he entered. Hawkstrike was instantly worried when he took in his best friend’s state. Ravenstar was pacing, her tail flickering nervously and she seemed unable to meet his eyes.

“Ravenstar, what’s wrong?” He took a step toward her.

Ravenstar took a deep breath to calm herself. “Nothing’s wrong. I just... oh how do ask this?!” She exclaimed under breath. Hawkstrike tilted his head in confusion and was about to respond when Ravenstar continued.

“Hawkstrike, you’re my best friend and my deputy. And I adore you, and what I’m about to ask you, you can completely say no and leave, and we don’t ever have to talk about this again, ok?”

“Um… ok?” He responded, still completely confused.

Ravenstar nodded and steeled her nerves. “I’ve been restless lately, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. And I finally realized what was bothering me, with the help of Lightheart and Echomist. I realized that I want kits.” She finally stated. Hawkstrike was frozen in silence so she continued.

“And as I’m sure you’re aware, I don’t have a mate. So, I asked myself, out of all the toms I know, who do I trust the most, who do I trust to father my kits? And we’ll… there was no contest.” She whispered.

Hawkstrike was wide-eyed and struggling to keep up. “Ok. So, who did you decide on? Do you want me to act as a second opinion on all this?” He asked, trying to figure out why she was telling him all this.

Ravenstar groaned. “No. Oh, gosh Hawkstrike, how dense can you be? I mean you. I’ve chosen you!” She exclaimed, Bu then her voice turned soft. “If you’re willing that is. I would never force or pressure you into this. You can say no.”

Hawkstrike shook his head. “Give me a second to process all of this.” He asked, his voice slightly higher pitched than normal.

He took a deep breath and continued. “So, you want kits?” Ravenstar nodded.

“And you want me to be the father?” He finished.

“Only if you want to.” She reassured.

Hawkstrike sat down, still wide-eyed. “Wow. I... I mean... why me? You know my history… what I’ve done... You would trust me with your kits?” He asked, honesty confused.

Ravenstar sighed and sat down beside him, her shoulder brushing his. “Of course. Even if you weren’t the father. I would trust you with my kits. You’ve changed from that time Hawkstrike. You’re an incredible cat, one that I trust with my life, and the lives of my kits.” She stated firmly.

Hawkstrike blinked, overwhelmed. “Really?”

“Of course.”

He took a deep breath. “Is this really what you want?”

Ravenstar nodded. “But what do you want?”

Hawkstrike swallowed. “I think... no, I would love that. I would love to have kits with you. You’re my best friend.”

Ravenstar purred. “You’ll make an excellent father. And I know you’ll spoil our kits.”

“Oh, and what proof do you have of that?”

Ravenstar raised an eyebrow. “Silentpaw. You spoil her. You have since she was a kit. I can’t even imagine how much you’ll spoil ours.”

Hawkstrike chuckled. “Fine, guilty as charged.” He glanced at the setting sun. “I should probably get some sleep.” He yawned.

Ravenstar smiled. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight” He called as he left. Ravenstar curled up in her nest, smiling widely.
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Re: RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:14 pm

Chapter 11

It was a few weeks later in the beginning of winter that Echomist was out gathering the last of the herbs for the season. She was planning to grab what she could and to leave them out to dry in the sun for later use. She had learned that if she dried herbs and later mixed them with water, they worked almost as well as fresh herbs. She was just grabbing some moss when she froze. The sharp tang of blood was in the air. The medicine cat was instantly on guard. She had sent Silentpaw and Splashpaw up ahead, so she was alone. She felt a stab of regret that she had broken that pair system, albeit temporarily. Echomist noticed a trail of blood and began to cautiously follow it. The clan needed to know if there was a threat or not. The medicine cat planned on simply investigating and leaving to report back to the clan.

Echomist followed the trail until she came upon a ridge. She had to stifle a gasp at what she saw. It was another cat, a charcoal bengal, and they were horribly injured. Echomist could make out what looked like lynx claw marks on their side along with other injuries. She instantly made her way down the ridge and approached them cautiously.

“Hello? Can you hear me?” She called when she saw that they were still breathing. This close she could tell he was a tom.

The stranger let out a low groan and blearily opened an unfocused eye. “Wha…who are you?” The tom wheezed out, the effort of speaking making him cough.

“I’m Echomist, a medicine cat. Let me check your injuries. I can help.” She reassured but he seemed to hesitate and Echomist sighed. “I won’t hurt you.” She promised.

The tom searched her eyes for a moment but finally sighed and nodded. Echomist took a dep breath and began to inspect his injuries. They were severe, and most would heavily scar. She needed to stop the bleeding though. She raced over to her pile of moss and brought it over and began to treat his injuries, pressing eh moss in to stem the bleeding. The tom snarled at the pressure and Echomist put a paw on his shoulder.

“Stay still.” She ordered. After a few moments she had stopped the worst of his bleeding. But he was still very weak. She stood up to hunt something. The tom opened an eye and watched her leave. A few minutes later Echomist came back with a few mice that she dropped at his feet.

“You came back.” He stated, but it seemed almost like a question. Echomist had to hold back an offended huff.

“Of course. I don’t abandon my patients.”

The tom chuckled. “Naïve. I could be a threat.”

“In your condition? A kit could beat you. So, shut up and eat.” Echomist ordered. The tom rolled his eyes but ate the mice.

Echomist was annoyed with his attitude but was also relieved he had enough strengths to be snarky.
Once he was finished Echomist spoke. “Do you have the strength to stand? Or do I need to grab one of my clanmates to carry you?”

“Why would I need someone to carry me?”

“Well, if you stay here, you’ll be eaten. So, you need to come back to camp and finish healing.” She deadpanned.

The tom looked at her in complete confusion. “You’re insane. I’m a complete stranger, a possible enemy. And you want to bring me to your home?” He asked incredulously.

Echomist scoffed. “I think you’re overestimating yourself right now buddy. I can easily fight you off. And you wouldn’t stand a chance against my clan. Between Lightheart and Hawkstrike? They’d take you down easily, even at full strength. So, do I need to get one of them to help carry you, or can you walk on your own?”

The tom struggled to his feet. “I can walk.” He took a step forward and nearly fell over. Echomist huffed and caught him with her shoulder.

“Really?” She raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yes.” He snarled, obviously embarrassed. “I just had a moment of vertigo.”

Echomist sighed but remined acting as a crutch. “Come one. Let’s go.” The tom scoffed but let her help him. The two slowly made their way through the territory. They occasionally had to pause to let the tom rest, no matter how much he denied it, or to treat any of his injuries that had started to bleed again due to the movement.
It was during one of these breaks that Echomist tried to get information out of the stranger.

“So, what’s your name? What were you doing in our territory anyway?” She asked, but the tom denied her anything. He was about to tell her to stop asking questions when the bushes began to rustle and out raced Splashpaw and Silentpaw.

“Oh geez! What happened? Who is this?” Splashpaw asked, his voice high pitched with shock, and his trade-mark chitter ending his sentence. Silentpaw merely narrowed her eyes at the stranger, observing him. The tom wouldn’t admit it but the she-cat apprentice’s stare unnerved him a bit. He turned to Splashpaw and was about to snark at him when Echomist roughly elbowed him, making him nearly fall over as he tried to stand up.

He shot the she-cat a glare but froze at the ice in her eyes. He got the distinct feeling that making fun of the younger cat or trying anything would end up with him in worse pain than when Echomist had found him in.

“Splashpaw, Silentpaw, let’s go back to the camp. I’ll explain when we get there, ok?” Echomist spoke, her voice gentle and leaving no hint of the icy glare she had just given a cat far larger than herself. The tom was a bit impressed. Unnerved, but impressed.

The group soon made it to camp. Hawkstrike leapt to his feet as they entered. He walked over briskly, and the tom felt himself feel a bit intimidated by the other tom who was far taller than him, and in perfect health.

“What happened?” Hawkstrike questioned, nodding at the apprentices to dismiss them.

“I found this sour thing bleeding all over our territory.” Echomist huffed in a teasing manner, making it sound like saving the tom’s life had been a chore.

“Oh? And does this ‘sour thing’ have a name?” Hawkstrike asked, pinning the injured tom with a hard look. The tom gulped.

“We can find that out later. Let me settle him into the medicine cat den first.” Echomist stated and began to help the tom walk. Frostbreeze walked over and got on the tom’s other side and quickly they had the tom laying down in the medicine cat den.
Once the tom was given proper treatment from the herbs that Echomist had, Ravenstar and Hawkstrike entered the den.

“So, you’re our unnamed visitor. I am the leader of this clan, Ravenstar. Just what were you doing in our territory?” She questioned.

The tom sighed, glaring at the she-cat. “I was jus passing through.” Hawkstrike growled lowly and the tom gulped. Ravenstar glanced a Hawkstrike and he relaxed.

“Really? But you willingly ignored our boundary markers?”

“I thought I’d be out before you noticed.” The tom finally admitted. Ravenstar sighed.

“Well clearly that didn’t work. So, what’s your name?”

The tom hesitated but Echomist nudged him gently as she sat beside him. He took a deep breath. “Dusk.” He finally stated, getting a nod from the others.

“Well Dusk, I hope you have a swift recovery.” Ravenstar spoke.

Dusk startled. “That’s it? No interrogation?” He asked in shock.

Ravenstar shook her head. “Nope. I don’t see the need. You haven’t made yourself a threat. As far as I can tell, you’re just a trespassing rogue that got in over his head who just needs to heal and get back on his paws.”

Dusk blinked in shock and glanced at the other cats. None of them seemed surprised by this turn of events and he found himself chuckling. “Alright. Thank you.”

Over the next few weeks Dusk healed, but he had plenty of new scars from his fight with the lynx. He had taken to spending the majority of his time resting either by trying to annoy Echomist or teasing Splashpaw, all in good fun. Echomist would give him a terrifying glare whenever it seemed he would say anything hurtful. He learned quickly that he didn’t really want to anger the she-cat. She may seem sweet and gentle, but she had a sharp tongue. After the last tongue lashing, she gave him for trying to walk about before he was ready, he was scared to step a single paw out of line with her.

Soon the tom was at full strength and was trying to figure out his next move. No one had blatantly told him to leave, but no one had told him he could stay. And to be honest, after living with the clan for a few weeks, he was hesitant to leave. Having other cats to watch his back was a nice change. But sticking to one territory would be a hard change, he was used to exploring. At the same time, he had made friends with Hawkstrike, Frostbreeze, and the rest of the clan. And then there was Echomist. Dusk couldn’t deny that spending time with her was fun. He decided to just wait and see if they made him leave, and if not, well, he’d consider staying.

Dusk was sitting by the fresh-kill pile, still debating what to do when he first noticed something off with Ravenstar. He glanced at Lightheart who was smiling.

“What happened?”

The she-cat smirked. “Can’t tell you. Clan secret.” She teased, making Dusk huff. Dusk tried to figure out what it was, why Ravenstar seemed to be eating more, and why Hawkstrike seemed to be sticking to her side even more than normal.

“Is she sick?” He asked Echomist one day, only to have the she-cat burst out laughing at him. That was the last time he asked anyone. He tried to figure it out on his own, but he was having no luck.
He thought he’d just observe for now, and hope that some clue would tell him what was going on.

About a moon after Dusk had fully recovered, he began to really wonder about two things. One, still not a single cat had mentioned him leaving, and two, Ravenstar was still acting weird. And it may have just been his imagination, but she seemed… larger? The tom was incredibly confused. He figured that the second thing was too private, a clan matter, but as for the first… well... he’d finally made his decision. This past moon had been one of the happiest he could remember. He had joined the clan on patrols and training sessions, and he could see himself calling this clan home. Once he realized that he didn’t want to leave, he began trying to get up the courage to ask for permission to join.

A week after he finally decided he approached Echomist.
“Oh Dusk! How are you feeling?” The medicine cat asked, looking him over for any signs of sickness.

“I’m alright. I just wanted to talk.” He admitted. Echomist smiled and sat down and gesture for him to join her.

“So? What is it?”

“Do you think I could stay?” He asked quietly. Echomist blinked before smiling widely.

“I was wondering when you were going to ask.”

“What?” The tom startled.

“You’ve been obvious. Oh! I won my bet with Lightheart. She thought you would have cracked sooner.”


“Cracked and finally got up the nerve to ask.” She clarified.

Dusk’s ears flattened in embarrassment and he shuffled his feet nervously. “But can I?”

Echomist smiled gently. “Of course. The entire clan already agreed that you could.”

“What? When?”

“Remember when I sent you to grab those herbs? The clan had a meeting then to discus it. You haven’t told us much about your history, but you’ve proven your loyalty. And we’re all happy to have you join the clan.”

Dusk sighed. “It’s not something I like to talk about.”

“I know. Hawkstrike doesn’t talk about his past either. Only Ravenstar knows anything. You’re allowed to keep your secrets unless they endanger the clan.” Echomist explained.

Dusk smiled. “Cool. So, what do I do to become a member?”

Echomist stood up. “Well we tell Ravenstar, and she’ll give you your warrior name. We can do the ceremony or skip it since we’re still a small clan."

“I think I’d like to skip that.”

“Alright. Let’s go.”

The two left the medicine cat den and approached Ravenstar where she was sitting with Frostbreeze and Hawkstrike.

“Someone finally cracked.” Echomist explained, and Dusk sent her a half-hearted glare.

“I lost the bet?!” Lightheart screeched from across the camp where she was with the apprentices.

“Yup!” Echomist called back and she chuckled when Lightheart groaned.

Ravenstar smiled. “So you want to join us?” She asked Dusk.

Dusk nodded. “If you’ll have me.”

She nodded. “Well then. Welcome to the clan Duskwhisper.” She declared, smirking lightly.

“Duskwhisper?” The tom tried out his new name and smiled softly. “I like it.”

“Welcome to the clan.” Hawkstrike stated giving him a nod.

Frostbreeze playfully pushed his shoulder. “It’s about time.”

Lightheart and the apprentices cheered as they walked over. “Welcome!” Lightheart and Splashpaw exclaimed and Silentpaw gave a nod.

Duskwhisper smiled and glanced at Echomist. She was smiling widely at him. “Welcome.” She stated, and the tom couldn’t help but push her shoulder slightly.

“So, does this mean I get to annoy you every day?”

