~Journey Home~(Kalon #1418)

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~Journey Home~(Kalon #1418)

Postby ICarinae » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:32 am





Username: NotaBear
Gender: He/him
Era: Pleistocene (Ice Age)



Cato is strongwilled and tough. He has been through a lot,
and he is stoic because of it. He is very aware of his surroundings, and keeps a close eye on Kals he cares about. He is protective of his tribe, especially his mother. He is lenient about what he believes, trusting the opinions of the more experienced. He gets frustrated when he can't do simple tasks because his dark fur stands out in the snow. He hates his fur, but he hates it more when his tribespeople insult him for it. But despite the flak he gets, he still deeply cares about his tribe and his home.

Family Background

Cato's tribe moved south long ago when "the freeze" was at its worse. Cato's mother was born during the migration, and didn't stop running until she was in her teens. Finally the tribe arrived in a warm place, but at the cost of many tribespeople. They were forced to settle near a native community, and it was quickly forbidden to go near them. Cato's mother didn't listen and fell in love with a Kal from the opposing pride. She became pregnant, and gave birth to Cato. In accordance with tribe customs, he stayed with his mother and lived with the tribe, and was shunned for his lineage. Cato has never met his father, but he inherited his dark red fur as a reminder of what he is.

Last edited by ICarinae on Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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like an ancient bygone

Euclid -Sleep Token


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Re: ~Journey Home~(Kalon #1418)

Postby ICarinae » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:33 am

Journey Home

Cato walked through the tribe's camp. He hurried, weaving around Kals and stepping in puddles. Puddles, not ice.
Yet another sign of coming warmth. He raced to is den carved out of the quickly melting packed snow. He flung open the pelt that covered the entrance and stepped inside.

Cato's den was rather small, a carved out oval no bigger than his bed. A low ceiling made sure that it wouldn't collapse,
until now. the large pile of cloth and pelts that was his bed was in danger of becoming soaked from the melting snow.
But he had to leave that all behind.

" Did you get it?" His mother, Ambrosine, poked her head in. " I'm looking" Cato answered, digging through his pelts. " You better find it quick, some are already leaving. I don't want to be left behind," Cato tended to tune her out when she started nagging like this. He reached under some covers and pulled out a leather necklace with a nearly perfectly smooth oval of jade. "Found it," he said while slipping the trinket over his head, and shifting his long braids over it.

"Good" his mother beckoned him, " now come!" They took only prized positions with them as they marched to the edge of the camp where many others were gathering. The snow crunched under paw as Kals walked through the entrance to the camp. The Kenova Tribe was on their way north.

So if your wings
won't find you heaven/
I will bring it down
like an ancient bygone

Euclid -Sleep Token


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Re: ~Journey Home~(Kalon #1418)

Postby ICarinae » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:35 am

Chapter 1: 117

They were about a hundred strong at the time, taking advantage of the plentiful food and warmth. Moving was a big ordeal, most wanted to stay, those who have never seen their home. But the elders and the leader decided that they were traveling back. Many wern't happy with this, but the tribe must stay together to survive. And now, no matter their feelings, they were on their way.

It was slow going so far. A little less than half of the tribe were children, and tended to wander and play. Cato was walking near the back of the group, and found entertainment in the mothers have to practically drag their children. There was one mother of three who's kids decided they were bored of this trip , and proceeded to climb up and down their mother' long, white fur. The woman turned, locked eyes with Cato, and growled, "What do you want." Cato only stared at the ground in front of him as a response.

This was a normal reaction to him. His father was not of the tribe so he was treated as a traitor. It wasn't because his tribemates wanted to, at least he hoped, it was part of the law ment to punish the parent. It worked, he could see the pain in his mother's eyes every time someone glared or snapped at him. It broke Cato's heart to see his mother suffer. But it also made him suffer, which he didn't understand. Why punish the child for the parent, it didn't make sense to him. As if he didn't already have enough on his plate.