“Duskwhisper, I swear…” Echomist warned, and the tom laughed. The other cats chuckled.

“So, what is this big clan secret anyway?” Duskwhisper asked, suddenly remembering all the weirdness going on.
Ravenstar and Hawkstrike glanced at each other. Ravenstar smirked and Hawkstrike rolled his eyes.

Ravenstar glanced Duskwhisper who was standing there confuse. “I’m expecting kits.” She announced.

“How in the world did you not notice? I was joking about it being a secret!” Lightheart cried, her eyes wide with shock. Echomist and Frostbreeze laughed. Hawkstrike just shook his head. Silentpaw silently chuckled.

Duskwhisper was frozen in shock. It seemed so obvious now. How had he not noticed?

“Ravenstar’s going to have kits?!?” Splashpaw screeched in shock. The other cats looked at him in various states of amusement.

“You didn’t know either?” Frostbreeze asked confused.

“No?!” Splashpaw screamed. Silentpaw put a paw on his shoulder comfortingly. Duskwhisper couldn’t believe that he was in the same boat as the most oblivious apprentice to exist. He shook his head and briefly wondered if he would survive this clan.
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Re: RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:38 pm

Chapter 12

It was a few weeks later that Echomist was out gathering herbs with the apprentices. Splashpaw was just about to pick an herb when a streak of dark fur slammed into him. He was sent sprawling. He leaped to his feet to see a short-furred seal sepia with white glaring at him.

“You idiot! That herb is poisonous! You shouldn’t pick herbs if you don’t know what they are!” The she-cat snarled.

Splashpaw was in shock and just blinked. “Thank you?” He asked, a bit overwhelmed, chittering slightly.

Silentpaw and Echomist came running when they heard the commotion. Silentpaw instantly got in-between Splashpaw and the stranger who appeared to be their age.

“What’s going on here?” Echomist questioned, putting down her herbs.

“I found this idiot picking poisonous plants!” the stranger screamed, nodding towards the herbs. Silentpaw glanced at Splashpaw worriedly but was reassured to see him unharmed.

Echomist looked at the herbs that the stranger nodded at. “You’re right. Thank you stopping him.” She glanced at Splashpaw. “Be more careful, ok?” The tom nodded.

Echomist then turned to the she-cat. “What’s your name? And what are you doing in our territory?”

The she-cat blinked. “Oh. I was running form a fox. I scented the boundaries but was occupied with fleeing. My mistake.” She spoke formally. “My name is Velvet.”

Echomist nodded. “Did the fox enter the territory?”

Velvet shook her head. “No. It did not.” Echomist sighed in relief.

“That’s good. Now you seem to know quite a bit about medicine. Where did you learn?”

“From watching the two-leg healers. “Velvet explained, and Echomist raised a brow, impressed.

“How would you like to train under me and become a medicine cat apprentice?” She asked after a pause. This cat was young and had potential. Echomist thought it would be a waste to not offer her a chance.

Velvet blinked in shock. “May I really?”

“Of course, unless you have a home you need to return to?”

“No. I’m on my own. I would love to join.” She stated. She glanced at Splashpaw and frowned. “I apologize for yelling. But be more careful.”

Splashpaw smiled and nodded. “I will!” Silentpaw gave Velvet a nod in acknowledgment, and Velvet smiled slightly.

“Well then. Let’s get these herbs back to camp.” Echomist picked up her herbs and began to lead the way back. When they arrived, the group walked up to Ravenstar where she was speaking with Lightheart.

“Ravenstar. This young cat here would like to become our medicine cat apprentice.” Echomist explained.
Ravenstar smiled at the newcomer. “Oh? Welcome. What is you name young one?”

“I am Velvet.” She spoke, trying not to stare at the obviously pregnant she-cat.

“Well Velvet, if Echomist wants to train you, then you are more than welcome to join us. Would you like to take on the traditional apprentice name and perform the ceremony?” She asked, picking up on the younger cat’s formal aura.

Velvet nodded. “I would be honored to keep the tradition” She spoke, her face deadly serious. Ravenstar smiled. “Then let me inform the clan.”

Ravenstar made her way up to the high ledge and took a deep breath. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting.” Her clan quickly gathered.

“Velvet, you seek to be our medicine cat apprentice. From this day forward until you become a full-fledged medicine cat you will be called Velvetpaw. Echomist is an excellent medicine cat and will teach you all she knows. But first, you shall travel to the crystal cavern with Echomist and gain the blessing of the ancestors. When you return, you will become a full member of AuroraClan. Good luck.” She announced, and the clan gave the newcomer excited well wishes.

“Velvetpaw! Velvetpaw!” They cheered in encouragement.

The next morning Echomist and Velvetpaw went to the crystal cavern. They arrived just before the moon was rising.
Echomist sat down and bean the ceremony.

“Velvetpaw is it your wish to enter the mysteries of the ancestors as a medicine cat?”

Velvetpaw took a deep breath. “It is.”

Echomist smiled. “Then come forward.”

Velvetpaw sat beside Echomist and the medicine cat continued. “ Ancestors, I present you with this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her clan in accordance with your will.” She declared.

Giving Velvetpaw an encouraging look, the two she-cats touched noses to the central crystal.
The two were instantly brought to the realm of the ancestors.

“Welcome Echomist. And you must be Velvetpaw.”

Echomist looked up to see a familiar tom. “Hello Sparrowdawn.”

Velvetpaw dipped her head in greeting, her eyes wide as she observed the starry cat.
Sparrowdawn chuckled. “It’s a lot to take in, I know. But you will be an excellent apprentice and a marvelous medicine cat one day.” He reassured.

Velvetpaw smile. “Thank you.”

“Now do you have any questions? I’m all ears.” The tom offered.

Velvetpaw seemed to think for a few moments. “I don’t believe so. Echomist explained everything along the way.”

Sparrowdawn smile. “Excellent. If you ever need us, we are here. Good luck Velvetpaw, and excellent choice of apprentice Echomist.”
Echomist smiled, and the ancestor’s words made Velvetpaw preen.

The two she-cats awoke to the cavern, and cheerfully made their way back to camp where Velvetpaw was officially announced the medicine cat apprentice and a full member of the clan.

Over the next few weeks Velvetpaw proved herself a dedicate study. She quickly mastered anything Echomist threw at her. She had also been spending quite some time with Silentpaw and Splashpaw. Despite their unconventional meeting, the three apprentices had quickly grown close. Velvetpaw was often annoyed with Splashpaw’s denseness and naivety but she admired his drive to improve and his love of life. She would often cheer him on in her own way by giving advice. Velvetpaw greatly admired that Silentpaw didn’t need to speak to make her point and the two she-cats could often be seen having silent conversation, curled up near the apprentice den. All three apprentices though could be found training together, pushing each other to be their best. And afterwards, it wasn’t rare to find them curled up together and grooming each other. All was well with the clan, and soon the clan was eagerly waiting for Ravenstar’s kits to be born.

Soon the day came, and the clan was a flurry of activity. Lightheart was trying keep Splashpaw, and Frostbreeze calm. Frostbreeze was pacing, worried about his sister. Splashpaw was simply sitting, starring wide-eyed at the nursery, and Lightheart was worried he would start hyperventilating. Silentpaw was standing, staring intently at the nursery, ears forward, and every muscle tense. Lightheart herself was nervous, but she had faith in Echomist and Velvetpaw.

She glanced at Hawkstrike who was snarling aggressively, pacing back and forth, his tail flicking back and forth with his distress.
“Hawkstrike. Echomist and Velvetpaw have her. She’ll be fine.” She called to the tom.

“She’s right. Ravenstar will be ok.” Duskwhisper tried to reassure, but his tense posture betrayed his worry as well.

Hawkstrike sighed. “I know, it’s just…”

“We know, Hawkstrike. We know.” Lightheart reassured. The entire clan was worried for their leader, and anxious for their newest clanmates to be born.

The clan continued to wait anxiously until a tiny mewl was heard form the nursery. Every cat froze and whipped their heads to stare at the den. Velvetpaw walked out, her eyes wide with wonder. Echomist padded out after her. Hawkstrike ran over, and the rest of the clan perked their ears up to hear the news.

“Congratulations. You have three kits. Both them and Ravenstar are just fine.” Echomist announced.
Hawkstrike nodded thankfully and walked over to the den. Nervously he walked inside, blinking to adjust his eyes to the light.
He starred in shock at the sight before him. Ravenstar was curled up around a trio of kits. Two tabby she-cats and a black-haired tom.

“They’re beautiful…” He whispered, rubbing his head against Ravenstar, who let out an exhausted purr.

“They are. What should we name them?”

“After birds?” Hawkstrike offered, smirking lightly.

Ravenstar chuckled. “Why not? We can call the tom Crowkit, after my father.”

Hawkstrike nodded. “How about Eaglekit for the larger of the two she-cats? She’s been forcing her way around the nest since I got here.” He spoke, watching the mackerel tabby kit step on her siblings.

Ravenstar chuckled. The classic tabby she-cat gave a quiet mewl of complaint as Eaglekit stepped on her. “How about we call the last kit Dovekit?”

Hawkstrike nodded. “Perfect.” He curled up around his family happily and stood guard as Ravenstar rested from her ordeal.
In the morning Echomist and Velvetpaw told the parents that the kits were stable and healthy enough for the rest of clan to meet them. After breakfast, Hawkstrike told the clan that they could visit, one at a time. Frostbreeze was the first to enter, being Ravenstar’s brother.

He padded into the den and blinked to adjust his eyes. When he spotted Ravenstar and Hawkstrike curled up around their kits, he melted. Crouching down he settled next to the next and watched the three kits with awe.

“They’re beautiful. I can’t believe I’m an uncle….” He whispered, making Ravenstar chuckle.

“Yes. And you still need to make me an aunt.” She teased, making the tom scoff.

“They’re going to be a pawful when they start moving around more.” Frostbreeze noted. “Especially the larger tabby.”

“Eaglekit is quite fierce already.” Hawkstrike agreed, the pride obvious in his voice. The three cats watched Eaglekit climb her way through the nest, stepping on her siblings. Dovekit ignored her sister, but Crowkit curled up closer to Ravenstar for safety.
Frostbreeze gave each of the kits a lick on the head and stepped out of the den. Next to enter was Lightheart.

The golden tabby entered the den and began purring immediately. She gave each of the parents a head but before looking at her newest clanmates.

“Oh, they’re precious. The little tom is so cute. He looks just like you Ravenstar.” She gushed, getting a purr from Ravenstar. Crowkit tried to burrow deeper into this mother’s fur as Lightheart watched.

“He’s a shy little thing, isn’t he?” She cooed, getting a nod from Ravenstar.

“Hopefully he’ll be easier to handle than his sisters.” Ravenstar noted as the two tabby she-kits tumbled softly across the nest after running into each other.

After Lightheart left, Silentpaw entered. She headbutted her mentor in congratulations and nuzzled Ravenstar’ shoulder.
The quiet she-cat looked in awe at the tiny kits, a small smile on her face and a nearly silent purr in her throat. The parents watched her warmly. Silentpaw’s eyes widened as Dovekit stumbled out of the next. The apprentice gently picked up the kit and returned her to her spot beside her siblings.

“Thanks. They’re quite a rowdy bunch.” Ravenstar noted, her voice filled with amusement.

Silentpaw smiled and nodded. She then left the den so that Splashpaw could enter. The male apprentice stepped into the den and blinked, absolutely overwhelmed.

“They’re so small…” He whispered, the awe obvious in his voice. He watched the kits wide-eyes. “I had no idea that kits were so small…”

Ravenstar chuckled. “Yes, but they’ll grow fast and soon they’ll tearing through the camp.”

Splashpaw nodded, but looked almost unconvinced, making the new parents grin.

The male apprentice gave his congratulations and left to let the new family rest.
Over the next three moons, Crowkit, Eaglekit, and Dovekit grew quickly and were soon running around camp and causing mischief. Eaglekit was the instigator, a spitfire of a kit who was always getting into mischief and trying to pick fights. Crowkit was the shy one, although he was the largest, and was often seen trailing after his sisters with hesitance and jumping at every sudden sound. Dovekit was the mediator. She kept Eaglekit from getting into extreme trouble and encouraged Crowkit to have fun and relax. The three kits could often be seen playing with the apprentices as well. Splashpaw loved to show them new moves and Silentpaw was always willing to play. Velvetpaw would also occasionally come to them and tell them about the sights she saw outside the den or tell them stories.

Currently, the three kits had snuck out of the nursery and were attempting to break into the warrior’s den.
“Eaglekit, I don’t know about this.” Crowkit whined, only to be smacked on the head by his sister.

“Shush!” Eaglekit demanded, her eyes narrowed. Crowkit flinched and nodded. Dovekit sighed and gave Crowkit a reassuring nudge. The three kits started for the entrance. Making their way inside, Eaglekit had to restrain a giggle, her mischievous side coming out. She made her way to Duskwhisper and pounced on his head. The shocked warrior reared up in surprise, flinching as Eaglekit’s claws dug into him in her effort to hold on.

“What in the name of the ancestors are you doing?” Duskwhisper yelled, but his voice held a trace of amusement.

“Conquering!” Eaglekit screeched as she jumped down from his back.

Dovekit gave a cry and jumped onto her father’s tail. Hawkstrike, who had already awoken at the first sounds of the kits’ attack simply chuckled and playfully swatted at her.

Crowkit stood in the entrance, looking horrified.
“Guys. Loving the bonding session, but can we not do this so early in the morning?” Lightheart stated from her spot further in the den.

“Sorry Lightheart.” Dovekit offered. Eaglekit just jumped onto Lightheart and pulled her into the play fight. The golden warrior smiled and pretended to try to shake the kit off.

After a few more minutes of the kits playing, and Crowkit watching in disbelief, Ravenstar poked her head in.

“Kits. When I left to go hunting, I distinctly remember telling you to stay in the nursery. Now how does attacking my warriors fit into that?” She teased.

Crowkit squeaked and hid behind his mother. “I tried to stop them!” He cried. His mother just gave him a lick on the head, making him relax.

Dovekit looked a bit embarrassed. “Sorry mom.”

Eaglekit however, grinned widely. “It was fun though!”

Ravenstar raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure. But next time, don’t.”

Eaglekit sighed. “Yes mom.”

Ravenstar sighed and led her kits back to the nursery. She then returned as Hawkstrike was leaving the den.

“They are quite the pawful.” He remarked. Ravenstar sighed.

“Indeed. At least I’m not the only one struggling.” She teased, making Hawkstrike chuckle nervously as he remembered last week when he had been racing around camp trying to find the kits who had wandered into the leaders’ den.

“I took my eyes off of them for one second!” He protested. Ravenstar just laughed.

“Come on. It’s time for the ceremony.” She declared, getting a nod from him.

She jumped onto the high ledge and took a deep breath. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting.” She watched, smiling as he clan gathered.

“Splashpaw, Silentpaw, step forward.” She ordered. The two apprentices did so, both looking eager and proud.
Ravenstar looked to the sky. “I, Ravenstar call upon the ancestors to look down onto these two apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the rules of your noble code, and I commend them as warriors in their turn.”
She then looked at the two apprentices. “Splashpaw, Silentpaw, do you promise to uphold warrior code and to protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life?”

“I do.” Splashpaw spoke, his voice clear and calm. Ravenstar felt a surge of pride for how far he had come.
Silentpaw gave a grave nod in response to Ravenstar’s question and Ravenstar nodded back.

“Then by the powers of the ancestors. I give you your warrior names. Silentpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Silentsmoke. The ancestors honor your intelligence and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of AuroraClan. Splashpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Splashsun. The ancestors honor your optimism and ingenuity, and we welcome you as a full warrior of AuroraClan.”

Ravenstar jumped down to her new warriors and stood before them. She rested her muzzle on each in turn, getting a lick in return.

“Silentsmoke! Splashsun!” The clan cried, welcoming the newest warriors. Velvetpaw raced over and nuzzled each of her friends.

“I’m so proud of you both.” She declared, getting nuzzles in return.

Lightheart raced over to her sister, and nearly knocked her over with her excited purring.

“Congratulations!” The golden warrior exclaimed.

After the clan celebrate, the two new warriors settled near the entrance for their vigil. Their clan wished them well and headed off to bed.
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Re: RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:45 pm

Chapter 13

A few weeks later Echomist was setting out her herbs to dry when she sighed heavily. She seemed to be slightly distracted by her thoughts, and given her expression, they weren’t positive. Lightheart frowned at her friend.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Need a she-cat talk?” Lightheart offered. “I can go grab Ravenstar?”

Echomist hesitated for a second before nodding. “I think I need that.”

Lightheart nodded and raced over to Ravenstar who was at the nursery.

“Ravenstar! Echomist and I need to talk with you.” She announced.

Ravenstar nodded and turned to Frostbreeze. “Do you mind watching Eaglekit and the others?” She asked, getting a nod from her brother.

Ravenstar then followed Lightheart to the medicine cat den.
Ravenstar frowned worriedly at Echomist. The medicine cat was looking uncharacteristically worried.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s... well… you know Duskwhisper, right?”

“Yes, Echomist, I know my fellow warrior.” Lightheart teased, trying to make Echomist laugh. The medicine cat just sighed. Ravenstar and Lightheart were even more concerned now.

“What about him?” Ravenstar asked. “Did you two have a fight? I know you two like to hang out and his teasing can occasionally go to far.”

Echomist shook her head.
“Than what’s wrong?” Lightheart asked. “You can tell us. Nothing leaves this den unless you want it to.”

“We swear.” Ravenstar added.

Echomist glanced at Ravenstar and Lightheart and took in their earnest expressions. Seeing that they meant what they were saying, she took a deep breath. “I like him.” She whispered, not looking at her friends.

Lightheart blinked. “Ok. Oh. Now I get it. But does he like you?”

“Yes. We confessed.” Echomist clarified, still looking at her feet.

Now that Echomist had admitted it, she seemed unable to stop talking. “I like him, and I’m a medicine cat! It’s a against the code!” She cried. “And how can I teach Velvetpaw to be a proper medicine cat if I myself break the code?” She finally looked up and glanced at Ravenstar, worried about her leader’s reaction.

“Oh, Echomist. We’re a unique clan, and we’re brand new. The old code may not always apply to us. How about you go to the ancestors and ask them what they think. If they agree, then you and Duskwhisper can become mates.” Ravenstar offered.

Echomist blinked. “And if they say no?”

“We’ll change their minds.” Ravenstar declared.

“Oh! Thank you!” She cried, and rubbed up against her friends, grateful their support.

The next day Echomist began her journey to the crystal cavern. She had told the clan that she needed to speak with the ancestors and no one had questioned her. Ravenstar and Lightheart had given her an encouraging nod. Echomist had told Velvetpaw what was happing, and her apprentice had declared her support. The young she-cat surprised her mentor with her enthusiasm. Velvetpaw was normally one for sticking to tradition. When Echomist asked why she was ok with this, Velvetpaw had responded that the fact that Echomist was getting permission showed her dedication to the code, and Velvetpaw admired that, and she wanted her mentor to be happy. Though she seemed to think Echomist was out of Duskwhisper’s league.

Echomist made her way to the crystal cavern, her nerves cutting her travel time in half as she all but raced to the cave. She arrived just as the moon reached its peak. She took a deep breath and entered the cavern. Stepping forward, she laid down at the foot of the central cavern. She sighed and pressed her nose to the crystal and closed her eyes.

“Oh Echomist.” A gentle voice spoke. She opened her eyes to see Sparrowdawn before her. The chocolate tom was gazing at her with sympathy.

“Sparrowdawn. What do I do? Do I have to stop being a medicine cat?”

Sparrowdawn’s eyes widened. He was about to respond when Stoneheart approached.

“You can still be a medicine cat.” The silver tom spoke, and Echomist sighed with relief.

“Yes.” Sparrowdawn continued. “Given that you decided to come her to ask permission first, and that your chosen mate is a loyal clan member, you may be together. Your leader and clan approve, so who are we to deny you happiness?” He confirmed.

Echomist’s eyes watered with relief. “Thank you.” She whispered, and the starry cats nodded.

Echomist blinked and she was back in the crystal cavern. She let out a large sigh of relief and felt the tension leave her body. She smiled and began the journey way to the clan, excitement leaving her feet light.

She arrived back at camp and ran straight to Duskwhisper who was walking out of the warrior’s den.
“We can be mates.” She announced, smiling widely. The tom’s eyes widened.

“What? How? I thought medicine cats couldn’t have mates?”

“I went to the ancestors and got permission. So, will you be my mate?” She asked him, shuffling her paws nervously.

Duskwhisper let out a loud purr and curled into her side. “Of course.”

The new mates curled up together happily just outside the medicine cat den, oblivious to the clan’s stares. Ravenstar and Lightheart were ecstatic for their friend and shared a wide smile.

“So, they’re together now?” Frostbreeze clarified, getting a smack from Velvetpaw.

“Yes. Now don’t interrupt.” She scolded, making Silentpaw chuckle silently and Splashpaw outright laugh. Hawkstrike just shook his head in amusement.

The clan dispersed to give the two mates time to talk without eavesdroppers listening in.

In the nursery, Hawkstrike and Ravenstar were curled up around their kits.
“Did you know about this?” Hawkstrike asked, curious, nodding his head towards the medicine cat den.

Ravenstar smiled. “Of course. It was my idea that she go to the ancestors.”

Hawkstrike shook his head. “I figured.” He then glanced curiously at his best friend. “What would you have done if they had said no?”

Ravenstar bit her lip slightly. “To be honest… I probably would have told her to go for it anyway. She is a gifted medicine cat, but she deserves to be happy. And I don’t see how having a mate would make her any less skilled at medicine or interpreting prophecies. I would have gone to the ancestors had they refused her and had them change their minds.” Ravenstar explained.

Hawkstrike blinked before laughing out loud. Ravenstar nudged him so that he would be quiet and not wake the kits.

“I knew it.” He announced after calming down, making Ravenstar roll her eyes.

A few moons later and it was finally time for Crowkit, Dovekit, and Eaglekit to become apprentices. The three kits had grown fast, and now Crowkit was the largest, finally catching up to Eaglekit. The entire clan was excited to finally see the three begin their training. After breakfast and the early morning patrols, Ravenstar gathered the clan.

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting.” She called, and soon the clan was ready.

She looked down at her kits and smiled with pride. “Crowkit, Dovekit, and Eaglekit, as you are now six moons old it is time to begin your apprentice training. From this day forward, until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Crowpaw, Dovepaw, and Eaglepaw.” She declared. Crowpaw smiled at his feet, and Dovepaw’s eyes shone. Eaglepaw was staring straight up at her mother, her face the picture of determination.

Ravenstar smiled and then looked down at the warriors she had chosen to be their mentors. “Frostbreeze, you are a capable warrior with great intellect and warmth. You will mentor Crowpaw. Teach him all you know.” She announced. Frostbreeze beamed with excitement.

Ravenstar then turned to the next mentor. “Splashsun, you are a loyal warrior with great enthusiasm and ingenuity. You will mentor Dovepaw. Teach her all you know.” She announced and Splashsun’s eyes widened in shock. Silentsmoke had to nudge his shoulder to get him to snap out of it.

Ravenstar then turned to the last of the chosen mentors. “Duskwhisper, you a fierce warrior with great strength and strategy. You will mentor Eaglepaw. Teach her all you know.” She finished. Duskwhisper grinned with anticipation.

The three mentors stepped forward and touched noses with her apprentices.
“Crowpaw! Dovepaw! Eaglepaw!” The clan cheered, welcoming the newest apprentices.

After a celebratory meal, the three apprentices left with their mentors to learn the territory. It took the rest of the day, but they were shown the training grounds, lake, hunting grounds, and the path to the crystal cavern. As the day drew to a close, the siblings were exhausted from exploring. They padded into camp, nearly asleep behind their mentors.

Duskwhisper smirked at them. “Grab some food an get to sleep. Tomorrow, we begin training.” He declared. The three apprentices nodded and walked over to the fresh-kill pile. Dovekit slumped to the ground as soon as they got there and Crowpaw all but fell down beside her.

“My feet are so tired.” Dovepaw complained, yawning. Crowpaw made a pained noise in agreement. Eaglepaw laughed and flopped down beside them.

“I know. Mine too. But did either of you two realize just how big our territory is? It’s amazing!” She exclaimed, getting wide-eyed nods from her siblings.

“It’s incredible. I can’t wait till we can really explore it.” Dovepaw agreed.

“Didn’t we do that today?” Crowpaw asked confused.

“No way!” Eaglepaw denied. “We just saw a glimpse of everything. We haven’t really explored it yet. Who knows what hidden secrets we’ll find?”

There was a sound of chucking and the three apprentices looked up to see their parents.
“Hey mom and dad!” Dovepaw greeted.

“Hello. How was your first day?” Ravenstar asked, giving each of her kits a nuzzle.

“It was awesome!” Eaglepaw exclaimed and the other two nodded.

“It was exhausting though.” Crowpaw admitted sheepishly.

Hawkstrike smiled. “You’ll build up strength soon enough. Don’t worry. You three should probably get some rest after you eat. You have a big day tomorrow.”

The three apprentices nodded and began to eat their dinner. Their parents joined them but left soon after. Once they finished eating the siblings went into the apprentice’s den. They chose one of the larger nests that had been freshly stocked with moss and settled in together.

“Goodnight guys.” Eaglepaw said, getting no response. She looked at her siblings who had both fallen asleep already. She smiled and shut her eyes, joining them in their rest
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Re: RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:54 pm

Chapter 14

In the morning the three apprentices awoke, eager for their first full day of training. They were up before the dawn patrol, sitting by the fresh-kill pile and rough-housing.

“What do you think we’ll do today? We’ve already toured the territory.” Dovepaw mused. Crowpaw shrugged, his mouth full of feathers.

“I bet we’ll start hunting! Or maybe fighting!” Eaglepaw exclaimed.

Crowpaw sat up as the mentors approached. Splashsun was skipping over to the trio eagerly, Frostbreeze and Duskwhisper following amused.

“What are we doing today?” Dovepaw asked, excitedly as her mentor approached.

“Patrol training!’ He eagerly announced, chittering slightly.

“Patrol… training...? What? Are we learning how to walk or something?” Eaglepaw scoffed, her ears folded back in disappointment.

Duskwhisper sighed. “No. We’re teaching you how to walk in formation and notice even the slightest of changes to the territory. We also need to show you the best ways to mark our boundaries and go over how to handle trespassers.” He explained. “Protecting our clan begins with keeping the border secured.” He insisted, getting a nod from Frostbreeze.

“It’s vital, and it will help you hone your senses. Something that you need toto before we start hunting training.” The pale tom added.

Dovepaw perked up, and even Crowpaw seemed mildly excited. Eaglepaw sighed.
“Ok. I can see how that’s important.” She conceded.

Duskwhisper gave her a knowing look. “We’ll get to the exciting stuff sooner than you think.”

Eaglepaw smiled at that, and Frostbreeze began to lead the way out of the camp.
The warriors led the apprentices to the border that was just past the lake and stopped.

“Alight. So, to make outsiders think twice about trespassing, we have to maintain the boundaries. We can leave our scent by marking, clawing the trees, and rubbing up against the bushed and rocks around here.” Splashsun explained giving a demonstration.

“Now you try.” He instructed, and the apprentices followed his previous steps until the boundary was sufficiently marked.

“Ok. Now we’ll walk in formation like we showed you as we left camp. We’ll stay in that formation until we hit the next boundary. I want you three to report to me everything you see, smell, or even sense. From the mice to even dangers. Alright? Begin.” Frostbreeze ordered, and the patrol made their way through the territory.

The apprentices did their best to follow his instructions. Eaglepaw kept taking too large of steps, trying to be in front, and would end up distracting herself when she stepped on the heels of the cat in font of her. Dovepaw managed to point out a few animals around them, but Eaglepaw’s actions were distracting her as well. Crowpaw did surprisingly well. His skittish nature making him aware of nearly every noise.

The group continued this manner of training for a few hours, until each of the apprentices had managed to get the hang of walking in formation and had began to point out nearly everything that came across their paths.

“Alright. We’ll take a break here. You three have done well. We’ll do this training every few days until you’ve fully mastered it.” Duskwhisper explained. The exhausted apprentice fell to the forest floor, their paws aching. Splashsun laughed an bounced off to hunt for everyone.