Even without this nonsensical punishment, he still struggled. His father was from the south, so he inherited his thinner, dark fur. Everyone else from the tribe had thick, long white fur to camouflage them and keep them warm in the freezing snow of the north. But he also got his lean build from his father, making him a quick runner. He can't use stealth, but he can outrun the mostly starved prey of the north, a technique used in the southern grasslands. So he was assigned as a hunter. But it didn't keep him warm.

A cold breeze already blew through the crowd, sending shivers down Cato's spine. Only a few days into the journey, and the temperatures already started to drop. Snow and ice crunched underpaw, making Cato worry. Dark clouds gathered ominously in the distance, and whispers of a storm made it's way through the tribe.

"You see that?", Cato's best friend and pretty much an adopted brother, Theo, motioned at the impending doom." It doesn't look good.", Cato replied, " Shouldnt we lay low, and wait for it to pass?" " You would think." Theo said with a flat smirk, " Leader said we can make it though." " I wish I could talk some sense into him!" Cato stage whispered. " You and me both." Theo smiled, " But we can't even get close to him. I bumped into this one lady and she just said ' What, are you trying to steal something from me' and I was like ' Like you have anything good to steal', can't escape a bad reputation can you." Cato just smiled as he rambled, even with his confidence, Cato could tell Theo was nervous. That made two of them.

A few hours passed, and the dark clouds growled overhead. Snow started dancing to the ground in a steady free fall. Some were starting to converse nervously, and the younger children quieted down. An eerie silence fell over the travelers, the only sound that remained was the ever growing howling of the wind.

Cato felt a pit open in his heart, he tried to shake the sense of dread, but it was stubborn. He looked out to the horizon to find the end of the grey sky, but there was only the ever approaching wall of snow. "Well, it was nice knowing you.", Theo let out an unconvincing confident laugh. " Don't talk like that!" Ambrosine snapped," It's bad luck." Silence crushed them like a weight again.

One by one, the tribe started disappearing into the heavily falling snow. The snow was so thick that once it hit someone, they seemed to vanish. The wall started getting closer and closer to Cato. Ambrosine gripped Cato's tail as he walked towards it, not wavering. Theo muttered, " here we go.", and cringed in anticipation.

All at once the world became a blinding white blanket of howling wind. The cold tugged at Cato a chilled him to the bone. He couldnt see far in front of him and the wind resistance made it hard to make any progress. He could feel his mother tugging on his tail, trying not to loose him. He could hear some Kals calling out names a head of him, At one point there was a kid calling for her mother, her call slowly becoming more and more distant.

"Cato!", Theo called from somewhere to Cato's left. " Here!", he called back. " Come here!" Ambrosine called to Theo. " I'm here!", Theo yelled, closer to them. Ambrosine reached out and grabbed his tail too. This is how they trudged for what seemed like weeks. The three shivered in the cold, and Cato's limbs went numb. Cries continued to occasionally ring out and disappear.

Eventually, the skys cleared and the setting sun poked through the clouds. The snow died down into a gentle fall. Cato surveyed his surroundings and gaped with shock. A sizable number of the tribe was gone.

So if your wings
won't find you heaven/
I will bring it down
like an ancient bygone

Euclid -Sleep Token


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Re: ~Journey Home~(Kalon #1418)

Postby ICarinae » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:37 am

Chapter 2: 63

The cold wind wipped around the mountain valley, ruffling Cato's fur. He shivered, his paws felt numb and he couldn't feel his nose. Already some of the weaker of the tribe froze in the night. It was getting to a dangerous level of cold. This wasn't the worse problem at the moment.

What they thought had been a valley had been a steady incline up another mountain. Now, nearing the top, they reached a cliff. The way down was far to steep for even the best climbers. The only option was to go down on one of the sides that went down at a steep, but manageable decline.