“How can he have so much energy?” Eaglepaw whined, getting a chuckle from Frostbreeze.

“Honesty? I have no idea.”

The rest of the group chuckled at that. Soon Splashsun returned with a mouse for each cat.
Once the apprentices had rested, Frostbreeze stood up. “Ok, our last thing for today we will begin teaching you proper hunting form.” He crouched down and continued to explain. "See how I’m completely still but can still jump?” He leapt up and landed silently. “You need to put your weight in your heels and keep still. Only move as you need to.” He explained, getting nods from the apprentices.

The apprentices tried to mimic him. They spent some time having their form adjusted by their mentors until they were in a satisfactory stance.

“Alright, feel the way your bodies are right now. That’s how it should feel each time. Now let’s get back to camp. We’re done for the day.” Splashsun announced, getting exhausted cheers from the younger cats.

When the group arrived at camp, the apprentices all went and fell sound asleep immediately in their den.

“Do you think we overdid it today?” Frostbreeze asked as he watched them.

“Maybe…?” Splashsun offered.

Duskwhisper chuckled. “Nah. Day one has to be abnormally hard. That way they feel relieved when we train them normally.” He explained,

“You are devious.” Frostbreeze said, shaking his head but he was smiling.

“So, what your saying is that you tortured my kits to condition them mentally?” Hawkstrike spoke from behind the trio, a smirk on his face.

The three warriors jumped and turned to face their deputy, sheepish looks on each of their faces.

“Maybe…?” Duskwhisper said, echoing Splashsun from earlier.

Hawkstrike laughed out loud. “Alright. But if the kits ask, I told you take it easy on them today.” He teased, getting an answering smirk from Duskwhisper.

“Our deputy is just as bad. Oh boy.” Frostbreeze shook his head.

The warriors went over to the fresh-kill pile and had a quick dinner before retiring to their den for the night.

Over the next few moons the trio of apprentices trained hard and made excellent progress. Eaglepaw had proved herself to be an instinctual front-line fighter. Crowpaw had shown that he had excellent senses and could detect even the most hidden prey. Dovepaw had shown great intellect and often found unique and creative solutions to the training challenges the mentors ran the apprentices through. Together, the trio balanced each other out, and the mentors could see the siblings becoming quite the team.
It was on a hunting patrol that they proved just how strong of a team they were. The apprentices and their mentors were near the training grounds when Crowpaw froze.

“I smell bear.” He whispered, his eyes wide. The other cats sniffed the air, each focusing intently.

“I can barely smell it. Good catch.” Frostbreeze whispered to his apprentice.

“Ok. So, what do we do?” Splashsun asked the apprentices. They had drilled on possible scenarios.

Dovepaw nodded. “We need to figure out where it is and report its location to the clan. But we can’t let it sense us so we need to come from downwind. It may be a good idea to travel along the branches above. If we stick to trees that are tall but slim the bear can’t climb to get to us.”

The group nodded and took to the trees. They soon approached where the bear scent was coming from. After a few moments, the bear came into sight. It was a small grizzly and it appeared to be picking the last few berries of the season from a bush.

The cats prepared to turn back when a loud snap was heard. Dovepaw’s branch buckled under her weight and the she-cat tumbled to the ground. The bear whipped its head around at the sound and locked eyes with the terrified she-cat. Glancing at the berries and the stunned cat, the bear made a decision. It dropped its berries and turned toward Dovepaw, who had sprung to her feet but was still in shock.

The bear growled and took a step forward only to look up at a cry and get a face full of Eaglepaw’s claws. The other she-cat landed in front of her sister and snarled in warning. The bear shook its head, disorientated. It opened its eyes to see that the rest of the cats had joined. The group snarled and growled at the bear. Even Crowpaw was aggressively swiping at its feet. Realizing that its easy meal wouldn’t be so easy, the bear turned around and began to shuffle away. The cats let it go, not wanting to push the bear into defensively attacking. The patrol quickly made it back to camp, relieved that they had all gotten away unharmed.
After making sure the apprentices were ok, Duskwhisper raced over to Hawkstrike and Ravenstar, who were talking with Lightheart and Echomist. He began to report to them what had occurred.

Silentsmoke and Velvetpaw glanced at the incoming group and walked over with worry. Silentsmoke checked Splashsun over for injures worriedly and seemed relieved to see none, giving the tom a rub on the shoulder. Velvetpaw gave Splashsun a headbutt, relieved that he was ok. She then gave a check on each of the apprentices and other warriors. When she heard that Dovepaw had fallen, she had the apprentice sit down so that she could give her a more thorough look over for any muscle strains or a concussion. Thankfully the she-cat seemed completely fine, apart from being shaken.
Once the report was finished the group that was talking walked over.

“Is everyone ok?” Ravenstar asked, getting nods from each cat. She sighed, relief making her tense muscles relax.

“You three did an incredible job.” Duskwhisper told the apprentices, getting shocked looks.

“Crowpaw, you sensed a threat to the clan that no one else noticed, and Dovepaw, you made a thorough plan to how to respond. And when the situation changed, and it turned dangerous, you Eaglepaw raced to defend you clanmate, although jumping on to the bear’s face was a risky and reckless move, it was incredibly brave. And in the split seconds we had, you reacted accordingly. So, great job.” He told each of apprentices, making the three preen.

“And what’s more impressive is that everyone came home safe.” Hawkstrike added, giving each of his kits a nuzzle. Ravenstar gave the kits a lick on the forehead.

“I’m proud of you.” She old them. She then turned to the warriors. “And you three performed exceptionally as well. Great job.” She told them, making the mentors smile.

After the eventful day, the clan was just settling down to rest when the aurora borealis started up. Now normally this is a common occurrence this far north. But the lights seemed exceptionally bright tonight. The sight pulled all of the cats out of their dens.
“I can’t remember the last time the lights were so beautiful.” Frostbreeze whispered, getting nods all around.

“It’s the new moon so they’re extra bright tonight.” Lightheart explained.

“But surely we would have noticed that once a month the lights were like this?” Splashsun questioned.

“I think we’ve been far too busy to notice.” Hawkstrike added, getting a nod of agreement from Silentsmoke.

“That’s just a shame. We can’t miss it from now on.” Echomist stated, her eyes on the sky.

“Absolutely not.” Velvetpaw declared .The she-cat then looked up at the flickering lights thoughtfully. “It’s like the ancestors are closer to us than ever.”

Echomist smiled at her apprentice’s observation. “It really is.”

“How about we make it an official celebration?” Ravenstar added, making her clan turn and look at her.

“What do you mean mom?” Dovepaw asked.

“Well, we can make it an official holiday of sorts. Every full moon night we can sit as a clan and watch the lights together. Maybe we can even trade stories about our ancestors?” Ravenstar explained.

“Oh! And we can feast and play games!” Splashsun exclaimed excitedly, making the other warriors laugh.

“I don’t see why not.” Hawkstrike mused, glancing at Ravenstar.

“It’s an excellent idea. What should we call it?” The she-cat respond.

“What should we call what?” Crowpaw asked confused.

Eaglepaw playfully smacked him on the head. “Every good holiday or celebration needs a name!” She exclaimed.

Crowpaw blinked “Oh. I guess so.”

Dovepaw laughed and jumped onto her siblings, sending them tumbling.

“So, any name ideas?” Lightheart asked, turning everyone’s attention back from the apprentices.

“Well we could just call it what it is. The New Moon Lights Celebration.” Duskwhisper offered.

“But that’s so uncreative!” Splashsun protested, getting a yowl of agreement from Lightheart.

Hawkstrike tilted his head. “I don’t know. It’s simple and it gets the point across.”

“But it doesn’t have any dramatic flair!” Lightheart cried.

“Why would it need dramatic flair?” Crowpaw asked timidly, skirting back at Splashsun and Lightheart’s cries of distress at his words.

“Why would it need flair? Because everything needs flair!” Splashsun exclaimed. He then turned to his best friends. “Silentsmoke, Velvetpaw, you agree with me, right?”

Silentsmoke shook her head, smirking and nodded at Duskwhisper to show her support. Splashsun gave a cry of betrayal and glanced at Velvetpaw almost desperately.

“Well… simple is nice... but it needs a bit of flair.” The medicine cat apprentice offered.

“I like the name Duskwhisper came up with.” Dovepaw announced. All of the cats except for Splashsun and Lightheart agreed.

“Well then. I guess New Moon Lights Celebration it is.” Ravenstar stated officially.

Thus, the celebration began. The clan feasted from the fresh-kill pile and chased each other around the camp like kits. They traded stories of their elders, old friends, family, and even stories that had been passed down form generations. The aurora borealis shone above, flickering across the sky in shades of blue, purple, and green. The reflection of the lights on the distant twin mountains gave the stones a shimmering look, as if they were made of stars. The clan celebrated through the night until dawn broke and the aurora borealis lights returned to the heavens. Afterward, the clan crashed, each cat sleeping well into the day.
Around mid-day the cats emerged and began their normal routine.

“Do we have to train today? I’m exhausted.” Dovepaw asked when the mentors came to rouse the three apprentices.

“Absolutely.” Frostbreeze responded, stifling a yawn. “We can take it a bit easy though so we don’t fall asleep on our paws.”

“Yay.” Crowpaw yawned out as he exited the den, stretching to try and wake his muscles.

Eaglepaw practically bounced out after him, no sighs of sleep deprivation at all.
“How can you have so much energy?” Dovepaw asked her sister incredulously.

“It’s training! How could I not be excited?” Eaglepaw responded, getting a smirk from Duskwhisper.

“My apprentice is tougher than yours.’ He teased the other two mentors.

“That’s not true! Come on Dovepaw! Let’s prove him wrong!” Splashsun exclaimed and bonded out of the camp. Dovepaw shook her head but followed.

“Want to beat you sisters?” Frostbreeze asked Crowpaw.

The usually timid apprentices smirked lightly. “I’m going to let Eaglepaw tire herself and Dovepaw out and then I’ll catch them by surprise.” He explained, making his mentor laugh.

“Clever.” Frostbreeze offered.

The group made it to the training ground and after some light warm-ups began sparring. Soon enough Dovepaw and Eaglepaw were tiring. Crowpaw had been holding back and conserving his energy. He had also been observing his sisters. By now they had each developed a fighting strategy that suited their personalities and skills. Eaglepaw was the aggressive fighter who put all of her force and energy into each attack, delivering harsh blows that gave maximum damage other enemy. Dovepaw relied on her speed an agility to dive in and out of the fray, delivering quick blows that stunned her enemy and left them vulnerable for her to come in and finish them off. Crowpaw, who even now was not much of a fighter, had learned to rely on strategy. He did his best to use his opponent’s strengths against them, or he would try to catch them off guard. He was using both tactics today. As the three sparred, he let his sisters tier each other out, their clashing battle tactics pushing each other to the brink. And when the two were exhausted, he came in and used his large size to knock them off their paws with a well places shove. As the two she-cats went sprawling, he crooned with triumph.

“I win!” He exclaimed, absolutely ecstatic. This was his first official win against his sisters. Previously when he tried this tactic, he had been too tired to win. All of the stamina training the mentors had put them through had finally paid off.

His smaller sister got up and ran over to him. “You did it!” Dovepaw exclaimed joyfully, leaping onto her brother and knocking him over. “I’m so proud of you!” She purred, making Crowpaw smile.

Eaglepaw raced over, not a second after. “That was awesome! Way to go!” She cheered. “I’ll win next time though!” She challenged, smiling warmly.

“We’ll see about that!” Crowpaw responded.

“Great job you three. Congratulations on your victory Crowpaw! You’ve come so far.” Frostbreeze exclaimed as he walked over.
The other mentors offered their congratulations and critiqued the apprentices fight, going over form, tactics, and overall performance. Once they were done with training for the day, the group set out to hunt. They managed to grab a few rabbits and birds on their way back to camp. Between the lack of sleep the previous night, the sparring session, and the hunting, the apprentices were exhausted. They trudged into camp, ate a quick meal from what they had caught and crashed in their den. The mentors watched them go with amusement.

“Weren’t we going to take it easy today?” Splashsun askes as the apprentices disappeared.

Frostbreeze’s eyes widened. “Oops. We better give them the day off tomorrow to recover.” He said sheepishly. The other mentors nodded. Duskwhisper went over to the apprentice’s den and stuck his head in. The three were nearly asleep already but looked up as he entered.

“Take the day off tomorrow and rest. You three have earned it.” He told them and got exhausted exclaims of relief from the trio. He shook his head sand chuckled as he returned to the other mentors.

“So, what do we do on a day off? Return to normal warrior duties?” Splashsun questioned.

“Uh...maybe? We should ask Hawkstrike.” Frostbreeze responded. HE called the dark tabby over.

“Hawkstrike! The apprentices have the day off tomorrow, what should we do?” The silver tom asked.

Hawkstrike seemed to think for a second. “Well you three should get some rest as well. If you feel like going on a patrol just join one.” He offered, getting a nod from each of the mentors.

“Oh! And if one of you feels like picking herbs, Velvetpaw and I could use the extra paws!” Echomist called from across the camp.

“I’ll come!” Splashsun responded. Velvetpaw nodded thankfully and Echomist sent him a smile.

“Well, if that’s all, I’m off to bed.” Duskwhisper stated. He walked over to his mate and gave Echomist and affectionate nuzzle. The she-cat responded in kind, and then the tom left to sleep.
The remaining cats said goodnight and settled down for the night.
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Re: RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:45 am

Chapter 15

The next day the three siblings woke up feeling well-rested and refreshed.

“What should we do today?” Dovepaw asked as they settled down for breakfast.

“I don’t know. I don’t really want to stay in camp all day though.” Crowpaw responded.

“How about we walk around the territory? We can hunt, explore, relax. It’ll be fun!” Eaglepaw exclaimed.

“Oh! That would be fun!” Dovepaw responded, and Crowpaw nodded as well.

“Let’s tell dad that were leaving so the clan doesn’t think we went missing.” Crowpaw added.

“That’s a good idea.” Dovepaw agreed.

After they finished eating the trio went over to Hawkstrike and Ravenstar.
“Hi mom! Hi dad! We’re going to explore the territory and hunt a little for our day off. Is that ok?” Dovepaw asked.

Ravenstar nodded. “Just stay together. And if you find danger, come back and report it. Do not engage any threats with just the three of you. You’re almost warriors, but you still have a bit to learn before you’re ready to fight alone.” She explained.

The trio nodded. “We’ll be careful!” Eaglepaw promised, and her siblings chorused their agreement.

“Have fun!” Hawkstrike called after them as they left.

The trio made their way through the forest, the older snow crunching beneath their feet. It was near the end of winter and the thicker winter snow was beginning to fade away. Soon only the year-long thin blanket of snow would be present, with new plant growth bursting through to the surface. The birds that had migrated earlier in the season were just beginning to return as well, and their calls sounded through the forest, echoing against the trees and rocks.

“Come on!” Eaglepaw called as she bounded along, kicking up snow. Dovepaw and Crowpaw raced after her, and the three apprentices raced each other through the forest.

“I’ll beat you two to the lake! Last one there has to clean the den!” Dovepaw challenged as she sprinted ahead.

“Hey no fair!” Crowpaw complained, but he dug in his heels and gave chase.

Eaglepaw gave a cry and sprinted alongside Crowpaw. “Let’s make sure it’s Dovepaw that has to clean the den!” She smirked, whispering her plan to him quickly so that they didn’t fall to far behind. Crowpaw smirked in reply and nodded eagerly. The duo chased after their sister, and as they got closer to the edge of the forest, they enacted their plan.

Crowpaw jerked in front of Dovepaw, making her turn sharply, right into Eaglepaw’s waiting paws. She tripped her sister and sent her sprawling. With a quick look to make sur she was ok, Crowpaw and Eaglepaw continued to race to the lake.

“Hey!” Dovepaw protested behind them. She quickly shook off the snow and chased after them, her speed allowing her to nearly catch up.

“I win!” Eaglepaw cried as she made it to the edge of the lake. Crowpaw skidded to a stop beside her. Dovepaw came out of the trees huffing not a second later.

“Darn it!” Dovepaw huffed, flopping to the ground. “You guys win. I’ll clean the den.” She stated mournfully.

“Yes!” Eaglepaw crooned triumphantly.

“Thanks, Dovepaw.” Crowpaw stated smiling.

“You’re welcome.” His crestfallen sister responded.

Eaglepaw suddenly sniffed the air. “Hey I smell rabbit. Are you two up for a hunt? I’m famished.”

Crowpaw and Dovepaw sniffed the air, nodding as they caught the scent.
“I’m hungry. Let’s go.” Dovepaw agreed, getting a nod from Crowpaw, who licked his lips eagerly.

The trio followed the scent, moving soundlessly through the forest now that they were hunting. They soon came to a small clearing where a family of rabbits where eating the new grass growth that was just peeking through the snow layer.

Dovepaw nodded at a ledge overlooking the clearing and her siblings followed her line of sight. Crowpaw nodded and Eaglepaw smirked. They understood the plan. Dovepaw and Eaglepaw stalked to opposite ends of the clearing, cutting off escape for the rabbits. Dovepaw swerved around and made her way to the ledge. She sat at the base and waited until her brother and sister were in position. She then crept up the ledge and took a deep breath, putting her weight into her heels. Suddenly she leapt off the ledge and landed in the center of the clearing, giving a yowl. The rabbits panicked and sprinted off, right into Dovepaw and Eaglepaw’s waiting claws.

“Sweet. We got two of them!” Eaglepaw called as Dovepaw raced over. A rabbit lay at the feet of each of her siblings.

“Nice. We can eat one now and bring the other back to camp.” Dovepaw said.

“Good idea.” Crowpaw said. “We can dig a hole in the snow to store it while we keep exploring.”
His sisters nodded, and the trio settled down to eat one of their rabbits. Once they finished, they kicked snow over the area where they ate to hide the scent from the larger predators. They didn’t’ want to draw them this deep into their territory in search of food.

“What should we do now?” Dovepaw asked as she laid on her back looking up at the sky. Eaglepaw and Crowpaw mirrored her position beside her.

“I don’t know. What do you think Crowpaw?” Eaglepaw asked.

Crowpaw just shrugged. “I’m not really ready to go back to camp just yet.”

“We could spar?” Dovepaw offered half-heartedly.

“Nah.” Eaglepaw sighed.

“We could practice fishing, maybe catch some fish to take back with the rabbit?” Crowpaw proposed.
His sisters nodded.

“Sounds like a decent idea.” Dovepaw stated. The trio got up and began to walk over to the lake.
As soon as the lake was in sight, the three apprentices froze where they stood. The lake was frozen. There appeared to be a thick layer of ice, but beneath it, the water still moved with an unseen wind, and tiny silver fish could be seen flittering through the water.

“Wow. I’ve never seen the lake like this…” Crowpaw whispered.

“I didn’t even know that the lake could freeze.” Dovepaw added.

“Do you think it’s stable enough to walk on? If it is we could cross the lake.” Eaglepaw wondered, putting one paw on the surface of the lake curiously. She shivered at how cold it was. The ice groaned slightly under her weight but held.

“What about the stream that fills the lake?” Crowpaw asked. The trio walked over to the stream that fed the lake, and exited it to bring water downstream as well. It appeared to have a layer of ice on it as well, but it seemed thinner.

“We should stick to the lake. I’m not sure that the ice on the stream could hold our weight.” Dovepaw said.

“You’re probably right.” Eaglepaw responded. The three siblings returned to the main bank of the lake. Eaglepaw took the first few steps onto its frozen surface. She shivered slightly as the ice brushed her sensitive paw pads. She smirked and took a few steps on the lake, testing its strength once more.

“It seems fine! Come one!” She called as she began to bound along the lake’s surface. Giving a yowl, Crowpaw and Dovepaw joined their sister. The three siblings raced across the lake, chasing and tumbling with each other. They also raced the fish that flickered beneath their paws. They made a game of jumping onto schools of fish and watching them swim away in a panic.

The sun began to set and the three siblings began to make their way off of the lake, heading towards the streambed, exhausted. Eaglepaw and Dovepaw jumped onto the bank of the stream but just as Crowpaw was about to leap and join them, there was a large crack. The thinner ice on the stream couldn’t hold Crowpaw’s weight.

The ice cracked, and with wide eyes Crowpaw fell into the stream, the current quickly taking him away.
“Crowpaw!” Eaglepaw cried, bracing to jump in after him. Dovepaw grabbed her sister’s scruff.

“We can’t!” We’ll fall in too!” She cried, her voice high pitched with panic. The two sisters raced alongside the stream, trying to find their brother.

“Run back to camp and get help!” Eaglepaw ordered Dovepaw. “You’re faster than me. I’ll keep following Crowpaw.”

Dovepaw hesitated for a second before taking off into the forest with a nod. She quickly raced to camp, bursting through the entrance.

“Help! Crowpaw fell through the ice!” Dovepaw screamed. Heads shot up all over camp.

“What?! Lead the way!” Ravenstar cried, running over to Dovepaw.

The apprentice led her mother, father, Frostbreeze, Echomist, and Lightheart through the forest. Duskwhisper, Velvetpaw, and the other warriors were getting moss and herbs out so that they would be prepared to help Crowpaw when the rest of the clan returned with him.

While Dovepaw rallied the clan, Eaglepaw raced alongside the stream trying to track Crowpaw as he struggled beneath the ice. His eyes were wide with terror whenever Eaglepaw managed to spot him. It was clear that he was losing strength and that she needed to find a way to free him soon.

Eaglepaw continued to follow Crowpaw’s treacherous path until the current picked up speed and threw him against a rock beneath the ice. Eaglepaw let out a cry as Crowpaw’s eyes closed, and she feared it was already too late. Regardless, she continued to race after him as the current carried him faster down the mountain. Her eyes widened in horror as the stream began to carry him over the edge of the mountain to a drop that would certainly be lethal.

Growing desperate, she jumped onto the stream and tried to break her way though, but her lighter size wouldn’t shatter the ice, and she watched in horror as Crowpaw went over the edge. Eaglepaw sat down in shock, unable to process what had occurred.
“Crowpaw…?” She whispered, grief all but stealing her voice.

“Eaglepaw!” Ravenstar called from behind as she raced ahead of the group. Eaglepaw didn’t respond. The black she-cat raced over to her kit and followed her line of sight, quickly putting the pieces together.

“No….” Ravenstar whispered.

“Mom… I’m sorry! I couldn’t free him!” Eaglepaw cried, breaking down. Ravenstar picked Eaglepaw up and brought her back to the bank.

“It’s not you fault.” Ravenstar whispered. Her ears were back, and here eyes showed her absolute heartbreak at the loss of one of her kits.

The rest of the clan finally caught up.
“Crowpaw is … he’s not… is he?” Dovepaw whimpered. Hawkstrike stifled a grief filled cry. Ravenstar finally let her emotions go, and tucking Eaglepaw under her chin, began to wail over the loss of her kit. Hawkstrike and Dovepaw pressed up against her and joined her sorrow. The small family overcome with loss. The rest of the class wasn’t fairing much better. Frostbreeze padded over to the ice sheet and looked blankly at the water that had stolen his apprentice and nephew. Echomist sobbed in Lightheart’s shoulder while the golden tabby looked at the sky blankly. The clan had lost Crowpaw, and now, no one knew what to do.
None of the cats moved until the sun began to set. Then the slowly and numbly made their way to camp. No one wanted to hold a vigil. Not when there was no body. It was decided that until they had his body or until there was no hope that he could have survived, then they hold a vigil.

The night after Crowpaw’s disappearance, Ravenstar and Hawkstrike lay, curled up in her den.

“I can’t believe he’s missing.” Ravenstar stated, her voice shaking slightly.

“We’ll find him. We have to.” Hawkstrike whispered, curling up around her tighter.

“And if he’s already gone?” Ravenstar questioned, her voice empty.

Hawkstrike flinched. “Than we honor his memory and never forget.”

Ravenstar nodded. “I love him.”

“I love him too. We’ll fine him. One way or another.”

For the next moon, the clan sent parties to follow the river to where it eventually returned to flat land near the two-leg city in case they ever found Crowpaw’s body. But after days of searching, although they found blood, his body was never found, and it was assumed that a predator had gotten to it before them. The clan had lost Crowpaw, and that night they held vigil. And the sheer waves of grief coming from the camp could be felt throughout the territory.
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Re: RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:40 pm

Chapter 16


“Wake up brat.” A gravely voice snarled.

A black tom’s eyes shot open. “What... where am I?”

“In the den. Your family has abandoned you. I saved you.”

“What? But they would never! You’re lying! They must be looking for me now!”

“Would they really be looking for the cat who they shoved into certain death?”

“What are you talking about? No one pushed me in! They tried to save me! I watched them!”

“Please. Why did they bring you there in the first place? To get rid of you. They knew you would fall while they would be too light to do so. They wanted to get rid of a weakling.”

“NO! They didn’t! And I’m not weak! Shut up!”

“I hate to tell you brat, but you are weaker than them, and it was planned. Why don’t you go back and watch? No one is grieving for you.”

“I will! You’ll see!”

Back with AuroraClan~

It had been a few moons since Crowpaw’s death. And today was the sister’s final apprentice assessment.
“Are you ready?” Eaglepaw turned to Dovepaw.

“Yes. I just wish… that he could be here too, you know?” Her sister responded, looking at the sky. Dawn was just breaking through the trees, the light reflecting off of the leaves in bizarre shapes.

“Me too. Let’s go.”

The two sisters met with Duskwhisper and Splashsun at the training grounds.

“Alright. We’ll have a sparring session and then we’ll go hunt.” Duskwhisper explained.

“And, you’ll be fighting us, not each other.” Splashsun added, smirking.

“Two on two?” Eaglepaw challenged, winking at her sister.

“Yup. Are you two up to it?” Splashsun asked, getting nods from both apprentices.

“Alright. Begin!” Duskwhisper called before leaping straight at Eaglepaw. The she-cat reacted quickly, forcing her weight into her heels. She lunged up to meet him, her claws reaching out to claw his nose. He hissed and ducked down, swiping her back legs and sending her into a roll.

Meanwhile Splashsun and Dovepaw where circling each other, darting forward to strike quickly before backing off. Dovepaw caught Eaglepaw’s eye and gestured towards her mentor. Eaglepaw smirked and began to slowly push Duskwhisper closer to the other two cats. When their spar got close enough to the other pair, Eaglepaw leapt at her mentor. He reached up to meet her but she shocked him by using his shoulder as a springboard, sending herself at Splashsun. She sent the white tom sprawling. Instantly, both Eaglepaw and Dovepaw turned and jumped at Duskwhisper. Dovepaw moved swiftly and clawed at his heels, causing him to shift his footing to a less balanced stance. When he was off balance, Eaglepaw leapt onto his back and used her size to force him to the ground. By now Splashsun had recovered and he pushed Eaglepaw off, letting Duskwhisper get up. The four cats continued to spar for a while, until the two mentors were circling the sister who stood back to back.

The two mentors nodded and charged. The sisters reared up to meet them, snarling challenges. The mentors looked like they would meet them but ducked down at the last minute to swipe at the she-cats back-legs. Eaglepaw was sent sprawling but she turned as she fell and caught Duskwhisper’s shoulder. Dovepaw jumped so that Splashsun would miss, and then came down on his head.

“Alright. That’s enough.” Duskwhisper panted out. “Well done you two. You strategized well on the fly and worked well together. You played to each other’s strengths and helped balance out your weaknesses.”

“Yes. That was excellent. Let’s take a quick break and then we’ll move onto the hunting part.”

The two sisters cheered, and flopped to the forest floor, exhausted, making their mentors chuckle.
Once they were rested, the mentors made the she-cats hunt as much as they could before the mentors called time. When the time was called each of the sister had a small pile of prey at their feet.

“Well done. You’ve caught dinner for the entire clan.” Duskwhisper nodded.

Splashsun nodded. “I think they want to know if they passed.” He noted, gesturing to the two she-cats who were eagerly watching their mentors with hopeful eyes.

Duskwhisper sighed. “Well… given your performance… you pass!” He declared. Eaglepaw cheered and tackled Dovepaw. The two sisters tussled playfully, purring.

“Congratulations you two. Tomorrow you’ll become warriors.” Splashsun said purring.

Eaglepaw gave one last cheer. “Yes! We did it!”

“Finally.” Dovepaw agreed, smiling.

The group then made their way back to camp, oblivious to the narrowed eyes watching them from downwind.
“How dare they?!”