Cato peered over the edge of the cliff. He had never been so high up. The ground looked miles away, and for once in his life he could see the tops of clouds. Nausea and fear flooded through him, but he forced himself not to show it. " Get back from there!" Ambrosine yelped in panic. " Sorry." Cato said, and took a few steps back. Ambrisine just groaned and smacked him in the head with her tail when she passed. She seemed angry, but Cato could tell she was worried about something.

The group marched on, more reserved, as they had walked for weeks ever since the blizzard. No one dared say a word, even the children quieted down. So half way down the mountain, the large cracking sound was very audible.

The snow shifted under paw, and the mountain shook. It sounded like a herd of some massive animal was charging right at them, but unfortunately, this was not the case. Cato looked up the slope, feeling sick. No words could describe how he felt after he figured out what was going on. Massive amounts of snow barreled towards them from the peak.

Everything froze except the snow. One single desperate cry of, " Run!" rang out, and chaos broke free. Kals screamed and yelped as they veered to the right towards the more packed snow. Cato felt the energy and fear run for him as his mind blanked. The avalanche picked up speed, seeming to take their escape as a challenge. Cato charged passed Abrosine and Theo, this is what he was made for.

He reached the packed snow with no problem, and he turned and started helping others into the natural snowbank. He grabbed a hold of Theo and tugged him on to safety. The bundle of fur collapsed in exhaustion next to him. Cato was then reminded of his mother. He looked desperately around at the confused and scared faces. Worry and fear raced through him, his eyes darting desperately from face to face.

There. He saw her racing towards salvation, but realization hit Cato like a brick. She wasn't fast enough. Ambrosine panted, eyes wild as she sprinted. " Come on! You can make it!" Cato shouted, hurting his throat. Abrosine picked up her pace, but it wasn't enough. Her paw had just glanced Cato's when the snow hit her. Her ankles snapped like a twig and she immediately fell and was buried. Along with 45 others, but that number didn't mean anything to Cato.

Cato mind froze, he couldn't think. His body reacted differently. He let out a pitiful choking sound, as he stumbled back from the edge almost falling on Theo who mumbled incomprehensiblely. The both just started in disbelief, Theo on the ground and Cato standing over him. Cato's mother, and a mother to Theo was gone.

So if your wings
won't find you heaven/
I will bring it down
like an ancient bygone

Euclid -Sleep Token


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Re: ~Journey Home~(Kalon #1418)

Postby ICarinae » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:38 am

Chapter 3: 17

The 17 few sat in a misshapen circle. Cato starred blankly at the rock ground. He felt frozen solid, but payed it no mind. "I dont see why the fatherless one gets to live and Leader gets to die." One of the senior hunters growled. " That doesn't matter now." Theo came to Cato's defense. " Says the theaf." came the response of another. Cato just sat there and silence fell again.

Cato rubbed the jade amulet he wore around his neck. It had been his father's, at least that's what his mother said. It was the only thing he had from either of them. The smooth surface distracted him from the cold. The wind stung his eyes and nose until he felt like he would never be warm again. Theo shrugged closer to Cato, even through his fur he was feeling the affects.

They had been struggling for two weeks since the avalanche, getting nowhere fast. The cold held them down like a weight, and it only got worse as winter advanced on them. The tribe's ill-fated journey began to soon. The freeze was not even close to being over.

" Should we go back..." A younger Kal, named Lance, that had somehow managed to outlive the rest of his age group spoke up. " And waste all those lives? Not a chance!" the senior hunter spoke once more, " Besides whatever land the pride gave us they probably have taken back by now." " I'd rather have no home than starve and freeze to death!" Lance raised his voice slightly. " I can't go back, not after Ambrosine gave her life to get me here." Theo concluded. " And where he goes, I go." Cato spoke for the first time in days. " You think I haven't lost good people two? I know they wouldn't want me to die like this!" some mumbled in agreement with the young Kal. " And what of our home!" the hunter shouted. " There is no home for us out here!" Lance shouted back. " I won't let you leave!" the hunter launched himself at Lance.