Elsewhere ~

“How can they be so happy?!”

“Because they are glad to be rid of you.”

“No… I must have misunderstood what I was seeing….”

“Misunderstood what? Their happiness? Their joy? Their lack of sorrow?”

“Maybe they healed, moved forward?”

“That fast?”

“I don’t know.”

“Listen to yourself. You know the truth. Stop denying the facts!”

The younger cat took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing as ice filled his veins, and rage filled his heart. “You are right. They abandoned me! No. they planned it! They don’t miss me at all!” The young tom snarled, his tail flicking back and forth furiously.

“I’m sorry you had to find out this way. But now will you join me in my quest?”

“Yes. We’ll destroy them.”

“Good. But first, you’ll need a name.”

“Call me Wraith.”

Back with AuroraClan ~

“It’s today!” Eaglepaw cheered, bouncing out of the apprentice den.

“I know! I almost can’t believe it!” Dovepaw agreed.

“I just wish Crowpaw could be here too.” Eaglepaw said, glancing at the nest where he used to sleep.

Dovepaw playfully shoved her sister’s shoulder. “I know. I bet he’s watching us right now and cheering for us.”

“Yah. You’re right. Let’s go! For Crowpaw.” Eaglepaw cried.

“For Crowpaw.” Dovepaw agreed.

The two apprentices left their den and headed over to the fresh-kill pile to get some breakfast. They had a patrol go on, but when they got back, their apprentice ceremony would be held.

The two eagerly joined their mentors at the entrance to camp.

“Ready for you last day as apprentices?” Splashsun asked, smiling widely.

“Born ready.” Eaglepaw responded and Dovepaw nodded.

“Well, let’s go then.” Duskwhisper responded.

After the patrol, the apprentices basically sped into camp. It was nearly time for their ceremony and thy were basically vibrating with energy, much to the amusement to the clan.

“Are you two ready?” Frostbreeze teased.

“We were born ready!” Dovepaw called, and their uncle rolled his eyes.

“Are you sure? Because I distinctly remember you having two left feet as a kit.”

Dovepaw stuck her tongue out and Eaglepaw chuckled.

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting.” Ravenstar called out, and the clan swiftly heeded her call.

When the entire clan had gathered Ravenstar continued. “I, Ravenstar, leader of AuroraClan, call upon the ancestors to look down on these two apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn.” She spoke, looking at the starlit sky.

She then looked down at her daughters. “Eaglepaw, Dovepaw, step forward.” The tow she-cats took deep breaths and did as told.
“Eaglepaw, Dovepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of you lives?” She spoke solemnly.

“I do.” Eaglepaw spoke her voice serious and respectful.

“I do.” Dovepaw responded, nodding.

Ravenstar nodded, accepting their words. “Then by the power of the ancestors I give you your warrior names. Eaglepaw, from this day forward you will be known as Eaglefire. The ancestors honor your courage and loyalty and we welcome you as a full warrior of AuroraClan. Dovepaw, from this day forward you will be known as Dovelight. The ancestors honor your compassion and intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of AuroraClan.” She finished and jumped down from the ledge. She rested her muzzle on her daughter’s heads, receiving a lick on the shoulder from each of them.

“Eaglefire! Dovelight!” The clan cheered.

“I’m so proud of you both.” Ravenstar stated, purring at her daughters. Hawkstrike came over and nuzzled them both.

“You’ve done so well.” He purred deeply.

Splashsun and Duskwhisper came over nudged their former apprentices.

“Congratulations you two!” Splashsun cheered, walking in circles around the new warriors and chittering excitedly.

“You’ve earned it.” Duskwhisper claimed, nodding at the two, pride shining in his eyes.

The two new warriors purred and walked over to the entrance of camp for their vigil. They had a few moments to speak before their silence was to begin.

“As much as I’m ecstatic to be a warrior it still doesn’t feel right. Crowpaw should be here with us.” Dovelight said, her ears folded back.

Eaglefire sighed. “I know. He would have made an excellent warrior. He deserved it too. What do you think his name would have been?”

“Maybe something like Crowsun, or Crowbright, or I don’t know, something that symbolized the hope he always carried and how he was so intelligent and bright.” Eaglefire mused.

“I think Crowdawn would have been a good name.” Dovelight whispered, looking at the fading sun. “For the new beginning of each day and the warmth that it brings.

“Crowdawn... That would have been perfect.” Eaglefire agreed, smiling softly.

The two warriors sat in silence as they stood vigil, each overcome with thoughts of the their brother who should have sat beside them that night.

That night Ravenstar dreamed of a voice in the darkness taunting her.

“Your clan will not survive the next winter. Wraith brings death to those who betray.” The gravely voice sneered, and Ravenstar could just make out the image of a cat in the shadows, their amber eyes blazing like blood.

“We will not fall to you.” She promised, taking a step forward.

The cat chuckled manically.” Oh! But I’m not Wraith little leader. We’ll see what you think of your strength when he comes for you!”

Ravenstar blinked an suddenly she was in her den. Her eyes narrowed and she went to Echomist. The medicine cat met her half-way, looking flustered.

“Ravenstar! I need to speak with you.” Echomist stated and Ravenstar nodded.

“Did you dream about a shadowy cat that mentioned a being named Wraith?” The leader demanded.

Echomist startled but nodded. “So, you’ve seen it too. One of us should go to the ancestors for answers.”

Ravenstar nodded. “I wish we could both go, but if a threat is coming... we can’t spare more than one cat. I’ll go. Hawkstrike can take charge while I’m gone. If a fight occurs, we need you here to heal any injuries.”

Echomist sighed. “You’re right. You best get going. I’ll explain everything to Hawkstrike.” The medicine cat said nodding.

Ravenstar gave a thankful nod and began to head to the entrance of camp. Dovelight and Eaglefire looked up as their mother approached.

“You two are released from your vigil, go get some rest.” Ravenstar ordered, giving them a nuzzle.

The two sisters could tell something was off. “What’s wrong mom? You look stressed.” Dovelight asked worriedly.

“Just a dream. I need to leave to speak with the ancestors. Stick together while I’m gone, ok?”

“We will.” Eaglefire promised, and Dovelight nodded.

They watched their mother leave with concerned expressions.
“I hope it’s nothing serious.” Dovelight whispered.

“It must be serious for mom to rush out of camp like that. I just hope she finds the answers she needs.” Eaglefire responded.
The two warriors headed to their new den to sleep.

Meanwhile Ravenstar made her way to the crystal cavern. She arrived just as the moon was reaching its peak. Rushing inside, Ravenstar quickly settled down and touched her nose to the central crystal and closed her eyes.

Instantly she felt the change in environment. The stone beneath her turned to the softest of grass, and her nose filled with the scent of starlight and clean air. She took a deep breath before opening her eyes.

Stoneheart stood before her, his eyes sad and almost wary.
“What is happening Stoneheart?” Ravenstar asked with concern.

The tom sighed and gestured for her to walk with him. Ravenstar stood up and followed him. The two cats walked along a winding path before coming to a clearing overlooking a river. Stoneheart stopped here and sat down. Ravenstar sat beside him waited for the ancestor to explain.

“There appears to be dark ancestors against the formation of AuroraClan and the revival of the territory as belonging to a warrior clan. We were aware of them before we even recruited you but we underestimated their rage. We thought they would remain to their darkness, grumbling from time to time, but harmless. But it appears they have found an agent to do their bidding.”

“Wraith?” Ravenstar guessed.

Stoneheart shook his head. “No. Someone else. The cat that recruited Wraith. I don’t think the dark cats have even contacted Wraith, but their agent has recruited him into their mission.” Stoneheart explained.

“So. what do we do?” Ravenstar asked. “Just what are Wraith and this agent planning?”

“Even I do not know just what they plan to do. It may be a full-out war or some other kind of confrontation. Regardless you must prepare. Gather resources, train your clan, and guard your borders closely. The ancestors will try to warn you of anything we discover.”

Ravenstar nodded and was about to leave. “Stoneheart… I’m not sure if I’m allowed to ask… but I must…. How is Crowpaw?”

Stoneheart froze and sighed. “I cannot answer that.” He stated simply, his eyes filled with an apology and something else that Ravenstar couldn’t place, but it made her uneasy.

“I understand, but if you see him, tell him I love him?” She requested, trying to hide her heartbreak at the denial. She got a small nod from the ancestor, and Ravenstar smiled thankfully.

“Farewell Stoneheart.”

“Good luck Ravenstar.”

Ravenstar opened her eyes to see the crystal cavern. She sighed. There was much to do. She quickly made her way back to camp where Hawkstrike and Echomist were waiting for her.

“We need to speak. As an entire clan.” She declared and made her way to the high ledge. Hawkstrike blocked her.

“Eat something first.” He requested. Ravenstar nodded, knowing he was right. She quickly ate a bird and then jumped up to the high ledge.

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting.” Ravenstar called.

Dovelight and Eaglefire quickly gathered along with the rest of the clan. “This must be about this morning.” Eaglefire noted, getting a nod from her sister.

“I hope Ravenstar got some answers. Echomist was anxious all day.” Duskwhisper stated, watching the medicine cat with worried eyes. Frostbreeze sighed but he looked worried as well.

“I’m sure everything will be ok.” Splashsun said, and Silentsmoke pushed his shoulder lightly in support. Velvetpaw nodded as well.

The entire clan looked up as Ravenstar continued. “I’m sure you’ve all heard by now, but in case you were preoccupied this morning, I left early due to a disturbing dream that both Echomist and I had. The dream was about a dark cat threatening the revenge of Wraith. I went to the ancestors for answers and this is what they have said. There are dark ancestors that seek to destroy us. For any matter of reason, they don’t want a clan to hold this territory. They have managed to sway an agent of sorts to their side. And this agent is recruiting cats against us. One specific cat that was named is called Wraith. And this Wraith apparently has a personal grudge against our clan and seeks revenge. Now everyone think back, is there any cat you can think of that would fit this description? Is there a cat that you know who may feel betrayed by you being a part of AuroraClan? If so, please speak out so that we may prepare.” Ravenstar requested.

The entire clan was shocked into silence. They looked back and forth at each other, but no one seemed to know anyone.
“Everyone that could fit that description is dead.” Duskwhisper stated, and Hawkstrike nodded.

“I can’t think of anyone.” Lightheart spoke.

“I can not as well.” Ravenstar agreed.

The clan seemed stumped as to what to make of this.
“Who could seek revenge for something that we can’t remember?” Frostbreeze questioned.

“Wait... What about just cats we’ve had scuffled with and won?” Velvetpaw spoke out. “Maybe it’s a matter of wounded pride?”

“That may be it but that could be anyone! How can we pin it down to one cat?” Splashsun cried, chittering nervously.

“Than we prepare for anyone and anything. We must remain extra vigilant on patrols and continue to train. Every cat must participate in training or other preparations of some sorts each day. We must keep on our toes. I want extra border patrols, patrols to gather herbs, and extra hunting patrols. We need to be ready. But each cat must rest. We need to be at full strength. Take breaks and if you can’t sleep get something from Echomist to help. Is that clear?” Ravenstar declared, getting a vigorous nod from each of the cats present.

“Very well. Meeting dismissed.” Ravenstar declared and jumped down to begin preparations. Hawkstrike and Frostbreeze met with her instantly. Echomist grabbed Splashsun, Dovelight, and Silentsmoke. She sent them out with Velvetpaw to get herbs and moss while she began preparing emergency ointments and treatments. Eaglefire, Duskwhisper, and Lightheart went out to hunt as much food as they could. The excess they caught was stored in holes they dug out of frozen earth. The year-long light layer of snow acting as a preserving hold.

That night the clan rested, and in the morning training began. The cats rotated from preparing, normal duties, resting, and standing guard. This kept each cat at their best but ensured that he clan would be ready for anything.
And three moons after preparations began, just as winter first began to set in, the first signs of the enemy appeared. Eaglefire, Duskwhisper, and Hawkstrike were on patrol when Duskwhisper froze.

“Do you smell that?” He whispered. “And the forest is too silent.” He added, his ears swiveling.

Hawkstrike scented the air. “Cats, at least three of them. Strangers. And too close to our territory.” He whispered back. The trio made their way to the nearest border and crouched low, hiding in the shelter of some stone. They kept their eyes on the trees on the edge of their territory. Soon there was rustling, and a red tom appeared. He sniffed the boundary with an expression of disgust, before deliberately crossing into AuroraClan territory.

“They’re not here right now, come out.” He spoke, and the trees behind him rustled. Out came a grey she-cat and a white tom.

“Good. I hate those goodie clan cats. I can’t wait to watch Wraith destroy them.” The she-cat sneered.

The white tom was about to respond when Hawkstrike gave a signal with this tail. The three warriors jumped into action.
Eaglefire tackled the she-cat and sent her sprawling across the boundary and out of the clan’s territory. The two toms with her snarled and were about to attack Eaglefire but the two other warriors kept them busy. Hawkstrike jumped onto the back of the red tom while Duskwhisper shoved the white tom.

The two groups tussled for a few moments before the red tom backed off. “Enough!” He snarled.
His two companions rushed to his side, while the warriors stood at each other’s flanks, blocking the intruders form entering the territory again.

“Who are you and why are attempting to invade AuroraClan’s territory?” Hawkstrike questioned, his teeth bared.

“Like we’d tell you!” The white tom sneered.

Eaglefire snarled and took a step forward but stopped when Duskwhisper sent her a sharp look. She settled for growling at the intruders.

“I’m guessing you work for Wraith.” Duskwhisper stated.

The she-cat and white tom startled, but the red tom looked unfazed. “It’s impolite to eavesdrop.” He noted, making Hawkstrike bark out a laugh.

“Then don’t speak so loudly as you try to invade.” Eaglefire smirked, making the she-cat snarl.

“We’ll be back.” The red tom warned.

“Good. Then I can beat you up again.” Duskwhisper cheered, gesturing to a large slash he had given the tom. The red tom snarled in response and stalked off.

The clan cats waited until the rogues were long gone before moving on.
“Why didn’t we tell them we already knew about Wraith? We could have taunted them for more information on him.” Eaglefire questioned her father.

Hawkstrike nodded. “We could have, but we would have lost the element of surprise. They would have realized that our ancestors had warned us about him.”

“But Duskwhisper asked if they worked for Wraith. Didn’t that give it away anyway?”

“No. I played it off as just letting them know that I had heard their conversation. This way they don’t know that were already preparing for an attack.” Duskwhisper explained and Hawkstrike nodded.

Eaglefire blinked. “Oh. That makes sense. So, now what do we do? They're growing bold.”

“That they are. Now we double our preparations and brace for their attack.” Hawkstrike stated.

That night Hawkstrike and Ravenstar stayed up late planning.
“So we’ve rearranged the patrol schedule, but now that the threat seems closer and all the more bolder, should we add more rest days?” Ravenstar questioned.

Hawkstrike seemed deep in thought. “That would be a good idea, but to keep up the patrol schedule we would need to cut back on hunting parties.”

“We can double up. Border patrols can try to hunt on their way back. Between that, the stored food we have, and a couple of hunting parties we should be fine.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Hawkstrike agreed. “Are we fully stocked on herbs?”

“Yes. Echomist told me that she and Velvetpaw and finished all the preparations they could this morning.”
“Excellent. Than we’re as ready as we’ll ever be.”

Ravenstar nodded, but her eyes remained sad. Hawkstrike’s eyes narrowed in concern.

“Was there something else?” He questioned, sitting beside his leader and best friend.

Ravenstar sighed and leaned into the tom. “We’ve already lost one kit. I’m terrified for Eaglefire, Dovelight, and the entire clan. And I can’t even begin to fathom losing Frostbreeze or you.” She whispered.

Hawkstrike flinched. “I don’t even want to imagine losing our daughters. Losing Crowpaw nearly broke me.” He shivered. “And losing you… Ravenstar… I don’t think I’d survive.”

Ravenstar nodded. “Me neither, if I lost you.”

Hawkstrike took a deep breath. “When you asked me to father your kits, you asked me as your best friend, but now… Ravenstar... I love you.” He confessed. “ I loved you since the beginning.”

Ravenstar gasped and purred. “I love you too. I can’t believe it took you fathering my kits for me to realize it, but I love you. I should have told you sooner.” She whispered.

Hawkstrike froze and began to purr loudly. “It’s fine. So, are we mates?” He asked a bit unsurely. It seemed Ravenstar was the only thing that made the tom unsure these days.

Ravenstar nodded. “Yes. And ancestors protect any cat that tries to take you from me.” She stated, barring her teeth playfully.

Hawkstrike laughed. “I don’t think even the ancestors will be enough.”

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Re: RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:45 pm

Chapter 17


“Are you ready?”

“Yes. When do we strike?”

The tom chuckles. “Soon Wraith, soon. I’m just waiting for the right moment.”

“It better be soon.”

“It will be.”

Back with AuroraClan~

Echomist sighed as she paced in her den.

“Should I get Duskwhisper?” Velvetpaw asked, watching her mentor warily. “I’m sure he’ll respond happily to the news.”

“He will, it’s just that the timing is terrible. We have a potential war on our hands. Now is not the time for me to be losing energy and lazing about.”

“Is it ever the right time though?” Velvetpaw argued.

Echomist paused in her pacing. “I guess your right.

“You need to tell him today.”

“He’ll figure it out. He’s smart.”

“The chances of that happening are about as likely of Splashsun ever realizing that both Silentsmoke and I want to be with him.”

Echomist sighed. “Why are toms so dense!?” She cried.

Velvetpaw sighed. “Who knows?”

Echomist sighed. “Ok, I’ll tell him.”



“Now.” Velvetpaw demanded.

Echomist sighed. “Alright. Could you go get him?”

Velvetpaw nodded and headed over to the warrior’s den. She poked her head in.

“Duskwhisper, go see your mate.” She demanded before promptly stepping over the tom and curling up with Silentsmoke and Splashsun.

“I swear, you’re in here as much as many nights as you’re in the medicine cat den.” Frostbreeze teased as the movement jostled him awake.

“Well, they’re not in the medicine cat at night.” Velvetpaw stated, gesturing to her sleeping companions.

The tom shrugged. “Fair enough.”

Duskwhisper stretched as he awoke to Velvetpaw’s call and the talking.
“Echomist wants to see me?” He clarified, getting a nod from the medicine cat apprentice.

Duskwhisper slowly made his way out to of the warrior’s den, taking care not to step on any paws or tails. When he got out he stretched and grabbed a couple of mice. He then made his way over to the medicine cat den and squeezed inside, putting the mice on the floor.

“Good morning Echomist, I brought breakfast. Velvetpaw said you wanted to see me?” He asked. His smile turned into a concerned frown as he took in the sight of his mate. Echomist was still pacing and she was visibly anxious.
“What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly. “Did something happen?”

Echomist sighed heavily, sitting down. Duskwhisper was instantly at her side, sitting beside her. They sat in silence for a few moments as Echomist found the courage to speak.

“I’m expecting kits.” She confessed.

Duskwhisper inhaled sharply. “Really?”

Echomist nodded.
“That’s amazing!” The tom cheered happily. “But are you ok, are the kits ok, why are you so worried?” He rambled.

Echomist chuckled. “Because we’re about to go to war.” She stated, sighing sadly.

Duskwhisper growled. “No one will hurt you or our kits. I won’t let them.” He swore.

Echomist smiled. “I know. Any cat that tries, must get through me first. There might not be anything left of them for you to deal with.” She teased, before sighing. “It’s just that the timing isn’t great.”

Duskwhisper nodded. “I’ll admit that it’s not the best, but we’ll get through it.” Duskwhisper then froze. “You are allowed to have kits, right? We’re not angering the ancestors?”

Echomist chuckled. “We’re fine. When I was given permission to take you as my mate, they told me that kits were fine too, since they’d be yours.”

Duskwhisper smiled. “That’s good. At least we don’t have to worry about angry starry cats.”

Echomist chuckled. “Nope.”

“Come on. Let’s eat and then you can tell me all I need to know about helping you out until the kits are born. Like what’s safe to eat, what herbs to gather, etc.” Duskwhisper said, his voice betraying his obvious joy.

Echomist purred and playfully headbutted his shoulder. “Alright. Slow down. Let’s eat first.”

After eating, Echomist and Duskwhisper curled up just outside the medicine cat den and began to discuss their next steps and potential names for their kits.

“I love the name Talonkit. I had an old friend who was named Talon. He saved my live more times than I can count.” Duskwhisper stated.

Echomist nodded. “Was he from your old group?” She asked gently. It was rare for the tom to speak about his time before the clan. Although he had told Echomist the gist of it. He had lived in a city that had many warring groups of cats fighting for territory and food. Duskwhisper had been the second in command in his group, but his group had been destroyed by a rival, and Duskwhisper had just barely survived. It was when he was fleeing that he had stumbled into AuroraClan’s territory.

“Yes. He was like a brother to me.” Duskwhisper stated, his eyes turning misty. “He was an excellent leader.”

Echomist nodded. “Then we’ll have a Talonkit in his honor.”

Duskwhisper smiled softly. “But are they any names you’d like our kits to have?”

Echomist tilted her head as she thought for a minute. “I think Sunkit or Mistkit would be a nice name.”

Duskwhisper purred. “I like those names.” He stood up and stretched. “Come on. Let’s inform Ravenstar of the news. I’m sure she’ll agree with me on keeping you out of the fighting.”

Echomist sighed. “It I’m less than a moon along I plan to fight.”

Duskwhisper frowned. “But, do you really have to?”

Echomist nodded. “I don’t need a guard. I can fight and heal as I go.”

Duskwhisper folded his ears back and tried to look as pitiful as possible. “Even for me?”

Echomist laughed and headbutted him. “We’ll see.”

Duskwhisper smiled at the partial victory. The pair walked over to Ravenstar who was sitting with Frostbreeze an Lightheart under the high ledge.

“Ravenstar, can I talk with you for a second?” Echomist asked, nodding towards the leader’s den just above them.
Ravenstar nodded and said goodbye to the two warriors. She led the way up to the den, Echomist and Duskwhisper following. When they had settled in her den, the leader turned to the medicine cat.

“Did you have a vision? Or is something else wrong?” Ravenstar asked worriedly.

Echomist shook her head smiling. “No. It’s good news, I just don’t want the rest of the clan to know just yet.” She reassured.

Ravenstar sighed with relief. “So, what’s the good news? Ancestors know we could use some right now.”

Echomist and Duskwhisper glanced at each other and shared a small smile. Ravenstar caught the look and her eyes widened, a large smile overtaking her face.

“Wait… are you expecting kits?” She asked excitedly.

Echomist chuckled and nodded “We are.”

Ravenstar let out an excited cheer. “Oh, that’s wonderful! Congratulations you two!”

Echomist purred and Duskwhisper smiled.
“It may not be the best timing but we’re very excited.” The tom stated.

Ravenstar nodded. “I understand, and Echomist, you are forbidden to fight in the upcoming war. You are to stick to healing and self-defense.”

Echomist was about to complain but Ravenstar shook her head. “We need you to be safe, as our healer, and as a mother. We’re going to need kits when the war is over.” Ravenstar said, her voice grim.

Echomist sighed and nodded. “You’re right. We’ll need to have new apprentices to replenish our strength.”

Ravenstar nodded grimly but smiled. “So, please, stay safe.”

Echomist looked at her mate and leader, both were watching her with desperate eyes. She finally sighed and shook her head. “Alright. I’ll stay out of the fighting.”

Duskwhisper sighed with relief, and Echomist rounded on him. “But this means you can’t be distracted and worried about me, ok? I can’t raise these kits alone.”

The tom froze and nodded vigorously. “I’ll survive.”

Ravenstar smiled at the two. “I know you don’t intend to tell the clan just yet, but you may want to sooner than later. It would be good for the clan to be aware of your condition before the war.”

Echomist nodded. “I’ll tell them in a few days.”

Once Echomist and Duskwhisper made the announcement, the clan congratulated them enthusiastically and much to Echomist’s annoyance, the entire clan became fiercely protective, and never let the medicine cat go anywhere alone. Lightheart was especially wary of Echomist being pregnant when there was a war brewing. The idea of losing not only her friend, but her unborn kits kept the warrior close by at all times.
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Re: RISE NaNoWriMo Descendents of Aurora

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:52 pm

Chapter 18

Over the next moon there were a few more skirmishes with the rogue group at the borders. The various cats gave AuroraClan a decent estimate of the enemies’ size, and unfortunately, they enemy appeared to have the advantage of numbers.

Hawkstrike, Dovelight, and Lightheart were patrolling when they noticed something disturbing.
“Do you smell that?” Dovelight asked, confused.

Lightheart smelled the air and froze. “I smell the rogues. They crossed the border, but it smells like they’ve already left.”

Dovelight shook her head. “Not just that, I smell decaying meat. I know we sometimes smell the kills of the lynxes and wolves, but something seems off.”

Hawkstrike and Lightheart froze and began to carefully scent the air.
“You're right, I don’t smell any predators.” Lightheart said, her voice betraying her confusion.

Hawkstrike’s eyes narrowed and he began to stalk forward carefully. The other two warriors followed behind with as much caution. The trio followed the scent until they came to a disturbing scene. There were piles of prey everywhere. Each in varying states of decay.

“What on earth? Why did the rogues do this?” Dovelight asked in confusion.

Hawkstrike startled as he put the pieces together. “They’re trying to lure predators in. To weaken us.”

Lightheart snarled. “Those mangey rogues. We need to get rid off all of this. We can’t have lynxes, wolves, and bears stomping around our territory. They’ll find our camp!”

“I think that’s what the rogues want.” Hawkstrike clarified.

The other two warriors snarled.
“Dovelight, go to camp and tell Ravenstar. And grab a few other cats to come help us clean this up.”

Ravenstar was furious with what the rogues had done. Not only was it a waste of prey, it was a waste of life to hunt without using the food.

The clan quickly took care of the rogue’s mess, burying the prey and kicking leaves over the area where they had been put to try and cover the scent up. It seemed like they had successful thwarted the rogue’s scheme, but the clan was not as lucky as they had hoped.

Within a few days a group of wolves had moved into the territory from higher up the morning. The clan was used to dealing with the occasional group passing through or the occasional lone wolf taking residence. But this group seemed intent on staying, which set the clan on edge.

The clan avoided that section of their territory in the hopes that the wolves would move on. Thankfully after a few days the wolves seemed to realize there was less prey than they had expected and moved on. But the few days of anxiously waiting had taken its toll on the clan. Not a single cat had slept well, and the exhaustion was making their paws drag. Hawkstrike feared that this had been a part of the rogue’s clan and sought out Ravenstar.

“Ravenstar, we need to get the clan back on track.” He stated as he entered the den.

The she-cat nodded from where she sat in her nest. “I know. We need everyone to rest to bring morale back up. But at the same time, we can’t leave the borders undefended. The rogues have been seen more and more often. And they’re growing bolder. I fear they plan to attack soon."

Hawkstrike nodded. “I fear that as well. What should we do?”

Ravenstar sighed. “Let’s create a new rotation. No more training or gathering. Just rest, hunting, and patrolling. And we can cut down on hunting since we have food stored. And we have plenty of herbs and medicinal plants stored.”

“That sounds like a good use of time. I’ll distribute the work immediately.” The tom paused at the entrance. “And Ravenstar, you need to rest as well.”

The she-cat chuckled. “I will.”

Hawkstrike rolled his eyes and headed out to inform the warriors of the new schedule.

The clan managed to regain their morale and energy just in time. It was a few sunrises later that Lightheart, Eaglefire, and Silentsmoke raced into camp as they returned from their late-night patrol. Dawn was still some time away.

“They’re here! Everyone, get up!” Lightheart called and the clan burst into action. Echomist instantly began pulling herbs from her shelves and placing them within easy reach in her den. Velvetpaw helped her mentor and ran to distribute food to each of the warriors to help wake them up.

Ravenstar walked around camp, giving encouraging words and making sure everyone was as ready as they could be. Hawkstrike began relaying her last orders and the warriors assembled.