A pretty female tackled the hunter, and pushed him to the ground, " My child died because of our stupid home. I'm leaving!" Another large Male shoved her off, " No, you're not!" Suddenly an all out battle broke loose. Teeth and fur connected, and yelps echoed across the barren landscape. Cato and Theo had more sense than to fight as did another, older Kal. But the elder now stepped in.

"Stop! Now" he weakly yelled. The warriors broke up out of respect for the elder. " You're all wasting our time!" some hung their heads at his words while others stood defiantly strong, Lance was one of these. " With all due respect," the young Kal impatiently said," you and the Kals you represent are wasting our time." " And I dont wish to waste it anymore," the elder meet the strong Lance's eyes," those who wish to leave...leave." " Thank you." Lance replied and without another word, he and his supporters turned and left. " But..." the hunter tried to protest. " We've argued about it enough." the elder cut him off. No one spoke up again for the rest of the night.

So if your wings
won't find you heaven/
I will bring it down
like an ancient bygone

Euclid -Sleep Token


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Re: ~Journey Home~(Kalon #1418)

Postby ICarinae » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:40 am

Chapter 4: 8

Cato felt a pain in his stomach, hunger squirmed in him. They had spend five days walking across a flat white stretch of land that went as far as the eye can see. Nothing survived out there except mice and grass hidden under feet of snow. Every footstep felt blurry and thinking was difficult business. All eight padded slowly along the barren valley.

Theo sucked on the snow that gently landed on his fur, trying to fill his stomach in any way he could. His tail hung low and he had never been this quiet in his life. His normal cheery self had been left behind with his people.

One of the older ones with them tripped and collapsed. He stayed there, laying still in the snow. No one stopped, they didn't even look back at him. They all just kept trudging passed him, staring at the ground. They knew he was dead before he hit the ground.

Cato started to think that Lance, and his group wern't so crazy after all. Cato estimated that because of the warmer weather and plentiful food that they would be nearly home by now. Home. He thought about this. The south certainly was more familiar, less distant and hostile than this cursed place. He found that he missed the old camp and the comfortable hunting grounds. He missed the burning sun and cloudless skies. But this was his home, right?

A weak cough interrupted his thoughts. Cato glanced around the thin group, his vision coming in and out of focus. They had three females and now four males total. All weak, all starving. " You see that?" Theo glanced at the horizon. Cato looked up to the mountainous terrain ahead, " I see it." he groaned. " You also see the pass?" Theo said hopefully. Cato strained to see it, but it was there. A small passageway seemed to cut through the mountains ahead. " That's odd." Cato halfheartedly said. " Yeah," Theo looked excited, " it almost looks unnatural!"

The mountains drew nearer, and there was in fact a pass. The slopes loomed over head as the struggling group walked through it. " Look, hoofprints." a female walking near the front said. Cato's mouth watered at the thought. He imagined biting into the sweet flesh of some elk. His stomach growled loudly at the thought. The mountains blocked the worse is the wind, and the sun reflected off the snow to make Cato the warmest he had been in months.

Theo beamed with excitement despite his weariness. " This has to be it!" he exclaimed, " there's food, shelter, this has to be!" He was right. The pass opened up into a large mountain valley. Elk and bison grazed in the snow, even in the dead of winter there was enough to keep them fat and happy. The mountains blocked the worse of the wind and weather from the poor travellers.

Smiles and laughter erupted from the vagabonds. Energy pulsed through Cato's veins, and despite himself he roared with joy. The group of adults the turned into kitsch and they pounced and danced around eachother. " We're here!" the surviving elder exclaimed. " Now how about some food!", Theo let out a howl and raced towards the doomed grazers. the others raced after them.

Everyone except Cato and the elder. " We're home.", the old Kal said, and walked away. As exciting as he was, Cato disagreed. He will happily live here, but he decided. His real home was with his mother in the southlands.


So if your wings
won't find you heaven/
I will bring it down
like an ancient bygone

Euclid -Sleep Token


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