They formed a barricade near the entrance. The narrow entrance would ensure that the enemy had to enter single-file. The walls of the camp had already been blocked from climbing with sharp stones and other materials.
Velvetpaw and Echomist barricaded themselves near the medicine cat’s den. Splashsun stood nearby in case they needed help.
The heavy hitters of the clan, Hawkstrike, Duskwhisper, Lightheart, and Eaglefire stayed in front with Ravenstar. The more swift cats Frostbreeze, Silentsmoke, and Dovelight remained on the fringes to come in from the sides. The entire clan was anxious as the sound of running paws reached their ears. The rogues were nearly upon them. The birds startled, sending their cries spiraling through the air. A cloud of migrating birds rose from the ground just outside of camp and fled the oncoming group. For a moment all was silent, and then the first rogue burst into camp with a snarl.

Instantly the clan reacted, Eaglefire sent the intruder sprawling with a hearty shove. But more cats were entering, and the camp was erupting in chaos. The rogue group was large, far larger than AuroraClan. But what they made up for in quantity, they lacked in quality. Many of the rogues were barely trained, most likely recent recruits. And they stood no chance against a fully trained warrior. Waves after waves of these inadequate fighters rushed into camp. It became clear that not a single one was of high rank. The rogues were trying to tire the warriors out with the weakest members of their ranks. They were basically sacrificing cats for the sake of strategy, a fact that became apparent to the entire clan.

“Why don’t you just flee?!” Eaglefire asked one cat who was obviously terrified to fight.

The grey tabby shrunk back but snarled. “I have to fight! I owe Maverick, and if I don’t pay my debt by fighting then Wraith will come after me!” The terrified tom screamed.

Eaglefire scoffed in disgust. “Just who is Maverick?” She questioned as she pinned the cat down.

“The second in command!” The cat cried.

“What are you doing Alex?! Don’t give them information!” A black tom called from across the camp.

Eaglefire looked at the terrified tom beneath her and sighed. “Just play dead when I smack you, ok?”

The tom looked at her wide-eyed but nodded. Eaglefire raised her paw and the tom flinched. She made a show of hitting him on the head and he went limp. For a second she actually feared that she had hurt him, but the tom gave her a quick wink before laying still.

Eaglefire shook her head and jumped back into the fray. The constant fighting was beginning to wear everyone down, and the flow of invaders began to slow. It had seemed that the last of the rogues had entered the camp. But then a malevolent chuckle was heard and a large red tom pushed his way in. The invaders froze where they were, instantly putting the clan on edge.

“Well. I’m surprised you cats have lasted this long. Maybe you’re not such wastes of space.” He scoffed at his soldiers.

Ravenstar snarled and stepped forward, limping slightly form a gash on her leg. “Who are you?”

The tom chuckled. “Me? Oh, I’m Maverick.” He grinned widely in an unnerving manner. “The dark ancestors tasked me with destroying your clan. It was surprisingly easy to amass an army to do their bidding. It seems like lots of cats in they city were desperate for food, so now debt is being collected.”

Ravenstar scoffed in disgust. “You’re a monster.”

The tom laughed. “Me? Oh no. You are the monsters. The ones who’d abandon a young cat to his death. I had to pick up the pieces and reforge him. And now Wraith, the time has come for your revenge. Kill Ravenstar and let us end AuroraClan.” The tom spoke to a shadow behind him.

“Finally.” A familiar voice spoke and out walked a black long haired tom. His green eyes glinted ominously, and his body was covered in scars.

Dovelight gasped, taking a step back as he came into view. “Crowpaw…? She whispered. The rest of the clan froze in shock as their long-lost member appeared.

“Crowpaw, what are you doing? Where have you been?” Ravenstar whispered.

The tom snarled. “My name is Wraith. Crowpaw is dead. And where have I been? Where have I been?! You left me to die! If Maverick hadn’t found me, I would have died. Don’t act like the concerned parent now.”

Ravenstar took a step back in shock. “What are you talking about? We looked for you! We grieved for you! We thought you had died!”

Crowpaw shook his head. “Don’t lie to me mother.”

“Crowpaw!” Hawkstrike called, his voice cracking slightly and his eyes wide.

Crowpaw snarled. “My name is Wraith. Do not call me by that hideous name! That is the name of a weak kit who was blind to what was right in front of him.”

Ravenstar let out a strangled sound. “My son, Cro... Wraith. Please. Listen to me.”

“NO!” The tom screamed and lunged for his mother, making Maverick laugh. Hawkstrike snarled and tackled the red tom, his teeth bared.

The commotion triggered the fighting to continue as the warriors rushed to help, the rogue cats leapt on them to prevent them form interfering.

“Move!” Lightheart snarled at a cinnamon tabby who blocked her path. The she-cat sneered and leapt at the warrior. The two went tumbling across the camp, knocking over other fighting cats.

Echomist snarled from her spot at the medicine cat den. Velvetpaw was beside her.
“Well, well, well. They left a pregnant she-cat without any guards?” A blue tom sneered, stalking forward.

Splashsun bowled the other tom over with a snarl. “Get lost!”

The blue tom got up with a snarl and eyed Splashsun. “Or not. But really. I was tasked with removing the medicine cats. So, either step back or die.”

Splashsun took a step forward alongside Velvetpaw. The blue tom sneered. “Die it is.” He then lunged for Splashsun as Velvetpaw leapt forward. The warrior and medicine cat apprentice fought with the rogue until he jumped back, a gash on his shoulder. He looked at the injury and rounded on Velvetpaw with a snarl.

“Why you little punk.” He growled before looking to the side. “Dagger, come here! Help me deal with this trash!” He called. A dark grey tom bounded over after throwing Frostbreeze off his back.

The tom smirked as she came over. “Oh really Tanner, you can’t handle these weaklings?”

The blue tom snarled. He gave his companion a dirty look before leaping at Splashsun. Dagger then leapt at Echomist but was blocked by Velvetpaw who leapt onto his back with a growl.

The larger tom managed to push Velvetpaw and with a snarl he tackled Echomist who went down hard with a screech as his claws dug into her fur. Duskwhisper’s head shot up at the cry, and he knocked his current opponent away before racing over to his mate. He snarled and threw her assailant off. Frostbreeze followed behind him, and together with Velvetpaw and Splashpaw, they managed to knock out Dagger and Tanner. Once the immediate threat was over, Velvetpaw began to check on Echomist, thankfully she seemed mostly unharmed apart form a few scratches. But the state of her kits was unknown, and she had hit the ground hard, leaving room for concern. With the soon to be queen safe wither mate and apprentice, Splashsun returned to the fight, helping Silentsmoke deal with a few toms.

Frostbreeze helped Lightheart deal with a tag-team before rushing to help Ravenstar who was still locked in combat with Wraith while Hawkstrike fought with Maverick. Duskwhisper raced over to Echomist, freeing Frostbreeze to go aid his sister.
He raced over but was pushed off his feet as Maverick threw Hawkstrike off. The two toms were stunned for a moment. As they got to their feet, Maverick snarled.

“What’s taking you so long Wraith? Kill her!” He screamed.

Wraith snarled back. “I’m working in it!” Ravenstar grimaced at his words and pushed her son down, pinning him.

“Snap out of it!” She cried, and Wraith snarled at her, snapping his teeth. He managed to push her off, making her hit her head on the ground. The stunned she-cat wobbled to her feet but Wraith was already leaping at her, his teeth aiming for her throat. Frostbreeze, who was just arriving felt a stab of fear as he watched his nephew. He pushed his feet to move as fast as they could when he realized that Ravenstar wasn’t dodging fast enough. The warrior snarled and leapt in front of his sister to block the attack as there was no time to push Wrath away. He managed to save Ravenstar, but it came at a heavy price. Wraith’s fangs dug into his throat instead, and with a strangled scream, Frostbreeze fell to the ground.

Ravenstar screamed and raced over to her fallen brother. His eyes were wide open but glossy. He had already left them. The dark she-cat was frozen in grief, but Wraith was chuckling.

“Good job Wraith. Now finish off Ravenstar!” Maverick cheered.

Hawkstrike was watching in shock as well and turned on Maverick with a snarl at his words.
“How dare you?!” He snarled and leapt at the rogue once more. This time an enraged Lightheart joined him and they sent the red tom sprawling.

Ravenstar was still frozen in shock but another dark chuckle snapped her out of it. “Well that was unexpected. “Wraith sneered.

Ravenstar rounded on her son and snarled. “He was your uncle! Your mentor! Do you feel nothing!?”

Wraith shook his head, smirking. But his eyes were slightly glossy. It appeared he felt something but was in denial. Ravenstar was too overcome with rage and grief to notice her son’s sign of emotion.
The young tom stalked forward and leapt at his frozen mother. She moved to dodge but her head wound had affected her balance and she was unable to get out of the way and Wraith’s claws sunk in.

She screamed and smacked him away. The pain helped clear her head. “I don’t even recognize you anymore. What happened to my kit?” She asked, grief and rage painting her voice.

“Your kit was abandoned by his loved ones!” Wraith snarled.

Ravenstar shook her head. “We sent search parties down the river, we asked every rogue we met if they had seen you. I tried to find you! Echomist and I went to the ancestors for help, but they refused to answer us!”

“So, you blame them?” Wraith asked with a serious expression.

Ravenstar shook her head but she seemed unsure. “I’m sure they had their reasons, but the fact remains that they let me believe that my kit was dead when he needed me the most. And that is something I will never forgive. I may be a leader, but I am a mother first.” She declared.

Wraith froze and blinked, his eyes growing all the mistier and unfocused. For the first time since the battle began, his mother’s words made their way past Maverick’s conditioning and into his ears.

“You really looked for me…?” He whispered, his voice cracking.

Ravenstar let out a strangled sound and took a step forward. “Of course! You’re my son!” She cried.

Wraith blinked and let out a half-hidden whimper. “Oh ancestors… What have I done?” He cried looking at Frostbreeze’s body. His actions finally becoming clear now that his eyes had been opened. He took a step toward his former mentor and fell to the ground in shock.

“Oh ancestors… Oh... what do I do….?” He cried, unable to process or handle his reality. Ravenstar sat beside her son in concern, pressing into his side.

“Breath Crowpaw.” She said using his real name.

The tom shook his head. “Don’t call me that. I don’t deserve that name!” He cried. The fighting came to a halt around them as the last of Maverick’s rogues fled. Maverick however had managed to escape from Hawkstrike and Lightheart. He turned around to see his prodigy and snarled.

“Wraith! What are you doing!? Kill her and let’s be done with this! Don’t tell me you’re growing soft on me! Where’s your resolve?” He snarled.

Crowpaw’s eyes narrowed as rage filled him. He turned around and snarled at Maverick. “You lied to me! You used me!” He screamed. “You made me kill my uncle!”

Maverick chuckled and clucked his tongue. “You did that on your own. And of course, I used you. You were weak and malleable. It was far too easy to take advantage of your insecurities.” The tom sneered.

Crowpaw screamed and made to lunge at his former partner but Ravenstar stepped in front. “Wait. “I’ll deal with this.” She said, her eyes narrowed at the tom that took her kit from her.

Maverick chuckled. “I’d like to see you try she-cat.” He taunted. Ravenstar growled and stalked forward, her head high.

“I’ll end you.” She swore. And with a final chuckle form the red tom, the two leaped at each other. The rest of AuroraClan settled in a circle around the fighting cats. They understood that this was something that Ravenstar had to do alone. Though not a single one of them was happy about it.

The red tom and black she-cat fought fiercely, neither holding back to any degree. Their claws and fangs glinted in the starlight. Ravenstar slashed the tom across the eyes and he snarled, leaping back.

“How dare you?! I’ll kill you!” He screamed and shoved her with all his weight, sending the smaller she-cat sprawling. She quickly got to her feet, but the tom was already on her. He swiped her across the back, making her crash to the ground. Ravenstar rolled, slashing him on the stomach as she got back to her feet. The tom growled, realizing that this fight would not be easy. The red tom leaped at the she-cat but at the last second, he ducked down, and his claws dug into her soft underbelly. Ravenstar screamed and collapsed, the cries of her clan nearly undisguisable to her as the blood pounded in her ears. She was dimly aware of Hawkstrike screaming, and Maverick laughing.

“Mom!” Crowpaw cried and raced over. He watched in horror as her eyes closed. Ravenstar had lost her first life.
She awoke to Stoneheart. The tom watched her sadly as she snarled at him “Why?!” Why didn’t you tell me!?” She growled out.

Stoneheart sighed. “Now isn't the time. You must return to your clan. Come to me later, I’ll explain. I promise.” He swore.
Ravenstar growled but nodded.

While Ravenstar was with the ancestors, Hawkstrike and Crowpaw fought Maverick, each enraged by the loss of their loved one. When the red tom pushed off Crowpaw, Eaglefire and Dovelight pounced. The red tom was quickly overwhelmed but managed to force the waves of cats off of himself. He snarled as the entirety of AuroraClan circled him.

It was then that with a gasp that Ravenstar awoke. She clambered to her feet. The clan’s attention switched to their leader and they all felt relief to see her alive. Maverick smirked as he noticed his opportunity. While the clan was distracted, he lunged at Crowpaw. The red furred rogue snarled as he caught the Crowpaw unaware. Crowpaw looked up in shock as Maverick’s claws hit home.

With a scream, Crowpaw collapsed, a fatal injury on his stomach. Ravenstar screamed and raced over, Hawkstrike not a step behind. The rest of the clan growled and leapt into action. Again, they worked together to overwhelm the rogue, and with nothing to distract them, they quickly overpowered him. Within minutes the red tom was dead.

“Crowpaw…?” Ravenstar questioned, her voice breaking.

“Son...?” Hawkstrike called.

Crowpaw coughed and looked up at his parents with watering eyes. Dovelight and Eaglefire raced over to their brother’s side.
“I’m sorry…. I’m so…so sorry.” Crowpaw wheezed and his family shook their heads.

“Don’t be. We forgive you.” Dovelight choked out, and Crowpaw closed his eyes with relief when the rest of his family nodded at her words.

“We love you brother.” Eaglefire reassured. The rest of the clan came over and gave their reassurances to the dying tom.

“We love you Crowpaw. Don’t worry.” Lightheart reassured, touching his forehead with her nose.

“We forgive you.” Duskwhisper swore, his eyes sad.

Crowpaw smiled. “I love all of you.” He whispered and passed into the realm of the ancestors. Ravenstar felt her heart shatter once more and she screamed her grief to the heavens. The entire clan joined in, and their haunting cries sent fear into the hearts of all the creatures that heard the noise. It sounded like the wail of angry spirits on the wind, and endless echo of pain and grief
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